Why do people who criticise the Last Jedi always say "Even Mark Hamill didn't like Luke" as if it's a valid criticism but always fail to mention that Harrison Ford hated Han Solo and doesn't even like Star Wars?
The way I interpret Yoda is that even in the Jedi, there's a Master and a Padewan. Someone has to teach a force sensitive to be a Sith, so there must be at least two.
Gavilan Rivera yet he knows for a fact that there are 2, no more, no less always 2. It's probabaly like you say, mixed with the rumours. Just another example of bad script writing. It sounds cool, but when you think about it, it doesn't quite make sense
If you existed in the Star Wars universe at any time, what would you do? Would you live a regular life and have a regular job, or would you join a military or faction? I personally would join the ISB.
How would you like to see the Resistance's upper leadership handled in Epsode IX? Personally I would like to see people like Lando, Shriv and Zey return with whatever possible allies they could get along with some more Rebellion leaders return such as General Dodonna, General Draven and Wedge Antilles with possibly even Hera returning depending on her story. Also I want a more Council approach to the leadership with Rey, Finn, Poe and Lt Connix leading together instead of a 1 person leads all thing.
With Rebels ending soon and Solo coming out in May, but Episode IX not due out for 19 months afterwards, should we expect Star Wars to go dormant that long? With all the troubles with Solo they really pushed hard to stay with May. Should we expect a surprise? Or just books and comics to avoid the brand becoming fatigued?
Do you know why R2-D2 wakes up at the end of TFA to reveal the rest of the map to Luke? Luke seems very surprised to see R2 who I'm guessing was probably the last (or one of the last) beings he came into contact with. Did Luke shut him down before he went into exile so no one could find him?
I'm not going to hold my breath in anything because everyone is always getting there hopes up then quickly get let down in the long run I always take Star Wars for what it is and love it for what it is
That was basically Film Theories theory that theories ruin Star Wars. But i feel the same, Star Wars should be taken for what it is as it is still Star Wars
The True Upgrade o also feel Star Wars fans really ruined Star Wars for there own because they always have higher thought about instead just let it flow to whatever it's going to be an also the ones that say Disney ruined there childhood makes me wonder what kind of a childhood did they have to rely on a movie to make it better even though they're all grown-up they make themselves look like fangirl and fanboy cliches
Yeah exactly, and also each trilogy is different and people always want the same feel to it. That's why i always like to watch every trilogy(and every movie) like it is it's own movie.
I hope he at least gets a cameo. The Resistance would look a lot cooler if it was made up of different planetary militias, so there are sections with Parmthean starpilots, a section of Mon Cala ships, ground forces of Togrutan hunters and then some repainted Separatist droids scavenged by the Crimsion Corsair's crew. It seems like we might see him in future Star Wars Adventurers Issues.
A question I got. Is why weren't the A-wings at the battle of Starkiller Base? They just show up in The Last Jedi and that's just maybe days after Ep 7 ends. Were they out escorting the Bombers or what?
With the "Rule Of Two" in Rebels when the crew are on Malachor a lot of the sith architectural designs seems to suggest that the rule of two was utilised by the "larger organisation" of sith. As shown by Maul needing another force user to lift the doors to the holocron and the lifts/elevators needing two people to work. Though this does seem to contradict the purpose of the rule of two (at least in regards to secrecy) it may explain why the Jedi know of its existence.
Dalek Chu that is a good question. Unless the rule of two era Sith installed that part of the Sith temple's defences not long after Darth Bane's time. It would also ensure neither master nor apprentice ever attempted to unlock the temple's power on their own. Although it is possible it is a continuity error the story group missed
Or it could be that Darth Maul misinterpreted how the Temple works. A Sith strong in the Dark Side could lift the doors and elevators on his own. Maul's also not quite right in the head at the time (actually, he hasn't been right in the head since he went insane after getting cut in half). In KOTOR, the Rule of Two wasn't a set doctrine for secrecy but it was developed by Revan and Malak in order to breed the strongest of the Sith and weed out the weak in their war to take over the galaxy. Something similar could be established by the ancient Sith in the new canon.
Grand Admiral Thrawn that is very true, I hadn't taken into account Maul's state of mind, was he even still a Sith at that point? I'm not sure Maul knew who he was at that point, he was betrayed and cast aside by the Sith, the Nightbrothers and Nightsisters were wiped out by this point. Ironically he had more in common with his mortal enemy now than ever before: a warrior with no purpose and no "family" to turn to. Was Maul a Sith Lord or a Sith Warrior? And are the names interchangeable (like a Jedi Knight in general can mean Padawan, Knight or Master - as seen in TPM opening crawl, it says two Jedi Knights but one is a master and one is a Padawan)?
how does shielding work? for droidikas only slow objects can go through the shields, for the death star 2 nothing can get through the shield, and for the raddus blaster fire can't go through but ships can.
1. Can an AT-M6's front legs be used as improvised power shovels? Could a sufficiently skilled AT-M6 operator for example dig trenches so that stranded 1st Order personnel might have a better chance to hold out until rescue/reinforcements arrived? 2. Did the 1st Order refit their AT-ATs with cable cutter tech after they finished development on the AT-M6? 3. Considering Snoke use a massive hologram when transmitting during TFA were the holographic transmissions he received sized down in order to appear "to scale" when viewed from his throne? 4. Could Snoke have called out to Palpatine in order to trick him into setting up the "observatories" and even inspire/influence the Operation Cinder contingency plan? To basically mega mind trick his way into getting a cheap-as-free head start on initial setup for the 1st Order.
Mostly. Form 6 has been changed from Niiman, a "combo-platter" style to a form specifically for saberstaff combat. Interestingly enough, Maul does not use the new Form 6, but rather the Juyo variant of Form 7.
Remember the rebellion is called that because they rebel against the government where as the resistance are just stopping another empire. Luke says in the last jedi the rebellion is born today as technically the first order are in control again.
It's mostly important from a behind the scenes standpoint, since it's just the most sensible thing to have the very first Star Wars movie be "Year 0" on the timeline. Although, you could argue also, that in-universe, it's Year 0 to the people of the Rebellion/New Republic, because that year, between the Battles of Yavin and Scariff, marked the Rebels' first true victory against the Empire, and when all the small Rebel Cells had finally come together into a singular alliance.
It has been mentioned that the First Order made its ships and other vehicles on the Supremacy but in TLJ, DJ tells Fin and Rose that the same company that makes ships for the First Order also makes them for the Resistance, do we know what exactly was made in house and what was sub-contracted out?
What do you think vaders job was in operation cinder. I doubt palpatine was that naive that he would expect vader to die before him in any situation. I think it would be cool if vader were the one to lead the first order and encounter snoke if he remained in the dark side and survived
Yeah I wish Vader could have dominated the galaxy for a bit. He's basically just a puppet his whole life. They talk about him being the most powerful ever but he never does much. He was supposed to kill all the jedi but the prequels didn't actually make it seem that way. They botched that.
The Grand Admiral tarkin was loyal though so he probably wouldve followed the emperors plans. Plus i dont think operation cinder was a contigency if the empire didnt have a leader. It was stated that palpatine didnt want an empire that let their ruler die survive. Also gallius rax became the empires leader after endor so they did have a capable ruler but cinder still happened
Well, for one he had no other means to defend himself. The Force would've given him away as a Jedi even more so than a lightsaber. If the Imperial garrison believed the reports they would've surrounded the building and locked down the city. Maybe call in a fighter squadron or a orbital strike from the star destroyers overhead. As for why weren't the patrons more surprised it was probably because violence was a somewhat regular thing to happen there. Maybe not the lightsaber, but people having their limbs shot/cut off or ending up dying probably was. This is a "wretched hive of scum and villainy" after all. And they saw the act as a warning to anyone else who wanted to bother them.
I don't know if the Force would have been a worse option. Remember, he just handwaved two Imperial Stormtroopers. Handwaving a couple of low-lives might have been a better option then chopping off an arm with a laser sword used by Cheddar Monks.
What legends starfighters and pilots do you want made into Canon? Mine are the Havok with Nym, the guardian mantis with Vana Sage, and the Starviper assault fighter.
Anyone noticed the imagery at the end of the The Last Jedi? Rey has people supporting her or people surrounding her and Ren is all alone.....That's pretty sad.
I saw concept art for TLJ recently showing a sith force ghost pulling snokes strings. It made me wonder is it possible for a force ghost to turn to the dark side
It was stated before that New Republic and Resistance ships were named after fallen Rebel Heroes. In Bloodline, there is a transport ship called the Rieekan. Does that mean that General Rieekan died at Endor or Jakku!
Just A Random Bored Guy That Has A TH-cam Acount but the term “War Hero”would suggest someone who has fallen in the line of duty. Jakku was more or less the last battle. It’s possible, but not likely.
Nero at this point, canon because we know ALL of the characters well. As for swtor in the expanded universe, save for a few more characters, that’s all we know well.
I've got a feeling that due to the supposedly delayed trailer that Disney, Lucasfilm and Ron Howard are deliberating and discussing whether to move forward with the May release date. Personally I want to have it delayed because Star Wars + Holidays makes perfect sense and Disney would be (this isn't really true but you can see the logic) putting all their eggs in 1 basket with their 2 most profitable properties releasing within 3-4 weeks of each other, especially as theres no Marvel movie planned for the Fall-Winter.
I remember I watched some Lego Star Wars short movies. Basically in one of the films Han actually meets Yoda when Han is still a child, and in the other one Han and Chewie crashed on Dagobah and Han and Yoda recognized each other, but Chewie and Yoda didn't
What do you think of prequel references in the sequels? One of my favorite lines from The Last Jedi is "At the height of their power they allowed Darth Sidious to wipe them out."
Was anakin/vader imortal until he fullfilled the prophecy so basically was it the will of the force that he could not die until he destroyed the sith (can you pls answer thx)
Related to the Han and the Jedi question: was there any particular moment that made him change his mind on the Jedi or do you think it was a gradual thing, him being friends with Luke and all? Because I remember him being pretty skeptical up to the time of Return of the Jedi.
(Star Wars Explained) In The Clone Wars it's stated the reasoning for the clones having different personalities was because the kaminoans had the lack of Jango Fett DNA, (after he died) which caused them to keep stretching out his genes. So the clone batches after AOTC, started having small differences between each clone. But why didn't the Republic/Kaminoans just used Boba Fetts DNA? Is it because Boba was still just a clone? But he was an unaltered clone, so wouldn't his Genes be the closet to the original? Maybe Boba genes still wouldn't heaved worked because his genes were still only a copy of Jangos.... Am i right or wrong?
well for one the clones in Revenge of the sith and even up to them being phased out, were probably made around and before Jangos death. AotC is only 3 years before Sith and only 1 year after that they were being phased out. So 4 years, plus double aging would be 8. I dont think they had 8 year olds running around fighting,
Well in AOTC it's stated the kaminoans made about "200 thousand clones with a million on the way" witch most of them died within the first year of the clone war, (the droids still out numbered them by 3 to 1) and the kaminoans started shipping out clones at a faster rate, Which cased the new troopers to go into combat at a young age with less training and so on. (which was mostly age 10, plus you can see a young looking clone without his helmet in ROTS) And (In canon) the 2nd year of the clone war, the kaminoans made 5 million more. In all there was only 691,200,000 (million) clones made in total, But in Legends there was about 1 billion clones made.
Did we know that Palpatine was Darth Sidious before the Prequels? Because they kinda make it obvious at the end of TPM and I cant remember if we were already told
Luke D In the OT I'm pretty sure he was only called the Emperor. Except when Vader was talking. Then it was my Master this, my Master that, soon you'll meet my Master, blah, blah, blah. What a kiss ass. ;) Edit: I just realized you may have meant in the movie timeline and not order of movie release. Or not. I'm drunk. Nothing to see here. Move along ... move along... lol.
One thing that confused me as I was playing Battlefront 2 was that blasters no longer need ammo, they now have a cool down. In Legends games they tended have powercells or ways to charge them, and I’ve never seen them have this cooldown in canon before. Does this cool-down mechanic have any conflicts with any of the other canon? And/or how do blasters work?
Are the stories in From a Certain Point of View canonical? I recently bought the book but I've noticed many inconsistencies (minor and major) between the various stories that means they cannot all be true together.
Lewis that’s part of the idea, is that we’re just seeing each story from one character’s point of view. So that doesn’t mean that any of the stories are non-canon, it’s just not the way that happened through the characters perspective.
Scott Korin seems like they magically took over in TLJ. I dunno how cuz in TFA it looked like the first order was dented pretty hard. Seems like some sloppy story telling to me. It's basically just the empire vs rebels again. Pretty stupid. They should have thought of something new.
+Pocahontas In the Resurrection campaign in Battlefront II one of the lines Iden Versio says is 'There's enough ships to take control of the entire galaxy'
Pocahontas the First Order lost Starkiller Base, but before that they had obliterated the Republic's capital and their entire government. The Republic has been decapitated and killed. The only thing standing against the First Order is now the Reisistance, and TLJ shows us they're not well equipped against the First Order.
We must restore an empire. The New Republic is weak and cannot sustain our growing galaxy. For success there must be order, for order there must be power.
Been reading the Solo Adventure Trilogy and I would love to see the Corporate Sector police, Ploovo and maybe Stars End get an honorable return. Some of my favorite world building in the entire series was in those books.
In your opinion, how can the First Order be in control of the whole galaxy by episode IX if their fleet was almost completely destroyed by Admiral Holdo at the end of the Last Jedi?
Building on 7:25 then, does that mean if the First Order has pretty much taken over the major systems does that mean we might see Coruscant again and the seat of power returning BACK to the Capital Planet?
If I can offer my take on Yoda and the rule of two, in Plagueis, it is mentioned that a sith lord around 500 years bby “fell” to the light side and destroyed a lot of the sith work before being killed by (and severely injuring) his apprentice. I believe it could be around this time that the Jedi are alerted to the sith. There’s room in there at least for the story to be told. Additionally, as Yoda is nearly a millennia old, the rule of two has “always” been the way of the sith as long as he’s lived. I can picture a story about Yoda with him being vaguely aware of this order over the centuries, and often coming into contact or conflict with different Sith Lords, but then later believing the order to have ended until suddenly Maul appears
I really, really hope not. I love Lando so I dread what Disney might do to him in a film, after what they've already done to the other classic characters....
Why don't people get flung back into their chair or out through the window when they deactivate or activate lightspeed. Shouldn't the momentum from going from the speed of light to a few hundred km send them flying? Or is their like an anti gravity generator that stops them from moving.
I have a question, do u like or hate all the plot armor in episode 7&8? Personally I don’t because it doesn’t feel like they can actually die to standard troopers. Only from the main bad boys I think their is too much of it
WerewolfRiver yeah but everyone would be pissed that Disney changed the special edition and I mean it would be awsome to see saw but since they changed the edition of return of the Jedi so they r kind of in a corner
Ryley Redman To be fair, that was Lucas who made the decision to make Christensen ghost, before he sold the rights to Disney. They could double back on that. I doubt they will, but
As it happens there are changes between the Theatrical and earlier releases of the prequels when compared to the Blue Ray releases. Hellogreedo did a video on it if you want to check it out.
What is the canon status of some of the unconventional (for a galaxy far away) weaponry from legends? For example does the masser/charric weaponry of the Chiss exist?
Now that TLJ has been out for over a month and we'll be getting a Solo trailer any day now will the colour for the channel change back to yellow from red?
In the Republic Commando novel Order 66 shows a new clone army created in Coruscant, and different for the clones created on Kamino, these clones grows up in just one year. Is there any information about this clone army in other sources in legends?
Did the rebels have bases all over yavin four's massasi temples or just the one in rebels and the movies? Also I wanna see palpatine use dark aura in rebels cause it campout of left field in bf2
People always tell me that Boba Fett was introduced in the Star Wars Holiday Special, but I re-watched ANH and he's there during the Jabba scene in the hangar. Is there something I'm missing when people say he was introduced in the holiday special?
Chewie might not have ever told him about it. If we can take KOTOR lore into account, the wookie Zalbar repeatedly states that wookies don't like to talk about their past.
Rumor has it that it will take place a thousand years before the films and will involve the Chiss ascendancy fighting off the Yuuzhan Vong (This time they've been rewritten as dark side users that regenerate there limbs with the dark side but still have the organic stuff)
Did Darth Sidious ever use those locks which gave Jedi basically a green card across Coruscant (seen in the Clone Wars) to sneak around or for instance, access the Sith Shrine?
Was the ships inside and around the Raddus all the resistance had left? (Besides the ones that were sent to the Unknown Regions). Btw, do we know how many were sent to the unknown regions?
I think General Kalani will return in the second half of season 4. his last lines were "I calculate you have a less than 1% chance of staging a successful rebellion against the empire. so this is where we must part ways." maybe he can find out about the growing rebellion and return in the finale? what do you think?
because they didnt want one planet as the capitol that would eventually get stale and corupt. So they moved it around to different systems to make sure everyone had a voice, i think, sorta like the Olympics. I know the first planet was Chandrilla the home of Mon Mothma.
This is more of a hypothetical question, but what do you think the First Order did if any of the children they kidnapped were Force-sensitive? Would they still be made Stormtroopers or would they be sent to a branch similar to that of the Inquisitorius?
With Kylo Ren as Supreme Leader now, very likely, Though since they're more loyal to Kylo (at least from what I understand), I wnder if there was a different group that was more loyal to Snoke and/or the First Order
Q&A Question: Do you think any more Legends tech should return to canon? I’m mostly talking about World Devastators, but it’s all fair game honestly. Infinite Empire tech--
Jānis Lapsa nothing specific is mentioned as "training" but check out the current marvel comic series and the Heir to the Jedi novel for the current canon on this
Wait wait, even tho it wasn't really explained, the jedi must have had some knowledge or history of the sith rule of 2. Remember in clone wars when yoda was speaking to the ghost or vision of darth bain, yoda knew 100% that it was bain who created the rule of 2. The way he said that tells me they already had the information for a long time. Maybe only knowledge that the masters had access. I would love to know how they learned it tho
Do you think that the Holocron recording of Anakin training that Ashoka has made its way into Luke’s hands, and that’s how Kylo Ren recognises it in The Force Awakens?
Question: Why did the Naval doctrine of more Strike Craft(Fighters, Bombers, and Interceptors) focused capital ships(Venator) to more Firepower focused Ships(ISD) change when the Republic changed to the Empire? The Venator had a lot of fire power and a good compliment of strike craft but the ISD has nearly half of the complement for more Large weapons that are less effective against Small ships.
The Empire determined that warships are far more essential to a system capture/retention than a bunch of advanced fighters. It also plays on the psychological aspect as defined by the Tarkin Doctrine.
Why do people who criticise the Last Jedi always say "Even Mark Hamill didn't like Luke" as if it's a valid criticism but always fail to mention that Harrison Ford hated Han Solo and doesn't even like Star Wars?
Stephen You may have just blown some people's minds. This is a very good question.
The way I interpret Yoda is that even in the Jedi, there's a Master and a Padewan. Someone has to teach a force sensitive to be a Sith, so there must be at least two.
Gavilan Rivera yet he knows for a fact that there are 2, no more, no less always 2.
It's probabaly like you say, mixed with the rumours. Just another example of bad script writing. It sounds cool, but when you think about it, it doesn't quite make sense
If you existed in the Star Wars universe at any time, what would you do? Would you live a regular life and have a regular job, or would you join a military or faction? I personally would join the ISB.
How would you like to see the Resistance's upper leadership handled in Epsode IX? Personally I would like to see people like Lando, Shriv and Zey return with whatever possible allies they could get along with some more Rebellion leaders return such as General Dodonna, General Draven and Wedge Antilles with possibly even Hera returning depending on her story. Also I want a more Council approach to the leadership with Rey, Finn, Poe and Lt Connix leading together instead of a 1 person leads all thing.
Vanity Legend I just asked about Madine in this video, he was killed in both stories.
Carbonite Hunter yeah I saw lol I edited my comment after I saw ur Q in the vid as I posted this comment before I watched
With Rebels ending soon and Solo coming out in May, but Episode IX not due out for 19 months afterwards, should we expect Star Wars to go dormant that long? With all the troubles with Solo they really pushed hard to stay with May. Should we expect a surprise? Or just books and comics to avoid the brand becoming fatigued?
Do you think Palpatine managed to clone the Zillo beast? And if he did, did he use the scales as inspiration for the AT-AT’s armor?
Do you think Luke has visited Mortis as well as he went on is journey between Episode 6 and 7?
Do you know why R2-D2 wakes up at the end of TFA to reveal the rest of the map to Luke? Luke seems very surprised to see R2 who I'm guessing was probably the last (or one of the last) beings he came into contact with. Did Luke shut him down before he went into exile so no one could find him?
J j abrams already addressed that it was just something he thought should happen, so it was kind of a deus ex
I'm not going to hold my breath in anything because everyone is always getting there hopes up then quickly get let down in the long run I always take Star Wars for what it is and love it for what it is
That was basically Film Theories theory that theories ruin Star Wars. But i feel the same, Star Wars should be taken for what it is as it is still Star Wars
The True Upgrade o also feel Star Wars fans really ruined Star Wars for there own because they always have higher thought about instead just let it flow to whatever it's going to be an also the ones that say Disney ruined there childhood makes me wonder what kind of a childhood did they have to rely on a movie to make it better even though they're all grown-up they make themselves look like fangirl and fanboy cliches
Yeah exactly, and also each trilogy is different and people always want the same feel to it. That's why i always like to watch every trilogy(and every movie) like it is it's own movie.
Do you think Rose will have a predominant role in episode 9 like in 8 or will it be smaller because a lot of people disliked her character
Will Clone Medic Kix ever make an appearance in Episode 9? I personally would like to see him mow down some First Order Stormtroopers.
I hope he at least gets a cameo. The Resistance would look a lot cooler if it was made up of different planetary militias, so there are sections with Parmthean starpilots, a section of Mon Cala ships, ground forces of Togrutan hunters and then some repainted Separatist droids scavenged by the Crimsion Corsair's crew. It seems like we might see him in future Star Wars Adventurers Issues.
A question I got. Is why weren't the A-wings at the battle of Starkiller Base? They just show up in The Last Jedi and that's just maybe days after Ep 7 ends. Were they out escorting the Bombers or what?
Yes, i think that the A-Wings were assigned to escort the bombers of cobalt squadron.
With the "Rule Of Two" in Rebels when the crew are on Malachor a lot of the sith architectural designs seems to suggest that the rule of two was utilised by the "larger organisation" of sith. As shown by Maul needing another force user to lift the doors to the holocron and the lifts/elevators needing two people to work.
Though this does seem to contradict the purpose of the rule of two (at least in regards to secrecy) it may explain why the Jedi know of its existence.
Dalek Chu that is a good question. Unless the rule of two era Sith installed that part of the Sith temple's defences not long after Darth Bane's time. It would also ensure neither master nor apprentice ever attempted to unlock the temple's power on their own. Although it is possible it is a continuity error the story group missed
Or it could be that Darth Maul misinterpreted how the Temple works. A Sith strong in the Dark Side could lift the doors and elevators on his own. Maul's also not quite right in the head at the time (actually, he hasn't been right in the head since he went insane after getting cut in half). In KOTOR, the Rule of Two wasn't a set doctrine for secrecy but it was developed by Revan and Malak in order to breed the strongest of the Sith and weed out the weak in their war to take over the galaxy. Something similar could be established by the ancient Sith in the new canon.
Grand Admiral Thrawn that is very true, I hadn't taken into account Maul's state of mind, was he even still a Sith at that point? I'm not sure Maul knew who he was at that point, he was betrayed and cast aside by the Sith, the Nightbrothers and Nightsisters were wiped out by this point. Ironically he had more in common with his mortal enemy now than ever before: a warrior with no purpose and no "family" to turn to.
Was Maul a Sith Lord or a Sith Warrior? And are the names interchangeable (like a Jedi Knight in general can mean Padawan, Knight or Master - as seen in TPM opening crawl, it says two Jedi Knights but one is a master and one is a Padawan)?
It doesn’t really explain it at all.
Why Unkar Plutt didn't lock the Falcon in TFA ? Aren't there ship keys in Star Wars?
how does shielding work? for droidikas only slow objects can go through the shields, for the death star 2 nothing can get through the shield, and for the raddus blaster fire can't go through but ships can.
Jacob MetaNerdz Lore did a video on how shielding works and the different types of it.
1. Can an AT-M6's front legs be used as improvised power shovels? Could a sufficiently skilled AT-M6 operator for example dig trenches so that stranded 1st Order personnel might have a better chance to hold out until rescue/reinforcements arrived?
2. Did the 1st Order refit their AT-ATs with cable cutter tech after they finished development on the AT-M6?
3. Considering Snoke use a massive hologram when transmitting during TFA were the holographic transmissions he received sized down in order to appear "to scale" when viewed from his throne?
4. Could Snoke have called out to Palpatine in order to trick him into setting up the "observatories" and even inspire/influence the Operation Cinder contingency plan? To basically mega mind trick his way into getting a cheap-as-free head start on initial setup for the 1st Order.
What are the "canon" lightsaber forms?
Rej Allain colors or combat forms? The combat forms stay the same as legends.
Mostly. Form 6 has been changed from Niiman, a "combo-platter" style to a form specifically for saberstaff combat. Interestingly enough, Maul does not use the new Form 6, but rather the Juyo variant of Form 7.
Remember the rebellion is called that because they rebel against the government where as the resistance are just stopping another empire. Luke says in the last jedi the rebellion is born today as technically the first order are in control again.
Fourth try: Did Vader know about the Contingency and Operation Cinder?
Do you think hutt space is still there?
Why is the battle of Yavin important to the Star Wars timeline???
It's mostly important from a behind the scenes standpoint, since it's just the most sensible thing to have the very first Star Wars movie be "Year 0" on the timeline. Although, you could argue also, that in-universe, it's Year 0 to the people of the Rebellion/New Republic, because that year, between the Battles of Yavin and Scariff, marked the Rebels' first true victory against the Empire, and when all the small Rebel Cells had finally come together into a singular alliance.
It has been mentioned that the First Order made its ships and other vehicles on the Supremacy but in TLJ, DJ tells Fin and Rose that the same company that makes ships for the First Order also makes them for the Resistance, do we know what exactly was made in house and what was sub-contracted out?
Sienar jaumus.
Kuat Drive Yards.
Supremacy = dry dock.
We know that the TIE fighters, because of the hologram
What do you think vaders job was in operation cinder. I doubt palpatine was that naive that he would expect vader to die before him in any situation. I think it would be cool if vader were the one to lead the first order and encounter snoke if he remained in the dark side and survived
Yeah I wish Vader could have dominated the galaxy for a bit. He's basically just a puppet his whole life. They talk about him being the most powerful ever but he never does much. He was supposed to kill all the jedi but the prequels didn't actually make it seem that way. They botched that.
The Grand Admiral tarkin was loyal though so he probably wouldve followed the emperors plans. Plus i dont think operation cinder was a contigency if the empire didnt have a leader. It was stated that palpatine didnt want an empire that let their ruler die survive. Also gallius rax became the empires leader after endor so they did have a capable ruler but cinder still happened
during the clone wars why didn't the CIS and republic raise volunteer armies onto of their existing forces
Why did Obi-Wan use his lightsaber so openly in the cantina? And why didn't people were surprised?
Well, for one he had no other means to defend himself. The Force would've given him away as a Jedi even more so than a lightsaber. If the Imperial garrison believed the reports they would've surrounded the building and locked down the city. Maybe call in a fighter squadron or a orbital strike from the star destroyers overhead. As for why weren't the patrons more surprised it was probably because violence was a somewhat regular thing to happen there. Maybe not the lightsaber, but people having their limbs shot/cut off or ending up dying probably was. This is a "wretched hive of scum and villainy" after all. And they saw the act as a warning to anyone else who wanted to bother them.
I don't know if the Force would have been a worse option. Remember, he just handwaved two Imperial Stormtroopers. Handwaving a couple of low-lives might have been a better option then chopping off an arm with a laser sword used by Cheddar Monks.
What legends starfighters and pilots do you want made into Canon? Mine are the Havok with Nym, the guardian mantis with Vana Sage, and the Starviper assault fighter.
Mine is the TIE hunter and the pilot I want is Baron Soontir Fel.
Anyone noticed the imagery at the end of the The Last Jedi? Rey has people supporting her or people surrounding her and Ren is all alone.....That's pretty sad.
what are your favorite legends and canon books?
Do you think that we will see something from the New Republic in IX ? if not, which fleet will we see on the good guys side ?
I saw concept art for TLJ recently showing a sith force ghost pulling snokes strings. It made me wonder is it possible for a force ghost to turn to the dark side
It was stated before that New Republic and Resistance ships were named after fallen Rebel Heroes. In Bloodline, there is a transport ship called the Rieekan. Does that mean that General Rieekan died at Endor or Jakku!
Tyler Ferron RIP He was such a great Mission commander in the Rogue Squadron games.
He could have died AFTER Jakku.
Just A Random Bored Guy That Has A TH-cam Acount but the term “War Hero”would suggest someone who has fallen in the line of duty. Jakku was more or less the last battle. It’s possible, but not likely.
Third,Do you think we'll see Ashoka in the live-action films
If they did, Rosario Dawson would love to play her.
Boy do I have news for you.
Will there be a time skip between episode eight & nine and the force cencertif broomstick boy will meet Rey and to be trained to become a Jedi?
If you can choose canon for Star Wars which one would you choose EU or New Canon?
Nero at this point, canon because we know ALL of the characters well. As for swtor in the expanded universe, save for a few more characters, that’s all we know well.
The Lucasfilm Story Group helps writers of new novels by connecting them up better to others.
Q&A Question:
What allies do you think will come to the aid of the Resistance in Episode IX?
Matthew Clifford possible return of lando?
The galactic republic?
Do you think Solo will keep its May release date or is there too much competition with Deadpool 2 opening the week before?
I've got a feeling that due to the supposedly delayed trailer that Disney, Lucasfilm and Ron Howard are deliberating and discussing whether to move forward with the May release date. Personally I want to have it delayed because Star Wars + Holidays makes perfect sense and Disney would be (this isn't really true but you can see the logic) putting all their eggs in 1 basket with their 2 most profitable properties releasing within 3-4 weeks of each other, especially as theres no Marvel movie planned for the Fall-Winter.
Screen Ninja if they’ve kept it this long, they’ll keep it til launch
I remember I watched some Lego Star Wars short movies. Basically in one of the films Han actually meets Yoda when Han is still a child, and in the other one Han and Chewie crashed on Dagobah and Han and Yoda recognized each other, but Chewie and Yoda didn't
What do you think of prequel references in the sequels? One of my favorite lines from The Last Jedi is "At the height of their power they allowed Darth Sidious to wipe them out."
My first appearance in your Q&A ! =D
Does Kylo Ren know that leia survived the Raddus bombing?
Was anakin/vader imortal until he fullfilled the prophecy so basically was it the will of the force that he could not die until he destroyed the sith (can you pls answer thx)
sujata narsi thats not really answerable. Unless its confirmed by pablo hidalgo or another story writer we just don't know.
Ok true but i want to hear what alex has to say
Related to the Han and the Jedi question: was there any particular moment that made him change his mind on the Jedi or do you think it was a gradual thing, him being friends with Luke and all? Because I remember him being pretty skeptical up to the time of Return of the Jedi.
(Star Wars Explained) In The Clone Wars it's stated the reasoning for the clones having different personalities was because the kaminoans had the lack of Jango Fett DNA, (after he died) which caused them to keep stretching out his genes. So the clone batches after AOTC, started having small differences between each clone. But why didn't the Republic/Kaminoans just used Boba Fetts DNA? Is it because Boba was still just a clone? But he was an unaltered clone, so wouldn't his Genes be the closet to the original? Maybe Boba genes still wouldn't heaved worked because his genes were still only a copy of Jangos.... Am i right or wrong?
well for one the clones in Revenge of the sith and even up to them being phased out, were probably made around and before Jangos death. AotC is only 3 years before Sith and only 1 year after that they were being phased out. So 4 years, plus double aging would be 8. I dont think they had 8 year olds running around fighting,
Well in AOTC it's stated the kaminoans made about "200 thousand clones with a million on the way" witch most of them died within the first year of the clone war, (the droids still out numbered them by 3 to 1) and the kaminoans started shipping out clones at a faster rate, Which cased the new troopers to go into combat at a young age with less training and so on. (which was mostly age 10, plus you can see a young looking clone without his helmet in ROTS) And (In canon) the 2nd year of the clone war, the kaminoans made 5 million more. In all there was only 691,200,000 (million) clones made in total, But in Legends there was about 1 billion clones made.
Did we know that Palpatine was Darth Sidious before the Prequels? Because they kinda make it obvious at the end of TPM and I cant remember if we were already told
Luke D It was the same actor, so everyone knew. Probably the EU used his sith name first
Luke D In the OT I'm pretty sure he was only called the Emperor. Except when Vader was talking. Then it was my Master this, my Master that, soon you'll meet my Master, blah, blah, blah. What a kiss ass. ;)
Edit: I just realized you may have meant in the movie timeline and not order of movie release. Or not. I'm drunk. Nothing to see here. Move along ... move along... lol.
One thing that confused me as I was playing Battlefront 2 was that blasters no longer need ammo, they now have a cool down. In Legends games they tended have powercells or ways to charge them, and I’ve never seen them have this cooldown in canon before. Does this cool-down mechanic have any conflicts with any of the other canon? And/or how do blasters work?
Are the stories in From a Certain Point of View canonical? I recently bought the book but I've noticed many inconsistencies (minor and major) between the various stories that means they cannot all be true together.
Lewis that’s part of the idea, is that we’re just seeing each story from one character’s point of view. So that doesn’t mean that any of the stories are non-canon, it’s just not the way that happened through the characters perspective.
Do you think we will get books for rebels characters. Seeing that we got books like Ahsoka and Phasma, could we get Hera or Sabine?
they have books, but they're all pretty short and directed at children
Does Kylo Ren think Leia is dead?
What exactly is the first orders goal?
quantum potato productions To take back control of the Galaxy, basically
Scott Korin seems like they magically took over in TLJ. I dunno how cuz in TFA it looked like the first order was dented pretty hard. Seems like some sloppy story telling to me. It's basically just the empire vs rebels again. Pretty stupid. They should have thought of something new.
+Pocahontas In the Resurrection campaign in Battlefront II one of the lines Iden Versio says is 'There's enough ships to take control of the entire galaxy'
Pocahontas the First Order lost Starkiller Base, but before that they had obliterated the Republic's capital and their entire government. The Republic has been decapitated and killed. The only thing standing against the First Order is now the Reisistance, and TLJ shows us they're not well equipped against the First Order.
We must restore an empire. The New Republic is weak and cannot sustain our growing galaxy. For success there must be order, for order there must be power.
Been reading the Solo Adventure Trilogy and I would love to see the Corporate Sector police, Ploovo and maybe Stars End get an honorable return. Some of my favorite world building in the entire series was in those books.
Was Ezra Bridger a grey Jedi at the beginning of session 3?
The core worlds seem to flourish under every government... except the Yuzhan Vong
In your opinion, how can the First Order be in control of the whole galaxy by episode IX if their fleet was almost completely destroyed by Admiral Holdo at the end of the Last Jedi?
That wasn't their entire fleet
that was like 1 big ship and 9 normal ships. they had thousands already starting to take over the galaxy
Star Wars Explained Could you talk a little bit more about it? Love your channel btw
do you think that we'll see Zay Meeko in episode 9
Building on 7:25 then, does that mean if the First Order has pretty much taken over the major systems does that mean we might see Coruscant again and the seat of power returning BACK to the Capital Planet?
Why didn't the jediorder use Jocastas crystall to bring forcesensitive children into the order?
If I can offer my take on Yoda and the rule of two, in Plagueis, it is mentioned that a sith lord around 500 years bby “fell” to the light side and destroyed a lot of the sith work before being killed by (and severely injuring) his apprentice. I believe it could be around this time that the Jedi are alerted to the sith. There’s room in there at least for the story to be told. Additionally, as Yoda is nearly a millennia old, the rule of two has “always” been the way of the sith as long as he’s lived. I can picture a story about Yoda with him being vaguely aware of this order over the centuries, and often coming into contact or conflict with different Sith Lords, but then later believing the order to have ended until suddenly Maul appears
Do you think rey will make a light saber out of her staff also do you think that the high ground will return in episode 9?
Do you think one of the outer rim allies mentioned in TLJ is Lando
I really, really hope not. I love Lando so I dread what Disney might do to him in a film, after what they've already done to the other classic characters....
Christy Jia fair point
Ash-2301 yes
Why don't people get flung back into their chair or out through the window when they deactivate or activate lightspeed. Shouldn't the momentum from going from the speed of light to a few hundred km send them flying? Or is their like an anti gravity generator that stops them from moving.
"Always two there are" could simply mean "in the current day, there are always two."
Question: Who were the lost twenty besides Dooku? Wouldn’t it be the lost 21 because of Ashoka?
the lost 20 were Masters who walked away. She was barely a knight
I have a question, do u like or hate all the plot armor in episode 7&8?
Personally I don’t because it doesn’t feel like they can actually die to standard troopers. Only from the main bad boys
I think their is too much of it
If we see Anakins force ghost in the ep.IX, do you think it would be Hayden Christensen or CGI Sebastian Shaw making an appearance?
Magma Trooper I think it would have to be Hayden tbh
Ryley Redman I know, but I really like the idea of CGI Shaw
Maybe they could do Hayden with make-up that resembles Shaw? I don't know. Sorry.
WerewolfRiver yeah but everyone would be pissed that Disney changed the special edition and I mean it would be awsome to see saw but since they changed the edition of return of the Jedi so they r kind of in a corner
Ryley Redman To be fair, that was Lucas who made the decision to make Christensen ghost, before he sold the rights to Disney. They could double back on that. I doubt they will, but
Do you think we’ll ever see “Special Editions” of the prequels?
As it happens there are changes between the Theatrical and earlier releases of the prequels when compared to the Blue Ray releases. Hellogreedo did a video on it if you want to check it out.
William I would really like to see that. They could add better CGI and touch up some of the more disliked plot points.
Yoda could have said it better? It's treason then.
nice quote from General Pong Krell.... wait
How do you think Palpatine will be handled in the second half of Rebels season 4?
What is the canon status of some of the unconventional (for a galaxy far away) weaponry from legends? For example does the masser/charric weaponry of the Chiss exist?
Now that TLJ has been out for over a month and we'll be getting a Solo trailer any day now will the colour for the channel change back to yellow from red?
K'Kruhk! Bring back K'Kruhk...and his freakin' sweet hat.
How would you rank the Star Wars films?
Do you think that we will get a novelization of the events from Battle Front II (like we did with the Force Unleashed games)?
In the Republic Commando novel Order 66 shows a new clone army created in Coruscant, and different for the clones created on Kamino, these clones grows up in just one year. Is there any information about this clone army in other sources in legends?
Did the rebels have bases all over yavin four's massasi temples or just the one in rebels and the movies? Also I wanna see palpatine use dark aura in rebels cause it campout of left field in bf2
Do you think that we may see a canon update of Shadows of the Empire someday?
People always tell me that Boba Fett was introduced in the Star Wars Holiday Special, but I re-watched ANH and he's there during the Jabba scene in the hangar. Is there something I'm missing when people say he was introduced in the holiday special?
The scene in A New Hope was added in 1997.
What is your opinion of reylo
Chewie might not have ever told him about it. If we can take KOTOR lore into account, the wookie Zalbar repeatedly states that wookies don't like to talk about their past.
Rey knows Bantha Poodoo about how a planet is conquered. I ain't taking her word for it.
I just want to see Valkorian, Kyle Katarn and Dash Rendar come back to canon
Where do you think the new series took places.... I hope between 6 and 7
qLuisx Aeriaen itll probably be before the prequels
Rumor has it that it will take place a thousand years before the films and will involve the Chiss ascendancy fighting off the Yuuzhan Vong (This time they've been rewritten as dark side users that regenerate there limbs with the dark side but still have the organic stuff)
Fulcrum 67 ah I don't think they will doing this but hey maybe
If empire versus rebellion was galactic civil war and clones versus droids was clone wars ... what exactly is the skywalker saga war called ?
Did Darth Sidious ever use those locks which gave Jedi basically a green card across Coruscant (seen in the Clone Wars) to sneak around or for instance, access the Sith Shrine?
Was the ships inside and around the Raddus all the resistance had left? (Besides the ones that were sent to the Unknown Regions). Btw, do we know how many were sent to the unknown regions?
Who's seat did Anakin Skywalker take on the council in episode three?
I’m guessing Oppo Rancisis
I think General Kalani will return in the second half of season 4. his last lines were "I calculate you have a less than 1% chance of staging a successful rebellion against the empire. so this is where we must part ways." maybe he can find out about the growing rebellion and return in the finale? what do you think?
In the force awakens we saw r2-ktDo you know if she died in one of those escape pod things in the last Jedi
How are you today? I never see anyone ask you this in any Q&A.
Why was Coruscant not chosen as the seat of power for the new republic?
because they didnt want one planet as the capitol that would eventually get stale and corupt. So they moved it around to different systems to make sure everyone had a voice, i think, sorta like the Olympics. I know the first planet was Chandrilla the home of Mon Mothma.
joethahobo then hosnian prime
do you think that the supremancy will be repaired?
This is more of a hypothetical question, but what do you think the First Order did if any of the children they kidnapped were Force-sensitive? Would they still be made Stormtroopers or would they be sent to a branch similar to that of the Inquisitorius?
HeadBod They’d probably be put in the Knights Of Ren.
With Kylo Ren as Supreme Leader now, very likely, Though since they're more loyal to Kylo (at least from what I understand), I wnder if there was a different group that was more loyal to Snoke and/or the First Order
Hi your vids are great.
Q&A Question:
Do you think any more Legends tech should return to canon?
I’m mostly talking about World Devastators, but it’s all fair game honestly. Infinite Empire tech--
What kind of training did Luke have between episodes IV and V?
Jānis Lapsa nothing specific is mentioned as "training" but check out the current marvel comic series and the Heir to the Jedi novel for the current canon on this
Wait wait, even tho it wasn't really explained, the jedi must have had some knowledge or history of the sith rule of 2. Remember in clone wars when yoda was speaking to the ghost or vision of darth bain, yoda knew 100% that it was bain who created the rule of 2. The way he said that tells me they already had the information for a long time. Maybe only knowledge that the masters had access. I would love to know how they learned it tho
How many people do you think are aware of the change of Supreme Leader? Do you think it quickly becomes common knowledge?
Do you think that the Holocron recording of Anakin training that Ashoka has made its way into Luke’s hands, and that’s how Kylo Ren recognises it in The Force Awakens?
Was bodhi rook related to paghetti rook?
I want to know more about the stuff that happened between ROTJ & TLJ with Luke and how it all went down to make him so different now.
Question: Why did the Naval doctrine of more Strike Craft(Fighters, Bombers, and Interceptors) focused capital ships(Venator) to more Firepower focused Ships(ISD) change when the Republic changed to the Empire? The Venator had a lot of fire power and a good compliment of strike craft but the ISD has nearly half of the complement for more Large weapons that are less effective against Small ships.
The Empire determined that warships are far more essential to a system capture/retention than a bunch of advanced fighters. It also plays on the psychological aspect as defined by the Tarkin Doctrine.