Point of correct no one get his or her own permesso di soggiorno ( residence permit ) through the post. One has to go back to the questura when the permit is ready for activation/collection.
After the 10 Years of Residency the Person wants to become an Italian Citizen, then what are All of the Rules that would apply to them? Would they also be required to take the Language Certification just like someone who wants to become an Italian Citizen through Marriage?
Can you guys make a video discussing how to rebuild a house damaged by the 2016 earthquake? My family has a house that is connected to a house owned by another person and we are having difficulty in even starting the process.
I have been given a list of items from my consulate appointment that I need to gather to prove the name discrepancies of my grandfather are the same person. I need documents to prove entry to the UK (arrival documents and family composition). What happens if I cannot find these documents/they no-longer exist/have been destroyed?
Permanent Residency Question: After the 5 years of the spouse of an Italian citizen holding a Carta di Soggiorno my understanding is that it can be renewed to a Permanent Residency. Is there a requirement for the spouse to obtain B1 Level Italian for the Permanent Residency application? Thanks.
Sono srilankese e mio padre è venuto in Italia dallo Sri Lanka ed è morto in un incidente dopo circa vent'anni di servizio.Mia madre è srilankese e anche lei vive in Sri Lanka.Mio padre ha sposato altre donne e l'ha portata in Italia, ma secondo la legge dello Sri Lanka, la sua moglie legale è mia madre.Sono passati quasi due anni dalla morte di mio padre, ma non abbiamo modo di ottenere alcuno dei suoi guadagni o della sua pensione, quindi puoi farci sapere se c'è qualche azione che possiamo intraprendere al riguardo? per favore aiutami. grazie
Point of correct no one get his or her own permesso di soggiorno ( residence permit ) through the post. One has to go back to the questura when the permit is ready for activation/collection.
After the 10 Years of Residency the Person wants to become an Italian Citizen, then what are All of the Rules that would apply to them? Would they also be required to take the Language Certification just like someone who wants to become an Italian Citizen through Marriage?
Can you guys make a video discussing how to rebuild a house damaged by the 2016 earthquake? My family has a house that is connected to a house owned by another person and we are having difficulty in even starting the process.
I have been given a list of items from my consulate appointment that I need to gather to prove the name discrepancies of my grandfather are the same person. I need documents to prove entry to the UK (arrival documents and family composition). What happens if I cannot find these documents/they no-longer exist/have been destroyed?
Permanent Residency Question: After the 5 years of the spouse of an Italian citizen holding a Carta di Soggiorno my understanding is that it can be renewed to a Permanent Residency. Is there a requirement for the spouse to obtain B1 Level Italian for the Permanent Residency application? Thanks.
Sono srilankese e mio padre è venuto in Italia dallo Sri Lanka ed è morto in un incidente dopo circa vent'anni di servizio.Mia madre è srilankese e anche lei vive in Sri Lanka.Mio padre ha sposato altre donne e l'ha portata in Italia, ma secondo la legge dello Sri Lanka, la sua moglie legale è mia madre.Sono passati quasi due anni dalla morte di mio padre, ma non abbiamo modo di ottenere alcuno dei suoi guadagni o della sua pensione, quindi puoi farci sapere se c'è qualche azione che possiamo intraprendere al riguardo? per favore aiutami. grazie