To say that medical schools in America don’t focus on nutrition because it’s like this new phenomenon that nutrition matters, is completely false. Medical professionals in the colonial-us have practiced and discussed the efficacy of nutrition on disease as early as the year 1900. But being a capitalist country has led to a focus on profits instead of health. If everyone is healthy, a lot of rich pharma-tycoons will go broke. If 80 percent of chronic illness can be treated with diet and medication is still the primary prescription, the change to a healthier way of living is effecting someone’s pockets.
To say that medical schools in America don’t focus on nutrition because it’s like this new phenomenon that nutrition matters, is completely false. Medical professionals in the colonial-us have practiced and discussed the efficacy of nutrition on disease as early as the year 1900. But being a capitalist country has led to a focus on profits instead of health. If everyone is healthy, a lot of rich pharma-tycoons will go broke. If 80 percent of chronic illness can be treated with diet and medication is still the primary prescription, the change to a healthier way of living is effecting someone’s pockets.