@@ChristyBermingham Luckily! Time to shut off Russia from the entire internet. Would be so much better! Less lies, less fake news, less corruption, less randomware,...
I find it very amusing Putin is saying its a great provocation hahahaah, like what are the Russians going to do invade Ukraine all over again hahahhaha
🤣🤣🤣 but after the epic joke...well plenty of really bad things can fall from skies my friend.. orcs are still holding their steampunk ariforce erasing towns skills back for now.. lets hope they dont change their mood.. i fear dat theres a thin line between i need that country " and "well, i could also need some wasteland insted
@@fayelau8570 The Russians are holding back their air power so that their aircraft don’t get shot down. Bring them on and let’s reduce Russia’s military capability even more.
Extreme irony will suffice, absurdity was reached the moment you were aware you’re living on a planet in an infinite expanding universe and being able to verbalise an opinion.
If you surround yourself with yes-sayers and sycophants, you're doomed to get fooled by them yourself. If enough people keep telling you that you are stronger than mike tyson, for a long enough time, you might end up in the ring with Mike, learning about the strength of his punch first hand.... Putin is doing just that right now.
Funny how the Russian media quoted Gerasimov as telling Putler that the Ukraine invasion of Russia has been stopped, but recently Gerasimov has been sacked by Putler so Putler can save face! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
you have it backwards. All leaders in democracies are top notch liars. They have to lie to get the people to support them. Look at Ukraine. The USA started the conflict in Ukraine. Europeans tell its people Putin invaded Ukraine. a big lie. The USA illegally annex Ukraine in 2014. Russia does not watch USA aggression. Russia fights back.
@@jeroenheijmans4430 Point your fingers at the man who started all of these and has the power to stop it. As a common man, laughing, crying or being sad won't change anything.
Ukraine 82nd And 80th Brigades have Suffered Critical Losses and been removed. The brigades have been replaced. Ukraine suffering heavy loses, but still gaining ground. This is the normal Ukraine policy. Trading a PR stunt for Ukraine lives.
I think pootin felt the west would prevent and ground forces entering Russia, remember how he quickly cried to America to stop Ukraine destroying there aircraft. Ukraine has crossed pootins supossedly strongest red line and pootin cannot do anything but try to send reinforcements, who look like they are destroyed long before they reach any combat regions. No wonder pootin is back hiding in his bunker, he is terrified, and rightly so.
@@flubalubaful jedna úspešná akcia ukro fašistov a už si vyhral vojnu....ja som čítal, že už je po tom Veľkom víťazstve, len škoda ľudských životov ...ale tých ukro fašistov a žoldnierov nie. Si hlupák ak si myslíš, že sa Putin skrýva v bunkri..😁😁😁😁 Takí sú ukro fašisti - na fronte si netrúfnu ale voči civilom áno, no proste terorizmus, zabíjať civilov.. Ale zas pravdu povedať - toto je naplánované a riadené USA a spol. . Ukro fašista to neriadil....
@@flubalubaful len hlupák drží palce ukrajinským fašistom...ale to je tak, keď západ zafinancoval protištátny prevrat Majdan, držal ochrannú ruku nad ukrajinskými fašistami, keď zabíjali ukrajinských Rusov na Donecku a Luhansku, keď tam budovali USA bio laboratória / priznala Nulandová pred kongresom/, keď robili cvičenia na ruských hraniciach vraj odstrašujúce.... je mi ľúto Ukrajincov / fašistovv nie/, ktorí podľahli klamstvám západu a teraz bojujú proti Rusom do posledného Ukrajinca. Hlavná vec, že zbrojárstvo v USA má Klondike
@@libertarianbydefaultthe world outside the G7 has little significance at this time. Eventually, as long as ruSSia isn’t there propping up some tinpot dictatorship, these other nations will take their place in the world. But without the rule of law and decent standards of both living and education they’re simply irrelevant. Which is what ruSSia will soon become due to demographic collapse. No ruSSian wants to have children when they’re living in a dystopian hell hole.
Russia talking about Ukraine seems like talking about themselves in front of a mirror. Is funny and insane, how they believe what they say themselves 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
It's like they project themselves on Ukraine every time they open their mouths they are calling Ukraine terrorists even though they have struck civilian buildings, dams, power plants, and hospitals. Putin spins everything to make Ukraine look bad and make Russia look like victims
Not at all. Ukranians have an objective, they don't rape or kill civilians, they don't torture POWs, they dont steal toilets, and they don't invade sovereign nations.
Would you like to enlighten us all on that? I assume you're referring to the Ukrainian torture of civilians and soldiers alike? Keep watching this same old propaganda, and you'll be forever in the dark. Knowledge is power. BTW When Putin refers to 'provocation' he's referring to the US who are behind it all (as usual).
@@tomaskinoshta7589 But the Russian and Chechnens all ran away or were captured, 1000 prisoners now have just given up to the Ukrainians so maybe they don't want to fight for Putrid?
Well, no border guards can stop a whole division of an enemy army crossing the borders, thats not limited on Russia. What now will happen is the deployment of the regular army with offensive capabilities. Moreover, the russians have removed the mines in this sector, normally you do that we you plan an offensive yourself. The british MoD warned about an imminent Sumy offensive, means there are troops dedicated to that. Now the ukranian forces are in the open fields instead of their fortified position, i dont think this will turn out for the good for the ukranians, i would even call it an insane move.
@@FabiusPolis Did you not notice Russia is on the border. Second army I think not. I bet the United States would have 100s and hundreds of war planes on the way.
Russia's problems will end when they withdraw from Ukraine, but they will only just begin for Putin - But silly Putin the psychopath is willing to keep killing his people to try and save himself
My wife, who is Russian born, is so ashamed of the actions of that country that she would rather see a white, unpopulated and unamed space on the global map where Russia used to be.
In reality, you mean Ukraine. There is no military value in that Kursk area. Ukraine is suffering heavy loses for a PR stunt. Ukraine 82nd And 80th Brigades have Suffered Critical Losses and been removed.
What is impressive is the ignorant overjoy of the so-called "Ukraine supporters" (hint: they are actually not) at an event when Ukraine does something spectacular, i.e. it is a spectacle, but utterly self-defeating. You cheer on then "let's hurt the Russians!" moment, completely not giving a F about what it costs Ukraine and what it will ultimately mean for the outcome of the conflict. OR, maybe you believe that this incursion is "going to turn the tide of the war"? Go ahead, say it for the record. Because the next question I would ask is this: what exactly do you expect the Ukrainians to achieve with this incursion that will turn the tables?
Well, technically creating a salient in Russia increases the length of the border. However, Ukraine is building the buffer zone that Putin said he wanted. So, still doing a service for Russia.
@@Texas240 😂😂😂 Don't you think the buffer zone was supposed to remain on the Ukrainian side? So now shelling the Kursk region to try to regain its own territory is beneficial to Russia? Wow, what a country!
@@Texas240 I can't even follow your logic because there is none. Of course the Russians are good at destroying things and have been working at it for 2.5 years. Ukraine doesn't want Kursk other than as a bargaining chip, so it doesn't make sense to leave nothing worth bargaining for. Сумасшедший дурак.
@@ARSONXBELLA "In the kingdom(s) of the West, something is rotten. Collectively, the countries of NATO are responsible for almost two thirds of global military spending. In terms of military technology, particularly electronics, communications and logistics, they have left the rest so far behind that it is no contest. Yet ever since the Korean War ended in 1953, almost every time they went abroad and fought non-Westerners they were defeated and had to withdraw. As happened, to cite but two recent cases, in Iraq and Afghanistan; and as may yet happen if and when Islamic terrorism spreads into Europe, as it is quite likely to do.What went wrong? How did the ferocious soldiers who, between 1492 and 1914, brought practically the entire world under their sway, become pussycats?"
What is the hypocrisy? If you disregard the legal underpinnings of Russia's campaign - that is your choice. As you know, there is actually no state of war between the countries, so Ukraine is not free in invade Russia if it wants to keep it legal. Russia is in Ukraine on completely legal basis, Ukraine in Russia - not so much. This is not about who is good or bad, it is about the legal justification, since you brought the topic up.
@@libertarianbydefault legality doesn't matter at all. All that matters is how the majority sees it. I'm pretty sure that having your army on the foreign territory without consent is illegal, but "illegal" means nothing in the international community. For example, both invasions in Ukraine by Russia and in Iraq by U.S. were illegal. But the reactions and consequences were different, because everyone important said so.
@@libertarianbydefaultin fact, it is vice versa. Russia is in Ukraine illegally under international law, so Ukraine can now legally attack Russian territory in self-defence, which it is now doing without any objection by the international community. Your argument is just blatantly false, troll.
How can a thinking person not realize that the length of the border is no larger for Russia than it is for Ukraine. And that Ukraine has far few men and resources than Russia. Yet Russia cannot advance except at a crawling rate.
Well, maybe Russia should have defended their own shit. if they were guarding their own border instead of being inside Ukrainian territory this would never have happened
@@fortificationenjoyer1919 This area was heavily fortified with two defensive lines, Ukraine just took them without resistance within the first few hours of the offensive.
@@John-uq7uu… not sure where you got your information… Trump is the only president in 80 years not to start a new war…. Also he was worth 3.3 billion going in… and the only president to be worth less when he came out… 2.2 billion…. Do some honest research and you’ll be surprised….
First we thought that Russia was the second strongest military power in the world. Now we have learnt they just have the second strongest militarily power in Ukraine. Soon they perhaps are being degraded to the second strongest in Russia too 😂
Russia is the #1 military power in the world. Russia is winning in Ukraine with a peace time force of 600,000 troops against the entire American Empire.
0:35 debunk the debunking. The footage they showed was of a heavily bandaged guy being loaded into a helicopter with the claim that he was being airlifted to Moscow for treatment. A search of the tail number shows this helicopter hasn’t flown since the 2nd of this month.
Much of this is due to Putin's naivety: He kept hoping that the "West" could be a "Partner" for peace. The betrayal of the Minsk Agreement by Merkel and Hollande finally caused him to wake up.
Putin promised 10.000 rubles ~ $116 to each family suffering in Kursk region who was affected by the situation. This is how "superpower" state takes care of its people 😂😂😂
But will they even get it... I am sure the families of the killed soldiers, ... oh right no soldiers were killed, they are all MISSING IN ACTION. RIght.
The lack of nuclear threats is...interesting. Considering that this is way more 'offensive' (so to speak and also quite literally) than anything Ukraine has done in the past, to get the upper hand against Russia. My guess is, it's because it was an empty threat all along. They're not making it now, because in this dire situation and with their own territory and civilian population at stake, they would actually have to follow through and they're not prepared to do that. If they had ever been serious about being willing to do a nuclear strike, we would be in WW3 now. It is a weird situation, though. I mean, I'm cheering along with everyone else... obviously. But we were stuck in so many 'you can't have/use this weapon, to attack Russia on it's own soil' debates these last 2 1/2 years...and now suddenly it's ok for Ukraine to actually physically march into Russia? And they can't have done this without NATO and especially US knowledge and consent. No way.
Very expensive maintaining nuclear warheads, annual maintenance, recharging. Far too many Russian yachts to believe they have anything nuclear in them anymore. The military is corrupt top to bottom
@@Whymeman-ye9ettaking a guess, I think he meant that if Ukraine had sought NATO's permission this wouldn't have happened. NATO is limiting what Ukraine can do to overcome Russia. NATO is probably red-faced right now because they are deathly afraid of non-existent escalation they would rather the status quo remains and this conflict continues to rage on with no resolution than Ukraine managing to kick out Russia.
When Russian mod said the Ukrainian kursk invasion was stopped Ukraine had captured 240 sq km of land. Right now it's 400sq km. Where were they stopped lol
IT says in the plans papers. After 2 years and a half we make a give up on Kursk territory to. Ukranians as a diversion making them think again we are shit army for the 200th time since the begining . Black on white paper.
I am pretty sure the plan has changed now. I believe that peace negotiations at some point was actually an option. I seriously doubt Russia will want to negotiate at all now. They now have the pretext to go to the end and take more than just those 4 oblast.
They are not panicking because Ukraine is not committing more crimes on their citizens. The Russian people even stated they were amazed no looting was going on.
Putin: "Why would we need to defend our border? We're invading them." His General: "Sir, they could just invade us back." Putin: "Preposterous." 2 and a half years later Putin: "Maybe I should have listened to that General instead of poisoning him."
All is OK in the Kirsk region. 😂Ukraine has been defeated with huge losses and things are back to normality. Hahahaha their propaganda is working overtime! 😂😂😂😂😂
China could walk to Russia anytime they wanted to and take over the country completely in a short period of time 😊😊😊😊 Then they would be begging Ukraine and NATO for help 😢😢😢😢
Lol. I can imagine Biden in the Oval Office reading that request: "Nah... fuck 'em!", before ripping it up, tossing it in the bin and drinking his morning coffee.
think about it. Why would anybody want to join Ukraine. Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe. Ukraine government is bankrupt. Ukraine does not have to pay its debts so officially Ukraine is not bankrupt. USA pays all the Ukraine military salaries. USA pays all the Ukraine government workers salaries. USA pays all Ukraine pensions. You really think a Russians wants to become Ukrainian citizens? I doubt it.
@@tomaskinoshta7589 The Russian citizens would much rather live in a poor Ukraine than a tyrant ran Russia where economic santions are hurting the people so much.
Is the statement that Putin, who started this war and who has dictated the actions of his military, is personally managing the situation at the border areas meant to inspire confidence in the Russian people?😅
I noticed this too: normally the propagandists love to makea show of it whenever Ukraine punches back: they get angry, and/or act with disdain, they joke, they are not being serious people, no matter how often they claim to be when doing this. But last couple of days, not one of them needed to clarify that they were being 'serious,' they just all *were* actually serious, for once. They are scared and confused.
Western equipment and weapons are mentioned in a Russian admission that Russia cant produce good fighting equipment despite their obscene military spending levels.
It’s rather comical to think about how easily NATO could sleepwalk into Russia along the new borders, especially given Russia reassigned soldiers on those borders to Ukraine.
@@libertarianbydefault To relieve pressure on the rest of the border presumably. If Russia sends troops from the rest of the border to the Kursk and Belgorod regions, then it may open up the opportunity to push the Russians back out of Ukraine.
The situation is so under control they shut off youtube so no one can tell you otherwise XD
And you won't see it on RU tube 😂😂
@@ChristyBermingham Luckily! Time to shut off Russia from the entire internet. Would be so much better! Less lies, less fake news, less corruption, less randomware,...
@@ChristyBermingham in soviet russia tube watches you
Ukrainian military could go all the way to Moscow to claim it part of Ukraine. Let putin & the Russian taste their own meds!
Russia clearly knew about the attack for several months and that explains why they have been shutting down TH-cam!
I find it very amusing Putin is saying its a great provocation hahahaah, like what are the Russians going to do invade Ukraine all over again hahahhaha
Ha ha ha Putin is a typical zombie Slave : good on you Ukraina!
🤣🤣🤣 but after the epic joke...well plenty of really bad things can fall from skies my friend.. orcs are still holding their steampunk ariforce erasing towns skills back for now.. lets hope they dont change their mood.. i fear dat theres a thin line between i need that country " and "well, i could also need some wasteland insted
They aren't holding their air force back it's being denied by air defense. There's nothing they can do about that.@@fayelau8570
@@fayelau8570 The Russians are holding back their air power so that their aircraft don’t get shot down. Bring them on and let’s reduce Russia’s military capability even more.
The irony of Russia claiming terrorism and illegal activities by Ukraine in Russia territory.
The word you are looking for is the ABSURDITY.
Just like in the meme : "hey, that's illegal"
You are sssssoh ignorant. The West in cooperation with the Ultra Right Kiev regime has provoked Russia for over 30 years. And you babies Cry
The irony of the largest country in the world invading it's neighbor to steal their land.
Extreme irony will suffice, absurdity was reached the moment you were aware you’re living on a planet in an infinite expanding universe and being able to verbalise an opinion.
I had no idea that the Ukraine-Russian border was longer on the Russian side. The more you know
HAhahahahahahahaha nice one
Ukraine is making it easier for russia to protect their border by making those borders SMALLER in length!!!!!!
Putin was very naive, when he thought that he makes the rules ...
If you surround yourself with yes-sayers and sycophants, you're doomed to get fooled by them yourself.
If enough people keep telling you that you are stronger than mike tyson, for a long enough time, you might end up in the ring with Mike, learning about the strength of his punch first hand.... Putin is doing just that right now.
Hasn't his Botox sunk a little over the last days? He must do some harsh facial expressures when off camera.
In Russia, no one defies him. In the real world... everyone does unless they need him to help them 😂
Funny how the Russian media quoted Gerasimov as telling Putler that the Ukraine invasion of Russia has been stopped, but recently Gerasimov has been sacked by Putler so Putler can save face! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@ZZ-rb3bd _"Shoigu!!! Where is Gerasimov...??? Shoiguuuuuu......"_ 😂
Russia has always been big in only one thing: lying, lying, lying, lying.....
you have it backwards. All leaders in democracies are top notch liars. They have to lie to get the people to support them. Look at Ukraine. The USA started the conflict in Ukraine. Europeans tell its people Putin invaded Ukraine. a big lie. The USA illegally annex Ukraine in 2014. Russia does not watch USA aggression. Russia fights back.
And threats.
i understand you are brainwashed to hate russia, but lets be real its not exclusive to russia. remember bush and blair ? your comment goes both ways.
@@FasTFinGaZsTiZZa Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
And getting drunk.
Propaganda fanatics faces are priceless
did you see old man Putins face.
@@ARSONXBELLAthink he stained his knickers.
@@JS-ti8ny 😂 cope harder ❄️
@@JS-ti8ny Begone ruzzian bot
you mean western propagandist of course.
When will Ukraine hold the Kursk referendum? Those Kurskians deserve freedom!😊😂
Im glad you can make jokes about people dying for a cause not worth it
Hope so honest one like putin don't need to ask the poeple Russia never does
@@jeroenheijmans4430 Point your fingers at the man who started all of these and has the power to stop it. As a common man, laughing, crying or being sad won't change anything.
1) They are Kurians. 2) It is 100% up to them. 3) All the news of the opposite are just Ukrainian mockery on ruzzia, rather than real intent.
Ukraine's invasion was successfully repelled yesterday at the border. Today it was successfully repelled again 20km inside our borders 😂
It's not an invasion, it's a special military operation lol.
Russia is a joke just like that dumb ass Putin
Ukraine 82nd And 80th Brigades have Suffered Critical Losses and been removed. The brigades have been replaced. Ukraine suffering heavy loses, but still gaining ground. This is the normal Ukraine policy. Trading a PR stunt for Ukraine lives.
Resisting your oppressor is not terrorism.
do you say the same thing on the Israel-Palestine war?
The kremlin is shaken, not stirred. Good move from Ukraine!
I think pootin felt the west would prevent and ground forces entering Russia, remember how he quickly cried to America to stop Ukraine destroying there aircraft. Ukraine has crossed pootins supossedly strongest red line and pootin cannot do anything but try to send reinforcements, who look like they are destroyed long before they reach any combat regions. No wonder pootin is back hiding in his bunker, he is terrified, and rightly so.
@@flubalubaful jedna úspešná akcia ukro fašistov a už si vyhral vojnu....ja som čítal, že už je po tom Veľkom víťazstve, len škoda ľudských životov ...ale tých ukro fašistov a žoldnierov nie. Si hlupák ak si myslíš, že sa Putin skrýva v bunkri..😁😁😁😁
Takí sú ukro fašisti - na fronte si netrúfnu ale voči civilom áno, no proste terorizmus, zabíjať civilov.. Ale zas pravdu povedať - toto je naplánované a riadené USA a spol. . Ukro fašista to neriadil....
@@flubalubaful len hlupák drží palce ukrajinským fašistom...ale to je tak, keď západ zafinancoval protištátny prevrat Majdan, držal ochrannú ruku nad ukrajinskými fašistami, keď zabíjali ukrajinských Rusov na Donecku a Luhansku, keď tam budovali USA bio laboratória / priznala Nulandová pred kongresom/, keď robili cvičenia na ruských hraniciach vraj odstrašujúce....
je mi ľúto Ukrajincov / fašistovv nie/, ktorí podľahli klamstvám západu a teraz bojujú proti Rusom do posledného Ukrajinca. Hlavná vec, že zbrojárstvo v USA má Klondike
@@jarobilik3506 Marioepol was terror!
What a malevolent state Russia is.
The Russian way has to go.
They watch too many hollywood movies🚽💩💩💩💩💩💩🇷🇺🤡💰👈
russia is the greatest evil in history
@@jdocean1 What a racist population the western is.
You meant Ukraine surely?
Putin is trying to lead a nation of sheep.
Yup, and so many ordinary Russian believe Putin’s sheep.
But the ARE sheep, they have always been and always will.
All 4’6” of him- and then he’ll come out of the closet
russia, the entire world is laughing at you.
I cant speak for the World, But I am LMFOA! SLAVA Ukraine!
Laughing at the fragile little ego of Putin! God, please protect the Russian people from him as well as all the Ukrainians and everyone in that area.
only folks that read fake news. Ukraine is getting crushed in Donbas. Notice how quickly fake news changes the topic to Kursk.
Last I checked the population of some 50 odd countries in the west is bit less than the entire world.
@@libertarianbydefaultthe world outside the G7 has little significance at this time. Eventually, as long as ruSSia isn’t there propping up some tinpot dictatorship, these other nations will take their place in the world. But without the rule of law and decent standards of both living and education they’re simply irrelevant. Which is what ruSSia will soon become due to demographic collapse. No ruSSian wants to have children when they’re living in a dystopian hell hole.
Using the same logic Putin has. The Kursk land now belong to Ukraine!
Sure. If they can keep it.
It's a Ukrainian special operation.
Its a Terrorist Insurgency Infiltration 5th Columnist action of gross Deceit!
Russia talking about Ukraine seems like talking about themselves in front of a mirror. Is funny and insane, how they believe what they say themselves 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
Russia is so lost in its own lies, it does not know what is real - Im convinced this is why they are so delusional
It's like they project themselves on Ukraine every time they open their mouths they are calling Ukraine terrorists even though they have struck civilian buildings, dams, power plants, and hospitals. Putin spins everything to make Ukraine look bad and make Russia look like victims
And that anyone remotely significant is watching it. (Not counting us in the West watching for comedy value of course).
Not at all. Ukranians have an objective, they don't rape or kill civilians, they don't torture POWs, they dont steal toilets, and they don't invade sovereign nations.
Standard authoritarian projection tactic. Same as Trump, which he learned from them.
The difference between how Russia leaves a village and how Ukraine leaves one is stark!
Would you like to enlighten us all on that? I assume you're referring to the Ukrainian torture of civilians and soldiers alike? Keep watching this same old propaganda, and you'll be forever in the dark. Knowledge is power. BTW When Putin refers to 'provocation' he's referring to the US who are behind it all (as usual).
correct, Ukraine makes progress where there are no Russian troops. Them Ukraine claims victory.
@@tomaskinoshta7589 But the Russian and Chechnens all ran away or were captured, 1000 prisoners now have just given up to the Ukrainians so maybe they don't want to fight for Putrid?
Except for the Russians plundering homes and businesses of their own countrymen!! 😮
@@tomaskinoshta7589 they do not murder and rape
Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦
Дякую вам партнери, за вашу підтримку українців 🫡
Pozdrawiamy z Polski. 👍💪
Putin's time is running short
Putin is very familiar with shortness.
Putin: I need a ride not ammo
Muammar al-Gaddafi
Yes, yet somehow he has outlasted all those who tried to overthrow him, Biden being the latest. You keep saying that though, it is a sound approach.
Tick tock...
I guess they forgot that Budanov did say that they will attack deep in Russia after they poisoned his wife
He did tell them , must have slipped their minds 😂😂😂
Absolute, this is absolute. Russia can't even defend their own border. It's a pathetic military russia looks sad all over the world🌎
The Russian Dragon has a soft underbelly.
Well, no border guards can stop a whole division of an enemy army crossing the borders, thats not limited on Russia. What now will happen is the deployment of the regular army with offensive capabilities. Moreover, the russians have removed the mines in this sector, normally you do that we you plan an offensive yourself. The british MoD warned about an imminent Sumy offensive, means there are troops dedicated to that. Now the ukranian forces are in the open fields instead of their fortified position, i dont think this will turn out for the good for the ukranians, i would even call it an insane move.
@@FabiusPolis Did you not notice Russia is on the border. Second army I think not. I bet the United States would have 100s and hundreds of war planes on the way.
@@FabiusPolis who is dumber than old man Putin he should have stuck to hitting hockey pucks around. Now he can't retire in peace.
@@FabiusPolis Then are you suggesting Ukraine move to moscow instead?
Those fools attacked Ukraine & is now calling them terrorist 🤣😂🤣
Fucking memes galore with Russia.
Brain ...
Since russians are not panicking , Ukrainians can get to Moscow in 5 hrs without any resistance. Maybe Wagners join them too ?!
History usually have some unusual outcomes but most of the times the dictator dies. The tyranne dies.
@@pR0ManiacS well in russia it'll be just another dictator, chances are whoever will be the next one (Medvedev?), CAN be worse.
Imagine if these two events had aligned
I went on the internet and was told that they were 7 hours away from Moscow. Not really too far
"terrorist attack" LOL
Long live Kursk People's Republic!
LOL indeed
Let's call it a very special operation lol
@@ARSONXBELLALong live the Republic of Finstan.
Long live Kursk People's Republic!
Kursk historically was part of Ukraine. Ukraine is just protecting its Ukrainian speaking people in Kursk 😂
Russia's problems will end when they withdraw from Ukraine, but they will only just begin for Putin - But silly Putin the psychopath is willing to keep killing his people to try and save himself
KPR will have a referendum at gun point and 147% will vote yes like in Donbass LOL
Yes, time for a referendum!
@@arwinsculler7198No, I counted 187%! 😂
My wife, who is Russian born, is so ashamed of the actions of that country that she would rather see a white, unpopulated and unamed space on the global map where Russia used to be.
I don't blame Russia , I blame pootin , he has ruined the country just for his power
she has fallen to Western propaganda ? lol
When she finds out about the good old u.s and their agenda , She will probably regret that statement
@@saviola5194 what are you on about? No one wants anything from Russia why are they so paranoid?
You stupid trolls are loosing it completely
The Russian incompetence is impressive! 😂
In reality, you mean Ukraine. There is no military value in that Kursk area. Ukraine is suffering heavy loses for a PR stunt. Ukraine 82nd And 80th Brigades have Suffered Critical Losses and been removed.
Incompetent and corruption like many African countries.
@@tomaskinoshta7589found the russian bot!
What is impressive is the ignorant overjoy of the so-called "Ukraine supporters" (hint: they are actually not) at an event when Ukraine does something spectacular, i.e. it is a spectacle, but utterly self-defeating. You cheer on then "let's hurt the Russians!" moment, completely not giving a F about what it costs Ukraine and what it will ultimately mean for the outcome of the conflict.
OR, maybe you believe that this incursion is "going to turn the tide of the war"? Go ahead, say it for the record. Because the next question I would ask is this: what exactly do you expect the Ukrainians to achieve with this incursion that will turn the tables?
They should be thankful that Ukraine helps to shorten the border.
Yes there is that point. Which suggests Ukraine is actually providing a service to russia.😂
Well, technically creating a salient in Russia increases the length of the border. However, Ukraine is building the buffer zone that Putin said he wanted. So, still doing a service for Russia.
Ukraine made the Russian border longer.
Please stop spreading false information.
@@Texas240 😂😂😂 Don't you think the buffer zone was supposed to remain on the Ukrainian side? So now shelling the Kursk region to try to regain its own territory is beneficial to Russia? Wow, what a country!
@@Texas240 I can't even follow your logic because there is none. Of course the Russians are good at destroying things and have been working at it for 2.5 years. Ukraine doesn't want Kursk other than as a bargaining chip, so it doesn't make sense to leave nothing worth bargaining for. Сумасшедший дурак.
Now Russia is crying
It harms Putins Ego.
When is the referendum in Kursk?
In your wildest dreams maybe lol
@@JohnDoe-iq9bz Second army in the world is way to funny. They don't even still say "Just watch" anymore.
@@ARSONXBELLA "In the kingdom(s) of the West, something is rotten. Collectively, the countries of NATO are responsible for almost two thirds of global military spending. In terms of military technology, particularly electronics, communications and logistics, they have left the rest so far behind that it is no contest. Yet ever since the Korean War ended in 1953, almost every time they went abroad and fought non-Westerners they were defeated and had to withdraw. As happened, to cite but two recent cases, in Iraq and Afghanistan; and as may yet happen if and when Islamic terrorism spreads into Europe, as it is quite likely to do.What went wrong? How did the ferocious soldiers who, between 1492 and 1914, brought practically the entire world under their sway, become pussycats?"
@@JohnDoe-iq9bzyou sounding like a pussycat
The woman in red looks like a person who are more than ready for a career change😂
She is in a dead end. She will not have many career choices soon.
@@synicyst9925 she'll be getting a promotion to Siberia.
She will fly out from a window, like a peace pigeon
She is Skabay 9:16 eva, Putin favorite reporter.
"Ukraine violates the rules of international law" Hypocrisy in it...
Supposed logic was: if there were no russian military personell on the border and in the region, who were they attacking?
What is the hypocrisy? If you disregard the legal underpinnings of Russia's campaign - that is your choice. As you know, there is actually no state of war between the countries, so Ukraine is not free in invade Russia if it wants to keep it legal. Russia is in Ukraine on completely legal basis, Ukraine in Russia - not so much. This is not about who is good or bad, it is about the legal justification, since you brought the topic up.
@@libertarianbydefault legality doesn't matter at all. All that matters is how the majority sees it. I'm pretty sure that having your army on the foreign territory without consent is illegal, but "illegal" means nothing in the international community. For example, both invasions in Ukraine by Russia and in Iraq by U.S. were illegal. But the reactions and consequences were different, because everyone important said so.
@@libertarianbydefaultin fact, it is vice versa. Russia is in Ukraine illegally under international law, so Ukraine can now legally attack Russian territory in self-defence, which it is now doing without any objection by the international community. Your argument is just blatantly false, troll.
@@libertarianbydefaulthahaha. You Nazi warmonger.
"Too large area and too long border to protect"- why do you launch a war for an even larger area and make border even longer?
How long until Russian TV starts broadcasting Swan Lake?
It’s hilarious that we believed russia was a superpower, it’s pathetic that russia actually believed it too 😂😂😂😂
How can a thinking person not realize that the length of the border is no larger for Russia than it is for Ukraine. And that Ukraine has far few men and resources than Russia. Yet Russia cannot advance except at a crawling rate.
They don't think, because if they did p.tin would have been out of power long ago...
One thing is advancing in fortified areas, another in empty ones
Well, maybe Russia should have defended their own shit. if they were guarding their own border instead of being inside Ukrainian territory this would never have happened
@@fortificationenjoyer1919 This area was heavily fortified with two defensive lines, Ukraine just took them without resistance within the first few hours of the offensive.
It's like a Tardis, somehow it's bigger than it seems.
Putin patrolling the situation by hiding in a bunker I bet
He's monitoring it and gave instructions to the Kursk governor. What a great Czar! (=sarcasm for those not understanding)
@@sol1987 Putin looked like he was on the verge of tears in that video meeting.
If only the Russian people had balls like the Ukrainian people....❤ freedom
@@hedgehog3180 🤣🤣🤣
Patrolling in front of tv monitors in his deepest bunker😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂
Kirill and Putler forgot to read the bit that says,.. you reap what you sow.
FEELING THE PINCH PUTIN, Mini Chief Orc of All Russia
Down with all dictators and wannabe dictators.... down with Donald Trump...❤❤
Its called Mordor
@@John-uq7uu… not sure where you got your information… Trump is the only president in 80 years not to start a new war…. Also he was worth 3.3 billion going in… and the only president to be worth less when he came out… 2.2 billion…. Do some honest research and you’ll be surprised….
A Referendum will be hold next week, but our service (a copy of Putins) can show the results already now....
First we thought that Russia was the second strongest military power in the world. Now we have learnt they just have the second strongest militarily power in Ukraine. Soon they perhaps are being degraded to the second strongest in Russia too 😂
thats funny but sad.
@@ARSONXBELLA The whole war is a sad story, young men that are often related to each other killing one another:(
Ukrainian military could go all the way to Moscow to claim it part of Ukraine. Let putin & the Russian taste their own meds!
Russia is the #1 military power in the world. Russia is winning in Ukraine with a peace time force of 600,000 troops against the entire American Empire.
@@tomaskinoshta7589, just give up, dude.
We understand you have a paycheck to collect but, for real... is there NO honest work where you live??
Kursk was never part of Russia, it historically belongs to Ukraine, LOL
0:35 debunk the debunking. The footage they showed was of a heavily bandaged guy being loaded into a helicopter with the claim that he was being airlifted to Moscow for treatment. A search of the tail number shows this helicopter hasn’t flown since the 2nd of this month.
Putin hiding in deepest bunker!!!
And the US know where that is...there is no escape.
Probably in North korea by now😂
If the government says “no panic” three times, most people would panic.
I hear “panic” more than 3 times here.
The mighty russia un prepared... What a surprise 😂😂😂
Much of this is due to Putin's naivety: He kept hoping that the "West" could be a "Partner" for peace. The betrayal of the Minsk Agreement by Merkel and Hollande finally caused him to wake up.
Wt it takes to be a good Russian is not the same as being decent is self evident
@@eddybrevet6816 Propaganda creates "self-evident" equations involving comic-book or religious absolutes: "Good Guys = Not Bad Guys, Q.E.D."
Russian hypocrisy is just stupefying.
How come?
What a joke Ruzzia has become.
Putin promised 10.000 rubles ~ $116 to each family suffering in Kursk region who was affected by the situation.
This is how "superpower" state takes care of its people 😂😂😂
And free Heinz garlic sauce ! Winner, winner chicken dinner ! 🤣
Evacuees should be sent on to Moscow!!!
But will they even get it...
I am sure the families of the killed soldiers, ... oh right no soldiers were killed, they are all MISSING IN ACTION. RIght.
We're finally getting a toilet lol 😂
$112 now
The lack of nuclear threats is...interesting. Considering that this is way more 'offensive' (so to speak and also quite literally) than anything Ukraine has done in the past, to get the upper hand against Russia.
My guess is, it's because it was an empty threat all along. They're not making it now, because in this dire situation and with their own territory and civilian population at stake, they would actually have to follow through and they're not prepared to do that. If they had ever been serious about being willing to do a nuclear strike, we would be in WW3 now.
It is a weird situation, though. I mean, I'm cheering along with everyone else... obviously. But we were stuck in so many 'you can't have/use this weapon, to attack Russia on it's own soil' debates these last 2 1/2 years...and now suddenly it's ok for Ukraine to actually physically march into Russia? And they can't have done this without NATO and especially US knowledge and consent. No way.
Very expensive maintaining nuclear warheads, annual maintenance, recharging. Far too many Russian yachts to believe they have anything nuclear in them anymore. The military is corrupt top to bottom
What might it mean? Do you think if they were serious, they would have launched a nuke by now? Why is this interesting?
You're only half wrong..
@@Odin31b What do you mean?
@@Whymeman-ye9ettaking a guess, I think he meant that if Ukraine had sought NATO's permission this wouldn't have happened. NATO is limiting what Ukraine can do to overcome Russia. NATO is probably red-faced right now because they are deathly afraid of non-existent escalation they would rather the status quo remains and this conflict continues to rage on with no resolution than Ukraine managing to kick out Russia.
1 lie on top of another lie on top of another...just to keep the public at ease, LOL!🤣
When Russian mod said the Ukrainian kursk invasion was stopped Ukraine had captured 240 sq km of land. Right now it's 400sq km. Where were they stopped lol
625km2 few hours ago😂
Like Germany in WWII. They kept reporting the advance was stopped... But every day it was stopped closer to Berlin
@@Texas240😂 🎉
I bet no one wants to report anything negative to Putin.
I always look forward to new episodes - no bs only high quality information🙏🇩🇰
It is a bit late Putin being "up all night" to handle the situation, if that situation was caused by him being asleep during the day!
they should try and keep him up for days if not weeks without sleep
So, is the "Special Military Operation" still going according to plan?
IT says in the plans papers. After 2 years and a half we make a give up on Kursk territory to. Ukranians as a diversion making them think again we are shit army for the 200th time since the begining . Black on white paper.
They are approaching day "3"
I am pretty sure the plan has changed now. I believe that peace negotiations at some point was actually an option. I seriously doubt Russia will want to negotiate at all now. They now have the pretext to go to the end and take more than just those 4 oblast.
You question the ‘master strategist?’
They are not panicking because Ukraine is not committing more crimes on their citizens. The Russian people even stated they were amazed no looting was going on.
Putin has , in fact, distanced himself from the situation and clearly stated that local leadership would have to handle the situation on their own.
Yes, he is chickening out.
Move focus to other people.
If the Russians got out of Ukraine, they would have sufficient forces to protect their border.
I think it's time to hold a referendum, go to sleep and in the morning declare it Ukrainian territory.
They didnt think that maybe policing the border of the nation they invaded might be a little more important than the rest of the border?
Somebody needs to get out of there and it’s not the Ukrainian people!
Putin: "Why would we need to defend our border? We're invading them."
His General: "Sir, they could just invade us back."
Putin: "Preposterous."
2 and a half years later
Putin: "Maybe I should have listened to that General instead of poisoning him."
@@SilentHotdog28or was it one of the ones who jumped out of the window, or was he on that plane, or..
@@goodfodder Haha it could have been any one of them. Poor Putin, he threw his toys (generals) out of the cot and now he needs them back.
All is OK in the Kirsk region. 😂Ukraine has been defeated with huge losses and things are back to normality. Hahahaha their propaganda is working overtime! 😂😂😂😂😂
Damage control at its worst. 😭
back to normality? really?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Situation normal......all fucked up haha.
The video contradicts your words. Whoops! Forgot about that one comrade.
@@richmanz447 I was being sarcastic 🙃
People are not panicking…..
Meanwhile, the highway out of Kursk is backed up over 30 miles. They didn’t even pack, they just fled.
No one ever expects the Ukrainian Inquisistion!!
@@greabo9544 I think its deep enough in the Python humor that lots of people sort of get it
deeply underrated comment! :D
A country with such a long border should be making friends not making enemies
China could walk to Russia anytime they wanted to and take over the country completely in a short period of time 😊😊😊😊
Then they would be begging Ukraine and NATO for help 😢😢😢😢
Yep, Russia is a meme at this point.
Damn right 👉
Lol. I can imagine Biden in the Oval Office reading that request: "Nah... fuck 'em!", before ripping it up, tossing it in the bin and drinking his morning coffee.
Better to have Chinese than Russian neighbours..
Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 🇺🇸
It’s not war Russian propagandists - it’s a Special Military Operation. 😂
Dobby Botox is freaking out, I hope Gerasimov avoids windows!
And invitations to go anywhere by plane.
Gerasimov was clever enough to participate in the meeting from a distance via video call only 😂
They'd get him a nice cup of tea lol. Man. The Russians are almost stereotypically evil. Must be something in the water.
Dość rosyjskiego imperializmu i kolonializmu ⚡Ukraina bez Putina ⚡ Demokratyczna Rosja też bez Putina 👍
Dokladnie tak! Pozdrawiam serdecznie z Niemieci slawa Ukraini! 🇩🇪❤️🇵🇱❤️🇺🇦❤️🇺🇲💪🤝
Súhlasím. I concur.
The Rus have always fallen for the Emperor/Czar types, it’s what they love.
You have it backwards. It is USA imperialism. The USA illegally annexed Ukraine in 2014. The USA wants Russia next.
And America without Trump😅😅😅😅😅 vote Democrat if you love freedom❤❤❤
A mumbling, demented man in gray suit, and Olga looking profoundly in that last shot.
She looks like she is thinking shut up fool😊
Reminds us of the Chernobyl event. The propaganda always gets messed up against reality.
Russia , “The system is working” , that’s why we are having this meeting and propagandizing now …
In Russia the funnies are on the front page and those who know what they're talking about are in exile.
Yes they do look worried, who knows may be they know more than they let out. Who knows may they fear a revolt.
Latest news: Russians in Kursk voted in a referendum en mass to join Ukraine 🇺🇦😅
think about it. Why would anybody want to join Ukraine. Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe. Ukraine government is bankrupt. Ukraine does not have to pay its debts so officially Ukraine is not bankrupt. USA pays all the Ukraine military salaries. USA pays all the Ukraine government workers salaries. USA pays all Ukraine pensions. You really think a Russians wants to become Ukrainian citizens? I doubt it.
@@tomaskinoshta7589mhm mabye because they don't want to be with russia no more
@tomaskinoshta7589 Wow! The referendum reference went right over your head, didn't it?
@@tomaskinoshta7589 The Russian citizens would much rather live in a poor Ukraine than a tyrant ran Russia where economic santions are hurting the people so much.
@@Minnizilla Why would they not that? Give at least one good reason.
Is the statement that Putin, who started this war and who has dictated the actions of his military, is personally managing the situation at the border areas meant to inspire confidence in the Russian people?😅
He's riding around bare chested and heavily armed!
I noticed this too: normally the propagandists love to makea show of it whenever Ukraine punches back: they get angry, and/or act with disdain, they joke, they are not being serious people, no matter how often they claim to be when doing this.
But last couple of days, not one of them needed to clarify that they were being 'serious,' they just all *were* actually serious, for once. They are scared and confused.
They have all forgotten it was supposed to be a 3-month special military operation.
3 days, not months. This was supposed to be over in 3 days.
@@lordchaa1598 I was being generous and realistic at the same time. 😂😂
@@tomite2001 , 😂😂😂 👏👏👏
@@lordchaa1598 You decided so?
The old guy with the red tie is off his meds.
Are these people in an alternative universe?
They’re nuts.
They are on the dark side of the mirror.
Russia now has the second best army in Russia
No-one in the west is at war with ruzzia ... frickin dope
The Russian people are so far gone is beyond sad at this point.
4:36 Natasha is not happy.
natasha is a cow...
Putin cant control hes toilet habits never mind a war 😂😂
Western equipment and weapons are mentioned in a Russian admission that Russia cant produce good fighting equipment despite their obscene military spending levels.
"I am sure he doesn't know what he said either" - Trump
"Everything is going according to plan." - the grand master military strategist, Pooptin
It’s rather comical to think about how easily NATO could sleepwalk into Russia along the new borders, especially given Russia reassigned soldiers on those borders to Ukraine.
They literally have nothing to fight with it's all been squandered 😊
Putin's behaving exactly like Adolf late war... digging his own grave
Thanks for the translation! Very informative video!
Slava Ukraine
I am a former US Infantry Marine these are our tactics!!!
Are these the same tactics used in the disastrous humiliation at the hands of the goat herders in Afghanistan? 😂😂😂
@@JohnDoe-iq9bzthe same goat herders that kicked Russian ass?
@@JohnDoe-iq9bz use your real name and I'll tell you
@@JohnDoe-iq9bzhahahaha what a clown.
She is a warmonger who predicted Russia is going to occupy Ukraine in a week and now after 2 1/2 years Russia is losing war and she got scared.
Words mean nothing in Russia, lives mean nothing in Russia.
It's not an invasion, ... it just a special military operation.
Exactly, they're just coming over to look at Putin's lovely windows and drink some tea.
I'll bite. What is the pretext and objective of Ukraine's SMO?
@@libertarianbydefault To relieve pressure on the rest of the border presumably. If Russia sends troops from the rest of the border to the Kursk and Belgorod regions, then it may open up the opportunity to push the Russians back out of Ukraine.
Speaking of power plants, what happens when the lights go out in Kursk for good?
Nothin' much .
That guy is really tough talking behind that desk!
Threats, that's all Russia can do is Talk Though.