At the end of this video I was using a UV lamp to test for the presence of mercury since mercury vapor is very good at stopping the light produced by the lamp; During that I discovered that Cinnabar is flammable! It burns almost like sulfur, which makes sense being that upon heating cinnabar releases mercury and sulfur vapor.
Hey cody, could you link me to a video with your audible discount or free trial code or whatever it was, if it's still valid? I have a book that im reading but would like to listen to, and I'm pretty sure Audible has it! Or if you cant remember a video, could you just give me the code its self?? and by the way, don't drink any more cyanide....
"Where did I get my mercury?" Well that's an interesting story for me. I was metal detecting in the Sierras near an old hydraulic mine and I located a rusted "tank" that at first seemed like an old propane tank until I looked closer. It turns out that this "tank" was an Almaden Quicksilver Mines 76 pound mercury carboy. And it also turns out that it was the miners recovery flask! It contained three pounds of mercury and approximately 0.65 troy ounces of gold! I used the nitric acid process to recover it. Amazing find from my point of view!
@A friend I did similar in Dwarf Fortress. Cinnabar mugs to trade to the elves! In the occasional years I traded with them, and didn't just wipe out their entire caravan with a flooding trade depot.
@@warvideos2108 first, im not saying other dude is right, but you must be confused. Roman CATHOLIC ships. 13-1600ish kind of time frame. Not Roman Romans. Dumbass
cody where did you get your crucibles for your furnace and are they made from clay and would i be able to use a ceramic mug? And can you make a video about different acids and what they can be used for?
I was moved while watching your video Cody. My family in the past were mercury miners. Pretty much 2 generations a long time ago died from mercury poisoning. I've been to a few sites where my ansetors lived, and the smelter you showed was a little primitive but still a lot was still the same. My family back then were used as slaves pretty much to dig the cinnabar and refine it. Everytime when we would go prosect for gold in the rivers in California sometimes we would get mercury in the sluice box it remind me my family might have produced it. I have saved a good portion just for personal reasons. Good video Cody.
@@baph1612 depends on the type. A woman dropped a drop of mercury on her glove and it slid off, but it was enough to completely paralyze her cause its molecular structure or something was like penetrable. Just one drop killed her I think the video is on chubbyemu or some channel similar to that title
@@JEAthePrince Elemental mercury is dangerous because of the vapors it produces. Organic mercury compounds are incredibly toxic, and I believe what you're referring to was the dimethyl mercury poisoning incident.
As an amateur hobby geologist and explorer of how humanity created our civilization, by far it was you who got me going down my path. Cody, thank you very much for loving rocks and loving the history of our modern civilization.
honestly i love you channel soo much ... bees videos brought me in and made me interested into everything around it (but really i sticked around bcos of mining and smelting videos its soo exciting to watch )
You are a tough man. the passed 2 years I did logging work, and i now work in a warehouse. The stuff you do for /FUN/ are more instense than all of that. You sir, are one tough cookie.
I love the geology talk. I'm currently a geology major and it's awesome to hear someone with the same understandings and interests as me! You just got a new subscriber
dude you are extremely intelligent. keep it up. I could watch your videos for days. they are so interesting. even though I don't understand that much science, it keeps my interest.
@@jemsurfer3905 This so relatable, In my old house, the ceiling has flower-like carvings around the Lights and Fans. In my bedroom when the lights are dimmed the shadows are cast in such a way that makes the flower carving look like a "Sad old Lady". Whenever any strong light (street lights or lightning bolts) gets through the window the Sad shadow pattern changes into a Horrifying Grin. I had a very hard time as a kid to convince myself that it was just a trick of the light and nothing else.
@@peepeeeinmythroat2760 people who post reddit cancer outside of the reddit containment zone need to go r/wooosh out of a plane at terminal velocity without a parachute.
That’s cool! I’m an hvac tech and I replace a lot of old mercury thermostats. I always take them apart and keep the little glass mercury switch because I think they’re cool. My dad also has a few flasks of scientific grade mercury that they were getting rid of at a school he taught at. Cool stuff, just gotta take reasonable precautions with it.
i have never really been interested in geology or chemistry, in fact chemistry is the toughest aspect of science in school for me. probably all of the arithmatic. but this video was really interesting for me as i am a huge fan of history. and the way you were dissecting that mercury distillation appuratus was very fascinating as it reminded me of the archeology involved in a lot of historical research. i love your videos even though these arent topics i spend a lot of time with. i hope to see you continue to show how these sciences are around us every day even when we arent aware of them personally.
Came to see where you got your mercury but got a 11 min lecture on the formation of rocks and ores, mercury distilling machines, identifying ore in rocks. Must say it was pretty interesting though.
Amazing that the mercury still is actually still there, here in the UK if something like that was abandoned, you can bet that it'd be vandalised, destroyed and the metal stolen for scrap, shame it's so rusty though, could probably still have been serviceable, but the firebox would make a nice outdoor woodstove at least... :)
When I was in 7-8th grade there was a kid at my school who’s mom apparently worked at a drugstore or something and he just happened to be around when they were discarding a few hundred oldschool thermometers. He took the time to break all of them and pour the Mercury into a 20oz. Fruitopia bottle (dang, I miss fruitopia :( Anyways. We were old enough to know it was dangerous so we kept our distance. But it’s probably the most deceptive thing I’ve ever held. That bottle prolly weighed 10+ lb’s
When you say notifications do you mean it not coming up in your subscription list or like a text message telling you there's a new video on this channel?
he had to stop, the mine is severely haunted. he talks about it in one of the mining videos, one of the spirits actually pushed him and he came within about 3 inches of falling down a 100 ft, jagged rock-filled vertical mineshaft. watch the video it's interesting.
this is the first video I watched from your channel. it was my deal breaker. you had me at hello buddy ! just got done watching the latest video of you making steel from rock. big thumbs up Cody. I enjoy your series pal !
Well, it also show that he know his shit so well that he is ready to ingest a dangerous poison, knowing he'll be fine. As a boss, i would be impressed..
Humans have burned coal in their own homes for hundreds if not thousands of years. Why is this only now causing mercury toxicity, when people in the past had much more direct and frequent exposure to mercury than they do today?
There are more sources of mercury exposure today, but more sources =/= more exposure. If you get exposed to, say, 10g/day of CO from one thing in you house, but get rid of it and replace it with 5 things that expose to you 1g/day each, you've had a net loss in CO exposure. These numbers are all purely hypothetical, but it illustrates a mathematical truth that sometimes (x*y) < z. If coal contains so much mercury, then people in the past (especially in cold areas) would have had stronger symptoms of mercury toxicity than people today, because modern coal power plants 1) have air scrubbers, and 2) are typically far away from your home ad opposed to, you now - INSIDE it. A 10m x 10m x 10m cube is not 10x the volume of a 1m cube, it's 1000x the volume of a 1m cube because you're expanding all 3 dimensions at once. That's a hell of a lot of dispersal. CFL bulbs do not release mercury, except when they leak (which destroys the bulb) or when they blow (which causes a leak). In either case, it is such a miniscule amount of Hg that, despite what people tell you, you can put in the trash without breaking US federal or state law. Most municipalities allow it too. I know from experience that these fuckers last awhile, I've gone a year without a single CFB inside my house blow, and I use them for all of my lights. Vaccines still have not been linked to mercury toxicity or autism. You also seem to misunderstand how bioaccumulation works. When one animal consumes another animal, it consumes more or less the entire chemical composition of the animal. Depending on the animal's diet, this can be minimal (cows, chicken) or relatively high (some sea fish). When one animal gives birth to another, only a small amount of mercury in blood is transferred, and it's not the blood mercury you need to concern yourself with - It's what's accumulated in the fatty tissues, which the baby doesn't need to worry about unless the mother somehow eats herself, but doesn't kill the baby and still allows it to be born as normal. This small amount might affect prenatal development (I'm not an expert on prenatal development, but you still haven't proven that people are exposed to more mercury than they have been in the past, so we'll call this even until more evidence is brought up), but after the baby is born it will grow rapidly and the small amount of mercury it has received will be such a minor amount in comparison to its body size and weight that, percentage-wise, it has less mercury in its body than the mother. In the future, before replying with "omg. Moron." to polite request to explain the verbal diarrhea you post, you should either explain your position politely or admit that you have no idea of what you're talking about. You just might look like less of an "omg. Moron." yourself if you take that route. Just before I posted this, I decided to look up the mercury content of coal. My first search result claimed that 80% of coal contained less than .25ppm of mercury, which is absolutely miniscule, and that the mercury emitted by coal plants is mostly elemental mercury, which isn't all that bad when compared to the things people think of when they think of mercury toxicity. Since it's past 6AM and you haven't been terribly effective at proving your point, I'll only bother digging up more sources if it seems necessary to continue this discussion.
modutchable damn some people will say anything to avoid losing an argument... Next time you should lead with something much more suddle such as, "Your mom!" Or, "gay"
I actually live near a HUGE mercury mining district from around the times of the gold rush (it operated before and after), and I go there all the time to explore mineshafts and quarries for samples. Most of the spots are hidden, but I have a group where we locate and explore the mines with equipment together. I don't have any big mercury samples, but I am hoping to get a good-quality piece of cinnabar one day!
CRTukker he meant that in tropical area, trees seem lively and the leaves are vibrant, while you don't know that in cold countries like that in the video, the trees and plantations are like dead ones, but they are just like that during winter, leaves will bloom in spring
5:12 Thank you for using the word "hypothesis" and not using the word "theory". One of my pet peeves is when people use those words incorrectly. Great channel!
Hey can you do a bottle flipping video using mercury as your liquid? I commented on a video suggesting that, and with mercury being such a dense liquid, it would virtually be impossible to not land it, since mercury would serve as the ultimate ballast. I had so many people asking why i think mercury would change anything vs water and Gatorade. Then I also had other people try to say that it wouldn't work etc
Mercury is too dense for that, you'd just float on top. Remember, when he put his hand in mercury he had to put in quite a bit of effort to keep his hand down.
I love the first part of these videos, where you describe how you re going to extract an element from the environement. Cause yeah you know the exhaust pipe containes platinum so I'm gonna go brush the highway.
I once found a large cinnabar deposit here in Northern California, on the east side of Table Mountain, just north of the Oroville Dam (an earthfill dam, and the tallest dam in the U.S.) On the north side of Table Mountain is a working diamond mine. Friends asked me why I didn't stake a claim on it. I was a gold miner with no interest in mining cinnabar. -- In the mid to late 1800's miners would build mercury traps across rivers to catch the gold. You can still easily find pockets of mercury along the banks of the rivers. A lot of old miners died burning the quicksilver off their gold in their cabins. Smarter ones would put their amalgamated gold in a hollowed potato, set it on a shovel in their camp fire, and take a walk "up wind" for awhile.
I have about 8 lbs of pure liquid mercury in my possession. My father used to repair thermometers for huge furnaces and I took it all when we cleaned out his house after he passed away last year. A small bottle is very heavy.
It is toxic. If you inhale the vapours. Playing with metallic mercury (maybe thrilled by the myth that it "isn't harmful"), spilling some of it, or breaking a thermometer, then maybe trying to vacuum it up - these are classical ways of getting exposed to a lot of mercury. There are case stories of families who got mercury poisoning after living a few weeks in a house with rather small amounts of mercury spill. The fact that you misspell dimethylmercury hints that you know very little about it. Did you know that in your body, some of the metallic mercury will inevitably be turned into organic mercury (and also vice versa). Gut bacteria can do this. Once it is in your system, it does not remain metallic mercury.
squidwardDK obviously it isn’t safe to play with mercury, but elemental mercury can be stored well relatively easily the only real danger are the vapors and as long as your container is air tight(I suggest putting your airtight mercury container inside another airtight container).
Underskor I don't know if I understood your comment correctly but it seems to be saying flint is Michigan's water supply or you could be saying flint Michigan's water supply but I live in Michigan and my water is just fine
i mean as long as you get rid of the heads from the distillery you aren't gonna get a hangover and you can even double or triple distill it until its so pure
lots of admiration for your knowledge of physics and for your independent mindedness. Great to see such free people out there, knowing so many things. I'm amazed the evil overlords aren't doing some things to try to censor or somehow regulate somebody so independently minded and resourceful. Just wanted to express my respect and admiration.
In your mining mercury video, you said that you didn't have access to very much mercury, so that's why you had to crush and roast the cinnabar to get it yourself. How and when did you find or gain access to your grandfather's mercury?
Ah yes not sure if I mentioned this in a video, but when I was a kid my dad caught me playing with it and freaked out so he sent it to my aunt for safe keeping. I only recently got it back.
Interesting piece!! :) ... as I mentioned in another comment I had quite bit of Mercury i saved from various projects when I worked in power plants and construction ... I ended up giving all my mercury to a professional Gunsmith.
I really love your videos. Smart as you are... And you are crazy smart... You could do with learning a little about cameras and audio. Not stopping your fans from watching obviously, but it would bring your videos up to the next level.
I would say, yes. Even when that still was constructed, I bet it released a LOT of mercury vapor to the atmosphere and would be breathed in by the operator.
+etuanno elemental Mercury is not readily absorbed by the skin... Preventing it from getting into your blood. Mercury vapour that you breath in however would be absorbed by your lungs rather well... Definitely dangerous to your health...
I know this is late, but that Element intro, Co[Cobalt] Dy[Dysprosium] S[Sulfur] La[Lanthanum] B[Boron], put together to spell out, "CoDy'S LaB", was brilliant!
That's interesting, would you be allowed to use some mined cinnabar in the old mercury still for a video demo for us? It would be great to see what the yield of mercury to rock is obtainable.
on such a scale, maybe a few days as Landon said, but hes distilled mercury before, and he used a pipe and some end caps. its not very hard, its just not the best idea considering that mercury vapor is more dangerous than metallic mercury
Hi Cody, I might have a cool challenge for you. What would you think About cultivating algue and maybe producing it become you own bio-fuel or animal food.
"I forgot to mention that I only recently got the mercury back from a family member who was keeping it so little kid me didn't play with it too much. " Why does it not surprise me.
Looks like they took an old mine cart to form the hopper of the separator. The body of the mine cart might be worth recycling as is. If you can find wheels, and a frame or make a frame.
If there’s ever an abandoned anything anywhere I swear there’s gonna be beer cans
Never a truer word was spoken.
no doubt about that lol
Likely few joints or the butts
Liam Oboyle human butts?
Max McCarthy sexy I really wanna find some now
At the end of this video I was using a UV lamp to test for the presence of mercury since mercury vapor is very good at stopping the light produced by the lamp; During that I discovered that Cinnabar is flammable! It burns almost like sulfur, which makes sense being that upon heating cinnabar releases mercury and sulfur vapor.
+Noob ?
Hey cody, could you link me to a video with your audible discount or free trial code or whatever it was, if it's still valid? I have a book that im reading but would like to listen to, and I'm pretty sure Audible has it! Or if you cant remember a video, could you just give me the code its self?? and by the way, don't drink any more cyanide....
they did a similar presentation of uv light and mercury vapor on periodic videos
Cody'sLab Burns*
I could listen to this dude talk about rocks all day
Do whatever gets your rocks off
"They're not rocks, Marie, they're minerals"
yeah, he rocks
"Where did I get my mercury?"
Well that's an interesting story for me. I was metal detecting in the Sierras near an old hydraulic mine and I located a rusted "tank" that at first seemed like an old propane tank until I looked closer.
It turns out that this "tank" was an Almaden Quicksilver Mines 76 pound mercury carboy. And it also turns out that it was the miners recovery flask! It contained three pounds of mercury and approximately 0.65 troy ounces of gold!
I used the nitric acid process to recover it. Amazing find from my point of view!
Nice story.
Can I have ? I’m veru trust worthy?
1000 bucks in a random tank? Nice.
@@Systolic_Gaming I was metal detecting at an old Placer mine.., Miners left their cleanup in the 1880s.
Cool cash.., Cool relic.
For the win! A $grand for your trouble, not bad dude
"What do you need hundreds of pounds of mercury for though?"
"idk. suppose my grandson with flush a toilet with it some day."
@A friend Do you know that the roman empire dissolved before Colon discovered San Salvador and the Americas for the hispanics?
@A friend I did similar in Dwarf Fortress. Cinnabar mugs to trade to the elves!
In the occasional years I traded with them, and didn't just wipe out their entire caravan with a flooding trade depot.
@Martin Conta Gets Banned True, red mercury is an important thing for blocking nuclear proliferation.
@@warvideos2108 first, im not saying other dude is right, but you must be confused. Roman CATHOLIC ships. 13-1600ish kind of time frame. Not Roman Romans. Dumbass
Cody saying "I don't know how it works". I never thought I'd see the day lol.
Oh I say that all the time, but its usually followed with "yet". :)
cody where did you get your crucibles for your furnace and are they made from clay and would i be able to use a ceramic mug?
And can you make a video about different acids and what they can be used for?
hey cody could you get a load of sluphur, make sulphuric acid and try to mine with it?
u should try to build one or get this one to work
David Epler yes yet like most of us educated experienced science guys he could make an excellent & mostly correct explanation
Happy to see Cody finally getting all this well deserved success!!! ALMOST A MILLION!!!!!!
Drew what’s up
I love emergency intercum
@@lucantoine6776 what does that mean? Thanks.
@@jeffmoncalieri7491 sorry it’s a lil joke with drew phillips podcast Emergency Intercom (the real name)
My question is: How did he get 2?
I was moved while watching your video Cody. My family in the past were mercury miners. Pretty much 2 generations a long time ago died from mercury poisoning. I've been to a few sites where my ansetors lived, and the smelter you showed was a little primitive but still a lot was still the same. My family back then were used as slaves pretty much to dig the cinnabar and refine it. Everytime when we would go prosect for gold in the rivers in California sometimes we would get mercury in the sluice box it remind me my family might have produced it. I have saved a good portion just for personal reasons. Good video Cody.
if you made a bracelet out of cinnabar would it be a heavy metal rock band?
I cannot believe noone has complimented you on this incredibly smart pun yet. Good job!
I get it
I would die cinnabar is toxic
Dritzz Dritzz whoosh
No matter where you go, no matter how far out in the wilderness, no matter how remote a place it is, you can find beer cans there.
I like to imagine that the first thing we will see when we arrive on Mars is beer cans
😂 yep
bro is only 4 years late@@TheFrybreadman
@hemppahemuli1095 is funny what can he say
All the trees are dead around that area, that's probably not a good sign
A good sign if you're looking for mercury
there not dead ist probably cold outside because he is wearing a long_sleeve
You can see they've been burned in a fire at 1:41. It only needs to burn the cambium to kill the tree.
*Stranger things intensifies*
@@86moosseboy75 they're burnt
Great job Cody!! I was wondering where you got your mercury just yesterday :D
You can get it from Hg wells..... takes a bit of pumping though.
@@peterlean6631 oof!
Thank you, Cody, for not recording vertically.
Most TH-camr's: "Where did I get my money?"
Cody's Lab: "Where did I get my mercury" hahahah
Love it 😂
You did a funny
1000th like
WTF? mean you don't get mercury from a thermometer bush???
Cody is a sigma
I feel like as soon has he started talking about his collection of Mercury he got intensely serious like it was his pride and joy XD
"my precious~"
one day it will be a very big thing it can be used to create Antigravity yeah with Mercury of all things
@@madmad8582 what do you know about mercury tech?
hey cody, Did you hear about the chemist who froze himself to absolute zero? He's 0K now
ba dum tsss
Vibinator ha science jokes
That Guy i try my best
Very joke!
Vibinator oh god the puns gonna go criiinge
"I am someone who is experienced with working with mercury"
-Dips hand in mercury
Love it!
Why what's it feel like?
I think it’s okay to stick your hand in mercury for a bit without any cuts
@@baph1612 be bold
@@baph1612 depends on the type. A woman dropped a drop of mercury on her glove and it slid off, but it was enough to completely paralyze her cause its molecular structure or something was like penetrable. Just one drop killed her
I think the video is on chubbyemu or some channel similar to that title
@@JEAthePrince Elemental mercury is dangerous because of the vapors it produces. Organic mercury compounds are incredibly toxic, and I believe what you're referring to was the dimethyl mercury poisoning incident.
"where do I get my uranium from"
"where do I get my Nukes from"
"where do I get my guns from"
"where did I get my robot army from"
A comment that Cody can't legally like 😅
Or from where I get my weed from
Guns from the nearest walmart obviously... the others maybe from home depot...
vespene gas and mineral
I have never failed to be infected by Cody's enthusiasm. Great stuff! Never stop.
As an amateur hobby geologist and explorer of how humanity created our civilization, by far it was you who got me going down my path. Cody, thank you very much for loving rocks and loving the history of our modern civilization.
honestly i love you channel soo much ... bees videos brought me in and made me interested into everything around it (but really i sticked around bcos of mining and smelting videos its soo exciting to watch )
Vojta Hamala same reason I started watching! Yay bees and science!
Vojta Hamala this comment wins comment of the video. for your way of not making TH-cam cancserus by thanking the creator of the video
gary buttville if honesty is what it takes then idk why arent ppl doing it more often
Those who bug you about getting yer Mercury. Tell e'm to mine their own business.
Ha ha ha
Wow really
i mean, yes
evilwarcow 500th like
You are a tough man. the passed 2 years I did logging work, and i now work in a warehouse. The stuff you do for /FUN/ are more instense than all of that. You sir, are one tough cookie.
I love the geology talk. I'm currently a geology major and it's awesome to hear someone with the same understandings and interests as me! You just got a new subscriber
dude you are extremely intelligent. keep it up. I could watch your videos for days. they are so interesting. even though I don't understand that much science, it keeps my interest.
Thank you for answering the curious people =P
Great video!
HeavenHammer **Edited** gg
+HeavenHammer not really
+mulymule12 wut m8?
new phone, Who dis?
its me
7:55 😀 Old machine is soo happy to meet you
For anyone who doesn't get it, pause the video and look closely, it's a smiley face
The human brain tries to detect facial patterns in everything possible!!
This is a great enhancement we have thanks to evolution!!
@@earth2k66 pretty awful when you're trying to sleep and keep seeing faces in the room tho
@@jemsurfer3905 This so relatable, In my old house, the ceiling has flower-like carvings around the Lights and Fans.
In my bedroom when the lights are dimmed the shadows are cast in such a way that makes the flower carving look like a "Sad old Lady". Whenever any strong light (street lights or lightning bolts) gets through the window the Sad shadow pattern changes into a Horrifying Grin.
I had a very hard time as a kid to convince myself that it was just a trick of the light and nothing else.
cinnibar sounds like a breakfast cereal
Hue Man cinnabun
Hue Man
I laugh I don't know if for your comment or for your avatar.
Cinnamon bun
Hue Man You mean Shinsha? (Houseki no Kuni reference)
sounds like an island
This is obviously a modded version. There's no mercury ore in vanilla.
it's actually cinnabar ore
Jake Crowley r/whooooosh
@@peepeeeinmythroat2760 never said it was not mine craft so no r/woosh
@@outv3rse what ?
@@peepeeeinmythroat2760 people who post reddit cancer outside of the reddit containment zone need to go r/wooosh out of a plane at terminal velocity without a parachute.
That’s cool! I’m an hvac tech and I replace a lot of old mercury thermostats. I always take them apart and keep the little glass mercury switch because I think they’re cool. My dad also has a few flasks of scientific grade mercury that they were getting rid of at a school he taught at. Cool stuff, just gotta take reasonable precautions with it.
your videos are so interesting!
your trump card is that you just do stuff(well) and dont overreact or act in front of the camera.
btw whats the ending song?
Why did you not just edit your comment? You replied to your self 3 times haha.
Blu Medic no reason
rodger so
Kippers and canned tuna. That's where I get mine. :'(
Why not?
+Huh Huh What?
Have you heard of fluoridation son?
DialgoPrima I T S T H E G L O B A L I S T S
i have never really been interested in geology or chemistry, in fact chemistry is the toughest aspect of science in school for me. probably all of the arithmatic. but this video was really interesting for me as i am a huge fan of history. and the way you were dissecting that mercury distillation appuratus was very fascinating as it reminded me of the archeology involved in a lot of historical research. i love your videos even though these arent topics i spend a lot of time with. i hope to see you continue to show how these sciences are around us every day even when we arent aware of them personally.
these videos make me feel like i can do anything, thank you
Came to see where you got your mercury but got a 11 min lecture on the formation of rocks and ores, mercury distilling machines, identifying ore in rocks. Must say it was pretty interesting though.
Fuck yeah! We love to talk chemistry, geology here.
Amazing that the mercury still is actually still there, here in the UK if something like that was abandoned, you can bet that it'd be vandalised, destroyed and the metal stolen for scrap, shame it's so rusty though, could probably still have been serviceable, but the firebox would make a nice outdoor woodstove at least... :)
It took me a day to find it even with instructions on how to find it from someone that had been there, thats why it hasn't been destroyed yet.
Be careful !
You will probably end up like that youtuber that went to area 51
Will you build something like it, or was it just out of curiosity?
Of course, the population density is much higher in the UK than in rural Utah. Few people have probably come across this site.
Found the american
more like YOU LITTLE SON OF A DENTIST! actually
Interesting I thought the Mercury was for processing the gold from the mine, not a byproduct of it
Verlisify hello
Verlisify mercury is used in illegal mining operations to concentrate the gold, but usually it is sluiced out
mercury is used in gold panning but this is mining
Verlisify yeah they used it on a large slide after hammer mills.
I think this would be to recycle the Mercury.
Must be awesome to be so smart. Your content is both educational and entertaining. Thanks for making it Cody. God bless you and God bless your family.
When I was in 7-8th grade there was a kid at my school who’s mom apparently worked at a drugstore or something and he just happened to be around when they were discarding a few hundred oldschool thermometers. He took the time to break all of them and pour the Mercury into a 20oz. Fruitopia bottle (dang, I miss fruitopia :( Anyways. We were old enough to know it was dangerous so we kept our distance. But it’s probably the most deceptive thing I’ve ever held. That bottle prolly weighed 10+ lb’s
Why did I just barely get the notification for this video?
The new YT notification system. Click the bell next to his subscribe button if you want notifications from this channel.
Explain, idiot.
HeavenHammer Me?
When you say notifications do you mean it not coming up in your subscription list or like a text message telling you there's a new video on this channel?
ios notification.
cody you should try and make one of those for the mining series. that would be cool
He stopped doing them for some reason
Maybe cuz of school?
they take a butload of work. That's why he doesn't upload them often
he had to stop, the mine is severely haunted. he talks about it in one of the mining videos, one of the spirits actually pushed him and he came within about 3 inches of falling down a 100 ft, jagged rock-filled vertical mineshaft. watch the video it's interesting.
Haanken Thorax troll lol
Cody, are you going to hand out Cinnabars for Halloween? They sound like a delicious treat.
they really do
I would like to get a sample from his mine.
Yukikaze Flyes If you weren't supposed to eat it then it would have been called something like "Mercurystone", "Poisonrock" or "Tofutti".
thought that said cannabis at first.
Yes but they are bad for the little kiddies teeth.
I saw the title and saw the thumbnail and thought to myself “dang, this man found his car in a cave”
Gonna find me a Mercury and cruise it up and down the road
this is the first video I watched from your channel. it was my deal breaker. you had me at hello buddy ! just got done watching the latest video of you making steel from rock. big thumbs up Cody. I enjoy your series pal !
Thank you for telling us in the form of a video!!!! I actually was wondering so much where you got that much Hg!
The next Fallout game is just gonna be Fallout: Cody's Back Yard...
pleaaase make an exploration episode of that mine X3
Ah Cody I do miss these kinds of videos 🙂 it's always good to see a bit of back story
People when Cody dips his hand in mercury: 😴
People when Cody grabs rusty iron: 😱
You guys do know that because of his TH-cam channel, Cody can get nearly any job in his field.
so? good for him :D
f266101463 I don't know if they'd trust a guy who ingested cyanide on purpose. If Cody DIDN'T mention that he has ingested cyanide, he'd be set.
Well, it also show that he know his shit so well that he is ready to ingest a dangerous poison, knowing he'll be fine.
As a boss, i would be impressed..
Sorry if this is an obvious answer but why does his youtube allow him to get any job in his field?
I almost fell out of my chair at 2:03 "...and I actually don't know how it works."
can you make a video about extracting mercury from those ores ?
he already did.
3ArtDigital great suggestion I'd love to see that
check the description.
He probably will.
and since he can also already use cyanide to extract gold, he will probably make a large quantity of it from his mine.
@@theCodyReeder the link isn't working. What hapenned??
It is refreshing to see someone who takes a cool-headed approach to Hg instead of this panic over Hg most people take today.
Humans have burned coal in their own homes for hundreds if not thousands of years. Why is this only now causing mercury toxicity, when people in the past had much more direct and frequent exposure to mercury than they do today?
There are more sources of mercury exposure today, but more sources =/= more exposure. If you get exposed to, say, 10g/day of CO from one thing in you house, but get rid of it and replace it with 5 things that expose to you 1g/day each, you've had a net loss in CO exposure. These numbers are all purely hypothetical, but it illustrates a mathematical truth that sometimes (x*y) < z.
If coal contains so much mercury, then people in the past (especially in cold areas) would have had stronger symptoms of mercury toxicity than people today, because modern coal power plants 1) have air scrubbers, and 2) are typically far away from your home ad opposed to, you now - INSIDE it. A 10m x 10m x 10m cube is not 10x the volume of a 1m cube, it's 1000x the volume of a 1m cube because you're expanding all 3 dimensions at once. That's a hell of a lot of dispersal.
CFL bulbs do not release mercury, except when they leak (which destroys the bulb) or when they blow (which causes a leak). In either case, it is such a miniscule amount of Hg that, despite what people tell you, you can put in the trash without breaking US federal or state law. Most municipalities allow it too. I know from experience that these fuckers last awhile, I've gone a year without a single CFB inside my house blow, and I use them for all of my lights.
Vaccines still have not been linked to mercury toxicity or autism.
You also seem to misunderstand how bioaccumulation works. When one animal consumes another animal, it consumes more or less the entire chemical composition of the animal. Depending on the animal's diet, this can be minimal (cows, chicken) or relatively high (some sea fish). When one animal gives birth to another, only a small amount of mercury in blood is transferred, and it's not the blood mercury you need to concern yourself with - It's what's accumulated in the fatty tissues, which the baby doesn't need to worry about unless the mother somehow eats herself, but doesn't kill the baby and still allows it to be born as normal. This small amount might affect prenatal development (I'm not an expert on prenatal development, but you still haven't proven that people are exposed to more mercury than they have been in the past, so we'll call this even until more evidence is brought up), but after the baby is born it will grow rapidly and the small amount of mercury it has received will be such a minor amount in comparison to its body size and weight that, percentage-wise, it has less mercury in its body than the mother.
In the future, before replying with "omg. Moron." to polite request to explain the verbal diarrhea you post, you should either explain your position politely or admit that you have no idea of what you're talking about. You just might look like less of an "omg. Moron." yourself if you take that route.
Just before I posted this, I decided to look up the mercury content of coal. My first search result claimed that 80% of coal contained less than .25ppm of mercury, which is absolutely miniscule, and that the mercury emitted by coal plants is mostly elemental mercury, which isn't all that bad when compared to the things people think of when they think of mercury toxicity. Since it's past 6AM and you haven't been terribly effective at proving your point, I'll only bother digging up more sources if it seems necessary to continue this discussion.
modutchable damn some people will say anything to avoid losing an argument...
Next time you should lead with something much more suddle such as,
"Your mom!" Or, "gay"
modutchable Clearly, Jake Pryor should be more like you, someone who presents an argument with no supporting evidence and then say you "proved it."
I actually live near a HUGE mercury mining district from around the times of the gold rush (it operated before and after), and I go there all the time to explore mineshafts and quarries for samples. Most of the spots are hidden, but I have a group where we locate and explore the mines with equipment together. I don't have any big mercury samples, but I am hoping to get a good-quality piece of cinnabar one day!
Those trees seems to be dead around that furnace
CRTukker you live in tropical area? if you do that explains alot
i live in a tropical area was confused for a second
Nice profile picture lmao, thought it was my comment
CRTukker he meant that in tropical area, trees seem lively and the leaves are vibrant, while you don't know that in cold countries like that in the video, the trees and plantations are like dead ones, but they are just like that during winter, leaves will bloom in spring
Frost Huldra there's different types of pines than the one your thinking of
why does anyone dislike your videos
i looked on amazon for cinnabar... what i found was candles.
Candles make vapor that you breathe.
The engineering blows my mind. Extremely intelligent people that go unnoticed.
5:12 Thank you for using the word "hypothesis" and not using the word "theory". One of my pet peeves is when people use those words incorrectly. Great channel!
Hey can you do a bottle flipping video using mercury as your liquid? I commented on a video suggesting that, and with mercury being such a dense liquid, it would virtually be impossible to not land it, since mercury would serve as the ultimate ballast. I had so many people asking why i think mercury would change anything vs water and Gatorade. Then I also had other people try to say that it wouldn't work etc
Wouldnt it actually be easier?
C. Kyle That's what he just said 😶
Dova Goat
Whoops, i didnt see the "not"
So my current plan is to get a halfway decent high speed camera and then do it in slowmo.
Nice! Can't wait, can't wait to prove to everyone that mercury would make bottle flipping so much easier!
Thanks Cody! Now build one so we can see it work! You know you want too! lol
Next up: Taking a bath in Mercury!
Completely nude!
Mercury is too dense for that, you'd just float on top. Remember, when he put his hand in mercury he had to put in quite a bit of effort to keep his hand down.
IamGrimalkin I know. I'm joking.
there he goes again, tricking me into learning while loving it
I love the first part of these videos, where you describe how you re going to extract an element from the environement. Cause yeah you know the exhaust pipe containes platinum so I'm gonna go brush the highway.
Is this the new Elder Scroll?
He is OffTheRanch xD
That channel is shitty
LucasAndAGuitar I like it
TheBaconNugget that's his opinion
He has been for years ;)
Its always been bad but it recently got fucking aids since roman was over
We have a huge old mercury mine up here that burned hot leaving pools of mercury right on the surface.Fort St. James,BC,Canada.
Hope they harvest the mercury and clean it up. We don't want Hg vapor in the air.
Id like to take some of it, but I'm living on the East side.
Too bad I am in Canada.
Dean Lorman yeah same, but from Quebec haha.
BC is a bit far :3
I am in Quebec. BC is too far. Would love to have 2 L of Hg.
I once found a large cinnabar deposit here in Northern California, on the east side of Table Mountain, just north of the Oroville Dam (an earthfill dam, and the tallest dam in the U.S.) On the north side of Table Mountain is a working diamond mine. Friends asked me why I didn't stake a claim on it. I was a gold miner with no interest in mining cinnabar. -- In the mid to late 1800's miners would build mercury traps across rivers to catch the gold. You can still easily find pockets of mercury along the banks of the rivers. A lot of old miners died burning the quicksilver off their gold in their cabins. Smarter ones would put their amalgamated gold in a hollowed potato, set it on a shovel in their camp fire, and take a walk "up wind" for awhile.
I have about 8 lbs of pure liquid mercury in my possession. My father used to repair thermometers for huge furnaces and I took it all when we cleaned out his house after he passed away last year. A small bottle is very heavy.
Mercury is extremely toxic, causes mental retardation and death even from a small exposure, be careful with it!
It is toxic. If you inhale the vapours. Playing with metallic mercury (maybe thrilled by the myth that it "isn't harmful"), spilling some of it, or breaking a thermometer, then maybe trying to vacuum it up - these are classical ways of getting exposed to a lot of mercury. There are case stories of families who got mercury poisoning after living a few weeks in a house with rather small amounts of mercury spill. The fact that you misspell dimethylmercury hints that you know very little about it. Did you know that in your body, some of the metallic mercury will inevitably be turned into organic mercury (and also vice versa). Gut bacteria can do this. Once it is in your system, it does not remain metallic mercury.
squidwardDK obviously it isn’t safe to play with mercury, but elemental mercury can be stored well relatively easily the only real danger are the vapors and as long as your container is air tight(I suggest putting your airtight mercury container inside another airtight container).
I thought you got it from Flint, Michigan's water supply.
Too soon...
That's lead
Underskor thats lead
Underskor I don't know if I understood your comment correctly but it seems to be saying flint is Michigan's water supply or you could be saying flint Michigan's water supply but I live in Michigan and my water is just fine
jason todd if you don't live under a rock then flint the city in Michigan has tainted water!
Looks like im early. I love your videos Cody.
Really expected you'd try making a mercury still. Next video?
MrSupful Just build a whiskey still. You'll only get a hangover instead of dementia.
i mean as long as you get rid of the heads from the distillery you aren't gonna get a hangover and you can even double or triple distill it until its so pure
I wanted to have a look at an actual still before I built one.
***** Hi, crazy.
Next video: How to get gold out of cat shit
lots of admiration for your knowledge of physics and for your independent mindedness. Great to see such free people out there, knowing so many things. I'm amazed the evil overlords aren't doing some things to try to censor or somehow regulate somebody so independently minded and resourceful. Just wanted to express my respect and admiration.
Next Video: Making gold ingots from cat shit
when are you going to show us some of those Cody'sAb?
GrandNecro that is amazing
+Skeleton You're creating lies, I'm not sure who is or Hillary.
Who is worst ted Cruz or Obama or burnie sanders
Are you volunteering to be his test subject? I'm sure we can find you someone to talk to if you have questions about how you got this way.
how about you fuck off you homophobe.
You have to wait until the 10:30 mark, then it's a few seconds of explanation.
10 minutes of playing with rocks before he reveals that he just bought liquid mercury from a dentist...
I mean, he clearly says most of his mercury came from that still (or near it anyway).
In your mining mercury video, you said that you didn't have access to very much mercury, so that's why you had to crush and roast the cinnabar to get it yourself. How and when did you find or gain access to your grandfather's mercury?
Ah yes not sure if I mentioned this in a video, but when I was a kid my dad caught me playing with it and freaked out so he sent it to my aunt for safe keeping. I only recently got it back.
Interesting piece!! :) ... as I mentioned in another comment I had quite bit of Mercury i saved from various projects when I worked in power plants and construction ... I ended up giving all my mercury to a professional Gunsmith.
I really love your videos. Smart as you are... And you are crazy smart... You could do with learning a little about cameras and audio. Not stopping your fans from watching obviously, but it would bring your videos up to the next level.
how were the burnt rocks removed from the roasting box? I can't see any obvious way to get them out, but there must have been some kind of door
remember the rake thing? I think they had to pull it out by hand.
nah dog, they blow it out
Q: Where do you get your mercury?
A: HG Wells
Big brain
Nice 😎
You are now off the ranch, you must be vlogging.
like if you think he should collab with Matt!
Mercury filled shotgun shells
I knew I’d find this comment 😂
Omer Magen off the ranch demolition ranch codys lab
I got my mercury collection from old Bailey and Hagan boiler controls that were taken out of service. I love mercury! :)
You are one cool dude Cody, glad I found your channel...
Thank you for all the fun and knowledge!
Would there have been any health risks associated with operating that mercury still?
Sulphur inhalation?
nope, he did a vid recently and showed that elemental mercury isn't really toxic bc it's not reactive.
I would say, yes. Even when that still was constructed, I bet it released a LOT of mercury vapor to the atmosphere and would be breathed in by the operator.
Yes. Earning a living has been hazardous to one's health since the day of the pyramids. Welcome to how the other half lives!
+etuanno elemental Mercury is not readily absorbed by the skin... Preventing it from getting into your blood. Mercury vapour that you breath in however would be absorbed by your lungs rather well... Definitely dangerous to your health...
if someone had a bunch of mercury how would they go about disposing of it?
Tip it on a kindergarten.
Dontbeweakvato seal it in a glass container then give it to your local university
David Moratti well I meant If i were the university you gave it to and wanted to get rid of it or 'destroy' it.
put it in a glass jar and throw it to your neighbors yard
get the hopper working so we can see you make mercury from scratch!
My son is Stff Srgt 1st cls, FT Bragg! 19+
I love YOUR MIND! My comment was pretty out THERE!
Its bout 10 above yers!
I know this is late, but that Element intro, Co[Cobalt] Dy[Dysprosium] S[Sulfur] La[Lanthanum] B[Boron], put together to spell out, "CoDy'S LaB", was brilliant!
i dont understand a thing but youre making it kinda interesting and i just watch it for whatever reason xD
That's interesting, would you be allowed to use some mined cinnabar in the old mercury still for a video demo for us?
It would be great to see what the yield of mercury to rock is obtainable.
I have the steak farts today. I sit here watching this video in a cloud of my own stink. Thought you should know.
Our cows are vegan so you don't have to be
+Peter Rabitt Try and eat Sauerkraut and the Dosis of Chilis I eat every fucking day
TheSoloAsylum gyro farts here, they started off smelling good, now im blaming the dog
can you build that destillation thing at home?
He could, it looks like it would take two or three days to build one.
I feel like that was the point of going to see it.
on such a scale, maybe a few days as Landon said, but hes distilled mercury before, and he used a pipe and some end caps. its not very hard, its just not the best idea considering that mercury vapor is more dangerous than metallic mercury
That rake thingy that you found is probably one of the things they used for mining there
“This would have been full of fire it would have gotten hot” favorite line so far
Hi Cody,
I might have a cool challenge for you. What would you think About cultivating algue and maybe producing it become you own bio-fuel or animal food.
"i was someone who was very experienced with mercuing with mercury" 10:59 lol
cody's a lyrical genius
i was going to say that
not sure if he intended to say working with mercury but accidentally said merking
Merking with wercury
"I forgot to mention that I only recently got the mercury back from a family member who was keeping it so little kid me didn't play with it too much.
Why does it not surprise me.
Wowza you are blessed that your grandpa saved all those flasks jeez.
Looks like they took an old mine cart to form the hopper of the separator. The body of the mine cart might be worth recycling as is. If you can find wheels, and a frame or make a frame.