I absolutely agree with everything you said and I also have and use my xt1 whenever I feel like having fun. I like the feel and look of this little classic camera and the image quality is so unique and beautiful. Great video. Cheers
My only mirrorless body is an X-T1. I agree that it's not worth swiching lenses unless you double or halve your focal length. I'm about to receive a Jintu AF 27mm f/2.8. If it can replace my XF 23/2 and XF 35/2, I plan to keep my XF 14/2.8, Jintu 27/2.8, XF 60/2.4, and adapted 100/3.5 and get rid of my three Fujicrons (23/2, 35/2, and 50/2) and adapted 135/3.5.
I absolutely agree with everything you said and I also have and use my xt1 whenever I feel like having fun. I like the feel and look of this little classic camera and the image quality is so unique and beautiful. Great video. Cheers
My only mirrorless body is an X-T1. I agree that it's not worth swiching lenses unless you double or halve your focal length. I'm about to receive a Jintu AF 27mm f/2.8. If it can replace my XF 23/2 and XF 35/2, I plan to keep my XF 14/2.8, Jintu 27/2.8, XF 60/2.4, and adapted 100/3.5 and get rid of my three Fujicrons (23/2, 35/2, and 50/2) and adapted 135/3.5.