The way you describe it is easy to understand and also it’s a big support for the hubesha community keep shining beautiful. You look gorgeous with your beautiful traditional clothe💃❤️
Betiyeee how nice is this to see you growing up so beautifully and coming back to the community to do this ,I love you then, I love you more now 💞 proud of you my girl 💚💛❤️
Thank you so much Banchiye, It is an honor and also my duty to come back to the community and share it with everyone.I am very thankful for the love and support.
hello my sister i'm glad you showed me a beautiful video i've always dreamed of opening my business in canada but i don't know anyone i currently live in europe doing my business if you can do me a favor you can introduce me to someone who is interested can explain me can participate with me concerns the business also documentation I can afford to open a business in Canada safe because I also have here in Europe
I truly apologize if I forgot to mention all of the restaurants available. I hope to not offend anyone. I have deep respect for all the hard working business owners that allow us to feel connected to our roots. Thank you for notifying me🙏
I don't understand just because you left Ethiopia and you live somewhere else another country you don't eat Ethiopian food when you got why you got your hat on that's just disrespectful for the food man
የንፅህና ነገር ይታሰብበት በተረፈ ጥሩ ነው በርቺ ቆንጆ
The cook needs proper uniform and cleanness
The way you describe it is easy to understand and also it’s a big support for the hubesha community keep shining beautiful. You look gorgeous with your beautiful traditional clothe💃❤️
Thank you so much Lidu. I'm very humbled and appreciative of your comment. I hope to continuously make you proud.
እርጋታሽ ደስ ይላል ሰብስክራይብ አድርጌለሁ😉
When I came to Toronto I will definitely visit Ethiopian restaurant. Send you love from USA 🇺🇸
Its important for us to support African business like the Chinese and Indians to build strong communities
ሶራ Restorante በጣም ደስ ይላል የመግቢያ በሩ መስታወት በቪድዮ እንዳየሁት በጣም የቆሸሸ እንደሆነ ነው የሚታየው በዚህ በኮቪድ ሰአት ለተጠቃሚው ሰው መጠንቀቅ አለባችሁ 😘❤️አመሰግናለሁ
በጣም ጎበዝ ነሽ በርች። እግዚአብሔር ይባርክሽ። የሚያስፈልገን ማስታወቂያ ነዉ። አመሰግናለሁ።
ቤቲዬ እርጋታሽ ስርአትሽ በዚያ ላይ ያበደ የማስተዋወቅ ችሎታ ነው ትችያለሽ Be Strong
I love it Ehiopia 💚💛❤️💯👌
Thank you ❤️
I am from eritrean so I like Ethiopian restaurants so keep it up
I like Lalibela restaurant is the best and the food is delicious especially ቋንጣ ፍርፍር. Greetings from USA...
tekwe Osman Romodan Eritrean belazer
የድስቱ ጥቁረት ምግብ ለመብላት ፍላጎት ይዘጋል
ድስት ሁሌ ነጭ አይሆንም ሁሌም ድስት አይገዛም
ሲጀመር አበሻ ለምላስ አንደኛ ነዉ
ተግባር ላይ 0
ደስ የሚል ጎብኝት እናመሰግናለን
Betesbe enhune wedoche
እኔ ማወቅ የምፈልገው ካናዳ እንዴት መሄድ እንደሚቻል ነው::ካናዳ ዘመድም ሆነ የትምህርት ምሩቅ አይደለውም ግን በጣም ወደ ካናዳ መሄድ ፈልጋለው
በጣም አቅራቢዋ ደስ ትያለሽ ግን ብዙ ነገር የማማክርሽ ነገር ስላለ ብቅ በይ በጓሮ
Betiyeee how nice is this to see you growing up so beautifully and coming back to the community to do this ,I love you then, I love you more now 💞 proud of you my girl 💚💛❤️
Thank you so much Banchiye, It is an honor and also my duty to come back to the community and share it with everyone.I am very thankful for the love and support.
ጉርሻ በኮሮና ደስ ስትሉ::
Chachaw 👏👏 ejish yebarek
Danforth station ly yemigegn Lalibela restaurant is my favourite
I’m glad you do and thank you for sharing. I also do enjoy dining at Lalibela Restaurant ❤️
Clean clean very imprtant
ቃልየ የኔ ጀግና በርች
@@You-ex5rk ነይ
የሂን ፕሮግራም ቀጥይ በርቺ ።ጎበዝ የኛ ጀግና አንደኛ ።
Ere destochu lemen yan yakel tekoru? Ere tasafral ekaw bedenb beshebo betateb teru new
ውደየ። እስኪይ። ሰብስክራይብ። አድርጊኝ
Good job keep going
ጎበዝ ነሽ በርቺ
i just subscribed
ይመችሽ ምርጥ በጣም ደስ አለኝ
Wow betam des ylal
Endet wode canada mehedi echilalewu
Betam tru
bsme abe yeqesheshe new zarea migeb yimbela aymselgnme
የኢትዮጵያ ሬስቶራት በመላው አለም የምትገኙ ማረም ያለባችሁ ነገር እንጀራው በጣም ይመራል ሆድ ይነፋል ትንሽ ይሽታል እባካችሁ ጤፍ አብሉን ሌላው ሽንት ቤት የንጽሕና ነገር የማይታሰብ ነው ለመቀመጥ እንኳን በጣም ይቀፋል ሌላው ኩሽናው በጣም ንጽሕና ይጎድለዋል ዋናው እና የመጨረሻው አንድ የአበሻ ሴት ነጭ ባል ይዛ ከመጣች ትልቅ የዋጋ ልዩነት አለው ለምሳሌ 20 ዶላር የሚሸጠው ምግብ በአንዴ 40 ዶላር ይሆናል ለምን? ብዙ ሰዎችን ጠይቄአለሁ ተመሳሳይ ነገር ነው የነገሩኝ በጣም ያሳዝናል እባካችሁ ገበያችሁን አታበላሹት
WaW i like it
ወንድም።እስኪይ። ሰብስክራይብ። አድርገኝ
የኔ እመቤይት የካናዳ ድስት ፋሽን ነው ወይስ አይኔ ነው ጥቁረቱ ክክክክክክ እድ አይነት ድስት እንኳን ካናዳ ኢትዬጽያም እንየው ክክክክክክክክ
እኔ ሁሉንም አሟልቼ በቅንነት ቤቶት መጥቼ አለሁ እርሷም ይምጡ መምጣት ብቻ አይደለም ላክ ኮመት እና የተወሰነ ሰከንድ ይመልከቱ ሌሎቻቹም ቤተሰብ መሆን የምትፈልጉ ኑ መልሴ ፈጣንነዉ👏🏾
I think it's time to change her cooking pots and pans, they are too old. They need to remodel the kitchen.
The glove isn’t good to resist heat;
hello my sister i'm glad you showed me a beautiful video i've always dreamed of opening my business in canada but i don't know anyone i currently live in europe doing my business if you can do me a favor you can introduce me to someone who is interested can explain me can participate with me concerns the business also documentation I can afford to open a business in Canada safe because I also have here in Europe
I'm happy to hear that and you can contact me through my email
Lalibla fresete
ስጋውን እንደዚህ ፍራይዝ ነው የምታደርጉት ! አበሻቤት ጥብስ ነገሮችን መብላት አያስፈልግም ከሜክዳኖል ልዩነታችሁ በእንጀራብቻ ነው።
ውይ ምነው በሩን መስታወቱን ብታጠዱት የሀበሻ ቤት ጥዳት አይወድለትም እንዴዬ ኡኡኡኡ ፅዳት የለውም
ሰላም ሰላም ውዶች ደምሩኝ
Belet amharu yudug
Are benatachu amercanem honachehu kesew fet mekures tolo meblat yet let hadu new besmameye am joking but where ever ethiopian ethiopia we know this
You forgot about wazema lol
I truly apologize if I forgot to mention all of the restaurants available. I hope to not offend anyone. I have deep respect for all the hard working business owners that allow us to feel connected to our roots. Thank you for notifying me🙏
We don't wear hut when we eat😏😏😏
ሲያዋቹ የምትዋደዱ ትመስላላቹ አስመሳዮችችእየነገርካቹ ነው እሺ🤢
አይይ አቅራቢዋ ፍዝዝ ያለች🤔
ዉይ የኛ ሰዉ ብትፈጥን ቀዠቃዣ እረጋ ብትል ፈዛዛ ይከብዳል
#ኢትዮ_ጵ_ያ ነው የሐገሪቱ ስም። ኢትዮ #ፕ ያ ከየት ነው ያመጣችሁት????? ሲዘጋ
I don't understand just because you left Ethiopia and you live somewhere else another country you don't eat Ethiopian food when you got why you got your hat on that's just disrespectful for the food man
That flag is not Oromo flag 👎👎👎
Where is oromo country 🤔🤔🤔
This is Toronto look your kitchen & kitchen door better ethiopia 😂