So, it turns out that when my PC went through a complete and total meltdown, my transitions pre-set didn't come across properly which is creating the small glitch that you may notice. Apologies that it wasn't picked up on and fixed prior to the upload everyone, something I will be working on fixing for new videos. Sorry about that everyone. Hope it doesn't impact your enjoyment of the video that much.
quick qestion becuz i watch the full 30 minute video, did u try those weapon as engie too? and with that specific gameplay in mind? i'm a engie player, that why i ask ^^'
Lynx main here, literally used it for as long as I can remember. Got me more than 60% of the kills and somewhere close to 80% of bullets fired. Also can get 5+ kdr with the charger as first and only purchase(no mods, implants, upgrades), reinforcing my idea that NC is the "special forces" getting some help from the devs and extra shotguns for aim challenged players. Now the real best weapon after the last update, was the 20+ Elysium miners spawning every minute on top of each other and melting your PC. Literally just stood in front of them, having them as backdrop, and enemies would lag so much their aim was probably worse than concussion grenades and flashes together. Then I had the bright idea to turn around and look at it from up close, dropped to 5 FPS, and crashed.
Very much enjoyed this video. The amount of work that's been put in is clear by the quality of the finished product. Looking forward to the future tierlists!
Why is T5-AMC in E tier when its literally just NS-11C with balanced horizontal recoil recoil, slightly higher vertical recoil but lower 1st shot recoil. Cami, did you miss that they buffed that weapon during arsenal update and made ads movement speed, 0.75? It should be on the same tier.
Been waiting for your carbine tier list for weeks now and its finally here! YAY! Thanks for all your hard work my friend. I just started playing the game in July and your videos have been a HUGE help in my PS2 onboarding. Thank you so much!
My heart is bleeding... I love daka, I love TR... I do too feel there are no TR carbines powerful enough to make it to S tier. Whenever I play with the GD-7F I wish the TR had a copy of it. The Jaguar is powerful, the the Kindred makes me smile when I chain kills with it but I feel like the TR was robbed of a good carbine for the sake of having the most daka.
Fkn NC have a 167 only 50 rpms down from TRs "best" and a 200 damage model, VS has two 845 @ 143 with surgical accuracy, and yeah TR has the lynx which is fast but a pea shooter. Comparatively the TR got fked in the carbine department. The only truly competitive edge I feel i have as a TR LA is the Kappa, and all factions can access it.
@@One_Zhadosian A tale as old as time... I still remember.. the carbine rework. The lynx used to be an alternative of the Jaguar, 800 rpm 143 dmg. Then it was changed because the GD7F got the 845/143 dmg model. It was difficult not to think that the NC were the favourite faction of the balance team.
@@pipacs42 wow... I had no idea about all that. Thats just messed up man. I would actually be happy if they gave TR a bone, and buffed our cougar to a 200.. Those 5 extra rounds doesnt justify the horrendously low rpms and mediocre accuracy. Literally every NC carbine carries the 167 damage better than TRs options. Its sad to say, but i have every TR carbine unlocked, and not one of them performs at a level contrary to this tier list.
@@One_Zhadosian you should seriously not take this list for granted, I personally use jaguar and lynx as my carabines and let me tell you they shread, you are capable of killing annyone with them even if they rock the S tier guns, thing is I don't know how it ever is to fight those guns on even terms, as I never fight face to face, but still if you're good at the game even the ,,elite'' players are just a cannon fodder during a major battles, its just how the clases that use carabines should be used and not how the guns should.
I like the Trac-Shot. Compared to the Jaguar, it's got equivalent performance in most categories, only slacking off with the hipfire accuracy by a margin, but then with the forward grip you also get more effective performance at medium range, particularly in ADS, because of better recoil statistics even before adding the forward grip.
As a VS main I REALLY envy the 2x shot fire mode from NC burst variants... it is SO MUCH better than 3x especially with new angled forward grip it is stupid.
@@Effect_FX It has 0.75 ads movement speed since arsenal update. And underbarrel was never selling point of pretty much any gun but Yumi. And while yes, it doesn't have SPA, it has KCAP.
Perfect timing, I can watch this while I wait for the servers to come back up for the Halloween update. Appreciate the time it took to get this one done It does help a lot
I pretty much guessed every single S Tier weapon from the jump. Only one I missed was the VX6-7. Good stuff. I think the only real thing that holds back the Kindred is learning how to tap burst with it to really take advantage of it's gimmick.
Excellent work on the video Cami. I would just like to point out that all fo your gameplay was on light assault and none of it was from engineer. I suspect that some of the placings might be slightly different if engineer was more in mind while creating this tier list.
Another great video. It's content like this that makes it so easy to be a channel supporter. Thanks for putting this list together. I'm not a light assault main, but I enjoy playing that role once in a while. I've been running with a Tanto or Pulsar C for years, but you've inspired me to take a few others out for a spin. I hadn't ever considered the Serpent before, not sure why. Thanks again! Have fun at PAX.
CB-X75 my beloved Really great video for someone like me who mostly plays one of the four factions, and is curious about what the others have to offer… especially when that faction is NSO.
I'd love to hear how the NS-11C is C tier, but the (post buff) AMC is E. They both have identical accuracy, and damage statistics - but the AMC has better velocity, better recoil pattern and a more forgiving magazine capacity. By all metrics, the AMC is the better of the two - even if you disagree they are so similar, that they shouldn't be 2 tiers apart.
holy shit, nice work on your channel man. I remember playing DayZ with you a decade ago and now your the top google suggestion when I search for planetside 2 stuff. nice!
Pleasantly surprised to see the AF-20 Rogue, I'm currently auraxing it and while it's got a bit of a learn curve I can see how it can absolutely blow people away if you can aim well and get the firing rhythm right.
In the process of Araxing the GD-7F. It has a surprisingly longer range than you would expect it to have, being a CQC orientated carbine. With softpoint ammo you can buzzsaw through groups of enemies if youre ripping headshots off. You can potentially go toe to toe with Heavy Assaults especially if youre the first to get a shot off, the weapon ia truly excellent. The downside of it is that it is a moody weapon, if you arent in control of it then you wont be effective. It also suffers from having a loooong reload, especially during empty reloads. That will absolutely slow down your rampages and leave you open to counter pushes. If you equip it with the right sight and attachments you can just about win any fight.
As a TR light assault/engineer main and a lover of all carbines - I think this video is completely fair. I'm well aware my favorite weapons prioritize fun over raw effectiveness, it's gotten me killed more times than I can count lol I do think the Cougar beats the Jaguar, though. Maybe that just makes me old.
Much appreciated for your hard work on this one. I have a lot of friends who are new to the game and this will help them spend their certs much more wisely. Hoping you're going to do an Assault Rifle tier list too at some point, given how much work these are I can wait for a better viewing experience like I got with this vid. Cheers!
Ah yes I sure do love commenting on a carbine video to make sure Cam gets the moneys and the views, damn im so engaged right now positive engagement 100%
As a TR i feel you. The carabines although fast feel like they are missing something. My favourite is actualy the crougar because i feel like i can make it work in almost any range except the closest of cqc. The lynx feels wrong to me, brutal in cqc, very mediocre in everything else because of the very low alpha, but even in that cqc evertioment, if its a capture point the reload point does hinder it a lot. I feel like if lynx needs a buff, either a very fast reload to make it have something over the other cqc carabines, or change its damage model.
@@eduardoborges506 Unless they fixed this over the year, maybe the reason you (like me) loved the Cougar is that your FPS isn't very high? Lower FPS means lower RPM, which makes RPM-based guns notably weaker for people like us. Damage Per Bullet guns are less affected by FPS, so they outperform the rest on slow PCs.
It feels like a lot of these guns are being judged on how effective they are at CQC/Light Assault ambusher tactics. Would the ratings change if these were judged instead from the perspective of the engi?
cb 200 have underbarrel shotgun , it have pretty good hipfire accuracy too , thats the strong points it have , its also accurate with handle grip and its pretty diverse weapon
I will say, using the Gauss Compact with smoke grenade launcher and thermal sight as an engineer is a really cheeky combo. No one expects the ambush engineer
Hey this was awesome. Obsessed with these tier lists. Just wanted to request, if there could be a sound bite of each weapon firing i think that would be cool, that way we will be able to identify them on the battlefield.
TRAC 5-S (as well as other S variants) with grenade launcher is great IMO. Its fast reload times (on grenades), damage and AoE makes it a great grenade spammer. On some scenarios (chokepoints) it works even better than decimators or thumpers and saves you tons of nanites on grenades. Both on Engi or LA it is a great situational weapon. IMO its unfair that its listed as E tier as it IS the best (and only) option to spam grenades, and you shouldnt compare its stats only for 1v1 scenarios as it isnt meant to be used like that.
You also frogot to tell for fast firing TR weapons you need proper ammout of FPS becouse game is client side other wise DMG is not detected properly and the guy who kill you have still over 50% of hp when in relaity he should be long dead.
Its a very subjective tier list with seemingly arbitrary values given to stats that even seem to be valued differently between weapons. Also a bit hard to take it seriously when accuracy is apparently a dumpster stat while hipfire accuracy brings some all the way up to B tier. Prominence for example can be made into a laser pointer that you just beam heads with, how that is down in D tier when you can still have a 1 hit kill grenade launcher or shotgun on it as well is just crazy.
This video is super helpful for people like me who a) dont want to waste their credits and b) want to look for a meme weapon to fart around with when i feel cheeky
000 /popcorn :) Newton better be Rank SS. :P Also glad to see your PC didn't wipe out all your video data. Perhaps have a cloud copy for things like this, just in case..
I still dont agree on hte placement for the kindred. It doesn't requires much skill to be a monster and it even win against gd-7f when both are going for the head. It can go both shot and medium range where serpent and gd-7f can't really aim for those ranges, it teach you the trigger discipline needed on every weapon and you don't have to pay that much in equipement. (most of them dont really help). So yeah, for me it basically deserve it's S tier. But cool vid nonetheless. Thx cami
From a PS2 player that has well over 3000 kills with the Newton, I honestly wouldn't say that the Newton is S tier. It is a great carbine, but lacks the ttk and range the gd7f and Serpent has.
Kindred is my personal S+ tier weapon, its a blast to use and nets me 3x4 times more kills per spawn than almost any other carbine I use. I had Auraxium'ed the Kindred before I even knew what was happening. When you get the flow and trigger discipline down. Its a precision scalpel with few rivals. It may not have made your S Tier, but it good as TR Carbines get XD
Hey, thanks for the nice video! I'm kinda new to the game and love your two tier list videos. Any thoughts of making more of them? You did mention that they are a LOT of work though, so hey no pressure
carbine magnum opus , did people notice an oddity in regards to zenith when it comes to attachments compared to other 0.75 ads carbines ? i am not talking about unstable ammo ...
It's interesting to see the CB-200 in E Tier, It sports the same damage model as the Razor GD-23 (C-Tier) but has a longer max damage range, Has a pretty forgiving recoil pattern, AND has access to all the underbarrel attachments found in D-Tier. The reload time compared against the rest of D tier is also pretty snappy. On paper it looks like it should be in High D-Tier So what aspect of the weapon brings it down to E-Tier?
Here I thought my choice to run the VX6-7 was some off-meta old option. Pretty sure my squad mates agreed. I guess it makes sense I was always happy with the performance. Now I'm using the Horizon, ofc
The Tanto is the Little Mac of PS2. Going up against someone who doesn't really have their aim down with KBM and jumping around like a madman can usually give you a win. Anyone with some good tracking skills will quickly shut it down though
I disagree. If you're good at drifters, you can beat anyone you get the jump on. You're shooting down at their head and they're shooting up at your feet.
The Lynx is an obvious S tier gun. It's so easy to get kills with. The default stats are so good that you can put on ADS focused attachments and it's still great for hipfire. The effective range is longer than you think. It's always good in any fight with any loadout. That's the mark of an overtuned weapon.
Played since day1 beta and CBX-75 has predominantly surged as my favorite weapon in the game. Newton is busted but CBX75 is more reliable more often and it's a beaut with proper trigger control you can extend its range no prob and it just MELTS people up to 20m range which is something most won't expect.
As an engineer main, and not a hippity hoppity look at my frag montagity boy, I'd place the S-variants a tad higher...'cept maybe the NC one. Underbarrel is a decent utility against MAXs, dealing at least 600 damage, (900-ish if it armed) and a decent alternative to the AMR. Though, if you're expecting to MAX hunt, then yeah--grab the Archer. NS-11C went up to that after arsenal...legit hated that thing as Engineer. Now yes, there are good 1v1 Engineers out there and yes, the higher tier carbines will fill that role for them; however, I don't boast the best shot. Can't really. I sport a very average KD. Most my play is to keep my squad's stuff up, so if it ever came down to me having to 1V1 for my life, you bet my ass I'm cowering in the corner with a frying pan. As a result, I'd also put the Charger and Kindred up a tad higher. Charger now being discount kindred is great for my bait-and-switch and's the Kindred. I can poke, burst, flee, cower, and forget about reloading before repeating that process again....until I run out of ammo. Other than that, I'd say it's a pretty solid list.
I love the serpent sm it is very good to use in the high ping servers from aus cause you can get away with killing people instead of trading way more consistently
Horizon should be S tier. Not many people acknowledge its strongest trait. It's pin point accurate while flying around with your jetpack. I use it with drifter jets and it is gross. However it requires capsulate ammo to change it to 2 shots and not 3.
Picked up the charger just today, it just seems to really work for me, but I’m still only 20-30 hours of playtime in, probably as I get better I’ll get more value out of the bandit or GDF.
Serpent gets way too much love for its reliance in Jaeger formats. The reload is so punishing compared to the vx6-7, and the hard left recoil pattern means you need to main it if you don't want it to mess with your muscle memory of other guns which tend to recoil to the right. It's like the age-old betel vs Orion debate but even more decisive. Sure the Orion is better 1v1 but the betel is used because it is king of farming on live. Likewise, sure the serpent can allow u to 1v1 the best heavies head on, but the vx6-7 matches LA playstyle waaaaaaay more. To me there is a clear S/A tier distinction in this regard. Also for hipfire powerhouses like the vx6-7, cb-x75, and even ARs like TAR and H-V45, the removal of Advanced Laser Sights has made forward grip much more appealing to push weapon effective range out a lot. It really requires one to begin pulling down while beginning to press left click though. Usually it's best to lean into strengths but with those guns there is an argument that the hipfire is so good u can sacrifice some equip time to not be so terrible ADSing medium range when caught out in the open.
Idk if anyone still reads this... but what would you consider to be the best weapon on a light assault for long range combat? I like to fly up to weired spots and hit from an angle. But most of the time i am too shit to kill anyone from that far. Do you have a weapon that would complement my playstyle ?
I'm a TR infantry player bringing the dislikes. Legitimately though, I really thought the Kindred would be S, the fire rate and recoil are both a little wonky but for me, it kind of just works, and it works better than any other carbine on any faction in most situations. That's probably an experience thing though, because I've put way less time into the Serpent, Lynx, or anything else that comes close to that beautiful 167/698. Maybe I spent too much time absorbing IGoRawr's thoughts on weapons too, but I'm almost suprised the Pulsar C didn't make S-tier as an engineer's carbine and that the Horizon didn't as a light assault's, because those are the two carbines I miss most playing TR instead of VS. Granted, long range carbine is a weird role and the Horizon is only useful on LA and still pretty situational. Also can confirm that the GG-7F does indeed strike fear into the hearts of even veteran infantry, especially when the fire is coming from behind you on the balcony you throught friendlies had covered.
I still wanna see the s class weapons become mini auraxium weapons becoming unlocked after completing the silver tier directives for them also allowing a second rail attachment like their better counterparts. Lastly I wanna see a rocket launcher tier list
Nice to see you've stuck with this game over the years. I didn't agree with some things you said years ago, and I don't agree with some statements made in this tier list now, though I've been away for years, so what do I know. Anyway, it's good to see a familiar voice, and it seems your LA play is pretty respectable. Props.
Ok to start I need to say I only play NC and NSO although that will be changing shortly. Generally I would agree with your picks for both factions. NC god tier is on point with the bandit/gd7f and NSO with the x75 /newton (newton in a league of its own really). But I have to agree with Deeg on this one. Our baby the ns11c is much more than C tier... NOT EVEN A B CAMI... That's dirty my guy lol. The ns11c in the right hands can be A tier without a doubt and I could go on and on but I digress (the only pick i have a problem with). But I also have to say that in my crusades to get the newton I took the opportunity to skip the CB200 all together because of how bad it felt. I cant tell you how many people were like I kinda like that one which made me cringe a bit and then proceed to tell them that they are batshit crazy. So on that front I couldn't agree more cb200 is bottom of the barrel for me. I even opened up the ol war chest to buy a gold ns11c to skip that hot garbage. In completion I need to give this video an S+ tier rating for the amount of work and time spent to bring us all the goods. Killer video and great information for those trying to break into the carbine/light assault game. appreciate ya carry on biig guy.
i have no idea how did you put the cb-100 in that tier, id put it in D/C tier and that's it, the tmc outmatches it and just works better overall - so placing it there is kinda insulting
Doesnt really suprise me there's no S tier TR carbines.. Lynx should have the same stats as the Serpant/GD-7F.. not sure why VS and NC both get 143/845 carbines and the TR didnt. The Lynx is a great gun though, it does melt faces.. its probably my favourite gun to use, i have auraxed it multiple times. Aslong as you hit headshots with it, it comes within a pubic hair to the ttk of the GD-7F .. and i feel its a better all rounder than the GD-7F personally. I think though depending on the situation, these guns could be switched around quite alot .. but in cqc engagements i think you got it pretty spot on. Thanks for all your efforts in making this for us
I have question how recoil on this game work, how your sec weapon smg,when i use back to lmg the recoil never hit if hold click it just 1-3 bullet get hit on
Alright, I literally spent 3 hours making a comment that I decided to not post since it would be waaay too long. I basically state my opinions on some of the weapons I have a familiar acquaintance with, whether I agree or not on their tier placement and why, and more. But instead, I'm going to talk about one of my favorite carbines in the game, the HC-1 Cougar. Effectively, it's a cross between the Mercenary and the Razor, but has the unique feature of being the only 167 damage carbine with a 35 round magazine. That said, why pick the hot milf over the fiery and youthful Kindred? Good question, because I myself prefer those around who are my age 95% of the time too. You may already know it will never outperform the Kindred from a raw DPS perspective unless the Kindred is wielded by a middle eastern terrorist who thinks mag dumping in the air is cool. The milf also doesn't have access to soft point ammo, so you're not gonna be able to make the most out of your 167 damage potential, and instead only has HV ammo as well as the relatively new KCAP ammo, and yes, I cry about it like a little bitch too, you're not alone. What does the Cougar have then? The Cougar has more access to attachments. Particularly, the barrel attachments. Essentially, you can make it recoil less, reduce bloom (ADS or hipfire, it's up to you), or, if you wanna have some shenanigans, you can put a suppressor on it and have HV ammo to counter most the negative effect. The only penalty is a negligible 5% reduction in muzzle velocity. The Kindred doesn't get any of this. Essentially, if you are playing TR as a light assault trooper or engineer and want a high caliber carbine that can be used and tuned to your exact specifications, the Cougar is for you. Does it still need a buff? Not necessarily. Should it get buffed because of the Kindred? I think so. Because nerfing the Kindred would just be freaking lame. No, I'm not gonna say buff the raw DPS of the Cougar. And in fact, I simply don't know how to buff it without pitch forks and torches being readied because I'm worried about guns. If I say "buff the range", what about all the other 167 damage carbines? If I say give it a 40 round mag, what about the rest of the TR carbines? Make it accurate with very little bloom without needing the heavy or short barrel attachments? I don't know, man. I said 3 hours at the start of this comment, I edited it over and over again. It was 11pm when I started with a completely different comment, now it's past 4am. Lemme just say this: give the milf a solid buff in whatever way as long as it isn't just "make it's DPS match the Mercenary". It doesn't have to kill faster than the Mercenary to be powerful.
So, it turns out that when my PC went through a complete and total meltdown, my transitions pre-set didn't come across properly which is creating the small glitch that you may notice. Apologies that it wasn't picked up on and fixed prior to the upload everyone, something I will be working on fixing for new videos. Sorry about that everyone. Hope it doesn't impact your enjoyment of the video that much.
The most powerful weapon is the blue screen of death. S+ Tier
quick qestion becuz i watch the full 30 minute video, did u try those weapon as engie too? and with that specific gameplay in mind? i'm a engie player, that why i ask ^^'
Lynx main here, literally used it for as long as I can remember. Got me more than 60% of the kills and somewhere close to 80% of bullets fired. Also can get 5+ kdr with the charger as first and only purchase(no mods, implants, upgrades), reinforcing my idea that NC is the "special forces" getting some help from the devs and extra shotguns for aim challenged players.
Now the real best weapon after the last update, was the 20+ Elysium miners spawning every minute on top of each other and melting your PC. Literally just stood in front of them, having them as backdrop, and enemies would lag so much their aim was probably worse than concussion grenades and flashes together. Then I had the bright idea to turn around and look at it from up close, dropped to 5 FPS, and crashed.
It doesn't hurt my viewing pleasure.
And thank you for this tier list.🙏
I have been waiting.
didn't even notice it
Will confirm, the GD7F will immediately grab your attention if you're on TR or VS. There's no mistaking that sound.
Facts! I can never mistake that sound or the death screen
It’s the angriest Carbine. If you are VS or TR hearing that thing, you are dead.
It's like alerting all nearby non-NC to target you first, can confirm as VS
Yeah it's like an aram bell.
Very much enjoyed this video. The amount of work that's been put in is clear by the quality of the finished product. Looking forward to the future tierlists!
The TR will not forget what has taken place here today. As our great commander says, I'll see you planetside...
A coffee for the late hours editing.
Really appreciate these vids, even if it results in committing TR sacrilege.
Why is T5-AMC in E tier when its literally just NS-11C with balanced horizontal recoil recoil, slightly higher vertical recoil but lower 1st shot recoil. Cami, did you miss that they buffed that weapon during arsenal update and made ads movement speed, 0.75? It should be on the same tier.
Been waiting for your carbine tier list for weeks now and its finally here! YAY! Thanks for all your hard work my friend. I just started playing the game in July and your videos have been a HUGE help in my PS2 onboarding. Thank you so much!
My heart is bleeding... I love daka, I love TR... I do too feel there are no TR carbines powerful enough to make it to S tier. Whenever I play with the GD-7F I wish the TR had a copy of it. The Jaguar is powerful, the the Kindred makes me smile when I chain kills with it but I feel like the TR was robbed of a good carbine for the sake of having the most daka.
To be honest I'm at er player as well and that Jaguar is really awesome but I usually have to drop a whole mag into somebody to get that kill
Fkn NC have a 167 only 50 rpms down from TRs "best" and a 200 damage model, VS has two 845 @ 143 with surgical accuracy, and yeah TR has the lynx which is fast but a pea shooter. Comparatively the TR got fked in the carbine department. The only truly competitive edge I feel i have as a TR LA is the Kappa, and all factions can access it.
@@One_Zhadosian A tale as old as time... I still remember.. the carbine rework. The lynx used to be an alternative of the Jaguar, 800 rpm 143 dmg. Then it was changed because the GD7F got the 845/143 dmg model. It was difficult not to think that the NC were the favourite faction of the balance team.
@@pipacs42 wow... I had no idea about all that. Thats just messed up man. I would actually be happy if they gave TR a bone, and buffed our cougar to a 200.. Those 5 extra rounds doesnt justify the horrendously low rpms and mediocre accuracy. Literally every NC carbine carries the 167 damage better than TRs options. Its sad to say, but i have every TR carbine unlocked, and not one of them performs at a level contrary to this tier list.
@@One_Zhadosian you should seriously not take this list for granted, I personally use jaguar and lynx as my carabines and let me tell you they shread, you are capable of killing annyone with them even if they rock the S tier guns, thing is I don't know how it ever is to fight those guns on even terms, as I never fight face to face, but still if you're good at the game even the ,,elite'' players are just a cannon fodder during a major battles, its just how the clases that use carabines should be used and not how the guns should.
I like the Trac-Shot.
Compared to the Jaguar, it's got equivalent performance in most categories, only slacking off with the hipfire accuracy by a margin, but then with the forward grip you also get more effective performance at medium range, particularly in ADS, because of better recoil statistics even before adding the forward grip.
0:15 i was watching your stream when you killed that esf, good stuff. Great video aswel!
Looks promising, hope there'll be assault rifle tier list one day; I'm curious how low are you gonna put Darkstar and other vs guns
NERF the darkstar
Hv 45 (close) and lacerta(far) are fkn amazing
Better nerf the dark star, just to be safe.
@@poodlecow6525 lacerta + lashing ammunition is fucking disgusting (i use it)
As always, great work my friend. Thanks for the dedication. We're a small community, but we appreciate what you do for us.
As a VS main I REALLY envy the 2x shot fire mode from NC burst variants... it is SO MUCH better than 3x especially with new angled forward grip it is stupid.
You should try the sabr ar on the tr medic, best 2 round burst in the game imo
Can't quite get how T5 AMC ended up in E while NS-11C in C considering the fact that besides reload speed T5 AMC is same/better, it's a better gun
AMC doesn't have .75 ads movement or access to softpoint or underbarrel attachments
@@Effect_FX AMC has 0.75x movespeed as off arsenal update.
@@Effect_FX It has 0.75 ads movement speed since arsenal update. And underbarrel was never selling point of pretty much any gun but Yumi. And while yes, it doesn't have SPA, it has KCAP.
@@BlackRodger ahh, didn't know they added it during the update. That said kcap is a meme
@@Effect_FX outside of spa, which is less impactful on 143-112 damage model T5 is a better gun.
Perfect timing, I can watch this while I wait for the servers to come back up for the Halloween update. Appreciate the time it took to get this one done It does help a lot
I pretty much guessed every single S Tier weapon from the jump. Only one I missed was the VX6-7. Good stuff.
I think the only real thing that holds back the Kindred is learning how to tap burst with it to really take advantage of it's gimmick.
it is gimmick, what?
Excellent work on the video Cami. I would just like to point out that all fo your gameplay was on light assault and none of it was from engineer. I suspect that some of the placings might be slightly different if engineer was more in mind while creating this tier list.
I agree.
Another great video. It's content like this that makes it so easy to be a channel supporter. Thanks for putting this list together. I'm not a light assault main, but I enjoy playing that role once in a while. I've been running with a Tanto or Pulsar C for years, but you've inspired me to take a few others out for a spin. I hadn't ever considered the Serpent before, not sure why. Thanks again! Have fun at PAX.
CB-X75 my beloved
Really great video for someone like me who mostly plays one of the four factions, and is curious about what the others have to offer… especially when that faction is NSO.
Glad to see this tierlist finally made!
Awesome job, mate, a huge upvote!
I'd love to hear how the NS-11C is C tier, but the (post buff) AMC is E. They both have identical accuracy, and damage statistics - but the AMC has better velocity, better recoil pattern and a more forgiving magazine capacity. By all metrics, the AMC is the better of the two - even if you disagree they are so similar, that they shouldn't be 2 tiers apart.
@@TooFewSecrets doesnt post buff AMC also have 0.75? i thought it did
holy shit, nice work on your channel man. I remember playing DayZ with you a decade ago and now your the top google suggestion when I search for planetside 2 stuff. nice!
Pleasantly surprised to see the AF-20 Rogue, I'm currently auraxing it and while it's got a bit of a learn curve I can see how it can absolutely blow people away if you can aim well and get the firing rhythm right.
In the process of Araxing the GD-7F. It has a surprisingly longer range than you would expect it to have, being a CQC orientated carbine. With softpoint ammo you can buzzsaw through groups of enemies if youre ripping headshots off. You can potentially go toe to toe with Heavy Assaults especially if youre the first to get a shot off, the weapon ia truly excellent. The downside of it is that it is a moody weapon, if you arent in control of it then you wont be effective. It also suffers from having a loooong reload, especially during empty reloads. That will absolutely slow down your rampages and leave you open to counter pushes. If you equip it with the right sight and attachments you can just about win any fight.
As a TR light assault/engineer main and a lover of all carbines - I think this video is completely fair. I'm well aware my favorite weapons prioritize fun over raw effectiveness, it's gotten me killed more times than I can count lol
I do think the Cougar beats the Jaguar, though. Maybe that just makes me old.
The price is important for me when comparing the two. I would’ve gotten the Cougar if it wasn’t for the cheaper price on the Jaguar
Cougar is better if you're sitting in a tree shooting bad players, jag is slightly better if your running and gunning
Much appreciated for your hard work on this one. I have a lot of friends who are new to the game and this will help them spend their certs much more wisely. Hoping you're going to do an Assault Rifle tier list too at some point, given how much work these are I can wait for a better viewing experience like I got with this vid. Cheers!
Very good video! Had fun with it because your writing is on fire with this one!
Good job and keep going!
Also: Have fun in Melbourne!
Ah yes I sure do love commenting on a carbine video to make sure Cam gets the moneys and the views, damn im so engaged right now positive engagement 100%
As a TR i feel you. The carabines although fast feel like they are missing something. My favourite is actualy the crougar because i feel like i can make it work in almost any range except the closest of cqc. The lynx feels wrong to me, brutal in cqc, very mediocre in everything else because of the very low alpha, but even in that cqc evertioment, if its a capture point the reload point does hinder it a lot. I feel like if lynx needs a buff, either a very fast reload to make it have something over the other cqc carabines, or change its damage model.
Tbh as a TR LA the kindred is all you need, only carbine I use on TR
@@creesmith2794 i havent gave a fair shot on the kindred, will try though
@@eduardoborges506 Unless they fixed this over the year, maybe the reason you (like me) loved the Cougar is that your FPS isn't very high? Lower FPS means lower RPM, which makes RPM-based guns notably weaker for people like us. Damage Per Bullet guns are less affected by FPS, so they outperform the rest on slow PCs.
Finally, it is time. Can't wait to see where my beautiful NS-11C sits
Look at how they massacred my boy!
Ac x11 I swear by it it just felt so natural for me
Pulsar C is the thing i miss most about playing Vanu, but i really like the NC's MBT because it's the only tank that can *tank*.
It feels like a lot of these guns are being judged on how effective they are at CQC/Light Assault ambusher tactics. Would the ratings change if these were judged instead from the perspective of the engi?
Great video! Love your choice of words throughout, great writing
Thank you kindly mate! Very much appreciated.
How is the AMC 2 tiers apart from the NS11c? After the AMC Buff they are way too similar.
cb 200 have underbarrel shotgun , it have pretty good hipfire accuracy too , thats the strong points it have , its also accurate with handle grip
and its pretty diverse weapon
I will say, using the Gauss Compact with smoke grenade launcher and thermal sight as an engineer is a really cheeky combo. No one expects the ambush engineer
the bandit, zenith, and kindred are my favorites in that order and I'm a tr main. pulsar c gets an honorable mention
Hey this was awesome. Obsessed with these tier lists. Just wanted to request, if there could be a sound bite of each weapon firing i think that would be cool, that way we will be able to identify them on the battlefield.
A damn good and informative video. Hope you have fun at pax!!!
TRAC 5-S (as well as other S variants) with grenade launcher is great IMO. Its fast reload times (on grenades), damage and AoE makes it a great grenade spammer. On some scenarios (chokepoints) it works even better than decimators or thumpers and saves you tons of nanites on grenades.
Both on Engi or LA it is a great situational weapon.
IMO its unfair that its listed as E tier as it IS the best (and only) option to spam grenades, and you shouldnt compare its stats only for 1v1 scenarios as it isnt meant to be used like that.
Camikaze obviously hasn't played with the underbarrel kings. Trac 5 S is bad until you treat it as an underbarrel with a carbine attached.
Definitely gonna be giving some carbines a try after watching this! Great video!
You also frogot to tell for fast firing TR weapons you need proper ammout of FPS becouse game is client side other wise DMG is not detected properly and the guy who kill you have still over 50% of hp when in relaity he should be long dead.
Every TR carbine is an S Tier carbine, every NC and VS carbine is F tier. It says so in the Terran Infantryman's Uplifting Primer.
Its a very subjective tier list with seemingly arbitrary values given to stats that even seem to be valued differently between weapons.
Also a bit hard to take it seriously when accuracy is apparently a dumpster stat while hipfire accuracy brings some all the way up to B tier.
Prominence for example can be made into a laser pointer that you just beam heads with, how that is down in D tier when you can still have a 1 hit kill grenade launcher or shotgun on it as well is just crazy.
This video is super helpful for people like me who a) dont want to waste their credits and b) want to look for a meme weapon to fart around with when i feel cheeky
000 /popcorn :) Newton better be Rank SS. :P Also glad to see your PC didn't wipe out all your video data. Perhaps have a cloud copy for things like this, just in case..
I feel like this was a "Carbine tier list for Light assault"
i agree, he didnt take playstyles into account
I've been watching these to see who gets killed in these, and I'm disappointed that I have not had my cameo on the death or kill screen yet
Great video
I still dont agree on hte placement for the kindred. It doesn't requires much skill to be a monster and it even win against gd-7f when both are going for the head. It can go both shot and medium range where serpent and gd-7f can't really aim for those ranges, it teach you the trigger discipline needed on every weapon and you don't have to pay that much in equipement. (most of them dont really help). So yeah, for me it basically deserve it's S tier.
But cool vid nonetheless. Thx cami
From a PS2 player that has well over 3000 kills with the Newton, I honestly wouldn't say that the Newton is S tier. It is a great carbine, but lacks the ttk and range the gd7f and Serpent has.
I enjoy this series so much that I will even comment to show my appreciation!! :D will you ever prepare such video about AR? I can't wait!!! :)
Nice vid Cami, keep up the good work!!
No surprise in the TR department for me there :D VS and NC always seem to work better for me, too although I startet as a TR main.
Kindred is my personal S+ tier weapon, its a blast to use and nets me 3x4 times more kills per spawn than almost any other carbine I use. I had Auraxium'ed the Kindred before I even knew what was happening. When you get the flow and trigger discipline down. Its a precision scalpel with few rivals. It may not have made your S Tier, but it good as TR Carbines get XD
love and support for my fav ps2 tierlists/content creator
F in chat for TR
ive been out for a year.... needed to catch up... ty for all this badass work
Hey, thanks for the nice video! I'm kinda new to the game and love your two tier list videos. Any thoughts of making more of them? You did mention that they are a LOT of work though, so hey no pressure
carbine magnum opus , did people notice an oddity in regards to zenith when it comes to attachments compared to other 0.75 ads carbines ? i am not talking about unstable ammo ...
Yeah that newton is legit the biggest pain in the ass to deal with think its the projectile size that makes it so lethal.
Cami: "I probably be shittin on your favourite weapon here"
Me: sounds fair yes
Cami: "Lets Start in E tier - the T5 AMC"
Me: :(
It's interesting to see the CB-200 in E Tier, It sports the same damage model as the Razor GD-23 (C-Tier) but has a longer max damage range,
Has a pretty forgiving recoil pattern, AND has access to all the underbarrel attachments found in D-Tier.
The reload time compared against the rest of D tier is also pretty snappy.
On paper it looks like it should be in High D-Tier
So what aspect of the weapon brings it down to E-Tier?
Add in the soft point ammo (Obviously) which pushes the max damage range up to 20m... Which is Completely Nutty
Awesome video Cami! Love these videos!
There is a reason why I call the GD-7F the "God Damn 7F." Also, look at this madman killing Cyrious at 28:10.
Here I thought my choice to run the VX6-7 was some off-meta old option. Pretty sure my squad mates agreed.
I guess it makes sense I was always happy with the performance. Now I'm using the Horizon, ofc
you were generous with the TR rankings especially with the trac-5.
The Tanto is the Little Mac of PS2. Going up against someone who doesn't really have their aim down with KBM and jumping around like a madman can usually give you a win. Anyone with some good tracking skills will quickly shut it down though
I disagree. If you're good at drifters, you can beat anyone you get the jump on. You're shooting down at their head and they're shooting up at your feet.
The Lynx is an obvious S tier gun. It's so easy to get kills with. The default stats are so good that you can put on ADS focused attachments and it's still great for hipfire. The effective range is longer than you think. It's always good in any fight with any loadout. That's the mark of an overtuned weapon.
its really annoying that it wasnt S tier. best hands down. I can always tell when a content creator is a VS main.
Played since day1 beta and CBX-75 has predominantly surged as my favorite weapon in the game. Newton is busted but CBX75 is more reliable more often and it's a beaut with proper trigger control you can extend its range no prob and it just MELTS people up to 20m range which is something most won't expect.
about nc 11c i used it very frequently its surprising its not at least B tier
Outstanding work Cami! 💪👏
As a C4 fairy I just like using the underbarrel smoke more to up my survivability and just block vision
As an engineer main, and not a hippity hoppity look at my frag montagity boy, I'd place the S-variants a tad higher...'cept maybe the NC one. Underbarrel is a decent utility against MAXs, dealing at least 600 damage, (900-ish if it armed) and a decent alternative to the AMR. Though, if you're expecting to MAX hunt, then yeah--grab the Archer. NS-11C went up to that after arsenal...legit hated that thing as Engineer.
Now yes, there are good 1v1 Engineers out there and yes, the higher tier carbines will fill that role for them; however, I don't boast the best shot. Can't really. I sport a very average KD. Most my play is to keep my squad's stuff up, so if it ever came down to me having to 1V1 for my life, you bet my ass I'm cowering in the corner with a frying pan. As a result, I'd also put the Charger and Kindred up a tad higher. Charger now being discount kindred is great for my bait-and-switch and's the Kindred. I can poke, burst, flee, cower, and forget about reloading before repeating that process again....until I run out of ammo.
Other than that, I'd say it's a pretty solid list.
I love the serpent sm it is very good to use in the high ping servers from aus cause you can get away with killing people instead of trading way more consistently
Nice one. Running the Serpent for Engineer right now. Might try the VX6-7.
Horizon should be S tier. Not many people acknowledge its strongest trait. It's pin point accurate while flying around with your jetpack. I use it with drifter jets and it is gross. However it requires capsulate ammo to change it to 2 shots and not 3.
ah yes. TR has perhaps the least effective guns in all classes. no wonder why so many tr outfits switched to nc for outfit wars
msw-r, watchman, TAR, torq9, sabr13 all say hello
Picked up the charger just today, it just seems to really work for me, but I’m still only 20-30 hours of playtime in, probably as I get better I’ll get more value out of the bandit or GDF.
Serpent gets way too much love for its reliance in Jaeger formats. The reload is so punishing compared to the vx6-7, and the hard left recoil pattern means you need to main it if you don't want it to mess with your muscle memory of other guns which tend to recoil to the right. It's like the age-old betel vs Orion debate but even more decisive. Sure the Orion is better 1v1 but the betel is used because it is king of farming on live. Likewise, sure the serpent can allow u to 1v1 the best heavies head on, but the vx6-7 matches LA playstyle waaaaaaay more. To me there is a clear S/A tier distinction in this regard.
Also for hipfire powerhouses like the vx6-7, cb-x75, and even ARs like TAR and H-V45, the removal of Advanced Laser Sights has made forward grip much more appealing to push weapon effective range out a lot. It really requires one to begin pulling down while beginning to press left click though. Usually it's best to lean into strengths but with those guns there is an argument that the hipfire is so good u can sacrifice some equip time to not be so terrible ADSing medium range when caught out in the open.
Idk if anyone still reads this... but what would you consider to be the best weapon on a light assault for long range combat? I like to fly up to weired spots and hit from an angle. But most of the time i am too shit to kill anyone from that far. Do you have a weapon that would complement my playstyle ?
Good list. Fortuna and Kindred are definitely S-tier tho.
I'm a TR infantry player bringing the dislikes.
Legitimately though, I really thought the Kindred would be S, the fire rate and recoil are both a little wonky but for me, it kind of just works, and it works better than any other carbine on any faction in most situations. That's probably an experience thing though, because I've put way less time into the Serpent, Lynx, or anything else that comes close to that beautiful 167/698.
Maybe I spent too much time absorbing IGoRawr's thoughts on weapons too, but I'm almost suprised the Pulsar C didn't make S-tier as an engineer's carbine and that the Horizon didn't as a light assault's, because those are the two carbines I miss most playing TR instead of VS. Granted, long range carbine is a weird role and the Horizon is only useful on LA and still pretty situational. Also can confirm that the GG-7F does indeed strike fear into the hearts of even veteran infantry, especially when the fire is coming from behind you on the balcony you throught friendlies had covered.
Horizon is underrated. Has been for years.
Fun fact they're actually supposed to be pronounced like "car-bean"
I still wanna see the s class weapons become mini auraxium weapons becoming unlocked after completing the silver tier directives for them also allowing a second rail attachment like their better counterparts.
Lastly I wanna see a rocket launcher tier list
@Camikaze78 What FoV u run at? Thanks!
Nice to see you've stuck with this game over the years. I didn't agree with some things you said years ago, and I don't agree with some statements made in this tier list now, though I've been away for years, so what do I know. Anyway, it's good to see a familiar voice, and it seems your LA play is pretty respectable. Props.
Really like the tier lists, should do ones for other weapon classes too!
It's funny how this guy says he's not the top tier or expert at the game but every clip we see is him destroying the other players
Even with the E tier guns XD
The gun only makes half the player though, with enough practise you can make even the worst guns very effective.
That was a cool breakdown for carbines
Will you be doing one for ARs?
I don't know why but in the ns faction I can't find the CB-ARX in any of the selections of weapons you can get
AMC is one of my favourites so off the bat, that one hurt lol
Ok to start I need to say I only play NC and NSO although that will be changing shortly. Generally I would agree with your picks for both factions. NC god tier is on point with the bandit/gd7f and NSO with the x75 /newton (newton in a league of its own really). But I have to agree with Deeg on this one. Our baby the ns11c is much more than C tier... NOT EVEN A B CAMI... That's dirty my guy lol. The ns11c in the right hands can be A tier without a doubt and I could go on and on but I digress (the only pick i have a problem with). But I also have to say that in my crusades to get the newton I took the opportunity to skip the CB200 all together because of how bad it felt. I cant tell you how many people were like I kinda like that one which made me cringe a bit and then proceed to tell them that they are batshit crazy. So on that front I couldn't agree more cb200 is bottom of the barrel for me. I even opened up the ol war chest to buy a gold ns11c to skip that hot garbage. In completion I need to give this video an S+ tier rating for the amount of work and time spent to bring us all the goods. Killer video and great information for those trying to break into the carbine/light assault game. appreciate ya carry on biig guy.
i have no idea how did you put the cb-100 in that tier, id put it in D/C tier and that's it, the tmc outmatches it and just works better overall - so placing it there is kinda insulting
Doesnt really suprise me there's no S tier TR carbines.. Lynx should have the same stats as the Serpant/GD-7F.. not sure why VS and NC both get 143/845 carbines and the TR didnt.
The Lynx is a great gun though, it does melt faces.. its probably my favourite gun to use, i have auraxed it multiple times. Aslong as you hit headshots with it, it comes within a pubic hair to the ttk of the GD-7F .. and i feel its a better all rounder than the GD-7F personally.
I think though depending on the situation, these guns could be switched around quite alot .. but in cqc engagements i think you got it pretty spot on.
Thanks for all your efforts in making this for us
What attachments are you rocking on the CB-X75?
I have question how recoil on this game work, how your sec weapon smg,when i use back to lmg the recoil never hit if hold click it just 1-3 bullet get hit on
Alright, I literally spent 3 hours making a comment that I decided to not post since it would be waaay too long. I basically state my opinions on some of the weapons I have a familiar acquaintance with, whether I agree or not on their tier placement and why, and more. But instead, I'm going to talk about one of my favorite carbines in the game, the HC-1 Cougar. Effectively, it's a cross between the Mercenary and the Razor, but has the unique feature of being the only 167 damage carbine with a 35 round magazine. That said, why pick the hot milf over the fiery and youthful Kindred? Good question, because I myself prefer those around who are my age 95% of the time too. You may already know it will never outperform the Kindred from a raw DPS perspective unless the Kindred is wielded by a middle eastern terrorist who thinks mag dumping in the air is cool. The milf also doesn't have access to soft point ammo, so you're not gonna be able to make the most out of your 167 damage potential, and instead only has HV ammo as well as the relatively new KCAP ammo, and yes, I cry about it like a little bitch too, you're not alone. What does the Cougar have then? The Cougar has more access to attachments. Particularly, the barrel attachments. Essentially, you can make it recoil less, reduce bloom (ADS or hipfire, it's up to you), or, if you wanna have some shenanigans, you can put a suppressor on it and have HV ammo to counter most the negative effect. The only penalty is a negligible 5% reduction in muzzle velocity. The Kindred doesn't get any of this. Essentially, if you are playing TR as a light assault trooper or engineer and want a high caliber carbine that can be used and tuned to your exact specifications, the Cougar is for you. Does it still need a buff? Not necessarily. Should it get buffed because of the Kindred? I think so. Because nerfing the Kindred would just be freaking lame. No, I'm not gonna say buff the raw DPS of the Cougar. And in fact, I simply don't know how to buff it without pitch forks and torches being readied because I'm worried about guns. If I say "buff the range", what about all the other 167 damage carbines? If I say give it a 40 round mag, what about the rest of the TR carbines? Make it accurate with very little bloom without needing the heavy or short barrel attachments? I don't know, man. I said 3 hours at the start of this comment, I edited it over and over again. It was 11pm when I started with a completely different comment, now it's past 4am. Lemme just say this: give the milf a solid buff in whatever way as long as it isn't just "make it's DPS match the Mercenary". It doesn't have to kill faster than the Mercenary to be powerful.