"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." -Thomas Paine, _A Dissertation on the First Principles of Government,_ 1795
Paul Harrell, rest in peace, remains one of the strongest voices for 2AFA. I can't think of one personality or team of personalities who has done more work for 2AFA than Paul's channel.
He can’t remain the strongest voice if he’s not around. If his Son-in-law or whoever isn’t fully behind that believe, then we are down to One from the Two main voices in the Guntube community.
which is weird how the clearly (I wanna hurt minority group gun tubers) all simped for him and was really gross when one of them interviewed him and tried to bait him into hating on other groups of people.
There are a frighteningly large number of people in the US who would blissfully support tyranny as long as they could believe they (the out group de jour) was being hurt more than them (the in group). Too many people can make themselves believe that a specific law would not directly affect them, and they will happily strip the rights of others under that shield of willful ignorance
"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." -Thomas Paine, _A Dissertation on the First Principles of Government,_ 1795
The only thing I find controversial is that it's limited to the 2nd Amendment. Shouldn't it really be The Bill Of Rights for all, as it was written and as it was intended?
@@gonova8412 Gun control in the USA was started by Ronald Reagan because the Black Panthers began exercising their 2A rights. He then enacted them at the Federal level when he became President.
@@gonova8412 Possibly because some of the first major anti-2A gun control laws were to target the Black Panthers. California's Mulford Act in 1967 was introduced by a Republican (Mulford), backed heavily by Republicans, and signed into law by Republican Governor Ronald Reagan. Reagan would, of course, go on to do lots of things as POTUS targeting minorities and the LGBTQ community (like denying the existence of AIDS, setting back research and treatment for a decade).
Look, PERSONALLY I don't really rate breakfast that highly, and PERSONALLY I avoid schoolchildren whenever possible. But it takes all kinds, so I back the BPP.
Yall need to stick up for yourselves, the communities who need the most protection are the ones consistently voting away their, and everyone else’s, rights to tools for that protection
The problem with our political system is that it's either support 2A and have our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness infringed or restricted. Or it's the opposite and most people are willing to give up 2A for other more important rights. This won't change until the two parties change their platforms or we reform our elections to allow 3rd parties with more narrow platforms to be able to exist.
I feel so loved in this community until mainstream influencers like garand thumb or Brandon Herrera say some unbelievably racist things and that other groups shouldn’t own guns because they aren’t them
@@enclavesoldier769 I’ve watched both channels since their start I’ve never heard them say anything against specific groups. Yes jokes here and there but never legitimate distain. Can you point to a specific instance on either channel? I’ve missed a few odd videos here or there. I think the only honest exclusionary rhetoric either espouses is against communists, not even communists like other communists so I do t see the problem there.
I won't point fingers but I've seen more 2A influencers joke about using their 2A rights to hurt minority groups than I've heard 2A influencers support said groups.
This is the first video I've watched this year, and I'm glad. As someone who has friends and loved ones in marginalized communities, thank you for standing up and doing the right thing; Especially in this community that is peppered with bigotry. In that way, we should all try to be more like you. Thank you, Karl.
I'm a member of the SRA, and this is something that has come up in our discussions a fair bit over the past couple years. "Guntube", or whatever you want to call it, is dominated by right-wing chuds, many of whom openly fantasize about using their guns on homeless people, the mentally ill, and political opponents. Being a leftist who advocates for community armament puts me in a very weird space in the discussion. It's really disappointing how many supposed 2A advocates really just want to shoot poor people and LARP as Mad Max extras training for when 'shit hits the fan'. Ask them how they feel about commies or antifa or whatever boogeyman they're paranoid about at the given moment having guns sometime and see how much they really think the 2nd Amendment is a human right. I really appreciate you being one of the few sane and responsible voices in this space.
I thought this was gonna be something really spicy like felons having rights, but is it really controversial the idea of gay people having guns? That's depressing
It is kinda odd how a side of hateful people co-opt certain individuals in order to not be perceived as hateful. I see so many gays and minorities become right icons simply for their status and they use it against disadvantaged people like them. Candace Owen’s or Roy Cohn come to mind (although Roy was just a closeted self hating gay)
@cloudycolacorp I don't see why non-violent felons shouldn't have 2a rights, and violent felons shouldn't be released if they can't be trusted with firearms.
When it comes to politics and describing my beliefs to other people, my absolute favorite thing to do is tell people that I'm 100% pro gun, and also 100% pro choice/abortion, because the concept of supporting both of those things is simply inconceivable for most people. In my experience, most Americans only believe in rights until it starts going against something else they believe in. For example, Christians supporting freedom of religion until people start exercising things like abortion and no Jesus in classrooms. Or racists supporting the second amendment until black people start carrying guns. Etc. Nothing new in America.
I'm vaguely left wing (and not american) but because I watch a lot of guntube, my feed gets filled with a bunch of redpilled right wing rhetoric. i find it sickeningly hypocritical that people so obsessed with everyone's "god given rights" and "freedom" are the ones so hell bent on restricting the rights and freedoms of others e.g. abortion etc
Abortion is not a right because it infringes a right of another person - the baby inside. If you do not think that's another person, then you are a science denier because clearly the DNA is human and different from the mother's.
The scariest moment for me was when you made the video about LGBT+ firearms trainers. Literally just talking about how many pros you get from having a wide variety of trainers so that everyone can feel safe learning how to properly and safety use their firearms. Yet so many of the comments where "I have always been 2A for all, however...". Nah man, that "however..." has to be followed up by some very specific shit, otherwise you are showing how little you care about the one subject you claim to vote on. This is exactly how you get a Hitler praising man who has said on camera that not only will he take you guns, but he will "deal with due process later" as the 2A candidate. I used to care a lot about the entertainment involved in shooting guns. These days I'm left subscribed to 2 channels, because everyone eventually shows their true selves.
I've been around a lot of ranges, a lot of training facilities and of course I watch a lot of videos on the subject. I can't say I've ever seen anyone be discriminated against in any instance. I can understand the purpose of this video to remind everyone that there should be no discrimination, but I've never seen it nor can anyone I've talked with here give an example.
@@kevinfitzpatrick5949 Well of course they don't openly discriminate, they can't. It would be illegal and garner a lot of scrutiny. But the moment that discrimination is signed into law (say a "religious freedom" law) and it becomes socially normalized, which will happen faster than you think, these guys are going to shut their doors to all but the chosen so fast you'd think Will E. Coyote was chasing after them.
@@kevinfitzpatrick5949I'm a queer firearms instructor and I've seen plenty of discrimination myself and heard several stories of the same from my students. Just because you didn't see it or recognize it doesn't mean it isn't there
@@kevinfitzpatrick5949 Your experience does not negate the experiences of others, but that's sure what it sounds like you're trying to do. "If I've never seen it, I don't believe it happens." is a timeworn method of silencing minorities. If that wasn't your intent, you need to examine why you did post it.
@@kevinfitzpatrick5949Just because you have never been discriminated against does not mean it doesn't happen. I'm sure there were some black people in the United States in the '30s and '40s that never saw any discrimination
They're not saying it cause they know it'll affect their bottom line and in the end that's all they care about. They know to make any money in this space they have to appeal to the bigots that permeate it, whether directly or indirectly. Thank you for being one of the few with the integrity and the guts to stand for what's right even when surrounded by poison.
Yup, the gun world is mostly made up of conservative republicans, and that's a group that is not friendly to racial and religious minorities or LGBT people, especially transgender people.
I don’t preach what to believe, there was a time in my life where I did that, and I don’t look at it fondly. A good friend of mine once told me, “I’m not an ist, there are too many ists and isms to decipher, but if I was anything, I’d be a don’t-be-an-asshole-ist”. That stuck with me. I studied the civil rights movement, got a minor in peace studies and deescalation, and served in the Peace Corps. Learning from that was basically taking a rural kid from Minnesota and plopping into an Islamic community in subsaharan Africa, only to realize that in a world so different from mine, people are the same. They want to take care of their family, get their kids to school, and keep their community safe. If you’re still with me through all this typing, thank you. Point is, we all have a right and duty to lift eachother up, forgive, forget, and keep on keeping on. Life is too short for hate, hate is baggage, it weighs us down. We’re all just humans wondering around this earth trying to make sense of life before life itself runs out. That’s it.
This is the same site that banned both the people currently working this channel for exactly the sentiment they are expressing here, then caused their forum's parent company to end a profitable business deal. And the thread in question was full of people trying to equate the crime of grooming a minor for sexual purposes with drag shows and trying to get Karl to pass a purity test about what they think of gender-affirming healthcare, which shows you exactly what their agenda was - nothing to do with 2A, everything to do with exclusion.
@SinistralRifleman that's a problem with that cesspool of a forum not Andrew, and from what I've seen of their media arm, it seems management is in agreement with him. I think they just believe in not moderating speech as strictly as well.
I was very surprised when he was asking viewers to be accepting and respectful towards new post-election lefty gun buyers. His argument was that diversity prevents 2A marginalization and keeps the industry in business during a conservative presidency.
Not sure how your audience feels about him, but Yankee Marshal's always advocated for 2AFA regardless of political leanings or history (he's one of the few guntubers who I've heard saying that cannabis users should be allowed to defend themselves however they see fit). Though he's more right wing libertarian, but 1ShotTV has expressed similar opinions. He even says that ex-cons should be granted their 2A rights back because if they're too dangerous to arm themselves, then they shouldn't have been let out of prison to begin with.
2A for All makes insecure people scared. Then they can't bully and harass and intimidate those they "feel" don't belong here, or shouldn't exist in their "safe spaces".... The ability to punch down on racial and social groups is what makes individuals "feel" superior to them and it shows every day in the 2A community!!!
@nigeltheoutlaw you're showing us all your victimhood card on full display. Crime existed before blacks were free or even allowed to own firearms. Yes, crime IS a problem, but it always has been. What you seem to be worried about IS your racism being called out and those who think like you. I've been victimized in several scenarios by whites, blacks and others, yet I hold no ill will towards on race over another. BTW, running to stats to justify your confirmation biases only amplifies your insecurities. The irony of your moniker AND your bs logic is hilarious to boot!!! Carry on, "outlaw"....👍🏿😉
idk if it's where i live but i find this shit actually unfathomable, like i live in a red state, and i have right wing friends, and these people are your typical patriotic republican types, but if i asked them "does the 2 amendment apply to everyone" they'd say "no duh, why wouldn't it?" Like i didn't even hear about this being an issue until i heard about your falling out with that one gun company. Idk there's people who love this country, even if a bit too much, and then there's people who say they do, but they don't give a damn about what this country is, they just want to be hateful, and the end of the day it's tribalistic bigotry
Republicans tell pollsters "all citizens have the right to vote," but their elected leaders work 24/7 to find ways to make it harder for Blacks to vote. They require forms of ID with fees. Their state legislators deliberately underfund voting booth presence in minority neighborhoods. They ban Sunday voting because Blacks are statistically more likely to vote then. Those Republicans, in their hearts, believe that minorities and leftists are "lesser than" & no government elected by those is truly American. So they can confidently look the other way while their officials do the dirty work to suppress voting. If they thought they could get away with being honest, they would demand that a Black vote only count 3/5ths as much - or whatever ratio ensures a monopoly of power. And with guns, sheer economic inequality has already done that work of making sure they will win a civil war the day they feel like it's worth the hassle.
The best was a poll done by I forget who. Back to back polls. First was “is firearm ownership a god given right?” Overwhelming yes way the answer. Next poll was “should illegal immigrant have the rights to bear arms?” Overwhelming NO was the result!
If your an illegal immigrant that would imply your not even vetted to be in said country. Are you saying we should just do away with background checks completely? That being said it should be made easier to become a citizen in the US, it takes way to long to be a legal citizen.
@AKguru762 I get you on that. I just want to see immigration more stream lined. Getting the right to bear arms if your an illegal immigrant just doesn't make sense to me. If your able to pass a background check and buy a firearm you should already be a full on citizen in the first place
Even if a guntuber might be 2AFA, the weird self defense fantasies that almost every creator has makes me question the core nature of their character. I understand that there is demand for the fantasy, and they are making content for a living. But I wouldn't watch Sex Dungeon Steve for relationship advice, and we shouldn't include StrappedJackEDC in thoughtful discusions about the human rights.
What a blessing to find out that you're so cool. As a leftist and humanist, supporter of human rights, it is so hard to navigate these spaces without running into the wrong type of mentality. It's easy to see how these things became a totem for hateful people to rally to, but it doesn't have to be that way. It may not mean much, but thank you for speaking out, you've gained so much respect in my eyes.
In France, since something lile 2018, they can take back your firearm if a judge believe you have a "survivlist lifestyle", or if he thinks you have your firearm for self defense, or for any reasons outside of sports and hunting ☠ And quite often people go in jail following self defense situations. Proportionate and immediate self defense should be an universal human right, it was so obvious in the 1700's they sadly didn't include it in the human rights declaration. Most of time, americans are wrong when they say europeans live in communist (😂) dictatorship, but it's true we have a crime of belief (interdiction to basically be a "2A militants of Europe"), so they're not 100% wrong
As for folks, I've heard stand firm on the 2A for ALL I can only think is of GunWebsites out of Arizona. Although due to life happening, he's really cut back on TH-cam posting over the last few years. And the other one is the "controversial" The Yankee Marshal out of Washington state.
The gun community has always tended to be comprised by more conservatively minded people than those with liberal views. I have never met a conservative who opposed gun ownership. And while some liberal minded people (like me) enjoy collecting and shooting guns, most of my liberal friends don’t. Now, with the extremism that social media is amplifying, the conservative / liberal divide on gun ownership has turned into a chasm. Karl talks of how those in marginalized communities find it dangerous to speak out and how it is the duty of those who are not part of these communities to defend their rights. But I wonder if it is even becoming dangerous for individuals like Karl to express their views. I applaud Karl’s actions, but I despair for the future.
You may find him distasteful or not agre with what he says all the time. The yankymartial not only has said that he thinks everyone can and should have the right to the 2nd amendment, he raises money to sends guns to people that can't afford them through an ffl of corse. A few hundred a year. I'm not saying he is better than the others. There are a lot of channels im grateful for that carry this message.
Yes, I remember him saying that convicted felons who have paid their debt to society should have all of their constitutionally protected rights restored.
"2A for all" is too limited. It's American only. "Self defense for all" or some variation would be far more applicable. 2A means nothing outside the states.
Yeah, I get that, but people will get bored and tune out if you say "human right of access to the means of self-defense means all humans." Not to mention that the sorts of people who actively believe that not all people should have guns are probably also the sort of people who don't think black people, for example, count as human. Also, sadly, all of the non-Americans I talk to roll their eyes at me when I tell them they have a human right to own and possess a firearm.
I can add one. Tacticon in some of their podcasts had made comments stating that the 2A is for all. They've been pretty clear that the 2a applies to all and never just one type of group. I wish i knew exactly when and what videos, but I have heard on several occasions them make it clear
I like the idea of 2AFA. Even if it is just a shorthand for "arms ownership rights for all". As someone who isn't an American, I still think everyone knows what is meant by 2nd amendment. That's the might power of words and ideas, they really don't belong to the person or people who spoke them first, but to us all collectively as members of the human species. It's freedom for everybody or freedom for nobody ❤
when I think about the second amendment, what always stands out to me is not the bit at the end but the middle. "being necessary to the security of a free state" is pretty unambiguous. and the context around the failure of our first constitution adds even more weight to it, as even after these wealthy northern merchants and southern planters had finished putting down a working class (farmer, mostly) uprising drafted their plan for an essentially aristocratic republic, they found it reasonable that all of the material preconditions for something like Shays's Rebellion should exist. this was even the settled interpretation for a long time. I think of civilian armories, where in some states even police and soldiers were barred access. and one that's always stuck with me is the supreme court ruling against short-barreled shotguns, which hinged on those weapons' serving no discernible military purpose. a republic is a tricky thing to maintain, and sometimes reading our history I feel the only reason we still have a republic is that we didn't have a permanent standing military during any of our "dictatorship danger zone" time periods (1820s, 1880s, 1930s). shit, during the Whiskey Rebellion people still weren't even a hundred percent sure whether or not it should be illegal to take up arms against state forces and employees as part of a generalized right to protest.
The reason they wanted their underlings to have guns is that their economic model was to use them to colonize Native lands & expand their economic empire. We were the first country to rely so much on "private initiative" to carry out imperialism.
Firstly, as an Ash I absolutely adore your youtube usernames. Secondly, the obliteration of historical context when it comes to why our government is the way it is will always sadden me to my core. Whenever I get into discussions with people about the US government they never, ever stop to question *WHY* things were made this way. They just act as if it's a fact of life, a constant of the universe, as though it's always been this way. I honestly think they forget that these decisions were made and institutions were created by real, living, flesh and blood human beings for some kind of reason.
@@gakulonthe general public of every time of peace found themselves to be immune to the vagaries of historical contingency. and an empire that externalizes its violence and keeps a core protected produces just such an attitude in the core. until we have our next big throwdown civil conflict (maybe next month, maybe next century), that attitude will remain. this works on a personal level, too. if someone doesn't experience hardship, they acquire a sort of innate naivete about the world's functioning unless properly educated. so it goes for society at large.
Always greatful for TCGF and Karl and the InRange team. Learning about and finding information about firearms would be a miserable place without some cool folks to learn from
Wow, my respect for you has grown so much. First you make a video on Hong Kong which I appreciate being someone who loves Hong Kong films and Chinese culture and is very Anti-CCP and now this. I have quit 2A forums and subreddits because of the hypocrisy you are talking about and it is finally nice to see someone in the online gun community in the US that isn't a hypocrite and/or a flat out raciest. So many Gun TH-camrs come off as uncultured and it is maddening.
Im 2afa even felons, if youre free, you should have all rights, tbh i get pissed when i see court cases where a felon will challenge this and win the case but only makes the challenge for himself. Ive seen with my own eyes that the government knows its unconstitutional, example, my brother is a felon, got his felonies in the late 90s early 00s, in 2020 he was at my sisters house bc she had an ex that was stalking her, he shows up 1 night, breaks in and my brother shot him with a new model army cap and ball, the guy died, no charges, not even felon with a gun. This tells me that a mans right to defend is grater than the law that tries to stop him.
The fellows over at TheGunCollective have touched on this many times. They have said, and I agree, that firearm ownership and thereby self defense is a universal human right, including felons and even illegal immigrants. Though I do not think it was directly said, the inference is that this right is for people over other nations as well, but their government does not recognize or respect that.
A lot of people talk about guns as a means of preserving freedom, but Karl's one of a minority that actually seem to really mean it. The reason the American Constitution enshrined all those rights was because the USA was the first out of the gates during the Age of Enlightenment. The USA fought a revolution to abolish monarchy, aristocracy and theocracy and to establish government based on the philosophical principles and maximising liberty and happiness instead. It was never perfect, and there was always a huge amount of hypocrisy involved. But it was a truly great idea, and it has significantly influenced nearly every other government on earth. Instead of seeing that starting gate advantage as a chance to keep on going further than anyone else on earth in maximising liberty and happiness, the USA seems to have just decided it doesn't need to try any more. It's like the hare in Aesop's fable that thinks it's done enough and can just go to sleep. The US has gradually atrophied back into having an aristocracy and a theocracy in everything but name. Now a lot of Americans seem to want to crown a new monarch too.
I believe it, and I say it, and I'm not even American. I'm from the UK, I can't HAVE defensive weapons here. It's not as bad as people might try and make it sound; I am allowed to defend myself, but I am not allowed to have a weapon prepared for that. I believe I should be allowed to, and for the Americans, that means 2FA. For All. No Exceptions.
I know there's been some friction between you and a few members of the 3D2A community, but I figured I'd mention it since I consider it us an incredibly diverse and accepting group (with a considerable LGBTQ+ presence, surprisingly). All are welcome regardless of race, religion, political ideology, gender identity, age, or sexuality as long as you're down to spread the signal and believe in 2AFORALL which I think is pretty fucking cool. Sadly, it's an aspect of the group that, in my opinion, doesn't get enough recognition.
i find the issue with near all discussion of 2A is a hesitancy to be straight-up that, in large part, its practical purpose at its inception was to universalize the capacity for violence against indigenous people. if you're american, you live in a settler colony, and you gotta come to terms with that fact if you want to have a truly informed political stance. ESPECIALLY if that stance includes the word "liberation".
lmao. ironic, considering that that statement was about monarchy, not human interchangeability, and also because israelis are our new uncriticzable monarchy and you totally support "antisemetism" in the USA.
@@radattk3145 You are sounding like a Russian troll. LoL Nothing is more despicable than a Russian troll. Actually if you read that document you see that while it does mention the monarchy system they were under, it is also a statement of rights possessed by all humans, not just the ones under King George.
Amen Brother. Rights for persons regardless of color, gender, or political affiliation. The only ones who have rights paused are locked up in prison or mental facility
ironically, it has a lot to do with the "paradox of tolerance" and, that may have to do with these people's exposure to, or perceptions of, authoritarian forms of left leaning ideology. They associate politicians and other similar anti-2A organizations with what they perceive is the 2AFA community. This is the same "paradox of tolerance" associated with free speech/expression, if you tolerate intolerance it may become the new norm and overthrow tolerance. It's unfortunately reinforced by the politicians and people who go on national news after a tragedy and say "I'm a big supporter of the 2A but noone needs..." They're worried about those people being tolerated and becoming the predominant voice which ultimately undermines the 2A. Right or wrong this is what they see: Someone supports queer affirmation or other perceived progressive ideologies, they associate them with "left-leaning" politicians who are very much "guns for me but not for thee" and so they push back. I'm not saying it's right, I just want to point out that there is probably some logic going on there whether you agree with it or not.
I don’t understand what you’re saying with this comment, but there’s no “paradox of tolerance.” Tolerance is a social contract where you and I agree to tolerate each other. If there’s someone outside our agreement who wants to attack us, we owe that person nothing but a show of vigorous self defense. If they don’t join the mutual tolerance agreement, they don’t get the benefits of it.
Dude. There's no complicated mechanism here. They're bigots driven by hate. They openly tout that fact. Just look at how many of these guys are also obvious Rhodieboos.
@@twestgard2 I'm borrowing a quote from Mark Manson to explain the concept:" If everyone is tolerant of every idea, then intolerant ideas will emerge. Tolerant people will tolerate this intolerance, and the intolerant people will not tolerate the tolerant people. Eventually, the intolerant people will take over and create a society of intolerance." This is often cited by people who believe in the right to freedom of expression unless it's racist/bigoted/hateful. If society tolerates racists, then it gives them space to spread their ideas, these people are not tolerant and so at some critical mass society will become intolerant. I'd have to look for it but I came across a 2A youtuber that put out a video basically saying "I believe in the 2A but not for commies, because once they get power they will do away with everyone who isn't a commie and then do away with the 2A." I may not agree with the way they paint others and the sentiment but there is some logic there. It's a shame people like that are close minded but you will find them in any community. Karl claims 2AFA is a controversial opinion to hold and in fact it really isn't. Karl believes that if you look a certain way you MUST outright state 2AFA or he just assumes you're bigoted. What a silly and unenlightened way of looking at the world. Taking this kind of default stance is ridiculous from a community that tends to foster critical thinking and healthy skepticism. For an example: Imagine having to announce to everyone you meet that you believe women aren't property, before you can have a discussion. It's ludicrous self-aggrandizing drivel.
@twestgard2 just like with any concept on paper; what you're saying makes since until you remember that people are flawed. I'm not talking about the "no one is perfect, some people are quirky " I mean many people can't walk and breath at the same time and lack the logic to function in society and those people get put into power. The world is filled with Dunning-Krugers.
Wow this is gonna sound egotistical asf. I would say myself. I have said it many times on my podcast, I’ve said it here on TH-cam. I am proudly a 2A for all. I will say I don’t agree with everything the left does, but I just want to be left alone, and I will leave others alone. I love your channel, and Russell, and I will proudly say 2A FOR ALL. That means even the people I don’t agree with. Sorry if it sounds arrogant for tooting my own horn. But I truly believe this. To be honest, it really was you and Russell who opened up my eyes to it. - as always, be a Hoodlum.
(JACK) There's hierarchies even in nature. -(STEPHEN) There is no disdain in nature. There is no... (JACK)- Men must be governed! Often not wisely, but governed nonetheless. (STEPHEN) That's the excuse of every tyrant in history, from Nero to Bonaparte. I, for one, am opposed to authority. It is an egg of misery and oppression. Just figured I'd leave some dialogue from my favorite movie ever made. I do believe I've come to the right shop for anarchy. I appreciate all you do Karl in dispelling the notion that guns and history are only for one side of the spectrum (and the worse one). People like you help people understand that it's not the binary thing certain people want us to think it is.
The timing of when you uploaded it is a bit funny to me because I have kinda been looking into progressive youtubers/influencers that hold a progressive viewpoint. (so this is going to be a bit of a potential sappy comment, but) I've always held an odd relationship with firearms, being really interested in them yet feeling like an outlier that doesn't fit into the picture because I'm transfem. I usually find myself conflicted about being such a nerd about weapons in general because of that and because of how a lot of people in these sorts of communities both on the internet and in my personal life (I've never gone to a range, but I occasionally play airsoft as a hobby and in some of those groups where I can just feel that they don't really see me fully as a part of the group or don't acknowledge who I am, if they don't just outright state it) So this channel ends up feeling like a safe place for me to express my interest in it (Even though I don't normally comment on videos and usually just stick to watching them.) and a large part of why I feel that way is because of how open Karl is with expressing his views on the matter. I really appreciate Karl and am really glad I managed to stumble on this channel when I did. It makes me wish I had a stable enough income to join the patreon without me shooting myself in the foot because of the monthly payments, but unfortunately that's something that's just not feasible for me right now.
Sadly, those two sentences don't really work together. The 2nd Amendment shouldn't be controversial. Absolutely. But, the United States has a long, bloody history of proving that they don't really believe in equality. Improvements have been made, but half of what has happened in this country since 2016 has shown that the attitude isn't even remotely gone. The stars and stripes we see on our flag look like swastikas to everyone else.
There exists an enumerated Bill of Rights in this country. They apply to all citizens, not just the ones that look like you, pray with you, VOTE LIKE YOU, or eat dinner with you. The ownership of arms is one of them. I don't understand why this is so hard.
I would say Iv8888 is 2a absolutist. You would have to have caught the correct videos over the years to know it. He's addressed 2a and felons, 2a and immigrants, stuff like that. Unless I'm mistaken he has always come to the conclusion that 2a for all is the right thing. I don't think he was as pointed as you when saying it but perhaps an honorable mention.
Bruh. Iv8888 is one of the most vocally intolerant in the space. He is also just a buffoon, tbh. Five minutes on his twitter should be enough to clue you into how racist and minsinformed this dude is, and how not 2A Absolutist he is. Crazy take, tbh. Dude is literally ranting about immigrants as I type this.
I'm not American and I don't live in the USA so I have a very different view on the 2nd amendment. Personally I think it's useless. Your society has become so fractured, the 2nd amendment is now more a hindrance than a help. I get into conversations with other firearms owners, mostly American and they reel off the usual shite they've been conditioned to spew out about their rights and all that while missing what rights have been stripped from them, like the right to unionise. If the establishment won't touch the 2nd but will piss all over labour rights and collective bargaining, which do you think they fear more? Just look what the French can achieve without a 2nd amendment or equivalent. Any French government are terrified of their electorate and the power of their unity.
Question, and Karl doesn’t have to be the one to answer it, but when you say, “Will you say you believe in ‘2A for all’”, is that statement tied to a greater movement and/or organization or is it simply stating that human rights should be universal?
I strongly believe that the failure of national governments and the United Nations to put their money where their mouth is and protect the universal rights of all human beings is one of the greatest tragedies of the post-WW2 era
I have always pondered on the dichotomy of the left hating the 2A even though they are the ones for whom it would be the most beneficial, vs the rights support of the 2A even though they also are the most prolific supporter of a "police state" which almost always seeks to restrict gun ownership. Anyway, carry on.
My go-to, when discussing the meaning of "well regulated militia," is the Black Panther Party. Its interesting that all of a sudden, gun control types stop to think about things. Equally fascinating, the 2A types usually start ranting about terrorism. Kinda strange, almost like the guns and access to them were never the real issue for either side.
The LGBTQ+ community deserves these inalienable rights just as much as any other community does. At the same time it saddens me that this group, whom I identify with and who advocates for social liberty, doesn’t believe that the right to bear arms is an inalienable right…
I've never actually seen anyone suggest that any minority groups shouldn't have access to firearms, though. To me this whole thing seems sort of superfluous. Loads of times I've seen the same thing play out on social media - a member of some minority group posts about getting a firearm to piss off pro-gun people and the universal response is pretty much the "okay then, that was always allowed" meme. And mind you, that response is often from people who are openly racist and anti-lgbt. Any issues we have with any specific groups are separate from our views on 2A. Like yeah, as an European I'd like to stop and reverse the unchecked immigration. But as far as I'm concerned, we should perhaps also let them buy guns whilst we still haven't kicked them out, and maybe they could then force their leaders to build them a better home nation so they stop feeling the need to invade us.
@@nigeltheoutlaw I know LGBTQ+ people who have been assaulted for being open. It didn’t change their mind. I think it should have, but it didn’t. It’s funny what hoops some will jump through to avoid challenging their current beliefs. I’ve seen those gymnastics occur on both sides of the political spectrum…
And that's why I'm a patreon, more than anything else this position is why InRange is one of the only gun communities I'm willing to closely associate with.
I hope one day we can include PSR in our circle of friends. I know he's libertarian af and seems to be lgbt positive. Unfortunately he's also signed up with Hydra media, which is not a good sign.
You Nailed it on the Head at the End there. In Alot of Left Leaning Communities and just in General there's Tons of People Big and Small that Say they Believe in X Good Thing but won't Do Anything for it in Earnest. I've Found it Someone Gets Mad at You for Asking them to Do the Bare Minimum for Other's, Especially if they have the Power to Do Good for Alot of People, Then they're just Talking Out of their Ass at Best and Are the Opposite of Who they Say they are at Worst. Sorry for the Long Comment but I Appreciate You being Genuine about this Shit It's Always Refreshing to See. Keep Up the Good Work!
I disagree with the train of thought behind the "I'm going to assume" comment around 6:50. Firstly, judging people based on their appearance is wrong. Secondly, offering everyone (yes including those in marginalized groups) a seat at the table IMO is a better approach than specifically targeting only those group. We should treat everyone as human beings not members of factions. And we should treat our fellow human beings well. I think inclusive neutrality is more helpful than targeted inclusivity because that targeting reinforces the notion that there is a difference between say a straight or gay man. And being in an out-group is often why such groups get targeted. The lens should be that these groups are /part/ of the in-group with the rest of society.
I think that broadly missed the point being made. I think Karl was saying that if you occupy a highly privileged position in our social hierarchy and hold the beliefs that he does, that you should feel a moral obligation to be vocal about those positions. Silence therefor makes for a negative inference of your actual position.
Not a gotcha question, I'm trying to understand: aside from the general infringements on our rights by the government, how are specific groups being prevented from exercising their 2a rights more than others?
Firearms are often illegal for convicted criminal to own, some ethnic groups are more likely to be convicted than others. Firearm permits are often issued at law enforcement discretion, which means anyone who doesn't match what that leo believes to be a "good gun owner" has a severely reduced chance of receiving the permit. There's other examples
When influencers like garand thumb make videos about the M1A and yet call it “the gun Liberals SHOULD be afraid of” it draws a line in the sand pretty deep and sends a message “all are not welcome”
thats you yourself creating a imaginary line in your own head. you who say that open and free speech is a necessity, will actually end up killing free speech and creating a censorship society 😂
@@Onl1neDr3amsgarand thumb doesn’t speak for the entire gun community. The point stands that there isn’t any group of people who are restricted from exercising their 2A rights (other than people who have lost their rights through their own actions.) There has never been a person who was deterred from buying a gun because a TH-cam influencer said something mean about their group.
It’s not helpful to conflate this subject with the Breaker Morant situation. That wasn’t so much “did they do something bad” as much as “were they operating under orders as they were aware of them”. What happened was ghastly either way.
@@509Gman The trial ultimately resolved that there was no such order to 'take no prisoners', and if there had been such an order, it would still have been wrong to follow them. To that end, I agree. Being in uniform does not absolve one of their moral obligation and duty to deny evil, even if they are so ordered. that being said, i dont really see the connection to 2AFA...
I think this is the problem with Americans treating their constitution as secular equivalent of 10 commandments, never to be changed till the judgment day comes knocking. The whole law is so outdated and vague that in the modern day it holds only by the court rulings and nothing more. Rulings that can be change depending on the legal as well political view of the judges. A good example would be movie that according I believe it was the 1916 ruling of the supreme court did not constitute a free speech, something that was eventually overturned in the 1960's and more recently a similar case with the appropriate amendment with Roe vs. Wade being changed after 50 years.
Well spoken. And what would be the other way around? Who has the right to force fellow human beings to comply with ideas they don't want to comply with? And if there is such a situation (one wants to hurt another one, the other one does not want being hurt) under which conditions is resistance legitimate? I'd say, latest when it's about your own body or your personal possessions or your home this question should be easy to answer.
If rights are not inclusive then we are just talking about laws and social norms. As far as I see it something like the bill of rights is just the government acknowledging the fact that the right exists independently. It's just much safer for both a government and the people if they don't need to re-express their adamancy to freely use a right every generation. Some rights are more self evident than others. No sane person would question the right to artistic expression. It's just so evident. Humans make little bits of art art and only the most moralistic and authoritarian of us would seek to control that. One could even point to that as evidence that they have taken up an extremist position. The right to make or obtain the tools of violence is much less evident apparently. I wonder if anyone would be moved by the knowledge that target practice is the only hobby that we can be sure predates art.
Thank you. The Bill of Rights grants nothing. It acknowledges some of the most important rights that are inherent to ever person. TO GURANTEE AND POSSESS!
I'm a huge fan of 2A for all, but I also think we need more education around fire arms. I would hire veterans to teach it in every school. Why? You're safer if your educated. And if everyone has the same basic knowledge, it's safer still.
My feelings are firearm ownership and use are pretty strongly tied to what I suppose you could call my spiritual opinions. That is, our relationships as humans with the universe around us. And part of that is that every living thing (human or not, frankly) has the right to defend itself from harm. Regardless of where that harm is coming from, or what form it takes. Every living thing has the right to ensure that it can go right on living, and to obstruct any attempts to cause their life to end.
Hi from NZ! I'm not into guns or anything and not out tell the USA what to do, but this 2nd amendment for all thing does influence our politics, all the way across the Pacific... so I can't afford to not pay attention to it. But I like what you're doing to separate the gun rights issue from tribalism in politics. Using a gun for self defence is an insane idea to me, and most Australians and a lot of Europeans too probably. Like no problem with hunting or target shooting or whatever but proliferation of guns for self defence isn't even a 2nd amendment thing is it??? I thought the 2nd amendment was about a 'well regulated militia' which is what the military is now? I have a hard time separating the conspiracy theorists from people who actually read the constitution, but maybe they're just interpreting it for their own ends I don't know. But here it's a generally malign influence on our politics inseparable from ultra-conservatism.
"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."
-Thomas Paine, _A Dissertation on the First Principles of Government,_ 1795
Thank you for sharing this quote.
Do you consider LGBTQ people to be your enemy though?
Still fresh and on the money 230 years later.
Paul Harrell, rest in peace, remains one of the strongest voices for 2AFA. I can't think of one personality or team of personalities who has done more work for 2AFA than Paul's channel.
Rest in Peace... he was truly a legend,an awesome voice and character
He can’t remain the strongest voice if he’s not around. If his Son-in-law or whoever isn’t fully behind that believe, then we are down to One from the Two main voices in the Guntube community.
@akguru. You can be quiet, as your clearly don’t watch roys content or youd know the crew is visibly queer and roy remains vocal for 2aforall
What does him being queer have anything to do with the conversation? Can you tie in your point please?@brandonha
which is weird how the clearly (I wanna hurt minority group gun tubers) all simped for him and was really gross when one of them interviewed him and tried to bait him into hating on other groups of people.
There are a frighteningly large number of people in the US who would blissfully support tyranny as long as they could believe they (the out group de jour) was being hurt more than them (the in group).
Too many people can make themselves believe that a specific law would not directly affect them, and they will happily strip the rights of others under that shield of willful ignorance
We all experienced that during the cvid lockdowns/mandates/coercions.
How many of your friends/family went along with it?
"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."
-Thomas Paine, _A Dissertation on the First Principles of Government,_ 1795
Requiring the public to wear masks during a pandemic is not tyranny.
@ What else happened during that period of time that agree with?
@@dougzack4565 English, man, do you speak it!?
The only thing I find controversial is that it's limited to the 2nd Amendment. Shouldn't it really be The Bill Of Rights for all, as it was written and as it was intended?
Sure. But, name another of the bill of rights where it's ubiquitous for the proponents of the right to think some people shouldn't have it.
@@ixiairisborne1695the first amendment, considering how much they want to censor things with pro-LGBT messaging
The second amendment is the one allows you to defend the rest of the rights granted to you.
@@MollyGermek "...except as punishment for a crime."
Sadly it's not a ban, it's merely a government monopoly.
“under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered, any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated by force if necessary.”
marx was spittin with this one fr
Anti-gun leftists should lose their rose.
This right here is why I subscribe to this channel. Shoutout to the Pink Pistols and Operation Blazing Sword - "Pick on someone your own caliber!"
I find asking gun owners their opinion on the Black Panthers lets you get down to brass tacks.
How so
@@gonova8412 Gun control in the USA was started by Ronald Reagan because the Black Panthers began exercising their 2A rights. He then enacted them at the Federal level when he became President.
@@gonova8412 Possibly because some of the first major anti-2A gun control laws were to target the Black Panthers. California's Mulford Act in 1967 was introduced by a Republican (Mulford), backed heavily by Republicans, and signed into law by Republican Governor Ronald Reagan. Reagan would, of course, go on to do lots of things as POTUS targeting minorities and the LGBTQ community (like denying the existence of AIDS, setting back research and treatment for a decade).
Every society makes legal exceptions for "terrorists". And "terrorist" is now inevitably a politically-coded word.
Look, PERSONALLY I don't really rate breakfast that highly, and PERSONALLY I avoid schoolchildren whenever possible. But it takes all kinds, so I back the BPP.
Hey thanks for sticking up for those who aren't in the typical 2A demographic
Yall need to stick up for yourselves, the communities who need the most protection are the ones consistently voting away their, and everyone else’s, rights to tools for that protection
The problem with our political system is that it's either support 2A and have our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness infringed or restricted. Or it's the opposite and most people are willing to give up 2A for other more important rights. This won't change until the two parties change their platforms or we reform our elections to allow 3rd parties with more narrow platforms to be able to exist.
@@hellos123321 yup. You got two choices in our system. Leads to this either/or with us or against us mentality. It hurts our great nation.
I feel so loved in this community until mainstream influencers like garand thumb or Brandon Herrera say some unbelievably racist things and that other groups shouldn’t own guns because they aren’t them
@@enclavesoldier769 I’ve watched both channels since their start I’ve never heard them say anything against specific groups. Yes jokes here and there but never legitimate distain. Can you point to a specific instance on either channel? I’ve missed a few odd videos here or there. I think the only honest exclusionary rhetoric either espouses is against communists, not even communists like other communists so I do t see the problem there.
I won't point fingers but I've seen more 2A influencers joke about using their 2A rights to hurt minority groups than I've heard 2A influencers support said groups.
I’ll point fingers
Garand Thumb
Ak goof
These are just the top 3 ;)
@@Onl1neDr3ams Have you noticed that Kentucky guy can't go an hour without saying something about eggplant?
@@Onl1neDr3ams sorry (question may be dumb to you) as a european outsider, in which sense don't these 3 you mentioned don't fit in.
minority groups cause more harm to the majority than vice versa. who do you think controls America? israelis.
@@joellelinden7079 All three have, at multiple times, joked about using violence against LGBTQ and other minorities.
This is the first video I've watched this year, and I'm glad. As someone who has friends and loved ones in marginalized communities, thank you for standing up and doing the right thing; Especially in this community that is peppered with bigotry. In that way, we should all try to be more like you. Thank you, Karl.
I'm a member of the SRA, and this is something that has come up in our discussions a fair bit over the past couple years. "Guntube", or whatever you want to call it, is dominated by right-wing chuds, many of whom openly fantasize about using their guns on homeless people, the mentally ill, and political opponents. Being a leftist who advocates for community armament puts me in a very weird space in the discussion.
It's really disappointing how many supposed 2A advocates really just want to shoot poor people and LARP as Mad Max extras training for when 'shit hits the fan'. Ask them how they feel about commies or antifa or whatever boogeyman they're paranoid about at the given moment having guns sometime and see how much they really think the 2nd Amendment is a human right.
I really appreciate you being one of the few sane and responsible voices in this space.
The is no reason in insult Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers. lol great film
Hell yeah friend. We protect us.
Maybe read Norman Vincent Peale. Just saying.
@@jmpetersrn No. Please don't. He's a far right lunatic Evangelical conman.
Arm the Homeless
I thought this was gonna be something really spicy like felons having rights, but is it really controversial the idea of gay people having guns? That's depressing
It is kinda odd how a side of hateful people co-opt certain individuals in order to not be perceived as hateful. I see so many gays and minorities become right icons simply for their status and they use it against disadvantaged people like them. Candace Owen’s or Roy Cohn come to mind (although Roy was just a closeted self hating gay)
@cloudycolacorp I don't see why non-violent felons shouldn't have 2a rights, and violent felons shouldn't be released if they can't be trusted with firearms.
Among many in the 2a space, yeah it really is. It's why losers like Lucas botkin can have a career at all.
actually, it's not depressing, it's repressing.
@@pattihall7971 it's depressing
it's repressing
it's a repression depression
When it comes to politics and describing my beliefs to other people, my absolute favorite thing to do is tell people that I'm 100% pro gun, and also 100% pro choice/abortion, because the concept of supporting both of those things is simply inconceivable for most people. In my experience, most Americans only believe in rights until it starts going against something else they believe in. For example, Christians supporting freedom of religion until people start exercising things like abortion and no Jesus in classrooms. Or racists supporting the second amendment until black people start carrying guns. Etc. Nothing new in America.
I'm vaguely left wing (and not american) but because I watch a lot of guntube, my feed gets filled with a bunch of redpilled right wing rhetoric. i find it sickeningly hypocritical that people so obsessed with everyone's "god given rights" and "freedom" are the ones so hell bent on restricting the rights and freedoms of others e.g. abortion etc
Abortion is not a right because it infringes a right of another person - the baby inside. If you do not think that's another person, then you are a science denier because clearly the DNA is human and different from the mother's.
My man I aint anti abortion at all but saying itsa right in the same vein as the right to bear arms is just completely incorrect
The scariest moment for me was when you made the video about LGBT+ firearms trainers. Literally just talking about how many pros you get from having a wide variety of trainers so that everyone can feel safe learning how to properly and safety use their firearms.
Yet so many of the comments where "I have always been 2A for all, however...". Nah man, that "however..." has to be followed up by some very specific shit, otherwise you are showing how little you care about the one subject you claim to vote on. This is exactly how you get a Hitler praising man who has said on camera that not only will he take you guns, but he will "deal with due process later" as the 2A candidate.
I used to care a lot about the entertainment involved in shooting guns. These days I'm left subscribed to 2 channels, because everyone eventually shows their true selves.
I've been around a lot of ranges, a lot of training facilities and of course I watch a lot of videos on the subject. I can't say I've ever seen anyone be discriminated against in any instance. I can understand the purpose of this video to remind everyone that there should be no discrimination, but I've never seen it nor can anyone I've talked with here give an example.
@@kevinfitzpatrick5949 Well of course they don't openly discriminate, they can't. It would be illegal and garner a lot of scrutiny. But the moment that discrimination is signed into law (say a "religious freedom" law) and it becomes socially normalized, which will happen faster than you think, these guys are going to shut their doors to all but the chosen so fast you'd think Will E. Coyote was chasing after them.
@@kevinfitzpatrick5949I'm a queer firearms instructor and I've seen plenty of discrimination myself and heard several stories of the same from my students. Just because you didn't see it or recognize it doesn't mean it isn't there
@@kevinfitzpatrick5949 Your experience does not negate the experiences of others, but that's sure what it sounds like you're trying to do. "If I've never seen it, I don't believe it happens." is a timeworn method of silencing minorities. If that wasn't your intent, you need to examine why you did post it.
@@kevinfitzpatrick5949Just because you have never been discriminated against does not mean it doesn't happen. I'm sure there were some black people in the United States in the '30s and '40s that never saw any discrimination
They're not saying it cause they know it'll affect their bottom line and in the end that's all they care about. They know to make any money in this space they have to appeal to the bigots that permeate it, whether directly or indirectly. Thank you for being one of the few with the integrity and the guts to stand for what's right even when surrounded by poison.
@@nigeltheoutlaw You're wrong. There; you have been called.
As Karl said... They're chickenshit.
Yup, the gun world is mostly made up of conservative republicans, and that's a group that is not friendly to racial and religious minorities or LGBT people, especially transgender people.
even if that unknowable were true, i'm reminded of Tim Snyder's valuable advice: "do not obey in advance"
I don’t preach what to believe, there was a time in my life where I did that, and I don’t look at it fondly. A good friend of mine once told me, “I’m not an ist, there are too many ists and isms to decipher, but if I was anything, I’d be a don’t-be-an-asshole-ist”. That stuck with me.
I studied the civil rights movement, got a minor in peace studies and deescalation, and served in the Peace Corps.
Learning from that was basically taking a rural kid from Minnesota and plopping into an Islamic community in subsaharan Africa, only to realize that in a world so different from mine, people are the same. They want to take care of their family, get their kids to school, and keep their community safe.
If you’re still with me through all this typing, thank you. Point is, we all have a right and duty to lift eachother up, forgive, forget, and keep on keeping on. Life is too short for hate, hate is baggage, it weighs us down. We’re all just humans wondering around this earth trying to make sense of life before life itself runs out. That’s it.
Andrew from ARFCOM says “Gun Rights are Human Rights” in every video he does.
His views are at odds with the membership of the site he represents.
@@SinistralRiflemanHopefully he’s able to sway some of the membership over to his views.
This is the same site that banned both the people currently working this channel for exactly the sentiment they are expressing here, then caused their forum's parent company to end a profitable business deal.
And the thread in question was full of people trying to equate the crime of grooming a minor for sexual purposes with drag shows and trying to get Karl to pass a purity test about what they think of gender-affirming healthcare, which shows you exactly what their agenda was - nothing to do with 2A, everything to do with exclusion.
@SinistralRifleman that's a problem with that cesspool of a forum not Andrew, and from what I've seen of their media arm, it seems management is in agreement with him. I think they just believe in not moderating speech as strictly as well.
I was very surprised when he was asking viewers to be accepting and respectful towards new post-election lefty gun buyers. His argument was that diversity prevents 2A marginalization and keeps the industry in business during a conservative presidency.
Not sure how your audience feels about him, but Yankee Marshal's always advocated for 2AFA regardless of political leanings or history (he's one of the few guntubers who I've heard saying that cannabis users should be allowed to defend themselves however they see fit). Though he's more right wing libertarian, but 1ShotTV has expressed similar opinions. He even says that ex-cons should be granted their 2A rights back because if they're too dangerous to arm themselves, then they shouldn't have been let out of prison to begin with.
2A for All makes insecure people scared. Then they can't bully and harass and intimidate those they "feel" don't belong here, or shouldn't exist in their "safe spaces".... The ability to punch down on racial and social groups is what makes individuals "feel" superior to them and it shows every day in the 2A community!!!
@@nigeltheoutlaw thanks for proving my point!!
@nigeltheoutlaw you're showing us all your victimhood card on full display. Crime existed before blacks were free or even allowed to own firearms. Yes, crime IS a problem, but it always has been. What you seem to be worried about IS your racism being called out and those who think like you. I've been victimized in several scenarios by whites, blacks and others, yet I hold no ill will towards on race over another. BTW, running to stats to justify your confirmation biases only amplifies your insecurities. The irony of your moniker AND your bs logic is hilarious to boot!!!
Carry on, "outlaw"....👍🏿😉
It is chickenshit, in a field full of winks, nods, and dogwhistles. Well said, and thank you for it.
idk if it's where i live but i find this shit actually unfathomable, like i live in a red state, and i have right wing friends, and these people are your typical patriotic republican types, but if i asked them "does the 2 amendment apply to everyone" they'd say "no duh, why wouldn't it?" Like i didn't even hear about this being an issue until i heard about your falling out with that one gun company. Idk there's people who love this country, even if a bit too much, and then there's people who say they do, but they don't give a damn about what this country is, they just want to be hateful, and the end of the day it's tribalistic bigotry
Republicans tell pollsters "all citizens have the right to vote," but their elected leaders work 24/7 to find ways to make it harder for Blacks to vote. They require forms of ID with fees. Their state legislators deliberately underfund voting booth presence in minority neighborhoods. They ban Sunday voting because Blacks are statistically more likely to vote then.
Those Republicans, in their hearts, believe that minorities and leftists are "lesser than" & no government elected by those is truly American. So they can confidently look the other way while their officials do the dirty work to suppress voting. If they thought they could get away with being honest, they would demand that a Black vote only count 3/5ths as much - or whatever ratio ensures a monopoly of power.
And with guns, sheer economic inequality has already done that work of making sure they will win a civil war the day they feel like it's worth the hassle.
You forgot our favorite resident cyborg, Sinistral Rifleman.
Otherwise, well said.
2A for All
The best was a poll done by I forget who. Back to back polls. First was “is firearm ownership a god given right?” Overwhelming yes way the answer. Next poll was “should illegal immigrant have the rights to bear arms?” Overwhelming NO was the result!
Unfortunately, it's pretty easy to deny someone Human Rights when you don't see them as human...
@@ryno07962 The list of people they see as non-human is the entirety of their ideology.
If your an illegal immigrant that would imply your not even vetted to be in said country. Are you saying we should just do away with background checks completely? That being said it should be made easier to become a citizen in the US, it takes way to long to be a legal citizen.
@@BOT_JUSTIN I’m not saying that. The question never said background checks. It’s a “rights for me, not for thee” thing.
@AKguru762 I get you on that. I just want to see immigration more stream lined. Getting the right to bear arms if your an illegal immigrant just doesn't make sense to me. If your able to pass a background check and buy a firearm you should already be a full on citizen in the first place
Even if a guntuber might be 2AFA, the weird self defense fantasies that almost every creator has makes me question the core nature of their character. I understand that there is demand for the fantasy, and they are making content for a living. But I wouldn't watch Sex Dungeon Steve for relationship advice, and we shouldn't include StrappedJackEDC in thoughtful discusions about the human rights.
What a blessing to find out that you're so cool. As a leftist and humanist, supporter of human rights, it is so hard to navigate these spaces without running into the wrong type of mentality. It's easy to see how these things became a totem for hateful people to rally to, but it doesn't have to be that way. It may not mean much, but thank you for speaking out, you've gained so much respect in my eyes.
The A Better Way 2A guys have explicitly said 2A for all, PSR/PrintShootRepeat mocked Lucas Botkin for not wanting lgbt people in the community.
In France, since something lile 2018, they can take back your firearm if a judge believe you have a "survivlist lifestyle", or if he thinks you have your firearm for self defense, or for any reasons outside of sports and hunting ☠
And quite often people go in jail following self defense situations.
Proportionate and immediate self defense should be an universal human right, it was so obvious in the 1700's they sadly didn't include it in the human rights declaration.
Most of time, americans are wrong when they say europeans live in communist (😂) dictatorship, but it's true we have a crime of belief (interdiction to basically be a "2A militants of Europe"), so they're not 100% wrong
In my opinion, Fudd Busters and IvanPrintsGuns are pretty outspoken 2AFORALL advocates.
Yes, I agree.
"Inalienable Rights"
And "Shall not be infringed."
Crazy how those two simple statements get stepped on regularly.
It's controversial because the majority don't really believe in the principle - freedom for me, but not for thee.
As for folks, I've heard stand firm on the 2A for ALL I can only think is of GunWebsites out of Arizona. Although due to life happening, he's really cut back on TH-cam posting over the last few years.
And the other one is the "controversial" The Yankee Marshal out of Washington state.
The gun community has always tended to be comprised by more conservatively minded people than those with liberal views. I have never met a conservative who opposed gun ownership. And while some liberal minded people (like me) enjoy collecting and shooting guns, most of my liberal friends don’t. Now, with the extremism that social media is amplifying, the conservative / liberal divide on gun ownership has turned into a chasm. Karl talks of how those in marginalized communities find it dangerous to speak out and how it is the duty of those who are not part of these communities to defend their rights. But I wonder if it is even becoming dangerous for individuals like Karl to express their views. I applaud Karl’s actions, but I despair for the future.
Karl, THANK YOU for doing the right thing. It matters. I tell left-minded people who are interested in guns about your channel all the time.
You may find him distasteful or not agre with what he says all the time. The yankymartial not only has said that he thinks everyone can and should have the right to the 2nd amendment, he raises money to sends guns to people that can't afford them through an ffl of corse. A few hundred a year. I'm not saying he is better than the others. There are a lot of channels im grateful for that carry this message.
This is exactly what I thought, he is a 2A absolutist and does more than most channels for the gun community, with his chanel being relatively small
Yes, I remember him saying that convicted felons who have paid their debt to society should have all of their constitutionally protected rights restored.
"2A for all" is too limited. It's American only. "Self defense for all" or some variation would be far more applicable. 2A means nothing outside the states.
💯 It's a matter of human rights. It's really that simple.
Yeah, I get that, but people will get bored and tune out if you say "human right of access to the means of self-defense means all humans." Not to mention that the sorts of people who actively believe that not all people should have guns are probably also the sort of people who don't think black people, for example, count as human.
Also, sadly, all of the non-Americans I talk to roll their eyes at me when I tell them they have a human right to own and possess a firearm.
you hide in the countryside to avoid gunplay and other places have far less land and are far more condensed.
2A for all in every county I agree with! However 2A should not apply to illegal aliens in our country..
"unless you say it, i dont know it." 7:11
Hell yeah
I can add one. Tacticon in some of their podcasts had made comments stating that the 2A is for all. They've been pretty clear that the 2a applies to all and never just one type of group. I wish i knew exactly when and what videos, but I have heard on several occasions them make it clear
I like the idea of 2AFA. Even if it is just a shorthand for "arms ownership rights for all". As someone who isn't an American, I still think everyone knows what is meant by 2nd amendment. That's the might power of words and ideas, they really don't belong to the person or people who spoke them first, but to us all collectively as members of the human species. It's freedom for everybody or freedom for nobody ❤
when I think about the second amendment, what always stands out to me is not the bit at the end but the middle. "being necessary to the security of a free state" is pretty unambiguous. and the context around the failure of our first constitution adds even more weight to it, as even after these wealthy northern merchants and southern planters had finished putting down a working class (farmer, mostly) uprising drafted their plan for an essentially aristocratic republic, they found it reasonable that all of the material preconditions for something like Shays's Rebellion should exist. this was even the settled interpretation for a long time. I think of civilian armories, where in some states even police and soldiers were barred access. and one that's always stuck with me is the supreme court ruling against short-barreled shotguns, which hinged on those weapons' serving no discernible military purpose. a republic is a tricky thing to maintain, and sometimes reading our history I feel the only reason we still have a republic is that we didn't have a permanent standing military during any of our "dictatorship danger zone" time periods (1820s, 1880s, 1930s). shit, during the Whiskey Rebellion people still weren't even a hundred percent sure whether or not it should be illegal to take up arms against state forces and employees as part of a generalized right to protest.
The reason they wanted their underlings to have guns is that their economic model was to use them to colonize Native lands & expand their economic empire. We were the first country to rely so much on "private initiative" to carry out imperialism.
Firstly, as an Ash I absolutely adore your youtube usernames.
Secondly, the obliteration of historical context when it comes to why our government is the way it is will always sadden me to my core. Whenever I get into discussions with people about the US government they never, ever stop to question *WHY* things were made this way. They just act as if it's a fact of life, a constant of the universe, as though it's always been this way. I honestly think they forget that these decisions were made and institutions were created by real, living, flesh and blood human beings for some kind of reason.
@@gakulonthe general public of every time of peace found themselves to be immune to the vagaries of historical contingency. and an empire that externalizes its violence and keeps a core protected produces just such an attitude in the core. until we have our next big throwdown civil conflict (maybe next month, maybe next century), that attitude will remain. this works on a personal level, too. if someone doesn't experience hardship, they acquire a sort of innate naivete about the world's functioning unless properly educated. so it goes for society at large.
Always greatful for TCGF and Karl and the InRange team. Learning about and finding information about firearms would be a miserable place without some cool folks to learn from
Wow, my respect for you has grown so much. First you make a video on Hong Kong which I appreciate being someone who loves Hong Kong films and Chinese culture and is very Anti-CCP and now this. I have quit 2A forums and subreddits because of the hypocrisy you are talking about and it is finally nice to see someone in the online gun community in the US that isn't a hypocrite and/or a flat out raciest. So many Gun TH-camrs come off as uncultured and it is maddening.
Im 2afa even felons, if youre free, you should have all rights, tbh i get pissed when i see court cases where a felon will challenge this and win the case but only makes the challenge for himself. Ive seen with my own eyes that the government knows its unconstitutional, example, my brother is a felon, got his felonies in the late 90s early 00s, in 2020 he was at my sisters house bc she had an ex that was stalking her, he shows up 1 night, breaks in and my brother shot him with a new model army cap and ball, the guy died, no charges, not even felon with a gun. This tells me that a mans right to defend is grater than the law that tries to stop him.
I completely agree on 2AFA. That said, there needs to be "something" to keep things away from people we know to be dangerous.
I support this message.
The fellows over at TheGunCollective have touched on this many times. They have said, and I agree, that firearm ownership and thereby self defense is a universal human right, including felons and even illegal immigrants. Though I do not think it was directly said, the inference is that this right is for people over other nations as well, but their government does not recognize or respect that.
A lot of people talk about guns as a means of preserving freedom, but Karl's one of a minority that actually seem to really mean it. The reason the American Constitution enshrined all those rights was because the USA was the first out of the gates during the Age of Enlightenment. The USA fought a revolution to abolish monarchy, aristocracy and theocracy and to establish government based on the philosophical principles and maximising liberty and happiness instead. It was never perfect, and there was always a huge amount of hypocrisy involved. But it was a truly great idea, and it has significantly influenced nearly every other government on earth.
Instead of seeing that starting gate advantage as a chance to keep on going further than anyone else on earth in maximising liberty and happiness, the USA seems to have just decided it doesn't need to try any more. It's like the hare in Aesop's fable that thinks it's done enough and can just go to sleep. The US has gradually atrophied back into having an aristocracy and a theocracy in everything but name. Now a lot of Americans seem to want to crown a new monarch too.
I believe it, and I say it, and I'm not even American. I'm from the UK, I can't HAVE defensive weapons here. It's not as bad as people might try and make it sound; I am allowed to defend myself, but I am not allowed to have a weapon prepared for that. I believe I should be allowed to, and for the Americans, that means 2FA. For All. No Exceptions.
I might be mistaken because I haven't watched all of his stuff, but I would class Print Shoot Repeat as being on the shortlist of 2A for All creators.
Thank you Karl !
Will said, and very needed to be said, AND REPEATED !!!
Thank you again,
May God Bless and Keep this New Year.
I know there's been some friction between you and a few members of the 3D2A community, but I figured I'd mention it since I consider it us an incredibly diverse and accepting group (with a considerable LGBTQ+ presence, surprisingly). All are welcome regardless of race, religion, political ideology, gender identity, age, or sexuality as long as you're down to spread the signal and believe in 2AFORALL which I think is pretty fucking cool. Sadly, it's an aspect of the group that, in my opinion, doesn't get enough recognition.
I will comment on this purely to boost it in the algorithm. I think it’s a microcosm of how our society has gotten to where it is today.
i find the issue with near all discussion of 2A is a hesitancy to be straight-up that, in large part, its practical purpose at its inception was to universalize the capacity for violence against indigenous people. if you're american, you live in a settler colony, and you gotta come to terms with that fact if you want to have a truly informed political stance. ESPECIALLY if that stance includes the word "liberation".
And then what?
"We hold these truths to be self evident, that ALL men..," That's our mantra.
lmao. ironic, considering that that statement was about monarchy, not human interchangeability, and also because israelis are our new uncriticzable monarchy and you totally support "antisemetism" in the USA.
@@radattk3145 You are sounding like a Russian troll. LoL Nothing is more despicable than a Russian troll. Actually if you read that document you see that while it does mention the monarchy system they were under, it is also a statement of rights possessed by all humans, not just the ones under King George.
@@radattk3145 When did I support antisemitism? LoL
Thank you for posting this. It's so fucking important for the people who feel excluded everywhere else.
I didn’t even know this was controversial. Learn something everyday.
Subbed to the Patreon with this video, glad to hear more voices in the community that understand that we are not free until everyone is free
Amen Brother.
Rights for persons regardless of color, gender, or political affiliation. The only ones who have rights paused are locked up in prison or mental facility
You're a real one bro, that's why you're the only "guntuber" I still watch
I appreciate the authority a Pilot has when they are flying an airplane.
ironically, it has a lot to do with the "paradox of tolerance" and, that may have to do with these people's exposure to, or perceptions of, authoritarian forms of left leaning ideology. They associate politicians and other similar anti-2A organizations with what they perceive is the 2AFA community. This is the same "paradox of tolerance" associated with free speech/expression, if you tolerate intolerance it may become the new norm and overthrow tolerance. It's unfortunately reinforced by the politicians and people who go on national news after a tragedy and say "I'm a big supporter of the 2A but noone needs..." They're worried about those people being tolerated and becoming the predominant voice which ultimately undermines the 2A.
Right or wrong this is what they see: Someone supports queer affirmation or other perceived progressive ideologies, they associate them with "left-leaning" politicians who are very much "guns for me but not for thee" and so they push back. I'm not saying it's right, I just want to point out that there is probably some logic going on there whether you agree with it or not.
I don’t understand what you’re saying with this comment, but there’s no “paradox of tolerance.” Tolerance is a social contract where you and I agree to tolerate each other. If there’s someone outside our agreement who wants to attack us, we owe that person nothing but a show of vigorous self defense. If they don’t join the mutual tolerance agreement, they don’t get the benefits of it.
Dude. There's no complicated mechanism here. They're bigots driven by hate. They openly tout that fact. Just look at how many of these guys are also obvious Rhodieboos.
@@twestgard2 I'm borrowing a quote from Mark Manson to explain the concept:" If everyone is tolerant of every idea, then intolerant ideas will emerge. Tolerant people will tolerate this intolerance, and the intolerant people will not tolerate the tolerant people. Eventually, the intolerant people will take over and create a society of intolerance."
This is often cited by people who believe in the right to freedom of expression unless it's racist/bigoted/hateful. If society tolerates racists, then it gives them space to spread their ideas, these people are not tolerant and so at some critical mass society will become intolerant. I'd have to look for it but I came across a 2A youtuber that put out a video basically saying "I believe in the 2A but not for commies, because once they get power they will do away with everyone who isn't a commie and then do away with the 2A." I may not agree with the way they paint others and the sentiment but there is some logic there. It's a shame people like that are close minded but you will find them in any community.
Karl claims 2AFA is a controversial opinion to hold and in fact it really isn't. Karl believes that if you look a certain way you MUST outright state 2AFA or he just assumes you're bigoted. What a silly and unenlightened way of looking at the world. Taking this kind of default stance is ridiculous from a community that tends to foster critical thinking and healthy skepticism. For an example: Imagine having to announce to everyone you meet that you believe women aren't property, before you can have a discussion. It's ludicrous self-aggrandizing drivel.
@twestgard2 just like with any concept on paper; what you're saying makes since until you remember that people are flawed. I'm not talking about the "no one is perfect, some people are quirky " I mean many people can't walk and breath at the same time and lack the logic to function in society and those people get put into power. The world is filled with Dunning-Krugers.
I will need to investigate this paradox of tolerance idea more. Thanks.
karl bad man strikes again
J Stark died of his commitment to this philosophy.
SaintAndrewTV always mentions enbys in his intro, does anyone know if he is 2A for All?
Thank you Karl - this was an important message. You're 100% right about it being chickenshit.
ARFCOM News, another AZ guntuber, gets a lot of grief for his 2A for all positions.
But, Karl, do you believe in 2FA for all?
Wow this is gonna sound egotistical asf. I would say myself. I have said it many times on my podcast, I’ve said it here on TH-cam. I am proudly a 2A for all. I will say I don’t agree with everything the left does, but I just want to be left alone, and I will leave others alone. I love your channel, and Russell, and I will proudly say 2A FOR ALL. That means even the people I don’t agree with.
Sorry if it sounds arrogant for tooting my own horn. But I truly believe this. To be honest, it really was you and Russell who opened up my eyes to it.
- as always, be a Hoodlum.
(JACK) There's hierarchies even in nature.
-(STEPHEN) There is no disdain in nature. There is no...
(JACK)- Men must be governed!
Often not wisely, but governed nonetheless.
(STEPHEN) That's the excuse of every tyrant in history,
from Nero to Bonaparte.
I, for one, am opposed to authority.
It is an egg of misery and oppression.
Just figured I'd leave some dialogue from my favorite movie ever made. I do believe I've come to the right shop for anarchy. I appreciate all you do Karl in dispelling the notion that guns and history are only for one side of the spectrum (and the worse one). People like you help people understand that it's not the binary thing certain people want us to think it is.
The timing of when you uploaded it is a bit funny to me because I have kinda been looking into progressive youtubers/influencers that hold a progressive viewpoint. (so this is going to be a bit of a potential sappy comment, but) I've always held an odd relationship with firearms, being really interested in them yet feeling like an outlier that doesn't fit into the picture because I'm transfem. I usually find myself conflicted about being such a nerd about weapons in general because of that and because of how a lot of people in these sorts of communities both on the internet and in my personal life (I've never gone to a range, but I occasionally play airsoft as a hobby and in some of those groups where I can just feel that they don't really see me fully as a part of the group or don't acknowledge who I am, if they don't just outright state it) So this channel ends up feeling like a safe place for me to express my interest in it (Even though I don't normally comment on videos and usually just stick to watching them.) and a large part of why I feel that way is because of how open Karl is with expressing his views on the matter. I really appreciate Karl and am really glad I managed to stumble on this channel when I did. It makes me wish I had a stable enough income to join the patreon without me shooting myself in the foot because of the monthly payments, but unfortunately that's something that's just not feasible for me right now.
2nd Amendment should not be controversial at all.. we are the USA 🇺🇸
Sadly, those two sentences don't really work together. The 2nd Amendment shouldn't be controversial. Absolutely. But, the United States has a long, bloody history of proving that they don't really believe in equality. Improvements have been made, but half of what has happened in this country since 2016 has shown that the attitude isn't even remotely gone. The stars and stripes we see on our flag look like swastikas to everyone else.
There exists an enumerated Bill of Rights in this country. They apply to all citizens, not just the ones that look like you, pray with you, VOTE LIKE YOU, or eat dinner with you.
The ownership of arms is one of them. I don't understand why this is so hard.
I would say Iv8888 is 2a absolutist. You would have to have caught the correct videos over the years to know it. He's addressed 2a and felons, 2a and immigrants, stuff like that. Unless I'm mistaken he has always come to the conclusion that 2a for all is the right thing. I don't think he was as pointed as you when saying it but perhaps an honorable mention.
Dude literally has a nazi dogwhistle in his user name. 💀
Bruh. Iv8888 is one of the most vocally intolerant in the space. He is also just a buffoon, tbh. Five minutes on his twitter should be enough to clue you into how racist and minsinformed this dude is, and how not 2A Absolutist he is. Crazy take, tbh. Dude is literally ranting about immigrants as I type this.
I'm not American and I don't live in the USA so I have a very different view on the 2nd amendment. Personally I think it's useless. Your society has become so fractured, the 2nd amendment is now more a hindrance than a help. I get into conversations with other firearms owners, mostly American and they reel off the usual shite they've been conditioned to spew out about their rights and all that while missing what rights have been stripped from them, like the right to unionise. If the establishment won't touch the 2nd but will piss all over labour rights and collective bargaining, which do you think they fear more? Just look what the French can achieve without a 2nd amendment or equivalent. Any French government are terrified of their electorate and the power of their unity.
Question, and Karl doesn’t have to be the one to answer it, but when you say, “Will you say you believe in ‘2A for all’”, is that statement tied to a greater movement and/or organization or is it simply stating that human rights should be universal?
I strongly believe that the failure of national governments and the United Nations to put their money where their mouth is and protect the universal rights of all human beings is one of the greatest tragedies of the post-WW2 era
In a space full of bs, thanks for being one of the good ones Karl
I have always pondered on the dichotomy of the left hating the 2A even though they are the ones for whom it would be the most beneficial, vs the rights support of the 2A even though they also are the most prolific supporter of a "police state" which almost always seeks to restrict gun ownership. Anyway, carry on.
Karl you are one of the best Gun Tubers , keep up the advocating!
Off topic, but you have a rad profile pic!
Thank you for your love and support as always ❤ you mean the world to people like me
My go-to, when discussing the meaning of "well regulated militia," is the Black Panther Party. Its interesting that all of a sudden, gun control types stop to think about things. Equally fascinating, the 2A types usually start ranting about terrorism. Kinda strange, almost like the guns and access to them were never the real issue for either side.
The LGBTQ+ community deserves these inalienable rights just as much as any other community does. At the same time it saddens me that this group, whom I identify with and who advocates for social liberty, doesn’t believe that the right to bear arms is an inalienable right…
you don't believe in ethnic rights, either, because total human interchangeability benefits you more.
@@radattk3145 what are you babbling about?
I've never actually seen anyone suggest that any minority groups shouldn't have access to firearms, though. To me this whole thing seems sort of superfluous. Loads of times I've seen the same thing play out on social media - a member of some minority group posts about getting a firearm to piss off pro-gun people and the universal response is pretty much the "okay then, that was always allowed" meme. And mind you, that response is often from people who are openly racist and anti-lgbt.
Any issues we have with any specific groups are separate from our views on 2A. Like yeah, as an European I'd like to stop and reverse the unchecked immigration. But as far as I'm concerned, we should perhaps also let them buy guns whilst we still haven't kicked them out, and maybe they could then force their leaders to build them a better home nation so they stop feeling the need to invade us.
@@radattk3145 what do you mean? You’re putting words into my mouth.
@@nigeltheoutlaw I know LGBTQ+ people who have been assaulted for being open. It didn’t change their mind. I think it should have, but it didn’t. It’s funny what hoops some will jump through to avoid challenging their current beliefs. I’ve seen those gymnastics occur on both sides of the political spectrum…
Isnt PSR a pretty avid supporter of us? Seem to recall him being so at any rate
And that's why I'm a patreon, more than anything else this position is why InRange is one of the only gun communities I'm willing to closely associate with.
Happy New Year birthday to me, InRange
I hope one day we can include PSR in our circle of friends. I know he's libertarian af and seems to be lgbt positive. Unfortunately he's also signed up with Hydra media, which is not a good sign.
Exactly! It's all about patriotism to what the USA is supposed to be!
You Nailed it on the Head at the End there. In Alot of Left Leaning Communities and just in General there's Tons of People Big and Small that Say they Believe in X Good Thing but won't Do Anything for it in Earnest. I've Found it Someone Gets Mad at You for Asking them to Do the Bare Minimum for Other's, Especially if they have the Power to Do Good for Alot of People, Then they're just Talking Out of their Ass at Best and Are the Opposite of Who they Say they are at Worst. Sorry for the Long Comment but I Appreciate You being Genuine about this Shit It's Always Refreshing to See. Keep Up the Good Work!
I disagree with the train of thought behind the "I'm going to assume" comment around 6:50. Firstly, judging people based on their appearance is wrong. Secondly, offering everyone (yes including those in marginalized groups) a seat at the table IMO is a better approach than specifically targeting only those group. We should treat everyone as human beings not members of factions. And we should treat our fellow human beings well.
I think inclusive neutrality is more helpful than targeted inclusivity because that targeting reinforces the notion that there is a difference between say a straight or gay man. And being in an out-group is often why such groups get targeted.
The lens should be that these groups are /part/ of the in-group with the rest of society.
That _should_ be the lens, yeah, but I mean... **
Maybe I'm misreading but isn't "2A for all" literally as inclusive as possible?
I think that broadly missed the point being made. I think Karl was saying that if you occupy a highly privileged position in our social hierarchy and hold the beliefs that he does, that you should feel a moral obligation to be vocal about those positions. Silence therefor makes for a negative inference of your actual position.
@@eldias5387 I agree with you, I think op missed the forest for the trees in this case.
@@eldias5387I didn't miss the point I disagreed with it as it is not founded on the basis of treating others in a equal manner.
Not a gotcha question, I'm trying to understand: aside from the general infringements on our rights by the government, how are specific groups being prevented from exercising their 2a rights more than others?
Ask gun owners in California or New York or anywhere the Democrats have a monopoly on power.
Firearms are often illegal for convicted criminal to own, some ethnic groups are more likely to be convicted than others.
Firearm permits are often issued at law enforcement discretion, which means anyone who doesn't match what that leo believes to be a "good gun owner" has a severely reduced chance of receiving the permit.
There's other examples
When influencers like garand thumb make videos about the M1A and yet call it “the gun Liberals SHOULD be afraid of” it draws a line in the sand pretty deep and sends a message “all are not welcome”
thats you yourself creating a imaginary line in your own head. you who say that open and free speech is a necessity, will actually end up killing free speech and creating a censorship society 😂
@@Onl1neDr3amsgarand thumb doesn’t speak for the entire gun community. The point stands that there isn’t any group of people who are restricted from exercising their 2A rights (other than people who have lost their rights through their own actions.)
There has never been a person who was deterred from buying a gun because a TH-cam influencer said something mean about their group.
Well said! Rule 303 is the true Golden Rule.
It’s not helpful to conflate this subject with the Breaker Morant situation. That wasn’t so much “did they do something bad” as much as “were they operating under orders as they were aware of them”. What happened was ghastly either way.
@@509Gman The trial ultimately resolved that there was no such order to 'take no prisoners', and if there had been such an order, it would still have been wrong to follow them. To that end, I agree. Being in uniform does not absolve one of their moral obligation and duty to deny evil, even if they are so ordered.
that being said, i dont really see the connection to 2AFA...
I think this is the problem with Americans treating their constitution as secular equivalent of 10 commandments, never to be changed till the judgment day comes knocking. The whole law is so outdated and vague that in the modern day it holds only by the court rulings and nothing more. Rulings that can be change depending on the legal as well political view of the judges. A good example would be movie that according I believe it was the 1916 ruling of the supreme court did not constitute a free speech, something that was eventually overturned in the 1960's and more recently a similar case with the appropriate amendment with Roe vs. Wade being changed after 50 years.
Well spoken. And what would be the other way around? Who has the right to force fellow human beings to comply with ideas they don't want to comply with? And if there is such a situation (one wants to hurt another one, the other one does not want being hurt) under which conditions is resistance legitimate? I'd say, latest when it's about your own body or your personal possessions or your home this question should be easy to answer.
I'm saying it on Substack at The Hoplite Magazine. Gun rights, like all rights, are individual, belonging to each person.
If rights are not inclusive then we are just talking about laws and social norms. As far as I see it something like the bill of rights is just the government acknowledging the fact that the right exists independently. It's just much safer for both a government and the people if they don't need to re-express their adamancy to freely use a right every generation.
Some rights are more self evident than others. No sane person would question the right to artistic expression. It's just so evident. Humans make little bits of art art and only the most moralistic and authoritarian of us would seek to control that. One could even point to that as evidence that they have taken up an extremist position. The right to make or obtain the tools of violence is much less evident apparently. I wonder if anyone would be moved by the knowledge that target practice is the only hobby that we can be sure predates art.
Thank you. The Bill of Rights grants nothing. It acknowledges some of the most important rights that are inherent to ever person.
I'm a huge fan of 2A for all, but I also think we need more education around fire arms. I would hire veterans to teach it in every school. Why? You're safer if your educated. And if everyone has the same basic knowledge, it's safer still.
Absolutely need better and more education. Veterans? Probably not the best choice.
My feelings are firearm ownership and use are pretty strongly tied to what I suppose you could call my spiritual opinions. That is, our relationships as humans with the universe around us. And part of that is that every living thing (human or not, frankly) has the right to defend itself from harm. Regardless of where that harm is coming from, or what form it takes. Every living thing has the right to ensure that it can go right on living, and to obstruct any attempts to cause their life to end.
Hi from NZ! I'm not into guns or anything and not out tell the USA what to do, but this 2nd amendment for all thing does influence our politics, all the way across the Pacific... so I can't afford to not pay attention to it. But I like what you're doing to separate the gun rights issue from tribalism in politics.
Using a gun for self defence is an insane idea to me, and most Australians and a lot of Europeans too probably. Like no problem with hunting or target shooting or whatever but proliferation of guns for self defence isn't even a 2nd amendment thing is it??? I thought the 2nd amendment was about a 'well regulated militia' which is what the military is now?
I have a hard time separating the conspiracy theorists from people who actually read the constitution, but maybe they're just interpreting it for their own ends I don't know. But here it's a generally malign influence on our politics inseparable from ultra-conservatism.
Thank you for your wise words! The Yankee Marshall is the one person that stands out to me as agreeing that the second amendment is for all.