"Fear is the mind-killer... The little death that brings total obliteration." I'm a Melbournian, still am completely shocked by the pro-totalitarian attitudes of those around me. Civil liberties were taken for granted here in 'the Lucky Country' - now they're dismissed and abandoned.
@@servantprince I think that belief depends on your age marcus. Always for you, might be different from always, for me. I remember a free Australia.... not perfect but free. I will continue the fight to reclaim that for our young n not so young for as long as God gives me the grace to do so. Blessings to you n yours.
@@kaylenehousego8929 depends what you mean by 'free'. your government ( of the people, by the people, for the people, 666 ) IS your god. Deut5:7 have none other gods before me. "God has given you one face and you make yourself another" Shakespeare
@@cluckycluck3053 , yeah a lot of people turned their back on him when he had the vaccine, even though he never said who wouldn't get it, and was honest enough to make it public when he had every right to keep it private. Although he has curiously been silent on vaccine mandates, the sacking of care workers, and the forthcoming sacking of unvaccinated NHS workers, I don't imagine this is something he would be in support of.
@@SagaciousFrank Silence and compliance aren't exactly the qualities we usually seek in a role model. Combine that with the fact that Mr. Anderson stated in his last interview with Jordan Peterson that we, meaning the world's governments, may need to isolated the unv'd from the v'd to keep the v'd safe. Both these guys seem to be quite suspect and are probably best kept at arms length.
@@Christian___ lol hate to break it to you dude. But this is crown land I can't shoot a kangaroo or catch a fish without stealing from the queen. The judicial system is referred to as the crown as it represents the queen. And the parliament is referred to as her majesty's parliament because it's hers. Our federal system has no authority over the states only the territory's of Canberra and NT. Which is why we are a federation of English territories under the governing body of the house of Windsor under the authority of God, as ordained by the Protestant church. We have only permission to behave as a democracy under the Constitution and the governor's general is a only a representative of the Royal line. I hope this has been enlightening for you.
I live in a country (Malta) where I feel at the moment bullied by the state: unvaccinated people are excluded from bars, restaurants, gyms, etc and we have to wear a mask at all times and places (apart from our own homes)... it is actually beginning to cause anxiety and depression. The Nuremberg Code is being ignored, which is scary. I feel very alienated for no valid reason. (Everyone I know who's had the dreaded was jabbed!)
Mr. Anderson supports Malta's position. Listen to his last interview with Jordan Peterson where Anderson states we may need to isolate the unv'd to keep the v'd safe.
@@dtrfgr Thanks! Makes my blood boil because there's no study or data to show that the unvaccinated are any danger to anyone! You can't spread a disease you do not have. It is becoming clear that Omicron loves the vaccinated - it was even published in the Scottish Herald recently. Segregation is utterly asinine, let alone immoral! John Anderson should zip it in that regard.
In his British debate with his brother, after Peter's opening statement, Christopher began his response by saying, '...you have made me proud to be a Hitchens,' a touching tribute from one who knew Peter best. He makes me proud to be human, and gives me hope for our future. Peter has taught many he does not know who owe him their own debt of mind and heart. To stand with Peter is to stand for good.
I am a College History Professor in the US, and in my classes, as a clear part of the material we are discussing, I will have the students discuss the answer to this question: which do you prefer, individual Liberty or economic equity. This is most often done by me after we have discussed the European 19th century where we’ve examined Liberalism (in the original sense), Socialism, Nationalism and the other key “isms” from that time. Each semester I am surprised by how many students quickly choose to give up Liberty in order to have a version of the “nanny state.” They often try to argue that they can have both, but I disabuse them from that position. Even after, the majority will align with giving up their personal liberties in order to have what they perceive as safety, equity…the government giving things to them.
That is scary. It is as though they don't think they can stand on their own two feet. Making 'health' and 'safety' into moral issues skews our experience of life. We all need to be able to do things at our own risk otherwise we become physical, mental and economic puppets of less-than-benign state bullying. The 'greater good' always curtails the individual and dumbs down intellectual, creative and physical brilliance and therefore, in the end, freedom of movement and assembly. Look around the world.... it's happening. I am English but living as an ex-pat in Malta. Unvaccinated people are excluded from bars, restaurants, gyms, etc and we have to wear a mask at all times and places (apart from our own homes)... it is actually beginning to cause anxiety and depression - we may as well stick yellow stars to our clothing. The Nuremberg Code is being ignored, which is sinister. As a teacher myself, I am saddened to hear of your students' choices. Government in a free society should be in the background SUPPORTING FREEDOMS whilst the people organise themselves as they see fit within the laws of the land and human co-operation.
@@AnnabelleJARankin they think they are standing up for some “less fortunate” group or opposing the concept of privilege. What they really are doing is expressing the cultural norm that we adults have allowed to manifest, at least in the West (and probably in Australia and Japan too) that works to eliminate all pain. Since the late 90s, we have largely ascribed to this notion, both medically and culturally that openly makes pain a bad thing with no ultimate benefit. History, of course, demonstrates that while pain is something that can or often does bring distress, it often provides the vital signals, whether to the biological person or to them as a being within a societal system, as to how to find your better next step. By demonizing pain, and intentionally working to mitigate it whether through drugs of various kinds or through decisions where everyone gets a trophy or no student is allowed to fail a grade, we have ruined our own society.
@@ccreasman Interesting! I have noticed for a long time that there has been a denial of death - everywhere people now euphemistically say 'passed away' as though they took a stroll to some distant place. Since I grew up in the 60s and 70s, and my parents grew up in the war, I find it hard that they are so poorly educated that they do not know how hard freedom was fought for, and how greatly it should not be squandered. I do hope you are able to help your students become more broad-minded. Thanks for the reply, btw.
@@sanniepstein4835 We are not born equal anyway (not being clones)! I am reminded of the quote: 'Human beings are born with different capacities. If they are free, they are not equal. And if they are equal, they are not free.' (Solzhenitsyn)
“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” -John Adams
Society was already dividing before covid. Now we have vaccinated v unvaccinated ..... but far more damaging, in my opinion, is that you have a clear divide between the public sector and politicians who have not suffered at all, and the private sector who have taken the brunt of all the government measures. The people making the decisions do not share in the consequences.
What we have here is not Democracy in decision making by citizens but rather governments hiding behind forced legislation of citizen's criminality if non-compliant. The vast majority of Australians are law abiding and therein lies the rub. Comply or become an outlaw.
@@RealGoldRealWealth all countries are communist state owns everything, and lies toyou that you that you have ownership who owns your name ? do you think you are intelligent enough to detect an optical illusion ? do you think you are intelligent enough to detect deception ?
@@kerryaggen6346 i would go further than the aus govt. They look at opinion poles and a scary percentage of the Australian people have been fully on board with descending into a totalitarianism. Here in WA people are still thanking Mcgowan for forcing 75% of the workforce to get vaccinated or lose theirs jobs, then force them into a booster after only 3 months or lose their jobs, and barring the unvaccinated (which includes double jabbed if you haven't had you booster within 4 months) from participating in society... people think this is good!
Something stunned me just very recently- Boris Johnson's sudden lifting of all restrictions. The man who PANICKED, and make no mistake, that's exactly what he did, suddenly & boldly changed his stance. This I didn't expect. It's almost as if someone tried to tell him what he WOULD do now- and it either stunned or frightened him, MORE than his coming down with Covid- which would be quite extraordinary, as that scared him badly, and he snapped out of it, finally. I would REALLY like to know what Peter Hitchens things of this sudden change. When was this interview done? Before this? Hopefully we can hear a direct response to this. Great interview.
It's funny that, how a massive drop in approval ratings will have a good-for-nothing politician attempt to push through anything that they think is popular. Politicians like that - ones with no backbone or real moral conviction - draw all of their self-righteousness from their perceived popularity. Mcclown in WA is making the exact opposite decision (tighten restrictions, extend and delay) because he thinks his power is unquestionable at this point.
@@davidhoban3825 Love to, but AOC didn't like me on Twitter, so they Suspended me, then, after denying me any kind of self-defense/appeal, they decided I should just be banned, a few years later. Kinda figured, being he's extremely intelligent, they'd of banned him too. But if he's still on Twitter, I might be able to at least view his timeline. Very few places I can comment, with even the tiniest of chances they might see is, and at least think it over- So.. this is about all I have left. Thanks for your suggestions however. I'd enjoy reading his timeline... if they don't sick the Gestapo on me.
Peter is right people have become fearful and reliant and welcoming of somebody else looking after their wealth fair which of course been exploited by politicians under the guise of keeping us all safe which of course is an impossible not to mention tedious way to live a life. I’m currently living in New Zealand and have noticed that any criticism of Jacinda Arden is met with the constant retort that you should thank her for absurd things such as not being dead etc as though she single handedly is the reason that people are still alive and they wholeheartedly welcome some of the most oppressive lock down policies of anywhere in the world in the last two years. Even when you say to people that you’ve worked through the entirety of the pandemic and have not yet managed to die they’ll just tell you that you were lucky. It amazes me that somebody that has limited so much of peoples lives still has so much support. Of course having a compliant media here that is largely goverment funded constantly bombarding people of the impending doom they are facing along with a daily press conference from the PM to inform everyone how well she’s handled the situation and that there is no other way to proceed forward doesn’t help. The Labour Party here has even gone so far as to state they are the one source of truth in this pandemic and everything else is just conspiracy theory. I’m as pessimistic for our future as Peter .
I'm sorry my very relevant comment was disappeared as it was against the WEF narrative, and the desires of the narrative of those committing crimes against humanity to enrich big pharma.
I too am a kiwi, and am completely pessimistic about regaining our freedoms, we have willingly allowed the government to restrict our movements, tell us we cant visit dying relatives etc. Its as if such freedoms carry no weight at all, and people only see "the lives that have been saved". Most of my friends blink at me and simply say "its about saving lives Michael" The sentence that resonated here with me was Johnathan swifts rule “You can-not reason a man out of a position he was not reasoned into in the first place'. NZ is about to be blitzed by the Omicron variant, I was predicting an eventual 15,000 NZ deaths, but, as Omicron is way less deadly, and we are so vaccinated, we may now keep deaths below 1,000, a very bad flue year. So yes you can argue that we have saved lives by being so restrictive, But that is mostly because the virus itself has become way less deadly, though I'm sure our Jacinda will be awarded the credit. But as I say to to anyone who will sit still for long enough, the psychological damage it has done to us, the way fear has ruled us, the freedoms we have forfeited, and the way governments will use the new knowledge of how compliant we are. Climate change is the next catastrophe in the starting blocks, and the greens will be taking note of what we will do when we are fearful.
I have missed your conversations on topics relevant to the world stage. Tonight I was thrilled to see you well and continuing your one on one dialogues. They are always mentally provocative, and especially welcome as we continue to shelter in out of harm's way!! 💝💖💓
Peter Hitchens certainly has a depth of knowledge, and experience, that many, many, many people, but esp. the young/youth/young adults should really listen to. However, there is a major element missing in his understanding of current events/trends - and that is that much of the malevolencies & malignancies are either created by and/or vastly encouraged by CORPORATE INTERESTS. It's not governments behind all this, it's corporations & private interests wielding the governmental powers. So, not only is the tech end new, but also that corporate & private interests are wielding the power through governments & government actors.
I'm seeing your concerns on the North American Continent. You didn't indicate the country you represent. Perhaps this is a worldwide phenomenon of late!
But, are you not missing the obvious in that the Government (here in the UK & likely the USA) are in league with the large corporations & those same corporations donate huge sums to the Government? In an American based TH-cam show I watch on Narcissists & how they operate in personal & public life, the host showed how many TV companies & other are sponsored by Pfizer, for example. Not really a stitch up on Covid🤔😭
Peter makes a very salient point about the fact that so many folk don't understand what freedom actually means, especially in liberal democracies, and how that works in terms of a citizen's relationship with an authority. It's as if belief in oneself, one's abilities and responsibilities have been slowly but surely taken away and have been replaced by government led health and safety initiatives, which create a climate of fear and perpetual crisis. This is exactly what has happened with Covid over the past two years. The risk has been elevated and exaggerated, because those involved in narrative creation know what effects this will have on the average Joe, who long ago gave up being a free thinking and acting agent. This is how some have come to assert that a majority have succumbed to the concept of 'mass formation psychosis, ' which has had the effect of dividing the public into two camps by using discriminatory policies and pejorative language to vilify those that have made the decision to not to take the vaccine.
Pessimism is entirely appropriate at this juncture. Do not be fooled by the “relaxing” of restrictions. They are merely taking a breather. Climate restrictions are next. COVID conveniently laid the legal groundwork.
I love John's thoughtfulness and intellectual effort to be balanced and fair...Learning, not support for existing beliefs is very much his brand. His sober, elegant suit and tie speaks to a form of respect for his guest...and his audience....
Please do another interview on education. I'm a single mum and teacher, I've been teaching since 2009 and it's a toxic, horrible environment to work in. I'm just a generalist classroom teacher and this continued discussion on 'inclusive' education means students miss out on specialist or experts that can provide the targeted help needed. I despair at our education system in Australia and honestly feel it's time to send kids home for the parents to educate as they are their children's number one educator. We need to abolish the current system and go back to the way Hitchens describes. High school and university education are simply not for everyone, and that's okay.
Thank-you for having Peter Hitchens on. I have learned much from him. I wish he were more optimistic, but it seems he has reason not to be. Trade liberty for safety? You end up with neither. Unfortunately too many Americans are now willing to do this.
I enjoyed listening to Christopher Hitchens even though I often disagreed with him. And I enjoy listening to Peter, with whom I almost always agree. The common denominators are wit, brutal honesty, and skepticism. Both remind me of something Roger Scruton said: "I take the view that pessimism is the wise position to adopt because you’re always agreeably surprised."
You only have to walk around any shopping centre or city centre in Western Australia where 80% of people are voluntarily walking around wearing face masks when there is no requirement to do so. It’s hysteria on a mass scale.
Not only frightened, people have been intimidated, threatened, and pressured to surrender their sovereignty over their own bodies and health care! Their boundaries have been crossed!!
We look for a leader not for an temporary uprising but rather a leader who has the power and the will to change the abusive proposed legislation before it was enacted. John perhaps would have been able to do that. Not a squeak from our official 'opposition'.
If Hitchens was honest he'd admit that Farage & Trump are better than the current alternatives but wants to keep himself pure and not associated with anyone.
Who else agrees we should Set up a crowdfunding page to buy Peter Hitchens a high definition hi precision microphone with fluffy cover.? I love listening to the guy, but he is a natural Mumbler and it really cuts into the quality ..
I think some folk have forgotten an aspect of Australian culutre that is still prevailent. Australia has never has a revolution or civil war. Historically we have always had a sense of egalitarianism with comparatively minimal polarisation of wealth. Hence we have never had to fight for liberty. Our constituation was a bipartisan agreement between all states. We have always been free, hence the "She be right mate", philosophy. Hence, we have the ability to temporarily surrender some freedoms for the common good. What people need to watch is that there is growing polarisation and growing tensions between those that have and those who have not. There is an increasing 'two-speed economy.' People may react by colaborating with Marxist groups and philosphies. This is what happened in France where people supported the revolution against the bourgeoisie in 1789. Government has been intrisically part of Australia's economy form the construction or transport, communication, electricity and other services. Unlike parts of the world where immenities were sponsored by the private sector. These immenities gave people wealth, security and a sense of belonging. Hence it is natural for people to turn to their government in the times of trouble. You must remeber most Australians live in the cities, so the robust independant figure isn't as prominent as what some may perceive.
Let’s see what happens next - more variants ? And from where ? Will they keep going in mandating ongoing the vax given Britain is backing down ? + US Supreme Court decision - Is the great big plan unraveling ?
I'd disagree on one point in his covid segment, and that's whilst it's true people are frightened of this disease, and thus are happy wearing masks, I do not believe there is an appetite for lockdowns even if offered and people are just about ready to get back to normality. It certainly doesn't help when almost all the broadcasters are telling people the end is nigh, day in day out, and when the health service is publishing overtly deceitful information about the number of hospitalisations as a result of covid (they report _with_ covid). If people are not given the information they need in order to form their own conclusions they will have those conclusions drawn for them, and that's precisely what we see the establishment doing.
Well let's see. In his last interview with Jordan Peterson, Mr Anderson stated that "we" (the world's governments) may need to isolate the unv'd from the rest of society to keep the v'd safe. Mr. Hitchens got v'd, and I believe his reasoning was that he wanted to make travel less cumbersome. That claim may be mis-remembered, but I'm positive that his reason wasn't for health. If we're listening to these two guys for advice on how to reclaim our freedoms, we may want to move on to more sober and steady sources.
I reckon it would be good to see Peter talk with Russell Brand again. A lot of water has gone under the bridge now and they have more in common now. They both are very sceptical of government overreaching.
We fear because we enjoy our modern lives too much. We are so scared of losing our modern luxurious through imprisonment or death that we dare not rock the boat too much.
I’m always very interested in listening to Hitchens’ opinions but have great difficulty in hearing all the words because he speaks indistinctly most of the time. In this debate everything Anderson says is perfectly clear and half to three quarters of what Hitchens says is not.
9 minutes in “ Morrison is a friend of mine, he’s said, time to give people their freedoms back “?? Is that something his government will use in Djokovic vs Australia?? Hmm, me thinks not.
Peter's audio is very hard to hear, like he's underwater. I really can barely understand what he's saying half the time and I really would like to hear the interview. :(
When people say liberty they actually mean license. Such license is unnatural and whenever people are threatened with real harm they will happily give up their vices for security (at least till the danger passes).
Hitchens has given up fighting for liberty as he has admitted here and has said nothing about vaccine passports. I asked him why on Twitter and he said that he decides what to speak about and he doesn't want to speak out about this (vax passes). He basically thinks that the fight has been lost, and he could be right, but it will always be the minority who wakes up the majority so I can't join him in throwing in the towel. He speaks a lot of sense but you either quit or you carry on fighting. Both ways are hard but I'll choose to carry on. If only 10% want freedom, liberty and human rights then that's enough to keep me going
To me Hitchens sounds like a paid up Globalist. He's all about self preservation and The Globalists have the money. I'm saying that this is the best opportunity for the World to change The Politics of Totalitarianism Ideology for ever.
@@myvibe3893Your Vibe is well off as you don’t understand What Social Conservatism is (re his interview with the SDP Leader) Where were you 30-40 years ago
So he’s been silent for the last two years has he 🙄 he’s been defending liberty! Ps re twitter Your forgetting his position. We live in a world governed by Scientific Determinism and Progressive Liberalism We have become slaves to both.
@@seanmoran2743 1)The Answer to the first part. I was delusional enough In believing Liberals represented Small Business in Australia. 2) Second point “Social Conservatism” tag has nothing to do with Australian Politics. If anything it demonstrates Nihilism. It is an American ideology of Being a Woke Liberal--- ie a useless self serving corrupt Democrat. Republicans are not much different they stand for nothing but themselves.
@@myvibe3893I suggest you listen to his explanation of Social Conservatism Which is a philosophical position not a political one. Of course the parties will sell you out they exist for there own benefit not ours. I’m not criticising you I only woke up in the in approximately 2009 I have abstained ever since
"To understand all is not to forgive all. A lot of conservatives simply do not understand the power in the minds of their opponents, of their hugely strong belief that what they are doing is good."
Prior to the 1960s cultural revolution era the labor party had a lot of honourable leaders with vision who really had the best interests of the poor and the miners in their hearts, I think in the modern era Bob Katter is the only man I see who still represents the Aussie battlers on the left of politics, the rest in my opinion seem to be clowns from a university circus
"The wealthier you are, the better chance you have of a better education and that's about it." Peter, that's not entirely true. I have seen the education results for the UK stratified by gender, race and family income. Wealth is not the primary indicator of these 3 to accurately describe the current gulf in education levels between groups in the UK. Gender had the largest correlation with education outcomes, with girls being far more likely than boys to achieve a good outcome in the current education system. Race plays a significant role also, with white Britons being at a massive disadvantage to asian and middle eastern peers, regardless of wealth. Wealth itself did account for some of the difference in outcomes - but it was by far the weakest association of the three. Our educational institutions are first and foremost sexist (against boys) and racist (against whites), and only perhaps a little elitist after taking those into account.
When looked at from the level of each person, every metric fails to adequately capture or explain why some "succeed" and others don't EXCEPT personal motivation & personal responsibility. And, I'm going to point out that "education outcome" is actually a subjective term... What "outcome" is desired? THAT is the most important facet.
@@kerryaggen6346 Kerry... the problem I am describing is one of either societal discrimination against native British boys, or country-wide demotivation of native British boys. Why are these boys not driven to succeed? Might it have something to do with being ineligible for 85% of scholarships on the basis of their biological characteristics? Might it be due to propaganda against their existence spewed forth by every authority figure outside their immediate family? The outcomes I am referring to are of course their scores in standardised national exams - these allow or disallow participation in further studies in education institutions which (wrongfully) still have control over who gets employment chances in high-paid and important occupations. Ultimately it is down to the individual - but the ancestors of these boys were built up to succeed, while the current generation has been stamped down at every opportunity. The first step is realising there is a problem.
@@Toropetskii Men and boys are not seen as being disadvantaged. Therefore, they are largely left to their own devices. And when it comes down to it, men are generally considered to be more expendable. There is no doubt, over the last 50 or so years. There has been a push towards promoting women and girls. And to publicly argue things have swung too far in this direction. Is to instantly run the risk of being labelled a women/girl hater! As there isn't a reservoir of sympathy for such a message! Therefore not many will run that risk! And driving all of this. Is a sense, that men and boys need to be reduced. And women and girls need to be built up!
@@davidtaylor351 Yep, the driver is so-called equality. Anyone who understands basic biology or had a functional family knows that men and women are not interchangeable.
Security before liberty or self reliance by individuals. What people seem to prefer is autocracy of wokeism. A death knell for capitalism unless people decide to think for themselves and choose freedom.
The wearing of seat belts does not transgress the boundary of personal body preservation. To realize that the human body, totally pure encased in a protective shell 🐚 can be assaulted with a substance unknown with disregard for unpressured permission of the owner in concord with their health care practitioner is a step too far!
Interesting discussion - but John, we are NOT back to normal in Australia! Check out Bret Weinstein and Chris Martenson discussion today, and you will understand more clearly some of the points Peter was politely referring to.
I have no doubt that Peter is making sense ( I read his column) but I have such difficulty in hearing clearly what he says. Perhaps he may think of enunciating himself better?
Great discussion. Peter Hitchens speaks English but the fluctuations in his "up and down" cadence makes it difficult to understand him....not to mention the poor audio on his end that didn't help.
His Brother was better but a lot of what Peter says resonates. The thing about Peter is ..... He does not allow comments on his opinions. He makes money from MSM but pretends he hates it. It's a Mad Mad Mad World.
Completely agree with Peter about the bombing of German civilians in WW2 - copying the actions of the luftwaffe in incinerating cities was not a morally sound (or even effective) response in my opinion. Plus it's given oxygen to and animated the drive of every neo-nazi I've ever encountered online, giving that movement in the modern day all the Holy Martyrs it ever needed, which isn't good at all! It basically reminds me of that saying about when you hunt monsters, beware of becoming one yourself! The fact also that many of the communists I've met have thoroughly condoned and enjoyed the dreadful details of such as the bombing of Dresden, also makes me think that it was a grave moral mistake!
I would disagree with Mr Hitchens’ characterisation of the people’s acceptance of various governments Hobsian pact. While it is true that the majority of Anglosphere's peoples are willing to 'trade liberty for safety’, the key points that he misses are 1. that this only on the understanding that it is a temporary measure (eg to allow a government time to vaccinate a population and upgrade health infrastructure, and 2. That self-sacrifice for the greater good is actually a fundamental characteristic of our shared British-derived culture (ie an individual is free to do as they please, so long as it doesn’t unnecessarily impinge on the freedoms of others - such as infecting them with a deadly disease).
This was great, but please talk to Tom Holland, author of Dominion, Rubicon etc. He mentioned the inadequacies of the modern church in these trying times.
I think maybe (because i did) people dont know that they can reject the current governing. I never knew i could be allowed to be against lockdowns even though i knew there were protests, i just thought those peoples ‘professions’ was protesting and not that they were protesting because they felt strongly about that issue. After vaccine mandates ive been able to understand the reasoning of lockdown protestors, i hope that like myself the more control the government enforces the more people realise whats happening and that they can oppose it.
Being the significant voice of reason that he is, I wish Peter Hitchins would fix his "mumbling" and speak clearly and audibly. He is not "easy on the ear"
"Fear is the mind-killer... The little death that brings total obliteration."
I'm a Melbournian, still am completely shocked by the pro-totalitarian attitudes of those around me. Civil liberties were taken for granted here in 'the Lucky Country' - now they're dismissed and abandoned.
What exactly are you talking about?
@@Sal3600 I think what Gee is saying is quite clear but good to know that I am not the only one feeling very irritable.
Aust has always been a police state
@@servantprince I think that belief depends on your age marcus. Always for you, might be different from always, for me.
I remember a free Australia.... not perfect but free. I will continue the fight to reclaim that for our young n not so young for as long as God gives me the grace to do so. Blessings to you n yours.
@@kaylenehousego8929 depends what you mean by 'free'. your government ( of the people, by the people, for the people, 666 ) IS your god. Deut5:7 have none other gods before me. "God has given you one face and you make yourself another" Shakespeare
That is sad that so many live in fear. And worse still that people willingly give up their freedom to have the illusion of "being safe"!!
Thank you John Anderson for always bringing back Peter Hitchens whose repository of knowledge can never be summed up in a single interview.
As usual, a principled man having a reasoned conversation. Thanks for having him on again John.
I like listening to Peter. He has briliant observations and adds that with personal integrity.
@@cluckycluck3053 , yeah a lot of people turned their back on him when he had the vaccine, even though he never said who wouldn't get it, and was honest enough to make it public when he had every right to keep it private. Although he has curiously been silent on vaccine mandates, the sacking of care workers, and the forthcoming sacking of unvaccinated NHS workers, I don't imagine this is something he would be in support of.
@@SagaciousFrank Silence and compliance aren't exactly the qualities we usually seek in a role model. Combine that with the fact that Mr. Anderson stated in his last interview with Jordan Peterson that we, meaning the world's governments, may need to isolated the unv'd from the v'd to keep the v'd safe. Both these guys seem to be quite suspect and are probably best kept at arms length.
I really enjoy listening and learning from Peter Hitchens . He is a national treasure and should receive an honour from the Queen.
The Queen and all other powerful people would despise him.
Ironic. Considering we have no civil rights in Australia because of the queen.
@@TGBurgerGaming I didn't know that. Why don't you have any civil right? That doesn't sound very fair.
@@TGBurgerGaming They talk about this at 9:35 - in British common law, these rights are not the Queen's to give, you already have them.
@@Christian___ lol hate to break it to you dude. But this is crown land I can't shoot a kangaroo or catch a fish without stealing from the queen. The judicial system is referred to as the crown as it represents the queen. And the parliament is referred to as her majesty's parliament because it's hers. Our federal system has no authority over the states only the territory's of Canberra and NT. Which is why we are a federation of English territories under the governing body of the house of Windsor under the authority of God, as ordained by the Protestant church. We have only permission to behave as a democracy under the Constitution and the governor's general is a only a representative of the Royal line. I hope this has been enlightening for you.
Thank you, John and Peter, for making sense from the madness that surrounds us.
It is so good to be able to find some decency and good sense on the internet!
I live in a country (Malta) where I feel at the moment bullied by the state: unvaccinated
people are excluded from bars, restaurants, gyms, etc and we have to wear a mask at
all times and places (apart from our own homes)... it is actually beginning to cause
anxiety and depression. The Nuremberg Code is being ignored, which is scary. I feel
very alienated for no valid reason. (Everyone I know who's had the dreaded was jabbed!)
Mr. Anderson supports Malta's position. Listen to his last interview with Jordan Peterson where Anderson states we may need to isolate the unv'd to keep the v'd safe.
@@dtrfgr Thanks! Makes my blood boil because there's no study or data to show that the unvaccinated are any danger to anyone! You can't spread a disease you do not have. It is becoming clear that Omicron loves the vaccinated - it was even published in the Scottish Herald recently. Segregation is utterly asinine, let alone immoral! John Anderson should zip it in that regard.
I love Peter Hitchens thought process and the way he composes himself and have for many a year. 👏👏👏👏
Yes he has!
In his British debate with his brother, after Peter's opening statement, Christopher began his response by saying, '...you have made me proud to be a Hitchens,' a touching tribute from one who knew Peter best. He makes me proud to be human, and gives me hope for our future. Peter has taught many he does not know who owe him their own debt of mind and heart. To stand with Peter is to stand for good.
Did anyone record such a debate? Would love to listen as they came at things from angles
@@BottlegardenUK th-cam.com/video/1XHv7IQCg-w/w-d-xo.html
That's absolutely fantastic. Those dudes disagreed on so much, but they were bros. RIP Christopher.
They hated each other.
@@americo7965 For example?
I am a College History Professor in the US, and in my classes, as a clear part of the material we are discussing, I will have the students discuss the answer to this question: which do you prefer, individual Liberty or economic equity. This is most often done by me after we have discussed the European 19th century where we’ve examined Liberalism (in the original sense), Socialism, Nationalism and the other key “isms” from that time. Each semester I am surprised by how many students quickly choose to give up Liberty in order to have a version of the “nanny state.” They often try to argue that they can have both, but I disabuse them from that position. Even after, the majority will align with giving up their personal liberties in order to have what they perceive as safety, equity…the government giving things to them.
That is scary. It is as though they don't think they can stand on their own two feet. Making 'health' and 'safety' into
moral issues skews our experience of life. We all need to be able to do things at our own risk otherwise we become
physical, mental and economic puppets of less-than-benign state bullying. The 'greater good' always curtails the individual and dumbs down intellectual, creative and physical brilliance and therefore, in the end, freedom of
movement and assembly. Look around the world.... it's happening. I am English but living as an ex-pat in Malta.
Unvaccinated people are excluded from bars, restaurants, gyms, etc and we have to wear a mask at all times and places (apart from our own homes)... it is actually beginning to cause anxiety and depression - we may as well stick yellow stars to our clothing. The Nuremberg Code is being ignored, which is sinister. As a teacher myself, I am saddened to hear of your students' choices. Government in a free society should be in the background SUPPORTING FREEDOMS whilst the people organise themselves as they see fit within the laws of the land and human co-operation.
@@AnnabelleJARankin they think they are standing up for some “less fortunate” group or opposing the concept of privilege. What they really are doing is expressing the cultural norm that we adults have allowed to manifest, at least in the West (and probably in Australia and Japan too) that works to eliminate all pain. Since the late 90s, we have largely ascribed to this notion, both medically and culturally that openly makes pain a bad thing with no ultimate benefit. History, of course, demonstrates that while pain is something that can or often does bring distress, it often provides the vital signals, whether to the biological person or to them as a being within a societal system, as to how to find your better next step. By demonizing pain, and intentionally working to mitigate it whether through drugs of various kinds or through decisions where everyone gets a trophy or no student is allowed to fail a grade, we have ruined our own society.
@@ccreasman Interesting! I have noticed for a long time that there has been a denial of death - everywhere people now euphemistically say 'passed away' as though they took a stroll to some distant place. Since I grew up in the 60s and 70s, and my parents grew up in the war, I find it hard that they are so poorly educated that they do not know how hard freedom was fought for, and how greatly it should not be squandered. I do hope you are able to help your students become more broad-minded. Thanks for the reply, btw.
Economic equity never happens.
@@sanniepstein4835 We are not born equal anyway (not being clones)! I am reminded of the quote: 'Human beings are born with different capacities. If they are free, they are not equal. And if they are equal, they are not free.' (Solzhenitsyn)
“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”
-John Adams
We are supposed to be a republic not a democracy in America. Obama kicked it to the curb. Sad!
Society was already dividing before covid. Now we have vaccinated v unvaccinated ..... but far more damaging, in my opinion, is that you have a clear divide between the public sector and politicians who have not suffered at all, and the private sector who have taken the brunt of all the government measures. The people making the decisions do not share in the consequences.
Divide and conquer - Julius Caesar. Elite handbook for last 2000 + years
What we have here is not Democracy in decision making by citizens but rather governments hiding behind forced legislation of citizen's criminality if non-compliant. The vast majority of Australians are law abiding and therein lies the rub. Comply or become an outlaw.
@@RealGoldRealWealth all countries are communist
state owns everything, and lies toyou that you that you have ownership
who owns your name ?
do you think you are intelligent enough to detect an optical illusion ?
do you think you are intelligent enough to detect deception ?
Australia has acted shamelessly during COVID..
Those in the Australian government, you mean.
Don’t think any government in the Anglo Sphere has acted very well
‘Anglo sphere’. Ironic. As if it’s really Anglos still in charge of our countries.
@@kerryaggen6346 i would go further than the aus govt. They look at opinion poles and a scary percentage of the Australian people have been fully on board with descending into a totalitarianism. Here in WA people are still thanking Mcgowan for forcing 75% of the workforce to get vaccinated or lose theirs jobs, then force them into a booster after only 3 months or lose their jobs, and barring the unvaccinated (which includes double jabbed if you haven't had you booster within 4 months) from participating in society... people think this is good!
Hitchens is always a pleasure, but could someone please supply the man with a good microphone please!!!
Something stunned me just very recently- Boris Johnson's sudden lifting of all restrictions. The man who PANICKED, and make no mistake, that's exactly what he did, suddenly & boldly changed his stance.
This I didn't expect. It's almost as if someone tried to tell him what he WOULD do now- and it either stunned or frightened him, MORE than his coming down with Covid- which would be quite extraordinary, as that scared him badly, and he snapped out of it, finally.
I would REALLY like to know what Peter Hitchens things of this sudden change. When was this interview done? Before this?
Hopefully we can hear a direct response to this.
Great interview.
It's funny that, how a massive drop in approval ratings will have a good-for-nothing politician attempt to push through anything that they think is popular. Politicians like that - ones with no backbone or real moral conviction - draw all of their self-righteousness from their perceived popularity. Mcclown in WA is making the exact opposite decision (tighten restrictions, extend and delay) because he thinks his power is unquestionable at this point.
Contact him on Twitter and have a look at his Twitter timeline
@@davidhoban3825 Love to, but AOC didn't like me on Twitter, so they Suspended me, then, after denying me any kind of self-defense/appeal, they decided I should just be banned, a few years later.
Kinda figured, being he's extremely intelligent, they'd of banned him too. But if he's still on Twitter, I might be able to at least view his timeline. Very few places I can comment, with even the tiniest of chances they might see is, and at least think it over- So.. this is about all I have left.
Thanks for your suggestions however. I'd enjoy reading his timeline... if they don't sick the Gestapo on me.
Look forward to listening to this. 2 excellent men!
Peter Hitchens is my British spirit animal. Great wide-ranging discussion. John Anderson is interviewer par excellence.
A profound and fascinating conversation, gentlemen: thank you very much... ☝️😎
Fascinating conversation. Thank you.
Peter is right people have become fearful and reliant and welcoming of somebody else looking after their wealth fair which of course been exploited by politicians under the guise of keeping us all safe which of course is an impossible not to mention tedious way to live a life. I’m currently living in New Zealand and have noticed that any criticism of Jacinda Arden is met with the constant retort that you should thank her for absurd things such as not being dead etc as though she single handedly is the reason that people are still alive and they wholeheartedly welcome some of the most oppressive lock down policies of anywhere in the world in the last two years. Even when you say to people that you’ve worked through the entirety of the pandemic and have not yet managed to die they’ll just tell you that you were lucky. It amazes me that somebody that has limited so much of peoples lives still has so much support. Of course having a compliant media here that is largely goverment funded constantly bombarding people of the impending doom they are facing along with a daily press conference from the PM to inform everyone how well she’s handled the situation and that there is no other way to proceed forward doesn’t help. The Labour Party here has even gone so far as to state they are the one source of truth in this pandemic and everything else is just conspiracy theory. I’m as pessimistic for our future as Peter .
Your pessimism is what keeps you going the dumb people believe EVERYTHING that the talking box with pictures says
Sounds exactly like Ireland
I'm sorry my very relevant comment was disappeared as it was against the WEF narrative, and the desires of the narrative of those committing crimes against humanity to enrich big pharma.
I too am a kiwi, and am completely pessimistic about regaining our freedoms, we have willingly allowed the government to restrict our movements, tell us we cant visit dying relatives etc. Its as if such freedoms carry no weight at all, and people only see "the lives that have been saved". Most of my friends blink at me and simply say "its about saving lives Michael" The sentence that resonated here with me was Johnathan swifts rule “You can-not reason a man out of a position he was not reasoned into in the first place'.
NZ is about to be blitzed by the Omicron variant, I was predicting an eventual 15,000 NZ deaths, but, as Omicron is way less deadly, and we are so vaccinated, we may now keep deaths below 1,000, a very bad flue year. So yes you can argue that we have saved lives by being so restrictive, But that is mostly because the virus itself has become way less deadly, though I'm sure our Jacinda will be awarded the credit.
But as I say to to anyone who will sit still for long enough, the psychological damage it has done to us, the way fear has ruled us, the freedoms we have forfeited, and the way governments will use the new knowledge of how compliant we are. Climate change is the next catastrophe in the starting blocks, and the greens will be taking note of what we will do when we are fearful.
@@mikecoote9546 Couldn't have said it better.
A great discussion!
Thank you John Anderson and Peter Hitchens for a stimulating discussion of your views of the world situation as you see it.
Brilliant interview!! I still have baseless hope in an unexpected reversal of decline.
Thanks for your video. I look forward to your future discussions.
For those that give up freedom for security deserve neither
Peter Hitchens did just that when he took the jab so he could travel.
@@theoutlawjoseywales4075 was he originally opposed to it and just did it only so he would be allowed to travel?
Great discussion. Thank you for organising it.
Apropos of nothing, I'm loving the Hitchens face rug!
Two Great minds who actually think before speaking oh what a joy
Thank you Peter
I have missed your conversations on topics relevant to the world stage. Tonight I was thrilled to see you well and continuing your one on one dialogues. They are always mentally provocative, and especially welcome as we continue to shelter in out of harm's way!! 💝💖💓
Thank you for your courage
Peter Hitchens certainly has a depth of knowledge, and experience, that many, many, many people, but esp. the young/youth/young adults should really listen to. However, there is a major element missing in his understanding of current events/trends - and that is that much of the malevolencies & malignancies are either created by and/or vastly encouraged by CORPORATE INTERESTS. It's not governments behind all this, it's corporations & private interests wielding the governmental powers. So, not only is the tech end new, but also that corporate & private interests are wielding the power through governments & government actors.
I'm seeing your concerns on the North American Continent. You didn't indicate the country you represent. Perhaps this is a worldwide phenomenon of late!
But, are you not missing the obvious in that the Government (here in the UK & likely the USA) are in league with the large corporations & those same corporations donate huge sums to the Government? In an American based TH-cam show I watch on Narcissists & how they operate in personal & public life, the host showed how many TV companies & other are sponsored by Pfizer, for example. Not really a stitch up on Covid🤔😭
@@SuperMarion61 You're right - it really is a "marriage" between the two - I should have emphasized that, too. Thanks!
Peter makes a very salient point about the fact that so many folk don't understand what freedom actually means, especially in liberal democracies, and how that works in terms of a citizen's relationship with an authority. It's as if belief in oneself, one's abilities and responsibilities have been slowly but surely taken away and have been replaced by government led health and safety initiatives, which create a climate of fear and perpetual crisis. This is exactly what has happened with Covid over the past two years. The risk has been elevated and exaggerated, because those involved in narrative creation know what effects this will have on the average Joe, who long ago gave up being a free thinking and acting agent. This is how some have come to assert that a majority have succumbed to the concept of 'mass formation psychosis, ' which has had the effect of dividing the public into two camps by using discriminatory policies and pejorative language to vilify those that have made the decision to not to take the vaccine.
Pessimism is entirely appropriate at this juncture.
Do not be fooled by the “relaxing” of restrictions. They are merely taking a breather. Climate restrictions are next. COVID conveniently laid the legal groundwork.
there is no way i will be locked down for weather, anyone who complies under that premise deserves whatever prison they make for themselves
Huge respect for Peter
I love John's thoughtfulness and intellectual effort to be balanced and fair...Learning, not support for existing beliefs is very much his brand. His sober, elegant suit and tie speaks to a form of respect for his guest...and his audience....
His insights have only sharpened with every attack on our rights.
Thank you Mr Anderson !!🇬🇧🇺🇸
Please do another interview on education. I'm a single mum and teacher, I've been teaching since 2009 and it's a toxic, horrible environment to work in. I'm just a generalist classroom teacher and this continued discussion on 'inclusive' education means students miss out on specialist or experts that can provide the targeted help needed. I despair at our education system in Australia and honestly feel it's time to send kids home for the parents to educate as they are their children's number one educator. We need to abolish the current system and go back to the way Hitchens describes. High school and university education are simply not for everyone, and that's okay.
One of my favourite guests
Thank-you for having Peter Hitchens on. I have learned much from him. I wish he were more optimistic, but it seems he has reason not to be. Trade liberty for safety? You end up with neither. Unfortunately too many Americans are now willing to do this.
I enjoyed listening to Christopher Hitchens even though I often disagreed with him. And I enjoy listening to Peter, with whom I almost always agree. The common denominators are wit, brutal honesty, and skepticism. Both remind me of something Roger Scruton said: "I take the view that pessimism is the wise position to adopt because you’re always agreeably surprised."
Reasonable man.
Enjoy Peter Hitchens' appearances speaking with John. Would be nice to hear him speak into a better microphone, though.
I'm surprised how little Anderson has criticized Australia in all his interviews.
When the prime minister is your mate and you want to keep it that way, you leave honesty for behind closed doors.
He did admonish himself for going easy on Australian political shenanigans.
Thank you gentlemen very much. Your help is Simple Man from Asbury Park New Jersey understand the world better
Thank you John and Peter. 'Cast your bread upon the water....'
Very stressing welcoming of the way the public has handled it. Iam afraid that 70 percent of australians are blind as to what is really going on.
Great journalism 😊
You only have to walk around any shopping centre or city centre in Western Australia where 80% of people are voluntarily walking around wearing face masks when there is no requirement to do so. It’s hysteria on a mass scale.
Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create bad times.
We are in between the last two.
No, we're in the last - "weak men create hard times". We are in just the beginning of "hard times".
@@kerryaggen6346My thoughts exactly. Cheers!
Not only frightened, people have been intimidated, threatened, and pressured to surrender their sovereignty over their own bodies and health care! Their boundaries have been crossed!!
Peter Hitchens is simply peerless.
Its Australian character and culture that has changed the greatest.
Most people I know just don't know what to do about the political class. They go along because they feel "what can I do". Everyone waits for a leader
We look for a leader not for an temporary uprising but rather a leader who has the power and the will to change the abusive proposed legislation before it was enacted. John perhaps would have been able to do that. Not a squeak from our official 'opposition'.
If Hitchens was honest he'd admit that Farage & Trump are better than the current alternatives but wants to keep himself pure and not associated with anyone.
They're still proud of their Fear.
They define themselves by their FEAR.
Who else agrees we should Set up a crowdfunding page to buy Peter Hitchens a high definition hi precision microphone with fluffy cover.? I love listening to the guy, but he is a natural Mumbler and it really cuts into the quality ..
I agree but he really needs to invest in himself as a significant communicator and make an appointment with a speech therapist.
I think some folk have forgotten an aspect of Australian culutre that is still prevailent. Australia has never has a revolution or civil war. Historically we have always had a sense of egalitarianism with comparatively minimal polarisation of wealth. Hence we have never had to fight for liberty. Our constituation was a bipartisan agreement between all states. We have always been free, hence the "She be right mate", philosophy. Hence, we have the ability to temporarily surrender some freedoms for the common good. What people need to watch is that there is growing polarisation and growing tensions between those that have and those who have not. There is an increasing 'two-speed economy.' People may react by colaborating with Marxist groups and philosphies. This is what happened in France where people supported the revolution against the bourgeoisie in 1789. Government has been intrisically part of Australia's economy form the construction or transport, communication, electricity and other services. Unlike parts of the world where immenities were sponsored by the private sector. These immenities gave people wealth, security and a sense of belonging. Hence it is natural for people to turn to their government in the times of trouble. You must remeber most Australians live in the cities, so the robust independant figure isn't as prominent as what some may perceive.
Let’s see what happens next - more variants ? And from where ? Will they keep going in mandating ongoing the vax given Britain is backing down ? + US Supreme Court decision - Is the great big plan unraveling ?
Sound quality renders PH disappointingly hard to hear...pity
Agreed .
Liberty is inportant
I'd disagree on one point in his covid segment, and that's whilst it's true people are frightened of this disease, and thus are happy wearing masks, I do not believe there is an appetite for lockdowns even if offered and people are just about ready to get back to normality. It certainly doesn't help when almost all the broadcasters are telling people the end is nigh, day in day out, and when the health service is publishing overtly deceitful information about the number of hospitalisations as a result of covid (they report _with_ covid). If people are not given the information they need in order to form their own conclusions they will have those conclusions drawn for them, and that's precisely what we see the establishment doing.
From the start peter stood firm and has been proved right...
Well let's see. In his last interview with Jordan Peterson, Mr Anderson stated that "we" (the world's governments) may need to isolate the unv'd from the rest of society to keep the v'd safe. Mr. Hitchens got v'd, and I believe his reasoning was that he wanted to make travel less cumbersome. That claim may be mis-remembered, but I'm positive that his reason wasn't for health. If we're listening to these two guys for advice on how to reclaim our freedoms, we may want to move on to more sober and steady sources.
I reckon it would be good to see Peter talk with Russell Brand again. A lot of water has gone under the bridge now and they have more in common now. They both are very sceptical of government overreaching.
Nah, a leopard doesn't change its spots. Brand is barely tolerable, even if I do sometimes agree with him.
We fear because we enjoy our modern lives too much. We are so scared of losing our modern luxurious through imprisonment or death that we dare not rock the boat too much.
Name the people who played on our feelings.
Professionals who abused us all, including their own.
Ha ha, it's an urban view of society, I still repair my plumbing and electrical issues, and do my car maintenance, as many others in rural areas.
Isn't there a long-term overall migration to the cities?
The principle unit is not the family, it’s the individual.
I’m always very interested in listening to Hitchens’ opinions but have great difficulty in hearing all the words because he speaks indistinctly most of the time. In this debate everything Anderson says is perfectly clear and half to three quarters of what Hitchens says is not.
OMG I didn’t know this existed!!
9 minutes in “ Morrison is a friend of mine, he’s said, time to give people their freedoms back “?? Is that something his government will use in Djokovic vs Australia?? Hmm, me thinks not.
Peter's audio is very hard to hear, like he's underwater. I really can barely understand what he's saying half the time and I really would like to hear the interview. :(
The man, the myth, the legend.
Peter is a prophet, you will miss him when he's gone - never to be replaced.
@@Ruda-n4h Absolutely. I'll be devastated.
Striking thoughts on the one way orthodoxy
When people say liberty they actually mean license. Such license is unnatural and whenever people are threatened with real harm they will happily give up their vices for security (at least till the danger passes).
He should do something about reclaiming his country !!!! His brother had more courage !!
Hitchens has given up fighting for liberty as he has admitted here and has said nothing about vaccine passports. I asked him why on Twitter and he said that he decides what to speak about and he doesn't want to speak out about this (vax passes).
He basically thinks that the fight has been lost, and he could be right, but it will always be the minority who wakes up the majority so I can't join him in throwing in the towel.
He speaks a lot of sense but you either quit or you carry on fighting. Both ways are hard but I'll choose to carry on. If only 10% want freedom, liberty and human rights then that's enough to keep me going
To me Hitchens sounds like a paid up Globalist. He's all about self preservation and The Globalists have the money. I'm saying that this is the best opportunity for the World to change The Politics of Totalitarianism Ideology for ever.
@@myvibe3893Your Vibe is well off as you don’t understand What Social Conservatism is (re his interview with the SDP Leader)
Where were you 30-40 years ago
So he’s been silent for the last two years has he 🙄 he’s been defending liberty!
Ps re twitter
Your forgetting his position.
We live in a world governed by Scientific Determinism and Progressive Liberalism
We have become slaves to both.
@@seanmoran2743 1)The Answer to the first part. I was delusional enough In believing Liberals represented Small Business in Australia. 2) Second point “Social Conservatism” tag has nothing to do with Australian Politics. If anything it demonstrates Nihilism. It is an American ideology of Being a Woke Liberal--- ie a useless self serving corrupt Democrat. Republicans are not much different they stand for nothing but themselves.
@@myvibe3893I suggest you listen to his explanation of Social Conservatism Which is a philosophical position not a political one.
Of course the parties will sell you out they exist for there own benefit not ours.
I’m not criticising you I only woke up in the in approximately 2009
I have abstained ever since
"To understand all is not to forgive all. A lot of conservatives simply do not understand the power in the minds of their opponents, of their hugely strong belief that what they are doing is good."
This sounds like it will be interesting.
Things are loosening up in uk now. Hopefully permanently.
Prior to the 1960s cultural revolution era the labor party had a lot of honourable leaders with vision who really had the best interests of the poor and the miners in their hearts, I think in the modern era Bob Katter is the only man I see who still represents the Aussie battlers on the left of politics, the rest in my opinion seem to be clowns from a university circus
"The wealthier you are, the better chance you have of a better education and that's about it."
Peter, that's not entirely true. I have seen the education results for the UK stratified by gender, race and family income. Wealth is not the primary indicator of these 3 to accurately describe the current gulf in education levels between groups in the UK. Gender had the largest correlation with education outcomes, with girls being far more likely than boys to achieve a good outcome in the current education system. Race plays a significant role also, with white Britons being at a massive disadvantage to asian and middle eastern peers, regardless of wealth. Wealth itself did account for some of the difference in outcomes - but it was by far the weakest association of the three.
Our educational institutions are first and foremost sexist (against boys) and racist (against whites), and only perhaps a little elitist after taking those into account.
When looked at from the level of each person, every metric fails to adequately capture or explain why some "succeed" and others don't EXCEPT personal motivation & personal responsibility.
And, I'm going to point out that "education outcome" is actually a subjective term... What "outcome" is desired? THAT is the most important facet.
@@kerryaggen6346 Kerry... the problem I am describing is one of either societal discrimination against native British boys, or country-wide demotivation of native British boys. Why are these boys not driven to succeed? Might it have something to do with being ineligible for 85% of scholarships on the basis of their biological characteristics? Might it be due to propaganda against their existence spewed forth by every authority figure outside their immediate family?
The outcomes I am referring to are of course their scores in standardised national exams - these allow or disallow participation in further studies in education institutions which (wrongfully) still have control over who gets employment chances in high-paid and important occupations.
Ultimately it is down to the individual - but the ancestors of these boys were built up to succeed, while the current generation has been stamped down at every opportunity. The first step is realising there is a problem.
@@Toropetskii Men and boys are not seen as being disadvantaged. Therefore, they are largely left to their own devices. And when it comes down to it, men are generally considered to be more expendable. There is no doubt, over the last 50 or so years. There has been a push towards promoting women and girls. And to publicly argue things have swung too far in this direction. Is to instantly run the risk of being labelled a women/girl hater! As there isn't a reservoir of sympathy for such a message! Therefore not many will run that risk! And driving all of this. Is a sense, that men and boys need to be reduced. And women and girls need to be built up!
@@davidtaylor351 Yep, the driver is so-called equality. Anyone who understands basic biology or had a functional family knows that men and women are not interchangeable.
Security before liberty or self reliance by individuals. What people seem to prefer is autocracy of wokeism. A death knell for capitalism unless people decide to think for themselves and choose freedom.
if only the sound on Peter's side could have been of a bit better quality ...
The wearing of seat belts does not transgress the boundary of personal body preservation. To realize that the human body, totally pure encased in a protective shell 🐚 can be assaulted with a substance unknown with disregard for unpressured permission of the owner in concord with their health care practitioner is a step too far!
Interesting discussion - but John, we are NOT back to normal in Australia! Check out Bret Weinstein and Chris Martenson discussion today, and you will understand more clearly some of the points Peter was politely referring to.
If they can take your rights in the first place, you're a serf.
I have no doubt that Peter is making sense ( I read his column) but I have such difficulty in hearing clearly what he says. Perhaps he may think of enunciating himself better?
Mumbles is his nickname.
@@quietackshon Aha! I didn't know that.
On a scale of blackpill-edness from 0 to 10, zero is not blackpilled at all, and 10 is Peter Hitchens.
Great discussion. Peter Hitchens speaks English but the fluctuations in his "up and down" cadence makes it difficult to understand him....not to mention the poor audio on his end that didn't help.
The only reason to lighten the tyranny is to give themselves an out from the backlash.
His Brother was better but a lot of what Peter says resonates.
The thing about Peter is .....
He does not allow comments on his opinions.
He makes money from MSM but pretends he hates it.
It's a Mad Mad Mad World.
Completely agree with Peter about the bombing of German civilians in WW2 - copying the actions of the luftwaffe in incinerating cities was not a morally sound (or even effective) response in my opinion. Plus it's given oxygen to and animated the drive of every neo-nazi I've ever encountered online, giving that movement in the modern day all the Holy Martyrs it ever needed, which isn't good at all! It basically reminds me of that saying about when you hunt monsters, beware of becoming one yourself! The fact also that many of the communists I've met have thoroughly condoned and enjoyed the dreadful details of such as the bombing of Dresden, also makes me think that it was a grave moral mistake!
I'm a simple man: I see Peter Hitchens, I get depressed.
I would disagree with Mr Hitchens’ characterisation of the people’s acceptance of various governments Hobsian pact. While it is true that the majority of Anglosphere's peoples are willing to 'trade liberty for safety’, the key points that he misses are 1. that this only on the understanding that it is a temporary measure (eg to allow a government time to vaccinate a population and upgrade health infrastructure, and 2. That self-sacrifice for the greater good is actually a fundamental characteristic of our shared British-derived culture (ie an individual is free to do as they please, so long as it doesn’t unnecessarily impinge on the freedoms of others - such as infecting them with a deadly disease).
This was great, but please talk to Tom Holland, author of Dominion, Rubicon etc.
He mentioned the inadequacies of the modern church in these trying times.
I think maybe (because i did) people dont know that they can reject the current governing. I never knew i could be allowed to be against lockdowns even though i knew there were protests, i just thought those peoples ‘professions’ was protesting and not that they were protesting because they felt strongly about that issue. After vaccine mandates ive been able to understand the reasoning of lockdown protestors, i hope that like myself the more control the government enforces the more people realise whats happening and that they can oppose it.
Being the significant voice of reason that he is, I wish Peter Hitchins would fix his "mumbling" and speak clearly and audibly. He is not "easy on the ear"