how did it sound? Was a better sound? That stock speaker was scary. I don't even think it had a magnet on the back. The stock tweeter had a bigger magnet than the 6x9! I have a set of new speakers but have been avoiding putting them in. I need to get on it.
did you have a factory back up camera and if so were you able to hook it up to that deck?
Solid tutorial and also sick inclinometer you have there. Can you share or do a video on it?? Pls
On the inclinometer? What would you like to know?
how did it sound? Was a better sound? That stock speaker was scary. I don't even think it had a magnet on the back. The stock tweeter had a bigger magnet than the 6x9! I have a set of new speakers but have been avoiding putting them in. I need to get on it.
I did my best to show that in my video, but yes, noticeably better. Upgrading the tweeters was also a good idea.
where did you get the a/c control knobs?¤cy=USD&gadid=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw4ri0BhAvEiwA8oo6FzHOFfP5XLCvYgZIdXjWN0QK3GnNJc1kI6vcGC1MVaXeZqH_gKqcYRoCRXkQAvD_BwE
What tweeters are those again?