I fully agree with your review of the GP Replicas model. I can't for the life of me understand why some people keep on waxing lyrical about them as they often are far from being faithful replicas. I love the 1995 Ferrari F1 car as well, and I was waiting to see how they did with the Schumacher test car, but sadly, based on the photos I've seen of it, it's not too good as well - the driver figurine once more was enough to put me off the whole model.
I think you're right. I might just get the driver-less versions. They seem a lot better of these 1990s Ferraris! It seems their cockpits are nice and the models look better that way! Takes a way the lousy figure. The 1992-1996 Ferraris all look ok without the driver figure. This has been my mistake I think !
This was such a beautiful and glorious formula one car. No one has built it right. Onyx, mimichamps gp replicas. But gp replicas built it the worst. A shame hotwheels elite only made it in 1:43 scale sadly
GP replicas suck. Honestly I would own Minichamps or Spark anytime over them. The simplest of proportions they get laughably inaccurate. How they charge $300 plus is a disgrace
I think its hilarious a Minichamps diecast from 30 years a go has better proprotions and more realistic than a brand new gp replicas resin model from 2024/25😢😢😢😢
I only have Two GP Replicas Ferrari's (1964 158 & 1968 312) which aren't too bad but the majority of my 1/18 F1 collection models are Tecnomodel which I do believe to be superior.
The 1993 Ferrari is ok but they have made some terrible models for accuracy such as the 86 Lotus and 1999 Ferrari. Gp replicas models are very amateur yet charge top end money of over £200 £250 disgusting
Are these models even licensed by Ferrari? I know that, with proper licensing deals, it’s not at all unusual for a manufacturer to allow the model developers access to the actual design drawings for the real car, so then it becomes a matter of sizing them down to scale, and then working on making things feasible to produce in the size/materials required for the model. It sure doesn’t look like GP Replicas had access to proper plans for this car, if even anything at all.
@@F-Man hi Fman. Big fan of your channel & your sim racing vids and your diecast reviews! Subscriber here. Re: your comment, I imagine you are 100% correct. It just baffles me how Autoart, Looksmart, BBR and Minichamps and Spark to another degree get it so accurate and spot on. Surley doing enough drawings and checking visually from photos would rule out incredibly inaccurate propositions where the car is not even unrecognisable. Even Burgaro who are budget like Hotwheels were whilst quality is less their proportions are accurate when put next to their expensive counterparts
I fully agree with your review of the GP Replicas model. I can't for the life of me understand why some people keep on waxing lyrical about them as they often are far from being faithful replicas. I love the 1995 Ferrari F1 car as well, and I was waiting to see how they did with the Schumacher test car, but sadly, based on the photos I've seen of it, it's not too good as well - the driver figurine once more was enough to put me off the whole model.
I think you're right. I might just get the driver-less versions. They seem a lot better of these 1990s Ferraris! It seems their cockpits are nice and the models look better that way! Takes a way the lousy figure. The 1992-1996 Ferraris all look ok without the driver figure. This has been my mistake I think !
The proportions like the bath tub sose cockpit are hilarious. Honestly how gp replicas can get stuff so incredibly inaccurate are hilarious.
This was such a beautiful and glorious formula one car. No one has built it right. Onyx, mimichamps gp replicas. But gp replicas built it the worst. A shame hotwheels elite only made it in 1:43 scale sadly
GP replicas suck. Honestly I would own Minichamps or Spark anytime over them. The simplest of proportions they get laughably inaccurate. How they charge $300 plus is a disgrace
I think its hilarious a Minichamps diecast from 30 years a go has better proprotions and more realistic than a brand new gp replicas resin model from 2024/25😢😢😢😢
I only have Two GP Replicas Ferrari's (1964 158 & 1968 312) which aren't too bad but the majority of my 1/18 F1 collection models are Tecnomodel which I do believe to be superior.
Nice i have the 1990 Benetton in 1/18 from Technomodel. Its good and better than GP Replicas!
I've never owned a GP Replicas model, thanks for giving a close up of all the inaccuracies with this car, Minichamps for the win here :)
The 1993 Ferrari is ok but they have made some terrible models for accuracy such as the 86 Lotus and 1999 Ferrari. Gp replicas models are very amateur yet charge top end money of over £200 £250 disgusting
I like your comparison diecast review and agree gp replicas are so naff and inaccurate but very expensive!!! 😢
Thanks for watching!
Agree its awful!!!
I wish Minichamps had the Ferrari license! Not since 1998 :(
Are these models even licensed by Ferrari? I know that, with proper licensing deals, it’s not at all unusual for a manufacturer to allow the model developers access to the actual design drawings for the real car, so then it becomes a matter of sizing them down to scale, and then working on making things feasible to produce in the size/materials required for the model. It sure doesn’t look like GP Replicas had access to proper plans for this car, if even anything at all.
@@F-Man hi Fman. Big fan of your channel & your sim racing vids and your diecast reviews! Subscriber here.
Re: your comment, I imagine you are 100% correct. It just baffles me how Autoart, Looksmart, BBR and Minichamps and Spark to another degree get it so accurate and spot on. Surley doing enough drawings and checking visually from photos would rule out incredibly inaccurate propositions where the car is not even unrecognisable. Even Burgaro who are budget like Hotwheels were whilst quality is less their proportions are accurate when put next to their expensive counterparts
Autoart, Looksmart, BBR, then Mimichamps, Spark then Hotwheels, Burago then last and worst is GP replicas for accuracy and price value!
That is just crap!!
@@digigarb that's how i feel