Story Three: "Why are you Leaving?" -- the minute you mention Vampire and he rolls his eye and talks condescending to you is the moment you stand up, gather your things and say, "Sorry, this isn't a good fit. I don't play with dicks." And leave. No further explanation needed or expected. The DM is obviously a huge douche, and I haven't even heard the entire story yet! I know D&D (and TTRPG's in general) is the haven for the socially awkward, but that's not socially vapid, that's just rude. Always remember the cardinal rule, "No D&D is far, far better than BAD D&D."
Yeah, without even getting into the 'what is true' debate, if the opening salvo from the DM was scoffing at another TTRPG system, that's an automatic exit stage left "Never mind there's other things I need to do."
Personal bias, but fucking especially rich coming from a D&D guy. Playing the most "basic bitch" system out there and judging people for actually trying something else.
Dude knew what he was doing only EVER laughing at that character making the other players think their friend didn’t know what they were talking about. He was just straight-up bullying because he was threatened
It seems to me they thought OP was "weird" and possibly "cringy" so yeah they were just bullying. Without going down the what is true dimension I think OP found their own college mean girls and a gaslighting dude.
I hesitate to take stories where EVERYONE else is the problem at face value. There is probably some greater context the OP is leaving out that might make the others behavior seem more reasonable. This story as written was giving me real if you have problems with everyone, then you might be the problem vibes.
@@IaIaCthulhuFtagn while I understand taking stories with a grain of salt, sometimes bullying situations literally just be this way and are completely one sided based on biases against the bullied person. This story doesn't feel that crazy or outside the realm of possibility.
The third story the bit about visiting the afterlife to see if her dead wife IS OK is funny to me. "Hey honey you kinda got mauled to death by a bear i just want to ask if you're feeling alright"
Lmao yes, but it's also really sweet in a way. Like you'd think she wants to get her wife back but no, she's fine, she just wants to make sure she got to the afterlife and is doing okay. Now that's love.
I mean depending on the mythology she may have wanted to make sure her wife ended up in the good place of the afterlife or was being taken care of, you know?
Exactly. I'm not exactly the most sentimental so I could just be biased, but I feel like I wouldn't risk my life and go through absolute hell just to check up on my wife once to see if she's okay and then bugger off again. I mean, what am I even supposed to do if she's suffering for eternity? Hand her a spiritual "get well soon" card?
Dude the why are you leaving campaign made me so angry. That's not just gaslighting, that's the whole gas chamber. Even the player YOU brought in joined in on it and did nothing! For anyone experiencing something like this: When someone laughs at something you say or do, keep straight and don't let it go. Press them on why they did that and thought it was appropriate. "That wasn't supposed to be funny. Why are you laughing? Answer my question. Don't ignore me." Practice these exact words! Do not let strange behavior slide! Stand up for yourself! Insist on getting answers! Maybe they actually just misunderstood or they didn't and did it on purpose. And if they refuse to stop, drop them like the hot pile of garbage they are. Remember, people like Charlie and perhaps even the rest of the table, want to feel superior to you. They want to push you down so they can feel like they are above you. Drag them right off that high horse by not backing down. Stand your ground and confront them, that way you demonstrate that no, you are very much level with them and they are in fact not superior. You're not some pawn to be used or servant to be bossed around. This concludes today's episode of mental health tips.
People who act like assassination's attempts go off smoothly are being very unrealistic. Back then, nobles would leave loose floor boards in order to make it impossible to walk around without making noise, and food was often tested by people to ensure it was both up to the nobles standard and not poisoned. So people actually killed by assassins were far and few between, as people were paranoid as fuck and would make new laws to prevent assassins from using the same methods. And a level 20 wizard has at least a few thousand better things to do than to kill a random level one goblin. Like bullying an actual ancient dragon to show off.
People that think Assassinations go perfectly seem to forget that there were a total of 40 active assassination plots on Hitler throughout his time as Furher and not a single one succeeded.
Also, the goblin absolutely could have been revived. You can certainly get someone back after their body is disintegrated, it's just more expensive and requires higher level spells.
The Charlie story I would have absolutely snapped at all of those assholes. They kept them around simply to be a punching bag and to be the jester of the group, there was NEVER any mutual respect for them in the first place if they were willing to drop them so easily. Nobody who genuinely cared or in their right mind would have done that, those all were just bastards who probably didn't even considered them a friend in the first place.
It sounds like op friends had enough of him. Now there is a chance that op could be not telling the truth on what he said about his mental health but if that is the case, they both suck for how it got to this point if charlie and the group are doing this as a defense.
@@pippo17173 They. OP is non-binary. I still think Charlie feels threatened by the OP in some way. My initial thought is that he thought one of the female friends was romantically interested in OP and Charlie was interested in her, but it could be that it was their GMing experience as well. Or maybe Charlie was interested in OP and was negging
Or it could have been just some "D&D elitism". It's weird but some people do this. Thinking "their version of ttrpg" is superior, no matter which it is and look down on the others. Sounds silly but some people can take this way more seriously than others and act like things are out for blood. Or simply being douches.
I know it’s a slippery slope to even entertain, but it is so difficult for me not to question stories like this where literally every player beside the OP is bizarrely awful. I can’t help but think that there is a very large other side to that story that we haven’t heard.
I’ve known guys like Charlie for a while and most of the time they require a victim in their social groups, someone they know they can get away with picking on without anyone jumping to their defense. Usually after that victim leaves they’ll go for the “next weakest” and so on until they either dry up the group and move on or they’re kicked. With that said I’d love to find out if anyone else from the Charlie group had anything to say about OPs treatment, you never quite know what the truth is in stories like that. Also weapon terminology isn’t as well known as most would think. I never learned that the proper name for rapiers until I was in my 20’s, I always referred to them as “dueling swords” because I only ever saw them used in movies that featured sword dueling!
What's especially infuriating about the Resources thing in the first story is that, explicitly, Resources 0 doesn't mean you're starving. It means that you don't have any spare cash on hand, but otherwise you're assumed to be able to at least handle your bare essentials. There's a specific Flaw you're supposed to take if you're impoverished to the point where you have a problem meeting basic needs, but either this Storyteller didn't know that, or didn't care.
To the "Why are you leaving" story: When I was about 25, I found a group of friends who complimented my wife and I really well. They had alternative lifestyles and we were looking for a more queer scene, so they seemed perfect. We even considered opening our marriage to the polycule in that group, and started lightly dating a couple of them. I quickly started to realize that an unnecessary rivalry had crept into the mix, between myself and the Charlie of that group. I found that I was being gaslit, that the girl I had dated was being duplicitous and sharing every detail about me with the Charlie, and that even my WIFE was starting to alienate me as she grew more attached to Charlie. I had a mental breakdown eventually, and my wife's compassion snapped her back to reality before we cut ties with that group. My Charlie was delusional and dumb, in many ways, but he had this eerie charisma that allowed him to be a cult leader for his group in spite of his obvious flaws. Because of this, the group apologized for his high school-drama games, and would side with him even as they admitted to me that it didn't make sense or make them particularly happy. That's what you have on your hands: a cult leader. By sheer charisma, and with a childish view of the world, Charlie builds a wall of supplicant sycophants around him, and manipulates them because he knows he has that power. I'm sorry that you had the misfortune of meeting him, OP. But count yourself lucky -- those he kept in his inner circle are stuck in his tar, and who knows if they'll ever have the presence of mind to free themselves.
The Vampire one is just...oh dear me. The St was way off base. The book even states outright that not having any dots (it's a dot-based system, every dot represents a die in your dice pool) in Resources just means you have the clothes on your back and nothing else. Like, homeless or something (or maybe you're kept by someone who has all the money). Not _naked._ *Edit:* Also, "rapier" comes from the French word "rapière", which is pronounced "rah-pierre". So the problem comes entirely from the English pronunciation of a French word. 😆
in the current 5th edition it's even more lenient - 0 dots in resources means bottom of the barrel income. You can afford second hand clothes plus rent/accommodations for some shithole at best, but you're still not naked. You just can't afford things like weapons, phones or driving with public transport. You actively have to take a disadvantage that makes you so piss-poor that can't even afford a home. (and even then it's assumed you at least managed to steal some homeless guy's clothes and that you're spending the day in some abandoned building, tomb or something) - the point of the disadvantage being, that you get to spend more points during character creation. (though you have to take two dots in disadvantages at least)
I have literally never had a good experience with a vtm pbp. I do not know what it is, but it's literally the only game I've had that much trouble getting into. Usually if I keep meeting assholes, I assume I'm the asshole, but it very literally is only this one game series I have issues with, and usually it's stuff like people rules lawyering the very loosely worded rules and people acting like skeezes outside of character. The lesson I've learned is just not to play VtM with anyone I don't know and trust closely.
"Rah-pierre" is a cooler pronunciation. At the risk of sounding cringy and pretentious (and butchering a french word with my germanic but bastardized language mouth) I will be calling it that from now on.
I actually had something similar with the rapier story in the City of Mist game I'm in. During the set up session I mentioned my character owned and ran a pawn shop as both his possession and routine. We somehow managed to talk past each other for most of the session until I finally found out after a more obvious joke they made that two of them had thought I had said porn shop. Which made some other comments made on both sides suddenly make a lot more sense. Like a comment about selling sex toys and I was like "That's not really something you buy used.". Honestly it was pretty funny.
Honestly, thank goodness OP didn't go to the 'goodbye' session. I have a lot of trouble saying no and often stick around doing things that make me unhappy for way too long for the sake of closure or whatever. It's not worth it. Not with those people. What a nightmare.
So in story two the OP talks about how player choices killed the party, but it seems like the player choices they made were to travel, which lead to a random encounter that killed half of them, and then to accept a quest to gather food resources. That was the point where the DM outed himself as an irrational sadist who will kill your players. If players put themselves in unwinnable situations after making unreasonable choices, that's on them. If players are put in unwinnable situations after making reasonable choices, that's the DM failing at his job.
After years of mastering the bow I've earned the highest title. A bowist. Well, after years of mastering the Rapier I've finally earned the master title of a Rapier swordsman. A Rap.... wait, what? It means what?!!!
The rapier story reminds me of a time when GMing I kept mispronouncing brazier and made it sound like some woman was constantly flinging her undergarments on the walls of the dungeon.
I know the main point is obviously the horror stories, but those skits of yours are really fun. Kinda like how I mostly watch a Danny Gonzalez video for the skits! Love listening to your voice, love listening to his voice, but the skits are SO entertaining.
@@realdragon I mean, 'mostly' being a key word there, and yeah! Some videos don't interest me, but the skits inside are highly entertaining for me to re-watch the whole video just for them.
I heard the third story elsewhere before, and a lot of people were saying the OP was the one who did something and was leaving things out. I disagree. Who goes out of their way to laugh inappropriately at only _one_ player?
@@falxblade1352 - Indeed. Bullies will often take "test bites" of their potential targets, and if they get away with small actions, they begin to ramp it up. One of the test bites used on me (that I didn't identify until much later) was as low-key as a slightly-sharper-than-necessary response. But then the responses got gradually sharper until it was outright verbally abusive, because I didn't object to that first one. And bullies count on that. They start out so small that you seem irrational if you say something about it, and they maintain plausible deniability until you're conditioned to accept it. They also start "smear campaigns" against you with everyone else, so that no one will take you seriously if you complain to them. They're very canny, those type of bullies.
The moment the Gm laughed about the vampire thing, we went, "We do not like the energy in the studio today" and it turns out, WE WERE RIGHT TO FEEL THIS WAY
Any resolution to that? Did she have a crush on someone in the group and thought she was being sexy? Did she actually think nudity was a joke? Or was she trying to turn this into an ERP?
Story 4 is classical scapegoating. OP did the right thing by escaping their abusers but as of most scapegoaters, they'd do everything in their power to make sure their scapegoat stays and continue to be abused by him and his friends. They will gaslight, use their insecurity of losing all of their friends, etc etc if they leave.
In Vampire the Masquerade, Resources for vampires go mostly to pay for luxuries, and the associated expenses of developing and maintaining Status, Influence, and other Backgrounds. A character with no dots in Resources may have enough clothing and supplies to get by, or she may be destitute and squatting in a refrigerator box under an overpass. One Dot in Resources is called Sufficient. You can maintain a typical residence in the style of the working class with stability, even if spending sprees come seldom. Not having this is far form being completely destitute with not even clothing on your back, tho it could be homeless.
I think I needed to hear that "why are you leaving story." Recently I lost one of my D&D groups and a handful of people I thought of as my friends and looked up to. I won't go into a lot off detail as I'm aware I'm a biased narrator, it's a long story, and I've been questioning myself and how I remember things going/how I maybe came across. I've been mentally spiraling after how everything went down, going back and forth between "I'm the worst person in the world and I did everything wrong" to "actually fuck them they're being extremely harsh, unfair, and cruel to me." And of course it all kicked off from me wanting to leave our "off" campaign. Basically, we'd play our main game 3 weeks in a row and then for 1 "off" week we played another campaign with different characters/world. There are a variety of reasons I wanted to leave that "off" game, but it seemed like no matter how I tried to explain it, they considered it a personal insult or some horrendous act and my reason for wanting to leave wasn't good enough. And yet, despite how angry they were with me and how they spoke to me, they seemed to want me to stick around and keep playing. But then it also seemed like they really didn't want me to stay because they made it sound like I'm a bad player/they hate playing with me/I build my characters wrong. Some of them also talking about how I was breaking a promise because a while back I did promise, along with everyone else in the server, to see the campaign through to it's conclusion . But you know, shit/life happens and even back then I was feeling uncomfortable with that promise because I knew things can happen and it really just felt like a metaphorical gun to my head telling me "you better keep playing or else because you promised." But I had to promise or else the DM was going to stop the campaign entirely, and I didn't want to be the one person not to make the promise and end the campaign because I had a bad feeling. "It's just my anxiety," I'd tell myself. "Of course you're expecting the worst and have a bad feeling, you always do." Or they'd talk about how this was a "pattern" with me because I'd left games previously (again, variety of reasons I won't go into detail on because I feel that would also be biased [due to the nature of why I left in certain cases],multiple reasons why I left different games, and I understand why they were upset. Then there was also the bit about how everyone "deserves an apology for how I hurt them and putting them through so much after they went to all this effort with the game." Mentally I've just been in the absolute gutter. But hearing a story about someone else going through a game where they weren't having fun, getting shit for leaving, and losing friends, I guess it's in a way comforting to know I'm not the only one. And to see that there is support for people going through that, and I and others shouldn't have to stay in a game where we're not having fun/play with people we aren't comfortable with anymore. I certainly won't pretend I was perfect in my situation. I know I probably fucked up and did make mistakes, but I'm slowly coming around to the idea that I'm not the one and only person at fault who deserves to take all the blame and every single thing they said to me. And that it's a good thing I didn't give in to that voice in my head telling me to "just keep playing" but basically become a bot (meaning I would do literally zero RP and only roll dice when prompted [because I didn't even feel like I could plan or try and be creative with tackling problems anymore with how they spoke about my "issues"/"mistakes"). So I guess, thanks Crispy. Listening to your videos has been a comfort and your advice has been very helpful. I look forward to listening to/watching more as time passes and I try to recover from this heartbreak and get myself in a state where I feel ready to try and find a new group. Hopefully one where we all manage to get along and are on the same page about what we want from the game.
I really feel for the OP in the Charlie story. I was essentially dropped by a group of my friends bc someone on the sports team we were all on committed animal abuse and I spoke out against it (everyone else condoned it). Also like the OP, I was a nonbinary person in a group of primarily chicks.
As someone who has been a fan of fantasy (and sword fighting in general), I can easily see myself in the Rapier Bard's place. I have known what a rapier is for ao long it never would have thought someone didn't know what it was. I'm shuddering over here
I actually heard the story about the laughing jerk and his lackeys before. Just noting it because it seems rare for other tabletop horror story channels I watch to cover stories before Crispy.
From the literal Rulebook of VtM "A character with no dots in Resources may have enough clothing and supplies to get by, or she may be destitute and squatting in a refrigerator box under an overpass." Notice the total lack of "Your character starts nude hurr hurr hurr!" anywhere in there....
26:33 why should anyone apologize if they didn't do anything wrong? Apologies are meant for wrongdoing. Someone else not knowing what a specific type of sword is to the point they think it's a tool used for crimes, well technically it can be but for a different type of crimes, when google is free and they should've had access to the PHB that would've had rapier in it so they could at least had spelling for it to search. If anyone the person that should apologize would've been the people assuming the worse of OP.
Damn, that sucks. I admit that I can’t help but think that there is another side to that story that isn’t being told, simply because it’s always a little suspect when every single person in the group, except the op, is so weirdly awful, but to just assume op is lying and attack them in the comments is nuts.
For the last story, I don’t agree that he should have apologized. He didn’t do anything wrong at all and it’s mostly on the girls for being ignorant. It’s not a bad thing and they aren’t bad people but I don’t think people should apologize when they didn’t do anything wrong. That creates bad mentalities and then you become a person like me…who apologizes to other people when THEY bump into me like by existing I’m a nuisance. I don’t like that. Him explaining what the sword was makes sense and if something he should have done for sure but not apologizing.
The "rapier" story reminded me of the early days of D&D. Gary Gygax and co. were very fond of flowery, old-fashioned language, and you couldn't really look things up easily in those pre-internet days. So we'd comically mispronounce words like "quaff" and "brazier" for ages before realizing our error. Never mind the arguments over whether a "lucerne hammer" was actually a hammer, and therefore usable by Clerics...
Instantly had to click this because I was joking with my group about Flirting with Guards/NPCs to distract them (I of course mentioned other ideas as well. Flirting was just one. Others included getting them drunk, or treating them too good food). We are, kinda dungeon crawling through the Xanathar Guild hideout right now? We have ways to move and sneak, and a few of us have access to methods of disguising ourselves. But still, we have no idea what we are in for, we have a sending stine for the party to talk with our employer, and a pair we have split in case of emergencies (and being outside Message range), and I have a silver raven that is fairly distracting when used. But yeah- we sre all nervous and terrified, and we have 2 days till our next session. Time to enjoy some horror until then.
We had a hilarious nudity scene recently in a dnd game. It was not intentional one bit by anyone. So we were in a dungeon where wild magic happens. Not something that effects me given I’m the full scout rogue. But it definitely effects our Cleric and Wizard. Well cleric ends up grappled but manages a spell to end the beastie. What happens next is hilarious. So our dm has a table that has 100,000 possible results. You roll a d100 that chooses a sub table and then another d100 to choose the result. What happened is that the wild magic melted (harmlessly) all of the clerics clothes off. Luckily we had mage armor on him earlier (enemies were tracking us via the magic of his armor) so that didn’t get effected but his clothes were all gone…in the middle of a dungeon. Did I mention we were lost at that point and didn’t know which level we even were on anymore? Yeah so we couldn’t exactly send someone to the store for new clothes. So I dug through my bag of holding (which has been great because I stuffed a ton of nonmagical shit in there because dm gave me way too much starting money) hoping I had something in there. In our campaign it’s basically been joked as being the Mary poppins bag because it almost always has anything you need in there. Well I did find some clothes….winter clothes. Lol. Wizard goes through their stuff and notices they have a scarf that glows in moonlight. Ok. So we offer these to cleric. Cleric is now deciding between furs and a scarf. In the most hilarious end, he is now wearing winter pants and boots and a scarf for his top. He is very fashionable lol.
5:35 I actually don't like when my games are hard. I'm bad at games due to neurological disability, but I feel like I still deserve to experience the story, so I play with easy mode and/or cheats. Feel free to murder me for this horrible transgression.
For the Rapier story, I'm not sure my first response would be to say sorry. I would be too busy being utterly flabbergasted that someone could play DnD without knowing what a rapier is. That just... blows my mind and I'm not sure I would be able to recover in time to apologize for any confusion.
I've heard that last one before, it's actually kind of funny. How people can jump to totally wrong conclusions when they don't know what something really means.
My non-problematic DnD nudity: My party and I fought a hag and her two big water snake familiars. My peppy bushwoman ranger fought the snakes, bit the head off one and started eating the meat. Got blood on my reindeer cowel and just threw it off revealing my blood soaked tits. One player quickly covered the eyes of the child captive we were rescuing and another slapped my character on the back of the head. It was HILARIOUS and everyone was comfortable with it. It can happen.
Nudity is pretty easy to make no weird in any normal dnd game, at least in my opinion, like just pointing out that someones naked in a situation like this is funny and nobody is gonna go “OH THATS SEXUAL” like???
It was my character's birthday and we had a bunch of awesome celebratory moments and roleplay, when my character closed out the evening by going off to sleep with someone. Surprise twist, bounty hunters attack our crew in the night, and the DM realises my character will have literally no clothes on (except the boots of speed. they stay on. always.) we were all on board to see my character kick all kinds of ass with nothin' but a smile (and boots), plus it was *supremely* in character for her. we swiftly had to escape town, burning a few buildings down as we fled (we are called the Disco Inferno after all) that was one of my fav sessions ever, speaking as an asexual guy lol
I was almost going to play under a DM using (his) homebrew were-beast race... he insisted that when my (female btw) character turned, she *had to* rip all of her clothing and *would not budge.* Never mind that the Blood Hunter Lycan's clothes can be worn in both forms or meld into the hybrid form. I told him that making my character nude every time she turns (full moon transformations were forced as well) made me uncomfortable, and he basically gave me the "suck it up, buttercup" treatment. Yeah... I bounced, not just because of the obvious *"hehehehe you must be nuuuuude"* thing but I also wanted to play her as a classy, sociable character to make her a little unique from the typical depiction of werewolf, and she'd *never* allow herself to be indecent at any time
Honestly, a character who would never allow themselves to be indecent having to rip their clothes when they transform sounds like a good contrast and/or a comedic opportunity for them to consider lycanthropy a curse purely because of that. But yeah, obviously a DM insisting on something you're not comfortable with is a bad sign.
Sometimes you have to wonder just how many of these stories are actually true and not just someone going off ranting over imagined slights or snubs. Not to mention you definitely know they’d omit anything they may have done that could be negative or antagonizing the situations.
Unless the story goes beyond the realm of possibility or they're calling someone out by name who would need to defend themselves, I really don't care to nitpick at a story about bullying the way some have done for the Charlie story. Assuming it's a true and real accounting of bullying, imagine trying to open up about that only to have a comment section repeatedly telling you you're actually the one in the wrong and clearly hiding something. That's what happened to op and it sucks.
@@KalinTheZola yeah, I’m not gonna assume it’s true. It’s the internet and anything out there should be taken with a grain of salt. Especially when it’s coming from a singular biased source. If folks can’t handle skepticism or criticism then the internet really isn’t the place for them.
@@wreckedgamerqq5001 healthy skepticism is well and good but knowing how to pick and choose situations to call out is even better. Whether assuming it true or assuming it false, it's still an assumption.
@@KalinTheZola I’m curious where exactly in my comment you think someone has been called out? For someone saying skepticism is good you seem to have an issue with mine which wasn’t directed at any particular story. Though I suppose I could give it another listen and see if any of them in particular just come off as utter BS.
@@wreckedgamerqq5001 nah sorry I'm not talking about you so much as the people who use a mentality adjacent to that to justify calling out the op of the Charlie story on the reddit post itself. Since I was talking about that situation in my first response I sort of assumed that my point was understood which is my bad. Rereading my message it's even more obvious I wasn't clear I what I was talking about which is double my bad oof
Rocks Fell. I Died: I would've thought that there should have been numerous counter rolls - "saves" - against all of that if the DM had any intention at all of being fair and not, for example, being a complete shitstain that outright kills off a PC for no reason at all. At the very least, I'd expect a saving throw against the scrying and a reasonable chance of waking up when the wizard teleports in. Depending on whether or not the character wakes or is awake when the wizard teleports in (having unsuccessfully determined the characters wakefulness by scrying), there may be more rolls required as combat is initiated.
25:41 No mistake was made; it was just a misunderstanding that was easily resolved, and the OP has nothing to feel ashamed about. If anything, those girls should feel bad that they never asked about it and just assumed this poor guy would have his character wield a "raper" sword like it's perfectly normal. Also, Duke's coming on? I can't wait!
I have a not-so-horror story from my first ever D&D campaign.... My first character, a Half-elf Draconic Sorcerer, born with the soul of a Dragon, (He look like a normal human Draconic Sorcerer because of the Dragon Soul). Played with him for a total of 3, or 4, session, which, after a series of consecutive nat20s, became a King, and then a God. The other players hated me, but the DM was ecstatic that I was able to do what I did. What makes it, in a sense, a horror story (for me, anyway) is the fact that I had to retire that character....
I feel like the “Seduce the guards “ story was a reverse Skeletor meme. Like the guards look at her and then at each other with wtf look and say “ jokes on you, we’re not into that sh!t
The last guy must have been pronouncing the word “rapier” with a twang or drawl. Because I don’t see how “rapier”sounds like “raper” when pronounced properly 😆
There are a lot of people who play D&D who think WoD is a dumb lesser game and vise versa. Usaly the diffrence between ROLLplayers and ROLEplayers is where it comes down to as WoD tends to atract people who like the roleplay and D&D tends to atract the people who like the dice heavy ruled combat.
Humorous unproblematic RPG nudity story - I'm playing a very silly game of WFRP with some old friends of mine and I joined mid-campaign, they're all playing humans but my character, Eregdin, is a wood elf. At the GM's prompting I rolled on the distinguishing features chart during character creation, got birthmark (along with broken teeth, an extra long nose and extra body hair) and asked if I could make that into vitiligo so Eregdin has dappled skin. The GM thought this idea was so cool he gave me a bonus to stealth in woodland *if* Eregdin was naked. Obviously we're both leaning in *hard* on an unsettling woodland fae vibe for this character. So obviously, I used that ability at the first possible moment (again with the GM's prompting), shedding the hooded cloak Eregdin usually wears around humans and the rest of his clothes to go hunting. Another PC, Trosso, a slimy, greedy, snake-oil merchant, initially grabbed the clothes in order to hold them for ransom but was so disturbed by Eregin's appearance he actually gave them back without a charge.
Thanks to having seen more than one "Three Musketeers" films growing up, I new from an early age what a rapier was. But I must admit, it is a poorly named sword when considering how it sounds in "English" language. 😅
Idk I don't think op should be embarrassed for using a very commonly known weapon with a differently spelled name then that word....I think the girls should be embarrassed for being dumb and not asking or speaking up lol like u don't have to be embarrassed cause others misunderstood a basic thing
If someone mistakenly thinks I've done something awful, I'm automatically embarrassed, even if I didn't do anything wrong. Just the idea that someone thought I was deliberately cruel or crass and I had no idea makes me's nothing to do with feeling guilty, but you still feel terrible. It's like...if you step on someone's toe by accident, you feel awful even if there's no way you could have known their foot was there, you know?
Eh, being unfamiliar with a term someone else considers commonly known is no reason to be embarrassed either. But embarrassment is rarely rational. Also, you probably shouldn't call people dumb based on one silly misunderstanding. Everyone has moments like that.
What even was that last story? Lol If there was a language barrier, I could understand. But otherwise- did OP severely mispronounce “rapier” every time, or did he manage to find a tabletop game with people who never read? It’s not that obscure a word in a fantasy setting!
I just realized that we had a Nudity Moment in our campaign a couple of sessions ago. When we were taken as prisoners for experiments we were of course stripped of our equipment... And for our Satyr Dhampyr Barbarian it meant being left naked. Granted, she was a satyr, covered in fur and all, so it was never accented, but still, in hindsight... Man. Fortunate that our party consisted of of a 16yo tiefling girl, a life cleric elf, quickly dead magus oni and a genazi phoenix sorc hellbent on his murderous mission who replaced the magus, so no one really was left in a weird mood in-game.
So late to this but in old world of darkness no don't in resources is listed as "you have no permanent haven and no physical resources save the clothes on your back and possibly a weapon and a few coins in your pocket" in v5 it is "you have no MONEY and no home." In no way can this be translated to no clothes. It's all about the funds you can get together to pay for something.
25:00 You have nothing to apologize for. They were the ones being ill informed and not asking. It's like if you saw a bottle of Eau de Toilette on a woman's shelf and just assumed she washed her face in bottled toilet water. She would have nothing to apologize for, just like you have nothing to apologize for in this situation. Don't say sorry when you don't mean it and have legitimately nothing to apologize for. Explain the situation, but don't be a doormat.
I so identify with the rapier story. I once made a joke about my sleeping throughout her father’s birthday, and she heard it as me saying he’d like to…. Sleep with his daughter for his birthday. I was so close to dropping the subject after seeing her disturbed reaction, but thank God I said, “sorry, what did you think I said?” And the situation was clarified. COMMUNICATION PEOPLE. I feel so disturbed thinking what could have happened if I hadn’t pursued the confusion, and people had thought I was that girl who promoted incest.
Not gonna lie! Had I been in OP's shoes for the last story, I would have probably joked something along the lines of "Well my rapier might just be the rapiest..." and, depending on their reactions, it could have become a horror story and would have been entirely my fault.
"Pawn shop" and "rapier" have to be the terms most rife with potential for inflamatory reactions by those who don't know. Is it Session Zero worthy? Possibly. Several terms that sound like other terms can be cause for confusion, so a discussion on that sort of thing in Session Zero is a very good idea. But I don't believe it is mentioned in any "how to session zero" content I've seen, yet.
Without a language barrier of some kind, I don’t understand how those words could become problematic at all? Then again, I was severely told off once for bringing up “necromancy” in a conversation about video games… “You’re all doing WHAT to dead people?!”
"All we can do is make up for our mistakes in the future" good tip! Great tip really, but not applicable to this OP. This wasn't a mistake on the OP's part. It's great OP said sorry, but I hope the other players also said sorry.
Dang I didn't realize nudity was this big of a deal. I mean I know better than to go flaunting around but I've had characters that sleep nude/druids who grew up with the idea the clothes are for utility such as protection from the elements and armor and when the party tells them to cover up they do. Tbh I've played nude before (camera off) and it's never come up.
The group of friends seemed to be just a bunch of dumb people, they needed someone to vent out and it was the OP. The GM needed to feel like he was a better GM than OP because the others probably told him that they also DM'd things. And the couple will probably be one of these gaslighting couples seeing how the whole group gaslighted OP
Story Three: "Why are you Leaving?" -- the minute you mention Vampire and he rolls his eye and talks condescending to you is the moment you stand up, gather your things and say, "Sorry, this isn't a good fit. I don't play with dicks." And leave. No further explanation needed or expected. The DM is obviously a huge douche, and I haven't even heard the entire story yet! I know D&D (and TTRPG's in general) is the haven for the socially awkward, but that's not socially vapid, that's just rude.
Always remember the cardinal rule, "No D&D is far, far better than BAD D&D."
Yeah, without even getting into the 'what is true' debate, if the opening salvo from the DM was scoffing at another TTRPG system, that's an automatic exit stage left "Never mind there's other things I need to do."
Personal bias, but fucking especially rich coming from a D&D guy. Playing the most "basic bitch" system out there and judging people for actually trying something else.
Dude knew what he was doing only EVER laughing at that character making the other players think their friend didn’t know what they were talking about. He was just straight-up bullying because he was threatened
That laughing Charlie story really makes me angry! That whole group of "friends" are just shitty people! The OP should have left a long time ago.
it was giving homophobia too.
@@crystalcorrigan8573 propably
Sadly, most people suck
I'm glad that I've rarely dealt with toxic people like that. The second I do, I cut my loses
It seems to me they thought OP was "weird" and possibly "cringy" so yeah they were just bullying. Without going down the what is true dimension I think OP found their own college mean girls and a gaslighting dude.
I hesitate to take stories where EVERYONE else is the problem at face value. There is probably some greater context the OP is leaving out that might make the others behavior seem more reasonable. This story as written was giving me real if you have problems with everyone, then you might be the problem vibes.
@@IaIaCthulhuFtagn while I understand taking stories with a grain of salt, sometimes bullying situations literally just be this way and are completely one sided based on biases against the bullied person.
This story doesn't feel that crazy or outside the realm of possibility.
The third story the bit about visiting the afterlife to see if her dead wife IS OK is funny to me.
"Hey honey you kinda got mauled to death by a bear i just want to ask if you're feeling alright"
Lmao yes, but it's also really sweet in a way. Like you'd think she wants to get her wife back but no, she's fine, she just wants to make sure she got to the afterlife and is doing okay.
Now that's love.
I mean depending on the mythology she may have wanted to make sure her wife ended up in the good place of the afterlife or was being taken care of, you know?
Exactly. I'm not exactly the most sentimental so I could just be biased, but I feel like I wouldn't risk my life and go through absolute hell just to check up on my wife once to see if she's okay and then bugger off again. I mean, what am I even supposed to do if she's suffering for eternity? Hand her a spiritual "get well soon" card?
Dude the why are you leaving campaign made me so angry.
That's not just gaslighting, that's the whole gas chamber. Even the player YOU brought in joined in on it and did nothing!
For anyone experiencing something like this: When someone laughs at something you say or do, keep straight and don't let it go. Press them on why they did that and thought it was appropriate. "That wasn't supposed to be funny. Why are you laughing? Answer my question. Don't ignore me."
Practice these exact words! Do not let strange behavior slide! Stand up for yourself! Insist on getting answers! Maybe they actually just misunderstood or they didn't and did it on purpose. And if they refuse to stop, drop them like the hot pile of garbage they are.
Remember, people like Charlie and perhaps even the rest of the table, want to feel superior to you. They want to push you down so they can feel like they are above you.
Drag them right off that high horse by not backing down. Stand your ground and confront them, that way you demonstrate that no, you are very much level with them and they are in fact not superior. You're not some pawn to be used or servant to be bossed around.
This concludes today's episode of mental health tips.
People who act like assassination's attempts go off smoothly are being very unrealistic. Back then, nobles would leave loose floor boards in order to make it impossible to walk around without making noise, and food was often tested by people to ensure it was both up to the nobles standard and not poisoned. So people actually killed by assassins were far and few between, as people were paranoid as fuck and would make new laws to prevent assassins from using the same methods. And a level 20 wizard has at least a few thousand better things to do than to kill a random level one goblin. Like bullying an actual ancient dragon to show off.
I would watch series about top level adventurer taking literally every quest, ni fact I was thinking about it some time ago
People that think Assassinations go perfectly seem to forget that there were a total of 40 active assassination plots on Hitler throughout his time as Furher and not a single one succeeded.
Also, the goblin absolutely could have been revived. You can certainly get someone back after their body is disintegrated, it's just more expensive and requires higher level spells.
@@realdragonthe wizard was just goblin slayer if instead of becoming a barbarian/ranger he instead picked up the arcane arts
The Charlie story I would have absolutely snapped at all of those assholes. They kept them around simply to be a punching bag and to be the jester of the group, there was NEVER any mutual respect for them in the first place if they were willing to drop them so easily. Nobody who genuinely cared or in their right mind would have done that, those all were just bastards who probably didn't even considered them a friend in the first place.
Seems to me like he just wanted to nurse a petty grudge for some strange sense of gratification
Im sorry, Charlie thinks he's high and mighty but he's just a being intimidating to you. The group should be ashamed of their selves.
It sounds like op friends had enough of him. Now there is a chance that op could be not telling the truth on what he said about his mental health but if that is the case, they both suck for how it got to this point if charlie and the group are doing this as a defense.
@@pippo17173 They. OP is non-binary.
I still think Charlie feels threatened by the OP in some way. My initial thought is that he thought one of the female friends was romantically interested in OP and Charlie was interested in her, but it could be that it was their GMing experience as well.
Or maybe Charlie was interested in OP and was negging
Or it could have been just some "D&D elitism". It's weird but some people do this. Thinking "their version of ttrpg" is superior, no matter which it is and look down on the others. Sounds silly but some people can take this way more seriously than others and act like things are out for blood. Or simply being douches.
I know it’s a slippery slope to even entertain, but it is so difficult for me not to question stories like this where literally every player beside the OP is bizarrely awful. I can’t help but think that there is a very large other side to that story that we haven’t heard.
I’ve known guys like Charlie for a while and most of the time they require a victim in their social groups, someone they know they can get away with picking on without anyone jumping to their defense. Usually after that victim leaves they’ll go for the “next weakest” and so on until they either dry up the group and move on or they’re kicked. With that said I’d love to find out if anyone else from the Charlie group had anything to say about OPs treatment, you never quite know what the truth is in stories like that.
Also weapon terminology isn’t as well known as most would think. I never learned that the proper name for rapiers until I was in my 20’s, I always referred to them as “dueling swords” because I only ever saw them used in movies that featured sword dueling!
What's especially infuriating about the Resources thing in the first story is that, explicitly, Resources 0 doesn't mean you're starving. It means that you don't have any spare cash on hand, but otherwise you're assumed to be able to at least handle your bare essentials. There's a specific Flaw you're supposed to take if you're impoverished to the point where you have a problem meeting basic needs, but either this Storyteller didn't know that, or didn't care.
Food is part of resources
@@realdragon And? What does that have to do with the point I was making?
@@realdragon vampires don't pay for food
@@realdragon Food for vampires isn't exactly purchased.
"Stop being so sensitive" is the rallying cry of the 21st century bully
Also tends to be said by some of the most overly sensitive people alive.
I find this post offensive
And the opposing viewpoint, this is also just them being accurate and ya being sensitive
Wow, 10 days. I didn't think it would take that long for an overly sensitive bully to show up and comment.
@shirlot why are you calling me a bully? This is very rude. Can you be more sensitive to my feelings?
To the "Why are you leaving" story:
When I was about 25, I found a group of friends who complimented my wife and I really well. They had alternative lifestyles and we were looking for a more queer scene, so they seemed perfect. We even considered opening our marriage to the polycule in that group, and started lightly dating a couple of them.
I quickly started to realize that an unnecessary rivalry had crept into the mix, between myself and the Charlie of that group. I found that I was being gaslit, that the girl I had dated was being duplicitous and sharing every detail about me with the Charlie, and that even my WIFE was starting to alienate me as she grew more attached to Charlie.
I had a mental breakdown eventually, and my wife's compassion snapped her back to reality before we cut ties with that group.
My Charlie was delusional and dumb, in many ways, but he had this eerie charisma that allowed him to be a cult leader for his group in spite of his obvious flaws. Because of this, the group apologized for his high school-drama games, and would side with him even as they admitted to me that it didn't make sense or make them particularly happy.
That's what you have on your hands: a cult leader. By sheer charisma, and with a childish view of the world, Charlie builds a wall of supplicant sycophants around him, and manipulates them because he knows he has that power. I'm sorry that you had the misfortune of meeting him, OP. But count yourself lucky -- those he kept in his inner circle are stuck in his tar, and who knows if they'll ever have the presence of mind to free themselves.
The Vampire one is just...oh dear me. The St was way off base. The book even states outright that not having any dots (it's a dot-based system, every dot represents a die in your dice pool) in Resources just means you have the clothes on your back and nothing else. Like, homeless or something (or maybe you're kept by someone who has all the money). Not _naked._
*Edit:* Also, "rapier" comes from the French word "rapière", which is pronounced "rah-pierre". So the problem comes entirely from the English pronunciation of a French word. 😆
in the current 5th edition it's even more lenient - 0 dots in resources means bottom of the barrel income. You can afford second hand clothes plus rent/accommodations for some shithole at best, but you're still not naked. You just can't afford things like weapons, phones or driving with public transport.
You actively have to take a disadvantage that makes you so piss-poor that can't even afford a home. (and even then it's assumed you at least managed to steal some homeless guy's clothes and that you're spending the day in some abandoned building, tomb or something) - the point of the disadvantage being, that you get to spend more points during character creation. (though you have to take two dots in disadvantages at least)
I have literally never had a good experience with a vtm pbp. I do not know what it is, but it's literally the only game I've had that much trouble getting into. Usually if I keep meeting assholes, I assume I'm the asshole, but it very literally is only this one game series I have issues with, and usually it's stuff like people rules lawyering the very loosely worded rules and people acting like skeezes outside of character. The lesson I've learned is just not to play VtM with anyone I don't know and trust closely.
"Rah-pierre" is a cooler pronunciation. At the risk of sounding cringy and pretentious (and butchering a french word with my germanic but bastardized language mouth) I will be calling it that from now on.
I actually had something similar with the rapier story in the City of Mist game I'm in. During the set up session I mentioned my character owned and ran a pawn shop as both his possession and routine. We somehow managed to talk past each other for most of the session until I finally found out after a more obvious joke they made that two of them had thought I had said porn shop.
Which made some other comments made on both sides suddenly make a lot more sense. Like a comment about selling sex toys and I was like "That's not really something you buy used.". Honestly it was pretty funny.
"That's not something you really buy used."
Hate to break it to you, buddy...
Honestly, thank goodness OP didn't go to the 'goodbye' session. I have a lot of trouble saying no and often stick around doing things that make me unhappy for way too long for the sake of closure or whatever. It's not worth it. Not with those people. What a nightmare.
So in story two the OP talks about how player choices killed the party, but it seems like the player choices they made were to travel, which lead to a random encounter that killed half of them, and then to accept a quest to gather food resources. That was the point where the DM outed himself as an irrational sadist who will kill your players.
If players put themselves in unwinnable situations after making unreasonable choices, that's on them. If players are put in unwinnable situations after making reasonable choices, that's the DM failing at his job.
After years of mastering the bow I've earned the highest title. A bowist.
Well, after years of mastering the Rapier I've finally earned the master title of a Rapier swordsman. A Rap.... wait, what? It means what?!!!
The rapier story reminds me of a time when GMing I kept mispronouncing brazier and made it sound like some woman was constantly flinging her undergarments on the walls of the dungeon.
I thought for years that they were pronounced the same. 😅
I know the main point is obviously the horror stories, but those skits of yours are really fun.
Kinda like how I mostly watch a Danny Gonzalez video for the skits! Love listening to your voice, love listening to his voice, but the skits are SO entertaining.
It’s a nice difference from other RPG horror story channels.
i never knew someone can watch Danny just for skits
@@realdragon I mean, 'mostly' being a key word there, and yeah! Some videos don't interest me, but the skits inside are highly entertaining for me to re-watch the whole video just for them.
I heard the third story elsewhere before, and a lot of people were saying the OP was the one who did something and was leaving things out.
I disagree. Who goes out of their way to laugh inappropriately at only _one_ player?
I know. I think I was in that comment section, and I was dismayed at the reactions.
He did do something:
Stop wanting to be the perfect punching bag
@@falxblade1352 - Indeed. Bullies will often take "test bites" of their potential targets, and if they get away with small actions, they begin to ramp it up. One of the test bites used on me (that I didn't identify until much later) was as low-key as a slightly-sharper-than-necessary response. But then the responses got gradually sharper until it was outright verbally abusive, because I didn't object to that first one.
And bullies count on that. They start out so small that you seem irrational if you say something about it, and they maintain plausible deniability until you're conditioned to accept it. They also start "smear campaigns" against you with everyone else, so that no one will take you seriously if you complain to them. They're very canny, those type of bullies.
The moment the Gm laughed about the vampire thing, we went, "We do not like the energy in the studio today" and it turns out, WE WERE RIGHT TO FEEL THIS WAY
Omg I didn't think my story would be just the warm-up to worse tales of nudity lol. Thanks for picking mine, crispy!
Any resolution to that? Did she have a crush on someone in the group and thought she was being sexy? Did she actually think nudity was a joke? Or was she trying to turn this into an ERP?
@@RiveroftheWither no clue to this day
Story 4 is classical scapegoating. OP did the right thing by escaping their abusers but as of most scapegoaters, they'd do everything in their power to make sure their scapegoat stays and continue to be abused by him and his friends. They will gaslight, use their insecurity of losing all of their friends, etc etc if they leave.
In Vampire the Masquerade, Resources for vampires go mostly to pay for luxuries, and the associated expenses of developing and maintaining Status, Influence, and other Backgrounds. A character with no dots in Resources may have enough clothing and supplies to get by, or she may be destitute and squatting in a refrigerator box under an overpass.
One Dot in Resources is called Sufficient. You can maintain a typical residence in the style of the working class with stability, even if spending sprees come seldom.
Not having this is far form being completely destitute with not even clothing on your back, tho it could be homeless.
I think I needed to hear that "why are you leaving story."
Recently I lost one of my D&D groups and a handful of people I thought of as my friends and looked up to. I won't go into a lot off detail as I'm aware I'm a biased narrator, it's a long story, and I've been questioning myself and how I remember things going/how I maybe came across. I've been mentally spiraling after how everything went down, going back and forth between "I'm the worst person in the world and I did everything wrong" to "actually fuck them they're being extremely harsh, unfair, and cruel to me." And of course it all kicked off from me wanting to leave our "off" campaign.
Basically, we'd play our main game 3 weeks in a row and then for 1 "off" week we played another campaign with different characters/world. There are a variety of reasons I wanted to leave that "off" game, but it seemed like no matter how I tried to explain it, they considered it a personal insult or some horrendous act and my reason for wanting to leave wasn't good enough. And yet, despite how angry they were with me and how they spoke to me, they seemed to want me to stick around and keep playing. But then it also seemed like they really didn't want me to stay because they made it sound like I'm a bad player/they hate playing with me/I build my characters wrong. Some of them also talking about how I was breaking a promise because a while back I did promise, along with everyone else in the server, to see the campaign through to it's conclusion . But you know, shit/life happens and even back then I was feeling uncomfortable with that promise because I knew things can happen and it really just felt like a metaphorical gun to my head telling me "you better keep playing or else because you promised." But I had to promise or else the DM was going to stop the campaign entirely, and I didn't want to be the one person not to make the promise and end the campaign because I had a bad feeling. "It's just my anxiety," I'd tell myself. "Of course you're expecting the worst and have a bad feeling, you always do." Or they'd talk about how this was a "pattern" with me because I'd left games previously (again, variety of reasons I won't go into detail on because I feel that would also be biased [due to the nature of why I left in certain cases],multiple reasons why I left different games, and I understand why they were upset. Then there was also the bit about how everyone "deserves an apology for how I hurt them and putting them through so much after they went to all this effort with the game."
Mentally I've just been in the absolute gutter. But hearing a story about someone else going through a game where they weren't having fun, getting shit for leaving, and losing friends, I guess it's in a way comforting to know I'm not the only one. And to see that there is support for people going through that, and I and others shouldn't have to stay in a game where we're not having fun/play with people we aren't comfortable with anymore. I certainly won't pretend I was perfect in my situation. I know I probably fucked up and did make mistakes, but I'm slowly coming around to the idea that I'm not the one and only person at fault who deserves to take all the blame and every single thing they said to me. And that it's a good thing I didn't give in to that voice in my head telling me to "just keep playing" but basically become a bot (meaning I would do literally zero RP and only roll dice when prompted [because I didn't even feel like I could plan or try and be creative with tackling problems anymore with how they spoke about my "issues"/"mistakes").
So I guess, thanks Crispy. Listening to your videos has been a comfort and your advice has been very helpful. I look forward to listening to/watching more as time passes and I try to recover from this heartbreak and get myself in a state where I feel ready to try and find a new group. Hopefully one where we all manage to get along and are on the same page about what we want from the game.
I really feel for the OP in the Charlie story. I was essentially dropped by a group of my friends bc someone on the sports team we were all on committed animal abuse and I spoke out against it (everyone else condoned it). Also like the OP, I was a nonbinary person in a group of primarily chicks.
As someone who has been a fan of fantasy (and sword fighting in general), I can easily see myself in the Rapier Bard's place. I have known what a rapier is for ao long it never would have thought someone didn't know what it was. I'm shuddering over here
The last story reminds me of the guy who tried to fight a gazebo because the DM didn't realize the guy didn't know what a gazebo was.
I actually heard the story about the laughing jerk and his lackeys before. Just noting it because it seems rare for other tabletop horror story channels I watch to cover stories before Crispy.
That Charlie story. I'm so sorry, OP.
From the literal Rulebook of VtM "A character with no dots in Resources may have enough clothing and supplies to get by, or she may be destitute and squatting in a refrigerator box under an overpass." Notice the total lack of "Your character starts nude hurr hurr hurr!" anywhere in there....
26:33 why should anyone apologize if they didn't do anything wrong? Apologies are meant for wrongdoing. Someone else not knowing what a specific type of sword is to the point they think it's a tool used for crimes, well technically it can be but for a different type of crimes, when google is free and they should've had access to the PHB that would've had rapier in it so they could at least had spelling for it to search. If anyone the person that should apologize would've been the people assuming the worse of OP.
I’m absolutely loving all the recent community clips in these videos!
the reactions to the charlie story online were legitimately awful. people turned on op so quick. it was insane
I really want to know if Charlie was shit talking behind op’s back based off of their first reaction.
Damn, that sucks. I admit that I can’t help but think that there is another side to that story that isn’t being told, simply because it’s always a little suspect when every single person in the group, except the op, is so weirdly awful, but to just assume op is lying and attack them in the comments is nuts.
For the last story, I don’t agree that he should have apologized. He didn’t do anything wrong at all and it’s mostly on the girls for being ignorant. It’s not a bad thing and they aren’t bad people but I don’t think people should apologize when they didn’t do anything wrong. That creates bad mentalities and then you become a person like me…who apologizes to other people when THEY bump into me like by existing I’m a nuisance. I don’t like that.
Him explaining what the sword was makes sense and if something he should have done for sure but not apologizing.
LOL, Crispy - your acting skills just keep getting better and better. The demonic laughter drinking the healing potion - wonderful!
That rapier story reminds me of the scene from Ed Edd & Eddy Big Picture Show, where Double D is explaining what a sextant is.
I'm still amazed they got away with that lmao
Or the "they're feeling amorous!" joke about the Kankers from the TV show
The "rapier" story reminded me of the early days of D&D. Gary Gygax and co. were very fond of flowery, old-fashioned language, and you couldn't really look things up easily in those pre-internet days. So we'd comically mispronounce words like "quaff" and "brazier" for ages before realizing our error. Never mind the arguments over whether a "lucerne hammer" was actually a hammer, and therefore usable by Clerics...
Instantly had to click this because I was joking with my group about Flirting with Guards/NPCs to distract them (I of course mentioned other ideas as well. Flirting was just one. Others included getting them drunk, or treating them too good food). We are, kinda dungeon crawling through the Xanathar Guild hideout right now? We have ways to move and sneak, and a few of us have access to methods of disguising ourselves. But still, we have no idea what we are in for, we have a sending stine for the party to talk with our employer, and a pair we have split in case of emergencies (and being outside Message range), and I have a silver raven that is fairly distracting when used. But yeah- we sre all nervous and terrified, and we have 2 days till our next session.
Time to enjoy some horror until then.
23:31 - please tell me I'm not the only one who heard Crispy saying "whoreforged"
We had a hilarious nudity scene recently in a dnd game. It was not intentional one bit by anyone. So we were in a dungeon where wild magic happens. Not something that effects me given I’m the full scout rogue. But it definitely effects our Cleric and Wizard. Well cleric ends up grappled but manages a spell to end the beastie. What happens next is hilarious. So our dm has a table that has 100,000 possible results. You roll a d100 that chooses a sub table and then another d100 to choose the result. What happened is that the wild magic melted (harmlessly) all of the clerics clothes off. Luckily we had mage armor on him earlier (enemies were tracking us via the magic of his armor) so that didn’t get effected but his clothes were all gone…in the middle of a dungeon. Did I mention we were lost at that point and didn’t know which level we even were on anymore? Yeah so we couldn’t exactly send someone to the store for new clothes. So I dug through my bag of holding (which has been great because I stuffed a ton of nonmagical shit in there because dm gave me way too much starting money) hoping I had something in there. In our campaign it’s basically been joked as being the Mary poppins bag because it almost always has anything you need in there. Well I did find some clothes….winter clothes. Lol. Wizard goes through their stuff and notices they have a scarf that glows in moonlight. Ok. So we offer these to cleric. Cleric is now deciding between furs and a scarf. In the most hilarious end, he is now wearing winter pants and boots and a scarf for his top. He is very fashionable lol.
I was hoping the Cleric would become Frosty the Snowman.
As someone who works for World of Darkness, that first story was infuriating. I hope the OP finds a group to have fun with because VTM can be awesome.
I submitted the Alice and Beatrice story, it was a blast listening to your delivery of it. Loved all the added jokes. Great stuff.
The rapier one had me dying.. thats hilarious
5:35 I actually don't like when my games are hard. I'm bad at games due to neurological disability, but I feel like I still deserve to experience the story, so I play with easy mode and/or cheats. Feel free to murder me for this horrible transgression.
Wooo! Samurai background theme is back!
For the Rapier story, I'm not sure my first response would be to say sorry. I would be too busy being utterly flabbergasted that someone could play DnD without knowing what a rapier is. That just... blows my mind and I'm not sure I would be able to recover in time to apologize for any confusion.
Honestly that part irks me, Crispy is literally telling someone to apologize for a misunderstanding on someone else's part
As hilarious as that last one is, I gotta ask: how do you grow up never hearing about something as basic as a rapier?
How does knowledge of a rapier come up? I didn't know of it till I started playing dnd
@@wilfulbuckle13fencing, Princess Bride, 3 Musketeers, stuff like that.
@@SteamS01dier Fencing is weird and niche, and the kind of sword is irrelevant in all of the other examples.
@SteamS01dier ah yes all things EVERYONE knows
Lol, man, I'm still wondering how some of my (young!) coworkers don't know about alt-tab.
That community reference was "chef's kiss" perfect
I've heard that last one before, it's actually kind of funny. How people can jump to totally wrong conclusions when they don't know what something really means.
I wonder why they did mention anything or ask about it until a weapon change.
@@ArcCaravan Indeed.
The title reminds me... I feel like people treat charisma rolls as "if I roll high, you MUST be madly in love with me" or like charm person as a roll.
People do and try to not let them when you can, people doing this never ends well and it is also not RAW or RAI.
My non-problematic DnD nudity: My party and I fought a hag and her two big water snake familiars. My peppy bushwoman ranger fought the snakes, bit the head off one and started eating the meat. Got blood on my reindeer cowel and just threw it off revealing my blood soaked tits. One player quickly covered the eyes of the child captive we were rescuing and another slapped my character on the back of the head. It was HILARIOUS and everyone was comfortable with it. It can happen.
Nudity is pretty easy to make no weird in any normal dnd game, at least in my opinion, like just pointing out that someones naked in a situation like this is funny and nobody is gonna go “OH THATS SEXUAL” like???
@@somenerdpng Yeah, when I was DMing I had my players visit a bathhouse and the world didn’t end.
@@GoblinGirlLindsey it’s literally like that simple, It’s only weird when someone makes it weird, which most people are pretty normal and don’t
It was my character's birthday and we had a bunch of awesome celebratory moments and roleplay, when my character closed out the evening by going off to sleep with someone.
Surprise twist, bounty hunters attack our crew in the night, and the DM realises my character will have literally no clothes on (except the boots of speed. they stay on. always.)
we were all on board to see my character kick all kinds of ass with nothin' but a smile (and boots), plus it was *supremely* in character for her. we swiftly had to escape town, burning a few buildings down as we fled (we are called the Disco Inferno after all)
that was one of my fav sessions ever, speaking as an asexual guy lol
@@Shlock7 that sounds incredible and something I would most welcome at my table
I was almost going to play under a DM using (his) homebrew were-beast race... he insisted that when my (female btw) character turned, she *had to* rip all of her clothing and *would not budge.* Never mind that the Blood Hunter Lycan's clothes can be worn in both forms or meld into the hybrid form. I told him that making my character nude every time she turns (full moon transformations were forced as well) made me uncomfortable, and he basically gave me the "suck it up, buttercup" treatment. Yeah... I bounced, not just because of the obvious *"hehehehe you must be nuuuuude"* thing but I also wanted to play her as a classy, sociable character to make her a little unique from the typical depiction of werewolf, and she'd *never* allow herself to be indecent at any time
Honestly, a character who would never allow themselves to be indecent having to rip their clothes when they transform sounds like a good contrast and/or a comedic opportunity for them to consider lycanthropy a curse purely because of that. But yeah, obviously a DM insisting on something you're not comfortable with is a bad sign.
The last story was more of a funny misunderstanding story.
Sometimes you have to wonder just how many of these stories are actually true and not just someone going off ranting over imagined slights or snubs. Not to mention you definitely know they’d omit anything they may have done that could be negative or antagonizing the situations.
Unless the story goes beyond the realm of possibility or they're calling someone out by name who would need to defend themselves, I really don't care to nitpick at a story about bullying the way some have done for the Charlie story.
Assuming it's a true and real accounting of bullying, imagine trying to open up about that only to have a comment section repeatedly telling you you're actually the one in the wrong and clearly hiding something. That's what happened to op and it sucks.
@@KalinTheZola yeah, I’m not gonna assume it’s true. It’s the internet and anything out there should be taken with a grain of salt. Especially when it’s coming from a singular biased source. If folks can’t handle skepticism or criticism then the internet really isn’t the place for them.
@@wreckedgamerqq5001 healthy skepticism is well and good but knowing how to pick and choose situations to call out is even better.
Whether assuming it true or assuming it false, it's still an assumption.
@@KalinTheZola I’m curious where exactly in my comment you think someone has been called out? For someone saying skepticism is good you seem to have an issue with mine which wasn’t directed at any particular story. Though I suppose I could give it another listen and see if any of them in particular just come off as utter BS.
@@wreckedgamerqq5001 nah sorry I'm not talking about you so much as the people who use a mentality adjacent to that to justify calling out the op of the Charlie story on the reddit post itself. Since I was talking about that situation in my first response I sort of assumed that my point was understood which is my bad.
Rereading my message it's even more obvious I wasn't clear I what I was talking about which is double my bad oof
Rocks Fell. I Died: I would've thought that there should have been numerous counter rolls - "saves" - against all of that if the DM had any intention at all of being fair and not, for example, being a complete shitstain that outright kills off a PC for no reason at all. At the very least, I'd expect a saving throw against the scrying and a reasonable chance of waking up when the wizard teleports in. Depending on whether or not the character wakes or is awake when the wizard teleports in (having unsuccessfully determined the characters wakefulness by scrying), there may be more rolls required as combat is initiated.
That last guy shouldn't be embarrassed at all in any way. It's not his fault at all in any way shape or form.
Wow. That rapier story was wild!
Bet it didn't help that rapiers are thrusting weapons xD
True dat!
Also the little skits are hilarious
25:41 No mistake was made; it was just a misunderstanding that was easily resolved, and the OP has nothing to feel ashamed about. If anything, those girls should feel bad that they never asked about it and just assumed this poor guy would have his character wield a "raper" sword like it's perfectly normal. Also, Duke's coming on? I can't wait!
To be fair, they may have been hesitant to bring it up to the guy they thought decided to name their weapon after assault.
That last story is why i pronounce it as "Ruh PIER," rather than "Rape yer."
I have a not-so-horror story from my first ever D&D campaign.... My first character, a Half-elf Draconic Sorcerer, born with the soul of a Dragon, (He look like a normal human Draconic Sorcerer because of the Dragon Soul). Played with him for a total of 3, or 4, session, which, after a series of consecutive nat20s, became a King, and then a God. The other players hated me, but the DM was ecstatic that I was able to do what I did. What makes it, in a sense, a horror story (for me, anyway) is the fact that I had to retire that character....
I feel like the “Seduce the guards “ story was a reverse Skeletor meme. Like the guards look at her and then at each other with wtf look and say “ jokes on you, we’re not into that sh!t
The last guy must have been pronouncing the word “rapier” with a twang or drawl. Because I don’t see how “rapier”sounds like “raper” when pronounced properly 😆
Yeah. The first story. The ST doesn't know that being naked doesn't bother a Gangrel. 😂
There are a lot of people who play D&D who think WoD is a dumb lesser game and vise versa. Usaly the diffrence between ROLLplayers and ROLEplayers is where it comes down to as WoD tends to atract people who like the roleplay and D&D tends to atract the people who like the dice heavy ruled combat.
The sudden loud Thorn sound effects caught me so off guard I actually fumbled my phone
Ayee, is that a new background? Looks good.
"Oh, you naive fool..." XD
Humorous unproblematic RPG nudity story - I'm playing a very silly game of WFRP with some old friends of mine and I joined mid-campaign, they're all playing humans but my character, Eregdin, is a wood elf.
At the GM's prompting I rolled on the distinguishing features chart during character creation, got birthmark (along with broken teeth, an extra long nose and extra body hair) and asked if I could make that into vitiligo so Eregdin has dappled skin. The GM thought this idea was so cool he gave me a bonus to stealth in woodland *if* Eregdin was naked. Obviously we're both leaning in *hard* on an unsettling woodland fae vibe for this character.
So obviously, I used that ability at the first possible moment (again with the GM's prompting), shedding the hooded cloak Eregdin usually wears around humans and the rest of his clothes to go hunting. Another PC, Trosso, a slimy, greedy, snake-oil merchant, initially grabbed the clothes in order to hold them for ransom but was so disturbed by Eregin's appearance he actually gave them back without a charge.
Wow that Pierce Hawthorne reference. Respect.
FINALLY! You're the first one to get it.
Thanks to having seen more than one "Three Musketeers" films growing up, I new from an early age what a rapier was.
But I must admit, it is a poorly named sword when considering how it sounds in "English" language. 😅
I am totally stealing that rapier misunderstanding for an appropriately inappropriate game with people who share my tastes, assuming I ever find any.
Idk I don't think op should be embarrassed for using a very commonly known weapon with a differently spelled name then that word....I think the girls should be embarrassed for being dumb and not asking or speaking up lol like u don't have to be embarrassed cause others misunderstood a basic thing
If someone mistakenly thinks I've done something awful, I'm automatically embarrassed, even if I didn't do anything wrong. Just the idea that someone thought I was deliberately cruel or crass and I had no idea makes me's nothing to do with feeling guilty, but you still feel terrible. It's like...if you step on someone's toe by accident, you feel awful even if there's no way you could have known their foot was there, you know?
Eh, being unfamiliar with a term someone else considers commonly known is no reason to be embarrassed either. But embarrassment is rarely rational.
Also, you probably shouldn't call people dumb based on one silly misunderstanding. Everyone has moments like that.
@ShinyAvalon no I don't lol
@damned0wl thinking someone is using a weapon to sexually assault enemies even tho it's spelled different is definitely dumb
@damned0wl you have moments were you don't understand spelling and assume someone is raping enemies for weeke without saying anything? Cause I don't
What even was that last story? Lol
If there was a language barrier, I could understand.
But otherwise- did OP severely mispronounce “rapier” every time, or did he manage to find a tabletop game with people who never read?
It’s not that obscure a word in a fantasy setting!
I just realized that we had a Nudity Moment in our campaign a couple of sessions ago.
When we were taken as prisoners for experiments we were of course stripped of our equipment... And for our Satyr Dhampyr Barbarian it meant being left naked. Granted, she was a satyr, covered in fur and all, so it was never accented, but still, in hindsight... Man.
Fortunate that our party consisted of of a 16yo tiefling girl, a life cleric elf, quickly dead magus oni and a genazi phoenix sorc hellbent on his murderous mission who replaced the magus, so no one really was left in a weird mood in-game.
So late to this but in old world of darkness no don't in resources is listed as "you have no permanent haven and no physical resources save the clothes on your back and possibly a weapon and a few coins in your pocket" in v5 it is "you have no MONEY and no home." In no way can this be translated to no clothes. It's all about the funds you can get together to pay for something.
Love the samurai helmet
25:00 You have nothing to apologize for. They were the ones being ill informed and not asking.
It's like if you saw a bottle of Eau de Toilette on a woman's shelf and just assumed she washed her face in bottled toilet water. She would have nothing to apologize for, just like you have nothing to apologize for in this situation. Don't say sorry when you don't mean it and have legitimately nothing to apologize for. Explain the situation, but don't be a doormat.
I so identify with the rapier story. I once made a joke about my sleeping throughout her father’s birthday, and she heard it as me saying he’d like to…. Sleep with his daughter for his birthday. I was so close to dropping the subject after seeing her disturbed reaction, but thank God I said, “sorry, what did you think I said?” And the situation was clarified. COMMUNICATION PEOPLE. I feel so disturbed thinking what could have happened if I hadn’t pursued the confusion, and people had thought I was that girl who promoted incest.
Not gonna lie! Had I been in OP's shoes for the last story, I would have probably joked something along the lines of "Well my rapier might just be the rapiest..." and, depending on their reactions, it could have become a horror story and would have been entirely my fault.
…are there seriously people who don’t know what a rapier is?
Well, that’s news to me.
"All we can do is make up for our mistakes in the future." the mistake of using a well known sword which no one brings up for TWO MONTHS?
"Pawn shop" and "rapier" have to be the terms most rife with potential for inflamatory reactions by those who don't know. Is it Session Zero worthy? Possibly. Several terms that sound like other terms can be cause for confusion, so a discussion on that sort of thing in Session Zero is a very good idea. But I don't believe it is mentioned in any "how to session zero" content I've seen, yet.
Without a language barrier of some kind, I don’t understand how those words could become problematic at all?
Then again, I was severely told off once for bringing up “necromancy” in a conversation about video games…
“You’re all doing WHAT to dead people?!”
"All we can do is make up for our mistakes in the future" good tip! Great tip really, but not applicable to this OP. This wasn't a mistake on the OP's part. It's great OP said sorry, but I hope the other players also said sorry.
As a dyslexic I am parrinoied of making a spelling mistake when mentioning in messages that I plan on using a rapier for obvious reasons
I'm using a raper sword from now on, even on my barbarian, lol.
Charlie should be constantly bullied, it would be cheeky
Oooh, I'm early. Hype.
How many Crispies are there?!
the no-no stick
9:38 What in the Dresden Files is this??
Dang I didn't realize nudity was this big of a deal. I mean I know better than to go flaunting around but I've had characters that sleep nude/druids who grew up with the idea the clothes are for utility such as protection from the elements and armor and when the party tells them to cover up they do. Tbh I've played nude before (camera off) and it's never come up.
That guy with the rapier story must have the worst pronunciation of rapier it should sound like some dudes name: ray pierre
For once, I got nothing. Please don't seduce the guards.
The group of friends seemed to be just a bunch of dumb people, they needed someone to vent out and it was the OP. The GM needed to feel like he was a better GM than OP because the others probably told him that they also DM'd things. And the couple will probably be one of these gaslighting couples seeing how the whole group gaslighted OP
Wait, in the rapier story OP never once said out loud "I attack with my rapier?" Or are they just really bad at pronunciation? XD
Please don't seduce the guards... I have no words and I must sigh.