There is indeed a story, but it's told in the Dark Souls way: Item descriptions and some snippets of character dialogue. In the broadest strokes, the city (Raslan) is kept as a monument to the sins of a fallen previous civilization that the one you live in effectively replaced. You're an enforcer of the will of your new leaders, and your time spent in Raslan is effectively a hardcore training crucible. You can't die, you don't need to eat, drink or sleep, and even time works differently. The items, especially clothing, give little tidbits about the people that used to live in Raslan and the lands surrounding it before you. Characters sometimes comment on the area you're in and share stories about the place, and even the bosses and their own dialogue and actions imply some things.
I noticed this too. But that's just backstory. Actual story is like "Listen, Prospects. Riseryn has destroyed the city and turned all the people to stone. Now her evil army and marked ones are roaming the lands and wreaking havoc. In order to bring her down, we’ve created a specialized training program called ‘Absolver’ to condition you all to fight her. It’s a virtual reality that’s an exact replica of our now-destroyed city with virtual versions of Riseryn and her minions within. Go in, master martial arts, and if you defeat the virtual Riseryn, you may be our last hope of defeating the real one and saving the freaking world.”
Hey I actually got past 10 minutes this time. I would say I'm sorry for the delay but I'm actually not so we can skip the formalities. I wanted this review to be my best video yet or at least close to it, and I'm hoping I nailed that goal. Let me know what you think of the video as well as the game (Absolver). I have a few people that I would like to thank this time around. First up is David Tremblay aka SirMeow ( ) for mixing and mastering the voiceover so I no longer sound like an absolute amateur. Also thanks to my friend Rumin for walking me through some audio questions I had and helping with my podcast. Lastly a quick shout to BouseFeenux ( ) and ImGrizzlyBear ( ) for playing some Absolver with me. In addition I want to announce that I'll be semi-regularly streaming on Twitch from now on at so if you wanna come hangout when I'm live maybe give me a follow. I'm also on twitter @TheRealShmolty ( ) if you like reading dumb shit. Thanks everyone for the patience and support as always. I hate you all
i guess Im asking the wrong place but does someone know of a trick to get back into an instagram account?? I was dumb lost the login password. I appreciate any help you can offer me!
I actually have an idea for an end-game thing that _Absolver_ could add. I call them "Absolutions" and they're very similar to the strikes/raids from _Destiny_ and _World of Warcraft_ and the _Bloodborne_ equivalent: Chalice Dungeons. Basically, you (and for some a number of friends or randoms) are called in by the guy who gives you the Absolver Cloak, and you're tasked with completing a large mission. This mission could have a premade map or a randomly generated one, but they will always involve exploration, puzzles, some dialog trees (maybe), and LOTS of combat.
Epicmonk117 I think they will do a lot. Their budget was so low that they couldn't even hire a musician. For an Indie studio the game has sold quite well and the financial problems should be gone.
Hoggerstorm123 it's only 30 bucks and for that all the content after is free plus its super anazing when you destroy people with your move list you made
It's a good game, the people hating on it should never have bought it in the first place. It isn't a content driven game, it's a skill based fighting game. Guy above me for example, clearly has no interest in that sort of game so it's no surprise you find it boring. GIT GUD SCRUB
great review video dude i like your style, tells me what i need to know and entertains at the same time instead of delivering a dry technical rundown of bells and whistles, its also nice to hear from a "fun gamer" for a change and not a min/maxer or theory crafter and being an englishman i like your use of the self deprecating humour that i hold so dear ;) kudos
Completely agree. I'm obsessed with this game, but it needs more content. I'm already maxed on one character (who I went with a vitality and strength Kahlt) and working on my second (endurance and dexterity Stagger), and it's fun, but I don't know what I'll do after I finish this character.
rodrigo ponce cortés de lo mejor, si te gusta mucho el pvp Y buscas una alternativa a un souls, absolver te puede dar cientos de horas, le habré dado más de 1k horas xD
I feel like now adays, contemporary games are more in a stage of "building" towards something greater? What do I mean? I feel like there are less complete games like world of Warcraft or skyrim (rly if you think about it, elder scrolls does everything non-online right, but the online thing makes everything 100x more complicated) and more games that are "revolutionizing" one or two facets of gaming. It could very much be my wishful thinking, but I like to believe that eventually (maybe a decage *shrug), that a few games, maybe even one or two, will finally have the right team, the appropriate approach to development, enough financing, and enough luck to finally make a "complete"/ "ultimate" game. Again wishful thinking, but wouldn't it be nice to get a dope mmorpg with the hand to hand fighting of absolver, but with the dope mob and ranged mechanics of the vermintide series (without all the bugs)
I agree with a lot of this but something that people constantly, and I do mean CONSTANTLY ignore is the fact that this isn't the next Souls game. This isn't Skyrim, this is a fighting game. Pure and simple fighting. A story would certainly increase the enjoyment gained from it and additional game modes are indeed a MUST but in the end, there is really only one goal. Beat the fuck out of others and have fun doing it.
I like this game, I hope the creators continue doing work and become more successful. Because I love the idea of an open world game with a fighting system like this.
@@br1m370 yea didn't I still play it but why is every friend I ask to play say it confusing and sophisticated they said the same about dishonored and skyrim how to u find such games hard and confusing
So it was free weekend for Absolver. I've been waiting to get this game since forever. I tried it for free. I. Loved. Every. Moment. I immediately bought it after I completed the game, since it was 75% off. The game feels so rich, the interactions with other players, the combat, piecing together the story, exploring the world, working on fashion, all of it. This game is absolutely amazing to me, but this is all imo. The updates have added many unique things to the game. I've never felt really frustrated with the game, since every time I got beaten down I'd get up and beat them down. Absolver is absolutely a fresh breath of air for combat. It's so simple yet in depth, the possibilities for builds and decks are ENDLESS. (Well, pretty close to endless.) Easy buy for me. However my one pet peeve about this game is the marked ones who have several people with them to help them, or when they start with a sword. Other then that, the game is great, and worth the money imo. Grab it on Steam before the 5th, and you'll get it for 75% off.
Marked ones only have npcs to help them when there is another player in the area to make the fight fair again. If you play alone the marked ones will be alone too. Snatcher or silence works on marked ones too btw
So if you wanted my opinion on this game or video.... You've come to the wrong place, however If you want a really fucking good lemon bars recipe you've come to heaven itself Ingredients SERVINGS 8-12 YIELD 12bars or so UNITS US *For* *Base* 2cups sifted flour 1⁄2cup powdered sugar 1cup butter *For* *top* 4large beaten eggs 2cups white sugar 1⁄3cup lemon juice 1⁄4cup flour 1⁄2teaspoon baking powder 1⁄2teaspoon fresh lemon rind (optional) *Directions* For the base mix the butter into the flour and sugar. Mix with hands until it clings together. Press into a 13 x 9 x 2-inch pan. Bake at 350°F for 20-25 minutes or until lightly browned. For the filling, beat together eggs, sugar and lemon juice. Sift together flour and baking powder. Stir into egg mixture. Pour over baked, cooled crust. Bake at 350°F for 25 minutes. Cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Cut into bars.
your videos helped me get into FH. Absolver was free a month or so ago and I might just give it a try! your vids are solid; great writing and editing, man. also I like your taste in music, the transition beats are sick.
The first time I played this, I roamed around in random and the first marked one I fought and found was the sixth/last one and God was it frustrating. I don't know how many times I repeated but when I beat her, man, was it super satisfying.
love your style of review.You should definitely do more of these...of course it would take time, but you did it really well. keep it up man! (only been subbed for 1 week, but watched a lot of your vids)
Don'tGet2Spooked, just downloaded yesterday. Became an absolver this morning after maybe three hours of play total. Debating on whether to play anymore or delete from system. Ahh, it was pretty fun, but now what? Not sure I even want to continue. When does gandalf save me from matrix, I'm done here
I genuinely didn’t notice I hit the level cap until I saw that I wasn’t getting any better, but I think the fun in absolver is the grind for moves and fighting styles
You won my subscription with this review; I'd say "well done" or "Good job" but I'm just another internet pleb who's ultimately insignificant in the ocean of 237 thousand other people who thought you were funny and informative at the same time; so why should I pat myself on the back as though my subscription means anything ... man I need another beer.
I think this game is hella lot of fun but it needs more content asap, I give them all the time they want aslong as they dont leave the game and leave it like this I hope they got a bright future planned for it this game deserve's more attention in my opinion! and they need a bigger team and a bigger budget if they have that I think this will be one of the most fun game's to play as for in PVP :) I'm really exicited on what the future holds for this game.
Moppitukka 3 lol you sound like a butthurt souls player who can’t understand that the game’s sole purpose is to make your life as hard as possible until you fucking git gud
it seems this is one of the worst 2 months for games to be released mostly because of the type of people festering to hate just about everything all i wish is to have people kung fu fighting and have kicks that were fast as lighting
Hey Shmolty Story if you don't know is about people that want to join to Absolver group. Absolver is an elite group of fighters that want to keep peace in the world. You put a Prospect mask that keep you alive for the entire time. It also protects you from hunger and thirst. Your quest it to beat all other students to earn the right to join the Absovler group ;)
Ppl should compare it less to souls games or skyrim and more to fighting games like street fighter. You have a campaign that is just there to be a guidance to pvp. Ppl need to set there expectations lower. If you dont like fighting games, you won't like this one
I made a really smooth looking kick combo, which goes as such: Scissor Kick> Back Ura> Basically anything spinny, I use the stretch out hook personally.
At first I thought "Wow a fighting game based on real martial art styles that you can customize yourself", and then I saw that the combat was a clusterfuck...
Eonhunter The combat is definitely some of the most fun ive had in a fighting genre game. Feels more in depth than dedicated fighting games in some ways.
Jacktastic wait hold up what learning curve? You mean the learning curve of tapping square with only fast attacks, that you can’t get out of. But pve is fun
You have to progress the story by leveling up PvP and revisit the bosses with new cut scenes and dialogue and learn more about the lore. The lore with rysen (the final boos you beat to become absolver) is really interesting . She used to be a mentor to the prospects but went rogue(thats why prospects are sent to kill her . for ex the person that she threw off the cliff was sent from the guides to kill her because she went rogue) because she doesnt agree with the guides knowingly sending prospects on a meaningless mission and know that they will more than likely die or fall victim to the essence reserves. Yes the initial "story" is short but the lore is there and is super interesting . Even the ai you fight are lost prospects who failed to become absolver . Even the mask has lore . The mask is their life like and allows them to come back. I do wish there was more story because I am super invested in the lore
This game is honestly no fun for me. Been playing since release, beat the campaign, and won 5 straight rounds of the PvP. It's honestly a waste of time and money for me.
Shocking news! Absolver has lost 90% of its player base in the first 10 days after release!!! It's all there in the Steam Charts. Worse than The Division !!!!
Relaxing news: Absolver has regained 90% of its player base in the last 10 days before release... There is no information about it on Steam Charts. Better than The Division....
lmao, this game is fun, even after getting to max level im still enjoying the grind of learning new moves, and testing my deck against other players. not my favorite game, but still worth the 30 bucks in my opinion.
Everyone who has played it are expressing accurate appraisals, and I haven't seen anyone state anything that could be considered an overwhelmingly positive opinion. For the most part everyone seems very level headed, a good game but lacks content, is the general consensus. Precisely how and where do you, as someone who hasn't played it, get the impression that this consensus is inaccurate? From what I've seen, the only inaccurate appraisals are the blatantly ignorant and personal comments slagging it off from people who haven't even touched it, just stating their opinions based on what they're seeing. Again, nobody is making any grandiose claims about the game, it's all very candidly spoken about as being, at best, a decent game. Wheres there "REALLY overrated" part to that?
You probably mentioned this in the video but I'v noticed more lore being unveiled through the boss fights that you can repeat as you level up in combat trials (combat level 60 here xd)
this made me hard, I think I'm gonna buy this game now, makes me feel like for honor was missing out on a hand to hand combat besides centurion and glad 2v2 circumsizing everyone with their consist fucking punches
I played through this game awhile ago, but I just revisited it. I found this dude in the wild, and we started fighting. we fought, killed and revived each other for an hour straight. I got so much better bc of this I learned so many moves
I know these videos take a lot of effort, but I like them a lot even though I subscribed your channel thanks to your for honor videos which had a pretty sarcastic style lol, the point is, I would like to see more reviews!
If they added an explorative platform element like Prince of Persia, I think it would make for an interesting experience. They also need to add some kind of crafting system for armour and weapons.
Thx for the vid. I don't feel so bad for getting lost in the map now lol. I spent about the same amount of time in the game just looking for those last 3 ugh!
Could someone help me I want to get this game on disc, but Amazon is out of stock. I know there is a disc version but was it only a limited time offer? Because I can only find a Digital version. Is there any way to get a disc copy now?
There is indeed a story, but it's told in the Dark Souls way: Item descriptions and some snippets of character dialogue. In the broadest strokes, the city (Raslan) is kept as a monument to the sins of a fallen previous civilization that the one you live in effectively replaced. You're an enforcer of the will of your new leaders, and your time spent in Raslan is effectively a hardcore training crucible. You can't die, you don't need to eat, drink or sleep, and even time works differently.
The items, especially clothing, give little tidbits about the people that used to live in Raslan and the lands surrounding it before you. Characters sometimes comment on the area you're in and share stories about the place, and even the bosses and their own dialogue and actions imply some things.
I noticed this too. But that's just backstory. Actual story is like "Listen, Prospects. Riseryn has destroyed the city and turned all the people to stone. Now her evil army and marked ones are roaming the lands and wreaking havoc. In order to bring her down, we’ve created a specialized training program called ‘Absolver’ to condition you all to fight her. It’s a virtual reality that’s an exact replica of our now-destroyed city with virtual versions of Riseryn and her minions within. Go in, master martial arts, and if you defeat the virtual Riseryn, you may be our last hope of defeating the real one and saving the freaking world.”
Yes, but, contrary to Dark Souls, no one gives a shit.
Skeleton War lol so true
Nobody was turned to stone. Those are actual statues. Or at least a friendly NPC claims to be their sculptor.
Lethas the Bold It wasn't meant to be taken literally.
Hey I actually got past 10 minutes this time. I would say I'm sorry for the delay but I'm actually not so we can skip the formalities. I wanted this review to be my best video yet or at least close to it, and I'm hoping I nailed that goal. Let me know what you think of the video as well as the game (Absolver).
I have a few people that I would like to thank this time around. First up is David Tremblay aka SirMeow ( ) for mixing and mastering the voiceover so I no longer sound like an absolute amateur. Also thanks to my friend Rumin for walking me through some audio questions I had and helping with my podcast. Lastly a quick shout to BouseFeenux ( ) and ImGrizzlyBear ( ) for playing some Absolver with me.
In addition I want to announce that I'll be semi-regularly streaming on Twitch from now on at so if you wanna come hangout when I'm live maybe give me a follow. I'm also on twitter @TheRealShmolty ( ) if you like reading dumb shit.
Thanks everyone for the patience and support as always. I hate you all
Shmolty Damn, shmolty catching up with bouse in subs
Shmolty you did well, proud of you
A new shmolty vid. Tenks for upload.
tenks 5 watch
Shmolty for honor is the best game stop being rude
Emmanuel Alejandro Oh no. It has the PVP breaking Emit force right out of Darksouls 1.
This is the best review of this game I've seen yet.
Thanks mayne
i guess Im asking the wrong place but does someone know of a trick to get back into an instagram account??
I was dumb lost the login password. I appreciate any help you can offer me!
@Ignacio Leonardo Instablaster ;)
I squealed at OOFE
A stroke of genius lol
Squealed? Reeee?
Me too
I don't get it
Oofe IS the perfect Name for a fighting game
I actually have an idea for an end-game thing that _Absolver_ could add. I call them "Absolutions" and they're very similar to the strikes/raids from _Destiny_ and _World of Warcraft_ and the _Bloodborne_ equivalent: Chalice Dungeons. Basically, you (and for some a number of friends or randoms) are called in by the guy who gives you the Absolver Cloak, and you're tasked with completing a large mission. This mission could have a premade map or a randomly generated one, but they will always involve exploration, puzzles, some dialog trees (maybe), and LOTS of combat.
Epicmonk117 The devs said that dungeons are coming.
Epicmonk117 I think they will do a lot.
Their budget was so low that they couldn't even hire a musician.
For an Indie studio the game has sold quite well and the financial problems should be gone.
They took your idea. They totally owe you money.
@@matttheamerican3766 no they don't that's not how the world works
Now you got my mind thinking if i should get this game.
Hoggerstorm123 If you like Mortal Kombat or Tekken then this game will be right up your alley.
Hoggerstorm123 it's only 30 bucks and for that all the content after is free plus its super anazing when you destroy people with your move list you made
i found it unsatisfactory
It's a good game, the people hating on it should never have bought it in the first place. It isn't a content driven game, it's a skill based fighting game. Guy above me for example, clearly has no interest in that sort of game so it's no surprise you find it boring. GIT GUD SCRUB
Also there will be more content, it's still early days.
I love the little "connection error" messages you threw in throughout the video lol.
"Think of Absolver like a house..." Oh, Abby.
great review video dude i like your style, tells me what i need to know and entertains at the same time instead of delivering a dry technical rundown of bells and whistles, its also nice to hear from a "fun gamer" for a change and not a min/maxer or theory crafter and being an englishman i like your use of the self deprecating humour that i hold so dear ;) kudos
Completely agree. I'm obsessed with this game, but it needs more content. I'm already maxed on one character (who I went with a vitality and strength Kahlt) and working on my second (endurance and dexterity Stagger), and it's fun, but I don't know what I'll do after I finish this character.
NoeyK look at their homepage. The next update will have dungeons, 3 vs 3 and 1 vs 1 training. And more.
So, how is it now? Haha
rodrigo ponce cortés de lo mejor, si te gusta mucho el pvp Y buscas una alternativa a un souls, absolver te puede dar cientos de horas, le habré dado más de 1k horas xD
I feel like now adays, contemporary games are more in a stage of "building" towards something greater? What do I mean? I feel like there are less complete games like world of Warcraft or skyrim (rly if you think about it, elder scrolls does everything non-online right, but the online thing makes everything 100x more complicated) and more games that are "revolutionizing" one or two facets of gaming. It could very much be my wishful thinking, but I like to believe that eventually (maybe a decage *shrug), that a few games, maybe even one or two, will finally have the right team, the appropriate approach to development, enough financing, and enough luck to finally make a "complete"/ "ultimate" game. Again wishful thinking, but wouldn't it be nice to get a dope mmorpg with the hand to hand fighting of absolver, but with the dope mob and ranged mechanics of the vermintide series (without all the bugs)
NoeyK old comment but a 3$ dlc is coming out on tuesday and free expansion on saturday :)
I agree with a lot of this but something that people constantly, and I do mean CONSTANTLY ignore is the fact that this isn't the next Souls game. This isn't Skyrim, this is a fighting game. Pure and simple fighting. A story would certainly increase the enjoyment gained from it and additional game modes are indeed a MUST but in the end, there is really only one goal. Beat the fuck out of others and have fun doing it.
Necromedes facts brother
This review is exactly every single thought that goes through my head while playing absolver. Are you the voice in my head?
I like this game, I hope the creators continue doing work and become more successful. Because I love the idea of an open world game with a fighting system like this. didn't happen sadly
@@br1m370 yea didn't I still play it but why is every friend I ask to play say it confusing and sophisticated they said the same about dishonored and skyrim how to u find such games hard and confusing
So it was free weekend for Absolver. I've been waiting to get this game since forever. I tried it for free.
I. Loved. Every. Moment. I immediately bought it after I completed the game, since it was 75% off. The game feels so rich, the interactions with other players, the combat, piecing together the story, exploring the world, working on fashion, all of it.
This game is absolutely amazing to me, but this is all imo. The updates have added many unique things to the game. I've never felt really frustrated with the game, since every time I got beaten down I'd get up and beat them down.
Absolver is absolutely a fresh breath of air for combat. It's so simple yet in depth, the possibilities for builds and decks are ENDLESS. (Well, pretty close to endless.)
Easy buy for me. However my one pet peeve about this game is the marked ones who have several people with them to help them, or when they start with a sword.
Other then that, the game is great, and worth the money imo. Grab it on Steam before the 5th, and you'll get it for 75% off.
Marked ones only have npcs to help them when there is another player in the area to make the fight fair again. If you play alone the marked ones will be alone too. Snatcher or silence works on marked ones too btw
I'm just now getting into it and man I feel like I'm exploring a ghost town
Spot on review, I really hope they come out with more content within the next couple months
So if you wanted my opinion on this game or video.... You've come to the wrong place, however
If you want a really fucking good lemon bars recipe you've come to heaven itself
12bars or so
*For* *Base*
2cups sifted flour
1⁄2cup powdered sugar
1cup butter
*For* *top*
4large beaten eggs
2cups white sugar
1⁄3cup lemon juice
1⁄4cup flour
1⁄2teaspoon baking powder
1⁄2teaspoon fresh lemon rind (optional)
For the base mix the butter into the flour and sugar.
Mix with hands until it clings together.
Press into a 13 x 9 x 2-inch pan.
Bake at 350°F for 20-25 minutes or until lightly browned.
For the filling, beat together eggs, sugar and lemon juice.
Sift together flour and baking powder.
Stir into egg mixture.
Pour over baked, cooled crust.
Bake at 350°F for 25 minutes.
Cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Cut into bars.
Willy Wonka yo thanks
Willy Wonka deadass these some good ass bars
This game looks pretty cool and nice review.Also are you gonna do anything with Destiny 2.
Carson Mckernan do u want ants?
jake broulette ARCHER
Carson Mckernan by destiny 2 do you mean
The danger zone?
3:15 I see what you did there Shmolty.
it took me looking at it 2 times for me to understand what you meant by it because it looks more like corn then a you know what.
thx yew i missed dis lul
Dinzo Mirrivan I don't get it
Its a dick.
your videos helped me get into FH. Absolver was free a month or so ago and I might just give it a try! your vids are solid; great writing and editing, man.
also I like your taste in music, the transition beats are sick.
The first time I played this, I roamed around in random and the first marked one I fought and found was the sixth/last one and God was it frustrating. I don't know how many times I repeated but when I beat her, man, was it super satisfying.
love your style of review.You should definitely do more of these...of course it would take time, but you did it really well. keep it up man! (only been subbed for 1 week, but watched a lot of your vids)
LOL REALLY. This game is so fukin ez dood
well memed kiddo
love you papa shmolty
Don'tGet2Spooked the hardest part about it is finding that 1 boss by the stairs but pvp takes skill and it is fun
Don'tGet2Spooked, just downloaded yesterday. Became an absolver this morning after maybe three hours of play total. Debating on whether to play anymore or delete from system. Ahh, it was pretty fun, but now what? Not sure I even want to continue. When does gandalf save me from matrix, I'm done here
I genuinely didn’t notice I hit the level cap until I saw that I wasn’t getting any better, but I think the fun in absolver is the grind for moves and fighting styles
I'm sure someone has already mentioned it but there are 6 marked ones instead of 5
Pvp is also best of 5 not best of 3
Numbers are hard sometimes, man...
Nice going shmolty it's always nice to see something a bit new on your channel ever once in awhile
10:16 10/10 would explain again
You won my subscription with this review; I'd say "well done" or "Good job" but I'm just another internet pleb who's ultimately insignificant in the ocean of 237 thousand other people who thought you were funny and informative at the same time; so why should I pat myself on the back as though my subscription means anything ... man I need another beer.
I think this game is hella lot of fun but it needs more content asap, I give them all the time they want aslong as they dont leave the game and leave it like this I hope they got a bright future planned for it this game deserve's more attention in my opinion! and they need a bigger team and a bigger budget if they have that I think this will be one of the most fun game's to play as for in PVP :) I'm really exicited on what the future holds for this game.
Dude, your voice sounds so chill that it makes the swearing and jokes funnier.
TH-cam kept asking me if I wanted to delete my comment even though I didn't comment. So I had to comment.
oof. what a sad meme
Found that passage under the stairs in 15 I figured if they had a exit way there should be an entry way hidden by
I laughed my fucking ass of at 5:09
Hahaha so true holy fuck.
New subscriber man. Keep up the blunt humor holy damn.
i love how this review turned out to be a better guide for beginners than the actual beginner guides on youtube lmao
The legend says that if you are late it doesn't mather because papa Shmolty hate's me anyway.
dude i just got this game and typed it in the search bar. when i saw you made a vid on it i was so happy. love your channel a ton
This game just needs more attention lmao
New game coming soon! Looking forward to that
Hands down, most accurate review ever. My thoughts exactly after a week of frustration.
Isn't that what for Honor is? Grinding pvp? And people say absolver is stupid (I love for Honor don't get me wrong but I also love this game)
Moppitukka 3 - git gud
Mopitukka 3 shhhhhhhhhhhhh
Moppitukka 3 lol you sound like a butthurt souls player who can’t understand that the game’s sole purpose is to make your life as hard as possible until you fucking git gud
Gart Blart The Viking I personally like the combat system in this game a lot better than for honor
Dude I like the outro song, you're improving faster than me shmolty damn it!!! 😂😂😂
Man this is another great video shammolty, keep up the great content.
Holy shit, witty AND pours out quality content? Subbed.
This game looks like a ragdoll dance party.
ever played ragdoll kung fu on ps3? now that is a ragdoll dance party-
and then 3v3 came and now a new stance and semi random generated dungeons which is actually really fun with friends
it seems this is one of the worst 2 months for games to be released mostly because of the type of people festering to hate just about everything
all i wish is to have people kung fu fighting and have kicks that were fast as lighting
Hey I don't know that seems a little bit frightening
Hey Shmolty
Story if you don't know is about people that want to join to Absolver group.
Absolver is an elite group of fighters that want to keep peace in the world. You put a Prospect mask that keep you alive for the entire time. It also protects you from hunger and thirst.
Your quest it to beat all other students to earn the right to join the Absovler group ;)
Ppl should compare it less to souls games or skyrim and more to fighting games like street fighter. You have a campaign that is just there to be a guidance to pvp. Ppl need to set there expectations lower. If you dont like fighting games, you won't like this one
Stefan Huber honestly doesn’t compare to any of those I’ve never played a game that feels like this
I love this review. You should definitely make a point of doing more reviews.
Ayeeee das pretty gud
Hope all is good with you Shmolty my man
>easier game like Dark Souls 3
I want to call you a fukn casul, but I think that's the wrong insult for this scenario because you're right.
Bruh, why am I just finding your channel. I love it
The masks are cool
I made a really smooth looking kick combo, which goes as such:
Scissor Kick> Back Ura> Basically anything spinny, I use the stretch out hook personally.
At first I thought "Wow a fighting game based on real martial art styles that you can customize yourself", and then I saw that the combat was a clusterfuck...
Eonhunter The combat is definitely some of the most fun ive had in a fighting genre game. Feels more in depth than dedicated fighting games in some ways.
@Koven 16,000 players who have left the game since launch do not agree.
SethxGeekdom1namek01yardrat Those same 16,000 players probably also don't know martial arts/didn't expect a learning curve out of an indie game.
So It's only for Martial Artists?
Jacktastic wait hold up what learning curve? You mean the learning curve of tapping square with only fast attacks, that you can’t get out of. But pve is fun
First Video I've ever watched by you and you get a subscribe cuz you kept it real. And that's all I ask for in content creators
I Like Dislikes I gave you the dislike
Sounded like a hurt sound from Harry Potter games
You have to progress the story by leveling up PvP and revisit the bosses with new cut scenes and dialogue and learn more about the lore. The lore with rysen (the final boos you beat to become absolver) is really interesting . She used to be a mentor to the prospects but went rogue(thats why prospects are sent to kill her . for ex the person that she threw off the cliff was sent from the guides to kill her because she went rogue) because she doesnt agree with the guides knowingly sending prospects on a meaningless mission and know that they will more than likely die or fall victim to the essence reserves. Yes the initial "story" is short but the lore is there and is super interesting . Even the ai you fight are lost prospects who failed to become absolver . Even the mask has lore . The mask is their life like and allows them to come back. I do wish there was more story because I am super invested in the lore
This game is honestly no fun for me. Been playing since release, beat the campaign, and won 5 straight rounds of the PvP. It's honestly a waste of time and money for me.
Love your Reviews man. Do more please!
Shocking news! Absolver has lost 90% of its player base in the first 10 days after release!!! It's all there in the Steam Charts. Worse than The Division !!!!
It's time it's the complete opposite
Relaxing news: Absolver has regained 90% of its player base in the last 10 days before release... There is no information about it on Steam Charts. Better than The Division....
That's better
And people on reddit still try to make it seem like the next best thing. Amazing
First video I've seen from you and its amazing. Fun review that doesn't get fucking boring as if Siri is narrating it and really spot on. Good job
It looks REALLY overrated
The British Maniac it's actually underrated, no one has praised this game like a god so i don't see it as overrated
lmao, this game is fun, even after getting to max level im still enjoying the grind of learning new moves, and testing my deck against other players. not my favorite game, but still worth the 30 bucks in my opinion.
Everyone who has played it are expressing accurate appraisals, and I haven't seen anyone state anything that could be considered an overwhelmingly positive opinion. For the most part everyone seems very level headed, a good game but lacks content, is the general consensus. Precisely how and where do you, as someone who hasn't played it, get the impression that this consensus is inaccurate? From what I've seen, the only inaccurate appraisals are the blatantly ignorant and personal comments slagging it off from people who haven't even touched it, just stating their opinions based on what they're seeing. Again, nobody is making any grandiose claims about the game, it's all very candidly spoken about as being, at best, a decent game. Wheres there "REALLY overrated" part to that?
Still playing it, still loving it, learning it is the enjoyable part
You probably mentioned this in the video but I'v noticed more lore being unveiled through the boss fights that you can repeat as you level up in combat trials (combat level 60 here xd)
this made me hard, I think I'm gonna buy this game now, makes me feel like for honor was missing out on a hand to hand combat besides centurion and glad 2v2 circumsizing everyone with their consist fucking punches
Hey Shmolty, Jin Mesca is one a of a few NPC's that have Stagger Stance moves, there is one in each overworld area (2 in the Colosseum)
I have so far not seen a comment mentioning Ol' Shmolty here meeting BouceFeenux. At 3:52.
"The pure joy of fighting."
Respect + 1
I played through this game awhile ago, but I just revisited it. I found this dude in the wild, and we started fighting. we fought, killed and revived each other for an hour straight. I got so much better bc of this I learned so many moves
I know these videos take a lot of effort, but I like them a lot even though I subscribed your channel thanks to your for honor videos which had a pretty sarcastic style lol, the point is, I would like to see more reviews!
I miss this game as in it being alive and not dead
First vid of yours. Subbed. You’re hilarious bruh 😂
If they added an explorative platform element like Prince of Persia, I think it would make for an interesting experience. They also need to add some kind of crafting system for armour and weapons.
Good job on your channel so far!!!!!
1st video of yours ive watched and i enjoy your humor and game info. Keep it up.
love how you explain things with jokes, subscribed
Do you plan on doing an updated version considering a new expansion came out and new content?
Your description at 11:30 is the exact same reason why I have thousands of hours in Planetside 2.
Maybe the original release was a sort of testing ground for its possible future content? Like a cold open?
Thx for the vid. I don't feel so bad for getting lost in the map now lol. I spent about the same amount of time in the game just looking for those last 3 ugh!
Wild how much the game has developed from this footage.
A lot of nerfs, buffs, level redesigns, new moves, new styles.
Hot damn. What growth.
Could someone help me I want to get this game on disc, but Amazon is out of stock. I know there is a disc version but was it only a limited time offer? Because I can only find a Digital version. Is there any way to get a disc copy now?
“Do i sound like complaining?I dont. I am that guy.”
exactly why i subscribed to you
never felt so entertained watching a game review great job keep the good stuff up and have a good day :)
Great vid shmoltiplier keep up the good work
Had never seen your channel before. Subscribes as soon as i heard that sweet monotone voice and a light OOFE
man I love your content! I had a couple great laughs at this one. keep it up!😁
I loled when he mentioned the passage under the stairs... litterly passed it about 80 times
The coolest kick is the 360 tornado kick
Do another one for the new dlc please!!
I just need to say, you are like the best commentator on TH-cam! Genuinely funny.
Thank you! I appreciate that
Great video do you only do pc games?
Halfway through and I am liking the review so far
Im in complete love with this Game! Will There be DLC with more story and stuff too or just pvp updates?
dunno if someone already mentioned this but they tell the story like Dark Souls, you have to read the gear information.
Your humour is amazing omg i love you
Lmaooo I got stuck finding that marked one under the stairs too
Wow. Quality review, earned my sub.
I finished the story in 3-4 hours and I was so surprised