Bit of a correction on my end, I mention MIBR wanted Lucaozy for drop initially but actually just mixed up 2 separate reports, one where they wanted him PRIOR to drop (and saffee) a year ago and one regarding the rumors of MIBR's most recent talks with him of which drop was supposedly unaware of. Otherwise, more than glad to be on with the guys this time around, as per usual, and hope you enjoyed the episode :)))
If YouM3 picked Liquid it would come out that Twistzz's hair bleach has been sinking into his brain stem. And YEKINDAR would show up at the RMR with a doubled BMI, and be even more depressed. Thank you for not cursing my favorite team YouM3 🙏.
I feel like COL and M80 have opposite sentiments by the community vs the actual results. COL are underwhelming in the context that Elige is an unreal player and deserves a better team (which I agree) but COL are slightly more consistent than people think and Hallzerk has been legit good this whole year (in comparison to the awpers in the Americas field). M80 on the other hand, while their EPL run was impressive (slightly fraud because of them dodging Astralis and Mouz but 6-0 is 6-0), they have been tanking recently. BO3 losses to Wildcard with a stand-in and two BO3s to bestia is concerning and Swisher has been having a nightmare post EPL-19 on LAN. Also Lake has been overrated as fuck and most of the EPL run was from reck dropping a 1.34 in groups.
I was about to go in on Furia. Thank God I watched this video first and saw YouM3 pick them. Now I can avoid the inevitable disaster.
I really needed you guys to tell me literally anything about KRU.
Pretty sure we covered the important parts: where they're from, etc....
Can't trust furia now that YouM3 picked them
Bit of a correction on my end, I mention MIBR wanted Lucaozy for drop initially but actually just mixed up 2 separate reports, one where they wanted him PRIOR to drop (and saffee) a year ago and one regarding the rumors of MIBR's most recent talks with him of which drop was supposedly unaware of.
Otherwise, more than glad to be on with the guys this time around, as per usual, and hope you enjoyed the episode :)))
The YouM3 jinx ends now! I will go 2x Furia on fantasy!
@ first time I’ve gone 2x Furia since Antwerp rmr and they lose to legacy ☠️☠️
Big up nouns
Took a deep breath before clicking the video and mentally prepared for the world in which YouM3 picks Liquid.
If YouM3 picked Liquid it would come out that Twistzz's hair bleach has been sinking into his brain stem. And YEKINDAR would show up at the RMR with a doubled BMI, and be even more depressed. Thank you for not cursing my favorite team YouM3 🙏.
I feel like COL and M80 have opposite sentiments by the community vs the actual results.
COL are underwhelming in the context that Elige is an unreal player and deserves a better team (which I agree) but COL are slightly more consistent than people think and Hallzerk has been legit good this whole year (in comparison to the awpers in the Americas field).
M80 on the other hand, while their EPL run was impressive (slightly fraud because of them dodging Astralis and Mouz but 6-0 is 6-0), they have been tanking recently.
BO3 losses to Wildcard with a stand-in and two BO3s to bestia is concerning and Swisher has been having a nightmare post EPL-19 on LAN.
Also Lake has been overrated as fuck and most of the EPL run was from reck dropping a 1.34 in groups.
Based tbh
Furia and Liquid will run through the other teams
the hell is this canadian flag
Tony's new allegiance