I am so happy you’re uploading again!! In my case, I think workplace bullies were envious of the positive attention I received from superiors (or even other coworkers). The bullying would escalate whenever I received praise or nice feedback. I don’t think they realize that two people can “win” at one time. It’s not a zero sum game. My bullies were pathologically obsessed with my food and eating habits too! They would gossip about me “only having coffee for lunch” and accuse me of having an eating disorder. Meanwhile, they were severely overweight and ate unhealthy meals throughout the day. I think bullies are successful because people pity them. My bullies always had unhappy relationships, were undereducated, were decades older than me, and openly discussed their health and financial problems. They are experts at playing victim
Did we work with the same people? I've experienced all of the above and spoken about all the things you mentioned in my videos: the either-or, us-vs.-them, black-and-white binary "zero sum game"; the psychotic food obsession; the fact that bullies manipulate by playing the victim and people feel sorry for them. I've been called "anorexic" and encouraged to eat more by everyone heavier than I am. You are exactly right and very astute to make such observations.
Not sure why I, a grown man, am tearing up all of sudden, but what I do know is, you are doing the work of an angel. Thank you. (Its weird because these new people in my city act like I owe em something, while at the same time say that I think that I'm better than them. Honestly, I can tell that they have bad intentions right away, and am not about to allow them to pull any weird ish on me. It's so draining ::sigh:: Anywho. Glad I have someone like you, to show my parents. They didn't believe me at first. Now, with this knowledge, I feel empowered. Again, thank you)
Crying is wonderful!! I swear by crying. You have to take out the trash before you can let the light back in. A lot of us - men and women - get shamed for our sadness, so we just get angry, instead. I truly believe that workplace bullying is something other people can not understand unless they've actually been through it themselves. My family members don't get it, either. Good for you for trusting your intuition about people. You don't have to judge anyone. Just pay attention to the red flags.
Your videos literally saved me 2 years ago. I read each and every essay and watched every single video. I was so down and out and you truly helped me to not feel so isolated. I am so grateful for your work.
I love love love your videos. You articulate things so well!!! I was a scapegoat child. It followed me into adulthood in soooo many workplaces! It wasn't until I learned about narcissism that I understood my childhood, my adult relationships, my reactivity, my poor self esteem and what that attracted. It's all come together for me now that I understand
Thank you for your kind words. I'm happy to hear that your growing awareness is helping. Awareness isn't everything, but it's a start. I wasn't able to have a spiritual awakening until I was 42 and am still healing. It's never too late.
7:45 I had that at my last job. I‘m a happy person but as soon as I entered the company building there was always this glooming energy. Literally EVERYONE at that company was always looking depressed and had low energy but that low energy clearly emanated from that building and attached to us. The bad energy accumulated because the company was shady and did a lot of low vibrational, shady, corrupt and even illegal activities. I‘m so glad I‘m away from them now.
True Facts! The fear behind the mask - managers do fear and don’t act to stop the workplace bully, so try to hush by putting everything under the rug like they know nothing. Look at the picture. The manager is so scared of the bully and needs to hide behind his chair, afraid that the bully can destroy the manager's reputation.
Claire, thankyou so much for what you do. Your videos are literally life-saving content. I am in the midst of dealing with a bona fide psychopath misogynist that will do anything within his power to watch his “chosen” women squirm in discomfort - always calculating and attempting to play 4D chess. I have begun throwing up at work on the regular, and feeling nauseas around him. I feel like an idiot for being too open and gracious in the beginning, before the mask fully dropped. I was too naïve and tolerant, and now I am facing the consequences of my early decisions. I must give myself some grace, but I also must just dust myself off and leave. Demonic possession is real, and will make you feel like you’re trudging through a thick fog. Sending love and support to those who need it right now - you are not alone.
My mars in Libra is directly opposite my saturn in Aries. I also have my black moon lilith sitting right on-top of my venus in the second house. It’s a struggle.
Thank you so much. Don't be too hard on yourself. I, too, was initially "kind" to my workplace sexual harasser - despite the fact that he made me want to throw up the minute I met him. (I am clairsentient, too.) That actually made everything worse because psychopaths despise goodness. It's kind of like throwing oil on a fire. You did the right thing. One of the worst legacies of abuse is its capacity to change your personality. If bullies are nasty to you, and you bitch back, you have just given them what they wanted: you lowered your vibration and stooped to their level. Stay who you are. Actually, if you remain on a high vibration (consistently pleasant, gracious, and sweet) and change nothing about yourself in response to their abuse, it will irk them even more, and you can watch THEM squirm. You are right: you need to extend yourself grace. You can do the "Self-Compassion" workbook. I found it very helpful. I have Mars opposing Saturn, too (Cap-Cancer). It's a blueprint for bullying.
@@clairehuntonline yes, I noticed that when I fail to react negatively to their abuse and remain kind and giving, they seem to get even more resentful. Probably because they have no real reason to justify their abuse and harassment
37:25 I rewound that point about people body shaming others due to their own sexual trauma. I never thought about it that way but it makes sense. No one is subjected to the extreme reactions provoked by insecurity more than a beautiful woman or man.
Your words are power _ Knowledge is power_ "They are looking for a soul transplant" In 1930 Occultist Dion Fortune while studying psychology and psychoanalysis _ working as a counselor was bullied by her manager so badly she suffered a mental breakdown _ after recovery _ she decided to go to school and learn Occultism_ Upon learning that her experience was a "powerful psychic attack" _ she decided she would write and share detail knowledge _ Among many books _ PSYCHIC Self - Defense was phenomenal! Amazing video❤
I just started listening to her book and it seems clear that the psychic attack is a deliberate wearing away of the target's will with the intention of replacing it with the will of the attacker.
Astonishing. I will definitely check out her book. This is scary stuff. I'm sure every single one of these people has entity attachments or even full-blown possession.
True. But at my job covert gay co worker seems to bully me. Ignore me when talking to him. When i ask him how are you? He only says good. Not and with you? But talks with the other co workers. Since day one this men is so akward towards me. But talks very nice and openly with everyone. I think men can be jealous of woman to
Thank you!! The pendant is labradorite. If you are an INFP Pisces, this entire channel is for you, especially this video and "Why Workplace Bullies Bully." You definitely need to doubleup on your spiritual practice for additional protection and cleansing. They are taking advantage of your empathy and energy.
9:09 finally someone gets that I'm not having a physical relationship with my abusers, these are randoms. I can't stand the relationship narcissist talk anymore.
18:07 is so true. This girl was very obviously intimidated by me within 30 seconds of me meeting her. I saw she changed her entire look. I was severely bothered by her energy because she refused to speak first when everybody else did. Now every day, she tries when I saw previously she didn’t. She’s actively in a one sided competition with me. I get complimented by everyone, but this has been something that’s always happened. I don’t crave external validation - I used to. Naturally, it just happens. But that’s because I’m 12th house oriented. I’m not perfect, I try to keep it lowkey, but my light just shows. And yes she tries to trigger me every single day and she actively copies what I do. I know it’s because of me because she never did all this when I went to the place before working. I do feel like I’m surrounded with people that dislike me because I don’t share the same qualities about them (I don’t have kids, no man, just me and my hobbies and skills and passions), but only one is actively trying to trigger me. I’m sure the next step is getting them all together to try to push me out. This behavior was actively encouraged by leadership because they’re friends until I said I’m starting the paper trail. Quite literally they all do the same shit until you start the documentation process 😂. I only say this because I was a bully myself when I was younger. You were really singing my life with your words here. They don’t respect me because they think they should have what I (seem to) naturally attract. There’s lots of misogyny, internalized and externalized. I’m always saying “we are all victims of misogyny, everybody alike, you don’t have to keep doing this to me” in my head, but I also feel like my own internalized misogyny is showing itself at this point. I thank you for grounding me, Claire, because the other workplace bully/jealousy videos I watch can get a little … I never want to hate other women and be afraid due to what they can do to me. I have even been scared to be vulnerable due to this. Sometimes I fear I am a narcissist too and I want to change. I’m entering my late 20s, but I really thank you Claire. I wouldn’t have believed this myself if a friend didn’t tell me about this stuff. I didn’t think this was something that was happening to me until it was. One thing I’ve said during this Saturn in Pisces transit regarding journalists is “what are they saying vs what do they want me to think about it?” May you be blessed endlessly throughout 2025. I’m starting the process of my Saturn return (Saturn is approaching a conjunction to my sun, so this is a preview? I guess?) and I’m slowly phasing everything and everyone out that doesn’t align. Thank you again. This has been an incredibly spiritual experience for me due to the fact I’ve been given numerous signs to not take this job because this was the bullshit that came with it. I know workplace bullying exists everywhere due to the fact that Mars is in Capricorn, and finds joy in the 6th house. (lol, that’s my explanation, at least) I just need to transmute this for the better. This experience is teaching me a lot. I dimmed my light at the last job. Can’t do it here. I slept all day just to prepare for the job, but no more! That was energetic vampirism.
The fact that you think you might be a narcissist and want to change means you definitely aren't. Don't gaslight yourself. Also don't blame yourself for taking the position: you have to work. You are a beautiful soul because of your commitment to personal growth. I have said before that exposure to narcissists does provide us with a wonderful opportunity to check those qualities in ourselves (we all have them) and heal. Yes, your coworkers are bullying you due to internalized misogyny and fear of the unknown. See what I mean when I say women only accept other women who have the same burdens and limitations? Women don't support women who have more freedom than they do. Good for you for preparing in advance for your Saturn return. It doesn't have to be brutal if you can take advantage of it. You have an astonishing level of self-awareness for such a young age. Keep up the good work.
Thank you Claire I am grateful to see your video today as I havent seen yours pop up in a while. On my day off I got reprimanded in a text message from my boss for something so stupid it could have waited until i was back at work. I responded with several other things and of course she didnt like it but then proceeded to say my message could have been "more professional" after i told her she didnt need to reprimand me on my day off. THen sayig i can set a meeting with her about my concerns switching up like she wants to hear my concerns and I'm like Nah thats ok, i didnt say that but I need to get reminded about the Not engaging thing so I will avoid at all costs. Also I have been trying to get a new job and interviewing and also going through this one staffing agency which my instincts said they are just giving me the run around and wasting my time. I talked to them today and ended up blowing up on them asking if its a real job or not because a job will come up, I'll interview for it and then they ghost me and I said "so are you just tring to play mind games again?" and she hung up on me LOL and now Im like GOOD i dont want to work with you losers anyway. So much waste of time and energy acting fake and professsional like i got it put together only to ge led to another situation where I never hear back from them and then turning around calling me for another "opportunity" so yeah i think they were ;bullying me for fun of it even though I never worked with them. I got to a point today where I just blew up.. Yeah Im sure I would have hung up on me too but these same losers have been doing it over and over again. That's not Normal! I'm so done being the dump master and I have put up boundaries. I needed your video today . THANK YOU for the tough love Claire. Youre the best. I mean that.
Did we have the same boss?! I had a boss over 20 years ago who reprimanded me because I did not allow her to drop something off at my private residence outside of work hours. I knew she was sexually attracted to me and just wanted to see how I live. Typical narcissistic stalking behavior. No one is ever under any obligation to perform any work duties outside of work hours (even if you're salaried), especially using your own property (cell phone, Internet service, vehicle) that you pay for. And there should be laws about that. The next time someone contacts you outside of work hours, do not respond. That's a boundary violation. Employment agencies can be the absolute worst. I've been on so many bad interviews it boils my blood. I don't blame you at all for expressing your anger. It's justified.
*The way workplace bullies make you feel is how they feel about themselves*- my recurring pattern is that workplace bullies made me feel like I was was literally being targeted for murder. Maybe that means on some level my presence made them feel acutely aware of their own mortality?
I've also said that workplace bullying is attempted murder. If someone is trying to separate you from income, that person is threatening your life. So, yes, they do want to kill you, and that's because you make them experience an ego death. "I'm not as great as I think I am." Ego is all they have. They have nothing else. So any threat to it feels - literally - like death.
This hits hard and resonates deeply. After watching your video, I came across studies on mortality salience, where people tend to punish perceived moral transgressions more harshly when their core beliefs are threatened. One study divided judges into two groups-one reflecting on their mortality and one that did not. The judges then set a bond for an alleged prostitute. The group reflecting on mortality set an average bond of $455, while the control group’s average was $50. This disparity wasn’t about the individual being judged-it was about the judges’ need to protect their sense of identity and order in the face of life’s fragility. I now see how my workplace bullies placed me in the role of the prostitute, and the “bail” they set was the cost of my peace, my livelihood, my safety, and my very existence. From your insights, I understand that my presence, decisions, and authenticity forced them to confront the fragility of their egos, which, as you said, is all they have. Much like mortality salience forces people to confront life’s fragility, my existence provoked discomfort they sought to suppress by ostracizing, undermining, scapegoating, and even attempted poisoning. This unjust transfer of emotional burden is what makes workplace bullying so devastating. I’m tearfully typing this, overwhelmed with gratitude for your videos and insights. Thank you for helping me find words for an experience that has felt so isolating. 🙏🏽
That is fascinating. I haven't heard of that study. Is there any way you can direct me to more information on it? (My e-mail address is in my channel's description.) I might do a video on it. It sounds similar to "Do-Gooder Derogation." There have been studies about that, and I have a video on that.
I've been bullied at two different jobs. I don't know what to do anymore. It's incredibly hurtful and demoralizing. I don't know why I let the opinions of these people impact me so heavily. They were not kind, respectful, or successful people. Yet I still feel disheartened by each experience. I was nothing but nice, cordial, polite, and generous to these people. And they took my kindness, stomped on it, and threw it in the garbage
I'm so sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, sometimes, workplace bullying teaches us lessons the hard way. You sound like a very caring, giving, compassionate, and empathetic person. You may even have a service or healing calling, so I understand it's very difficult for you not to give to others. You can keep your beautiful heart but just be more discerning in the future about where you direct that energy. Not everyone deserves it. The people you work with certainly don't. They didn't respect your kindness because - deep down - they don't feel worthy of love or anything good, and I have a video on that. You may have to find a way to give to others that has nothing to do with the way you make your money.
I don't have to do a thing and the narc girls go insane as, I assume, I mirror back what they are to their core. Eventually I might get annoyed, but it's rare.
I am being targeted at my job because I am an open spiritualist as well. I’m very intuitive. I used to be an “empath.” Claire you’re tapped the fuck in. Claire, idc what you say, you ARE the shit to me!!!!
I have started a new job and there is this one woman who calls me "babe" and "i like you soooo much" and its been 1 month. She already wants to take away my work hours to get more money.
The bully mindset is just so hard to understand. I’m a deeply insecure person and there are people that bring those insecurities out of me. But I would never go out of my way to treat them sh*tty. 1) why do you want to be hostile in the first place? 2) treating somebody badly won’t help my growth
I couldn't agree more. We all have our insecurities, but sadistic people try to trigger them intentionally. They do it for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, it's just fun - like a game - to them. But, mostly, they're trying to offload their internal emotional reality onto you because they can't heal it themselves, and they know you can. You receive it. Instead of wasting your time wondering "why," focus on blocking that energy and sending it back. Protect and cleanse your own energy, keep your vibration as high as possible, and heal, and heal, and heal.
In an incident with a male coworker, I ignored his provoking. When I first met him I knew off top he was a narc. He would comfide in me about his mother and how bad she did him. He would talk about his therapy and brain shocks he had to get. I didn't judge I listened. I kid you not dude turned on me like a pet bull..lol. so when he came for me I ignored his because I knew what he was. Then when everyone left the room he got in my face and asked me who do I think I am. I didn't say anything then he got closer in my face and said it again. That's when I cussed his ass out and reported him. Then the dude backdoor and tried to apologize. Oh no, you don't play with me. He was a total narc.
That was the "buyer's remorse" I mentioned in this video. Because you have a healing energy, he felt comfortable opening up to you. Then, he felt uncomfortable because he didn't like feeling vulnerable and tried to blame you for his voluntary trauma-dumping. You don't have to use profanity, but good for you for reporting him.
@clairehuntonline I really felt bad after using perfanity to this day. I hate to be taken our my energy. They way he got in my face was quick, and I responded. He was very aggressive and abusive like
May I ask what your Black Moon Lilith is in your natal chart? Mine is on my Sagittarius ascendant. Straddling on the degree of my ascendant. People are either absolutely obsessed with (or absolutely repulsed by) my persona & appearance. But idgaf about any of it because I enjoy who I am 24 hours a day while they try to figure themselves out in my employed breathing air 40 hours a week. Thanks for sharing 💜
My Lilith is at zero degrees of Pisces in the fifth. It's the only placement I have at a critical degree. Definitely never wanted kids. I'm sorry you have yours so prominently placed. That can't be easy. But you have the right attitude. "What other people think of you is none of your business."
I have to correct myself alot of times because I notice how people may get timid around me. So being aware that my mood might be the cause,I revert to scripture and prayer from the Bible and thats whats works for me. Even when people seem to be harsh towards me I still keep to scripture and prayer. And the Devil has to flee
That's wonderful. I swear by prayer. The only positive outcome from being bullied is increased spirituality. However, don't be too hard on yourself. Don't blame your "mood" for other people's behavior. That's internalizing, which is what empaths do. Other people are adults. They are responsible for themselves.
Claire: What stone is around your neck, and why that one? I have a grey rock I wear for now, but I am looking to shore that up. I am armored up, but need to look at that one.
Does this mean your Mars is in the 4th house? Squaring Pluto by chance? I'm astrologically nosy. Didn't know the nose holding thing was associated with sexual trauma. It's hard being a woman people want to take down. Pluto in the 1st on the ascendant is like walking with a big 'Kick Me' sign on your forehead.
Mars in the fourth, definitely (mommy issues). Squaring Pluto is a stretch (that's a wide orb), but it's definitely opposite Saturn: total target of bullying. Not only is Pluto conjunct my ascendant but also I've been living directly IN MY LINE of Pluto for 50 years!! It's been fun.
"Being an empath simply means that you have shitty spiritual boundaries." Love this.
I am so happy you’re uploading again!! In my case, I think workplace bullies were envious of the positive attention I received from superiors (or even other coworkers). The bullying would escalate whenever I received praise or nice feedback. I don’t think they realize that two people can “win” at one time. It’s not a zero sum game.
My bullies were pathologically obsessed with my food and eating habits too! They would gossip about me “only having coffee for lunch” and accuse me of having an eating disorder. Meanwhile, they were severely overweight and ate unhealthy meals throughout the day.
I think bullies are successful because people pity them. My bullies always had unhappy relationships, were undereducated, were decades older than me, and openly discussed their health and financial problems. They are experts at playing victim
Did we work with the same people? I've experienced all of the above and spoken about all the things you mentioned in my videos: the either-or, us-vs.-them, black-and-white binary "zero sum game"; the psychotic food obsession; the fact that bullies manipulate by playing the victim and people feel sorry for them. I've been called "anorexic" and encouraged to eat more by everyone heavier than I am. You are exactly right and very astute to make such observations.
Good to see you posting again! Welcome back
Not sure why I, a grown man, am tearing up all of sudden, but what I do know is, you are doing the work of an angel. Thank you.
(Its weird because these new people in my city act like I owe em something, while at the same time say that I think that I'm better than them. Honestly, I can tell that they have bad intentions right away, and am not about to allow them to pull any weird ish on me. It's so draining ::sigh:: Anywho. Glad I have someone like you, to show my parents. They didn't believe me at first. Now, with this knowledge, I feel empowered. Again, thank you)
Crying is wonderful!! I swear by crying. You have to take out the trash before you can let the light back in. A lot of us - men and women - get shamed for our sadness, so we just get angry, instead. I truly believe that workplace bullying is something other people can not understand unless they've actually been through it themselves. My family members don't get it, either. Good for you for trusting your intuition about people. You don't have to judge anyone. Just pay attention to the red flags.
Your videos literally saved me 2 years ago. I read each and every essay and watched every single video. I was so down and out and you truly helped me to not feel so isolated. I am so grateful for your work.
I love love love your videos. You articulate things so well!!!
I was a scapegoat child. It followed me into adulthood in soooo many workplaces! It wasn't until I learned about narcissism that I understood my childhood, my adult relationships, my reactivity, my poor self esteem and what that attracted. It's all come together for me now that I understand
Thank you for your kind words. I'm happy to hear that your growing awareness is helping. Awareness isn't everything, but it's a start. I wasn't able to have a spiritual awakening until I was 42 and am still healing. It's never too late.
7:45 I had that at my last job. I‘m a happy person but as soon as I entered the company building there was always this glooming energy. Literally EVERYONE at that company was always looking depressed and had low energy but that low energy clearly emanated from that building and attached to us. The bad energy accumulated because the company was shady and did a lot of low vibrational, shady, corrupt and even illegal activities. I‘m so glad I‘m away from them now.
You tell them Claire! this is the real T that the normals will never admit to
She's too real
@@JoeMcKenzie888 Why don't they fire bullies who never work?
True Facts! The fear behind the mask - managers do fear and don’t act to stop the workplace bully, so try to hush by putting everything under the rug like they know nothing. Look at the picture. The manager is so scared of the bully and needs to hide behind his chair, afraid that the bully can destroy the manager's reputation.
Claire, thankyou so much for what you do. Your videos are literally life-saving content. I am in the midst of dealing with a bona fide psychopath misogynist that will do anything within his power to watch his “chosen” women squirm in discomfort - always calculating and attempting to play 4D chess. I have begun throwing up at work on the regular, and feeling nauseas around him. I feel like an idiot for being too open and gracious in the beginning, before the mask fully dropped. I was too naïve and tolerant, and now I am facing the consequences of my early decisions. I must give myself some grace, but I also must just dust myself off and leave. Demonic possession is real, and will make you feel like you’re trudging through a thick fog. Sending love and support to those who need it right now - you are not alone.
My mars in Libra is directly opposite my saturn in Aries. I also have my black moon lilith sitting right on-top of my venus in the second house. It’s a struggle.
Thank you so much. Don't be too hard on yourself. I, too, was initially "kind" to my workplace sexual harasser - despite the fact that he made me want to throw up the minute I met him. (I am clairsentient, too.) That actually made everything worse because psychopaths despise goodness. It's kind of like throwing oil on a fire. You did the right thing. One of the worst legacies of abuse is its capacity to change your personality. If bullies are nasty to you, and you bitch back, you have just given them what they wanted: you lowered your vibration and stooped to their level. Stay who you are. Actually, if you remain on a high vibration (consistently pleasant, gracious, and sweet) and change nothing about yourself in response to their abuse, it will irk them even more, and you can watch THEM squirm. You are right: you need to extend yourself grace. You can do the "Self-Compassion" workbook. I found it very helpful. I have Mars opposing Saturn, too (Cap-Cancer). It's a blueprint for bullying.
@@clairehuntonline yes, I noticed that when I fail to react negatively to their abuse and remain kind and giving, they seem to get even more resentful. Probably because they have no real reason to justify their abuse and harassment
37:25 I rewound that point about people body shaming others due to their own sexual trauma. I never thought about it that way but it makes sense. No one is subjected to the extreme reactions provoked by insecurity more than a beautiful woman or man.
Your words are power _ Knowledge is power_
"They are looking for a soul transplant"
In 1930 Occultist Dion Fortune while studying psychology and psychoanalysis _ working as a counselor was bullied by her manager so badly she suffered a mental breakdown _ after recovery _ she decided to go to school and learn Occultism_
Upon learning that her experience was a "powerful psychic attack" _ she decided she would write and share detail knowledge _ Among many books _ PSYCHIC Self - Defense was phenomenal!
Amazing video❤
I just started listening to her book and it seems clear that the psychic attack is a deliberate wearing away of the target's will with the intention of replacing it with the will of the attacker.
Astonishing. I will definitely check out her book. This is scary stuff. I'm sure every single one of these people has entity attachments or even full-blown possession.
@@clairehuntonline They do and that's the scary part. A synopsis review from you some day on her book would be wonderful. Thank you for all you do!
Avoiding female-dominated environments is helpful at times.
True. But at my job covert gay co worker seems to bully me. Ignore me when talking to him. When i ask him how are you? He only says good. Not and with you? But talks with the other co workers. Since day one this men is so akward towards me. But talks very nice and openly with everyone.
I think men can be jealous of woman to
agree 100%
You're back! We missed you❤
Love you Claire. 💛 (I don't take my eyes off my lunch at school/work which helps as then I don't want in public anymore than is absolutely necessary.)
Thank you!! The pendant is labradorite. If you are an INFP Pisces, this entire channel is for you, especially this video and "Why Workplace Bullies Bully." You definitely need to doubleup on your spiritual practice for additional protection and cleansing. They are taking advantage of your empathy and energy.
Claire, you go girl!
Clair stop calling them bullies you make sound powerful, their simply just losers.
True! 😂😂😂
You know your stuff..Thanks for your explanation.
9:09 finally someone gets that I'm not having a physical relationship with my abusers, these are randoms. I can't stand the relationship narcissist talk anymore.
So happy you posted ❤❤❤
I haven’t seen you in awhile. It was 11:11 and I knew this was going to slap!
The first 2 minutes are so true. The whole video is great. But, the first 2 minutes really spoke to me. Thank you 🙏🏾
Thankyou for this very insightful video.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!! This helps so much. ❤
18:07 is so true. This girl was very obviously intimidated by me within 30 seconds of me meeting her. I saw she changed her entire look. I was severely bothered by her energy because she refused to speak first when everybody else did. Now every day, she tries when I saw previously she didn’t. She’s actively in a one sided competition with me. I get complimented by everyone, but this has been something that’s always happened. I don’t crave external validation - I used to. Naturally, it just happens. But that’s because I’m 12th house oriented. I’m not perfect, I try to keep it lowkey, but my light just shows. And yes she tries to trigger me every single day and she actively copies what I do. I know it’s because of me because she never did all this when I went to the place before working.
I do feel like I’m surrounded with people that dislike me because I don’t share the same qualities about them (I don’t have kids, no man, just me and my hobbies and skills and passions), but only one is actively trying to trigger me. I’m sure the next step is getting them all together to try to push me out. This behavior was actively encouraged by leadership because they’re friends until I said I’m starting the paper trail. Quite literally they all do the same shit until you start the documentation process 😂. I only say this because I was a bully myself when I was younger.
You were really singing my life with your words here. They don’t respect me because they think they should have what I (seem to) naturally attract. There’s lots of misogyny, internalized and externalized. I’m always saying “we are all victims of misogyny, everybody alike, you don’t have to keep doing this to me” in my head, but I also feel like my own internalized misogyny is showing itself at this point. I thank you for grounding me, Claire, because the other workplace bully/jealousy videos I watch can get a little … I never want to hate other women and be afraid due to what they can do to me. I have even been scared to be vulnerable due to this. Sometimes I fear I am a narcissist too and I want to change.
I’m entering my late 20s, but I really thank you Claire. I wouldn’t have believed this myself if a friend didn’t tell me about this stuff. I didn’t think this was something that was happening to me until it was. One thing I’ve said during this Saturn in Pisces transit regarding journalists is “what are they saying vs what do they want me to think about it?” May you be blessed endlessly throughout 2025. I’m starting the process of my Saturn return (Saturn is approaching a conjunction to my sun, so this is a preview? I guess?) and I’m slowly phasing everything and everyone out that doesn’t align. Thank you again. This has been an incredibly spiritual experience for me due to the fact I’ve been given numerous signs to not take this job because this was the bullshit that came with it. I know workplace bullying exists everywhere due to the fact that Mars is in Capricorn, and finds joy in the 6th house. (lol, that’s my explanation, at least)
I just need to transmute this for the better. This experience is teaching me a lot. I dimmed my light at the last job. Can’t do it here. I slept all day just to prepare for the job, but no more! That was energetic vampirism.
The fact that you think you might be a narcissist and want to change means you definitely aren't. Don't gaslight yourself. Also don't blame yourself for taking the position: you have to work. You are a beautiful soul because of your commitment to personal growth. I have said before that exposure to narcissists does provide us with a wonderful opportunity to check those qualities in ourselves (we all have them) and heal. Yes, your coworkers are bullying you due to internalized misogyny and fear of the unknown. See what I mean when I say women only accept other women who have the same burdens and limitations? Women don't support women who have more freedom than they do. Good for you for preparing in advance for your Saturn return. It doesn't have to be brutal if you can take advantage of it. You have an astonishing level of self-awareness for such a young age. Keep up the good work.
Thank you Claire I am grateful to see your video today as I havent seen yours pop up in a while. On my day off I got reprimanded in a text message from my boss for something so stupid it could have waited until i was back at work. I responded with several other things and of course she didnt like it but then proceeded to say my message could have been "more professional" after i told her she didnt need to reprimand me on my day off. THen sayig i can set a meeting with her about my concerns switching up like she wants to hear my concerns and I'm like Nah thats ok, i didnt say that but I need to get reminded about the Not engaging thing so I will avoid at all costs. Also I have been trying to get a new job and interviewing and also going through this one staffing agency which my instincts said they are just giving me the run around and wasting my time. I talked to them today and ended up blowing up on them asking if its a real job or not because a job will come up, I'll interview for it and then they ghost me and I said "so are you just tring to play mind games again?" and she hung up on me LOL and now Im like GOOD i dont want to work with you losers anyway. So much waste of time and energy acting fake and professsional like i got it put together only to ge led to another situation where I never hear back from them and then turning around calling me for another "opportunity" so yeah i think they were ;bullying me for fun of it even though I never worked with them. I got to a point today where I just blew up.. Yeah Im sure I would have hung up on me too but these same losers have been doing it over and over again. That's not Normal! I'm so done being the dump master and I have put up boundaries. I needed your video today . THANK YOU for the tough love Claire. Youre the best. I mean that.
Did we have the same boss?! I had a boss over 20 years ago who reprimanded me because I did not allow her to drop something off at my private residence outside of work hours. I knew she was sexually attracted to me and just wanted to see how I live. Typical narcissistic stalking behavior. No one is ever under any obligation to perform any work duties outside of work hours (even if you're salaried), especially using your own property (cell phone, Internet service, vehicle) that you pay for. And there should be laws about that. The next time someone contacts you outside of work hours, do not respond. That's a boundary violation. Employment agencies can be the absolute worst. I've been on so many bad interviews it boils my blood. I don't blame you at all for expressing your anger. It's justified.
I am the personified trigger
I swear to god!
*The way workplace bullies make you feel is how they feel about themselves*- my recurring pattern is that workplace bullies made me feel like I was was literally being targeted for murder. Maybe that means on some level my presence made them feel acutely aware of their own mortality?
I've also said that workplace bullying is attempted murder. If someone is trying to separate you from income, that person is threatening your life. So, yes, they do want to kill you, and that's because you make them experience an ego death. "I'm not as great as I think I am." Ego is all they have. They have nothing else. So any threat to it feels - literally - like death.
This hits hard and resonates deeply. After watching your video, I came across studies on mortality salience, where people tend to punish perceived moral transgressions more harshly when their core beliefs are threatened. One study divided judges into two groups-one reflecting on their mortality and one that did not. The judges then set a bond for an alleged prostitute. The group reflecting on mortality set an average bond of $455, while the control group’s average was $50. This disparity wasn’t about the individual being judged-it was about the judges’ need to protect their sense of identity and order in the face of life’s fragility.
I now see how my workplace bullies placed me in the role of the prostitute, and the “bail” they set was the cost of my peace, my livelihood, my safety, and my very existence. From your insights, I understand that my presence, decisions, and authenticity forced them to confront the fragility of their egos, which, as you said, is all they have. Much like mortality salience forces people to confront life’s fragility, my existence provoked discomfort they sought to suppress by ostracizing, undermining, scapegoating, and even attempted poisoning. This unjust transfer of emotional burden is what makes workplace bullying so devastating.
I’m tearfully typing this, overwhelmed with gratitude for your videos and insights. Thank you for helping me find words for an experience that has felt so isolating. 🙏🏽
That is fascinating. I haven't heard of that study. Is there any way you can direct me to more information on it? (My e-mail address is in my channel's description.) I might do a video on it. It sounds similar to "Do-Gooder Derogation." There have been studies about that, and I have a video on that.
I've been bullied at two different jobs. I don't know what to do anymore. It's incredibly hurtful and demoralizing. I don't know why I let the opinions of these people impact me so heavily. They were not kind, respectful, or successful people. Yet I still feel disheartened by each experience. I was nothing but nice, cordial, polite, and generous to these people. And they took my kindness, stomped on it, and threw it in the garbage
I'm so sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, sometimes, workplace bullying teaches us lessons the hard way. You sound like a very caring, giving, compassionate, and empathetic person. You may even have a service or healing calling, so I understand it's very difficult for you not to give to others. You can keep your beautiful heart but just be more discerning in the future about where you direct that energy. Not everyone deserves it. The people you work with certainly don't. They didn't respect your kindness because - deep down - they don't feel worthy of love or anything good, and I have a video on that. You may have to find a way to give to others that has nothing to do with the way you make your money.
Thanks and your skin looks amazing! Red looks so good on you.
Thank you!!
Love your reindeer antlers!
I love your videos. They are very insightful. Thank you for taking the time to make this.
I don't have to do a thing and the narc girls go insane as, I assume, I mirror back what they are to their core. Eventually I might get annoyed, but it's rare.
beautifully said! Looking forward to your next video!
Thank you for this video. Thank you for sharing your own experiences. I can relate to this. Thank you 🙏
Holy shit. I just recently commented on a video, waiting for you to come back, and as soon as I wake up you make another video?!?
I am being targeted at my job because I am an open spiritualist as well. I’m very intuitive. I used to be an “empath.” Claire you’re tapped the fuck in. Claire, idc what you say, you ARE the shit to me!!!!
I have started a new job and there is this one woman who calls me "babe" and "i like you soooo much" and its been 1 month. She already wants to take away my work hours to get more money.
Hey again !! Looking good.
The bully mindset is just so hard to understand. I’m a deeply insecure person and there are people that bring those insecurities out of me. But I would never go out of my way to treat them sh*tty.
1) why do you want to be hostile in the first place?
2) treating somebody badly won’t help my growth
I couldn't agree more. We all have our insecurities, but sadistic people try to trigger them intentionally. They do it for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, it's just fun - like a game - to them. But, mostly, they're trying to offload their internal emotional reality onto you because they can't heal it themselves, and they know you can. You receive it. Instead of wasting your time wondering "why," focus on blocking that energy and sending it back. Protect and cleanse your own energy, keep your vibration as high as possible, and heal, and heal, and heal.
@clairehuntonline thank you for responding. I agree with everything❤️
Claire you look awesome in Reindeer antlers, so Christmas's you. Content also as usual very good.
I love you claire xxx
In an incident with a male coworker, I ignored his provoking. When I first met him I knew off top he was a narc. He would comfide in me about his mother and how bad she did him. He would talk about his therapy and brain shocks he had to get. I didn't judge I listened. I kid you not dude turned on me like a pet bull..lol. so when he came for me I ignored his because I knew what he was. Then when everyone left the room he got in my face and asked me who do I think I am. I didn't say anything then he got closer in my face and said it again. That's when I cussed his ass out and reported him. Then the dude backdoor and tried to apologize. Oh no, you don't play with me. He was a total narc.
That was the "buyer's remorse" I mentioned in this video. Because you have a healing energy, he felt comfortable opening up to you. Then, he felt uncomfortable because he didn't like feeling vulnerable and tried to blame you for his voluntary trauma-dumping. You don't have to use profanity, but good for you for reporting him.
@clairehuntonline I really felt bad after using perfanity to this day. I hate to be taken our my energy. They way he got in my face was quick, and I responded. He was very aggressive and abusive like
Bro can't you get a better grill than that? 😂
I experience my own emotions as indigestion
May I ask what your Black Moon Lilith is in your natal chart? Mine is on my Sagittarius ascendant. Straddling on the degree of my ascendant.
People are either absolutely obsessed with (or absolutely repulsed by) my persona & appearance.
But idgaf about any of it because I enjoy who I am 24 hours a day while they try to figure themselves out in my employed breathing air 40 hours a week. Thanks for sharing 💜
My Lilith is at zero degrees of Pisces in the fifth. It's the only placement I have at a critical degree. Definitely never wanted kids. I'm sorry you have yours so prominently placed. That can't be easy. But you have the right attitude. "What other people think of you is none of your business."
I have to correct myself alot of times because I notice how people may get timid around me. So being aware that my mood might be the cause,I revert to scripture and prayer from the Bible and thats whats works for me. Even when people seem to be harsh towards me I still keep to scripture and prayer. And the Devil has to flee
That's wonderful. I swear by prayer. The only positive outcome from being bullied is increased spirituality. However, don't be too hard on yourself. Don't blame your "mood" for other people's behavior. That's internalizing, which is what empaths do. Other people are adults. They are responsible for themselves.
So no matter what job, this will happen? Starting a new job lol. What approach should I have?
Claire: What stone is around your neck, and why that one? I have a grey rock I wear for now, but I am looking to shore that up. I am armored up, but need to look at that one.
Does this mean your Mars is in the 4th house? Squaring Pluto by chance? I'm astrologically nosy. Didn't know the nose holding thing was associated with sexual trauma. It's hard being a woman people want to take down. Pluto in the 1st on the ascendant is like walking with a big 'Kick Me' sign on your forehead.
Mars in the fourth, definitely (mommy issues). Squaring Pluto is a stretch (that's a wide orb), but it's definitely opposite Saturn: total target of bullying. Not only is Pluto conjunct my ascendant but also I've been living directly IN MY LINE of Pluto for 50 years!! It's been fun.
Claire there is no way you are over 50!!??? (Not that that is old whatsoever I’m 38) but no wonder women are jealous af of you ! You look amazing
Third commenter!
Hi Claire, how are you?
Thank you, I need your words now. I may email you to find out what your availability is for a call.
I love your videos ❤ I feel better after listening to your videos
I know I'm asking a lot, but got any advice for an INFP Pisces? I have four bullies - resting bitch face, etc. Thank you for all you do. 🩵