Just a thought, that meter has a re-settable timer on it as well. I find the timer useful when flying to see how long I have been in the air, so I chose to mount mine on the throttle.
Thank you! My kit did not have instructions included. There are so many great APPG videos that I missed this one in my search. Tons of lakes in my area.
Can you guys make a video how to reset from start adjusting the carburetor The reason being if one rebuilds the carburetor how to get it dialed back in
Your Moster Exhaust Swap video has missing audio until 5:15 in and then music. I would like to hear what you are saying but there is nothing. I commented on that video but the problem remains.
Use flush cutters to trim the tie wraps and not those big, ugly things! You don't want the sharp bits left on to cut yourself on. Attention to detail. 👍
Top 80, 20 hours on new athena top end. Compression is high that it's hard to pull, starts fine once u pass the compression stroke. Can I add thicker gasket, or extra gasket to solve issue?
A detailed wb-37 Walbro carb tuning video would be useful.
High AND low jet adjustments, what to look for, tips, tricks, ect.
Good info Alex. I am enjoying your short Tutorials.
Great video! Answered my questions. Viva Puerto Rico! I used to fly Beech 18 cargo to pick up in San Juan. Good people, never any trouble! Thank you!
Great videos - your tech talks are always well-made!
Proper tuning video. Also video on priming the carb would be very nice.
Great series!
Thanks for the video. Please keep them coming. I would be interested in learning how to determine if I'm running to rich or lean,
Just a thought, that meter has a re-settable timer on it as well. I find the timer useful when flying to see how long I have been in the air, so I chose to mount mine on the throttle.
Alex The Best Tech 👍 Awesome video
great video!!a good video of a engine rebuild would be cool
Thank you Alex, good info. I would like to see the installation of the Flysafe2 on a new Parajet harness.
Thank you! My kit did not have instructions included. There are so many great APPG videos that I missed this one in my search. Tons of lakes in my area.
Can you guys make a video how to reset from start adjusting the carburetor The reason being if one rebuilds the carburetor how to get it dialed back in
Your Moster Exhaust Swap video has missing audio until 5:15 in and then music. I would like to hear what you are saying but there is nothing. I commented on that video but the problem remains.
We're not sure WHY it's happening. Trying to resolve it!
@@aviator Thanks. I wanted to be sure you all were aware. I look forward to seeing it once it's resolved.
Use flush cutters to trim the tie wraps and not those big, ugly things!
You don't want the sharp bits left on to cut yourself on.
Attention to detail. 👍
Top 80, 20 hours on new athena top end. Compression is high that it's hard to pull, starts fine once u pass the compression stroke. Can I add thicker gasket, or extra gasket to solve issue?
There's a squish process when installing that base gasket check out the site using a piece of solder