What is the Biblical Meaning of the Number 14?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
  • What are some attributes of God? He is infinite, orderly, and the Creator of all, including scientific laws and numbers. His orderliness is found in creation. If his orderliness is observable in creation, why should we be surprised to see it in His Word? God uses numbers because they are infinite like he is. Think for a moment to the book of Genesis, where it says we are made in His image. Is it just a coincidence that numbers are found in our genetic make-up? Our bodies contain two numbers found in our chromosomes, the numbers 23 and 46. How do numbers and the Word of God we call the Bible to come together? Because God chose specific numbers to convey a message. The King James Bible is made from over 5,700 manuscripts written by various authors who lived at different ages. Through this preservation, the numbers that God has chosen to use have remained consistent. In this study, one number we will look at is the number 14, used in the Bible for deliverance and salvation.

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