Besiege | Spinblock "version" modding

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 เม.ย. 2024
  • I randomly decided to look through the .bsg file of a spinblock (block 22). It oddly had a "version" variable, which are generally given when the block is change to improve the game but devs want to maintain backwards compatibility with older saves.
    Version 0 spinblocks at low acceleration allows you to spin them in either direction (regardless of "limit speed")
    These also spin up faster than version 1 spin blocks.
    Version 1 spinblocks at low acceleration do not allow this
    if limit speed is turned off on version 1 spinblocks, they'll act like a rachet.
    - to make it actually work better as a rachet, consider setting speed and acceleration to 0.0000001 so it basically does not spin on its own.
    - (also note that the rachet thing may not work in all situations because drag tool force is applied differently compared to other physics)
    - (note that version 1 is default if running on latest version of besiege [as of 14th of April, 2024] )
    *also this effect is most easily observed on pinned block attachments, limiting its uesfulness
    Kinda weird and interesting so I thought to document it.
    To change this value, save a bsg containing a spinblock, find the .bsg file in your Saved Machines folder, (see the video on getting infinity mass as a demonstration), and then find "block 22" (which is spinblock) and locate the "bmt-version", and by default it will be 1, to change it, change 1 to 0, then save the file. To open .bsg, the simplest way is using notepad, feel free to use any other programs if those are more familiar to you.
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