I learned that the more i stay in a bad relationship, the more it becomes a part of my identity. That meditation book called 30 Days to Overcome a Toxic Relationship by Harper Daniels helped me let go.
Thanks for the tip about the book and how great that you developed an inner strenght to stay with what is important to you. To live according to our values is hard sometimes.
Helvete vad bra! Jag har en patient i åtanke som jag skall visa det här för ❤
Vad glad jag blir att filmen var användbar för dig!
I learned that the more i stay in a bad relationship, the more it becomes a part of my identity. That meditation book called 30 Days to Overcome a Toxic Relationship by Harper Daniels helped me let go.
Thanks for the tip about the book and how great that you developed an inner strenght to stay with what is important to you. To live according to our values is hard sometimes.
Det du beskriver är framträdande egenskaper/beteenden hos narcissistiska personer där empatiska förmågan är obefintlig. Speciellt i avfärdande fasen.
Ja, det har du rätt i att dessa beteenden finns hos bl a personer med narcissistisk problematik.