What attracted me to post/punk and goth was that you could really ear the bass and it would be the heart of the song. While in other genres is buried in the mix,to the point you can barely listen to it.
This video is intriguing. The square framing is aesthetically very effective. The speed-ups, reversed sections and jump cuts in the video seem to bring the stressed beats in the dancing in and out of syncopation with the music, or something like that. Very satisfying.
Shes pretty know for the chilling adventures of Sabrina! I really liked it! Its just a reboot of the IP of the old Sabrina spellmen with darker tones and more realistic witchcraft
@@DystrophicEvolution interesting name of the dancer, because the dance instantly made me think of Keirin Magenta Kirby aka "Lady Miss Kier" and her iconic dancing for the Groove is in the Heart video.
This video is entrancing. The repetition, rather than driving me to turn it off, hypnotized me right to the end, at which point I was thoroughly disappointment it didn’t stretch on far longer.
That’s the actor Luke Cook! This footage is from the set of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina in which he played the devil’s human form lolll its sick
@@MartijnTenebris Do you know what episode? I liked the show but I think I dropped out before this ep. I was watching the video and I was like, "What is Kiernan Shipka doing in this? Is she friends with the band?" I'd like to see the original episode.
The dancing is amazing, lol. It's so animated and histrionic in a good way for such a dark topic. I kind of want the dancing playing on screens around my house all day while I do chores.
That blonde girl is hypnotic. The slight open mouth as she excudes confidence in that pose moment as they circle round. At first I was fooled that the guy on the right was giving a friendly smile and that the video was friendly. Then I realised all was not as it seemed. And that smile was creepy and not remotely friendly. The dancers make me think of the cruelty of suicide. It taunts and mocks the person, even after their death. Some see them as alluring. Most take commit the act out of desperation though, to escape the pain of their lives. Hear's to all folks who feel like that sometimes. Hopefully, they won't have to do it
IIRC the first season of that show is super dope - but the quality seemed to fall off a cliff in S2. Or maybe it's S3. All I remember is turning on that show and being blown away - "this is way cooler than it has any right to be" sort of thing. And then at some point it just took a turn and became very lame and typical teenage girl type shit.
@@jamesmaybrick2001Mid 20s aint too young for anybody. Men can get away with that sort of stuff if they do it righteously. Also, 25 year old hotties are allowed to mine successful older men if it suits them.
Look up bands such as; Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Boy Harsher, Joy Division, Pink Turns Blue, Twin Tribes, New Order, Lebanon Hanover, etc. -- there's a ton of it out there to vibe out to.
Oh yes, those times when the yt algorithm successfully lead to another secret gem ! The music is on point and I'm hooked on this dance. * - * Thank you very much for this experience.
Whoever seen this tv show and then also heard this Song and thought i will mix the Two. Deserves an Award for a crafty Art in Cinema and Film and Music. They definitely had the vision and i never even knew the show existed until this somehow popped up in my YT Algorithm, possibly because of my Music Taste rather than what I watch because i never would have watched the Show but. Whatever episode this was almost insync with this Masterful piece of Musical Art. Also, Ps. Reminds me Of the Band ( the Xx )
I felt the same.the video grabbed me but alas!this is some crazy behind the scenes footage that never made the show, so I'll never watch the show(apparently it goes downhill after the first season)
This is the funniest shit I've seen in a while. I adore it🖤🦇 Also my daughter walked out while I was watching and said it was the weirdest thing she's walked in on me watching yet 😂 my job as a parent is done. The consensus from a 39 yo and a 15 yo: the music is good
I didn't hear it until my faith time listening but i Love How they did the 2 Vocals . And then the Next Chores they dropped the Second back up vocals . It's like it was two people having conversation then the other person Died and then the main Vocalist was left alone singing to himself. Just a little detail i picked up. I Love this song. And i only discovered it a month and a Half ago.
Anyone know anything about this group? Who is the lead singer or is this a one man show? Not much about Moonvampire is on google not a Wikipedia page or anything. Awesome song. I love how he says " just nobody " in that monotone voice. Im guessing Moonvampire is a one man band with not much funding which is why the videos aren't their own. I know ive listened to this song 100x and never compensated the band. Any information would be appreciated. 0:57
@@edwardsmith1060 He played Ambrose in the chilling adventures of Sabrina(the series which the cast are dancing in this video) He sadly passed away by a motorcycle accident:(
@@Tenshihan-Quinn he has 250% more upvotes than me which means he without a doubt already shagged her and married her, I apologize to everybody for my erroneously asserted formal logic
@@Tenshihan-Quinn he has 250% more upvotes than me which means he without a doubt already [woke TH-cam deleted this word) her and married her, I apologize to everybody for my erroneously asserted formal logic
Holy shit. This is absolute fucking amaze-balls perfection! You got Sabrina and everything.....I just....wow....Total late 80's feel. And fucking hell can I feel it.
Perfect! I love the choreography. I could believe that it's from 1982. Both: clip and sound. I am very seldom use headphones. Now I had reach my AKG from the drawer to hear the taste of the bass. Yeah - it is cold. Sorry that this track is so short. I am happy that a serious approach to pop is back.
A lot of people are talking about the blond girl's dancing, so i just thought I'd point out she strikes me as being inspired by Lady Miss Kier of Deee Lite. Check out the video for Groove is in the Heart. Iconic 90's banger, you'll see what i mean
Definitely my favorite and in my opinion, the best song of 2024 this is going to be a classic and one to be remembered forever. Thanks for producing and making this song.💯❤️🙏🏼👊🏼
“Only optimists commit suicide, optimists who no longer succeed at being optimists. The others, having no reason to live, why would they have any to die?” ― Emil Cioran
This is the dumbest quote on suicide. I've attempted, I've been hospitalized, and I've been medicated. I've cried countless night on the streets for anything to help, while i searched for something to end my life. And though MUCH has changed in my life, family, house, income, a job where I can help people (firefighting/paramedic) I still struggle. First, to limit anyone by a single thing of "these people are the ones who commit and these are the ones that don't" doesn't give empathy to those that don't fit your box. You undermine the agonizing pain and hopelessness that depression creates in everyone who has it when you marginalize it to "only optimists commit suicide." My journey as a first responder and someone who has been hospitalized with other hurting people, I can assure you that there isn't a box or cute little quote that every suicidal person fits. For those out there that are struggling, hurting, debating on taking your life, tried to take your life, or plan on it- I'm sorry that your pain is so hard that death and either nothing-ness or a hope for a better afterlife is your only escape. You are suffering with an emotion that very few will ever feel. I love you. And though today and the days before are adding weight to the struggle, just make it to the next day. And when the next day comes, make it to the day after that, and so on. Find your one thing that makes you smile, and never let it go. Holding a flower, seeing the sun rise, giving food to someone in need, do this everyday and live for that. It could get better, but it won't get worse, because you all ready want it all to end. Maybe you'll turn into me and get use to it- like lifting weights. Be strong in knowing that you hold an emotion that very few will experience, and find your solace in those that do.
@@michaelmanning7954 It's a quote from a great Romanian philosopher. One who didn't kill himself. There's a lot of tongue-in-cheek darkness to his material. When I read his writings it makes me feel good on a very existentialist, "nothingness" level. It's easy enough to take the quote on its own--and I do think that there's a twisted truth to it--but it really doesn't have the same meaning outside the context of his entire work, which can be heart-breakingly sincere, horribly nihilistic, honest and quite funny. Many of his words contradict his other words. They're musings, to a great extent. I've been touched multiple times by suicide--best friends and father included. It's miserable, agreed. I've thought about it, myself. Never attempted. But I've lived, at points, as if I didn't care. I came close enough to dying from that. It doesn't mean that I can't find value in such a quote as Cioran's--even if I don't choose to agree with it or live by it. People could just as easily condemn this song. Sometimes an echo of one's own pain is a cathartic experience. It's in what you take from it. The advice that you give in your 2nd paragraph is very good advice. Take care.
Crazy love this video! It consistently brings an immeasurable amount of ridiculous joy to my stupid face every time I see it! Amazing song! Amazing band! Amazing show! BRAAAVO!!!
I love gothic rock basslines. This one is a charmer.
its like joy division influenced a whole genre.
We can all agree that Peter Hook is the man!
What attracted me to post/punk and goth was that you could really ear the bass and it would be the heart of the song.
While in other genres is buried in the mix,to the point you can barely listen to it.
@@Exercise-01 Post Punk is under goth genre.
Can't stop dancing to this in my own, private "Bat Cave".... my kitchen !!!!
Have you heard of Forever Grey? check them out if not.
No but followed your advice and....WOW!! Love their music!!@@jaredwhite693
@@jaredwhite693thanks for the name drop i looked them up and its good 😊
@@jaredwhite693 I will!! Thank You!!
one man underground bands are the best, truly underappreciated work.
The one man band is a one man army!
Endless hours of work but you can create exactly what has been playing in your head for years 🖤
facts bro
Lawdy mama light my fuse…
*BURZUM enters the chat*
I like this song a lot, but the video of sabrina dancing makes it 10x better for me
I thought that was her. Is that her or another girl that looks like her?
@@joeagogo it's the whole cast
I thought this was original now you spoiled it to me
I wonder is it scene from a series used to a song (I don't remember it) or some other footage
No matter what's I love it!
@@gragram711 just google "sabrina spellman dance"
This video is intriguing. The square framing is aesthetically very effective. The speed-ups, reversed sections and jump cuts in the video seem to bring the stressed beats in the dancing in and out of syncopation with the music, or something like that. Very satisfying.
There is another interpretation of this video edit: DARKWAYS - Dark & Light
would be interesting to know what you think of this in comparison.
I cannot get enough of the way that blond girl dances!!!
Kiernan Shipka is known for her cute dances and it doesn't hurt that she's cute.
Shes pretty know for the chilling adventures of Sabrina! I really liked it! Its just a reboot of the IP of the old Sabrina spellmen with darker tones and more realistic witchcraft
Yeah - she fuckin kills it💋
@@DystrophicEvolution interesting name of the dancer, because the dance instantly made me think of Keirin Magenta Kirby aka "Lady Miss Kier" and her iconic dancing for the Groove is in the Heart video.
@@patrickstjean7646That song slaps
This video is entrancing. The repetition, rather than driving me to turn it off, hypnotized me right to the end, at which point I was thoroughly disappointment it didn’t stretch on far longer.
I love the guy who just started throwing it back
Can't believe this was released in 2023...it is sooo 80s.... 😍 Thx for bringing back those good old vibes...🙃
It was not released in 2023. Ive had this on cd for a long time
you kids are so dumb thinking the upload date is release date...
Hear " jealous" by eye dress , for a nice 90s vibe u will like
i promise i heard this song like in the 90's or early 2000s
That blonde girl must be responsible for at least 4 million views on this video.
I cum to see a vampire. Hmm, no vampire. 😭👻
lol I thought the same she got a hypnotic way of dancing
@anthonyreyes3922 it's so funny that you both don't know who she is or what this scene is lolol
@@OhyoucaughtmeAnd you base this assumption on what exactly? 😂
is that Mckenna Grace or Kiernan Shipka? They look like sisters.
I've watched this way too often now, whatever.
The first guy coming in from the right is my fav, his grimacing fits so good.
That’s the actor Luke Cook! This footage is from the set of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina in which he played the devil’s human form lolll its sick
Agreed, he's also the one that captures my attention.
So damn great, words do no justice! Tremendous!!! The little blonde girl is sooooo talented!!!! 😮 what a blast, totally enjoyable!!❤
I cannot stop watching this video. It is hypnotic and almost agonizing at the same time, if that makes any sense.
it makes sense
i get it. high school. vampires.
its so well edited to the beat!
Вы чётко назвали и мои мысли и чувства🎉🎉🎉😂
Somehow the dancing is so "off" and I can't work out how/why. That's what makes it so fascinating
Symphonically beautiful, gothically symmetrical, certainly a work of art.
The moves of the blonde girl are hypnotizing.
Is Sabrina
@@alejandrosaucedovirgen5908 Is Kiernan Shipka 😊
It’s Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Yes she definitly knows how to boogie down
@@Etticos. Really!? I didn't realise!
the first dancer is responsible for singlehandedly bumping their views and streams up 150%. What a talent for dancing!
thats kierna shipka, and this is from the series Sabrina.
@@MartijnTenebris Do you know what episode? I liked the show but I think I dropped out before this ep. I was watching the video and I was like, "What is Kiernan Shipka doing in this? Is she friends with the band?" I'd like to see the original episode.
@@honeychilerider Behind the scenes stuff.. maybe from Instagram or somewhere.
@@honeychilerider - looks like the cast goofing around behind the scenes
Absolutely, no question, the song slays, too! 💯🔥
i CANNOT get enough of gothic Will Ferrell.
Everyone hyping the blonde girl, but his fluidity is the canvas she's thriving on
He's Satan
@@freewilliam93 OH, that's just rude!
@@joewilson9962 no that's his character in the show
Музыка - супер!Потрясающая атмосфера!
THIS IS GENIUS, the way the notes drag omg GENIUS
I love how turtle neck guy loooks so happy to be there.
Very Sisters Of Mercy-vibe, good tune to drive to 👏🤘
Yeah, that chord progression reminded me of Lucretia my reflection
I don’t think so
So much Lucretia on this one
Search for “Darkways”
If highschool looked like this I would have stayed
Me too as clearly the dudes weren't interested in the girls...more for me
hell yeah
that is Sabrina on Netflix
In 2004 in the southwest it did homie and it was based
Dude, you ROCK! This reminds me of all my fave goth grooves from the ‘80s and early ‘90s - especially the more morose and laid-back ones.
can you give some examples ? looking to find more music id like
"Under the Milky Way" by The Church?
"Cry Little Sister"?
@musikk6638 start by trying anything released by Bauhaus the '80s and '90s. If you like it, let me know and I'll suggest more.
"Somewhere Down the Crazy River" by Robbie Robertson?
it feels like they are greeting/ mocking the person that killed themselves in the hallway. Gives off some american horror story vibes. Awesome stuff
This song has been my anthem since discovering it approx 3 months ago. Killer grooves, good goth music isn't dead!
The dancing is amazing, lol. It's so animated and histrionic in a good way for such a dark topic. I kind of want the dancing playing on screens around my house all day while I do chores.
give credit to choreographers for Sabrina the Teenage Witch
That is a phenomenal idea!
Absolutely! Yeah, yeah! 😂
When you wanna dance and lay on the floor at the same time
Soo true😭
😂😂😂 i feel you
Very smooth dancing by the blond girl, hypnotizing
La letra me toco el corazón... rolon... saludos desde México
Bro this movement is very impressive. She Locked in but in sync at the same time
That blonde girl is hypnotic. The slight open mouth as she excudes confidence in that pose moment as they circle round. At first I was fooled that the guy on the right was giving a friendly smile and that the video was friendly. Then I realised all was not as it seemed. And that smile was creepy and not remotely friendly. The dancers make me think of the cruelty of suicide. It taunts and mocks the person, even after their death. Some see them as alluring. Most take commit the act out of desperation though, to escape the pain of their lives. Hear's to all folks who feel like that sometimes. Hopefully, they won't have to do it
Jesus man you don’t need to go that far.
This just the Netflix Sabrina cast lol.
dude take a chill pill it's a clip from some teen flick on Netflix lmfao
The blonde girl love it ..🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Blaaa...I like the ginger 🍊
Loving the cast of Sabrina getting down...
Thank you for the comment. I didn’t watch the show but I want to after seeing this!
when did sally draper get hot? is this what getting old feels like?
@@marcuscaestus3583 No. Getting old is when you realise an attractive young woman is WAY to young for you even if she is mid '20s. Thats old.
IIRC the first season of that show is super dope - but the quality seemed to fall off a cliff in S2. Or maybe it's S3.
All I remember is turning on that show and being blown away - "this is way cooler than it has any right to be" sort of thing. And then at some point it just took a turn and became very lame and typical teenage girl type shit.
@@jamesmaybrick2001Mid 20s aint too young for anybody. Men can get away with that sort of stuff if they do it righteously. Also, 25 year old hotties are allowed to mine successful older men if it suits them.
This is so dark but still comfortable enough for me omg we need more such a great music.
It's called goth.
shitty music, and demons pissing to our face. forever mocking.
Look up bands such as; Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Boy Harsher, Joy Division, Pink Turns Blue, Twin Tribes, New Order, Lebanon Hanover, etc. -- there's a ton of it out there to vibe out to.
this aint dark tho
The energy when you & your friends get together to cause fun chaos!🔥
Beautiful vibes & emotion turning music!❤️
late night skateboarding goes perfectly with this song!
И на мотоцикле тоже!!!!!))))))
Your comment is a vibe.
Goth isn't dead!!! AWESOMEEEE
Ur thinking of punk lol because goths never was dead
Oh yes, those times when the yt algorithm successfully lead to another secret gem !
The music is on point and I'm hooked on this dance. * - * Thank you very much for this experience.
Was shocked the algorithm sent me this! Couldn't be happier
seawas! 🦇
Whoever seen this tv show and then also heard this Song and thought i will mix the Two. Deserves an Award for a crafty Art in Cinema and Film and Music. They definitely had the vision and i never even knew the show existed until this somehow popped up in my YT Algorithm, possibly because of my Music Taste rather than what I watch because i never would have watched the Show but. Whatever episode this was almost insync with this Masterful piece of Musical Art.
Also, Ps. Reminds me Of the Band ( the Xx )
I felt the same.the video grabbed me but alas!this is some crazy behind the scenes footage that never made the show, so I'll never watch the show(apparently it goes downhill after the first season)
Как называется шоу?
@@levon689 Sabrina
@@egads3696What show was it from?
@@chrismedina5205 chilling sabrina
Beautiful. The algorithm sends un expected gifts during the night. Cheers from Uruguay.
Aaaand now im going to go binge Sabrina.. thank you again youtube rabbit hole...
This is the funniest shit I've seen in a while. I adore it🖤🦇
Also my daughter walked out while I was watching and said it was the weirdest thing she's walked in on me watching yet 😂 my job as a parent is done.
The consensus from a 39 yo and a 15 yo: the music is good
Moonvampire does not exist, it’s a legend, part of the popular lore, but scientifuckably unreal.
Thank the universe that this came to my attention. now I have more music that I can't listen to in work. LOVE IT✌️
Great choreography..... Well done guys!!! Love from the UK XXXXX
These are the vampiric vibes. Love this edit so much.
The minimalism is stellar. It's concrete poetry with a pulse. Music like this is almost impossible to ignore and the world needs more of it.
Lots of charm, yes!
It's slightly above elvator music
@@lockandloadlikehell For you it is
@@lockandloadlikehell I only wish I could hear this whenever I am riding in an elevator.
I didn't hear it until my faith time listening but i Love How they did the 2 Vocals . And then the Next Chores they dropped the Second back up vocals . It's like it was two people having conversation then the other person Died and then the main Vocalist was left alone singing to himself. Just a little detail i picked up. I Love this song. And i only discovered it a month and a Half ago.
I dont know if im the only one, but that blonde is drop
Dead gorgeous ❤
You're not the only one, it's basically everyone in this comment section lol.
But SO OBVIOUSLY a bottle blonde
Great bass line ! Great song
I thank you for the theatric brilliance of this song.
It plays over and over, rent-free, in my head.
I send kindness and thanks.
this band is new to me , pretty good so far 👍🏻
Anyone know anything about this group? Who is the lead singer or is this a one man show? Not much about Moonvampire is on google not a Wikipedia page or anything. Awesome song. I love how he says " just nobody " in that monotone voice. Im guessing Moonvampire is a one man band with not much funding which is why the videos aren't their own. I know ive listened to this song 100x and never compensated the band. Any information would be appreciated. 0:57
@@JP-mo7ec u can hit me on instagram and ill tell u
i don’t know much about them but i resonate with her
Rip Chance Perdomo 😢
Who is Chance Perdomo?
Sorry for your loss.
@@edwardsmith1060 He played Ambrose in the chilling adventures of Sabrina(the series which the cast are dancing in this video)
He sadly passed away by a motorcycle accident:(
I want my funeral to look like this with everyone dancing around!
Well don't go to early :)
It's crazy when your style isn't goth but you just realize how much of a goth you've always been .
Completely mesmerized by this video.
Mano isso é muito bom!
Saudações do Brasil 🇧🇷🖤🕸️🦇
Не передать словами то, как меня зацепила эта песня.
Girl with the short blonde is the reason I stayed and fell in love with the song and video dead ass
1:45 that cut Back to the bass riff is heavy ❤❤
I barely noticed homie is twerking at 0:48
Such a good tune! Especially while listening driving at night with this song ❤
halloween 2024
Only Halloween? All year round!
happy halloween!!🎃🫶🏻
Im here from Brazil ❤
Halloween was ass
I've listening to this and now I've contracted Sanguine vampiris
That little blonde has stolen my heart. Give it back!
she is so out of your league that its immeasurable by human metrics
@@PuppetMasterdaath144 pfft.
@@PuppetMasterdaath144 Her value is equal to her ability to be faithful, ...and actors/actresses are absolute garbage.
@@Tenshihan-Quinn he has 250% more upvotes than me which means he without a doubt already shagged her and married her, I apologize to everybody for my erroneously asserted formal logic
@@Tenshihan-Quinn he has 250% more upvotes than me which means he without a doubt already [woke TH-cam deleted this word) her and married her, I apologize to everybody for my erroneously asserted formal logic
Very happy I stumbled upon this gem💎
It’s giving me tears and a headache, I love it.
Can’t stop watching this video
And don’t want to
One of the better things I’ve every seen
Beautiful stuff
Thanks to all you all
easily the most hypnotic, most sassy, mesmerising dancestress i’ve ever seen she is astounding. with simplicity
I love this Song , you are awesome 👍👍👍
Holy shit. This is absolute fucking amaze-balls perfection! You got Sabrina and everything.....I just....wow....Total late 80's feel. And fucking hell can I feel it.
I was like "How could I miss this in the 80s..??? 😁😆🙃
Roots music just keeps on improving here on TH-cam, shame we not 20 years ago so musicians got more recognition / cash. ❤😊
Респект хореографу и тому парню который придумал пленку в обратном направлении зщапускать 👯🐥👍🏼
Que película es?
best song ever !!! I just can't get tired of it I'm always continuously returning to that masterpiece of a song
Sabrina is cute
I'm digging the tall guy dorky dad dance behind the blond girl.
Cause he's sexy
What about the mom dancer next to him?
@@l.r.williams3914 Miranda Otto I think
@@Karl_Marksman Kiernan Shipka
@@Ludovicius bless you
Her moves makes me crazy 🔥💜🖤
its so damn white lol
This video charms me everytime! Great tunes and editing. Bravo!!!!
Can someone tell me why watching them dance, and especially the rhythm, is so addictive to watch and listen to!
If you find out let me know
Éowyn is so cool... but, yeah, Sabrina is a great dancer !
Ok, thanks to the youtube algorithm for this one, love it
This video with this song gives to me an unknown vibration, and i love It ! So dark and hypnotic ! Nice!
Welcome to the 80s... 😊
@@TheMsSzilla I love the 80s
oh la la this music video is way too stimulating to be able to work while it's playing DAMNNN
Perfect! I love the choreography. I could believe that it's from 1982. Both: clip and sound. I am very seldom use headphones. Now I had reach my AKG from the drawer to hear the taste of the bass. Yeah - it is cold. Sorry that this track is so short. I am happy that a serious approach to pop is back.
A lot of people are talking about the blond girl's dancing, so i just thought I'd point out she strikes me as being inspired by Lady Miss Kier of Deee Lite. Check out the video for Groove is in the Heart. Iconic 90's banger, you'll see what i mean
Love this. Dark and cool. Reminds me of the 80's.
Why, what happened in the 80s?
@@z0uLessthe music sounds like it sounded in the 80’s
@@deadlyflowers1334 so you are saying that you remember this music because you killed someone in the 80s and have kept this dark secret ever since?
@@z0uLess Yeah exactly I still have the bones somewhere in my house.
Everything good. @@z0uLess
The bass is cool
Great vibes
Definitely my favorite and in my opinion, the best song of 2024 this is going to be a classic and one to be remembered forever. Thanks for producing and making this song.💯❤️🙏🏼👊🏼
Я просто не могу остановиться смотреть клип. идеальный видео ряд.
New fan and subsciber. Reminds me of the 80s with a 2023 twist to it
I guarantee you if this song would’ve come out when I was in high school, I would’ve had everybody Gothd Up! 😂
I don't know what the hell is this all about, but I absolutely love it❤😊
Music and video hit the switch in my brain that lits writing "GREAT WORK".
Everyone in this video absolutely kills it. Each person is just giving 110% and it's such a masterpiece. *chef's kiss* well done my friends.....
“Only optimists commit suicide, optimists who no longer succeed at being optimists. The others, having no reason to live, why would they have any to die?”
― Emil Cioran
This is the dumbest quote on suicide. I've attempted, I've been hospitalized, and I've been medicated. I've cried countless night on the streets for anything to help, while i searched for something to end my life. And though MUCH has changed in my life, family, house, income, a job where I can help people (firefighting/paramedic) I still struggle. First, to limit anyone by a single thing of "these people are the ones who commit and these are the ones that don't" doesn't give empathy to those that don't fit your box. You undermine the agonizing pain and hopelessness that depression creates in everyone who has it when you marginalize it to "only optimists commit suicide." My journey as a first responder and someone who has been hospitalized with other hurting people, I can assure you that there isn't a box or cute little quote that every suicidal person fits.
For those out there that are struggling, hurting, debating on taking your life, tried to take your life, or plan on it- I'm sorry that your pain is so hard that death and either nothing-ness or a hope for a better afterlife is your only escape. You are suffering with an emotion that very few will ever feel. I love you. And though today and the days before are adding weight to the struggle, just make it to the next day. And when the next day comes, make it to the day after that, and so on. Find your one thing that makes you smile, and never let it go. Holding a flower, seeing the sun rise, giving food to someone in need, do this everyday and live for that. It could get better, but it won't get worse, because you all ready want it all to end. Maybe you'll turn into me and get use to it- like lifting weights. Be strong in knowing that you hold an emotion that very few will experience, and find your solace in those that do.
It's a quote from a great Romanian philosopher. One who didn't kill himself. There's a lot of tongue-in-cheek darkness to his material. When I read his writings it makes me feel good on a very existentialist, "nothingness" level. It's easy enough to take the quote on its own--and I do think that there's a twisted truth to it--but it really doesn't have the same meaning outside the context of his entire work, which can be heart-breakingly sincere, horribly nihilistic, honest and quite funny. Many of his words contradict his other words. They're musings, to a great extent. I've been touched multiple times by suicide--best friends and father included. It's miserable, agreed. I've thought about it, myself. Never attempted. But I've lived, at points, as if I didn't care. I came close enough to dying from that. It doesn't mean that I can't find value in such a quote as Cioran's--even if I don't choose to agree with it or live by it. People could just as easily condemn this song. Sometimes an echo of one's own pain is a cathartic experience. It's in what you take from it. The advice that you give in your 2nd paragraph is very good advice. Take care.
I like the quote cuz it compelled u to write something truly from the heart and for that I am forever grateful
I’ve attempted several times, and i’ve always been quite pessimistic lol
I think half the people came here for the music. Then stayed for the dancing girl.
No way! How absolutely iconic!! Is that Sabrina??
Crazy love this video! It consistently brings an immeasurable amount of ridiculous joy to my stupid face every time I see it! Amazing song! Amazing band! Amazing show! BRAAAVO!!!
Never mind am 50 but this stuff will keep me going for years.
Live long.
Holy shit the goth kids from south park are real
This is the work of a genius... without a doubt.