On the combo at 1:10, everytime i have Linne out and im doing 236A, she does skyfang instead of her uppercut. Is this a custom setting or am i doing something wrong? Edit: I figured it out. You were doing 4A inbetween your 236A's with Wald for it. Thanks for the dope video.
Arigato sensei
nice combos
On the combo at 1:10, everytime i have Linne out and im doing 236A, she does skyfang instead of her uppercut. Is this a custom setting or am i doing something wrong?
Edit: I figured it out. You were doing 4A inbetween your 236A's with Wald for it. Thanks for the dope video.
This man is BUSTED!
Wald does some pretty nasty damage so why do all the ones i see just keep spamming his dp
In the first corner combo, it always whiffs the second hit of the second 236B after 2C-B-2B. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance
It doesn't hit if the space with opponent is close.
かくげ Fighting Games Ty dude Ill check it out
Oh wow..
15000オーバー・・・すごい 試合で決めたら気持いでしょうなぁ
Rachel or yukiko please.