How I Qualified For The Final LoR Open

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024
  • Heyo! First of 2 videos about the recent Open -- This one about the open rounds.
    Quick Notes
    - Montage Music is from CheesyHFJ's ONE Season 2 Soundtrack, specifically Donor Live for Montage 1 and Honeycomb for Montage 2
    - I've noticed consistently -- If I directly export from Premiere, the montage will be a few-frames off on TH-cam-Computer timing, but be perfect on phones. Typically I don't try and tinker with it and maintain phone-timing perfection at the cost of Computer-YT, but I tried messing around a bit with a manual offset within Premiere to try and account for Computer-YT timing. No clue if it works, I should probably stop caring about this, but w/e.
    See you tomorrow for the Top Cut Reviews :)

ความคิดเห็น • 6

  • @AJTehProLOR
    @AJTehProLOR 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    good morning spidz! after months of procrastination i finally found a spidz yt vid fast enough to justify commenting on it, so pulled out the notepad to try and dive deep with analysis. Really enjoyed this format of showing the highlights of the less interesting games, and plenty of fun spidz quotes like “dune-hoppy mech”, “slamma-jamma” or calling chempunk shredder “funsmith”:
    15:38 I think I wouldn't have taken that block because there's a good chance the 2/1 won't be able to favorably trade later on, with broadwing block still being able to snipe a hatchling and vayne shutting it out on 3 (they really want to play a predict t3 and already played a baccai, so reasonable chance they don't play hammersnout t3) and the possibility of a equipping the elkin and denying the 2/1 trade entirely (altho tbf u wouldn't always want to equip depending on the boardstate). I think there's arguments for both sides, and it's admittedly a very minor decision, but it's definitely an interesting spot.
    29:56 Don’t blame you for not realizing it immediately, but 2x kennen can actually be p poggers since even if u don’t hit discarders, you can drop him on t2 and block with him while marking another unit (jinx likely goes at least 2 wide on t2), and then play a 2nd kennen to effectively go net +3 on units using only 2 kennens and 2 nexus hp. Dropping him on t1 is also reasonable if they play a 1 drop in response to open pass since u still get mark value (personally I don’t value 2 nexus dmg T1 as much as possibility of gaining early board lead with mark).
    IMO early board advantage in the jinx mu is REALLY important, as whoever has more units in play can net lots of free dmg as the game progresses, and with jinx having more cards in hand can sometimes be a downside. That’s why I really liked the 2x kennen line for max tempo, and maybe there’s an argument for keeping jinx too, though I think tossing her is also reasonable.

    39:24 I think the main consideration here is whether the t4 token matters to you, since you would only take that block if u want to try and push dmg using the other units u planned on dumping next token. I think with ur hand u could just let the Maryam smack you since u weren’t limited by board space anyway and any unit (3x sera, 1x clock/mixo/pioneer/nine lives? or 2nd Maryam) all make the t4 atk awkward.
    47:53 With how many catch up tools both sides have through AOE and healing, io Pnz mirror early game’s are all focused on winning the “temple battle” where both players try to draw cards, stick a temple and deny the opponent from sticking one. I think as the karma player against sera you are winning the game if both players do nothing, so I liked your passing, though if it was a champ mirror I would’ve just instantly jammed 2nd temple with that hand since you had no way of looking for nopefy or other cards, so you’d be forced into temple later and they’d have more chances to look for their own landmark removal in the meantime.

    1:04:28 I fully agree with the 2x attack into omen, since chompers would be the reason to not full swing and that would require 2 specific top decks. It seems risky to play the long game when you have no real way of dealing with a Darius, decisive maneuver, battle fury, etc, so getting the chip matters with the zaunite line. However, I only know this from being punished myself for it, but on t1 playing yordle squire might’ve been better to beat dog/buffed ow unit t2 with tiny spear making squire a 3/1. If they play crimson pigeon, u can’t swing with the 1/1 anyway so nothing changes, but against omen hawk or pass you do get to sneak in 1 extra dmg. This is another interesting spot for marginal improvement that likely depends on how the opponent mulled, as if they kept something that wasn’t omen it could be the dog. (BTW, I don’t think gnar Darius runs darkin spear typically, the only equip I’ve seen is the occasional bone club.)

    1:12:38 Maintaining the barrier on sett isn’t that important on even token, since you want to be flipping sett on t8 and getting the invincibility aura anyway. Technically, pulling the 5/4 means 2x whirling doesn’t kill sett, but I don’t think that was your main concern. You might’ve been playing around specifically sky splitter since karma sett can only deal 2 dmg (or 1 with high note) at fast speed, meaning the 4/3 will be in kill range of a single mystic/high note.
    Hope whatever you do next with spidzYT you succeed, if u do plan on making more content!

    • @SpidzWT
      @SpidzWT  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks for the lengthy comment! If I don't respond to a specific timestamp -- I agree and find it very enlightening, just have nothing more to add haha.
      29:56 Hoooly this makes sense. I've had Kennen double up and do the mark stuff serendipitously but it's never occured to me to play for it if the pre-mulli allows. Very cool thing I overlooked, thanks!
      1:04:28 I really like the mention of which 1 drop to actually play on T1. It sounds silly but I believe quite strongly that knowing which 1 drop to play for your own deck and vs others is a pretty big step up in the quality of play & player, as well as matchup knowledge. I fully agree when considering all possible handstates that Squire T1 pogs out harder.

  • @timothyburger6715
    @timothyburger6715 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Banger vid. Going to miss this kind of long form style analytical LoR content.

  • @nas7711
    @nas7711 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This was such a fun set, im glad I got to play you in an open even though i think in you recap 2023 vid i commented something like "I hope we dont snipe each other" lol.
    Game 1, mull is actually really interesting ... there are considerations [at this point I have no idea if this is correct but it is funny] to keep byrd AND Jinx, and try and save byrd for t2 / t3 or even t4 to try and "snipe" jinx with the chime, and play for an early jinx level up. Even if you don't keep jinx, u can still defs keep byrd but dont play on t1, since 3/2 kennen is the same as 2/1 kennen [bar pie toss]. My only runeterra yt content is basically this exact line in this jinx kennen mirror, except I take tiny shields and put it on jinx which is really cute way to win lol. #ad
    However to be fair my hand lined up really well, I was able to keep 2x pie toss which is insane (i only ran 2), and once i was able to give jinx spellshield first action t5 and subsequently level her and it was 98% won at that point tbf. Also I kinda hate von mech a lot of the time, then i went and looked at your options (2 6 drops) ... yikes not your game. GG.
    Game 2 I THREW SO HARD. Idk if you noticed but the discreet invitations was my very first seraphine hit, that means t5 i could have opened with it and wiped two of your x/1s, i completely forgot about trumpertecher (i think i was thinking of only dune hoppy mech??) anyway that brain fade defs cost me since i got so close with you needing u to topdeck fast speed burn.
    Game 3 lost the temple war sadly, Im not sure if I could have done much. I'll also acknowledge that I am aware I lost the game like 5+ turns earlier but of course i had that classic temple copium of "what if they draw 10 dead cards" and I open cat and win xD.
    Once again, such an honour to play you, gratz on top 8. Absolute Legend.

    • @nas7711
      @nas7711 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I'd like to also add that I didn't really know at the time what the darius' emotes meant
      and also I don't think u had to worry about io tellstones Game 2 since i already used gruesome theatre from io tellstones.

  • @RealPrismsword
    @RealPrismsword 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    woo spidz youtube