Spanish Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns: How I teach them using a Slotboard

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ก.ย. 2024
  • 😅 I forgot I had those socks on. How do you like them?
    I use the slot board often for teaching grammar concepts that have a different order of parts of speech than English does, for example, Spanish or French direct and indirect object pronouns and the formation of questions.
    I also use Google Drive Activities because students can move the parts of speech around, and I use PowerPoint for the same reason.
    If you'd like to see how I teach the direct and indirect object pronouns, click on the following link: bestpowerpoint...
    Do you use manipulatives in class? I love my slot board! Students love technology but they pay attention when I use real objects or manipulatives.
    I first use the slot board for instruction, then I get students involved and have them interact. I'll explain how I do that in a future video.
    The slot board works great for teaching the Spanish or French direct and indirect object pronouns because students see the order of the parts of speech as I move them around.
    I also use it to teach subject pronouns and how to form questions in Spanish and French.
    Would you like to see, step-by-step, how I teach the object pronouns? Click on the link above.
    How do you teach the Spanish or French direct and indirect object pronouns? They're not my favorite concept to teach because it's takes so long and is a bit tedious. But the students seem to enjoy it, especially because I mix up hands-on with activities using technology.
    I start with the PowerPoint that moves the parts of speech around, then I move to the slot board, then Google Drive activities. Of course, I use TONS of stories and other comprehensible input to cement the concept.
    For example, I use this very popular story about a teddy bear. My students LOVE this story. I have the same story in French as well. Click on the link in my profile to see the story:
    I know, I know. We shouldn't teach grammar. But I do and I think it's important. I tell you why in my blog post on how I teach object pronouns. I DO, however, spend most of my time in class providing comprehensible input.
    However, when I DO teach grammar, sometimes I use my slot board when it is the best tool for the job.
    You can get an inexpensive slot board on Amazon. Some have pockets, or you can have a friend make you a nice one like this one.
    I break a lot of my own rules when I teach Spanish and French object pronouns. You'll have to read the post to see the other rule I break.
    You can get an inexpensive slot board on Amazon. Some have pockets, or you can have a friend make you a nice one like this one.
    Students spend quite a bit of time identifying parts of speech, practicing in pairs and individually. If they don't understand the parts of speech, they will struggle to use the subject and object pronouns in Spanish or French because the order of words is so different.
    After years of trial and error, I've perfected my lesson on direct and indirect object pronouns, and I tell you, step-by-step, how I do it in this blog post.
    Have you heard of Fred Jones' Input Output strategy? You teach a small chunk, then students interact with the lesson.
    I try not to spend more than 15 minutes doing direct instruction. Some old theories still apply: I do, they watch. I do; they help. They do; I help. They do; I watch.

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