If you eliminate the scariest people, then mildly scary people become the scariest. This means jaywalkers and guys that grunt at planet fitness will be eligible for the death penalty.
Sal C of coarse it's all perception and comparison. this is why the concept of time seems to fly as we get older (more experienced) because we have many years to compare to
But nobody is scary on purpose. Murderers, rapists, and other assorted psycho/sociopaths most likely cannot control their urges or do not understand or care about the consequences.
there is this thing called referential thinking. it's linked to mental illness. if you're a pot smoker, try to lay off for a while and see how you operate.
you can't really call them completed since buildings still need work alot of times. whether someone messed up something in one, or had a stupid design flaw which makes being in that building uncomfortable. plus what would call them other than buildings?
Buildings are called buildings because its only logical that you would call something that is done being built or when your building something you would call it a building when your done with it and i guess when we created the word building it kind of stuck , so that's why we decided to call them that.
yeah same.. in a certain way I kind of hate the internet I mean anytime some one wants to know something they just go look it up and read like one paragraph on wiki and think they know all about that subject lol They don't try to think about it themselves and figure it out or read books and stuff like that. But of course at the same time this is one of the reasons the internet is great because of easy access to info on basically anything.
Just Rodney I used to think when I was younger and in the bathroom.... what if in reality I'm in some lab strapped up to machines being studied and I'm totally peeing in front of everyone? Or worse....farting. *shudder*.
As a lucid dreamer for about 44 years I could tell you if I do not test myself by flying or conjuring up someone it is still impossible to tell the dream from reality.
I wouldn't know how to teach it. I am one of those who do it naturally. At the time and for decades i thought everyone did it. I am not even sure if it is good to do too often. Seems like my logical mind awakens and figures out that I am dreaming, and so it starts but the logical mind also needs sleep.
Brendan Warren do reality checks while you're awake so much that it becomes a habit. set an alarm to wake you up 4 to 5 hours after you go to sleep, after you wake up try to have the dream you were having before you woke up and you should become lucid after you fall asleep.
that's where you can control what you're doing and where you're half awake and half asleep right? because that's what happens to me. I can control what im doing perfectly and not know that it's not real until I wake up but when I wake up I feel like I was already awake
Think of dreams (or hallucinations) for a second. Your brain can create an entire believable reality(with people , world , things , emotions etc. ) every night , and while you dream you do not question its reality . So why is this reality now the real one ? How do we know it's not another one created by our mind ?
In many ways the dreamworld is more real than reality itself, and has limitless possibilities. It is where matter and reality are created. There is no anger or fear, nor death, just love and endless creativity.
Dimka Lie I have thought about this before. What if I'm not actually real? What is my whole life is a huge dream/illusion that my true self like an alien or something is having, and when you die, you don't die....you wake up.
I wish people would realize how stupid the phrase "questioning reality" is. Reality is defined as "the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them." Questioning reality, by definition, means you question things that, by definition, actually exist. That means, you're having a break from reality. You're being irrational and stupid. A much more appropriate way of saying this would be to question the nature of reality. This way what you're actually doing is asking yourself what constitutes reality, as opposed to being contrary to reality itself.
***** What you just did wasn't questioning reality but questioning the nature of it. You want to find out what is real and what is not. You're not questioning that which is by definition actually real. Once you've found out what is real, you do not question that which is by definition that which exists. You see?
+Junko Enoshima So your reasoning essentially amounts to this: "Prove every facet of reality to me via comments or all of my arbitrary questions are valid"? The reason to believe reality exists is because objective rules exist. Every time you put your foot down it touches something. Things happen when you don't think about them. When you trace how they happened they all are interconnected perfectly because they all come from the same reality. Deriving the idea of reality from THAT is not the same kind of "likelihood" as thinking "wow life is so complicated and I don't feel like studying any area of it for more than a week so therefore it must all be a figment of my imagination. I heard someone say that reality is a simulation made by aliens in order to keep us enslaved to their desires. Can't prove it isn't so it must be right!" Condescending example aside, knowledge and consequently the knowledge of an objective reality is gained by INDUCTIVE reasoning based off of objective, demonstrable facts. It is NOT gained from DEDUCTIVE reasoning gained from arbitrary questions and ideas. No matter what colors you or I see we are seeing the same THING. Our particular sensory organs may translate that data differently in our objective brains, but that doesn't change the reality "out there". Your subjective perception of what gravity means and how it operates does not change the calculations derived from objective evidence, and how they apply to your objective body and brain if you decide to walk off a cliff.
***** You have no idea what you're talking about dude. Of course we can explain how these people survive. People surviving falls from a mile isn't something special as you reach your terminal velocity after a hundred meters or thereabouts. Landing in a tree, for example, can dampen your fall, landing in dirt can dampen your fall. There are a bunch of reasons that you can come up with that explain how you can survive a fall like that. There's nothing strange or supernatural or weird about it. The same thing goes for lightning strikes. If you're wearing a rubber coat or boots, you're more insulated, if you're wet your body's resistance becomes lower, lowering the damage done to your system. You are obviously talking about these things without knowing the first thing about them.
***** Dude, this is all complete nonsense. What could ever make you think that all that stuff can't be explained? Drunk drivers surviving a crash? That's easily explicable by the simple fact that alcohol widens your blood vessels, allowing for better blood supply to your body during a trauma. See? Just because you don't know something and can't explain something, doesn't mean everyone is as ignorant as you, doesn't mean reality itself is in question about things you don't understand. Read a book, dude.
True, but your perceptions of things are based of reality and the tangible context that is in front of you. Interpretation of those things changes from person to person based on their level of intellect.
we will all forever be prisoners within Platos cave; full understanding of our objective reality might forever be impossible to achieve. it is like looking into a mirror with a mirror placed directly behind, we will see only infinite numbers of reflections
"We are all prisoners of our own perception." So it is important how we deal with those bits of information we gather from the world we perceive around us. Part of that world is. however, other people talking to us and likely influencing our own perceptions and, consequently, making us think like they do .... ugh!
I want to know who wrote the code for Pooping if this is a simulation. Imagine sitting there for weeks programming and modeling pooping, or any other odd thing.
Mrcharrio the gi tract along with the digestive enzymes are the reasom why poop is poop... we should focus on the creation of the schematic of the construct that emabled it possible. than analyze the template in which it was manifested. all the cells and chemical compounds are oriented based off of something and this something is or could be the programs creator
Have you ever thought that maybe, you're one of the beta testers of this simulation in the future and your entire life has been a simulation and everyone you know was just an NPC? Then, once you die, you return to true life and you remember that this was just a simulation and you return to your everyday life completely not caring about those NPCS that you spent virtual years making relationships with?
Isn't life about creation and recreation. If you're dreaming than your creating. I remember a woman who said she died on the operating table and later revived. While temporarily dead she said experienced the afterlife where three orbs made of light told her that she doesn't really exist. But my question is, wouldn't you have to exist in order to understand non-existence? For me, conscientiousness is life shining light on the darkness that doubt provides.
Kevin Rickman same. but that simulation thing i saw it on a tv show that has nothing to do with it like life (real o neals) and i questioned so many things
Malik Josenius I would feel pain and die xD. Our brain thought it would be a good idea to feel pain because it would keep us away from dangers and suicide as much as possible. Regardless, I would die even without the sense of pain. Reality might be real but there are infinite realities so, you could be literally anything, even a bottle of bleach. You just enter another reality when you die... (Are you confused yet??)
Robert Hipolito If there were clues that we were living in a simulated world of some kind, deja vu would probably be a clue/glitch in the system, that's what my previous message implied lol
I have these dreams where i know i was dreaming but the people in my dream were telling me i was crazy and trying to convince me that the dream was the real world and everything i was telling them was just some figment of my imagination. Then i would wake up and stare in the mirror for 20 min trying to readjust back to this reality its just to fucking weird.
Not possible, because infinity cannot exist. If the people in your "theaters" awake after the movie, then they too at some point will die and that will be another movie, and another, and another.
NoClueBlue Inifinity is above human life and Human perception... yes everyone dies, yet thus far the universe as a whole is infinite.. we die, our bodies rot, feed soil, feed plants and the cycle continues... it is energy that is transferred and infitite not the temporary incarnation of said energy.
The Answer is So Clear! For the first question raised (Question 4) "Who are you?" with subsequent follow-up questions: "What are the most desirable personality traits?" and, "Where is the cutoff point between a good and bad personality?" Luckily I just read the section in the book 'Psycho-Cybernetics' that is relevant to this topic on my way home right before watching this video. Maxwell Maltz highlights this very clearly and straightforward in Ch. 11 'How to Unlock Your Real Personality'. He goes on to talk about how "Everyone has personality locked up within him" and that, "When we say that a person 'has a good personality' (i.e. what this video might consider a good personality trait) what we really mean is that he has freed and released the creative potential within him and is able to express his real self". He talks about how all the 'bad personality traits' are just result of inhibiting one's true expression of themselves.. saying, "The inhibited personality has imposed reestraint upon the expression of the real self. For one reason or another he is afraid to express himself, afraid to be himself , and has locked up his real self within an inner prison." So in conclusion.. The goal of an 'ideal society' would be to help individuals remove the factors which cause them to have an inhibited personality, a personality that departs from the 'real self', thus aiding in authentic, uninhibited expression of their real selves. Even simpler: remove the distortions and your left with purity, whichever form that purity may take in the individual person. Sorry if that was too wordy ... my thoughts are all over the place.
aha vibrate ????? your exitement and wanting to find some exitement is reality,thats what you gona look for,,after you realize the reality and vibrations is nothing in the first place
this channel is a gold mine for those of us with OCD. you just gave me 13 minutes of knowledge to analyze during my next three-hour wait in the doctor's office. Did anyone else with OCD subscribe after watching this video?
Gregor the Great Trump 2016 Think of the repetitive nature you spoke of as a small portion of the bigger reality of truth. After you die, you will work your way toward a different reality...a reality of truth.
Would a false reality really be that bad? Why should it matter if we are living in a real world or a synthetic one? The brain doesn't care, nor does whatever reality we exist in. Our reality is just that... reality.
Good point :) What does it matter ? and how can a reality we live in be false ? Then there should be a reality that was stolen from us and replaced with a ehhhhh another reality that then would be the new real reality. The question and answer dynamic is blubber
The point I'm trying to make is that, what if you never knew? The mind could not tell the difference. Ignorance of our true reality is literally reality itself, ignorance is bliss.
Love this one! We are so complex, most have no idea how much control you CAN have over who YOU are as well as your offspring! I believe the REAL YOU is "the best you can be", so eating real food, not all the crap we have slowly morphed to call "food", physical activity which does not have to be the gym version. Mind & Body ARE dependent on each other and do affect the other...not just a "la la land" truth? Unfortunately most people have no idea what is IN thier body! Most doctors are CLUELESS and have been slowly damaging us severely!
What I see is what I see. What I feel is what I feel. What I think is what I think. What I do is what I do. I hate when people overcomplicate things. This mostly applies to art and music, but also sometimes things like this.
So Descartes goes to his favourite bistro for lunch and when he asks the waiter for his recommendation for the day, the waiter replies "You might like the fish, monsieur." Descartes replies "I think not."...and promptly disappears.
who you are is who you allways were since the moment you were born.... what people think is you is your ego... try one day and figure out who you are without thinking about it or using any info you learned since the day you were born and you will know who you are! (it's spontanious thought..who is the you who gives you the thoughts you have?) and when you learn to tap into that then all problems you have will seem like a chore that has drained your strength because you focus on them! think about it for a second... how do you feel when that nagging problem you had was either fixed or just forgotten it? i feel great like a burden had been lifted and i can say once i let go of the problem it was like a sharp needle that was taken out of my brain (short sharp but bearable pain) and after i felt awesome and even my body felt lighter (it is a lasting effect of wellness)
reality is different for each individual...I have often wondered if other people see colors the same way I do..does red look like the same color to you as it does to me? there's really no absolute way of knowing....
Adolf Lothbrok ...Glad to know that I am not the only one...My red might be your green...But bc we always were taught it to be"red", that's the name we identify for that shade. And ABSOLUTELY, same with smells... And tastes..So many different components of our lives, are given to conception..How do we know the TRUE one?
"Has anyone ever even seen the inside of a SpaceX rocket, or Tesla car? Could just be a bunch of cats taped together in there for all we know!" I fucking died.
This guy is going to make me spend 2 dollars a month. Ive been bing watching this channel for 3 hours. His voice is so soothing alone. and I learned so much.
What if this life is a dream and when we die we wake up? In dreams you wake up when you die, most of the time. Like when you dream you are falling, and wake up right before hitting the ground. I speak from my own experience, of course. I know it might be different for you.
Darklight gaming, I speak from my own experience of course. How did that work though? Are you saying you experienced death in a dream, and were still around to dream after you died in it? If you're saying you felt yourself hitting the ground and felt the pain of hitting it, and then woke up, that is basically what I'm saying. You wake up when you die. Really makes no difference if you actually experience the pain of death and wake up after, or you wake up before it. You wake up at the moment of death. Same thing.
What if air is really water and water is really air? What if your thoughts are actually code in an aliens program? What if every letter you type is actually you stabbing someone in a parallel universe??? I don't know. But since those questions and the reasoning that follows them are all completely arbitrary and don't stem logically from any demonstrable facts... I wouldn't put money on them being true. There are theories that stem from facts and demonstrable evidence. And then there are ungrounded, vague ideas created in a vacuum in someone's mind.
"Are we the play things of a superior race? Have they seen and influenced all the weird stuff I've been doing when I thought nobody was watching" 😂 Oh snap!
"I believe we all share the same consciousness. We literally all are the consciousness, and everything is. I believe we all are connected. Like a metaphor, everything is like one huge brain, and we all are that one brain. I think we are all one, and each what is called individuals are 'split personalities" of the one. Truth appears to be stranger than fiction. Lol" - Shanon Sandquist
Glad I'm not the only one but my hypothesis was or is we are the singularity that caused the big bang we are the stars the planets the universe each other the grass the lions the dolphins we are all each other because we started in a glorious bang that sent our story moving to where we are now.
Lodth I think this too. Kinda explains why similar movies with similar story lines come out around the same time. There's a base religion that believes we once used to all be connected through our minds. We didn't use languages we just communicated telepathically. We have forgotten or maybe something divided us completely. But there are still traces of this left over.
InoshiKenshi, it's self refuting to deny the existence of objective reality. Would you say I'm "objectively wrong"? But wouldn't that affirm the existence of objective reality?
You know what's funny, is that Christians, Muslims, and Buddhists all WANT to help people, but atheists get offended... look, they aren't trying to shove their religion down your throat, their trying to HELP you. No matter if you want to believe that or not, that's whats happening. There are extremists everywhere, even in atheism. I guess we wont 100% know the truth until we die. If we keep this division going, we might as well be dead right now.
God is completely and utterly your subjective reality, in the jar of your head. As far from objective as you can get..SUPER natural, no objective evidence whatsoever. Your god is as real and objective as the god that is my bar of soap. Why? because I say the soap is god, and that is all both you and I have, say so.
My reality is true because it's based off critical thinking and objectivism. I don't consider my emotions 99% of the time. I think as consistently as possible and I've virulent about the biases I form. For me logic should work like a puzzle. Every piece should fit together perfectly. If a new idea that seems to make perfect since doesn't fit then it's time to reevaluate my core beliefs until the puzzle is reformed once again. This isn't to say I'm never Illogical. Sometime my emotions get the better of me. It's possible I could be completely illogical on an idea, and I haven't even considered it. But I think I pay more attention to my internal consistency than most people, and I place allot of value on the truth and consistency.
How come I'm here listing watching this vid while I don't know who you are and never even met you and you don't know me or even met in real life and we'll never know each other or those billions of people will watch your video after you and I died . Are we truly human beings ???
Your true personality is the one you feel comfortable to show because even though you have all of this, you have it due to the fact of the comfort you brain adopts to your personality grow into that. Meaning the real you is the one you choose to be.
hellavadeal Will you bleed? Is blood real? Have you ever died of blood loss yourself or have you just been told it would happen? (I imagine you have bled before, most people have) What if you only bleed because you believe so strongly that you will? You'd never know because you wouldn't be able to convince yourself otherwise. (I feel my comment sounds a bit like I'm having a go, but I just wanted to further thoughts about reality lol)
God is perceived differently in everyone's eyes. To one, God might be nonexistent, but I feel as though the terms "God" or "higher power" can refer to even what Elon Musk suggested in regards to living in a simulation of some kind- it's just the idea that something far more powerful set our universe into motion. Whatever "God" is, we may never know, but I find it a lot harder to wrap my mind around a universe that happened entirely on coincidence and chance. Idk, just my two cents. :)
Justin Lassiter God has interacted with humanity many times before. He chose Abraham to come out of Babylon and create the Jewish nation. Among many other examples.
Long ass rambling text ahead... I think of these daily. I thought of the simulation one as far back as 20 years ago when I was only 7. Figured we were just some entertainment for some higher level creatures that are smarter than us. That idea still sticks with me to this day. The idea is stronger than ever before in my mind due to me seeing things beyond the normal realm. Higher perception. The "3rd eye" if you will. I see things others can not. I detect things that are "not" there. I see the inconsistencies in our reality. I can see the faults in the base core of what we believe to be real. Are we even real? Do we really have mass? Or are we just algorithms on advanced computers. Digital life forms in a digital world. If we are just a digital universe then mine as well as plenty more like me who see the glitches in the world can understand why. We can see the source code and apply it to our personal code to alter how we see and understand the world we live in. We do not do this intentionally. It just happens. Sure many of us train ourselves to open that 3rd eye for more perception and all that. In the end those of us who can see beyond the borders of our reality also put us in danger. There will come a point where if this is all in fact just simulations then we will see to far out and find our makers. Should that happen we risk their little project being shut down and thus we all either die or go into suspension until reactivated again. Perhaps this has happened many times and we have been rewound several times when our understanding gets too far. Ever get the feeling that you have memories that are wrong based on history? Take for instance the recent Berenstein vs Berenstain debate. I was one who always remembered it being "stein" and not "stain". Perhaps we are or were right and our timeline got rewound a bit to change a few key points. One change being the E to an A in Berenstain. Now typically all memories would update to match the historical change. That's the idea anyways. How about those of us with our higher perception vision and senses? Those of us who can partially control the source code? Seems we few are not always affected by coding changes done to the reality we exist in. Our memories are not always updated to match the changes made to the timeline. There is much we do not understand. That is just my ramblings of how we might exist within a simulation. Am I right or do I look like one of those crazy nutters always talking about the end of the world? How do we know they are insane nutters? How do we know they are wrong? Perhaps they can fully see things for what they are but lose some of their tune with our reality in the process making them look insane when really they may just be on a different plane of existence and they cannot communicate with us too well. They may be on the same level as the creators of our little reality and can see what goes on in their existence plane. We have no idea. Do not just automatically assume things that are abnormal are broken. Perhaps many of the crazies are not really crazy. Open your eyes. Look beyond what you can see. Find the source code and grab onto it hard. Use it to see what is really going on. See how 2+2 does not really equal to 4 all the time. Look deeper. Activate higher perception. See more. Perceive more. Open your "3rd eye". Your life will be better for it once you see the truth or even part of the truth. Let us see beyond what is there. Perhaps one day we will see the core of our reality and fully understand what is going on then. We will find the truth and it will be shocking.
Give me proof how I'm wrong. I never said any of this is factual. All I said is beliefs. Beliefs based on what I see. You cannot call it wrong. You cannot rightfully call an idea wrong without providing cold hard facts stating how it is wrong. Where are your facts to back up what I said as being wrong? Where are your facts that say I'm messed up and need to get help? You have none. You just don't like what I said and thus responded in a shitty way. Now think about your response and how rude it was. Think hard and maybe you will see the difference between right and wrong. If you cannot see where you done fucked up then you are a lost cause. Yes, I am getting rude and basically being a hypocrite against what I just said but in this case it is deserved. You do not know me thus you cannot rightfully say I need help. Now stop and think bout this. Have a nice day. Peace.
Any habit can be untaught, any behavior can be learned. Literally anything I've ever known was taught to me. Sounds obvious but it's kind of mind-blowing. This means that the person you want to be can be created.
it also makes you think about the fact that if we could be born again where what time of era and who we want to be we could be all at once due to the fact you could be born a lady marry a guy have a kid die and be born in the sane era and place again but instead of being the lady, this time being the guy and marry your own self and vice versa.
Space Lion ur def not understanding life at all 1 the universe is just random probability anything could happen with no purpose , life is constantly being created at random with no correlation of a reason to create , this planet can be destroyed by any stray asteroid for no reason but we lessen the probability by looking ahead and planning ,humans are no more important then the sand on the ground and for this reason we try and find reasons we are special of which we are not if we were I’m sure the human race wouldn’t be as stupid to divide themselves and war with each other over stupid ideas of greed and religion but instead work towards the betterment of the human race not try and stall advancements to continue making money like most industries , the funding of the United States is all in war not science and we could easily fund and advance our sciences by hundreds of years with the funding we could create but thts not in the interest of the USA that’s not where the money is made its war
Nick Ellis then that makes ur statement become a contradiction when u say nothing is random but say probability of which is a math that explains randomness and luck but probability is not 100 percent an answer in math form there just possibilities that could be for example matter can be in ur left hand the next sec in ur right in the next second across the universe the next second both in ur left and in ur right hand the next it can be destroyed by anti matter the next it can both be in ur left or in ur right or-across the galaxy at the same time matter is this free moving and is not bound by physical movements probability wants to make a pattern to explain it but the outcome is too numerous to be correct unless we had a better solution to answering where it’s going to be next another example but much simple a quantum computer is a probability machine that computes the same way our brain does but through numbers of 1 2 and 0 I can give the quantum computer a complex question and it will crunch both 1 2 and 0 at the same time rather then a regular computer doing 1 or 2 or 0 so the quantum computer will solve problems faster and more efficient because as it goes through the probabilities it learns faster of what is not the answer, so in both terms math cannot answer probability only let u lessen it for an educated guess because in this universe there are anomalies that can damn near break our foundations of understanding which has happened many many times throughout history right now our goal is to crack the string theory which is the frontier of quantum mechanics right now , and this is only to understand dimensions because if someone put a 4th dimensional box in front us we wouldn’t recognize it as a box but instead an ever changing shape bec were 3rd dimensional beings I’m sry for rambling but if we could access a 4th dimensional space or even create such a thing it would be ground breaking but I doint expect such things like this for 100s of thousands of years
5: Does Mike Wazowski Wink or Blink?
Linklgas Depends on context.
Jesus Christ its Jason Bourn
Linklgas Blink because u need two eyes to wink
He obviously blinks. He can't wink if he only has one eye.
Bluewolf 23 Damn you're simple
If you eliminate the scariest people, then mildly scary people become the scariest. This means jaywalkers and guys that grunt at planet fitness will be eligible for the death penalty.
Sal C good point.
Sal C of coarse it's all perception and comparison. this is why the concept of time seems to fly as we get older (more experienced) because we have many years to compare to
But nobody is scary on purpose. Murderers, rapists, and other assorted psycho/sociopaths most likely cannot control their urges or do not understand or care about the consequences.
Deni Zivcic making some assumptions there Deni. Alls I'm sayin is, when there are no bad guys, we become the bad guys.
Sal C thanks, i hadnt thought about this
sometimes i get paranoid and think people can read my mind
Hjalmar Selberg well they cant so you're good
reading minds is "normal"? our thoughts do not travel through the air. anyone who claims they can read minds is either a charlatan or mentally ill.
Brian Keith Jones well im not retarded its just a wierd feeling😑
There is this thing called ESP though, which is mindreading on the very base level of it.
there is this thing called referential thinking. it's linked to mental illness. if you're a pot smoker, try to lay off for a while and see how you operate.
Question 5. When a bald person washes their face, how far up do they go?
Up to where there hairline used to be of course. If they wash their bald head too much it can get flakey.
ok good thanks ive been asking myself for 2 months
What they said
Windows 10 lol
they stop at their forehead
Why are buildings called buildings when they are complete...?
you can't really call them completed since buildings still need work alot of times. whether someone messed up something in one, or had a stupid design flaw which makes being in that building uncomfortable. plus what would call them other than buildings?
tom stark It was meant to be a dumb question to go along with this dumb video but thanks for the answer I didn't expect one tbf.
Buildings are called buildings because its only logical that you would call something that is done being built or when your building something you would call it a building when your done with it and i guess when we created the word building it kind of stuck , so that's why we decided to call them that.
I understand and agree.
they could have done better, but I don't have the power to change that. So It doesn't matter I guess.
What's crazy is that when I was a kid I used to ask myself these questions w/o the use of an internet just pure boredom and thought...😂
yeah same.. in a certain way I kind of hate the internet I mean anytime some one wants to know something they just go look it up and read like one paragraph on wiki and think they know all about that subject lol They don't try to think about it themselves and figure it out or read books and stuff like that. But of course at the same time this is one of the reasons the internet is great because of easy access to info on basically anything.
jesus I still watched it until nº3 after I posted that comment for some reason, it's exactly how I feared.
Just Rodney I used to think when I was younger and in the bathroom.... what if in reality I'm in some lab strapped up to machines being studied and I'm totally peeing in front of everyone? Or worse....farting. *shudder*.
As a lucid dreamer for about 44 years I could tell you if I do not test myself by flying or conjuring up someone it is still impossible to tell the dream from reality.
Lawrence Fortune wow
I wouldn't know how to teach it. I am one of those who do it naturally. At the time and for decades i thought everyone did it. I am not even sure if it is good to do too often. Seems like my logical mind awakens and figures out that I am dreaming, and so it starts but the logical mind also needs sleep.
Brendan Warren do reality checks while you're awake so much that it becomes a habit. set an alarm to wake you up 4 to 5 hours after you go to sleep, after you wake up try to have the dream you were having before you woke up and you should become lucid after you fall asleep.
Brendan Warren that's how I had my first lucid dream
that's where you can control what you're doing and where you're half awake and half asleep right? because that's what happens to me. I can control what im doing perfectly and not know that it's not real until I wake up but when I wake up I feel like I was already awake
Think of dreams (or hallucinations) for a second. Your brain can create an entire believable reality(with people , world , things , emotions etc. ) every night , and while you dream you do not question its reality . So why is this reality now the real one ? How do we know it's not another one created by our mind ?
Dimka Lie or you're in dream world where there are people entering your subconscious lol
In many ways the dreamworld is more real than reality itself, and has limitless possibilities. It is where matter and reality are created. There is no anger or fear, nor death, just love and endless creativity.
Dimka Lie I have thought about this before. What if I'm not actually real? What is my whole life is a huge dream/illusion that my true self like an alien or something is having, and when you die, you don't die....you wake up.
Reality is a CRUTCH we use to escape the dream world.
We ARE our mind. We are a brain controlling a body basically.
I wish people would realize how stupid the phrase "questioning reality" is. Reality is defined as
"the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them."
Questioning reality, by definition, means you question things that, by definition, actually exist. That means, you're having a break from reality. You're being irrational and stupid. A much more appropriate way of saying this would be to question the nature of reality. This way what you're actually doing is asking yourself what constitutes reality, as opposed to being contrary to reality itself.
***** What you just did wasn't questioning reality but questioning the nature of it. You want to find out what is real and what is not. You're not questioning that which is by definition actually real. Once you've found out what is real, you do not question that which is by definition that which exists. You see?
+Junko Enoshima
So your reasoning essentially amounts to this: "Prove every facet of reality to me via comments or all of my arbitrary questions are valid"? The reason to believe reality exists is because objective rules exist. Every time you put your foot down it touches something. Things happen when you don't think about them. When you trace how they happened they all are interconnected perfectly because they all come from the same reality.
Deriving the idea of reality from THAT is not the same kind of "likelihood" as thinking "wow life is so complicated and I don't feel like studying any area of it for more than a week so therefore it must all be a figment of my imagination. I heard someone say that reality is a simulation made by aliens in order to keep us enslaved to their desires. Can't prove it isn't so it must be right!"
Condescending example aside, knowledge and consequently the knowledge of an objective reality is gained by INDUCTIVE reasoning based off of objective, demonstrable facts. It is NOT gained from DEDUCTIVE reasoning gained from arbitrary questions and ideas.
No matter what colors you or I see we are seeing the same THING. Our particular sensory organs may translate that data differently in our objective brains, but that doesn't change the reality "out there". Your subjective perception of what gravity means and how it operates does not change the calculations derived from objective evidence, and how they apply to your objective body and brain if you decide to walk off a cliff.
***** But that is even more nonsensical. Gravity works by the same principle everywhere in the universe.
***** You have no idea what you're talking about dude. Of course we can explain how these people survive. People surviving falls from a mile isn't something special as you reach your terminal velocity after a hundred meters or thereabouts. Landing in a tree, for example, can dampen your fall, landing in dirt can dampen your fall. There are a bunch of reasons that you can come up with that explain how you can survive a fall like that. There's nothing strange or supernatural or weird about it. The same thing goes for lightning strikes. If you're wearing a rubber coat or boots, you're more insulated, if you're wet your body's resistance becomes lower, lowering the damage done to your system. You are obviously talking about these things without knowing the first thing about them.
***** Dude, this is all complete nonsense. What could ever make you think that all that stuff can't be explained? Drunk drivers surviving a crash? That's easily explicable by the simple fact that alcohol widens your blood vessels, allowing for better blood supply to your body during a trauma. See? Just because you don't know something and can't explain something, doesn't mean everyone is as ignorant as you, doesn't mean reality itself is in question about things you don't understand. Read a book, dude.
yeah we could live in someone's car's battery
like a.....microverse?
Albert Dragan that reference tho
Well.... I already do...
please tell me we don't live is a sims game
wait...what if the programmers force people into suicide the same way people force game characters into suicide???
Roman Wolf Then where are my simolens?
I was looking for this comment!!!!!!!
But if we are all simulations then it is not in reality suicide as it is not an actual life being brought to an end
without Psychopaths how would we know what sanity is
That's deep, but technically psychopaths aren't insane.
Hammering Hank medal to you sir
Good saying!
What if they are the sane ones
Overthinking reality leads to drug usage..
Can confirm
I concur....and my name IS Greg
Very true!!!
But what leads back? I don't want to underthink. At this point underthinking would be a poor substitute compared to what I've known.
You would be suprised how many people will actually poke a sleeping bear......
Herne0011 I mean....I wouldn't NOT do it
David Burleson so you would do it? Wouldn't not doing it is a double negative, so that turns it into a positive
Id poke it in the ass out of curiosity, but id have to have a ride out of there as soon as it wakes
Paul Sack same
anyone white
We are all prisoners of our own perception. No exceptions. Everything in existence is all in your mind...
yup that's half of it.
True, but your perceptions of things are based of reality and the tangible context that is in front of you. Interpretation of those things changes from person to person based on their level of intellect.
Nothing is true, everything is permitted
we will all forever be prisoners within Platos cave; full understanding of our objective reality might forever be impossible to achieve. it is like looking into a mirror with a mirror placed directly behind, we will see only infinite numbers of reflections
"We are all prisoners of our own perception." So it is important how we deal with those bits of information we gather from the world we perceive around us. Part of that world is. however, other people talking to us and likely influencing our own perceptions and, consequently, making us think like they do .... ugh!
the brain named itself
I want to know who wrote the code for Pooping if this is a simulation.
Imagine sitting there for weeks programming and modeling pooping, or any other odd thing.
Mrcharrio most likely an AI made to program codes. Something we already have
Mrcharrio the gi tract along with the digestive enzymes are the reasom why poop is poop... we should focus on the creation of the schematic of the construct that emabled it possible. than analyze the template in which it was manifested. all the cells and chemical compounds are oriented based off of something and this something is or could be the programs creator
Mrcharrio God crafted poop and big black cocks. Yep, God loves big black cocks otherwise why make them?
Mrcharrio if a higher being created pooping, it's prob not disgusting to them because disgust is a human emotion
+michael cook
Going by this logic god loves everything then
What if aliens are just human being from the future??
that would be really spooky but cool at the same time
I couldn't think of a name or species evolved to fit there different environments such as space.
I heard they cannot procreate in some documentary. Now i know why... Everyone gets ugly AF. Nobody gunna go down on a girl looking like ET.
I couldn't think of a name
basically the show the 4400
haha needs lessons #sexfail
"Waiting for some scrub saying we are under the effects of infinite Tsukuyomi"
And the fruit from the chakra tree tastes like fish... hmmm..... I wonder why
now i´m back in reality
naruto lol
Archer Spectre
Whoa! We're under the effects of the Infinite Tsukuyomi......
Archer Spectre
Plus, the fact that you even kno what the IT is, counters your whole comment. lol
One question I always ask myself is if any of my ancestors owned any of my dog's ancestors
Omg tjats weird
almost certainly
Have you ever thought that maybe, you're one of the beta testers of this simulation in the future and your entire life has been a simulation and everyone you know was just an NPC? Then, once you die, you return to true life and you remember that this was just a simulation and you return to your everyday life completely not caring about those NPCS that you spent virtual years making relationships with?
Skyvel who would want to play a simulation of someone that stays home all day and plays video games
Skyvel haha yes right after watching this video.
You are playing too many video games :) We are on planet Earth,2017 and you are watching You Tube. Wake up,world continues to live in reality !:D
Actually, I only spend about 1 hour a week playing video games. Unless I'm at a party or something
U bitch
How can the universe be real, if our eyes aren't real?
What do you mean?
Kaiser Katto Young mustash is unreal 😂😂
well many animals don't have eyes...?
its a joke from a jaden smith tweet.
oh lol i was like ...? wat do u mean?!
'4 Dumb questions that will make you question ever watching this channel again'
"Reality. What does that word mean to you?" Already having me question reality in the first 7 seconds. Bravo.
Many of us died long ago and this is just a dream...
now i can't stop thinking about what you just said
Isn't life about creation and recreation. If you're dreaming than your creating.
I remember a woman who said she died on the operating table and later revived. While temporarily dead she said experienced the afterlife where three orbs made of light told her that she doesn't really exist. But my question is, wouldn't you have to exist in order to understand non-existence?
For me, conscientiousness is life shining light on the darkness that doubt provides.
phuk offndy we are all simulations the only real person is Greg.
hi I'm greg
What if we are really Aliens playing some virtual reality game and when we die, we wake up from our gaming pods?
I just tripped out watching this
I did too - couldn't completely finish it.
Kevin Rickman same. but that simulation thing i saw it on a tv show that has nothing to do with it like life (real o neals) and i questioned so many things
Can't say I understood any of this
A good thing that iam drunk right now :)
Kevin Rickman
I just tripped in watching this...
How am I alive, Every time I watch Strange Mysteries I could easily drop my phone onto my face causing a brain hemorrhage!
Marlar House xD
someone unknown shut the frick up pal
Nigel Farage OH COME ON!!!
Marlar House hi
@MegaMrblackguy ewwwww
Reality is an illusion. Nothing is real. I'm not even a bottle of lemonade bleach
Malik Josenius I would feel pain and die xD. Our brain thought it would be a good idea to feel pain because it would keep us away from dangers and suicide as much as possible. Regardless, I would die even without the sense of pain. Reality might be real but there are infinite realities so, you could be literally anything, even a bottle of bleach. You just enter another reality when you die... (Are you confused yet??)
Did you just like it yourself? :P
Are you part of my consiousness? :P
Malik Josenius yeah I liked my own comment lmao
But wait, illusion is reality. And what is my lemonade belch?
Todd Rickey A lemonade BELCH? That thing is not real in so many ways...
I need the cheat codes for life guys, I didn't get the memo on that so my life has been pretty shitty. Help me out
Easy E bro focus on the important stuff. let go of little shits. medication can help. be happy
Easy E bro left left right right b a start
Psychedelics my man. They're the closest thing to cheat codes out there in real life.
Easy E bro sell cocaine
Easy E bro you become what you think.
Life cheat code
so if our reality is just a simulation, then unexplained phenomenons are just glitches in the system. let's go find some glitches!
Fullforce reality cannot be perceived therefore it is not reality. "why is it?" is unquestionable. Live. Let it be so, Let It be not.
Robert Hipolito deja vu deja vu deja vu deja vu deja vu
0101Virus those are quick loads or respawns from the last save xD
Tony IS Burger interesting thought
Robert Hipolito If there were clues that we were living in a simulated world of some kind, deja vu would probably be a clue/glitch in the system, that's what my previous message implied lol
I always question reality
idk same
idk same
idk same I've already thought of everything said in this video before
TheBurkeMister ..me too!
There is no need to, and if the answer was a simulation and there's proof of it, trust me, you wouldn't want to know.
Sharks have been around longer than trees
Really, i doubt that.
Think again
And your brain has been around longer than this comment, and yet here it is.
cognitive biases = mandela effect
Virginia Slim thank you
Phyop = Psyop (with a lisp)
Mandela effect is the dumbest things heard of since flat earth theory.
lol. yup.
What if our lives are just a movie , and after you die it goes to theaters
Or are we just dreaming our lives
I have these dreams where i know i was dreaming but the people in my dream were telling me i was crazy and trying to convince me that the dream was the real world and everything i was telling them was just some figment of my imagination. Then i would wake up and stare in the mirror for 20 min trying to readjust back to this reality its just to fucking weird.
I should prolly go see a doctor huh....
Not possible, because infinity cannot exist. If the people in your "theaters" awake after the movie, then they too at some point will die and that will be another movie, and another, and another.
NoClueBlue Inifinity is above human life and Human perception... yes everyone dies, yet thus far the universe as a whole is infinite.. we die, our bodies rot, feed soil, feed plants and the cycle continues... it is energy that is transferred and infitite not the temporary incarnation of said energy.
Damn, I'm glad it's a snow day... I think I need to go lie down.
donny dutchmen Missouri, USA.
The Answer is So Clear!
For the first question raised (Question 4) "Who are you?" with subsequent follow-up questions: "What are the most desirable personality traits?" and, "Where is the cutoff point between a good and bad personality?"
Luckily I just read the section in the book 'Psycho-Cybernetics' that is relevant to this topic on my way home right before watching this video. Maxwell Maltz highlights this very clearly and straightforward in Ch. 11 'How to Unlock Your Real Personality'. He goes on to talk about how "Everyone has personality locked up within him" and that, "When we say that a person 'has a good personality' (i.e. what this video might consider a good personality trait) what we really mean is that he has freed and released the creative potential within him and is able to express his real self".
He talks about how all the 'bad personality traits' are just result of inhibiting one's true expression of themselves.. saying, "The inhibited personality has imposed reestraint upon the expression of the real self. For one reason or another he is afraid to express himself, afraid to be himself , and has locked up his real self within an inner prison."
So in conclusion.. The goal of an 'ideal society' would be to help individuals remove the factors which cause them to have an inhibited personality, a personality that departs from the 'real self', thus aiding in authentic, uninhibited expression of their real selves. Even simpler: remove the distortions and your left with purity, whichever form that purity may take in the individual person.
Sorry if that was too wordy ... my thoughts are all over the place.
What is Reality, you ask? Vibrations. The End.
New-age nonsense.
New age nonsense... I am afraid you do not understand what the objects you look at and interact with are doing on a quantum level. They are vibrating.
Yea well, matter is real. and they don't have to vibrate.
Nice b8 tryhard, real edgey stuff there.
aha vibrate ????? your exitement and wanting to find some exitement is reality,thats what you gona look for,,after you realize the reality and vibrations is nothing in the first place
matrix confirmed, I can't wait to get my own shades, trench coat and kung fu.
if we live in virtual reality then someone please edit my crush she has me in the friendzone state i think its a virus to the system
jonathan andersen lol
jonathan andersen same
hack the system and do it yourself!!!
lol, had it going good until accidentally slipped in "too much affection," on this end here
don't hack the system, hack the girl!
this channel is a gold mine for those of us with OCD. you just gave me 13 minutes of knowledge to analyze during my next three-hour wait in the doctor's office. Did anyone else with OCD subscribe after watching this video?
okay that's it I'm calling in Rick and Morty
Enidan Projects I'm dead
Enidan Projects it's January Michael down you're Vincents
work, bills, eat, sleep...do again and again and again. thank God for a family and dog to come home to....
add vacations, going out, have fun man
You got it!
Gregor the Great Trump 2016 Think of the repetitive nature you spoke of as a small portion of the bigger reality of truth. After you die, you will work your way toward a different reality...a reality of truth.
This is like a million questions, not just four
No, it's only for. They're just really deep questions with more to them; it makes you think.
Dude literally asked like 100 different questions in the first 5 minutes
jacob deaver They add to the first question.
Welcome to Philosophy
thats literally what he is saying. Aren't those questions asked about the initial question, not questions?
"The who's flickering the lights?"
Young Mindd true
We all know its nosforratue
Who are you?
That's a silly question. I'm me, of course!
Flowey the Few ..I'm a humam
Flowey the Few stardust
a police officer haha
are you who you are?
Flowey the Few Unless...
Would a false reality really be that bad? Why should it matter if we are living in a real world or a synthetic one? The brain doesn't care, nor does whatever reality we exist in. Our reality is just that... reality.
Our memories are reality, you mean?
Good point :) What does it matter ? and how can a reality we live in be false ? Then there should be a reality that was stolen from us and replaced with a ehhhhh another reality that then would be the new real reality. The question and answer dynamic is blubber
The point I'm trying to make is that, what if you never knew? The mind could not tell the difference. Ignorance of our true reality is literally reality itself, ignorance is bliss.
Nobody said it matter in any way. Still interesting to think about it.
title should be more like..."Top 5 Things You Consistently Think about while Stone!"
RivalUS XD Proper spelling and grammar should be one of those things.
GameGeeks go to hell
Also counting!
Exactly This
*I AM*
*S T O N E*
Love this one! We are so complex, most have no idea how much control you CAN have over who YOU are as well as your offspring! I believe the REAL YOU is "the best you can be", so eating real food, not all the crap we have slowly morphed to call "food", physical activity which does not have to be the gym version. Mind & Body ARE dependent on each other and do affect the other...not just a "la la land" truth? Unfortunately most people have no idea what is IN thier body! Most doctors are CLUELESS and have been slowly damaging us severely!
Just waking up in the morning makes me question reality
Very good video, if we question reality and attempt to define it, reality seems to become harder to understand.
I disagree with your evaluation, for exactly the reason you state. The exercise is pointless.
is no such thing.nature..exitement thats it
especially when science states we are 99.9999% empty space..
1greenMitsi more than that
DaZeD Merlin Ha! I used to call that a Saturday night.
"Is there even such a thing as a real you?"
Me: *shook*
What I see is what I see.
What I feel is what I feel.
What I think is what I think.
What I do is what I do.
I hate when people overcomplicate things. This mostly applies to art and music, but also sometimes things like this.
I think, therefore, I am.
phoenix21studios Descartes
So Descartes goes to his favourite bistro for lunch and when he asks the waiter for his recommendation for the day, the waiter replies "You might like the fish, monsieur."
Descartes replies "I think not."...and promptly disappears.
phoenix21studios Zenyatta.
I am, therefore, I think*
I, think therefore, I am.
I think you mean, "Without psychopaths where would Wall Street and Business be?"
Read the surveys and studies.
Oni Raptor I'm gonna look that up.
no empathy, no problems stepping on people.
Or politics were would they be?
I asked myself those questions everyday since I first grew a conscious.
"it could be just a bunch of cats taped together in there for all we know"
That was a whole bunch more than 4 questions.
i may be chemically imbalanced but i know for a fact that you are holding Nathan hostage #FreeNathan
Cosmic Crybaby Nathan, your secret identity has been discovered at last! Time for a new mask and cape! 👍🙀
Strange Mysteries lol, i never expected to get a response from the man himself.
Strange Mysteries Yes, but do you have a deep, sexy voice like warm chocolate oozing over caramel? I think not! You are therefore invisible 😜
godzilla martin 1
I asked myself how i exist as an individual when i was 16, and freaked myself out!...OY!
I asked myself this at 12 and destroyed my ego and gained confidence
Wdym by that? Like your the only real one and everything else is not real? If so I think that all the time
who you are is who you allways were since the moment you were born.... what people think is you is your ego... try one day and figure out who you are without thinking about it or using any info you learned since the day you were born and you will know who you are! (it's spontanious thought..who is the you who gives you the thoughts you have?) and when you learn to tap into that then all problems you have will seem like a chore that has drained your strength because you focus on them! think about it for a second... how do you feel when that nagging problem you had was either fixed or just forgotten it? i feel great like a burden had been lifted and i can say once i let go of the problem it was like a sharp needle that was taken out of my brain (short sharp but bearable pain) and after i felt awesome and even my body felt lighter (it is a lasting effect of wellness)
This is not helping my depersionalization
Rusty Blade lol
I understand what you're saying :)
reality is different for each individual...I have often wondered if other people see colors the same way I do..does red look like the same color to you as it does to me? there's really no absolute way of knowing....
kelly Ingram ssssshhhhh
Adolf Lothbrok ...Glad to know that I am not the only one...My red might be your green...But bc we always were taught it to be"red", that's the name we identify for that shade. And ABSOLUTELY, same with smells... And tastes..So many different components of our lives, are given to conception..How do we know the TRUE one?
I stress myself all the time with that thought. you're definitely not the only one. It's actually kinda scary if you think about it deeply for a while
***** agreed
Elder says we are nothing more then beings in some aliens car battery who's existence powers its vehicle
nativeamerican1231 And look at us building another mini universe in computers... Oh-
Hahahahah I love that fucking show I wish 3rd season would hurry up
Rick and Morty
I think your elder ment the aliens toilet
"Has anyone ever even seen the inside of a SpaceX rocket, or Tesla car? Could just be a bunch of cats taped together in there for all we know!" I fucking died.
am i the only one that cant wait to die and meet god and ask all of these and other bizzare question or conspiracies. imagin all the reliefs
Generic Asian or satan, who knows
Generic Asian can you ask God why he gives children cancer?
michael cook Nature.
Ryan Jack thanks god...
ha good luck
"there's that gay hurricane thing again" best part of the video
That was the gayest thing in the video
Try watching this then going into work the next day and explaining it to people without getting that "this one has lost the plot look".
This guy is going to make me spend 2 dollars a month. Ive been bing watching this channel for 3 hours. His voice is so soothing alone. and I learned so much.
What if this life is a dream and when we die we wake up? In dreams you wake up when you die, most of the time. Like when you dream you are falling, and wake up right before hitting the ground. I speak from my own experience, of course. I know it might be different for you.
I've hit the ground before in my dreams.
Darklight gaming, I speak from my own experience of course. How did that work though? Are you saying you experienced death in a dream, and were still around to dream after you died in it?
If you're saying you felt yourself hitting the ground and felt the pain of hitting it, and then woke up, that is basically what I'm saying. You wake up when you die. Really makes no difference if you actually experience the pain of death and wake up after, or you wake up before it. You wake up at the moment of death. Same thing.
my comments are gone.
"What if this life is a nightmare and when we ..."
What if air is really water and water is really air? What if your thoughts are actually code in an aliens program? What if every letter you type is actually you stabbing someone in a parallel universe???
I don't know. But since those questions and the reasoning that follows them are all completely arbitrary and don't stem logically from any demonstrable facts... I wouldn't put money on them being true. There are theories that stem from facts and demonstrable evidence. And then there are ungrounded, vague ideas created in a vacuum in someone's mind.
Question: Could Chuck Norris be the center of the universe??
dev4911 wtf 😂😂 i think tf not bruhh
dev4911- No...but it was Chuck Norris' roundhouse kick that got it all moving in the first place. And, there you have it.
would this video make Chuck question his reality?
on the contrary, reality is the question, and Chuck Norris its answer 😂😂
So after the Big Bang came the Big Kick, courtesy of Chuck Norris. Einstein should have figured it out😂 The Cosmic Kick that got it all moving...😂😂
What If Our Dreams Were A Past Vision Of Our Previous Lives 🤔.. (Marijuana Helps)
Haseeb Khan keep puffing and keep loosing brain cells bud
Andrew Zoo pfft.... 1 Year 3 Months Clean Cold Turkey 😊 "Bud". So Go Keyboard War Somewhere Else lol 😂😂😂
Haseeb Khan good for you man :)
Haseeb Khan I agree
Do some fucking research before you try and state facts which ain't true. Marijuana is one of, if not the best materials/medicine on this planet.
"Are we the play things of a superior race? Have they seen and influenced all the weird stuff I've been doing when I thought nobody was watching" 😂 Oh snap!
"I believe we all share the same consciousness. We literally all are the consciousness, and everything is.
I believe we all are connected. Like a metaphor, everything is like one huge brain, and we all are that one brain.
I think we are all one, and each what is called individuals are 'split personalities" of the one. Truth appears to be
stranger than fiction. Lol" - Shanon Sandquist
Glad I'm not the only one but my hypothesis was or is we are the singularity that caused the big bang we are the stars the planets the universe each other the grass the lions the dolphins we are all each other because we started in a glorious bang that sent our story moving to where we are now.
If im not real, who do i call when my wife is beaten unconscious?
What are you doing here
Wtf eminem is that you 🐕
Nothing spell REALITY like a dirty diaper, a phone bill, an empty wallet, a hungry stomach, a cold rainy day.
I kind of think all of our subconciouses are connected somehow, all of our minds together thought together this world and it's just a dream.
Lodith, wait for the tooth age and then ask again:-P
great. loved the child abuse.
Lodth I think this too. Kinda explains why similar movies with similar story lines come out around the same time. There's a base religion that believes we once used to all be connected through our minds. We didn't use languages we just communicated telepathically. We have forgotten or maybe something divided us completely. But there are still traces of this left over.
there is no reality, this is just a dream there is no me and you just one dreamer that imagine all of us in his dream. we all one
Lodth Inception pretty much
The Matrix is more insightful than this.
Narrator says: Not really....just has more pictures to follow along to.
it's just cooler and more of an entertaining story in general.
God is objective reality. Humans are spirits living in material bodies. Humans are the action of God in a material body.
InoshiKenshi, it's self refuting to deny the existence of objective reality. Would you say I'm "objectively wrong"? But wouldn't that affirm the existence of objective reality?
So I'm objectively wrong even though there is no objective reality? Come again?
You know what's funny, is that Christians, Muslims, and Buddhists all WANT to help people, but atheists get offended... look, they aren't trying to shove their religion down your throat, their trying to HELP you. No matter if you want to believe that or not, that's whats happening.
There are extremists everywhere, even in atheism. I guess we wont 100% know the truth until we die. If we keep this division going, we might as well be dead right now.
Glorified confirmation bias
God is completely and utterly your subjective reality, in the jar of your head. As far from objective as you can get..SUPER natural, no objective evidence whatsoever.
Your god is as real and objective as the god that is my bar of soap. Why? because I say the soap is god, and that is all both you and I have, say so.
My reality is true because it's based off critical thinking and objectivism. I don't consider my emotions 99% of the time. I think as consistently as possible and I've virulent about the biases I form. For me logic should work like a puzzle. Every piece should fit together perfectly. If a new idea that seems to make perfect since doesn't fit then it's time to reevaluate my core beliefs until the puzzle is reformed once again. This isn't to say I'm never Illogical. Sometime my emotions get the better of me. It's possible I could be completely illogical on an idea, and I haven't even considered it. But I think I pay more attention to my internal consistency than most people, and I place allot of value on the truth and consistency.
Exactly 50,000 views.
Reality is a fabrication...
25 minutes later it's still exactly 50,000 views
I saw that too :o 3 spooky 5 me
decepticonmaster1 50,000 views used to live here....
Now it's a ghost video.
Ghostofthe Mojave If i touch them I'll probably get STDs
And 50 likes
MinisculeX Good idea
how do you know you will go to heaven and not hell ?
BC Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior
phuk offndy fucking idiot
phuk offndy But jesus christ doesnt exist. So...its a waste of brain space.
How come I'm here listing watching this vid while I don't know who you are and never even met you and you don't know me or even met in real life and we'll never know each other or those billions of people will watch your video after you and I died . Are we truly human beings ???
Maybe we are the sum of events happening as a result of our existence.
Your true personality is the one you feel comfortable to show because even though you have all of this, you have it due to the fact of the comfort you brain adopts to your personality grow into that. Meaning the real you is the one you choose to be.
It is what it is. Reality is what is true. Truth is what is despite what we believe.
How real is that?
No, reality is fact. Period!!
Isn't that what i said, in so many words?
What makes you so sure Reality even exists? How can you know what is true?
The same way i know you just asked this question. If you cut yourself you will bleed. I know this without out cutting yourself.
Will you bleed? Is blood real? Have you ever died of blood loss yourself or have you just been told it would happen? (I imagine you have bled before, most people have)
What if you only bleed because you believe so strongly that you will? You'd never know because you wouldn't be able to convince yourself otherwise.
(I feel my comment sounds a bit like I'm having a go, but I just wanted to further thoughts about reality lol)
For #2 the reason is God. God is the reason why we all are here.
PackHunter117 God is not real.
God is perceived differently in everyone's eyes. To one, God might be nonexistent, but I feel as though the terms "God" or "higher power" can refer to even what Elon Musk suggested in regards to living in a simulation of some kind- it's just the idea that something far more powerful set our universe into motion. Whatever "God" is, we may never know, but I find it a lot harder to wrap my mind around a universe that happened entirely on coincidence and chance. Idk, just my two cents. :)
Justin Lassiter God has interacted with humanity many times before. He chose Abraham to come out of Babylon and create the Jewish nation. Among many other examples.
PackHunter117 You're pathetic.
PackHunter117 Religion is wasted time. Imagine we could do i we used less time on mumbo jumbo. We would have been to mars in like 2010!
0:29 any one else sees the hidden face?
thats nathan.. the admin of strange mysteries
"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." ~Voltaire
My life is real because I have epilepsy
if this is a game, i sure hope there are mods
Uh oh, I feel en existential crisis coming on...
I think about these questions everyday,
my brain is still intact thank you
this gives me an existential crisis... :/
Vladimir Putin lmao
Benji wtf
Benji wtf
Signe Strindberg you do not exist
+Benji I apologize for my bad behavior. Let's be friends again ok?
Long ass rambling text ahead...
I think of these daily. I thought of the simulation one as far back as 20 years ago when I was only 7. Figured we were just some entertainment for some higher level creatures that are smarter than us. That idea still sticks with me to this day. The idea is stronger than ever before in my mind due to me seeing things beyond the normal realm. Higher perception. The "3rd eye" if you will. I see things others can not. I detect things that are "not" there. I see the inconsistencies in our reality. I can see the faults in the base core of what we believe to be real. Are we even real? Do we really have mass? Or are we just algorithms on advanced computers. Digital life forms in a digital world. If we are just a digital universe then mine as well as plenty more like me who see the glitches in the world can understand why. We can see the source code and apply it to our personal code to alter how we see and understand the world we live in. We do not do this intentionally. It just happens. Sure many of us train ourselves to open that 3rd eye for more perception and all that. In the end those of us who can see beyond the borders of our reality also put us in danger. There will come a point where if this is all in fact just simulations then we will see to far out and find our makers. Should that happen we risk their little project being shut down and thus we all either die or go into suspension until reactivated again. Perhaps this has happened many times and we have been rewound several times when our understanding gets too far. Ever get the feeling that you have memories that are wrong based on history? Take for instance the recent Berenstein vs Berenstain debate. I was one who always remembered it being "stein" and not "stain". Perhaps we are or were right and our timeline got rewound a bit to change a few key points. One change being the E to an A in Berenstain. Now typically all memories would update to match the historical change. That's the idea anyways. How about those of us with our higher perception vision and senses? Those of us who can partially control the source code? Seems we few are not always affected by coding changes done to the reality we exist in. Our memories are not always updated to match the changes made to the timeline.
There is much we do not understand. That is just my ramblings of how we might exist within a simulation. Am I right or do I look like one of those crazy nutters always talking about the end of the world? How do we know they are insane nutters? How do we know they are wrong? Perhaps they can fully see things for what they are but lose some of their tune with our reality in the process making them look insane when really they may just be on a different plane of existence and they cannot communicate with us too well. They may be on the same level as the creators of our little reality and can see what goes on in their existence plane. We have no idea. Do not just automatically assume things that are abnormal are broken. Perhaps many of the crazies are not really crazy. Open your eyes. Look beyond what you can see. Find the source code and grab onto it hard. Use it to see what is really going on. See how 2+2 does not really equal to 4 all the time. Look deeper. Activate higher perception. See more. Perceive more. Open your "3rd eye". Your life will be better for it once you see the truth or even part of the truth.
Let us see beyond what is there. Perhaps one day we will see the core of our reality and fully understand what is going on then. We will find the truth and it will be shocking.
Sonicdude10 you are my hero man everything you said make sense to me i can relate to it word for word.
Glad there are those who understand this deep level stuff. Welcome to the next level.
Give me proof how I'm wrong. I never said any of this is factual. All I said is beliefs. Beliefs based on what I see. You cannot call it wrong. You cannot rightfully call an idea wrong without providing cold hard facts stating how it is wrong. Where are your facts to back up what I said as being wrong? Where are your facts that say I'm messed up and need to get help? You have none. You just don't like what I said and thus responded in a shitty way. Now think about your response and how rude it was. Think hard and maybe you will see the difference between right and wrong. If you cannot see where you done fucked up then you are a lost cause. Yes, I am getting rude and basically being a hypocrite against what I just said but in this case it is deserved. You do not know me thus you cannot rightfully say I need help. Now stop and think bout this. Have a nice day. Peace.
Everything is impermanent.... : ) isn't it fun?
Any habit can be untaught, any behavior can be learned. Literally anything I've ever known was taught to me. Sounds obvious but it's kind of mind-blowing. This means that the person you want to be can be created.
it also makes you think about the fact that if we could be born again where what time of era and who we want to be we could be all at once due to the fact you could be born a lady marry a guy have a kid die and be born in the sane era and place again but instead of being the lady, this time being the guy and marry your own self and vice versa.
Gerald Prandy how can u marry urself if ur dead?
when you love yourself so much that out of all the billions of ppl in the world you pick yourself to marry lol
I took a dump while watching this.
Actually, nothing is random. Put simply, it's math on a grand scale.
Space Lion ur def not understanding life at all 1 the universe is just random probability anything could happen with no purpose , life is constantly being created at random with no correlation of a reason to create , this planet can be destroyed by any stray asteroid for no reason but we lessen the probability by looking ahead and planning ,humans are no more important then the sand on the ground and for this reason we try and find reasons we are special of which we are not if we were I’m sure the human race wouldn’t be as stupid to divide themselves and war with each other over stupid ideas of greed and religion but instead work towards the betterment of the human race not try and stall advancements to continue making money like most industries , the funding of the United States is all in war not science and we could easily fund and advance our sciences by hundreds of years with the funding we could create but thts not in the interest of the USA that’s not where the money is made its war
There's randomness in math. Like probability theory
Nick Ellis then that makes ur statement become a contradiction when u say nothing is random but say probability of which is a math that explains randomness and luck but probability is not 100 percent an answer in math form there just possibilities that could be for example matter can be in ur left hand the next sec in ur right in the next second across the universe the next second both in ur left and in ur right hand the next it can be destroyed by anti matter the next it can both be in ur left or in ur right or-across the galaxy at the same time matter is this free moving and is not bound by physical movements probability wants to make a pattern to explain it but the outcome is too numerous to be correct unless we had a better solution to answering where it’s going to be next another example but much simple a quantum computer is a probability machine that computes the same way our brain does but through numbers of 1 2 and 0 I can give the quantum computer a complex question and it will crunch both 1 2 and 0 at the same time rather then a regular computer doing 1 or 2 or 0 so the quantum computer will solve problems faster and more efficient because as it goes through the probabilities it learns faster of what is not the answer, so in both terms math cannot answer probability only let u lessen it for an educated guess because in this universe there are anomalies that can damn near break our foundations of understanding which has happened many many times throughout history right now our goal is to crack the string theory which is the frontier of quantum mechanics right now , and this is only to understand dimensions because if someone put a 4th dimensional box in front us we wouldn’t recognize it as a box but instead an ever changing shape bec were 3rd dimensional beings I’m sry for rambling but if we could access a 4th dimensional space or even create such a thing it would be ground breaking but I doint expect such things like this for 100s of thousands of years
I see you aren't a math major
Bobby Richardson just because you've watched some Internet videos doesn't make you understand quantum mechanics (huge simplifications) or mathematics.
This page has shook me to my very core. 11/10, would watch again