Could change your life - stages to look out for in your audio journey

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2024
  • Audio Club Monday, looking deep into audio and audiophiles.
    Goal setting and progress.
    About time for a TH-cam title that truly embraces the platform's legendary traditions - you know, the clickbait, the outrage, and that irresistible blend of contentless, yet wildly popular dipshittery. Brace yourself for an opening shot that's as disconnected from content as it gets! Surprise - surprise, find ACTUAL HELPFUL CONTENT that will take you to the next chapter in you audiophile journey. ENJOY! 🚀
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    Greetings, János

ความคิดเห็น • 6

  • @frankgeeraerts6243
    @frankgeeraerts6243 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    HI Janos ....
    HOW BAD IS BAD ..?
    Well in the nineties I was visiting the hifi show in Paris.............passing one next room I was intrigued by what I exoerienced as a bad demo.......the sound was not good by curiosity I entered the room to confirm my first impression and I left less than a minute later.....
    Now next comes the funny thing .........A year later I bought the damned thing called a Loudspeaker that was in demo in Paris !
    This bad experience of bad sound was quite different .....I was somewhat astonishd by the feeling the speaker was only reproducing something not up to the level of it's potential...and My feeling was right .............rubisk in equals rubish out me a speaker capable of reproducing a bad sounding old transtistot pocket radio the way you believe it is such a tiny shouting little radio is a GOOD speaker.
    Later on I saw Jean Hirga using the same speaker to demonstrate his home made brand amplifiers ..hahaha...
    I still use them ...and others .
    Have a nice day Janos and all .....

    • @realworldaudio
      @realworldaudio  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Frank, thank you for sharing. That is the sort of experience people are looking for, and what comes from understanding, going beyond simplistic knowing. Indeed, people tend to jump into conclusion when hearing a system, and hearing weaknesses, the loudspeaker gets blamed for a whole lot of difficulties where the blame lies on the amplifier. A lot of amplifiers sound better than they should because the speakers cover their dark / nasty side, and mating them with a balanced revealing speaker will result in a lot of roughness and lack of culture. Jean Hiraga cut through all of the nonsense. I wish more people (manufacturers ; ) learned from him.

  • @Patraquashe
    @Patraquashe 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Interesting thoughts and definitely some parts I need to reflect on a bit more.
    Tangentially related or at least food for thought: Today I put on one of my favorite synthwave albums on my turntable. I've listened to the record dozens of times over the past year both with my old Zingali speakers and with my current Blumenhofer speakers. I've enjoyed it thoroughly every time I've put the album on; singing along, tapping my feet, drumming with my hands, fully immersed in the music, evoking feelings of nostalgia about more innocent times in the past... but today it felt different.
    Last weekend I decided to try changing the small floor protectors for the speaker feet for a set of my own home-made feet with more damping material on them (an aluminium puck with a thick, special damped rubber mat under). The original floor protectors are just stamped stainless coins with a hole in the middle a bit of felt on them to protect the floor. I've been quite pleased with the way everything sounded so far with my DIY floor protectors and have played a dozen different records and genres since the change last weekend, but when listening to this record - the magic was just gone. I'm going to change back the feet to the stock ones tomorrow and re-evaluate, but I suspect my gut feeling here is right - there is some resonance or harmonic that is killed by the new feet and my ears don't like it, which might sound crazy to a purist.
    A question for you Janos and I'm interested to hear what you might think. I've told this to a few other friends and HiFi-enthusiasts and asked their thoughts I haven't gotten much feedback or people agreeing with me. Anyway, my question:
    I've been to a few demo days at HiFi stores and exhibitions / expo's lately and obviously, I can't help but compare the systems to what I have myself at home. For some reason, many systems I've listened to have left me with a feeling of wrongness that I really couldn't put my finger on at first. These are all systems in the $50k-100k price range and above with first rate components by all accounts (YG Acoustics, Piega, Vinnie Rossi, SOtM, Moon Audio, Luxman, etc.). Each time I've come home from one of these demo sessions I've tried to identify what I like but especially what I don't like. After thinking about it for a while, the only conclusion I've been able to come up with and the only common denominator between this feeling of "wrongness" has been that the systems in question have had digital / streaming as its source. To me, the "wrongness" I feel is very much psycho-acoustic in nature. My own system is fully analog with just a turntable + tube amplification. It's not that the bass is flabby, that there is a screaming tweeter or a muddy midrange or anything like that. All systems have fantastic impact and presentation, but there is just something missing. Is my preference for the uniqueness of vinyl just that strong so everything else sounds wrong, or is this a feeling other people have as well?

    • @realworldaudio
      @realworldaudio  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you Viktor for your superb comment! The video answer (to the feet dampening) will be the upcoming Audio Club Monday session, already done, uploading now! ; ) Cheers, Janos

  • @gerihifi
    @gerihifi 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Well, well said and appreciate you bring that up so many times, as highly, highly underestimated in Hifi-Nirvana!! It is very hard to move away from chasing gear, because so much great stuff out there and with the overhyped hifi/audiophile hype, many of us get into this hamster wheel. Look even on the great DIY YT'er...also chasing... I've now 3 complete different hifi chains and all of them I love/adore in their own way, but still I keep optimizing 😊
    Keep going, your german student;-)

  • @R0W57
    @R0W57 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Hi Janos,…my „ shoes“ led me on the path to Tube Amps and Single Drivers. To ma understanding, that is the Sound, that come from silence. Thank You for Sharing this Video.🌞🙏🏻