ANALOGUE VS DIGITAL - My deep dive!!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2024
  • About time for a TH-cam title that truly embraces the platform's legendary traditions - you know, the clickbait, the outrage, and that irresistible blend of contentless, yet wildly popular dipshittery. Brace yourself for an opening shot that's as disconnected from content as it gets! Surprise - surprise, find ACTUAL HELPFUL CONTENT that will take you to the next chapter in you audiophile journey. ENJOY! 🚀
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    Greetings, János

ความคิดเห็น • 28

  • @NickP333
    @NickP333 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Janos, this was an especially wonderful video. You hit so many things right on the head. Even though our grandparents grew up in different countries on different continents, they had more in common than not. How great would it have been if we could have listened to a conversation with our grandfathers, who were both of course two very brilliant minds.
    Today’s “entertainment” is unfortunately all about those quick dopamine hits via vids under a minute, and at the risk of sounding like an old fart already before the age of 50, I honestly worry when I hear about younger people’s greatest goal in life is, “to be a famous celebrity”. No joke. There was a study my father told me about where a bothersome amount of people want fame? For all the positive aspects social media can give us, it seems to do much more harm than good. Maybe I’m really truly out of touch, but that’s alright with me.
    I’ll stop there before I say something I might regret, but I think we’re on the same page in looking for deeper experiences out of life, music, art, etc.
    Edit: I forgot to mention the love we have for our lions, and making sure their lives are truly happy and full of love. 🐱🐱🎶💜

  • @gerihifi
    @gerihifi 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I wish many, many todays music listener would watch your video!! So well put together and 100% agree, EVERY century had his type of music and of course complete different access to music! We are all (including myself) way too much focus on critical listening and this DISTRACTS us too much! I hate the discussions between analogue/digital!! Based on my mood, I sometimes love CD on my simple full range La Grande and on the next day I need full details on my highend chain... its all about HOW someone has acces to music! I think, most people are not able anymore to relax to music for longer than 2-3 Songs, without looking on their Smartphones and this kills immediatelly the enjoyment of Sound...

  • @Patraquashe
    @Patraquashe 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I'm not that well-versed in this topic talking about brainwaves and whatnot but this rings true. I posted a reply in your last video where I explained that I always get a sense of "wrongness" listening to digital source material, even on very expensive systems ($100k+). I explained this to my boss at work who is also somewhat of an audiophile but he didn't agree with me at all, but he is less into vinyl / analog.
    My own system is completely analog and I rarely listen to digital music because I typically want to unplug from any phone or tablet usage when I listen. The less distractions I have, the more I can focus on enjoying the music. I sometimes argue that while tubes bring with them their colorations and harmonies, at least they produce a "real" sine wave signal with both current and voltage while a digital circuit uses some variation of pulse-width modulation, frequency conversion, rectifiers and inverters to get its "simulated" sine waves. I can't say that this is what my ears react to when I feel this "wrongness", or if it is just the different formats and eras of music that play a part.
    Either way, interesting discussion.

    • @realworldaudio
      @realworldaudio  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you Viktor! I saw your previous post, and I will to make a video in reply. Your observations are right on the mark! Cheers, Janos

    • @Patraquashe
      @Patraquashe 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@realworldaudio Thanks for taking your time! I'll look forward to your thoughts on it!

  • @hugobloemers4425
    @hugobloemers4425 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I wonder if we could ever go back to those early recordings. If you conciser for instance Octave records, which is an admirable quest of Paul to make high quality recordings. But these recordings use 14 microphones to capture one piano and are indeed created in the digital domain. So everything is geared towards critical listening. I have always disliked audiophile music with some rare exceptions. I think this video has perhaps put under words why that is so. Audiophile music, as we know it, causes stress because the definition of stress is that all human sensors are turned on for a prolonged time. So listening to audiophile music literally becomes a chore. This is also why audiophiles can burn out. If you go mainstream, modern music could possibly be compared with Tik-Tok where as on the opposite side of the scale, the very early recordings can be compared with an oil painting. If you ever looked at a great oil painting and have seen both the original and an image of that on a high resolution monitor, perhaps that explains what Janos means by digitalizing old music fails to capture it.

    • @realworldaudio
      @realworldaudio  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Such a superb analogy with the old oil paintings. Modern photos capture the surface thoroughly, yet fail to capture the essence. The old oil paintings might look crude in comparison, not nearly as good with presenting the surface, but they capture the essence. I never forget seeing the Dutch masters paintings in the Netherlands in the Rijks museum. There was Rembrandts life size paining of the merchants in the entrance. The people in the portait had more life in their eyes than most people looking at them. It felt like it's not me watching the painting, but there are living beings on the canvas studying me. I feel that paintings of that kind were created with a purpose, a heightened state of awareness. And the artist was capable of transferring that state of awareness to the onlooker. I think that's why we, as a species appreciate art. So sad that the general knowledge tells us that all there is to an oil paining is the money they are asking for it, otherwise a good photo of a similar subject is better in every ways....

  • @stephanel.4555
    @stephanel.4555 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Interesting perspective, but maybe this is still an audiophile perspective? Those who have no interest in technology may have the capacity to feel the same deep connection regardless of the format/systems? As for recording periods, listen to Duke Ellington, who recorded from 1924 to 1974 - different, of course, but also in many ways the same :) The format is just the medium.

    • @frankgeeraerts6243
      @frankgeeraerts6243 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      The formats ( analog /digtal recordings ) are different is the listening experience...
      The comparison of digital witjh analog is a non isssue !
      Digital audio is a technique of processing sound ,.... coding, storage and decoding back to what should be analog by its very nature .........the current audiophile believe that digital processing makes analog better not only an illusion but also an impossibility .......
      From the most expensive and best digital audio processers one can only say that they come " closer " to analog !
      Is analog cured from imperfections ?..........NO, but it's not infected by digital processing.....
      Processing NEVER makes the original better ( or healthier )
      The questionnshould not even exist because sound and digital processing are two very different things .
      The mindset of this era makes it very different to understand and accept those facts

    • @realworldaudio
      @realworldaudio  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Thank you Stephane! I think that everyone has the capacity to feel music deeply, connect deeply. When most people have such experience, they find it fascinating and they move on, forget about it. Music lovers get fascinated by it, and want more experiences like that. Depending on circumstances they go either in the direction of "audiophile" or they just focus on the music. People who focus on the music alone have been the ones who have no access to higher level gear. I have several such friends. And when they listened to their favorite music on my system, they cried, or were ecstatic with joy. I think we all benefit from a more capable audio gear. Duke Ellington 👏

    • @realworldaudio
      @realworldaudio  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@frankgeeraerts6243Frank you said it all! To me digital & analog are like watching a human body. Analogue is like watching a sleeping person. There are imperfections. The chest is rising, there are occasional tremors in the hand, the person might mumble in her/his sleep. Digital is like watching a corpse. Perfect stillness, no sounds, no tremors... no life either. To me digital feels that it does not breathe, There is a feeling of immutability to it that bothers me more and more. It feels like there is something happening to my ears, but deep down the handbrakes are fully engaged, and it does not penetrate the soul. No life. When I am in a special mood, I can take myself to that special place, force the soul connection to music when listening to digital. However, when I am tired, when I want to embrace music in its entirety, analogue takes my hand and walks me there without effort. I do not have to break down walls or reanimate corpses rot get there.

    • @frankgeeraerts6243
      @frankgeeraerts6243 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Indeed Janos............something like visiting the wax museum from Madame Tussaud in London..............almost perfect copies from celebraties but they are ...........NOT....ALIVE !
      You can take a picture standing next to one.........but you will see and distinguish on the photo the real person and from the one with the lifeless soulles eyes.........
      For those who have not had the occasion of listening once in their audiophile journey to a real mastertape..............i had once the privilege .........nothing comes closer, and even a copy of the first master will not compete....that's what real analog can do...and decades ago we enjoyed listening to our favoured album on a simple electrophone or older music console..............far away from high end audio but still enjoying and loving the music because .what ever were the limitations and the imperfections we still could connnect to the soul of the music ......................try that with lesser digital and you will be deceived or run away...
      You told it all and I wouldn't have been able to tell it better
      Soince long time I avoid arguying about that topic with many ...........the mindset is different today and our world, our perception of what is believed as a reality as well as it's values are kind of a lookalike to the digital mentalised era,...........soulless and sterile..........people searching for what's missingb intheir live without ven understanding what's wrong with tyheir life , compensating the emptyness of the soil with consuption , drugs, and medication..........going to the doctor with burn outy or depression..........while music can has a healing capacity on our's the music of our life and nature that we should enjoy and share ............timeless and destroyed that.........and in the future there will be no memory left of digital society .....immaterial will no longer be part of antiquity one will be able to bring alive what's lost by newer technology .........
      Antiquity stores will still be furnished by what you see in them today .........the same items of the past......but the digital memory of this generation and its culture or activity will be erased and still lost of,it has never existed .

    • @stephanel.4555
      @stephanel.4555 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​​@@realworldaudio understood! One day you should address why so many music enthusiasts (even music critics and music collectors) are not "audiophiles". P.S. love your channel, and I find your voice to be very soothing.

  • @brucetungsten5714
    @brucetungsten5714 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Very interesting video!
    Is there a CD version of Madonna's "Ray Of Light" which has good dynamics?

    • @realworldaudio
      @realworldaudio  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I only know of one CD version... it is quite lively, tons of energy, but not exceptional dynamics. However, it's as good as it gets with pop, exceptionally well mastered considering the genre. I'm not missing anything from sonic standpoint.

    • @brucetungsten5714
      @brucetungsten5714 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@realworldaudio Thanks! Guess I have to seek out some more info on the net.
      On another note - I downloaded Madonna's Hard Candy("LP version"), since at the time the vinyl was like 600€ , and albeit it is not brickwalled it has (notable) distortion in it. Similar to Sia's vinyl recordings ... does look nice in Audacity but still sounds off, especially in the highs.
      One thing I have noted is that these LP rips seem to have been taken from colored vinyls.

  • @EddyTeetree
    @EddyTeetree 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nice one J👍 Using Spotify as a source to decide on buying a vinyl release Ive also noticed this and been either elated or disappointed with the purchase afterwards. On topic is there anything one can add to the playback chain that would correct this. I mean if it’s a digital recording on vinyl? Is this why there are attempts to add vac valves to dig. Components?

    • @EddyTeetree
      @EddyTeetree 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ah hello???? Do I need buy you a coffee for an answer sensi?

  • @sonhouse9636
    @sonhouse9636 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I couldn't finish the video because the tone of your voice was unbearable for me. Sorry

    • @realworldaudio
      @realworldaudio  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      No worries, no offense taken.

    • @EddyTeetree
      @EddyTeetree 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Rude much. Whats the point of this comment?

    • @amb3cog
      @amb3cog 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Why not just say what’s really going on with you, and your issues? Scared? ✌️

    • @NickP333
      @NickP333 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      You have absolutely zero idea what a kind and caring person Janos is. The tone of this comment is what’s truly unbearable. I just assume your words are a reaction and result of being truly unhappy, even miserable, and so unfulfilled with life mixed with a nasty disposition. I hope you’re able to overcome whatever it is that made you leave such a despicable comment. Oh….and, “SORRY”

    • @amb3cog
      @amb3cog 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@NickP333 Of course he is. All of the people leaving unprovoked hate filled comments on here are miserable. And not too bright either. As they’re really just pointing out their own issues. Hence my comment.
      And I couldn’t agree more about Janos. Salt of the earth type. But he’s also very mature/intelligent, and knows that this is an issue with the OP, and not himself.
      Shame people have to go through life like this. And yet are too scared to ask for help. Because it’s not macho, or whatever nonsense they believe. Anyway, have a great evening friend. Enjoy the music. ✌️