Karya yg bagus👍 terima kasih sudah mau menghargai karya leluhur kami terutama "KERIS" dg membuatnya langsung, keris sekarang sudah bukan milik org jawa atau indonesia lagi, karena keris sekarang sudah menjadi milik dunia, siapapun boleh mempunyai /memiliki dan membuat keris seperti yg dilakukan Di video ini. Soal kesempurnaan syarat keris memang yg di buat ini belum memenuhi pak dari pada "KERIS" Sebab keris itu meliputi bilah, gonjo, peksi, deder, dan warangka. Yg anda buat itu blm ada gonjonya sehingga kalau di lihat seperti masih maaf (telanjang). Namun karya anda sungguh hebat, teruslah belajar untuk menyempurnakan dalam membuat "KERIS". Terima kasih. teman. Salam Rahayu🙏🙏
Translation From Mr. Kas Mudi's comment : What a Greate piece of art, Thank you for appreciating our ancestors art, especially Keris by crafting it directly. Nowadays Keris don't belong to Javanese nor Indonesian anymore, because now Keris has become World's owning, anyone can have / own and craft Keris like you did on this video. About the perfection requirement of this Keris you made, admittedly still have not fulfill the " Pak " of the Keris, because Keris is consist of Bilah (the blade / the bar), Gonjo (the low part of the blade) , Peksi (the bottom part of the blade, after gonjo / the Keris stalk / the part that goes into the wooden handle or ivory handle), Deder (this one i still can't fine the meaning yet) & Warangka (scabbard / the blades case or cover). The one you make is still lack of the Gonjo, so if we saw it still looked naked (Sorry). But still your piece of art is Greate.. Keep practicing in crafting Keris, Thank You.. and Be Blessed.
Oh udah ada yg nerjemahin ternyata. Barusan aku juga ikuy nerjemahin wkwk. Tapi punya mase lebih akurat (dengan komen mas kas mudi) daripada terjemahan saya. UP yuk semoga Creator bisa baca.
Meskipun masih ada beberapa bagian yang terlupakan, namun lumayan kerenlah, keris senjata masyarakat jawa di masa lalu yang penuh dengan filosofi. Terima kasih sudah ikut melestarikan budaya leluhur kami
Indonesian and a teacher here, and it's a shame that I have to turn to outside sources to show my students how one of our cultural legacies have to be crafted. There is a massive overflow of mythos and taboos surrounding this item that they eventually alienated younger generations from them. It's sad, and it's such a relief for me to see at least someone, anyone, can break the mythos and show it as a true irreplaceable cultural heritage that it is. Thank you for this!
there is a more complete and kris making according to pakem by empu and it is explained clearly by a lecturer who is also an empu. Find the documentary of keris by unesco.
@@Ayeem nurut gw sih kurang upaya kita untuk membudayakan seni pandai besi di indonesia. mau blajar nempa besi aja dimana? kalo gak mau cari empu di Entahmana, Jateng, ya harus ke luar negri buat blajar pandai besi...dah tau pun, gimana berusaha di indonesia?
@@Wolvenworks kalau bab belajar, itu dah memang kena ada pengorbanan. Kerja menempa ni memang tak berapa hasilnya, tapi belajar menempa tu sekurang-kurangnya adalah usaha memelihara budaya. Nak buat jadi karier, hobi, atau saja², terpulang. Kat sekolah, belajar teori je. Dah habis belajar, sambung lagi.
Hi Guys. Im here just translating a comment that I think Floris need to read. Please thumb up so it Floris can reach it! From Kas Mudi, 1 week ago, 809 Likes (as this post created.) What an art! Thankyou for appreciating the work of out ancestors especially “Keris” by made it on your own. Nowadays, Keris no longer belongs to Java or Indonesian anymore, because keris has become the WORLD heritage, anyone can having or making Keris just like on this video. About the perfection of “requirements” actually (on the making keris in this video) NOT YET. fulfilled the “pak” (morphology) so can be called as Keris. Because Keris consists of “Bilah”, “Gonjo”, “Peksi”, “Deder”, and “Warangka” (you guys just google keris morphology for more information if you interested!) The one that you made (keris on this video) didnt have “Gonjo” so if we look at it, it’s like (sorry) “Nude”. But your art’s just AMAZING. Keep learning to/for perfecting the making of Keris. Thankyou, Friend. Salam Rahayu.
goes astawan _you’re absolutely true.. That’s why in javanese tradition has a special ceremony in a certain time to every single traditional weapon like this (even not only for keris)
As Indonesian citizen,im very respectfull and very proud with your hardwork to make "Javanese Keris". Just additional information, This Weapon are very spesial,cause "Javanese Keris" isn't about phisycally weapon, but also very richfull about the philosopy of life in that weapon.
_Thank you friend for making a beautiful and beautiful dagger looked at the eye and you are so great because not everyone can make what friends already do_ *_LOVE FROM INDONESIA BROTHER_*
Yang paling ku suka, semangat cinta untuk membuatnya. Dari besi, menjadi karya indah. Pasti semua orang tau itu bukan keris. Tapi, kamu punya semangat itu. Bukankah semua orang pasti belajar? U have my respect sir.
I just discovered this young men's channel, and I must say that, what an amazing channel it is. In so much that, it is so well done, from the production values to the editing to sound. Now with regards to "Keris" that he just forged, all I can say is that it is a beautiful piece of work, regardless of whether it was done perfectly. Last, I admire this young man heart, in that he made this blade without his ego or pride getting in the way, he attempted to look within his self and thus forming a partnership/ harmony with his craft, that to me was worth the price of admission so speak. Well done young sir, carry on. Looking forward to more greatness from you in the future.
Omg searching for this so long, the absolutely best dagger in the world. A masterpiece of art. Good job! Im still searching for a new one to buy. Since years its my favourite "knife". So glad to see other people bringing them back.
Jika di negri asalnya budaya leluhur tak terlalu dihargai oleh anak cucunya, biarlah menjadi warisan berharga untuk belahan dunia lainnya. Terima kasih telah melestarikan budaya leluhur kami. respect for you, EMPU!
@@myproject4982 itukan udah tradisi,, knp mesti takut skarang klo mau buat sendiri pun bisa pesen ke pandai besi yg memang sanggup membuat keris tanpa harus pake ritual2an
Selama ini kita sudah salah kaprah dalam memaknai sebuah keris yg jelas itu warisan leluhur yg orang lain justru iri ingin memiliki, lah kita malah dg bodohnya tanpa mencari tau kebenaran filosofinya apa itu keris malah menjauh bahkan cenderung ingin memusnahkan... Siapa yg salah ? Apapun bisa jika di kaitkan dg kesyirikan itu tergantung niat bukan benda...
Bukan gak dihargai cuy, tapi jeris sendiri untuk apa jika dikoleksi untuk masyarakat biasa keris di negara kita itu dihargai seperti karya seni dan harganya sangat mahal!! Jarang sekali ada seseorang yang dapat membeli keris jika dia bukan yang punya uang, jadi jang menjudge orang tidak menghargai, keris sendiri juga dihargai dengan caranya sendiri di indonesia oleh para kolektor dan harganya sangat mahal empunya juga berkehidupan yang layak dengan membuat karya sebuah keris... Di dunia modern juga adanya keris untuk apa dirumah2, kalau bukan untuk pajangan dan lagi harganya mahal lebih baik beli makanan dari pada beli untuk pajangan...
Satu karya yang patut diapresiasi dr seorang Floris, sesuai dengan keahlian dan pengetahuannya, kedepan semoga Floris ada kesempatan utk belajar langsung dari empu keris di Indonesia agar bertambah lagi ilmunya sehingga bisa membedakan teknik pembuatan keris Indonesia dengan teknik pembuatan pedang damaskus.....semangat dan lanjut terus....👍👍👍
Bukan nya tehnik, pembuat Damaskus, hampir mirip sama Indonesia, bahkan floris' pamor nya lebih keren, dan ngebuat nya juga ngikutin instruksi sesuai budaya Indonesia, lihat lapisan baja nya, bahkan sampe di tumpuk tumpuk pula, di potong lalu di tumpuk lgi.
@@julianto3982 beda.. pembuatan pamor keris d bagi 2, rekan (d reka pamor apa yg mau d bkin dgn teknik khusus) dan tiban (pamor yg tdk direncanakan).. Pamor jumlahny puluhan yg bru trcatat.. setiap pamor punya filosofi trsndiri..
Mr. Floris Postmes, I've finished watching Damascus knife-making. I've just want to click another Damascus knife-making video when I saw your very interesting tittle. One Young Dutch mastering an ancient keris making techniques? What a amazing! You are a young Dutch but mastering the technique of making heirloom keris which is a legacy from our ancestors. It's really a hard thing to be able making one keris masterpiece like in this film and only a few of us have that ability. I don't know how much time you have spent studying it. It takes years to master the technique and it can take months to build. As an Indonesian, I salute you for taking the time to learn, and dedicating yourself researching knowledge of the heritage of Indonesia's ancient cultures. I'm also shy to you. You have had what I should've had. With your work, the ancient culture of our heritage will be lifted and globalized. Thank you very much for everything. Wish you success in everything. May Allah give you His guidance. Aameen.
Banyak bule muda menghasilkan karya yg berkualitas dunia karena dukungan pemerintah begitu besar untuk sebuah proyek yang dikerjakan rakyatnya mulai dari penyediaan alat dan modal...untuk menekan jumlah pengangguran
@@pecintahoby1937 dimana kata2 saya yang menyalahkan pemuda? Dan saya masih melakukan apa yang disebut laden yaitu berjalan jongkok menggunakan pakaian adat jawa (dan anda pasti tau apabila menggunakan pakaian adat jawa pasti ada keris yang menempel) menyuguhkan hidangan kepada yang lebih tua. Kalau anda?
I've been to Indonesia back in 99 and I saw this beautiful knife. The blcksmith told me that the best knife is balanced standing on its tip. I didn't believe it until I saw it with my own eyes! I still regret not buying that Keris then.
@@giodew Tlol jangan malu-maluin orang Indonesia, saya punya 10 keris, ga ada yang isinya jin-jin segala, pembodohan. Murni skill sang pandai besi menyeimbangkan benda yang asimetris.
Too many people opining, and telling him how to do his job. He said he did not want to be the absolute "Master" of his art. We are not in the "good old days" anymore. He has his own view, and his own methods and means to get the job done. I liked it all... The filming was in itself a work of art. Very artistic. Congratulations on a beautiful work of art. Well done!
@@vuk.v1988 his means that people have special expertise to make heirlooms, and in Indonesia heirlooms have supernatural powers far above ordinary human reasoning,
@@vuk.v1988 According to the story of the keris made directly by hand by massaging it without a hammer, fire, tongs, and there are special spells to make it
@@cokiehrp5341 respon kamu yg lebay. Dia bilang, bayangkan jika ini dibuat dijaman tanpa teknologi yg tidak secanggih sekarang. Maksudnya : butuh usaha luar biasa. Kok malah menganggap komen di atas lebay.
@@cokiehrp5341 arti kalimat orang diatas, karya orang dulu perlu dihargai karena butuh upaya yg lebih besar dibanding orang sekarang yg didukung teknologi yg lebih baik. Apresiasi itu penting. Apresiasi mendorong kita menjadi orang yg lebih baik lagi. Kalo orang jaman dulu bisa kenapa kita tidak. Berpikir itu perlu jauh lae. Masa kalimat orang diatas yang sesederhana itu bisa kamu persepsikan lebay dan meminta orang tersebut komen lebih smart. Bagi orang yg sudah dewasa, pendapatmu justru aneh. Jangan malu2in kita orang Batak. Jauh2 kami orang Batak merantau bukan untuk menunjukkan betapa dangkalnya wawasan kami. Malu sama orang Jawa dan Madura lah.
@@cokiehrp5341 cara mu berkomentar mencerminkan siapa dirimu. Pola kalimat mu berubah dan mudah terpancing emosi. Cek sekali lagi komentar pertamamu diatas. Apakah betul menyatakan orang lain lebay dan meminta orang lain komen lebih smart? Mau ajak Indonesia maju? Latih emosi dan gaya penulisan mu. Salam dari Napitupulu.
@@cokiehrp5341 entah apa yang kamu pikir tentang kalimat diatas, yang seharusnya sangat mudah dipahami, malah kamu buat ruet. padahal siTS cma bilang bayangin kalo ini dibuat dijaman dahulu tanpa teknologi yang seperti sekarang. jelas kalo itu adalah sebuah kalimat perbandingan yang merujuk pada past, "org jaman dahulu hebat yah buat kriss tanpa di bantu alat2 tempa seperti sekarang"
I like how you describe having a friendship with the materials you use and the end result, like any artist you observe and listen to the material, take it as far as you can and the end results are spectacular. Love the peaceful atmosphere of your video's, very soothing and relaxing to watch but when you revealed that etched pattern I got very excited, to me it looks like a waterfall. Great work as always Floris, thanks for sharing this with all of us!
If I'm not mistaken, I think there is still missing part on that keris, the little part of iron between the handle and the blade called "Gonjo", And the layer of this Gonjo is the same amount with the layer of the blade
I'm from Indonesia. I really appreciate what you are doing with our culture. Indonesian culture with a keris weapon full of philosophy depicted in the keris image pattern
bahkan orang luar pun kagum sm budaya kita dan tahu filosofi yg terkandung didalamnya secara dia lebih baik tau moral dan menjunjung tinggi budaya bukan malah mengkafir-kafirkan. great work bro respect from east java🇲🇨
Hello Floris, It's really nice to watch you finished your keris... although there a few major mistake but your art is really awesome. Firstly bro, the keris handle should not in the same direction or horizontal with the blade, the actual position should be vertical with the blade... Secondly, keris blade consist two separate parts, "bilah" and "ganja".... Last but not least, the metal material should not from the same metal, you will needed at least 7 type of metal such as iron, copper, alloys, bronze and etc... then combine them all together by forging. If you interested in making a few more types of keris, something like sundang or Malay keris... Please let me know... I will assist you with the design and few important information about keris...
@@gusdhesewana9607 i can say i'm a lucky javanese...... Saya ada keris warisan dan Damaskus di rumah ntah keris tahun berapa dan sudah setua apa. Kayanya sih keris Majapahit karena orang tua gw keturunan Majapahit (klo di buku keluarga sih keturunan ke 7 dari sunan Kalijaga)
@@DUYUCImusic the root of Landa or Walanda is from the word Holland one of the Netherland's province, there are other provinces such as Friesland, Zeeland, etc., yet you are right since they preferred to be called as dutch.
@@dizmasss wkwkwk untuk pemahaman orang jaman sekarang londo itu semua orang asing... Tapi orang dulu mereka nyebut orang belanda ke indonesia itu londo
It’s amazing how you forged this blade with very little need for a lot of stock removal because you took your time in the forging. You are an amazing craftsman. 👍🏾👏🏾🥰
The keris master (empu) used to forged that blade with their bare fingers. There is a metaphysics thing involved. The proof that they doing finger is on the blade of antique keris, there is a finger marks
yeahhh, my friend said this, they just pray and say something (*spell) and its shaped it self damn, our ancestor create sumthing more powerful than we think just because some people cant make it, doesnt mean its alien👀
My god, Floris... That's one hell of a craftsmanship. I especially love the pamor (patterns) on the blade. Also, your Keris would have a special place in Javanese culture. You see, a blade with 5 curves signifies that it was intended to be wielded by someone who commands great respect in society; namely, kings or those with royal blood. Those 5 curves signifies power and noble character... and with that craftsmanship, it is more than befitting for a nobleman to wear at the small of his back. Great job!
The pamor (damascus) of your keris is awesome. The pattern is incredible and beautiful. The energy of the keris is very good and positive. I think its because you really focus and pour your good will in the process. Although you do not put ganja in the kris but it's oke for me, because historically the ancient keris made before 10 Century also have no ganja either. So the pattern and luk (curve) is modern keris but the basic concept of the main blade itself look like early keris (ancient one). Great!!! 👍👍👍
im an indonesian, and its a such great work you put in it. you still a young man and im speechless, one thing that we believe to keris have soul its the effort of the keris maker itself and you did it very very well. i can tell your keris is special. well done good job
In Indonesia, theres Keris that passed between generations.. And sometimes the Keris contains some kind of demon or spiritual energy inside. Especially the ones that are made by certain Empu
Thank you for wanting to appreciate the work of Indonesia, especially this keris. I am very happy to see the Javanese culture weapon (Indonesian) made by outsiders, keep on working with friends 🙏🙏 -I'm from Indonesia😊
The more the curvature, the more the noble or the sacredness of the keris. Take note on that. In all, you did good on honoring the process, the philosophy of the process, etc. Good job.
I don't know where you get that wrong info, but the sacredness/nobleness of a keris does not have anything to do with the curvature (Javanese: luk). Each shapes of keris (luk, lurus, bethok) have their own characteristics and their nobleness depends on how they are used. As a matter of fact, luk keris tend to be used for killing/combat, while bethok keris was very popular among the Brahmans during ancient times since it's was designed as ritual weapon. Whoever tells you that the sacredness of a keris depends on the luk can't be more wrong than that
@@yunanklaus1195 If you're looking for someone to blame, just blame the tour guide of Museum of Keris in Solo. Btw, he is a scholar of Javanese tradition. The real and appointed scholar by the local authority and the government. Anyway, thanks for the lesson.
in ancient times, our ancestors(javanese) made a Keris using materials from meteor.. or they used to call it a *Batu Bintang* Wich means star stone _greeting from Indonesia 🙏🏼
Hi I am from Indonesia, I am originally from Java. In Java, making a keris with a standard must pass several requirements to complete the keris, by fasting and preparing offerings,So that the keris has magical power. After passing these few conditions, the forger will begin to forge iron which is given several mixtures, if in the days of the kris kingdom it was given chunks Meteorite. But now it uses nickel and other "materials. The keris blade protector called" warangka "is made of wood and wrapped in iron. The types of pamor are also many and good. In my opinion, keris has advantages in making pamor, warangka and its use . And all those manuals don't use any machines, the forge must also be from the descendants of the forger, that's an optional condition..salam rahayu salam budaya
Beautiful keris. The texture on it, the blade curves and the hilt are perfect. Added with the incenses surrounding it, you really know that keris are very much bath into mysticism by some owners of them in the past and even until now. It is very interesting that a 18yo done a marvellous job in crafting real steel blades from own hand. At that age, your peers are more concern of making stupid meme tiktok videos. But you are different. Keep doing this. Hopefully you will be a well known blade craftsman and earn a comfortable living out of it. Such skillful youngsters who are skill with their hands are very hard to come by in 2022 and beyond.
it's really good kaka to be filled with souls in his keris, fasting on friday for three weeks don't eat or drink on the last day when fasting 24 hours a day
Wow.. that's an amazing art! You"ve made a beautiful Keris , love that wave and marble texture on it. I thought it would be imposible to see a young man like you smithing, now I see one and it's wonderfull! A work of art 👍👍👍😍😍😍😍
❤I really appreciate your workmanship in making a keris. In terms of prestige, it is very beautiful. Study harder or ask an expert to be able to create a natural keris. A keris is not just a weapon, but an image for the heirloom holder (pamong). There are several parts of the keris shape that are different. gives meaning to the moral message of life. But I really like your art. Greetings from Java.🎉🎉
and one more thing, the lekuk (luk) must be an odd number, not an even count. more details. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and the highest is 13. luk 1 owner is aiming to know more about his god. luk 3 is obsessed with the goal of his world .luk 5 owner of the soul of a leader.luk 7 a ruler of suggestions in many matters.luk 9 someone who is respected/authoritative.luk 11 makes things easier.and puk 13 peace of life (the average owner is old, or doesn't think about worldly materials).
additionally... a keris must have several characteristics in its shape that embody the life philosophy of the holder or maker. So the weapon can then be called a keris. Thank you to those of you who have made something like this. Greetings from Indonesia, Java. RAHAYU..🙏
In the past, the person who made Kerriss was called EMPU. An EMPU is usually only able to make a few kerriiss in his life, that's because they folded and hit the keris material for decades with high dedication to create a keris that has a very extraordinary quality.
For everyone that seeing this awesome video. I just want to clarify that all the people that connect keris with magic are not true, at least, i have met some collector that have more than a thousands keris in his armory. There is none that have magic power. People that says keris is connected by a magic are someone who discredited this magnificent works. The keris are never ment to imbued by a magic or anything. Its just the symbol of power, male, royal, etc. Keris is highly regarded because the maker are imbued it with an utmost dedication. And Java man use it more as a symbol rather than weapon. In kingdom era, we use sword, spear and a lot more, but never a keris. Unless there is nothing more in your disposal, maybe we will use keris to kill our opponent. But, a lot of finding, in ancient battlefield, keris especially, are still on the warangka. So that proof that even a soldier will die first before unsheat their keris. That is proof that we javanese people never consider keris as a weapon. We consider it as our symbol and status.
Terimkasih sudah menghargai leluhur kami ikut andil menciptakan karya yg bukan mudah diciptakan, terimakasih sudah mau menjadi saudara, karya yg luar biasa.
FYI : Some of Keris blacksmiths called "empu" in Indonesian they usually done it in a weeks or more while fasting called "putihan" it means they just eat only white rice and drink only water *sorry for my english😁
Salam hangat dari INDONESIA Dan terima kasih sudah menghargai dan melestarikan karya dan budaya leluhur kami lewat Keris Sekali lagi terima kasih saudaraku
I as one of the Keris user that still left in Southeast Asia feel that yours are great from the side of art.It is so beautiful but still lack in the mystical element of Keris forging process,the process start from the material selection,after that,the smith are fasting for 44 days and only can eat pop rice and drink plain water during the forging process.It's usually called 'puasa memutih' in our tradition.The purpose of that tradition is to clean ourself in physical or mental state during the forging process.The amount of the Keris curve also symbolize something depends on the Smith,the carving and shape of the hilt of Keris usually symbolize the name of the Keris. The old Keris sharpening process also did not using any tools.it is using Lime or acid citric to clean up the Keris from the rust and the blade will be sharp once again.This is the purpose of the elders to bathing Keris in Lime juice during the ancient times
The real keris wasn't made to be a weapon. Indonesian has some more effective weapon for war. the real function of keris just like a pokeball. Javanese know what iam talking about..
I have heard the story that a long time ago in making a keris. The master had to fasting, looking for a good day to start, and the unique thing was that the master did not use fire to burn and did not also use a hammer to forge iron, but only using the fingers (massaging) iron to create a fantastic kris. This is truly magical.
Naaah...This one is a fairy tale.Unless Empu Keris back then was an allien.Even Empu Gandring forging his Keris.There is a story about that is written.
Im from Malaysia,that's a beautiful piece you got there Mister also like to see the afford building it,.as u know keris is a art also a ancient weapon and some of it clam has a mistical power for whom holding or own it ,it is made for single hand combat and one of a deadliest weapon for close combat ever made besides the karambit,even I have one in my home,it belongs to my great grandfather and been past to me,.I was told it was a 113 years keris and the previous owner of it name demak, rumor said that my great grandfather defeat demak on our ancient fighting art call silat,.after his defeated demak gave her keris to my grandfather as a gift,. it's has been in my possession ever since,.
Ini orang mempelajari orang Jawa mungkin. Sampai ada bakar dupa. Khas Jawa banget. Terimakasih sudah ikut termasuk mengenalkan budaya kami ke negara anda.
Karya yg bagus👍
terima kasih sudah mau menghargai karya leluhur kami terutama "KERIS" dg membuatnya langsung, keris sekarang sudah bukan milik org jawa atau indonesia lagi, karena keris sekarang sudah menjadi milik dunia, siapapun boleh mempunyai /memiliki dan membuat keris seperti yg dilakukan Di video ini.
Soal kesempurnaan syarat keris memang yg di buat ini belum memenuhi pak dari pada "KERIS"
Sebab keris itu meliputi bilah, gonjo, peksi, deder, dan warangka.
Yg anda buat itu blm ada gonjonya sehingga kalau di lihat seperti masih maaf (telanjang). Namun karya anda sungguh hebat, teruslah belajar untuk menyempurnakan dalam membuat "KERIS". Terima kasih. teman. Salam Rahayu🙏🙏
Mungkin bisa jadi acuan identitas keris tersebut 😁
Iya bnar pak
Koment dari pemikiran bijak.. Saya setuju.. Salam rahayu mas
Se 7 bgt saya
Kenapa para penempa keris sudah tidak ada lagi .. apakah ilmu mereka sudah hilang
Translation From Mr. Kas Mudi's comment :
What a Greate piece of art, Thank you for appreciating our ancestors art, especially Keris by crafting it directly. Nowadays Keris don't belong to Javanese nor Indonesian anymore, because now Keris has become World's owning, anyone can have / own and craft Keris like you did on this video.
About the perfection requirement of this Keris you made, admittedly still have not fulfill the " Pak " of the Keris, because Keris is consist of Bilah (the blade / the bar), Gonjo (the low part of the blade) , Peksi (the bottom part of the blade, after gonjo / the Keris stalk / the part that goes into the wooden handle or ivory handle), Deder (this one i still can't fine the meaning yet) & Warangka (scabbard / the blades case or cover).
The one you make is still lack of the Gonjo, so if we saw it still looked naked (Sorry). But still your piece of art is Greate.. Keep practicing in crafting Keris, Thank You.. and Be Blessed.
On the second paragraph, I believe the "Pak" was supposedly "pakem". Sorry, I don't know the correct English translation for pakem xD
@@AnggoroArif , pakem = special criteria
Oh udah ada yg nerjemahin ternyata. Barusan aku juga ikuy nerjemahin wkwk. Tapi punya mase lebih akurat (dengan komen mas kas mudi) daripada terjemahan saya. UP yuk semoga Creator bisa baca.
Alhamdulilah ada yang translate😂🙏
Suwun mas.
It's "awesome" instead of "great".
"Pak"="Pakem" may be it's a kind of standard.
Meskipun masih ada beberapa bagian yang terlupakan, namun lumayan kerenlah, keris senjata masyarakat jawa di masa lalu yang penuh dengan filosofi. Terima kasih sudah ikut melestarikan budaya leluhur kami
Yang terlupakan gonjonya ya ?
Kalau ada gonjonya pasti lebih keren dan terlihat lebih kokoh.
Kalian kan ambassador nya, so tanggungjawab kalian dalam menjaganya.
At last, kita di Nusantara ini tetap serumpun.
Indonesian and a teacher here, and it's a shame that I have to turn to outside sources to show my students how one of our cultural legacies have to be crafted. There is a massive overflow of mythos and taboos surrounding this item that they eventually alienated younger generations from them. It's sad, and it's such a relief for me to see at least someone, anyone, can break the mythos and show it as a true irreplaceable cultural heritage that it is. Thank you for this!
there is a more complete and kris making according to pakem by empu and it is explained clearly by a lecturer who is also an empu. Find the documentary of keris by unesco.
There’s also the issue of there being practically no blacksmiths around to even teach us blacksmithing, much less to make a keris.
Tak ikut adat pun tak ada masalah, tapi kena tepat cara menempanya.
Aku respect kat orang Indonesia sebab berjaya kekalkan budaya empu ni.
@@Ayeem nurut gw sih kurang upaya kita untuk membudayakan seni pandai besi di indonesia. mau blajar nempa besi aja dimana? kalo gak mau cari empu di Entahmana, Jateng, ya harus ke luar negri buat blajar pandai besi...dah tau pun, gimana berusaha di indonesia?
@@Wolvenworks kalau bab belajar, itu dah memang kena ada pengorbanan.
Kerja menempa ni memang tak berapa hasilnya, tapi belajar menempa tu sekurang-kurangnya adalah usaha memelihara budaya. Nak buat jadi karier, hobi, atau saja², terpulang. Kat sekolah, belajar teori je. Dah habis belajar, sambung lagi.
Hi Guys. Im here just translating a comment that I think Floris need to read. Please thumb up so it Floris can reach it!
From Kas Mudi, 1 week ago, 809 Likes (as this post created.)
What an art!
Thankyou for appreciating the work of out ancestors especially “Keris” by made it on your own. Nowadays, Keris no longer belongs to Java or Indonesian anymore, because keris has become the WORLD heritage, anyone can having or making Keris just like on this video.
About the perfection of “requirements” actually (on the making keris in this video) NOT YET. fulfilled the “pak” (morphology) so can be called as Keris. Because Keris consists of “Bilah”, “Gonjo”, “Peksi”, “Deder”, and “Warangka” (you guys just google keris morphology for more information if you interested!)
The one that you made (keris on this video) didnt have “Gonjo” so if we look at it, it’s like (sorry) “Nude”. But your art’s just AMAZING. Keep learning to/for perfecting the making of Keris.
Thankyou, Friend. Salam Rahayu.
Whoa noticed by Floris! Thank You, Floris!
In Indonesia, every single Keris have their own soul
Respect for you bro
Not soul but jinn
Just a different perspective, Javanese soul and imported Djinn
goes astawan _you’re absolutely true..
That’s why in javanese tradition has a special ceremony in a certain time to every single traditional weapon like this (even not only for keris)
Here we go again
soul opo? soul calibur? komen yg smart bos,jgn bkin malu indo
As Indonesian citizen,im very respectfull and very proud with your hardwork to make "Javanese Keris". Just additional information, This Weapon are very spesial,cause "Javanese Keris" isn't about phisycally weapon, but also very richfull about the philosopy of life in that weapon.
They’re beautiful, and very under appreciated, which is a real shame. Would love to see them in fantasy or historical drama more often
Pusaka yang sangat indah .. terima kasih telah menghargai karya dari leluhur kita .. im from java island and this keris very beutyfull
You have to see the original Indonesian keris directly ... you will see art from the past and think of how they do it ...
nice work dude ..
I am not Blacksmith yet, but... Keris is Masterpiece. He is like a Fire. Thank You. Greatings from Russia.
Respect from Yogyakarta Indonesia
Данил Малачлы aing ti sukabumi ajigg,, di santet yeuh ku aing
@@gan_ganrm4213 hahahah
@@gan_ganrm4213 anjig... Ngobat napika didieu oge 😁
Hidup puttin :)
in Indonesia the keris maker is called "Empu", thanks for making our traditional weapons full of art👍🏽
_Thank you friend for making a beautiful and beautiful dagger looked at the eye and you are so great because not everyone can make what friends already do_
Yang paling ku suka, semangat cinta untuk membuatnya.
Dari besi, menjadi karya indah.
Pasti semua orang tau itu bukan keris.
Tapi, kamu punya semangat itu.
Bukankah semua orang pasti belajar?
U have my respect sir.
Sangat setuju.
Itu keris kok, cuma beda style aja. Misalnya : keris jawa, melayu, dan filipina masing2 punya bentuknya sendiri
Ya...bkn keris tapi mirip keris...keris x sepatutnya bersinar Dan di mana letaknya makna keris Tampa Besi 7pa yang selalu berkait dengan keris....
Keris versi barat
Yg ini "lumayan" lah cara bikinny hampir mendekati.di chanel lain ad yg bikin keris cuma dari bilah besi yg dibentuk mirip keris (luk).
I just discovered this young men's channel, and I must say that, what an amazing channel it is. In so much that, it is so well done, from the production values to the editing to sound. Now with regards to "Keris" that he just forged, all I can say is that it is a beautiful piece of work, regardless of whether it was done perfectly. Last, I admire this young man heart, in that he made this blade without his ego or pride getting in the way, he attempted to look within his self and thus forming a partnership/ harmony with his craft, that to me was worth the price of admission so speak. Well done young sir, carry on. Looking forward to more greatness from you in the future.
Yeah that soul, its good connection. i hope he will always put that soul of his creation. Such a positive energy of harmony for a "maker"
Omg searching for this so long, the absolutely best dagger in the world. A masterpiece of art. Good job! Im still searching for a new one to buy. Since years its my favourite "knife". So glad to see other people bringing them back.
Beautifully hand made. Adding your signature on the keris. A work of oustanding workmanship.
Never dissapointed, beautiful. Really appreciate the new format and the sensible you again.
Jika di negri asalnya budaya leluhur tak terlalu dihargai oleh anak cucunya, biarlah menjadi warisan berharga untuk belahan dunia lainnya. Terima kasih telah melestarikan budaya leluhur kami. respect for you, EMPU!
Bukan g dihargai sih, klau gua liat keris indo tuh mals nya karena dikaitkan sama mistis mulu jadi org mungkin juga takut gitu
@@myproject4982 itukan udah tradisi,, knp mesti takut skarang klo mau buat sendiri pun bisa pesen ke pandai besi yg memang sanggup membuat keris tanpa harus pake ritual2an
Selama ini kita sudah salah kaprah dalam memaknai sebuah keris yg jelas itu warisan leluhur yg orang lain justru iri ingin memiliki, lah kita malah dg bodohnya tanpa mencari tau kebenaran filosofinya apa itu keris malah menjauh bahkan cenderung ingin memusnahkan... Siapa yg salah ?
Apapun bisa jika di kaitkan dg kesyirikan itu tergantung niat bukan benda...
Bukan gak dihargai cuy, tapi jeris sendiri untuk apa jika dikoleksi untuk masyarakat biasa keris di negara kita itu dihargai seperti karya seni dan harganya sangat mahal!!
Jarang sekali ada seseorang yang dapat membeli keris jika dia bukan yang punya uang, jadi jang menjudge orang tidak menghargai, keris sendiri juga dihargai dengan caranya sendiri di indonesia oleh para kolektor dan harganya sangat mahal empunya juga berkehidupan yang layak dengan membuat karya sebuah keris...
Di dunia modern juga adanya keris untuk apa dirumah2, kalau bukan untuk pajangan dan lagi harganya mahal lebih baik beli makanan dari pada beli untuk pajangan...
coba mampir ke kediri mas, kata siapa tidak dihargai?
Satu karya yang patut diapresiasi dr seorang Floris, sesuai dengan keahlian dan pengetahuannya, kedepan semoga Floris ada kesempatan utk belajar langsung dari empu keris di Indonesia agar bertambah lagi ilmunya sehingga bisa membedakan teknik pembuatan keris Indonesia dengan teknik pembuatan pedang damaskus.....semangat dan lanjut terus....👍👍👍
Bukan nya tehnik, pembuat Damaskus, hampir mirip sama Indonesia, bahkan floris' pamor nya lebih keren, dan ngebuat nya juga ngikutin instruksi sesuai budaya Indonesia, lihat lapisan baja nya, bahkan sampe di tumpuk tumpuk pula, di potong lalu di tumpuk lgi.
@@julianto3982 Pembuatan keris di Indonesia juga di tumpuk tumpuk bahan-bahannya
@@julianto3982 beda.. pembuatan pamor keris d bagi 2, rekan (d reka pamor apa yg mau d bkin dgn teknik khusus) dan tiban (pamor yg tdk direncanakan)..
Pamor jumlahny puluhan yg bru trcatat.. setiap pamor punya filosofi trsndiri..
Mr. Floris Postmes, I've finished watching Damascus knife-making. I've just want to click another Damascus knife-making video when I saw your very interesting tittle. One Young Dutch mastering an ancient keris making techniques? What a amazing! You are a young Dutch but mastering the technique of making heirloom keris which is a legacy from our ancestors. It's really a hard thing to be able making one keris masterpiece like in this film and only a few of us have that ability. I don't know how much time you have spent studying it. It takes years to master the technique and it can take months to build. As an Indonesian, I salute you for taking the time to learn, and dedicating yourself researching knowledge of the heritage of Indonesia's ancient cultures. I'm also shy to you. You have had what I should've had. With your work, the ancient culture of our heritage will be lifted and globalized. Thank you very much for everything. Wish you success in everything. May Allah give you His guidance. Aameen.
Hi, I'm from Indonesia, I'm very proud because you made a keris 🍓
Di saat sebagian pemuda indonesia mulai "melupakannya" dan kalian "memulainya" kembali walaupun dengan ke-modern-an, terimakasih. Great job...
18 tahun londo mande besi,,18 tahunnya kita masih owek2 minta kuota...hehehehe
Banyak bule muda menghasilkan karya yg berkualitas dunia karena dukungan pemerintah begitu besar untuk sebuah proyek yang dikerjakan rakyatnya mulai dari penyediaan alat dan modal...untuk menekan jumlah pengangguran
Ga usa nyalahin pemuda. Anda sendiri apa yang sudah di lakukan untuk melestarikan? Di mulai dari anda sendiri saja dlu
@@pecintahoby1937 dimana kata2 saya yang menyalahkan pemuda? Dan saya masih melakukan apa yang disebut laden yaitu berjalan jongkok menggunakan pakaian adat jawa (dan anda pasti tau apabila menggunakan pakaian adat jawa pasti ada keris yang menempel) menyuguhkan hidangan kepada yang lebih tua. Kalau anda?
Puji Tuhan, saya masih melestarikan nya. Tinggalan dari Simbah..
yes, thank you, lesson learned, we are being spiritual from our own experience and the output from us is harmony.
I've been to Indonesia back in 99 and I saw this beautiful knife. The blcksmith told me that the best knife is balanced standing on its tip. I didn't believe it until I saw it with my own eyes! I still regret not buying that Keris then.
Well, to maintain the "magical" thing in that knife, usually there's a ritual when you "washes" Keris once a year with water and flowers
@@giodew there's magical,we washed them just to prevent rusting
@@giodew Tlol jangan malu-maluin orang Indonesia, saya punya 10 keris, ga ada yang isinya jin-jin segala, pembodohan. Murni skill sang pandai besi menyeimbangkan benda yang asimetris.
Too many people opining, and telling him how to do his job.
He said he did not want to be the absolute "Master" of his art.
We are not in the "good old days" anymore. He has his own view, and his own methods and means to get the job done.
I liked it all... The filming was in itself a work of art. Very artistic.
Congratulations on a beautiful work of art. Well done!
in Indonesia, the person who makes the keris is given a name EMPU
What is meaning of thet? Like master or some thing else?
@@vuk.v1988 his means that people have special expertise to make heirlooms, and in Indonesia heirlooms have supernatural powers far above ordinary human reasoning,
@@vuk.v1988 Kris in Indonesia as a heirloom weapon, nogo Sosro is the most powerful example of a keris among other keris
@@vuk.v1988 According to the story of the keris made directly by hand by massaging it without a hammer, fire, tongs, and there are special spells to make it
@@irwanwidiatmoko8002 thanks very much for explaining. I'll love to know such facts.
Imagine in the past, people make this without all technology
@@cokiehrp5341 respon kamu yg lebay. Dia bilang, bayangkan jika ini dibuat dijaman tanpa teknologi yg tidak secanggih sekarang. Maksudnya : butuh usaha luar biasa.
Kok malah menganggap komen di atas lebay.
@@cokiehrp5341 arti kalimat orang diatas, karya orang dulu perlu dihargai karena butuh upaya yg lebih besar dibanding orang sekarang yg didukung teknologi yg lebih baik. Apresiasi itu penting. Apresiasi mendorong kita menjadi orang yg lebih baik lagi. Kalo orang jaman dulu bisa kenapa kita tidak.
Berpikir itu perlu jauh lae. Masa kalimat orang diatas yang sesederhana itu bisa kamu persepsikan lebay dan meminta orang tersebut komen lebih smart. Bagi orang yg sudah dewasa, pendapatmu justru aneh.
Jangan malu2in kita orang Batak. Jauh2 kami orang Batak merantau bukan untuk menunjukkan betapa dangkalnya wawasan kami. Malu sama orang Jawa dan Madura lah.
@@cokiehrp5341 cara mu berkomentar mencerminkan siapa dirimu. Pola kalimat mu berubah dan mudah terpancing emosi. Cek sekali lagi komentar pertamamu diatas. Apakah betul menyatakan orang lain lebay dan meminta orang lain komen lebih smart?
Mau ajak Indonesia maju? Latih emosi dan gaya penulisan mu.
Salam dari Napitupulu.
saya sudah membayangkan..dan itu tidak membahayakan diri saya dan orang lain... santuy sj
@@cokiehrp5341 entah apa yang kamu pikir tentang kalimat diatas, yang seharusnya sangat mudah dipahami,
malah kamu buat ruet.
padahal siTS cma bilang bayangin kalo ini dibuat dijaman dahulu tanpa teknologi yang seperti sekarang.
jelas kalo itu adalah sebuah kalimat perbandingan yang merujuk pada past, "org jaman dahulu hebat yah buat kriss tanpa di bantu alat2 tempa seperti sekarang"
Congratulations. You made the keris by combining modern and traditional way....... a very good result. Be proud of your creativity
I like how you describe having a friendship with the materials you use and the end result, like any artist you observe and listen to the material, take it as far as you can and the end results are spectacular. Love the peaceful atmosphere of your video's, very soothing and relaxing to watch but when you revealed that etched pattern I got very excited, to me it looks like a waterfall.
Great work as always Floris, thanks for sharing this with all of us!
If I'm not mistaken, I think there is still missing part on that keris, the little part of iron between the handle and the blade called "Gonjo", And the layer of this Gonjo is the same amount with the layer of the blade
Early Lighting like a stopper?
This is empu gandreng😂
Magnifico trabajo!!!,toda una obra de arte!!,y lo más abmirable de que eres muy joven y talentoso!...
Keris ada juga ganja iras bang
Tanpa gonjo 50% keindahan keris hilang
I wish you, visited indonesia to look real one of ancient keris.
Good job for your work
I'm from Indonesia.
I really appreciate what you are doing with our culture.
Indonesian culture with a keris weapon full of philosophy depicted in the keris image pattern
bahkan orang luar pun kagum sm budaya kita dan tahu filosofi yg terkandung didalamnya secara dia lebih baik tau moral dan menjunjung tinggi budaya bukan malah mengkafir-kafirkan.
great work bro respect from east java🇲🇨
Hello Floris,
It's really nice to watch you finished your keris... although there a few major mistake but your art is really awesome.
Firstly bro, the keris handle should not in the same direction or horizontal with the blade, the actual position should be vertical with the blade...
Secondly, keris blade consist two separate parts, "bilah" and "ganja"....
Last but not least, the metal material should not from the same metal, you will needed at least 7 type of metal such as iron, copper, alloys, bronze and etc... then combine them all together by forging.
If you interested in making a few more types of keris, something like sundang or Malay keris... Please let me know... I will assist you with the design and few important information about keris...
Tak nak ajar dia tempa beserta dengan 7 jenis racun ke? Paling bagus pakai besi meteor.. habis pecah 50% rahsia tamadun besi Nusantara
Dijawa pakai jenis 11 metal dan ada yang mengandung uranium serta bahan nuklir kalau pakai untuk pusaka
Poyo jek kau
@@Fearless4Fortune batik asli mana dan punya siapa?
KAIZO MY takpelah..bukan org tu buat ‘berisi’ ..
You've made a magical keris, well done Mpu!!
Prachtig werk Floris, jij bent een echte traditionele keris wapen smid. Hormat.
Damn I've never seen a damascus keris before, it looks so beautiful. Btw I'm from bali Indonesia, feelin so proud that you made our traditional waepon
Itu bukan Damaskus mas tapi emg keris yang asli itu kebanyakan ada pola nya itu pola alami dari pembuatan dan bukan dari pengecatan
@@gagak1354 iya tp ini namanya damaskus, damaskus itu emg bukan senjata tp proses pembuatannya jd hasilnya bisa berpola gt
@@gusdhesewana9607 keris asli emang damaskus om
@@gagak1354 ya itu yg di video namanya damascus, pola yg dihasilkan dari baja yg dilapis lapis. damascus itu teknik pembuatan besinya
@@gusdhesewana9607 i can say i'm a lucky javanese...... Saya ada keris warisan dan Damaskus di rumah ntah keris tahun berapa dan sudah setua apa. Kayanya sih keris Majapahit karena orang tua gw keturunan Majapahit (klo di buku keluarga sih keturunan ke 7 dari sunan Kalijaga)
For me as Indonesian, I would like to call you: "Mpu Londo" (Mpu = Keris maker, Londo = Netherland).
Londo is dutch bro, not netherland
@@DUYUCImusic the root of Landa or Walanda is from the word Holland one of the Netherland's province, there are other provinces such as Friesland, Zeeland, etc., yet you are right since they preferred to be called as dutch.
Londo itu bule, itu bahasa jawa
@@dizmasss wkwkwk untuk pemahaman orang jaman sekarang londo itu semua orang asing... Tapi orang dulu mereka nyebut orang belanda ke indonesia itu londo
@@sinthadewi4561 iya saya tau. maksud saya agar di sesuaikan jamanny.
It’s amazing how you forged this blade with very little need for a lot of stock removal because you took your time in the forging. You are an amazing craftsman. 👍🏾👏🏾🥰
The keris master (empu) used to forged that blade with their bare fingers. There is a metaphysics thing involved. The proof that they doing finger is on the blade of antique keris, there is a finger marks
yeahhh, my friend said this, they just pray and say something (*spell) and its shaped it self
damn, our ancestor create sumthing more powerful than we think
just because some people cant make it, doesnt mean its alien👀
I think the words you're looking for are "never be satisfied with your art. because when you become satisfied, you'll stop creating."
My god, Floris... That's one hell of a craftsmanship. I especially love the pamor (patterns) on the blade. Also, your Keris would have a special place in Javanese culture. You see, a blade with 5 curves signifies that it was intended to be wielded by someone who commands great respect in society; namely, kings or those with royal blood. Those 5 curves signifies power and noble character... and with that craftsmanship, it is more than befitting for a nobleman to wear at the small of his back. Great job!
You can go to my channel to see blade, sword, and knife
The pamor (damascus) of your keris is awesome. The pattern is incredible and beautiful. The energy of the keris is very good and positive. I think its because you really focus and pour your good will in the process. Although you do not put ganja in the kris but it's oke for me, because historically the ancient keris made before 10 Century also have no ganja either. So the pattern and luk (curve) is modern keris but the basic concept of the main blade itself look like early keris (ancient one). Great!!! 👍👍👍
im an indonesian, and its a such great work you put in it. you still a young man and im speechless, one thing that we believe to keris have soul its the effort of the keris maker itself and you did it very very well. i can tell your keris is special. well done good job
thank u very much, i really proud your work, you build traditional weapon from my country, and thank u bro , good chanel 🙏👌
In Indonesia, theres Keris that passed between generations.. And sometimes the Keris contains some kind of demon or spiritual energy inside. Especially the ones that are made by certain Empu
Empu = keris maker
...and some can fly
@@AdrianJNyaoi can fly? Thats a mandau u piece of shit
@@dmsrysha3263 🤣🤣🤣 my spoon can fly, u piece of shit
ya ya ya seneng gw liat kalian akur 😂😂👍👍 lanjutkan
Thank you for wanting to appreciate the work of Indonesia, especially this keris. I am very happy to see the Javanese culture weapon (Indonesian) made by outsiders, keep on working with friends 🙏🙏 -I'm from Indonesia😊
Congrats.. now you achieve a new title "Empu"
(The wise one who held high spritual power)
Is a beautiful keris, thank you so much 🙏 salam Rahayu form Indonesia ( East Java )
Almost all of "fine" keris have a name for it's unique identity..
"Merak Putih" ( white peacock ) would fit your new keris I think..😊
Great job..👍👍
Agree.... It looks so pristine
Finally! It’s perfect, I love it😍🔥
I appreciate your hardwork to make a masterpiece weapon of religion and culture like Keris. Greeting from Java, Indonesia
Hebat!!! in Indonesia, people who make keris are usually called "MPU" in their first name... can i call you "Mpu floris" 😁😁😁
Bockachoda 😁
The more the curvature, the more the noble or the sacredness of the keris. Take note on that.
In all, you did good on honoring the process, the philosophy of the process, etc. Good job.
I don't know where you get that wrong info, but the sacredness/nobleness of a keris does not have anything to do with the curvature (Javanese: luk). Each shapes of keris (luk, lurus, bethok) have their own characteristics and their nobleness depends on how they are used. As a matter of fact, luk keris tend to be used for killing/combat, while bethok keris was very popular among the Brahmans during ancient times since it's was designed as ritual weapon. Whoever tells you that the sacredness of a keris depends on the luk can't be more wrong than that
@@yunanklaus1195 If you're looking for someone to blame, just blame the tour guide of Museum of Keris in Solo. Btw, he is a scholar of Javanese tradition. The real and appointed scholar by the local authority and the government. Anyway, thanks for the lesson.
Yo. My guy. No one KERIS 🤣🤣🤣
Jutaan orang tidak mengetahui
respect from Turkey, thats so beatiful i love it.
Floris you are one talented soul!!
much apreciate for your blackmith crafts especially this Indonesian Keris🙏🏻
Although there is no Kyuubi inside the dagger, your keris is still a masterpiece.
Thanks for your respect to keris.
Great Pamor, Pamor is a pattern that shows the character of Keris.
in ancient times, our ancestors(javanese) made a Keris using materials from meteor.. or they used to call it a *Batu Bintang* Wich means star stone
_greeting from Indonesia 🙏🏼
Hi I am from Indonesia, I am originally from Java. In Java, making a keris with a standard must pass several requirements to complete the keris, by fasting and preparing offerings,So that the keris has magical power. After passing these few conditions, the forger will begin to forge iron which is given several mixtures, if in the days of the kris kingdom it was given chunks Meteorite. But now it uses nickel and other "materials. The keris blade protector called" warangka "is made of wood and wrapped in iron. The types of pamor are also many and good. In my opinion, keris has advantages in making pamor, warangka and its use . And all those manuals don't use any machines, the forge must also be from the descendants of the forger, that's an optional condition..salam rahayu salam budaya
next step: add some dark magic so it can spark when it touches another keris
Lol 😅😅
Yeaah its true
Gendeng arek iki. Wis ndang nggaweo keris dhewe kono lek iso, gak mek komen ae
Mbok kei cat fosfor ae lah wes.. ben Glow in the dark sisan 🤣😂
@@dwisunaryati3727 becanda aja kok hehehe
Beautiful keris. The texture on it, the blade curves and the hilt are perfect. Added with the incenses surrounding it, you really know that keris are very much bath into mysticism by some owners of them in the past and even until now. It is very interesting that a 18yo done a marvellous job in crafting real steel blades from own hand. At that age, your peers are more concern of making stupid meme tiktok videos. But you are different. Keep doing this. Hopefully you will be a well known blade craftsman and earn a comfortable living out of it. Such skillful youngsters who are skill with their hands are very hard to come by in 2022 and beyond.
I am from one of the regions of Central Java and I am very proud of our tradition being exposed. I thank you for creating our culture-themed content
it's really good kaka to be filled with souls in his keris, fasting on friday for three weeks don't eat or drink on the last day when fasting 24 hours a day
Well done mate; really loved the blade in the first place, but also the atmosphere and the video editing. Keep up the good work 👍👍
Wow.. that's an amazing art! You"ve made a beautiful Keris , love that wave and marble texture on it. I thought it would be imposible to see a young man like you smithing, now I see one and it's wonderfull! A work of art 👍👍👍😍😍😍😍
Imagine...when empu(keris maker) just using hammer to make thousands layer to making pamor
❤I really appreciate your workmanship in making a keris. In terms of prestige, it is very beautiful. Study harder or ask an expert to be able to create a natural keris. A keris is not just a weapon, but an image for the heirloom holder (pamong). There are several parts of the keris shape that are different. gives meaning to the moral message of life. But I really like your art. Greetings from Java.🎉🎉
and one more thing, the lekuk (luk) must be an odd number, not an even count. more details. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and the highest is 13. luk 1 owner is aiming to know more about his god. luk 3 is obsessed with the goal of his world .luk 5 owner of the soul of a leader.luk 7 a ruler of suggestions in many matters.luk 9 someone who is respected/authoritative.luk 11 makes things easier.and puk 13 peace of life (the average owner is old, or doesn't think about worldly materials).
additionally... a keris must have several characteristics in its shape that embody the life philosophy of the holder or maker. So the weapon can then be called a keris. Thank you to those of you who have made something like this. Greetings from Indonesia, Java. RAHAYU..🙏
In the past, the person who made Kerriss was called EMPU. An EMPU is usually only able to make a few kerriiss in his life, that's because they folded and hit the keris material for decades with high dedication to create a keris that has a very extraordinary quality.
This was a pleasure to watch this, and the mucis is wonderful!! Wow
Respect from me, I am javenese and keris are carved on the wall of stone in borobudur temple from 1200 years ago.. 👍👍👍
Candi borobudur
shout out all the people from Indonesia leaving lovely, encouraging comments here
For everyone that seeing this awesome video. I just want to clarify that all the people that connect keris with magic are not true, at least, i have met some collector that have more than a thousands keris in his armory.
There is none that have magic power. People that says keris is connected by a magic are someone who discredited this magnificent works. The keris are never ment to imbued by a magic or anything. Its just the symbol of power, male, royal, etc. Keris is highly regarded because the maker are imbued it with an utmost dedication. And Java man use it more as a symbol rather than weapon. In kingdom era, we use sword, spear and a lot more, but never a keris. Unless there is nothing more in your disposal, maybe we will use keris to kill our opponent. But, a lot of finding, in ancient battlefield, keris especially, are still on the warangka. So that proof that even a soldier will die first before unsheat their keris. That is proof that we javanese people never consider keris as a weapon. We consider it as our symbol and status.
You like "EMPU" He is High Spiritual Level
But this more modern
And better
And stronger
Looks more beautiful
Keris without djin
Keris attempt 1: good
Keris attempt 2 : must be perfect,.
Hands down,, great job sir,.
Greeting from central java Indonesia
Terimkasih sudah menghargai leluhur kami ikut andil menciptakan karya yg bukan mudah diciptakan, terimakasih sudah mau menjadi saudara, karya yg luar biasa.
The birth of Anya Melfissa, then Yagoo recuit her to the "entertaiment company" xD
Ahh i see. A man of culture.😎
Wtf bro
@@rafisani what wtf
FYI : Some of Keris blacksmiths called "empu" in Indonesian they usually done it in a weeks or more while fasting called "putihan" it means they just eat only white rice and drink only water *sorry for my english😁
Ngomong opo toh bambanggggg
Ngomong dobol hiya3x
Ngomong apa sih.. hahaha
Pretty cool to see overlaps in our languages. The Filipino word for white is "puti".
Salam hangat dari INDONESIA
Dan terima kasih sudah menghargai dan melestarikan karya dan budaya leluhur kami lewat Keris
Sekali lagi terima kasih saudaraku
If you can't feel the soul of your tools and the piece, are you even a craftsman?
Loved your video and thank you
The hardest part is called "tirakat". But the music is nice, i like it
Awesome, almost perfect, i'll call you "empu barat" or keris maker from west... Keris form with west touch... Lovely
Empu kulon
It's great to knowing you can make a legendary dagger at your age
Woww you've made a wonderful masterpiece
As an Indonesian people, I'm proud of you "Empu"!!
True artwork. The vector in the steel, thought from the inception, just brilliant.
I as one of the Keris user that still left in Southeast Asia feel that yours are great from the side of art.It is so beautiful but still lack in the mystical element of Keris forging process,the process start from the material selection,after that,the smith are fasting for 44 days and only can eat pop rice and drink plain water during the forging process.It's usually called 'puasa memutih' in our tradition.The purpose of that tradition is to clean ourself in physical or mental state during the forging process.The amount of the Keris curve also symbolize something depends on the Smith,the carving and shape of the hilt of Keris usually symbolize the name of the Keris. The old Keris sharpening process also did not using any tools.it is using Lime or acid citric to clean up the Keris from the rust and the blade will be sharp once again.This is the purpose of the elders to bathing Keris in Lime juice during the ancient times
aliff rasid I bath in donkey shit before I forge anything.
Yeah..no one sanding a keris before..usually using lime to keep the poisonous effect intact.
@@ReasonAboveEverything another cruel human in the cruel world.
Amiruddin Syah Donkeys consent to give me their shit.
The real keris wasn't made to be a weapon. Indonesian has some more effective weapon for war.
the real function of keris just like a pokeball.
Javanese know what iam talking about..
I know you man
pokeball wkwkw
Lol lmao
😂😂😂 isi pokemon
Ini bukan sekedar mencari viewer, tapi ini sungguh sungguh memahami apa itu keris, pakai subtitle Indonesia biar pada paham inti videonya,
I have heard the story that a long time ago in making a keris. The master had to fasting, looking for a good day to start, and the unique thing was that the master did not use fire to burn and did not also use a hammer to forge iron, but only using the fingers (massaging) iron to create a fantastic kris. This is truly magical.
But nobody can prove it
Lol wtf 🤦♂️
Naaah...This one is a fairy tale.Unless Empu Keris back then was an allien.Even Empu Gandring forging his Keris.There is a story about that is written.
Achmad Nurhadi mosok bro. Tau melu nggae po ?
Tapi dia cuma manusia biasa, bukan ya 'Pendekar Sakti' 😅
Im from Malaysia,that's a beautiful piece you got there Mister also like to see the afford building it,.as u know keris is a art also a ancient weapon and some of it clam has a mistical power for whom holding or own it ,it is made for single hand combat and one of a deadliest weapon for close combat ever made besides the karambit,even I have one in my home,it belongs to my great grandfather and been past to me,.I was told it was a 113 years keris and the previous owner of it name demak, rumor said that my great grandfather defeat demak on our ancient fighting art call silat,.after his defeated demak gave her keris to my grandfather as a gift,. it's has been in my possession ever since,.
Asal mano tu?
Kita asal Sabah Malaysia bang,.
@@suelove1442 sy x pandai bab2 keris ni tp minat tengok cara pembuatan. Boleh tengok x keris demak milik sue? Kalau x keberatan la :-)
Salam 🙏🇮🇩
wow sabah area mana sue
Langsung gw like, anak muda luar saja peduli dgn keris karya leluhur Indonesia. 👍
Mbahnya keris adalah keris empu gandring
anak muda indo sibuk main game onlen:v
Kalo orang indonesia sendiri yg produksi viewsnya kecil, tp karna bule aja orng indonesia hooked nonton. Lol
Lo bikin ga rohmat?
Nature soul Keris.. You made it with your soul and nature. Don't stop brother keep going.
Keris just like "PokeBall" there something more powerfull,and deadly inside them.
What a art from indonesia!!,and actually batik and rendang its from Indonesia pure 100% from
Ini orang mempelajari orang Jawa mungkin. Sampai ada bakar dupa. Khas Jawa banget. Terimakasih sudah ikut termasuk mengenalkan budaya kami ke negara anda.
In Indonesian term. You are "EMPU" or the keris maker
Iyo tah
Well, not exactly. Butuh banyak proses agar bisa di panggil EMPU. Let's just call him as Blacksmith.
Gelar "EMPU" itu tidak sembarangan didapatkan mas, ada proses-nya
No... just " pande " not empu
Ulil Kh pande besi bro bukan empu, tirakatnya berat bro sampai level empu
Kreasi yg luar biasa....Bahkan di Negara Asalnya Sendiri Indonesia ...byk Anak² mudanya yg sdh melupakan Keris itu sendiri.
Ternyata dibikin juga kerisnya mantap brooo
That Pamor pattern is great, the Keris will increased your confident and braveness. Thank you.
Hey you can study about keris in Indonesian institut of art Surakarta
as a Javanese Indonesian, I would say this Keris is so beautiful it has texture on it.
great work 👏👏👏