Many Thanks to you Sir and a lot of people commenting on here are either working for the electric industry trying to discredit anyone's work just to keep you down so they can keep filling there greedy pockets with our hard earned cash
بما انني اعمل في مجال الميكانيكا😀 الفكره صحيحه ولاكن بشرط ☝️ الثقل ⚖️المناسب🌀 👉فذالك يضمن الحركه المستمره ،،،،،،، شئ اخير☝️مهم جدا🧐. اي حمل زائد على مولد الكهرباء . يؤدي إلى إنخفاض في السرعه .. مما يعني 🧐 أداء منخفض او توقف تام(( فشل)) ........على كل حال شكرا على مجهودك 😊 التجربه تستحق العمل عليها فعليا ... ليس بالتعليق على يتوتيوب،،،،،،،،،،،،،الاقصى امانة في اعناقنا،،،،تحياتي👋👋👋بني الحارث/صنعاء/اليمن
1:29 اخواني الاعزاء هل هذا العمل ناجح . وهل هناك من جربه . وهل يستمر في التشغيل بدون توقف ... ارجو منكم اخواني الافاضل . التفضل بالاجابة ... لاننا بحاجة الى الانارة المنزلية فقط وشكرا
Very interesting idea. Why those soccer clubs in Europe countries pay $Millions $millions to get signatures of top soccer players just for a piece of cup, or statue made of gold or silver? They can buy or order from trophie makers and commission them to make one or even bigger one? Or Novak Jokovic doesn't need to play tennis, just go to trophy maker to 5 trophies for him? What an IDEA..
This is cool regardless of whether it works as suggested. I'd like to see a sustained shot of it running without the belt, at least to know how well it does. The springs might be helping to balance the wobble of your turn....?
People aren't stupid "at least most people aren't stupid" to recognize that the so called "generator" you have connected to the light bulb is actually the electric motor that's keeping it spinning. Nice job concealing the 18650 cells "or equivalent" that are inside the square tubing that's powering the apparatus though ;)
if it had batteries, then how did it run without the motor? The device has no motor before this and I bet you have no explanation as there are way too many losses with the lack of precision and the load from the springs being so crooked. This is very crude of a model but it shows something by running on it's own without a motor added. The small amount of spin he gave it before he started isn't enough energy to run any normal mechanical device for even 10 seconds if it were built to the standard efficiencies that we are taught and use today.
But at least here the welding champ didn't use a glue gun... so PROGRESS! By the way, this is an Italian 220V 90W electric MOTOR! Powered by a hidden cable from the network from somewhere.
Im conflicted but the only way to disproof is to just build it. Otherwise it looks cool. My conflict is from the added belt and the uneven springs i feel the force would die fast but thats why the main drive gear is thick steel. I think going with lighter metals on the rest vs a heavier main gear would give u more kinetic force. I would believe it more if placed over a glass block n clear frame. Lol i think mounting the dc motor directly on the same drive bar would be more effective. Kinda like how the motors on a straight shaft power tool is mounted. Seen many kinetic type “Free Energy” builds yours stands out. Keep it up on the designs looks like a fun project
Widać że nauka w Twoich stronach to kulejący fragment życia społecznego, no ale zapewne u was w pakistanie czy tam innym bangladeszu już tak musi być. Ale to dobrze, że macie już elektryczność.
In case of emergency if this provides you power to lighten up the compartment let’s say even for some time, then this is actually a great thing to have in the store and properly labeled as “For Extreme Emergency”. When you have nothing then you have something. I am quite happy with the mechanism and possibly will try for the farm house. Especially during winter when there’s no sunshine for months and if for some reason the wind turbine fails. Then just start this amazing mechanism and be happy since you will have light. It’s looking pretty basic though, however it can be well made, greased, painted and covered. If such a machine can provide about 100 watts of power output then what else you need?
Пружинно инерционный,неплохо..но он постепенно останавливается,а я вот изобрел на основе анкерного механизма часов ,там обороты непадают ,там как в часах.На сколько часов заведеш пружину ,столько и будет работать часов без падения оборотов.
Значит ли то что заводя часовой механизм вы придаёте энергию? Может энергия просто с подшипника? Очень интересно брать энергию с пружины, а там где этой энергии в избытке её лучше не брать.
Bravissimo, ma come la mettiamo con le vibrazioni? Non è un progetto da perseguire, figuriamoci aumentando la potenza del volano e del generatore come diventerebbero le vibrazioni. Per un generatore da 3kW il volano come sarebbe alto? 2 metri? Bene per fare visualizzazioni ma a lato pratico? Quello che conta è un progetto per sostituire la rete casalinga non lo spettacolo. Le apparenze ingannano parecchio.
@@Lalomalo_solidinca Tell me about your thermodynamic laws under BLACK HOLE horizon of rotating charged black hole please. Where is energy ? Where is time ? Where is entrophy ? Where is entalphy ?
First Law (Conservation of Energy): Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. Second Law (Entropy): In any energy transfer or transformation, some energy is always lost as waste heat, which increases the overall entropy of a system.
The springs have the potential energy when stretched and the oscillation on the eccentric disc alternates the stronger force by the spring stretched further, alternating the force in the closed loop of energy transfer to cause rotation. The are dozens of legitimate mechanical spring leveraged generators producing mechanical energy on the internet. Whether this is or not I don't know but the theoretical application is valid.
You are right, but it must be said that the universe contains an unlimited amount of energy that can be withdrawn by means of magnets and induction, by suppressing the back EMF; also by other means such as centrifugation at high RPM of a fluid and apparently also by synergy that produces an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects, such as a flywheel and springs. So the law of conservation of energy is not violated.
Por el solo hecho de que le falta balanceo,.ya dejo de ser factible el movimiento continuo por largo tiempo.....solo seria movimiento temporal y no infinito
You can hear the RPM is actually gradually dropping, just jump the video between 7:20 and 8:15, so as expected, the bulb is actually drawing on the energy stored in the flywheel at startup.
Чьоб крутилосб подольше надо выполнить несколькл условий... Баланс всей конструкции. Уловие достижения импульса маховика и потом только поддерживать впшими пружинами😅 Третье условия это механического резонанса😅 И ещё это всё удерживать постоянной нагрузкой чтоб в космос не улететь😂😂😂 Дерзайте. О сколько нам открытий чудных готовят просвященья дух И опыт сын ошибок трудных И гений парадоксов вдруг И случай, бог изобретатель....
Ушки от пружин протрутся быстро сначала на оси потом по краям трубы .....поменять надо эти места на подшипники,уменьшить трение ,можна добавить регулировку натяжения пружин....
Why isn't this guy a billionaire yet? He solved the world's energy problem after all. Perhaps because stealing electricity from the grid to run this thing is not "free energy".
@@hamzaelka8170 Yes, we don't see any cable. One of several possibilities for this: the used power for the motor isn't big, two very thin wires are sufficient and they wouldn't show up with the resolution of the video.
The only of it's kind I believe. Some data is missing though. How long till it stops? Maximum load to weight it down for this exact setup? Actual voltage at output (It looks somehow low voltage still usable)? Great work!
I think it may work it does follow the various rules for using magnets to generate power but id be more surprised that it ran at that speed for so long BTW the three rules are Something generating motion A magnetic field And conducting material being stimulated by the magnetic fields
add a flywheel to it and you just made the first part of free energy. this will start up a powerful magnetic motor. the magnetic motor will start up 115volt motor and a 230volt motor. which will provide an entire house with free electricity.
Such concepts are a complete fail. A flywheel does not create energy. It only stores energy which was input before. And magnetic motors - motors driven by permanent magnets only - don't exist.
It blows my mind seeing people defending this lie of a video. If anyone could actually make this work, (which they can't) they would not be on you tube making videos. They would be in their palace with their millions. This type of video pollutes peoples minds.
In theory this would work under the pretense of no gravity and a chilled vacuum as well as better bearings than are currently available as well as a better metal as conductors 😅 also where is the power regulator? If you're just free cycling and its truely a working prototype it would continue to increase rpms until mechanical failure.....if its not a working model it will cycle down with time as physics laws state no object can produce more energy than is originally supplied......😅🎉 Sorry.....yeah I have been trying to iron it out as well and know whats needed but is not costly or available.......
Lebih masuk akal pake tenaga air atau angin,, baru itu sistem gerak,, karena selentur apapun spring akan tetap berhenti dan mencari titik diam jika tidak ada putaran berkala
Since 15 years, I have been dealing with angular energy electricity generation systems (R&D). My positive designs about angular continue. In this regard, my own financial means are insufficient, I had meetings with many businessmen, they accepted the financing of the project, but they gave up when it came to signing a protocol, that is, when it came to formalisation. If there is an entrepreneur who will take firm steps with me on this path, who is idealistic, has financial means and wants to make an official protocol, I would like to meet. 98% of the published videos are wrong and do not work. I know the mistake they all make.
Many Thanks to you Sir and a lot of people commenting on here are either working for the electric industry trying to discredit anyone's work just to keep you down so they can keep filling there greedy pockets with our hard earned cash
I got a bridge to sell you
Ever got a bit of an education?
بما انني اعمل في مجال الميكانيكا😀 الفكره صحيحه ولاكن بشرط ☝️ الثقل ⚖️المناسب🌀 👉فذالك يضمن الحركه المستمره ،،،،،،، شئ اخير☝️مهم جدا🧐. اي حمل زائد على مولد الكهرباء . يؤدي إلى إنخفاض في السرعه .. مما يعني 🧐 أداء منخفض او توقف تام(( فشل)) ........على كل حال شكرا على مجهودك 😊 التجربه تستحق العمل عليها فعليا ... ليس بالتعليق على يتوتيوب،،،،،،،،،،،،،الاقصى امانة في اعناقنا،،،،تحياتي👋👋👋بني الحارث/صنعاء/اليمن
لكن الثقل = الجاذبية يعني الطاقه تتلاشى تدريجيا بفعل معامل الاحتكاك والجاذبيه والحمل!!
1:29 اخواني الاعزاء هل هذا العمل ناجح . وهل هناك من جربه . وهل يستمر في التشغيل بدون توقف ... ارجو منكم اخواني الافاضل . التفضل بالاجابة ... لاننا بحاجة الى الانارة المنزلية فقط وشكرا
@@غريب515-س9ش قم بعمل نموذج مصغر للفكره و سوف ترى النتيجه ..و لن خسر شيأ ☝️،،،،،،،،،،،الاقصى امانة في اعناقنا،،،،تحياتي👋👋👋بني الحارث/صنعاء/اليمن
اخي ماهو الثقل المناسب لاستمرارية الحركة ...
لا يوجد صحه في هذا العمل
Free energy is easy, just run an extension cord to your neighbours out side outlet.
Very interesting idea. Why those soccer clubs in Europe countries pay $Millions $millions to get signatures of top soccer players just for a piece of cup, or statue made of gold or silver? They can buy or order from trophie makers and commission them to make one or even bigger one? Or Novak Jokovic doesn't need to play tennis, just go to trophy maker to 5 trophies for him? What an IDEA..
Exelente proyecto te felicito x tu creatividad,nos das un punto de partida para desarrollarlo con nuestras propias habilidades"gracias totales"
This is cool regardless of whether it works as suggested. I'd like to see a sustained shot of it running without the belt, at least to know how well it does. The springs might be helping to balance the wobble of your turn....?
People aren't stupid "at least most people aren't stupid" to recognize that the so called "generator" you have connected to the light bulb is actually the electric motor that's keeping it spinning. Nice job concealing the 18650 cells "or equivalent" that are inside the square tubing that's powering the apparatus though ;)
The simple solution that explains everything!
if it had batteries, then how did it run without the motor? The device has no motor before this and I bet you have no explanation as there are way too many losses with the lack of precision and the load from the springs being so crooked. This is very crude of a model but it shows something by running on it's own without a motor added. The small amount of spin he gave it before he started isn't enough energy to run any normal mechanical device for even 10 seconds if it were built to the standard efficiencies that we are taught and use today.
true true
@@advanced-electronic Before there was no engine, the flywheel spun for 27 seconds, losing speed very much, nothing unusual
Kkkkkk isso não é verdade não existe energia infinita
No. No thumbs up... Take the belt off and let it run. The truth is far more valuable than deception man.
Well you haven't seen the full video. Its not a good idea to see the truth when you skip the video.
@@NuggetLover4140its not real. There is a motor hidden inside somewhere. Its fake
@@HighVoltageMadness Yeah.. maybe its true your right.
Better Flywheel balance with helper magnets strategically placed around a perimeter shroud. Also, a small generator inline to feed a helper motor.
I don’t know if this is fake but I like how the device is put together, very artistic.
It’s fake
Exelente proyecto felicitaciones!!!❤❤❤ cómo se frena o paras el moviento "gracias totales"
Всегда поражает то , что в комментариях есть люди которые в это верят 😮
But at least here the welding champ didn't use a glue gun... so PROGRESS!
By the way, this is an Italian 220V 90W electric MOTOR!
Powered by a hidden cable from the network from somewhere.
It will run forever if you don't unplug the power source on wall socket
More spring tension please, i wanna see a bigger generator next time.😊😊😊😊😊
Im conflicted but the only way to disproof is to just build it. Otherwise it looks cool. My conflict is from the added belt and the uneven springs i feel the force would die fast but thats why the main drive gear is thick steel. I think going with lighter metals on the rest vs a heavier main gear would give u more kinetic force. I would believe it more if placed over a glass block n clear frame. Lol i think mounting the dc motor directly on the same drive bar would be more effective. Kinda like how the motors on a straight shaft power tool is mounted. Seen many kinetic type “Free Energy” builds yours stands out. Keep it up on the designs looks like a fun project
There is no need to build this to disprove it. Laws of physics are sufficient. Neither a flywheel nor springs are a source of energy.
شكرا سيدي المحترم لتحديك الجاذبية والدوران المستمر دون توقف لتوليد الكهرباء بشكل سريع ودائم🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿
ههه صدقت
Y el planeta tierra,menso
Good ideas. Go forward on what you inner believe and achieve.Inventor minds always keep running with R&D. Don't stop inventing.
Terrible idea. Doesn't work. Scam.
@@peppermintgal4302 Did you also build it ?
@@peppermintgal4302 can you prove that? where is your video showing its a lie!!!
I pray for everyone's sake that that you are not faking this.
Well done, you give hope for people around the world. 🌞
Of course it is fake.
If this was real, it would be at Tesla or somewhere else not on TH-cam. I give him credit for concealing the battery inside the tubing though ;)
Know this was proven the other day on garage 54 TH-cam channel 100 real no magnets
he is totally faking it there must be a hidden wire
Canal 54 é outro nível os cara são bons comprovaram mesmo amigo
Widać że nauka w Twoich stronach to kulejący fragment życia społecznego, no ale zapewne u was w pakistanie czy tam innym bangladeszu już tak musi być. Ale to dobrze, że macie już elektryczność.
In case of emergency if this provides you power to lighten up the compartment let’s say even for some time, then this is actually a great thing to have in the store and properly labeled as “For Extreme Emergency”.
When you have nothing then you have something. I am quite happy with the mechanism and possibly will try for the farm house. Especially during winter when there’s no sunshine for months and if for some reason the wind turbine fails. Then just start this amazing mechanism and be happy since you will have light.
It’s looking pretty basic though, however it can be well made, greased, painted and covered.
If such a machine can provide about 100 watts of power output then what else you need?
This machine does not even provide a milli-watt of power. It is a fake.
By george you've done it. The greatest 5 miniutes in history.
It's gonna be made a joke or called fake(without even trying), like the previous attempts, so we keep using what we currently have.
Nice work.but I saw such projects with a large wheel.i wonder I do they stop it or slow down the speed once start running.any idea
Naysayers are a dime a dozen. At least here’s a man thinking outside the box
@@abundantYOUniverse go outside
@ Clean that filthy trailer first.
Well, in Nigeria you will make millions of dollars if it's not a scam, you ate proving to a defied the law of physics, perpetual motion 😂😂😂
Bad guy
Tell me time in seconds for which motor gives you required output in watt second please?
20 segundos y se para
Great! Now plug it in to the electric grid so I can have some!
نعم العجلة الحديدية الثقيلة هي التي تساعد لمواصلة ولقوة الدوران للأربعة رسورات لمنعها عن التوقف
Such precision work
4:19 . This is the spring, what is it useful for? Is it to slow down the movement or stabilize the speed
Amazing energy full support my friend ❤
It's bull sh no such thing as free energy, or perpetual motion machine. Go back to school.
Пружинно инерционный,неплохо..но он постепенно останавливается,а я вот изобрел на основе анкерного механизма часов ,там обороты непадают ,там как в часах.На сколько часов заведеш пружину ,столько и будет работать часов без падения оборотов.
Сними ролик
и насколько часов хватает завод пружины как на патифоне ? - на пять - 15 минут на время прослушки грампластинки ? 🧭
Значит ли то что заводя часовой механизм вы придаёте энергию?
Может энергия просто с подшипника?
Очень интересно брать энергию с пружины, а там где этой энергии в избытке её лучше не брать.
Bravissimo, ma come la mettiamo con le vibrazioni? Non è un progetto da perseguire, figuriamoci aumentando la potenza del volano e del generatore come diventerebbero le vibrazioni. Per un generatore da 3kW il volano come sarebbe alto? 2 metri? Bene per fare visualizzazioni ma a lato pratico? Quello che conta è un progetto per sostituire la rete casalinga non lo spettacolo. Le apparenze ingannano parecchio.
To make unstoppable wheel we need to break thermodynamics laws
Unstoppable stupidity on youtube.
and for that you can be arrested!
Kinetic energy is part of thermodynamics laws
@@Lalomalo_solidinca Tell me about your thermodynamic laws under BLACK HOLE horizon of rotating charged black hole please. Where is energy ? Where is time ? Where is entrophy ? Where is entalphy ?
That's bs. I'm sure with sound frequency you can make matter out of nothing. Or more like alchemy
hola profesor queremos mas y mas videos de este tipo adelante 👍👍👍
Долго наверное не может вращаться...
First Law (Conservation of Energy): Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another.
Second Law (Entropy): In any energy transfer or transformation, some energy is always lost as waste heat, which increases the overall entropy of a system.
The springs have the potential energy when stretched and the oscillation on the eccentric disc alternates the stronger force by the spring stretched further, alternating the force in the closed loop of energy transfer to cause rotation. The are dozens of legitimate mechanical spring leveraged generators producing mechanical energy on the internet. Whether this is or not I don't know but the theoretical application is valid.
You are right, but it must be said that the universe contains an unlimited amount of energy that can be withdrawn by means of magnets and induction, by suppressing the back EMF; also by other means such as centrifugation at high RPM of a fluid and apparently also by synergy that produces an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects, such as a flywheel and springs. So the law of conservation of energy is not violated.
I want to see a timed video showing it lasting more then 10 minutes
Free Energy Generator - U can use this trick in some magic show, most people no longer believe these scams. 😂😂
A More Precision build is needed.
What is the use of the compound gear you set
Por el solo hecho de que le falta balanceo,.ya dejo de ser factible el movimiento continuo por largo tiempo.....solo seria movimiento temporal y no infinito
yeah, agree, but it can run at the least for an hour and then the springs deform
@@subashinixerox5772 asi mismo
Хрен тебе, эта как скорость света, вечно можно пробираться а хрен достигнешь. Или дойти до горизонта, а он собака все дальше и дальше 😂
Nice working prototype. Just too much vibration. This will eventually shake itself to death.
You can hear the RPM is actually gradually dropping, just jump the video between 7:20 and 8:15, so as expected, the bulb is actually drawing on the energy stored in the flywheel at startup.
Ci ont perfectionnés cette invention toute la terre 🌎 aura l'électricité
But quick question if he said it will run forever how did he stop it at first
Is it free energy or perpetual motion which will stop by itself 😮
❤❤❤ супер спасибо большое за труд 💯💯💥🤩😀🤩🤩😀🤩😀😀🤩🤩🤩🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Chế tạo máy phát điện rất hay tuyệt vời nhất chúc bạn thành công trong cuộc sống
Morag tanood na ba😮😮😮😮😂
Hi what type of generator are you using
Is that continues running ser ???
Чьоб крутилосб подольше надо выполнить несколькл условий...
Баланс всей конструкции.
Уловие достижения импульса маховика и потом только поддерживать впшими пружинами😅
Третье условия это механического резонанса😅
И ещё это всё удерживать постоянной нагрузкой чтоб в космос не улететь😂😂😂
О сколько нам открытий чудных готовят просвященья дух
И опыт сын ошибок трудных
И гений парадоксов вдруг
И случай, бог изобретатель....
Ушки от пружин протрутся быстро сначала на оси потом по краям трубы .....поменять надо эти места на подшипники,уменьшить трение ,можна добавить регулировку натяжения пружин....
Woouu idea brilian.. 👍👍👍
EDUCTATION especially in physics is so important, so people can’t get fooled by such machines 😂
I'm going to build one of these myself and see what happens, that's also educational.
Pls what is the name of the alternator because this one is very small pls tell me
Why isn't this guy a billionaire yet? He solved the world's energy problem after all.
Perhaps because stealing electricity from the grid to run this thing is not "free energy".
How can be possible we ain’t see any cable
@@hamzaelka8170 It's a trick. The cable or the batteries are hidden somewhere underneath.
@@hamzaelka8170 Yes, we don't see any cable. One of several possibilities for this: the used power for the motor isn't big, two very thin wires are sufficient and they wouldn't show up with the resolution of the video.
Die Idee ist gut , du wirst aber auf dem Markt keine Federn finden die diese Belastung länger aushalten . Magnet Piston weiter verfolgen.
The only of it's kind I believe. Some data is missing though. How long till it stops? Maximum load to weight it down for this exact setup? Actual voltage at output (It looks somehow low voltage still usable)?
Great work!
It will stop if bearing is broken or that belt is broken too
@@audyreinhardchannel8155 It will stop when the hidden batteries die.
you can conect to battery to charge?
What is the name of that dc motor that generates power
I think it may work it does follow the various rules for using magnets to generate power but id be more surprised that it ran at that speed for so long
BTW the three rules are
Something generating motion
A magnetic field
And conducting material being stimulated by the magnetic fields
add a flywheel to it and you just made the first part of free energy.
this will start up a powerful magnetic motor.
the magnetic motor will start up 115volt motor and a 230volt motor.
which will provide an entire house with free electricity.
Such concepts are a complete fail. A flywheel does not create energy. It only stores energy which was input before. And magnetic motors - motors driven by permanent magnets only - don't exist.
It blows my mind seeing people defending this lie of a video. If anyone could actually make this work, (which they can't) they would not be on you tube making videos. They would be in their palace with their millions. This type of video pollutes peoples minds.
Can you put a live time stamp and run the flywheel without motor/generator for only 15 mins?
In theory this would work under the pretense of no gravity and a chilled vacuum as well as better bearings than are currently available as well as a better metal as conductors 😅 also where is the power regulator? If you're just free cycling and its truely a working prototype it would continue to increase rpms until mechanical failure.....if its not a working model it will cycle down with time as physics laws state no object can produce more energy than is originally supplied......😅🎉 Sorry.....yeah I have been trying to iron it out as well and know whats needed but is not costly or available.......
اختراع صادق ممكن الانسان يعتمد علية لتشغل منفاخ او اضائة او مثقاب او جلخ او مروحة او خلاط عصائر شكرآ يالغالي
I feel surprise, why people give so much effort in making fake projects.
the number 1 rule of physics something cant spin or move forever unless a force is being applied to it.
Nothing is free in the world, except water,air and sun light...
water? are you sure?
cheese at mouse trap...
So you made a fly wheel? ITs not forever, but it will last a while.
Its a revenue generator powerd by lunacy, brilliant! But now everyone is getting on the bandwagon. 😊
I know it does not run forever, But it could run a very long time.
Muy bien hecho, reducido y efectivo. Bravo 🎉🎉🎉
Ovo je jako dobro napravĺjeno bravo majstoru
Lebih masuk akal pake tenaga air atau angin,, baru itu sistem gerak,, karena selentur apapun spring akan tetap berhenti dan mencari titik diam jika tidak ada putaran berkala
It'll keep turning a lot longer if you take the springs off.
If not fake, it would have been widely used,worldwide, they should not be demonstrating free like that, but instead registered as a new inventions
Mehdi is watching and laughing at corner.
Zor inshaolloh qilganga arziydi😊😊😊
Do that system starts alone ? No ! You have to start it, and You give to it, a momentum who keeps that energy to rotate a time...
cái này bác test chạy bao lâu thì thay lò xò vậy bác?
По логике свободная энергия должна бесконечно наращивать количество оборотов, а тут похоже обороты падают.
Тем не менее спасибо за видео
hw long it will run?
You really should patent and manufacture this before someone steals your idea, you could be the richest man in the world.
For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. Entropy wins.
🟦…it clearly states "an equal and opposite reaction",...
...NOT "an opposite and LESS than equal reaction".
I don't believe it. Is it vibrating at 65 to 85 hz? The vibration frequency might be what is causing this..?
Perhaps it will not run forever, but think about it. One pulll and it will run for quite a while enough to charge a battery.
Đó có phải là máy phát điện Vĩnh Cửu không ạ
fake or real he made over 160k views and that's what he's after 😀😀😀
If you start the engine then how can you stop it ??
success is only in content, in reality it will never be possible
In every single video these things are thrown together, imagine if you put some engineering behind it. The principal is the exact same.
What's the voltage output
100/😮 volt hoga bulb ke hisaab sw
A great idea that needs development, but it is sometimes successful.
Scientist khama kham pareshan ho rahe hain 😂😂😂😂
Scientists are worried because there are people who believe that this really works.
I did mine in ke but it's stopping! What can be the reason?
Since 15 years, I have been dealing with angular energy electricity generation systems (R&D). My positive designs about angular continue. In this regard, my own financial means are insufficient, I had meetings with many businessmen, they accepted the financing of the project, but they gave up when it came to signing a protocol, that is, when it came to formalisation. If there is an entrepreneur who will take firm steps with me on this path, who is idealistic, has financial means and wants to make an official protocol, I would like to meet. 98% of the published videos are wrong and do not work. I know the mistake they all make.
It wosks about 2 minutes for start. Are you OK?
El fallo esta en no poner un cable verde en paralelo con el eje ortogonal del orgon.