Should be illegal not to. LMAO Good thing my dog is a good girl :) also I know how to train her and get her socialized with humans since ya know.... She was a rescue and she was an abused stray. I love her and I'm going to continue working with her. She isn't the best right now but she never bite she just barks and growls. After the 2 months of having her she's gotten a lot better.
Who tf buys another living breathing being as an accessory? If you want to buy or adopt a pet for that reason please don’t that animal deserves a loving home and full filling life not to be your little accessory!!
Honestly, these kinds of people are a prime example of people that should NOT own animals. If this dog were a big dog, it would’ve been euthanized yesterday. But it’s an accessory to these women, not a dog, so the bad behavior is just brushed off. Very dangerous.
junbh2 I agree it is good that they stepped up, but they wouldn’t have ever changed anything if they hadn’t contacted Victoria. They should’ve done basic research before even getting the dog to begin with, it should’ve never even gotten to this point
"I bought her as a fashion accessory." A fashion accessory?! It's a living creature, not some bedazzled hand bag!! You can't just expect a living dog to behave like a robot and pose for every picture you feel like snapping!! Poor thing. No wonder she's so stressed!
We bought our French Bulldog Rolo as a cute pupper to play with, cuddle, stroke/pet, help keep us happier and bring my brother and I together. He's only 13 weeks but he can already walk up the stairs, sit, stay (if you don't have human food) and paw. The only problems are his toileting and that he's teething, this causes him to chew anything. He also has certain things he hates/loves: fluffy stuff (pajamas and socks especially),hair (he bit my dad's beard once), dangling fabric (my mum has given up the tie part of her dressing gown for Rolo) and walkies (he's not good at roads or stairs but loves attention and the woods.) He also loves treats like (small) bits of cheddar, apples, chicken, eggs, pears and carrots. He had a bad encounter with another dog, but once quarantine is over, we're planning to introduce him to our aunties Shitzu Milo, as neither Milo or Rolo are dog aggressive. He's such a lovebug, but my mum is his favourite in the household.
I don’t take issue with people dressing up their dog to be their accessory if they also train the dog. One of my friends has a dog who literally has her own closest that is complete with outfits that match my friends and special occasion wear. She gets toted around in a bag and rarely ever walks outside. However her dog is very well behaved and has been properly socialized so she has a sweet demeanor. While dressing up a dog and carrying it around it what is essentially a purse isn’t my thing to each their own as long as their dog isn’t a menace.
@@Carolinagirl1028 Yeah, it's all about how the dog feels. If you associate dress-up with good things and make sure the clothes are comfortable for the dog, the dog will probably enjoy it. I see a lot of people blaming this dog's behavior problems on the fashion accessory thing, when the real issue is that a) they didn't really know how to train a dog properly, and b) they bought a seriously neglected dog who had pre-existing psychological problems from a terrible puppy mill.
+Sona Avakian-This aired back sometime in 2006-2008 so I had to shudder at the re-mention of girls wanting to have dogs like fashion accessories the way Paris Hilton did. . .(For the record, I'm sure her dogs had plenty of issues too being treated like that. . .) Talk about not wanting that particular rotten past to come back. . .anyway, no dog ever likes to be treated as a toy. Ever. I've had several dogs throughout my life, and NONE of them ever liked that. None of them ever liked putting on clothes (and unless it's necessary. . .just don't. . .). They just wanted to be respected. To be respected. And to be loved. Dogs are always smarter than you give them credit for-so please do. And they deserved to have your respect. To be loved and adored as an intelligent individual.
In her defense. Any other dog that has bitten people multiple times, gets put down too. When a pitbull bites someone once, they are already put down. But because this breed is considered 'cute' this dog is allowed to bite people a 100 times before someone considers to put it down. So her reasoning was sound.
Nah thats for chihuahuas They are cute but i got beef cuz when i was little my neighbor had a Chihuahua that was chained into the front yard and one day got loose and attacked me. So its love/hate relationship for us.
Yep, whoever wrote that voice over is not a fan of wannabe celebrities. Can't say I blame him. The second I saw those two bimbos I thought _Oh dear, here we go again_ .
@@undefinederror40404 in some states the dogs in puppy mills are classified as "livestock" which makes the treatment completely legal. If you think that's bad, check out the treatment of other "livestock" animals. Practices like castration and beak-trimming with no anesthesia or pain relief are completely legal and standard practice. Not to mention the conditions of any intensive farm are absolutely abhorrent..
But we have to acknowledge Victoria herself said that some breeds are more aggressive than others on an episode with a pitbull. So either she’s right and yes, it is also in some ways the breed and their behaviors, or you can say she’s absolutely wrong. Jack Russels are known to be more territorial, Dalmations more prone to boredom, etc. There are associated breed behaviors/dispositions. It’s up to the owner to train their dogs with those in mind, acting like it doesn’t exist will lead to problems like we’ve seen in other episodes.
I am mortified by how casually these girls talked about euthanizing Tallulah. Like "oh this one was too much work so we'll put her down and probably get a new accessory" yikes
@@candicecandice8202 I get that, but they could give her away or send her to a shelter instead of just putting her down like you're casually tossing out last season's accessories.
Austin Hall: Exactly, not just step on me but step on me and twist her foot with all her might... You sure do know how to read between the lines... Only a person with masochistic thoughts would come up with such a comment...
" She's equally happy to attack friends, relatives, the caretaker and anyone who gets in her way. Especially old ladies." Wow, did not see that coming 😆
"We bought her as a fashion accessory" *WELL NO WONDER WHY THE DOG HAS SO MANY DAMN PROBLEMS* "wE bOUgHT hEr aS aN fAShIoN AcCesSorY" God that statement makes me so irrationally angry...
Not to mention being 💯 COMMITTED to having that dog, cat or Any animal... For it's ENTIRE LIFE!! NO EXCUSES (ex: moving, baby, landlords etc) No! 💯 for it's ENTIRE life or don't bother getting pet. I wish people understood this 😔
LaObeja Negra some excuses because some countries or cities don’t allow certain pets so it better to send them to a friend or family member to be cared for rather than a shelter for example my family had a young 1 year old Boston terrier but we had to mover to Saudi Arabia where they don’t allow the terrier breed so we sent daisy to a family friend to live with so now she has active children to play with and we know she’s being well taken care of so ya some excuses
@@pasteldreams5413 Actually no it's not. A tucked tail is either a sign of submission, nervousness, or fear. In poor Tallulah's case, she had little to no socialization growing up and thus Does Not Compute when it comes to anything new, and lashes out at anything that scares her. These girls just rolled over rather than being stern and enforcing that biting, snippy behavior was Not Acceptable. I've had three chihuahua mixes, all rescues with unknown histories and none ever held their tails like this, nor ever lashed out.
@@byrn Makes sense. I guess my chihuahua did that because he was abused. Now that I think about it, he only did it in certain situations, too. My memory is so bad.
I had to with my BEAUTIFUL german shepherd he had bit 5 people severally and we didnt have the money to train (which was 3000$) we tried to give them to a bunch of police stations we had to give them to a pound and he was sadly put down it was like 130 lbs he was such a beautiful playful pup I really miss him... in conclusion not everybody can
poopy petard Aww I’m sorry about your puppy, 😕😕 and I’m aware not everyone can train their dogs and that there are certain circumstances that require euthanasia that are out of our control. I was referring to people like the girls in the video who considered putting that dog down for petty problems that just require some minor work. They were gonna give her away because she kept pooping everywhere, but what did they expect without training her, it’s like telling a child to speak without teaching them how to.
The tools this woman gives are simple, effective and yield results. I used to watch Cesar Milan (excuses for any spelling errors) all the time and the thing I found difficult about him was trying to have the owners become dogs themselves, to interpret everything as part of the dog pack. Whilst I know what he’s getting at and what he means, it isn’t as easy to understand, isn’t reproducible the same way and certainly doesn’t help one person with one dog. It’s great that he takes them for walks with his “pack”, but that’s not an everyday thing someone can do. He is great for dogs who have problems with other dogs, but Victoria solves people problems which is the root of a lot of problems with people’s dogs. THAT’s the difference. Her training isn’t a “system”, it’s a series of tools understanding the dynamic between the dog and owner.
@@thisistinnytrying a pet is a domestic or tamed animal kept for companionship or pleasure. Pigs and other livestock aren't usually kept as pets since they were originally domesticated to be eaten, produce milk, and pull carts or ridden for transportation. More commonly you'll find cats and dogs for pets since that's primarily why people have them. The ability to hunt, heard, and protect is a more than welcomed bonus that comes with certain breeds. 57% of the world's population own a pet. Within that percentage 33% own dogs, 23% own cats, 12% own fish, 6% own birds, and other pet species are somewhere below 6% each. Also, to the chinese all animals are food no matter how big or small.
I sometimes feel bad, that I didn’t understand my dog from the beginning, because I compared him to our first dog. Their personalities are the complete opposite. He has one issue due to that, but we’re working on it together on the daily. Watching these videos helped me a lot to see, that it’s me and not the dog. Our relationship improved so much and I almost couldn’t be happier now.
I've had two dogs and they're very different, too! It's interesting how individual they are. My previous dog was a Lab crossed with something else, my current dog is pure Lab, and I'm realizing just how much of my previous dog's behavior was shaped by the "something else".
*”But this Bitch came with baggage”* This was out of nowhere and made me laugh. I did not expect that. (For all the others, I do know that Bitch is a female dog.)
I own a 9 year old Chihuahua called Alfie he was a stud from a puppy farm he had and still has lots of issues he also has inflammatory bowel disease chronic pancreatitis and athritis of both hips and severe fear aggression
My chihuahua Alfie is a rescue from a puppy farm he was a stud dog and has inflammatory bowel disease chronic pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel disease he has severe fear aggression he didnt hace a name
Well, the girls seem to come from a puppy mill as well... Getting a living thing to be prop for their pictures! All these bitches are coming with baggage.
Poor poor dog. Two years at the mill, unsocialised, and then all the confusion of unstructured handling with the girls. She was so stressed and on a trigger frenzy. Glad she got better and cheered up. Go Tallullah!
I know they got her for the wrong reasons, but the owners actually care about her and are willing to do the work required, so I think that still says a lot about them
People don't realize little dogs can get put down for the same dangerous behaviour. My nan had one of her eyes almost torn out but a Havanese dog, and it had to be put down.
@@rockellbitner1056 That's true for sure, but I don't think suing someone after you get attacked by their dog, or even worse, have your child attacked by them is something unreasonable to do.
My continental bull dog is lieing on my lap and shes biggggg and if I wouldn't have trained her correctly she could ez bite off a lim or a head but she's trained
i mean it’s not like they can just go and buy more dog clothes besides they pay her to help them train the dog she can’t just take the clothes she’s only there to help them
The dog is hairless and in a colder environment than it was meant to live in the clothes actually help the dog I believe. Though the clothes she chose in particular are questionable
Although clearly just a compliment, wolves are far too different from dogs for any of this stuff to work. Just saying this so some kid doesn't go out and get their arm bitten off.
Absolutely. I have a smallish/medium dog but he's an animal not an accessory. Seeing people carry them around like handbags is just sad. They're small but they deserve to be treated with respect and love.
Ye, I gabe a dog just bigger then the dog in the vid. Mine doesnt wear silly dresses or abything and shes just as disciplined as the lab. She has a coat to keep her warn during the winter, but its only for bad weather
@MsLauriane05 they didn't help the dog , they could have taken her to a trainer or tried to socialize it instead they tried to have their plans of a little perfect dog that they dressed up
anime and movies we got a poodle like this but no where near as bad, no clue why since he's pretty well trained- just yappy af and bitey since he was a puppy
You're kidding? I can't think of a dog owner who doesn't do a little dance the first time their dog pees on its own outside or wherever you're trying to train them to go! Also, we praise them as if their pee were actually molten gold lol.
If you dont have a youthful enough look the industry will basically make you retire. Models are either very young or have the money and ability to appear that young
Not sure if you've noticed but most models in their 25+ have had some work done. With the playboy mansion you got kicked out at 30 as you were then considered old. 🤷♀️
I think it’s more she was just at the reality that Tullulah was too aggressive and there would be nothing to do with her. Dropping her off at a pound would be instant death and no one would be willing to take the risk to take in such an aggressive dog.
Realizing that her dog is so aggressive and has bitten so many people that she’s very close to having to be put down is not the same thing as wanting it to happen.
@@watermelon520b I agree. Suicidal thoughts are not fantasy at all, but an itchy wool blanket that has you wrapped tightly. No pleasure in any of that and no way to see through it to "reality"
"Tallulah has developed a taste for the blue rinse brigade, with the merest whiff of lavender oil sending her into a frenzy." RIP old ladies. -- the narrator
Alarmed Llama Same here. I’ve only been truly bitten once in my life and that was by a beagle. I get that bigger, stronger dogs can do more damage should they be aggressive but every big dog I’ve ever met was just a big baby and super cuddly where as most of the small dogs were a bit neurotic.
The fact that this dog was bought as a fashion accessory is so depressing... These girls probably did no research about dog care/training whatsoever. what a shame.
It should be a recommendation to watch Victoria before u get a dog
Should be required
That’s what I’m doing for some (maybe) preparation
Ye, small cages and concrete floors dont screem responsible breeder :/
snitches get stitches
Should be illegal not to. LMAO
Good thing my dog is a good girl :)
also I know how to train her and get her socialized with humans since ya know.... She was a rescue and she was an abused stray. I love her and I'm going to continue working with her. She isn't the best right now but she never bite she just barks and growls. After the 2 months of having her she's gotten a lot better.
“but this b*tch came with baggage”
same honestly
I laughed so hard
Honestly me too
simgal bitch is the word for a female dog but I laughed when I first heard it because of lack of context
"I bought her as a fashion accessory."
No wonder she hates you.
At least a Louis Vuitton won't bite you.... Why buy a dog? A purse will only hurt your wallet..
Big_Boom362 Dogs aren’t accessories
Yup. I don't think the female dog is the b- in this scenario, if you know what I mean..
@@camilac.l.1323 Don't worry, I do.
The dog is mad that she can’t be like other dogs
Girl: "I bought her as a fashion accessory"
Dog: *Becomes aggressive*
Girl: Pikachu face
Do you watch JoJos bizarre adventure
Is tHaT Josuke??????????
Who tf buys another living breathing being as an accessory? If you want to buy or adopt a pet for that reason please don’t that animal deserves a loving home and full filling life not to be your little accessory!!
j o su K e????
@@Salterisks 👁👄👁 maybe
“tallulah’s behavior might be dangerous but her fashion sense is criminal”
this narrator...he doesn’t miss 💀💀💀
Hahahahahahahahahahaha hahaha
i love the narrator, his voice is great, especially when he makes jokes
What a sense of humour lolest
Honestly, these kinds of people are a prime example of people that should NOT own animals. If this dog were a big dog, it would’ve been euthanized yesterday. But it’s an accessory to these women, not a dog, so the bad behavior is just brushed off. Very dangerous.
@Bana Nya well said
They rose to the challenge once they were shown how, though. The worst is people who refuse to learn.
junbh2 I agree it is good that they stepped up, but they wouldn’t have ever changed anything if they hadn’t contacted Victoria. They should’ve done basic research before even getting the dog to begin with, it should’ve never even gotten to this point
“Already” sounds better than “yesterday”. Lol
faZe Bot I intentionally used “yesterday” instead of “already” to put emphasis on the urgency of the dog’s bad behavior.
No one:
The narrator: T H I S B I T C H C A M E W I T H B A G G A G E
He means a bitchon fray
@@mikelloyd1866 my guy, tis a joke
Hahahaha i was looking for this comment
I thought I was the only one who heard that 🤦🏻♀️
"Tallulah's behaviour might be dangerous, but her fashion sense is criminal." lmao
This siht is hilarious🤣😂
"Having roasted Jane over Tallulah's 'doggy styling'..."
I mean these went out in the 1980s 😂😂lmao
"Tallulah might be dangerous, but her fashion sense is criminal." My man you dropped this 👑
‘Ancient Aztecs kept them as bed-warmers’
Awww that’s cute
‘And also ate them’
I am so weak
Lol my exact thoughts 😂
If her ancestors acted like this.... I think we know why they ate them.
Twenty One Pilots Falling Out At The Disco bruh your username is legendary
2coolforschool hecc
*"But this Bitch came with baggage"*
I replayed that part thinking I heard it wrong XD
*But then I realized bitch is a female dog*
Female dogs are technically called bitches 🤣🤣🤣🤣
IKR same lol
I missed it 😩 ... watching at work. What's the time?
@@ImpoliteLover in the beginning 0.08
Hearing the word “bitch” said seriously by a guy with an English accent just made my day instantly
Tortagaci-A I couldn’t agree more
I listen to the Beatles talk just to hear their accent.
time stamp?
@@Firestorm214 0:08
"I bought her as a fashion accessory."
A fashion accessory?! It's a living creature, not some bedazzled hand bag!! You can't just expect a living dog to behave like a robot and pose for every picture you feel like snapping!!
Poor thing. No wonder she's so stressed!
At least they were honest 😹
We bought our French Bulldog Rolo as a cute pupper to play with, cuddle, stroke/pet, help keep us happier and bring my brother and I together. He's only 13 weeks but he can already walk up the stairs, sit, stay (if you don't have human food) and paw. The only problems are his toileting and that he's teething, this causes him to chew anything. He also has certain things he hates/loves: fluffy stuff (pajamas and socks especially),hair (he bit my dad's beard once), dangling fabric (my mum has given up the tie part of her dressing gown for Rolo) and walkies (he's not good at roads or stairs but loves attention and the woods.) He also loves treats like (small) bits of cheddar, apples, chicken, eggs, pears and carrots. He had a bad encounter with another dog, but once quarantine is over, we're planning to introduce him to our aunties Shitzu Milo, as neither Milo or Rolo are dog aggressive. He's such a lovebug, but my mum is his favourite in the household.
Thank goodness actors don't parade in child wraps, people will think babies are fashion accessories.
I don’t take issue with people dressing up their dog to be their accessory if they also train the dog. One of my friends has a dog who literally has her own closest that is complete with outfits that match my friends and special occasion wear. She gets toted around in a bag and rarely ever walks outside. However her dog is very well behaved and has been properly socialized so she has a sweet demeanor. While dressing up a dog and carrying it around it what is essentially a purse isn’t my thing to each their own as long as their dog isn’t a menace.
@@Carolinagirl1028 Yeah, it's all about how the dog feels. If you associate dress-up with good things and make sure the clothes are comfortable for the dog, the dog will probably enjoy it. I see a lot of people blaming this dog's behavior problems on the fashion accessory thing, when the real issue is that a) they didn't really know how to train a dog properly, and b) they bought a seriously neglected dog who had pre-existing psychological problems from a terrible puppy mill.
If you get a dog as an accessory just get a stuffed animal. Dogs aren't handbags, they're living creature that need care, training and discipline.
Yeah no matter what size
@@emilywatson1195 and breed
+Sona Avakian-This aired back sometime in 2006-2008 so I had to shudder at the re-mention of girls wanting to have dogs like fashion accessories the way Paris Hilton did. . .(For the record, I'm sure her dogs had plenty of issues too being treated like that. . .) Talk about not wanting that particular rotten past to come back. . .anyway, no dog ever likes to be treated as a toy. Ever. I've had several dogs throughout my life, and NONE of them ever liked that. None of them ever liked putting on clothes (and unless it's necessary. . .just don't. . .).
They just wanted to be respected. To be respected. And to be loved. Dogs are always smarter than you give them credit for-so please do. And they deserved to have your respect. To be loved and adored as an intelligent individual.
Thank you
*Oof so do my siblings*
Cats: my cat from hell
Children: Supernanny
Dogs: It’s me or the dog
Kawaii Potato 125 what about Caesar Milan?
Kitchen: Nightmare
hotel: trivago
l ma o my favorite shows
What about the show bad dog?
she gets a dog as a "fashion accessory" ?!
And the way she casually talks about putting the dog down
@makaan1932 yeah but to her credit 10:36 she did later say she will do anything if it helps the dog.
I swear halve of the population believes dogs don't have souls
There not just a toy u can put in your bag
Yeah don't get a dog and be shocked that it has needs
In her defense. Any other dog that has bitten people multiple times, gets put down too. When a pitbull bites someone once, they are already put down. But because this breed is considered 'cute' this dog is allowed to bite people a 100 times before someone considers to put it down.
So her reasoning was sound.
that dog: exists
satan: well i just wanna say im a huge fan
Nah thats for chihuahuas
They are cute but i got beef cuz when i was little my neighbor had a Chihuahua that was chained into the front yard and one day got loose and attacked me. So its love/hate relationship for us.
That dog: exist
Literally every demon: autograph please
That dog: bites everyone
Serial killer: u know ur a very big idle, teach me
@@nancyvillatoro3341 it depends on the dog not just chihuahuas
@@ilovecolliess it almost always depends on the owner though
...I feel like the narrator is being especially passive aggressive and especially catty in this episode.
I approve.
Yep, whoever wrote that voice over is not a fan of wannabe celebrities. Can't say I blame him. The second I saw those two bimbos I thought _Oh dear, here we go again_ .
Yeah I agree
I automatically love u
Yes! I love Victoria.
"My dog is aggressive and hates me"
Have you tried giving it treats and affection?
*surprised Pikachu face*
Sophie Whitehouse LOL
@@littlegrape9335 lol
Not only is she a mill puppy, she was bought as a fashion accessory. Poor pooch.
Those pet mills should be illegal, why are they not all shut down yet?
Humans.... What the hell.
@@undefinederror40404 they are illegal, but it's just hard to shut them all down since their hidden or whatever else sadly
Undefined Error They are illegal. One dogs 4 us has been shut down, yes they are puppy mills too.
Agree... it’s absolutely not the dog’s fault. Also, she’s kinda cute so i hope it all works out!
@@undefinederror40404 in some states the dogs in puppy mills are classified as "livestock" which makes the treatment completely legal. If you think that's bad, check out the treatment of other "livestock" animals. Practices like castration and beak-trimming with no anesthesia or pain relief are completely legal and standard practice. Not to mention the conditions of any intensive farm are absolutely abhorrent..
"I have thought of putting her down"
Sees tiny coffin
"Upsets me to think of her in that box"
Excuse me?!
(she wasn't planning to spring for a coffin)
It's called Cognitive Dissonance
Like where’d you expect her to go? A vaccum?
@@simpalert Buried in the backyard, plain and simple.
Everyone: pit bulls are aggressive and dangerous
Tallulah: hold my unnecesary sweater
Fun channel It’s not the breed.
Danielle Dewitt no one said It was ;-;
Its how da dogs are raised
When pittbulls are agressive and dangerous it s usually because their owners are.
But we have to acknowledge Victoria herself said that some breeds are more aggressive than others on an episode with a pitbull. So either she’s right and yes, it is also in some ways the breed and their behaviors, or you can say she’s absolutely wrong. Jack Russels are known to be more territorial, Dalmations more prone to boredom, etc. There are associated breed behaviors/dispositions. It’s up to the owner to train their dogs with those in mind, acting like it doesn’t exist will lead to problems like we’ve seen in other episodes.
I get so caught off guard everytime the narrator says b*tch.
It doesn't suit his voice at all 😂
Bitch is the proper term for a female 🐕?
@@faybelle2991 yes
I was like *And I Oop-*
IKR I got thrown off when he said it
@@user-bs3io4vy1c 😂😂 perfect
I am mortified by how casually these girls talked about euthanizing Tallulah. Like "oh this one was too much work so we'll put her down and probably get a new accessory" yikes
Can't have it biting the baby. Better to be safe than sorry.
@@candicecandice8202 I get that, but they could give her away or send her to a shelter instead of just putting her down like you're casually tossing out last season's accessories.
@Shaendeith it didn't seem like a very kid friendly house to begin with, yeah. We'll probably see them again on supernanny in a few years
I love how she acted shocked when Viktoria brought in the little casket.
Honestly it would be better to put down an uncontrollable dog instead of selling it, because it could hurt someone. They have a kid too, sooo-
Even though this was filmed a while ago, Victoria’s style is still stylish
Victoria is so good at training dogs that if I was in a room full of dogs and Victoria gave them the command to sit, even I'd sit...
Michael Manson same 😂
Or because you're a masochistic and want Victoria to step on you.
Austin Hall: Exactly, not just step on me but step on me and twist her foot with all her might... You sure do know how to read between the lines... Only a person with masochistic thoughts would come up with such a comment...
Harley: What? Original country? Did I miss something??
Michael Manson lol sorry I think my phone glitched and replied to the wrong comment. My bad lol.
This narrator has really made this show for me lmao
Yeah, the voice overs are always great.
Right?!?! Lol it's BITCHIN! LOL
00:23 yes miss
Best dressed beech
“ But this bitch has baggage “ honestly same 😂
"20 year-old ex-model" LMAO did no one else catch that???
She looks like she’s been dragged through a hedge never mind ex model 😂😂😂
♫ They only want you when you're seventeen. When you're twenty-one, you're no fun! ♫
🤣🤣🤣 makeup as trashy/horrible as it wanted to be
Yeah... what's wrong with that sentence?
Bored Bored bored she’s 20 and a ex model means she’s unemployed
" She's equally happy to attack friends, relatives, the caretaker and anyone who gets in her way. Especially old ladies." Wow, did not see that coming 😆
The breeder was probably a mean old lady 😢
My dog: *gets aggressive*
My Hispanic mom: Shows her La chancla
My dog: walks away calmly
Omg lol
Same tho
Omg. Y E S
Damn straight! Lmao
"We bought her as a fashion accessory"
*WELL NO WONDER WHY THE DOG HAS SO MANY DAMN PROBLEMS* "wE bOUgHT hEr aS aN fAShIoN AcCesSorY" God that statement makes me so irrationally angry...
Its not irrational, its right.
Yeah no wonder it’s freaking agressive. 3 days after they got home it started . If they treated it properly this probably would never have Of happened
Also bc the dog was alone in a hard cage
Natasha Pimentel its not irrational
Every dog page I've read states not to get a puppy that's hiding or the puppy thats beating up its litter mates. You should always pick a middle one.
I love how Victoria (and the narrator) just destroys the owners every episode.
"This dog takes the biscuit aswell as your finger"😂😂
I think he said "When that dog takes the biscuit...your gonna lose your finger"
@@systemshocker2875 I think he said, "as well as your finger."
Repeat after me:
Unless you do research before getting a dog, you shouldn’t own one!
Yeah, or any animal really.
Not to mention being 💯 COMMITTED to having that dog, cat or Any animal... For it's ENTIRE LIFE!! NO EXCUSES (ex: moving, baby, landlords etc) No! 💯 for it's ENTIRE life or don't bother getting pet. I wish people understood this 😔
LaObeja Negra some excuses because some countries or cities don’t allow certain pets so it better to send them to a friend or family member to be cared for rather than a shelter for example my family had a young 1 year old Boston terrier but we had to mover to Saudi Arabia where they don’t allow the terrier breed so we sent daisy to a family friend to live with so now she has active children to play with and we know she’s being well taken care of so ya some excuses
if you have had dogs all your life its fine to get one if you know how to train them i got a few dogs without research and they have turned out fine
That applies for every pet as well
That dog has her tail tucked so tightly between her legs the whole episode, she is scared out of her mind! she must have been through a lot....
Yes she acts like an abused dog
@@Melissa_writer yeah she is! Wonder what happened to her in that kennel...
I believe that's normal for very small dogs, i.e. chihuahuas.
@@pasteldreams5413 Actually no it's not. A tucked tail is either a sign of submission, nervousness, or fear. In poor Tallulah's case, she had little to no socialization growing up and thus Does Not Compute when it comes to anything new, and lashes out at anything that scares her. These girls just rolled over rather than being stern and enforcing that biting, snippy behavior was Not Acceptable.
I've had three chihuahua mixes, all rescues with unknown histories and none ever held their tails like this, nor ever lashed out.
@@byrn Makes sense. I guess my chihuahua did that because he was abused. Now that I think about it, he only did it in certain situations, too. My memory is so bad.
people who don't train their dogs then get pissed at them and put them down make me SO angry
Honestly it breaks my heart when people put animals down for behavioral problems without even trying to fix them
I had to with my BEAUTIFUL german shepherd he had bit 5 people severally and we didnt have the money to train (which was 3000$) we tried to give them to a bunch of police stations we had to give them to a pound and he was sadly put down it was like 130 lbs he was such a beautiful playful pup I really miss him... in conclusion not everybody can
poopy petard Aww I’m sorry about your puppy, 😕😕 and I’m aware not everyone can train their dogs and that there are certain circumstances that require euthanasia that are out of our control. I was referring to people like the girls in the video who considered putting that dog down for petty problems that just require some minor work. They were gonna give her away because she kept pooping everywhere, but what did they expect without training her, it’s like telling a child to speak without teaching them how to.
@@shaunaaghasi0426 I had to put down my cat cause she took the tip of my brothers finger and lots of blood. We tried everything we possibly can
@@happy-kz8lb It shouldn't cost $3000 to train a dog! There are plenty of good trainers who charge much less!
wait ,I thought that only male dogs would do that...
is this dog lesbian?
that dog said “mmm yummy”
@@Inkywinkydinky aAAAAaaqa ana aaqgahahahhhaj oof
Shayan Gamer LMAO
Marios Bairaktarhs yah 😂
This narration is so freaking funny. “Tallulah’s behavior might be dangerous, but her fashion sense is criminal.”. I lost it 😂😂
"This bitch came with baggage" 😂
Hayven Crockett I know right
Hayven Crockett IM DYING
The narrator literally just said and I quote “best dressed bitch” bro I can’t-
This reminds me of the narrator from love is war-
Omg lol
everyone: pit bulls are huge and scary.
This dog: is that a challenge ?
This dog: Are you challenging me?
Pitbulls are so sweet
Fun fact: veterinarians are more afraid of the little dogs than the big ones
I have a hyper pit bull but this dogs is is the demon
Seriously! I have a chihuahua and a husky, and the chihuahua's temperament , they over compensate for size.
okay but victoria's fashion is always on point
Her clothes are timeless! And she never ages
We stan
What’s Victoria’s Secret
She is perfect like a cartoon
@@ndzn XD
Victoria: *pulls out an entire dog casket*
How does this comment not have any replies.? 😂
『Itz_Wolfy』 same
Like who just carry’s a dog casket around?😂
TheBethLast Victoria she has the little letters too 😂😂😂
TheBethLast Exactly 😂
The tools this woman gives are simple, effective and yield results. I used to watch Cesar Milan (excuses for any spelling errors) all the time and the thing I found difficult about him was trying to have the owners become dogs themselves, to interpret everything as part of the dog pack. Whilst I know what he’s getting at and what he means, it isn’t as easy to understand, isn’t reproducible the same way and certainly doesn’t help one person with one dog. It’s great that he takes them for walks with his “pack”, but that’s not an everyday thing someone can do. He is great for dogs who have problems with other dogs, but Victoria solves people problems which is the root of a lot of problems with people’s dogs. THAT’s the difference. Her training isn’t a “system”, it’s a series of tools understanding the dynamic between the dog and owner.
Milan is a grifter who has no clue whatsoever about dogs. German trainers are usually a lot more advanced (not all of course).
Cats: My cat from hell
Dogs: It's me or the dog
Children: Supernanny
Teens: Dr.Phil
Adults: Jail
Brides: Say Yes To The Dress
TheSavvyRose r/entitledparentd
Adults: jail
You forgot about kitchen nightmares
Happy Chappy Girl literally what Ive been thinking
"they were nearly eaten into extinction"
im sorry what.
Keith Stone that is honestly really sad
It's really sad. China has pets listed under farm animals. Not sure about other cultures though but they're #1 in pet consumption.
Stephanie South yeah but where do you draw the line between food and pet? Cause pigs are more trainable than most small dogs
@@thisistinnytrying a pet is a domestic or tamed animal kept for companionship or pleasure. Pigs and other livestock aren't usually kept as pets since they were originally domesticated to be eaten, produce milk, and pull carts or ridden for transportation. More commonly you'll find cats and dogs for pets since that's primarily why people have them. The ability to hunt, heard, and protect is a more than welcomed bonus that comes with certain breeds. 57% of the world's population own a pet. Within that percentage 33% own dogs, 23% own cats, 12% own fish, 6% own birds, and other pet species are somewhere below 6% each. Also, to the chinese all animals are food no matter how big or small.
*jassy music*
"I've been thinking about putting Tallulah down"
*jassy music continues*
Why dose the jazzy music keep on going
@@Shedorixi idk ask whoever made the show lol
hope exantus its *jazzy* luv
I sometimes feel bad, that I didn’t understand my dog from the beginning, because I compared him to our first dog. Their personalities are the complete opposite. He has one issue due to that, but we’re working on it together on the daily. Watching these videos helped me a lot to see, that it’s me and not the dog. Our relationship improved so much and I almost couldn’t be happier now.
I've had two dogs and they're very different, too! It's interesting how individual they are. My previous dog was a Lab crossed with something else, my current dog is pure Lab, and I'm realizing just how much of my previous dog's behavior was shaped by the "something else".
Oh my god the early 2000s really were a time of lawless fashion
The 90's were worse! I had giant springy butterflies, glitter, and scrunchies in my hair all at once. 😭
@@Elor427 Lol Throw in some lip liner and glittery eye shadow and you're golden 😂
This is late 2000s. Show was filmed 2005-2008. Just a fact
The sister's belt tho
Invading Minds Blue eye shadow, hairspray, and neon. _lots of neon_
I love how victoria comes and roasts the girls in front of their faces and tells them what bad dog owners they are
Yes!!!! That's sooo important!!!
This is gold
'But this b_____ came with baggage.'
My friends after I meet them
Haha my favourite part
0:07 actually
@@systemshocker2875 same thing :/
@@pluwithtoes1269 the sentence is partially cut off at 0:08
@@systemshocker2875 okay
I would love to get a chance to meet Victoria. She seems like a very caring and kind. I love her accent and her personality.
This dog be looking like she wants to speak to your manager
Edit: holy crap so many likes! 🤣
Missa Huffstetler I laughed so hard 😂
Missa Huffstetler
Karen where are ur kids
Except that you are the manager.
Omg made me laugh so hard i cried. r/f***youkaren 🤣🤣
Sean O'Autist Karen, The movie (Rated PG13)
That dog looks like it would ask for the manager
That dog looks like a Karen lady lmao
*”But this Bitch came with baggage”*
This was out of nowhere and made me laugh. I did not expect that.
(For all the others, I do know that Bitch is a female dog.)
Lmao same
What a goddamn savage
Same here
God I died laughing
Poor Talulah... Victoria seems to be the first decent human she’s ever met
i wonder how many cameramen got hurt in the making of this film.
the coffin was actually for the camera people
@@georgehatzimanolakis1904 omg lol
Well they lost 13 cameramen in the last week of tech filming of this
My god. They got the dog from a goddamn puppy mill. No wonder the dog is broken. Not to mention the lack of structure and education.
So pleased I was not the only one who picked up on this! 😢
I own a 9 year old Chihuahua called Alfie he was a stud from a puppy farm he had and still has lots of issues he also has inflammatory bowel disease chronic pancreatitis and athritis of both hips and severe fear aggression
My chihuahua Alfie is a rescue from a puppy farm he was a stud dog and has inflammatory bowel disease chronic pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel disease he has severe fear aggression he didnt hace a name
Well, the girls seem to come from a puppy mill as well... Getting a living thing to be prop for their pictures! All these bitches are coming with baggage.
That was a stretch for an insult.
Do you have baggage? Do you need to talk it out? C'mon, just let it out
8:40 “Having ROASTED Jade over Tallulah’s doggy styling...”
Wow, savage!!
Enigma Vortex oof😂
DAng narrator
OOF 😂😂
I don’t want to like because the number of likes is so beautiful(669)
Victoria roasting Jade:
Michael Scott: "Boom roasted".
Poor poor dog. Two years at the mill, unsocialised, and then all the confusion of unstructured handling with the girls. She was so stressed and on a trigger frenzy.
Glad she got better and cheered up. Go Tallullah!
I know they got her for the wrong reasons, but the owners actually care about her and are willing to do the work required, so I think that still says a lot about them
nah they just liked her as an accessory so much they put in the work to keep her
@Jack K No! She isn't sick, just Scared. Fearful people/dogs can Act mean, are just acting. Really scared AF.
Jack K they’re making jokes lol
Bruh they was gonna put her down
Very true
Does this chick not understand she could get sued if that dog bites the wrong person or a child.
People don't realize little dogs can get put down for the same dangerous behaviour. My nan had one of her eyes almost torn out but a Havanese dog, and it had to be put down.
Is that a serious question? Just look at the air-headed bimbo.
It's the UK. Not the usa. Unfortunately I have seen first hand that the USA is highly for sue happy then the UK.
Isn’t that why she’s on the show?
@@rockellbitner1056 That's true for sure, but I don't think suing someone after you get attacked by their dog, or even worse, have your child attacked by them is something unreasonable to do.
“If you dare take the biscuit, you lose ya finger” this made my day.
"I mean these went out in the 1980s"
She's bloody amazing. All heil Victoria
People; pit bulls and bull dogs are scary
Talulah; hold my leg warmers.
• C r a z y K o o k i e •
Gg, you got your thousandth like
My continental bull dog is lieing on my lap and shes biggggg and if I wouldn't have trained her correctly she could ez bite off a lim or a head but she's trained
Dog looks like she wants to speak to the manager.
& Victoria needs to take all the dogs clothes away from the owners so the dog can be comfortable...
Marcos 11s stolen first comment..
NadixGamer Huh
i mean it’s not like they can just go and buy more dog clothes besides they pay her to help them train the dog she can’t just take the clothes she’s only there to help them
The dog is hairless and in a colder environment than it was meant to live in the clothes actually help the dog I believe. Though the clothes she chose in particular are questionable
Copied comment.
"If this doesn't work she'll be on little doggy death-row" *smirk*.... erm... I can't see how that's amusing...
This woman could tame a wolf pack, I keep on getting impressed with Victoria's skills.
uuh I'd definitely watch that
Although clearly just a compliment, wolves are far too different from dogs for any of this stuff to work. Just saying this so some kid doesn't go out and get their arm bitten off.
“Having roasted Jade over Tallulah’s styling” 😹
Madelin Pudsey Tallupah’s doggy styling*
Serves the girls right. Dogs aren't accessories.
Ikr, thats basic knowledge
Absolutely. I have a smallish/medium dog but he's an animal not an accessory. Seeing people carry them around like handbags is just sad. They're small but they deserve to be treated with respect and love.
Ye, I gabe a dog just bigger then the dog in the vid. Mine doesnt wear silly dresses or abything and shes just as disciplined as the lab. She has a coat to keep her warn during the winter, but its only for bad weather
Dogs treated like accessories are supermodel stereotyping. Dogs should be treated like Man's Best Friend
Imagine requesting Victoria's help and then one day she make you lay on the floor of a busy street lol
*after roasting jade over tallulahs styling*
“this b*tch came with baggage” I LOVE AND WILL ALWAYS LOVE THIS OPENING OH MY G O D
Ι hate small dogs that behave like that , but mostly I hate the people that make them that way they are not facking accessories . Let then be dogs
@MsLauriane05 they didn't help the dog , they could have taken her to a trainer or tried to socialize it instead they tried to have their plans of a little perfect dog that they dressed up
anime and movies we got a poodle like this but no where near as bad, no clue why since he's pretty well trained- just yappy af and bitey since he was a puppy
@@lucy.f3r616 small dog tend to be more vocal mostly because they are afraid easier . However it may be the dogs personally
@@kyriakhkaz1487 he's a stress head for sure
Who hates dogs?
If one of your initial thoughts when having a dog gone haywire is to have it put down, you should not be having a dog in the first place
Shouldn't still have this demon dog if there is a child in the house
No one:
Not a single soul:
I was at this comment when I heard that XD I'm laughing.
You're kidding? I can't think of a dog owner who doesn't do a little dance the first time their dog pees on its own outside or wherever you're trying to train them to go! Also, we praise them as if their pee were actually molten gold lol.
Lol I was the 169th like
Hmm should I change your likes from 333 to 334??? Yeah😁
Posh British accent:
*_ⓑⓤⓣ ⓣⓗⓘⓢ ⓑⓘⓣⓒⓗ ⓒⓐⓜⓔ ⓦⓘⓣⓗ ⓑⓐⓖⓖⓐⓖⓔ_*
Egg is an egg 😭
love your pfp btw
Victoria is so badass but a badass with a huge heart. She came rolling in like Victoria Bond!
She's the badass that badasses call to teach their dogs to be badass.
@@Maninawig couldn't have said it myslef-
"20 year old ex model" did she so much cash that she retired or just unemployed now and still goes by the tittle "ex model"?
If you dont have a youthful enough look the industry will basically make you retire. Models are either very young or have the money and ability to appear that young
Most models start as young teens and are done by age 21/22. Only a very few go on to be supermodels.
Maybe she was a child model or modeled teen clothes
Not sure if you've noticed but most models in their 25+ have had some work done.
With the playboy mansion you got kicked out at 30 as you were then considered old. 🤷♀️
It upsets her to see the coffin... and yet she says shes been thinking of getting her putdown cause shes too difficult to handle.... WHAT???
Just like a suicidal person who's still alive. Fantasy and reality are two different things
Solarr D inappropriate
I think it’s more she was just at the reality that Tullulah was too aggressive and there would be nothing to do with her. Dropping her off at a pound would be instant death and no one would be willing to take the risk to take in such an aggressive dog.
Realizing that her dog is so aggressive and has bitten so many people that she’s very close to having to be put down is not the same thing as wanting it to happen.
@@watermelon520b I agree. Suicidal thoughts are not fantasy at all, but an itchy wool blanket that has you wrapped tightly. No pleasure in any of that and no way to see through it to "reality"
I thought the narrator said ‘they nearly yEeTeD into extinction” ☠️
Time stamp?
Ned TØP 2:50
MEanME you must be fun at parties
MEanME you know. Shut up. You need to treat others with respect. DONT SAY A DAMN THING IF YOU DON’T HAVE A DAMN NICE THING TO SAY.
Sometimes it makes me cry happy tears when I see her improve people and animals' lives so quickly and gracefully.
Take a gulp of water every time he says "b*tch"
Stay hydrated \(⌒▽⌒)/
@@thecomplimentassassin3423 no friggin kidding ( ╹▽╹ )
I'm feeling so moist rn
Tallulah deserves better, poor girl.
If you want an Accessoire, buy yourself a necklace
I literally recommend watching this show to dog owners, even if they have good dogs because you can learn a lot to prevent issues in the future.
My 1 yo German Shephard is a good girl, but I learn a lot from these videos!
Totally agree!!!!!
LadyLenaki Yes very true
I have 6 well behaved dogs but this channel still helps
Especially with my rescue jack Russel who still has some issues
It Even helped me with my cat XD
So cute seeing how much happier Tallulah became on a walk int town.
I loved seeing her tail up at the end. Throughout the episode her tail was mostly just between her legs :(
“I wanted a small lap dog”
Hun my 110 pound Rottweiler is the best lapdog is the whole damn world 😂😂😂
Big dogs are best dogs
110? Lucky i have a rottweiler whos 130 pounds who will lay on your face 😂
Ziah McIntosh that’s just not safe..
she said small for a reason.. not a big lap dog 🤷🏽♂️
ironically those dogs are seen as monsters but these little rats are fashion? oh dear.
I am dangerously addicted to this channel!!!!!! I love Victoria!!!! She's the ultimate leader!!!!
Edit : O my God! So many likes!!!
100th like :)
500th like :)
This narrator is brilliant. Calm pleasant voice combined with very witty comments is an amazing mix. Loved it.
"Tallulah has developed a taste for the blue rinse brigade, with the merest whiff of lavender oil sending her into a frenzy."
RIP old ladies. -- the narrator
"having roasted jade over talulas styling...." casually carries on narrating
Lol 😂😂
I can't believe the early 2000's was actually a real time in human history, lmao
Better believe it
Year 1 is also real
I can’t believe early 2020 is actually a thing
Everyone: Pitbulls and bulldogs are scary.
Tallulah: Hold my uneccasary accesories
Ive never met an aggressive Pit only small dogs
Alarmed Llama Same here. I’ve only been truly bitten once in my life and that was by a beagle. I get that bigger, stronger dogs can do more damage should they be aggressive but every big dog I’ve ever met was just a big baby and super cuddly where as most of the small dogs were a bit neurotic.
guy: these dogs are rare
*me wondering why*
guy: these dogs were almost eaten into *extinction*
me: 🥴
Sweet Cheeks *Aztecs
I died
edenquartz I only liked because likes were 414 so I made it 415 :D
Wait, there’s a kitten there as well. So after their manic dog they decided to get a kitten?!? I’m surprised Talulah hasn’t eaten it.
Right? I saw the little kitten and I was like "is the kitten ok???"
Give it a couple of weeks the cat will eat the pathetic dog
@@balthiersgirl2658 hopefully
@@balthiersgirl2658 Calm down dude.
@@balthiersgirl2658 the dog isn't pathetic, the owners are.
Awful how easily they could consider just putting her down.
Especially when they were the ones who failed her
I'd put the owner down.
Yeh how you can say that about your dog 😭
She should have gotten a teddy bear if she wanted something to put in her purse.
Pam Coulter True lol 😂
The fact that this dog was bought as a fashion accessory is so depressing...
These girls probably did no research about dog care/training whatsoever.
what a shame.
"With the merest whiff of lavender oil sending her into a frenzy" lmao