What a waste of money, one can always use a filter, like exhaling into your shirt, and yes, false searches, and wasting class room time of the student for the interrogation. One should not put all their trust into a device, I don't care how accurate they claim it is, it's looking for a lawsuit, which in turn would hurt the school worse.
Who is responsible for investigating these alarms? It can not be the teachers responsibility/major disruption to class time or even brake/ lunch time for both students and teachers
Easy just inhale the smoke
LOL. They're not "working". Kids just learned how to stealth vape.
What a waste of money, one can always use a filter, like exhaling into your shirt, and yes, false searches, and wasting class room time of the student for the interrogation. One should not put all their trust into a device, I don't care how accurate they claim it is, it's looking for a lawsuit, which in turn would hurt the school worse.
You’re so very right they installed these in my high school and I’m a senior and this is my last year anyways!
why would they get sued
Who is responsible for investigating these alarms? It can not be the teachers responsibility/major disruption to class time or even brake/ lunch time for both students and teachers
school officers and principals
My schools security/ officers and principal searched me
These are weird. So many kids get false searched at my school
What a waste of money