While I’m not a huge fan of the constant comedy of Jacob, I think viewing it through a way of coping with the bleak world hes in is an interesting way of seeing it and changes the way I see his character
Jacob should have been a solo protagonist for this game. Evie wasn’t even in the trailer. We don’t need the twins complex. All they have to do is make Jacob a little smarter, and he’s an amazing protagonist on his own.
I know! The dude's a doer! Sure we're not going to get a poetic story from him, but he's going to give a fun romp and he may be chaotic but he is VERY effective.
Very well done analysis of Jacob. However, I would like to point out one aspect of his character that you didn't really go into too much detail about (and that admittedly the game itself doesn't do the best job at portraying), that being his relationship with his late father, Ethan, which I feel is essential to Jacob's character. Now most of this is glossed over pretty quickly in the game itself and is only explored in more detail in Syndicate's tie-in novel, Underworld, but it's heavily implied that Ethan somewhat blamed his children for his wife's death (as she died while giving birth to Jacob and Evie), and this is why he was very harsh when training them. While this resulted in Evie pretty much idolizing Ethan and following all of his teachings to a T (which is essential to her own character arc, where she learns not all of these lessons might have been correct), for Jacob it was the exact opposite, as he was very rebellious growing up (and still is for most of Syndicate's story). This likely resulted in the two having a very strained relationship, as Jacob seems to hold a lot of disdain towards Ethan and his teachings. This is shown in Syndicate, but you really have to read in between all the lines of Jacob making fun of Evie whenever she brings up their father. I think it is most obvious at the start of Sequence 9, when Jacob finally can't mask all of his emotions behind humor and breaks down for (probably) the first time in his life, yelling "Father is dead" when Evie scolds him. This implies that Jacob felt "liberated" when Ethan died, as he could finally be his own man without his father judging him at every step, and hoped that Evie would feel the same too, but she instead acts just like Ethan, scolding Jacob for every mistake and for not being a traditional Assassin. I do believe that this scene is genuinely the most emotional and deep Syndicate gets with its writing, but it's sadly glossed over quickly in order to get to the climax, where our protagonists fight a villain that has no personal connection to either of them and then magically make up and are best friends again. Pretty much, I think Jacob's arc is meant to represent the "Everything is permitted" part of the Creed, while Evie's arc represents "Nothing is true". While Evie learns to question Ethan's teachings and to be her own person, to learn from her father's mistakes, Jacob learns restraint and self-control, and that while emotions are important, one must never let them cloud their judgement, especially if innocent lives are at stake. Most of the things Jacob does throughout the game is out of a desire to feel liberated, but also to impress Evie (who always overshadowed him) and to prove that Ethan was wrong about him, that he can be a good Assassin. That's why he's so eager to start a gang, because it allows him to be in control for the first time in his life. And that's why Sequence 8 is so crucial to Jacob's development, as it shows what happens when one takes personal freedom too far and why self-restraint is important. I do believe that the core narrative of Syndicate is good and that the writing for both of the lead characters is fascinating, as it portrays two polar opposite spectrums of the Brotherhood and its Creed, with one twin taking the tenets too literally while the other completely dismisses them (now personally I much prefer Jacob's arc over Evie,'s but to each their own). However, any potential the story had is sadly buried beneath childish humor and some pretty terrible pacing that ultimately leaves the narrative a rushed, inconsistent mess, with a few genuinely great moments here and there.
That perfectly sums it up. Jacob is kind of missunderstood by most of the comunity. I still remember the "Father is dead!" thing. The VA did a great job, honestly.
I also think Jacob’s sexuality plays in to the relationship with his father as well. Unfortunately executives held back the game from being able to be more explicit in Jacob’s bisexuality in the game which I find makes his writing more disjointed without the given context.
I love how unique Jacob feels amongst the Assassin forebears we’ve encountered in previous games, nobody can accuse him of being a clone of any of the other protagonists, but the best thing for me is he is part of a duo. Jacob and Evie work best together and they complete each other. Their dynamic of Jacob being all guns blazing while Evie is more conscientious is different for the series, he rushes and makes mistakes that she has to fix, but Evie is slower and this has problems too. The notion of Jacob using comedy as a coming mechanism is really interesting and would actually fit well if this was expanded on For a game called Syndicate the gang warfare in this game is an utter letdown, rinse and repeat the exact same activities for no real purpose or end goal. I agree each borough needed a Rook ally to work with in unique missions amongst the side activities. I did enjoy that each Templar controlled different aspects of society like medicine, economy, transport etc but wish this had been delved into more and that we felt more of an impact as we progress through the targets, I know Evie’s missions cover this with her tidying up after him but it could have been deeper. After the medical assassination medicine should be more expensive until a side mission, same for travel maybe there would be less ships or trains until a later missions gets it back to normal and the single mission of Evie tackling each issue feels limited, there should have been an actual impact on gameplay I love the argument on the train between the siblings towards the end but I feel like it needed much more setup/attention given. They needed more conflict throughout the story to sell the arc about their division making them weaker and needing to work together. The gameplay and the story feel at odds with each other at times and needed to be tightened up for a more cohesive experience. Excellent video, will check out what you have to say about Evie as she is my preferred character out of the duo
Interesting analysis, I find it a little surprising that you didn't elaborate on Jacob's character within the Jack the Ripper DLC as he is a more seasoned and conflicted person in regards to his mistakes. I'd love to see a separate "Epilogue" for both Jacob and Evie in the form of the DLC as you mentioned in the end. Overall great video man!
Don’t worry that’s exactly how I’m intending on doing this, I just felt it wouldn’t be fair to cover the DLC until I’d done both the twins first, it will definitely be acting like a third part of sorts, thank you so much for watching!
You know, the fact that he wants to make time to add the rope launcher to his(their?) arsenal(s?) could possibly suggest he has a significant level of interest in that sort of toolset (i.e general sorts of equipment beyond simple weaponry which we do know he also has a level of confidence in since he pretty much is ready and waiting to put his hidden blade to good use at the start of the game). There could honestly be some character depth there on the idea that Jacob has a personal interest in weapons and tools
Personally i think Jacob is my favourite assassin bc of his humour and brashness. I much preferred the “make it up as we go” mindset he had instead of the planning at strategic mindset Evie had purely on my play style, but great video man! If anyone has their own unique take on why they hate/like Jacob lmk bc id love to hear it :)
I know the video is a few months old, but I think it should have been mentioned that before the rope launcher was added to the wrist blade. It was Jacob that had found it and planned for it to be added while Evie was against it. So story wise, it was perfect for his characteristic of impatience.
I reckon a sequel was planned to this, before the backlash. The entire game essentially would be showing Jacob before he goes through his development, making it more impactful
You should do a character analysis on Lydia Frye, Jacobs granddaughter. As short as we played as her I liked her character far more than Evie in the DLC.
He’ll always be my favorite, with Edward as a close second. He’s just so cool! He’s got the confidence, he’s competent and knows what he’s doing. I think he’s excellent. (Also he’s hot, which never hurts)
It may be intentional to trigger the OCD of some of us, in which case, a tip of the hat to you sir, but if not, ... You do realize there is no "R" at the end of their family name, right? Now that THAT is out of my system, *exhale, and deep breath*, I was wondering if you noticed that there were hints of the Joker and Batman vibe between Roth and Jacob?
I’m so sorry about that😂😂 I’ll correct myself in Evie’s video I didn’t realise I was adding an R on the end Also I can definitely see that, the whole game seems to have been inspired by arkham both with combat and traversal so I wouldn’t be surprised if they carried over character stuff too
Great analysis, I also just finished Syndicate and the ending was so unsatisfied to me. To my, Syndicate has such a great setting and so much potential to explore but I feel like the story was really rush, if given more story time I believe I would do much better. The relationship between the twins is what I really invested when I saw in the trailer was abandoned once they doing their separate mission. Their conflict also being forgiven so easily toward the end. One factor I believe will add tremendous depth to both Jacob and Evie character development would be their father. The game gave me the impression that Jacob wasn't loved as much as Evie by their dad - Ethan Frye, who I have to read the plot of AC: Chronicle of India and the novel AC: Syndicate Underground to know that he abandoned the twins since birth cuz his wife died after labor. Ethan spent 6yrs in India training his assassin's friend, Henry Green, who he slowly developed a fatherhood to and makes him decided to reunite with his children after. I think daddy issue could have add more flavor to the protags and so does the main villain. In Evie escort mission, Duleep Singh told her that before the twins, their parents were the first to come close to Starrick. So letting Starrick mentioned about the twins father would have been more reasonable that that Dr Eliot in Jacob's mission. I know we just got father/children conflict in AC3 but hey I personally wouldn't mind that.
Conner was living the the fucking woods his whole life. If he wasn’t as big as he was he prolly woulda died early on in life😂 bro is a built like a tank at the age of 18 when he finally gets his suit AND THEN AT THE END OF THE GAME WHEN YOU CAN SEE HIM SHIRTLESS HE LOOKS LIKE SAMMY SULIK😂😂
This is perhaps the pinnacle of this series (the games, not this amazing videos) biggest issue: wasted potential. A lot of people don't like Jacob for things in absolute: him being funny and wanting to create a criminal gang, things that actually could've been great if done properly... As you said, many of the other past, loved characters were funny in their own way... heck, they wanted a funny british assassin? AC3 Prologue Haytham Kenway is right there (minus the Templar part, but I guess you know what I mean)! And the gang if given more time to be developed as an idea from them could still fit into them recreating a strong brotherhood in the city and cover it up as another gang...
I think this is the 3rd best AC and I wish I could articulate it with evidence other than feelings, but I can’t. Perhaps one way I could explain it would be that the more serious in tone AC3 has incredible writing, but something about the execution falls flat. I believe ACS on paper is rough, but in execution is done extraordinarily well. It’s similar to my feelings on AC4 along with many others; Coming from AC3 into 4 it felt to the point and solid. Another example would be coming from ACU mellow drama into ACS. Assassin’s creed syndicate is closer to a movie like “The Mummy” or “The Fifth Element” “Back to the Future”, etc. The characters are who they are; the main driving force is the adventure. This is a take that no one else is going to have but I’ve played brotherhood many times in my youth but nowadays to play it I really love the beginning, but something about the game just makes me want to stop playing. Recently, I’ve concluded that it has to do with the music. Assassin‘s creed syndicate has my favorite soundtrack out of all of the assassin’s creed’s. I don’t feel it’s out of place with this game at all.
NGL I’ve always loved Jacob not just because I can relate so much from him like with his good and bad sense of humor and also I can also relate about questioning our own sexuality. A lot of people even hated him not just because he was “annoying” and a loose cannon, but there are some people who hated him because of his sexuality. The developers of AC: Syndicate even confirmed the fact that Jacob is bisexual and even the first bisexual assassin of the franchise. The memory sequence of him with Maxwell Roth was my most favorite sequences in the game, because you get to explore more of Jacob’s sexuality and his one-sided feelings for Maxwell Roth.
i think they both had feelings for each other of some kind they both seemed very into eachother before the last couple missions and then roth kept calling him darling and stuff and in his letter said theyd leave a mark on eachother not to mention the kiss
This was great. You really should do Jack the Ripper after Evie. You should also consider updating your Ezio and Edward videos to be longer. I say this because your Ezio video gave about twenty minutes per game and your Edward one is shorter than your freedom cry one. I still love those videos but it would be great if you made new, longer, videos.
You’ve read my mind, last night I rewatched those first two videos and whilst being good they don’t fit the current format of the series, in future I would like to dissect each of Ezio’s games again separately and then do a deeper dive into Edward Kenway that wasn’t connected to Valhalla. As of now I still have a long list to get through so any remakes of old videos would be done once I’d covered everyone else first
the joke thing is kinda understandable and is realistic. As chandler said "I use jokes as a self-defense mechanism" and so do lots of people and so did i for around 3 years. And i kinda liked the humor, it is old humor, and it does not shock me that i like something contriversal, since i also like pineapple on pizza.
He deserves a DLC before Jack The Ripper. I want to see his character development when he gets serious and mature that will make people like him more. Sadly, Ubi never made his DLC only Evie’s.
I don't like Jacob for similar reasons as I don't like Arno. A cavalier attitude toward the lives of humans who depend on them, and toward the lives they plan to take. Having served in the military, I'd have been horrified to serve under a squad or company leader who made trite and glib comments as we prepared for an engagement. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate gallows humor, and jokes made in dire circumstances like the "...then we'll fight in the shade" line in "300", or banter someone might have overheard in 1930s London during the Blitz to relieve tension. It's not even close to the same brand of levity. From a protagonist, I very much prefer serious personalities like Altair, Connor or Bayek.
Я не психолог, но почему-то вижу в Джейкобе ребёнка, застрявшего в теле взрослого. Мне с самой первой катсцены, где был упомянут их отец, не понравилось то, как Джейкоб отозвался о нём. Потом я стала смотреть другие катсцены. Джейкоб всегда отзывается об отце либо нейтрально, либо отрицательно вовсе, а Иви же наоборот: помнит его заслуги. И у меня сложилось такое впечатление: Джейкоб - сын, к сыновьям всегда относятся строже, к чем дочерям. Есть теория почему Джейкоб постоянно шутит. Когда его ругал Итан (их отец), то Джейкоб мог отшутиться, тем более в присутствии Иви. А потом отшутиваться даже самым глупым образом вошло в привычку, потому что он всё время ожидает, что его будут осуждать.
in my opinion on jacobs character he is most likely pan because he just seems like he really doesnt care what they have packing as long as he likes them
Great video. Nicely done and prepared. For me is Jacob the coolest assassin from the series with an unique charisma, style and life posture. The pity, that the story isn't fascinating enough to play it directly (maybe it's somehow borring just for me)... I love to play AC syndicate, but is it always with long time breaks. Maybe that London moode, borringness, idk 😅. But Jacob deserve better prestige among fans 😅. Again, cool video and thanks for it.
It would’ve been cool if Jacob would become Jack the Ripper in the story since he seems to fit the subscription of some people who had climes of him (top hat and well dressed) but maybe that’s just me lol
If anyone is interested, The TH-cam Channel Kateis, has a very interesting video on Jacob, and really dives into the sexuality angle of his character. Highly recommend it, as it provides a unique perspective.
I wacthed that video and I don't really think Jacob is bi sexual because he doesn't seem bi and roth kissed him first and y'all saw his reaction he was disgustied
@@wonder2002But there really isn’t anything else to go off of. It seems to me like people are trying to find something from nothing. I’m not even really opposed to Jacob being bi, but sexuality isn’t really a focus in any of his activities outside of Roth kissing him; and I mainly read Jacob’s other interactions with Roth as him being pleased at finding a (supposed) like-minded individual, even if said individual is a lunatic. Not being romantically or sexually interested in him.
@@wonder2002well you know the rules, one gay act and your gay for life. That’s why these people view Jacob as bi and not a straight man who is a victim of sexual assault.
You are absolutely on the money that the game lacked a focus. I desperately wish that was given to the gangs, their individual members and the seedy underworld the supposed prosperity of the gilded age spawned. All those generic mooks on the cover art should have been their own characters for the Twins to bounce off of ala the pirates of Black Flag. The story also gets cut down by a lack of consequence. Jacob and Evie charging headfirst into a Templar stronghold in what was at the time the most important city in the world should have been a suicide mission. Earlier drafts seem to suggest that taking out individual Templars would have cut off services, spiraled London into an economic recession and made quality of life much harder, since you're no longer just killing shadowy figures but people in charge of the very industries keeping London afloat. As it stands Syndicate stands as this gorgeously recreated London paired with a story and mechanics that had so much potential sapped from them.
I don’t think secret is an appropriate word to use. I’m pretty sure victorian London didn’t even know what ADHD/ADD was, and so couldn’t diagnose him. And even if he was diagnosed with ADHD Jacob would probably get thrown into an insane asylum or something.
@ghostfaceishot876 i know what you are saying bro but I think it was fake news. The ubisoft employee in question could never be confirmed to be true or legit but ubisoft let it fly to score points.
It was buggy on release and many people thought it was unplayable, it’s can also be because arno follows Elise and chooses her over the brotherhood but after her death he would’ve became a more likeable character if they did more with him and finally shay killed his dad and he didn’t care
I didn’t think he was that bad. His energy was really refreshing and he had really funny lines. The assassin Christmas line makes me smile every time
While I’m not a huge fan of the constant comedy of Jacob, I think viewing it through a way of coping with the bleak world hes in is an interesting way of seeing it and changes the way I see his character
Jacob should have been a solo protagonist for this game.
Evie wasn’t even in the trailer. We don’t need the twins complex. All they have to do is make Jacob a little smarter, and he’s an amazing protagonist on his own.
To this day I never understood why people hated Jacob
I know! The dude's a doer! Sure we're not going to get a poetic story from him, but he's going to give a fun romp and he may be chaotic but he is VERY effective.
I just hated his demeanor tbh. Evie was a lot more assassin fantasy in my opinion
that's why I found Jacob more interesting than Evie
@@Xornicusyou sir got no sense of humour
i empathize with your partner
I still don't get why people hate him he's just a funny guy
Very well done analysis of Jacob. However, I would like to point out one aspect of his character that you didn't really go into too much detail about (and that admittedly the game itself doesn't do the best job at portraying), that being his relationship with his late father, Ethan, which I feel is essential to Jacob's character. Now most of this is glossed over pretty quickly in the game itself and is only explored in more detail in Syndicate's tie-in novel, Underworld, but it's heavily implied that Ethan somewhat blamed his children for his wife's death (as she died while giving birth to Jacob and Evie), and this is why he was very harsh when training them. While this resulted in Evie pretty much idolizing Ethan and following all of his teachings to a T (which is essential to her own character arc, where she learns not all of these lessons might have been correct), for Jacob it was the exact opposite, as he was very rebellious growing up (and still is for most of Syndicate's story). This likely resulted in the two having a very strained relationship, as Jacob seems to hold a lot of disdain towards Ethan and his teachings.
This is shown in Syndicate, but you really have to read in between all the lines of Jacob making fun of Evie whenever she brings up their father. I think it is most obvious at the start of Sequence 9, when Jacob finally can't mask all of his emotions behind humor and breaks down for (probably) the first time in his life, yelling "Father is dead" when Evie scolds him. This implies that Jacob felt "liberated" when Ethan died, as he could finally be his own man without his father judging him at every step, and hoped that Evie would feel the same too, but she instead acts just like Ethan, scolding Jacob for every mistake and for not being a traditional Assassin. I do believe that this scene is genuinely the most emotional and deep Syndicate gets with its writing, but it's sadly glossed over quickly in order to get to the climax, where our protagonists fight a villain that has no personal connection to either of them and then magically make up and are best friends again.
Pretty much, I think Jacob's arc is meant to represent the "Everything is permitted" part of the Creed, while Evie's arc represents "Nothing is true". While Evie learns to question Ethan's teachings and to be her own person, to learn from her father's mistakes, Jacob learns restraint and self-control, and that while emotions are important, one must never let them cloud their judgement, especially if innocent lives are at stake. Most of the things Jacob does throughout the game is out of a desire to feel liberated, but also to impress Evie (who always overshadowed him) and to prove that Ethan was wrong about him, that he can be a good Assassin. That's why he's so eager to start a gang, because it allows him to be in control for the first time in his life. And that's why Sequence 8 is so crucial to Jacob's development, as it shows what happens when one takes personal freedom too far and why self-restraint is important.
I do believe that the core narrative of Syndicate is good and that the writing for both of the lead characters is fascinating, as it portrays two polar opposite spectrums of the Brotherhood and its Creed, with one twin taking the tenets too literally while the other completely dismisses them (now personally I much prefer Jacob's arc over Evie,'s but to each their own). However, any potential the story had is sadly buried beneath childish humor and some pretty terrible pacing that ultimately leaves the narrative a rushed, inconsistent mess, with a few genuinely great moments here and there.
Perfectly said friend
That perfectly sums it up. Jacob is kind of missunderstood by most of the comunity. I still remember the "Father is dead!" thing. The VA did a great job, honestly.
Great analysis. Particularly in relating Jacob and Evie's stories to the two different parts of the creed, that was AMAZING!
I also think Jacob’s sexuality plays in to the relationship with his father as well. Unfortunately executives held back the game from being able to be more explicit in Jacob’s bisexuality in the game which I find makes his writing more disjointed without the given context.
I love how unique Jacob feels amongst the Assassin forebears we’ve encountered in previous games, nobody can accuse him of being a clone of any of the other protagonists, but the best thing for me is he is part of a duo. Jacob and Evie work best together and they complete each other. Their dynamic of Jacob being all guns blazing while Evie is more conscientious is different for the series, he rushes and makes mistakes that she has to fix, but Evie is slower and this has problems too. The notion of Jacob using comedy as a coming mechanism is really interesting and would actually fit well if this was expanded on
For a game called Syndicate the gang warfare in this game is an utter letdown, rinse and repeat the exact same activities for no real purpose or end goal. I agree each borough needed a Rook ally to work with in unique missions amongst the side activities. I did enjoy that each Templar controlled different aspects of society like medicine, economy, transport etc but wish this had been delved into more and that we felt more of an impact as we progress through the targets, I know Evie’s missions cover this with her tidying up after him but it could have been deeper. After the medical assassination medicine should be more expensive until a side mission, same for travel maybe there would be less ships or trains until a later missions gets it back to normal and the single mission of Evie tackling each issue feels limited, there should have been an actual impact on gameplay
I love the argument on the train between the siblings towards the end but I feel like it needed much more setup/attention given. They needed more conflict throughout the story to sell the arc about their division making them weaker and needing to work together. The gameplay and the story feel at odds with each other at times and needed to be tightened up for a more cohesive experience.
Excellent video, will check out what you have to say about Evie as she is my preferred character out of the duo
I always loved Jacob, some people disliked him but he didn't deserve that
Interesting analysis, I find it a little surprising that you didn't elaborate on Jacob's character within the Jack the Ripper DLC as he is a more seasoned and conflicted person in regards to his mistakes. I'd love to see a separate "Epilogue" for both Jacob and Evie in the form of the DLC as you mentioned in the end. Overall great video man!
Don’t worry that’s exactly how I’m intending on doing this, I just felt it wouldn’t be fair to cover the DLC until I’d done both the twins first, it will definitely be acting like a third part of sorts, thank you so much for watching!
Jacob seems to suffer from adhd, and is only focused when he can fixate in his target.
ADHD? I think you mean "moral deficiency" given the age he was in.
@@DTux5249That doesn't outright deconfirm any neurodivergence in his brain
I don't care what anyone says AC Syndicate was one of my favorite games and The Frye twins are my favorite Assassins just after Edward Kenway.
You know, the fact that he wants to make time to add the rope launcher to his(their?) arsenal(s?) could possibly suggest he has a significant level of interest in that sort of toolset (i.e general sorts of equipment beyond simple weaponry which we do know he also has a level of confidence in since he pretty much is ready and waiting to put his hidden blade to good use at the start of the game). There could honestly be some character depth there on the idea that Jacob has a personal interest in weapons and tools
Am I the only one who thinks Stark looks like a really rich, Victorian version of Charles Lee?
-Jaconnor Kenwaye
Personally i think Jacob is my favourite assassin bc of his humour and brashness. I much preferred the “make it up as we go” mindset he had instead of the planning at strategic mindset Evie had purely on my play style, but great video man! If anyone has their own unique take on why they hate/like Jacob lmk bc id love to hear it :)
I know the video is a few months old, but I think it should have been mentioned that before the rope launcher was added to the wrist blade. It was Jacob that had found it and planned for it to be added while Evie was against it. So story wise, it was perfect for his characteristic of impatience.
Jacob is a favourite of mine I thought he and Evie were great and I did enjoy Syidicate
i think jacob looks like hugh jackman... personally i like the character.... the twin frye is really dynamic relationship
I reckon a sequel was planned to this, before the backlash. The entire game essentially would be showing Jacob before he goes through his development, making it more impactful
You should do a character analysis on Lydia Frye, Jacobs granddaughter. As short as we played as her I liked her character far more than Evie in the DLC.
You’re in luck, I have done a video looking at Lydia th-cam.com/video/M-KxVl7uVE0/w-d-xo.htmlsi=Al6oVLst4rws75FC
He’ll always be my favorite, with Edward as a close second.
He’s just so cool! He’s got the confidence, he’s competent and knows what he’s doing.
I think he’s excellent.
(Also he’s hot, which never hurts)
Yeah Jacob our beloved
It may be intentional to trigger the OCD of some of us, in which case, a tip of the hat to you sir, but if not, ...
You do realize there is no "R" at the end of their family name, right?
Now that THAT is out of my system, *exhale, and deep breath*, I was wondering if you noticed that there were hints of the Joker and Batman vibe between Roth and Jacob?
I’m so sorry about that😂😂 I’ll correct myself in Evie’s video I didn’t realise I was adding an R on the end
Also I can definitely see that, the whole game seems to have been inspired by arkham both with combat and traversal so I wouldn’t be surprised if they carried over character stuff too
Blackwing it was driving me mental as well, glad I'm not the only one who noticed 😂
Great analysis, I also just finished Syndicate and the ending was so unsatisfied to me. To my, Syndicate has such a great setting and so much potential to explore but I feel like the story was really rush, if given more story time I believe I would do much better. The relationship between the twins is what I really invested when I saw in the trailer was abandoned once they doing their separate mission. Their conflict also being forgiven so easily toward the end. One factor I believe will add tremendous depth to both Jacob and Evie character development would be their father. The game gave me the impression that Jacob wasn't loved as much as Evie by their dad - Ethan Frye, who I have to read the plot of AC: Chronicle of India and the novel AC: Syndicate Underground to know that he abandoned the twins since birth cuz his wife died after labor. Ethan spent 6yrs in India training his assassin's friend, Henry Green, who he slowly developed a fatherhood to and makes him decided to reunite with his children after. I think daddy issue could have add more flavor to the protags and so does the main villain. In Evie escort mission, Duleep Singh told her that before the twins, their parents were the first to come close to Starrick. So letting Starrick mentioned about the twins father would have been more reasonable that that Dr Eliot in Jacob's mission. I know we just got father/children conflict in AC3 but hey I personally wouldn't mind that.
AC fans, usually: Jacob is so stupid 😡
me: Jacob is so stupid 🥰
Conner was living the the fucking woods his whole life. If he wasn’t as big as he was he prolly woulda died early on in life😂 bro is a built like a tank at the age of 18 when he finally gets his suit AND THEN AT THE END OF THE GAME WHEN YOU CAN SEE HIM SHIRTLESS HE LOOKS LIKE SAMMY SULIK😂😂
This is perhaps the pinnacle of this series (the games, not this amazing videos) biggest issue: wasted potential. A lot of people don't like Jacob for things in absolute: him being funny and wanting to create a criminal gang, things that actually could've been great if done properly...
As you said, many of the other past, loved characters were funny in their own way... heck, they wanted a funny british assassin? AC3 Prologue Haytham Kenway is right there (minus the Templar part, but I guess you know what I mean)! And the gang if given more time to be developed as an idea from them could still fit into them recreating a strong brotherhood in the city and cover it up as another gang...
jacob my oinkly skrinkly ungly skrungonl skrongle boy
@@oldmanyaoi999 must’ve stolen your shoelaces from the president
I always thought that George's robes were super cool and I’d wish that his outfit would have been part of the game
Pretty sure George inherited that outfit from an earlier concept for the "AC Victory" protagonist
@@bigaj6901I noticed that when I saw the concept for ac victory when I saw the protagonist for ac victory I was like “it’s the master assasin guy”
what i think about the kiss scene? its nothing. that's it. Maxwell Roth is simply evil Bugs Bunny
I think this is the 3rd best AC and I wish I could articulate it with evidence other than feelings, but I can’t. Perhaps one way I could explain it would be that the more serious in tone AC3 has incredible writing, but something about the execution falls flat. I believe ACS on paper is rough, but in execution is done extraordinarily well. It’s similar to my feelings on AC4 along with many others; Coming from AC3 into 4 it felt to the point and solid. Another example would be coming from ACU mellow drama into ACS. Assassin’s creed syndicate is closer to a movie like “The Mummy” or “The Fifth Element” “Back to the Future”, etc. The characters are who they are; the main driving force is the adventure.
This is a take that no one else is going to have but I’ve played brotherhood many times in my youth but nowadays to play it I really love the beginning, but something about the game just makes me want to stop playing. Recently, I’ve concluded that it has to do with the music. Assassin‘s creed syndicate has my favorite soundtrack out of all of the assassin’s creed’s. I don’t feel it’s out of place with this game at all.
I fucking love Jacob Frye
NGL I’ve always loved Jacob not just because I can relate so much from him like with his good and bad sense of humor and also I can also relate about questioning our own sexuality. A lot of people even hated him not just because he was “annoying” and a loose cannon, but there are some people who hated him because of his sexuality. The developers of AC: Syndicate even confirmed the fact that Jacob is bisexual and even the first bisexual assassin of the franchise. The memory sequence of him with Maxwell Roth was my most favorite sequences in the game, because you get to explore more of Jacob’s sexuality and his one-sided feelings for Maxwell Roth.
i think they both had feelings for each other of some kind
they both seemed very into eachother before the last couple missions and then roth kept calling him darling and stuff and in his letter said theyd leave a mark on eachother
not to mention the kiss
This was great. You really should do Jack the Ripper after Evie. You should also consider updating your Ezio and Edward videos to be longer. I say this because your Ezio video gave about twenty minutes per game and your Edward one is shorter than your freedom cry one. I still love those videos but it would be great if you made new, longer, videos.
You’ve read my mind, last night I rewatched those first two videos and whilst being good they don’t fit the current format of the series, in future I would like to dissect each of Ezio’s games again separately and then do a deeper dive into Edward Kenway that wasn’t connected to Valhalla. As of now I still have a long list to get through so any remakes of old videos would be done once I’d covered everyone else first
@@willismakesmovies are you going to tackle Altair's history
@@fernosbonos5394 Definitely! Couldn’t leave out the og
the joke thing is kinda understandable and is realistic. As chandler said "I use jokes as a self-defense mechanism" and so do lots of people and so did i for around 3 years. And i kinda liked the humor, it is old humor, and it does not shock me that i like something contriversal, since i also like pineapple on pizza.
you are insanely underrated
after playing ac Valhalla i glad we have protagonist like jacob that sizzle with personality
He deserves a DLC before Jack The Ripper. I want to see his character development when he gets serious and mature that will make people like him more. Sadly, Ubi never made his DLC only Evie’s.
Can’t wait
I don't like Jacob for similar reasons as I don't like Arno. A cavalier attitude toward the lives of humans who depend on them, and toward the lives they plan to take. Having served in the military, I'd have been horrified to serve under a squad or company leader who made trite and glib comments as we prepared for an engagement.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate gallows humor, and jokes made in dire circumstances like the "...then we'll fight in the shade" line in "300", or banter someone might have overheard in 1930s London during the Blitz to relieve tension. It's not even close to the same brand of levity.
From a protagonist, I very much prefer serious personalities like Altair, Connor or Bayek.
just ended ac syndicate and why does it feel sad
Я не психолог, но почему-то вижу в Джейкобе ребёнка, застрявшего в теле взрослого.
Мне с самой первой катсцены, где был упомянут их отец, не понравилось то, как Джейкоб отозвался о нём. Потом я стала смотреть другие катсцены. Джейкоб всегда отзывается об отце либо нейтрально, либо отрицательно вовсе, а Иви же наоборот: помнит его заслуги. И у меня сложилось такое впечатление:
Джейкоб - сын, к сыновьям всегда относятся строже, к чем дочерям.
Есть теория почему Джейкоб постоянно шутит.
Когда его ругал Итан (их отец), то Джейкоб мог отшутиться, тем более в присутствии Иви. А потом отшутиваться даже самым глупым образом вошло в привычку, потому что он всё время ожидает, что его будут осуждать.
in my opinion on jacobs character he is most likely pan because he just seems like he really doesnt care what they have packing as long as he likes them
I believe that it's canon he's bi? it was confirmed in ac's official account on tumblr
I desperately want a templar spin off series. Assassin's Creed vs templar's oath.
My boy did nothing wrong
For the consequences consequences to the person
You should do basim , I'd say mostly from mirage but do what you want sir
You should do an analysis of Jacob Frye instead of Jacob Friar
Great video. Nicely done and prepared. For me is Jacob the coolest assassin from the series with an unique charisma, style and life posture. The pity, that the story isn't fascinating enough to play it directly (maybe it's somehow borring just for me)... I love to play AC syndicate, but is it always with long time breaks. Maybe that London moode, borringness, idk 😅. But Jacob deserve better prestige among fans 😅. Again, cool video and thanks for it.
38:00 what the hell are you talkin bout
It is a massive stretch i agree. Roth only kissed him bc “why not” which is literally what he said before he died
@@migly515 exactly
Roth's infatuation with Jacob is very clear, but so is Jacob's disguist with the idea. So definitely no sexual conflict in the assasin himself.
It would’ve been cool if Jacob would become Jack the Ripper in the story since he seems to fit the subscription of some people who had climes of him (top hat and well dressed) but maybe that’s just me lol
It's victorian London, every man has a top hat and is well-dressed.
i dont think that would fit his character
in his missions he tries to never harm any innocent people, and only ever does by accident
Jacob should have just been a side character, with Evie as the sole protagonist
I know it wouldn't have made any sense at all considering the dlc and also historical but i kinda wish jacob became jack the ripper
If anyone is interested, The TH-cam Channel Kateis, has a very interesting video on Jacob, and really dives into the sexuality angle of his character. Highly recommend it, as it provides a unique perspective.
I wacthed that video and I don't really think Jacob is bi sexual because he doesn't seem bi and roth kissed him first and y'all saw his reaction he was disgustied
@mautivannyoalexis6922 I believe they bring that up in the video. Anyone would be digusted/surprised by an unconsensually kiss
@@wonder2002But there really isn’t anything else to go off of. It seems to me like people are trying to find something from nothing. I’m not even really opposed to Jacob being bi, but sexuality isn’t really a focus in any of his activities outside of Roth kissing him; and I mainly read Jacob’s other interactions with Roth as him being pleased at finding a (supposed) like-minded individual, even if said individual is a lunatic. Not being romantically or sexually interested in him.
Jacob isn’t bisexual. That’s a horrible analysis of Jacob.
@@wonder2002well you know the rules, one gay act and your gay for life. That’s why these people view Jacob as bi and not a straight man who is a victim of sexual assault.
You are absolutely on the money that the game lacked a focus. I desperately wish that was given to the gangs, their individual members and the seedy underworld the supposed prosperity of the gilded age spawned. All those generic mooks on the cover art should have been their own characters for the Twins to bounce off of ala the pirates of Black Flag.
The story also gets cut down by a lack of consequence. Jacob and Evie charging headfirst into a Templar stronghold in what was at the time the most important city in the world should have been a suicide mission. Earlier drafts seem to suggest that taking out individual Templars would have cut off services, spiraled London into an economic recession and made quality of life much harder, since you're no longer just killing shadowy figures but people in charge of the very industries keeping London afloat. As it stands Syndicate stands as this gorgeously recreated London paired with a story and mechanics that had so much potential sapped from them.
I enjoy London is a beautiful city
After watching this video i highly believe Jacob is secretly ADHD/ADD
I don’t think secret is an appropriate word to use. I’m pretty sure victorian London didn’t even know what ADHD/ADD was, and so couldn’t diagnose him. And even if he was diagnosed with ADHD Jacob would probably get thrown into an insane asylum or something.
@@Hewasnumber1 By secretly i mean that officialy nothing was confirmed by the creators
Jacob Frye ❌
( Sorry NOT sorry , had to )
Ac jonny cage
No matter what you think this has 5k more views than Evie's
Jacob aint bi
No amount of retrospective tampering by modern perspectives to suit their agenda will change that fact
he openly flirts with men in the game AND a ubisoft employee confirmed it
@ghostfaceishot876 i know what you are saying bro but I think it was fake news. The ubisoft employee in question could never be confirmed to be true or legit but ubisoft let it fly to score points.
@chappanagent well if thats true
its still canon hes bi
anyway theres a lot of subtext in the game if you know what youre looking for
😬 'Promo SM'
So? Every game we are stock with annoying and irrelevant female character these days..
Bro AC Unity is literally the best AC game why tf would people hate it?
It was buggy on release and many people thought it was unplayable, it’s can also be because arno follows Elise and chooses her over the brotherhood but after her death he would’ve became a more likeable character if they did more with him and finally shay killed his dad and he didn’t care