I have not painted on rattan bags yet therefore I may not be the best person to ask. For leather bags, the paint has to be flexible since it moves a lot and stretches a lot that is why it has to be leather acrylic since it is flexible…but with rattan the bag is pretty firm and sturdy so I think regular acrylic paints might work just fine. Just my thought. Perhaps you can find better material suggestions from those who works with rattan bags. Good luck!
Beautiful work❤ my favorite is 3:16 😂💕
Thank you so much 😀
Amazing paintings❤️❤❤ What paint brands can we use on rattan bags?
I have not painted on rattan bags yet therefore I may not be the best person to ask. For leather bags, the paint has to be flexible since it moves a lot and stretches a lot that is why it has to be leather acrylic since it is flexible…but with rattan the bag is pretty firm and sturdy so I think regular acrylic paints might work just fine. Just my thought. Perhaps you can find better material suggestions from those who works with rattan bags. Good luck!
Awesome idea. Just add some fun on boring Neerfull. Is the painting removable? I want to paint something too, but I am afraid it will be ruined by me.
Thank you. The paint is permanent☺️