I’m genuinely surprised he hasn’t released more transition skating in his parts over the years. Like it’s what put him on the map, won X games park when he was super young. He doesn’t go huge like a guy like Schaar but I think he has the most elegant and floaty style of anyone. Literally looks like he’s surfing on transition and I can say that about no other skater. I guess his vert equivalent would be someone like Jimmy Wilkins, both have the elegant float and soft landings but Curren carves so elegantly while wheels are on the ground.
Curren floats smoothly, Louie with the tech/bangers, Mason going big, and Jake the wildcard that always pulls off something sick like that opening line!!!!! Dream Team!
Dude has had two switch tricks in all of his parts. One a flatground switch tre seen in many of his parts, and a switch wallie thing. Going to have to respectfully disagree.
@@officialmilitaryskatei think there should be more nuance than that; whenever he does a trick at a spot I always think it was the proper trick to do. He’s not a switch wizard and doesn’t pretend to be, just like jack o grady or something. Some people get away with switch hardflipping the same sets every video
Right such a rare trick, coming out forward looks so hard, coming out fakie is understandable, but front nose is a weird one, you really got have your shoulders tweaked to come out regular, so to pop a high ass heelflip out is gnarly
Sleeper of a trick, I didn’t notice it on first watch but after your comment idk how I missed it. Pops the heelflip so high and definitely more difficult coming out regs. Beautiful and I doubt I’ve seen one coming out regs now that I think about it. You see them to fakie for sure but still rare, regs I can’t think of seeing and I get why
@@mclarensaleenf7right, I've done front nose heelflip out to fakie, but to regular is a completely different trick, shit even front tail to kickflip or heelflip to regular is difficult, when you tail slide either way your shoulders want to keep going so it's easy to come out fakie, when you come out regular you have to tweak your shoulders and go against your bodies natural motion, it's awlward, don't even blame thw little tick tack because 95% of skaters couldn't do it the way Louie can
Man, what a talented group of homies! So many beast clips, and great moments but the most fire moment in this part is Ryan's little snigger-giggle when Louie realises he's been caught on camera picking his nose 🔥👃🏾😂 Also, nice to see Ryan get a clip too 😍
This was the best, im so stoked on these 4 and their continued success. The friendship is genuine, they all rip, they all have good taste, they all have good style. Mike's FS wasn't bad either huh?!? The Todd song withe the edit really made me feel something, i'll def be back for many re-watches!
one of the best skate videos ive seen in a while i love seeing videos where it feels like the skaters are real people instead of just robot trick monkeys
Couldn't agree more! Videos come out every day where I'm like "Damn! I can't believe they landed that...and that...and that..." and then you forget about it ten seconds later. But this skating is pure style and flow. It's going to stick with me and make me want to watch it again!
the end bit with everyone reacting to the lens is so good
Exactly what’s wrong with skateboarding and why people don’t take it seriously
@@sterlHAsilvawhat are you yappin about
What's wrong with skateboarding indeed. Plenty. But it all gets overlooked coz it's also effin rad dude.
ice cold froston almost took it real personal 😅 .. nice ending indeed :)
@jasperankeney4158 I'm so confused by that comment 😂 it's probably several hundred dollars and needs to be ordered
Each of them is super good but Louie is a wizard.
Magic. Ya gonna like it, not a lot.
Sorry old British reference.
Well yes. But Mason was SOTY ❤
How videographers don't get their lens scratched more often is miraculous. The reactions to it was gold.
man this crew makes skating look endlessly fun and care free. love it
I love how they put Jake on blast at the end 😂😂😂
Louie and Curren are the PB&J of skating, perfect combo everytime
Curren is a joy to watch skate transition
right dudes a feather on every landing
idk why they want to make him skate street when he skates transition like he does
@@ibrokemybackthpinal he's been skating streets since flip days with louie
5:25 His unplanned line in the bowl, rewatched it too many times to count!
I’m genuinely surprised he hasn’t released more transition skating in his parts over the years. Like it’s what put him on the map, won X games park when he was super young. He doesn’t go huge like a guy like Schaar but I think he has the most elegant and floaty style of anyone. Literally looks like he’s surfing on transition and I can say that about no other skater. I guess his vert equivalent would be someone like Jimmy Wilkins, both have the elegant float and soft landings but Curren carves so elegantly while wheels are on the ground.
The ending was priceless!!!
actually more about 10k
Curren floats smoothly, Louie with the tech/bangers, Mason going big, and Jake the wildcard that always pulls off something sick like that opening line!!!!! Dream Team!
this is my favourite skate video ever.
bunch of homies ripping, good music, having so much fun
got to say louie SOTY
There is never a year where Louie shouldn’t be SOTY. Fingers crossed for 2023 🤞🏻
bro im gonna be so sad if hes not, i wanted him to be last year
@@isaaclaney damn these past weeks so many contenders have realised parts, but still think this part is sick
Mason's trick selection is second to none
Dude has had two switch tricks in all of his parts. One a flatground switch tre seen in many of his parts, and a switch wallie thing. Going to have to respectfully disagree.
@@officialmilitaryskatei think there should be more nuance than that; whenever he does a trick at a spot I always think it was the proper trick to do. He’s not a switch wizard and doesn’t pretend to be, just like jack o grady or something. Some people get away with switch hardflipping the same sets every video
for real. A good trick selection doesn't mean you can do every trick, just the right trick within your bag@@malice4422
Choice of the first song is simply excellent. Reminds me of the 411VM gold-era level of tracklistings. More of this please
Watching this after that South Bay Neighbors piece about Louie, Ryan and Mason growing up skating together makes this even better. Best crew by far
Ryan Lee filmer of the year
GNARRRRRRR🎉🎉🎉🔥🔥the boys all grown up now Louie and Curren! Came a long way don’t ever forget ! Ripcity !
skating is pretty cool but im here for the epic jesse alba cameo
Wow! Louies front nose heel at 2:05 was so sick
Right such a rare trick, coming out forward looks so hard, coming out fakie is understandable, but front nose is a weird one, you really got have your shoulders tweaked to come out regular, so to pop a high ass heelflip out is gnarly
Sleeper of a trick, I didn’t notice it on first watch but after your comment idk how I missed it. Pops the heelflip so high and definitely more difficult coming out regs. Beautiful and I doubt I’ve seen one coming out regs now that I think about it. You see them to fakie for sure but still rare, regs I can’t think of seeing and I get why
@@mclarensaleenf7right, I've done front nose heelflip out to fakie, but to regular is a completely different trick, shit even front tail to kickflip or heelflip to regular is difficult, when you tail slide either way your shoulders want to keep going so it's easy to come out fakie, when you come out regular you have to tweak your shoulders and go against your bodies natural motion, it's awlward, don't even blame thw little tick tack because 95% of skaters couldn't do it the way Louie can
I hadda watch that trick like a dozen times. so sick
The vibes in this video are something else!! Truly jealous!! That ending though😂😅🤣😂🤣😅
Curran is Water tribe, Jake would be Earth, Mason Fire and Louie is the Avatar
Couldnt be put together any better
Dammit, now this is my headcanon! 😂
Ripping! I could watch these doods all day.
I love the Hawaii footy!
That edit was a work of art
Dude what !!! This is def a video to watch before going and skating. So happy to see some Ryan Lee footage as well.
Another great video by Ryan lee and the rest
Idk why this video gave me such early 2000s vibes this shit hits differently
Such a good edit. I was having a lot of fun for someone who isnt skating.
So awesome. Vibes on this vid were great
Man, what a talented group of homies! So many beast clips, and great moments but the most fire moment in this part is Ryan's little snigger-giggle when Louie realises he's been caught on camera picking his nose 🔥👃🏾😂 Also, nice to see Ryan get a clip too 😍
Best crew out right now
Makes me wish I still had friends to skate with. Such a sick video
had to shazam the last song, so fire
What was it?
@@ambrosebechtel709 Izzat Love? Todd Rundgren
Very safe music but great vid. Loved the bit at the end with everyone reacting.
Did not expect to see Lukas in this... So sick!
The end was amazing!! I still can’t get my eyes to adjust.. squint, open, try to focus, teary, squint, open, try to focus, teary… lol
outro is so good
love the Homies Vibe combined with Most Talented Skates
this video was incredible. Smiling big watching this one.
Unbelievable swagger split between all these fine gents
about all my favorite dudes to watch skate. good job all yall involved in this one.
can it be thrasher crew of the year?
When you didn't notice there isn't music playing until it starts playing... the skating is just that good. 💯
Kostons reaction was everything 😂😂😂
4:03 was a cool transition lol
What heavy crew. Best video all year
When Jesse said “sup mason” made my day 😂
Ryan Lee is a great
This was the best, im so stoked on these 4 and their continued success. The friendship is genuine, they all rip, they all have good taste, they all have good style. Mike's FS wasn't bad either huh?!?
The Todd song withe the edit really made me feel something, i'll def be back for many re-watches!
one of the best skate videos ive seen in a while i love seeing videos where it feels like the skaters are real people instead of just robot trick monkeys
Couldn't agree more! Videos come out every day where I'm like "Damn! I can't believe they landed that...and that...and that..." and then you forget about it ten seconds later. But this skating is pure style and flow. It's going to stick with me and make me want to watch it again!
The ending bit was incredible
This side video felt like a main video. Very good work gentlemen.
ryan with the clippy!!
The Big 4
Thanks Ryan Lee
my favourite vid of the year
Can yall quit messing around and give Louie SOTY already.
He’s been none stop killing everything.
It's time. He's my favorite. Effortless. Smooth. Tough.
That ending sure tells a story
One of the best crews out there. Amazing video!
These dudes need a board company with Ryan. Shit's ready to go.
So sick, loving seeing the friendship through the video
I am so grateful for this video
Such a rad mix of steelos 🙌
Great vibes Ventura and Hawaii yes!! Sucks about the lens!
My top 3 in one place ❤️❤️
Sheesh Curren at 7:33 is mental and haha everyones facial expression when the lenses got nailed so heavy kine
3:28 noise is so satisfying
Such a chill vid. Everyone killed it 🙌
Jake's face when he realized what he did has me dead af 🤣😂🤣😂 7:59
Certified hood classic right here
at least one lens was harmed in the making of this amazing video :)
Banger video, rest in peace Ryan's lens
Love this! So sick! Good vibes too!
Sick vid! Vibes for days👌
Lens bit at the end was gold❤️
Hahah the best outro 😂
great skating, great squad, great edit, great video!
Wholesome video with a dynamic squad 🔥
Gaaaaawd damn. These kids are holding it down for my sport!!!
best video really
the only group of friends with skatepark footage thats actually usable
Talk about a heavy crew
This lineup’s crazy
Thanks for the great video.
Bangerrr, ending is such me homie moment🔥
Love this crew
🤯 + lukas miller clips = stoked
lens hit of the year.
This shit classic, so many good skaters with so much unique style all in one video
wait till you find out about supreme
@@bushydickbillwhenever they drop the direction of its getting eh
@@Bleseddd1 2012-2019 supreme was rad
The Fearless Five aka The Five Fingers of Death blessing us mortals with some otherworldly shredding 🤘
Best ender ever with the lens ahahahah
AND we need a t shirt with that spitfire logo on the lens.
Yoo the ending is gold 🤣🤣🤣
What a sick video. Makes me wanna make my own
genius editing on this one
Legend of the Scratch
Mason on FA/Hockey I’m calling it
curren went from target to fucking awesome, what a career
best ender in a long time
Dang this is one classy skate vid
Ending was amazing
Mason is such a Beast 🔥
This video reminded me that it’s SOTY season.
I’m not mad about it!