.. ich habe beim Zuschauen des Videos richtig mit gefiebert ! In einer solch aussergewöhnlichen Situation zeigt sich erst das wirkliche Pilotenkönnen. Du konntest Ruhe bewahren und die richtigen Überlegungen anstellen. Du hast stets die Übersicht behalten und konntest die richtigen Entscheidungen treffen. Deine Kommunikation zu deinem Schüler hat Vertrauen und Sicherheit erzeugt. Du hast deinen Schüler in die Vorgehensweise mit einbezogen und ihm auch Verantwortung übergeben. Das finde ich absolut beispielhaft. Ich bin sicher, dass das andere Piloten im Detail wieder anderes gehandelt hätten - da gibt es aber nicht ein richtig oder falsch - schliesslich geht es darum, nicht in Panik zu geraten, welches das Denken verhindert - sondern die Ruhe zu bewahren um so die richtigen Entscheidungen treffen zu können. Gratulation an euch Beide !
Very well done, calm professional and well thought. Great airmanship of both student and instructor!! A great example of how to handle an actual emergency and a perfect landing.
Thanks for sharing, a nice example of how to do it correctly! The language barrier was interesting to observe: "landing gear missing" vs. "wheel missing"! This is vital information!
I'm not a pilot, but I've been in emergency situations of the non-aviation type. I applaud the calm professionalism you both displayed here. Had I not had the audio I would have assumed you were setting up for yet another routine landing. WELL DOE!
As a low-time weekend pilot, I feel safer having watched this video. If I ever find myself in the same situation, I've now seen what it looks and feels like, and most importantly how best to handle the situation. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Brilliant Video. Just brilliant. Thank you for uploading it. We will all learn from the way handled this calmly. Sauber abgewickelt Jungs. In Ruhe nachgedacht, Optionen erwogen, Entscheidungen getroffen. Prima.
"Looks like we lost a wheel" "Not so good..uh?".....like the sense of humor the student has. Right rudder makes sense as soon as the left side hits the runway. For my opinion, i would not aim for the center line, since the plane will slide to the left anyway.....more to the right side would have been my goal. But after all...it comes out perfectly...without people hurt. Well done!
Right at that moment it was very surreal! At that moment I thought she was telling us I'd broken it on landing. But that didn't make any sense. That it might have already been missing on approach made even less sense. Only after a couple of minutes, thinking back through everything up to that point, we remembered that things had felt a bit strange right after liftoff and in initial climb.
Thanks for sharing this video! I think the situation was very well handled, congratulations to both of you! 😉👍🏼 I love how you as the instructor still took full benefit of your student by asking for further ideas and maintaining a shared mental model! Also I recently bought the BOSE A20 Headset and after this video I‘m super happy I also got the bluetooth functionality. Being able to talk on the phone in a situation like this is clearly a huge benefit. One thing I see a lot (especially in GA) is people hesitating to actually declare emergency or at least pan pan. A missing landing gear wheel is kind of a once-in-a-lifetime thing, a fundamental structural damage, and I‘m sure nobody would blame you in the aftermath if you had decided to declare mayday. It gives you a couple of benefits, i.e. you can be sure you‘ll have the airspace all for yourself, you will also have ALL of the available emergency services on standby, not only fire brigade but also an ambulance which can save lives if there had been a fire or a different outcome. And it wouldn‘t cost you a penny (or Rappen😜). But as for all incidents, it‘s easy to talk when you haven‘t been in the situation. Good job and, again, thanks for sharing! 👍🏼🙏🏼😃
I did not declare an emergency for several reason. As per definition it is immediate help required which was not the case. It will trigger on any radar in the vicinity a signal to get attention which was not necessary. So per definition it was not an emergency. And Mayday come from the french help me, as nobody can help in such a situation is useless. But you can of course discuss about this if and what would haplen. Anyway thanks very much for your comment!!! Happy landings!
Top flight instructor! Active communication with his student to keep him calm resulting in him being calm as well! This video can teach you so much! :)
Systematischer Anflug, keine Aufregung, perfekte Notlandung. Gratuliere! Bin dieses Flugzeugmuster selber viel geflogen und kann hier alles gut nachvollziehen. Danke fürs Hochladen dieses interessanten und lehrreichen Videos.
Gutes Zusammenspiel aller ? Wirklich ? Die Dame hat etwas zu viel gestottert und gab ZWEIMAL eine unvollständige Antwort auf die klare Frage, ob nur das Rad oder das ganze linke Fahrwerk fehlt. Die Piloten haben auch nicht auf einer präzisen Auskunft beharrt und nicht ein drittes Mal gefragt.
Ich versteh nicht viel von der Motor Fliegerei. Als motorloser Pilot finde ich es eine Meisterleistung. Ruhig, abgeklärt und mit einem Plan. Der Flugschüler wird diese Lektion niemals vergessen. Bravo Fluglehrer für die Veröffentlichung vom Bildmaterial und der hervorragenden Leistung. Material kann ersetzt werden, ein Menschenleben nicht. Wünsche weiterhin viele unvergessliche Flugstunden. Happy landings Kili
At 17:20, when the pilot in the right seat (the instructor?) says that they will basically go "radio silence" on the final, you can hear (and see) him doing a "double click" in response to the airport acknowledging his message. For non-aviators, the double click is used by pilots especially in Pan-pan or mayday situations to basically say "Roger!" or "received and understood" as a way to not clutter the airwaves and also to help the pilots deal with the situation. The double click will also be a hint to ATC to STFU unless there's extremely pressing matters 😇
Perfect landing. It doesn't look like the plane suffered much damage. No prop strike. Good job. No panic either. Better than some of my 3 wheel landings!!!
Dieses Video sollte bei der Pilotenausbildung gezeigt werden! Es zeigt die 100% ige Realität, wie mit solch einer Situation umgegangen werden soll. Keine Panik, keine Streß. Sich zusammen einen Plan überlegen, wie man diese Landung am besten hinbekommt. Mein größten Respekt, sowohl an den Lehrer, als auch an den Schüler!!
Besser kann man es nicht machen. Absolut professionell! Habe einige hundert Stunden auf dem gleichen Muster und daher auch beim Anschauen des Videos extrem mitgefiebert. Danke für dieses Video!!!
Not only was the aviating well done, I appreciate the CRM. Having been part of a flight crew (loadmaster C-130) on a nose gear up landing I respect pilots who take in all inputs from the crew once all emergency procedures are completed. The crew resource management model should be highly noted in this event. I am curious if you felt the calming factor of quality discussion to trouble shoot, and pre plan the landing. I hope all flight crew members truly understand ego has no place in a bad situation. Well done, and a great learning tool for all that fly! Thank you for sharing.
Das habt ihr super gemacht! Versucht ruhig zu bleiben und sich beschäftigt, keine Panik gemacht, so ist das richtig. Es gibt einem aber auch ein gutes Gefühl, am Flughafen die Feuerwehr und die Rettungswagen zu sehen. Da weiß man, dass die Jungs alles tun, um einen im Notfall rauszuholen. Danke euch allen!
Great CRM!! This is an excellent video showing how to never give up, work out the problem, talk about it and ASK whoever is with you “do you agree”…. Bravo to everyone involved. 10/10
What a great calm Flight Instructor this should be awarded. He considers ervery aspect of the landing ahead and did a great job. I am actually not sure if i think about my past instructors if they would have been cool in the same Manner. Thank you for recording.
Super gemacht! Keinerlei Anzeichen von Stress, Situation geklärt, richtige Massnahmen daraus abgeleitet und umgesetzt. Wirklich Top und als Lehrvideo geeignet!
Absolutely well done by the crew and excellent CRM from the instructor. Great landing. Great job from both of you. radio communication with ATC was actually perfect, great coordination. Thumbs up!
Here is what was missing from the book. But these two wrote it in the air. Emergency Procedures-Wheel Missing 1. Determine which wheel is missing using ground personnel for a visual inspection 2. Landing preferred on cement of asphalt runway. 3. Land closer to side of the runway with the good wheel 3. Attempt a full flap landing to attain minimum speed 5. Attempt to minimize the fuel in the tank(s) in the wing without the landing wheel 6. Prior to Touch Down. a. Master Switch Off. b. Fuel Selector Off aileron to balance aircraft on that wheel as long as possible
Toll gemacht und danke für's teilen...toller Entscheidungsprozess und Umsetzung. Trotzdem: Gäbe es was in der Retroperspektive, was ihr anders machen würdet?
Anthony Dyson ... congratulations on your excellent preparation for the emergency landing ..... nothing more and nothing less than without the left landing gear !! .... not covered in the flight manual. Everything was prepared with great professionalism, by the flight instructor and the student pilot...you. Cheers 🍸🍸
Hut ab für die überlegte und sichere Landung der beiden Piloten. Einfach nur cool. Ich glaube ich war aufgeregter beim Anschauen des Videos als einer der beiden bei dieser Aktion. Es ergibt doch gleich ein großes Sicherheitsgefühl wenn man solch einem erfahrenen Fluglehrer neben sich hat. Ich bin begeistert. Noch eine Frage, sind Sie der Michael Weber der im September 2005 auf der Hahnweide die B-25 so perfekt vorgeflogen hat? Weiterhin sichere Landungen für Sie und Anthony Dyson. :-)
Hallo GR. Danke für Ihren freundlichen Kommentar. Ja ich durfte die B-25 auf der Hahnweide vorliegen im 2005 genau. Das war eine super Maschine und tolle Airshow, ich kann mich gut daran erinnern. Leider fehlen mir aus dieser zeit Filmaufnahmen von diesen Airshows. Sofern Sie was haben gerne auf michiwebster@gmx.ch senden. Besten Dank das hat mich sehr gefreut!!
Hallo. Vielen Dank für die freundliche Antwort. Ja, ich habe von ihrem B-25 Flug ca. 5 Min auf Mini DV und damals dann überspielt auf VHS-Video. Allerdings sind die Aufnahmen aus der Mitte der Zuschauer über die Köpfe hinweg gemacht. Also vor dem Start sind ein paar Sek. Rollen zu sehen mit Zuschauern davor und die Landung ist auch nicht drauf. Die Flugaufnahmen sind einigermaßen gut, finde ich, aber ich hatte die Kamera damals das erste Mal dabei, also keine Profiaufnahmen. Aber der Sprecher erwähnt ihren Namen 2-3 mal während des Fluges. Da ich diese DV-Kamera nicht mehr habe, könnte ich nur mal versuchen von der VHS eine Kopie zu machen, oder kennen Sie jemand der von MiniDV eine Digital-Kopie machen kann? Im Ganzen habe ich von diesem Sonntag ca. 2 Stunden auf Band. Ich frage auch nochmal einen Bekannten, vielleicht kennt er jemand der das Digitalisieren kann. Ich melde mich dann bei Ihnen über ihre Mail-Adresse. Alles Gute. :-) GR
@@grin1448 Nun das wäre super nett wenn ich diese Aufnahmen hätte. Es war die einzige je registrierte B25 in der Schweiz und die Aufnahmen hätten seltenheitswert. Ich kenne jemand der das digitalisieren könnte falls Sie niemanden finden. Meine Website www.t-28.ch michiwebster@gmx.ch meine Email dann könnten wir die Adressen austauschen, es würde mich freuen.
My compliments to you Anthony and your flight instructor, proper decision making and situation handled very well, causing only minimal damage on aircraft. I would love to hear a follow up, if prior damage to the landing gear caused it to fail or an aircraft mechanic has to answer some unpleasant questions. With flight school or flight club chartered aircraft it’s sadly often the case that bad landings do not get reported, and prior damage might actually even with a proper preflight check still be invisible. Good to know you guys are safe and sound and thank you for the great video! A very happy landing for your future. My own flying career started close to 50 years ago in Altenrhein, so always excited to see videos from home. Greetings from 🇨🇦
It must have been prior damage, because the wheel was present when we took off (!) and already gone before approach for our touch-and-go in Schupfart. The pilots on the ground saw us approach with missing gear and went directly to the radio to let us know. A fellow student flew some solo circuits in the same aircraft earlier in the day, all observed by the instructor, with no hard landings, so whatever stressed the bolt must have been even earlier than that. We didn't skimp on the preflight outside check, but I have to admit, I look at tyres and fairings and struts but hadn't been looking closely at those bolts. Don't know whether you'd be able to see something like that or not. It would depend on where it was cracked, and we don't know that.
@@dysona If I understand correctly, it was a broken bolt causing the loss of the wheel, I expect actually that it was caused more likely by a failure in the material of the bolt than anything else. Even so truly very rare it does happen! A metallurgic analysis will shine a light into the dark. I also don’t think anyone could blame this to an inadequate preflight inspection, because even if a guy crawled underneath the wing, this would have been hidden & even if you had rocked the wing I think it would have been unlikely to be detected. I believe this was simply a true case of pure bad luck. That bolt is designed to an immense load of stress and I can not recall having heard about failures of bad landings causing it to fail. I know about a similar case happening some time ago in the US but don’t know what the issue was there. My first airplane was a Cherokee 140, never had any issue with it, they are robust built airplanes. Only recently this wing spar problem is appearing, on high time, high use cherokees! I noticed they are having a serious look right now at the wing spar and I don’t know if they found anything of concern. I’m a retired commercial & bush pilot and had an instructor rating too, flying for almost 50 years in places like Africa, South America and here in Canada’s northern Arctic, so I have seen a thing or two. You guys showed excellent airmanship & made the proper decisions: aviate, navigate & communicate! I wish both of you the very best and a happy landing! Cheers from🇨🇦👍👏👏👏 If I may give you some advice for your flying future. If you ever think about aircraft ownership, make sure you also get yourself it’s maintenance and parts manual and select a mechanic who is well familiar with the aircraft and willing to go through all it’s systems with you. Something I religiously did and proofed itself beneficial on many occasions! Selecting an aircraft is much like selecting a women, learn all about its weak points before you engage!😉
Sehr interessantes Video, danke vielmals fürs teilen! Sehr bedachte Umsetzung und ebenfalls Respekt für den Flugschüler, dass er komplett die Ruhe bewahrt hat. Obwohl wir lieber schöne unterhaltsame Flugvideos sehen, ist das hier vielleicht das beste was TH-cam für Piloten zu bieten hat.
Danke für die Onlinestellung dieses besonderen Videos. Auch für mich als nur Flusipilot, ob der souverän strukturierten Vorgehensweise in dieser misslichen Lage, sehr beeindruckend. Respekt!
@@Warbird-Aviation Ich hätte zusätzlich eine Frage und eine Bitte. Wäre es möglich, wenn es denn einen geben wird, den Link zum Unfallbericht, vergleichbar denen der BFU, hier einzustellen? Die Frage ist allgemeiner Natur und betrifft das in der Maschine wohl nicht vorhandene Rettungssystem. Ich sah im Video keinen roten Hebel. Wäre es bei so einem Vorkommnis eine Option gewesen, ein vorhandenes Rettungssystem auszulösen, oder sind die Situationen, Status des Flugzeugs, vorgegeben, nach denen man den Hebel ziehen dürfte?
Very nice and interesting. One thing I liked very much is that after each "sequence" you end by thinking out loudly" and what else ?". Which helps recollect once own thoughts or find someting that has been forgotten, it also is a way to ask for input from your student pilot which could be too impressed to share is thoughts on the situation. I for myself use "What have we forgotten ?". Well done
Awesome job. That is how it is done. I saw no mistakes from short final on. Saved the motor from an abrupt stop which would have required an overhaul which are costly. Amazing! Thank you for sharing.
Unlatching the door (there is only one) on a PA-28 prior to an emergency landing is actually in the emergency checklist. Main reason for this is to prevent jamming of the door in case of a really hard landing.
@@viktorsvedholm4711 right :-) we opened the door to expedite the egress :-) and closed the flap on the left hand side just before touchdown in case it was going to get hot and smoky out there!
Great piloting all the way down !!! ... maybe i would ask the fire fighters to make the runway wet before i come to land, to make it harder for fire to spark
I was sure the LHS was a fully qualified pilot just doing a checkout ride with a local school: much more composed than I would expect a student pilot to be. For sure more composed than I would have been in my student pilot's days. Well done! And the FI did a marvellous job!
.. ich habe beim Zuschauen des Videos richtig mit gefiebert ! In einer solch aussergewöhnlichen Situation zeigt sich erst das wirkliche Pilotenkönnen. Du konntest Ruhe bewahren und die richtigen Überlegungen anstellen. Du hast stets die Übersicht behalten und konntest die richtigen Entscheidungen treffen. Deine Kommunikation zu deinem Schüler hat Vertrauen und Sicherheit erzeugt. Du hast deinen Schüler in die Vorgehensweise mit einbezogen und ihm auch Verantwortung übergeben. Das finde ich absolut beispielhaft. Ich bin sicher, dass das andere Piloten im Detail wieder anderes gehandelt hätten - da gibt es aber nicht ein richtig oder falsch - schliesslich geht es darum, nicht in Panik zu geraten, welches das Denken verhindert - sondern die Ruhe zu bewahren um so die richtigen Entscheidungen treffen zu können. Gratulation an euch Beide !
Danke Andreas!!!!
Very well done, calm professional and well thought. Great airmanship of both student and instructor!! A great example of how to handle an actual emergency and a perfect landing.
Thank you
Respekt! Das Video wird wohl jetzt in einigen Flugschulen zum Pflichtprogramm gehören. Besser hätte man das Problem nicht angehen können. 👍👍👍
Besten Dank!!
sehe ich auch so Gewicht verlagern Tür auf cool hahaha
Thanks for sharing, a nice example of how to do it correctly! The language barrier was interesting to observe: "landing gear missing" vs. "wheel missing"! This is vital information!
thanks for the feedback
Very interesting listening as people switch to german, french, back to english
I'm not a pilot, but I've been in emergency situations of the non-aviation type. I applaud the calm professionalism you both displayed here. Had I not had the audio I would have assumed you were setting up for yet another routine landing. WELL DOE!
As a low-time weekend pilot, I feel safer having watched this video. If I ever find myself in the same situation, I've now seen what it looks and feels like, and most importantly how best to handle the situation. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Thanks Happy landings
Fahrwerk gesucht! 😆 Da guckst du, wenn dir die ATC so eine Durchsage gibt. Brillant landing and compliment to the crew!👍
Sehr geile Cockpit Performance der beiden Piloten, sowie tolle Zusammenarbeit aller Beteiligten 👍
Besten Dank Dir
Brilliant Video. Just brilliant. Thank you for uploading it. We will all learn from the way handled this calmly. Sauber abgewickelt Jungs. In Ruhe nachgedacht, Optionen erwogen, Entscheidungen getroffen. Prima.
Thank you very much
"Looks like we lost a wheel"
"Not so good..uh?".....like the sense of humor the student has.
Right rudder makes sense as soon as the left side hits the runway.
For my opinion, i would not aim for the center line, since the plane will slide to the left anyway.....more to the right side would have been my goal.
But after all...it comes out perfectly...without people hurt. Well done!
Right at that moment it was very surreal! At that moment I thought she was telling us I'd broken it on landing. But that didn't make any sense. That it might have already been missing on approach made even less sense. Only after a couple of minutes, thinking back through everything up to that point, we remembered that things had felt a bit strange right after liftoff and in initial climb.
Thanks for sharing this video! I think the situation was very well handled, congratulations to both of you! 😉👍🏼
I love how you as the instructor still took full benefit of your student by asking for further ideas and maintaining a shared mental model! Also I recently bought the BOSE A20 Headset and after this video I‘m super happy I also got the bluetooth functionality. Being able to talk on the phone in a situation like this is clearly a huge benefit.
One thing I see a lot (especially in GA) is people hesitating to actually declare emergency or at least pan pan. A missing landing gear wheel is kind of a once-in-a-lifetime thing, a fundamental structural damage, and I‘m sure nobody would blame you in the aftermath if you had decided to declare mayday. It gives you a couple of benefits, i.e. you can be sure you‘ll have the airspace all for yourself, you will also have ALL of the available emergency services on standby, not only fire brigade but also an ambulance which can save lives if there had been a fire or a different outcome. And it wouldn‘t cost you a penny (or Rappen😜). But as for all incidents, it‘s easy to talk when you haven‘t been in the situation.
Good job and, again, thanks for sharing! 👍🏼🙏🏼😃
I did not declare an emergency for several reason. As per definition it is immediate help required which was not the case. It will trigger on any radar in the vicinity a signal to get attention which was not necessary. So per definition it was not an emergency. And Mayday come from the french help me, as nobody can help in such a situation is useless. But you can of course discuss about this if and what would haplen. Anyway thanks very much for your comment!!! Happy landings!
The instructor was lost several times. He had to ask the student what was said on the radio. Her should have asked ATC for a repeat instead.
Wow, mein Kompliment! Absolut vorbildlich!
Sehr professionell gemacht! Unglaublich ruhig und strukturiert gehandelt! Wahnsinnig gute Abstimmung und Kommunikation als Crew! 👍👍👍
Danke Dir
Thank you for having shared this masterpiece of good behavior and reaction when facing a very stressful situation… including the landing itself.
Thank you!!
Top flight instructor! Active communication with his student to keep him calm resulting in him being calm as well! This video can teach you so much! :)
Thank you
Systematischer Anflug, keine Aufregung, perfekte Notlandung. Gratuliere!
Bin dieses Flugzeugmuster selber viel geflogen und kann hier alles gut nachvollziehen.
Danke fürs Hochladen dieses interessanten und lehrreichen Videos.
Super gemacht und vollen Respekt. ihr seid sehr besonnen und strukturiert an das Problem herangegangen.
Always happy landings…
Sehr entspannt und keine Panik, sehr professionell und spannend zum anschauen!
Congrats to the crew! Excellent CRM and well executed emergency.
Thank you
Respect! Sehr gute Arbeit. Gutes Zusammenspiel aller Parteien. Vielen Dank fürs teilen. Da kann man viel davon lernen.
Danke Dir
Du kannst sowas nur real üben
@@sabine2442 oh, das ist auf die Dauer teuer!
@@gisbertgoebel3806 Das stimmt
Gutes Zusammenspiel aller ? Wirklich ? Die Dame hat etwas zu viel gestottert und gab ZWEIMAL eine unvollständige Antwort auf die klare Frage, ob nur das Rad oder das ganze linke Fahrwerk fehlt. Die Piloten haben auch nicht auf einer präzisen Auskunft beharrt und nicht ein drittes Mal gefragt.
Ich versteh nicht viel von der Motor Fliegerei. Als motorloser Pilot finde ich es eine Meisterleistung.
Ruhig, abgeklärt und mit einem Plan.
Der Flugschüler wird diese Lektion niemals vergessen. Bravo Fluglehrer für die Veröffentlichung vom Bildmaterial und der hervorragenden Leistung.
Material kann ersetzt werden, ein Menschenleben nicht.
Wünsche weiterhin viele unvergessliche Flugstunden.
Happy landings
Allerdings :-)
At 17:20, when the pilot in the right seat (the instructor?) says that they will basically go "radio silence" on the final, you can hear (and see) him doing a "double click" in response to the airport acknowledging his message.
For non-aviators, the double click is used by pilots especially in Pan-pan or mayday situations to basically say "Roger!" or "received and understood" as a way to not clutter the airwaves and also to help the pilots deal with the situation. The double click will also be a hint to ATC to STFU unless there's extremely pressing matters 😇
Wow! Way to show how to deal with an emergency. Well done.
Thank you
Beautiful landing. I could not see any damage. There must have been some but minimal I think. Very well done both.👍
Actually the aircraft body was not involved yes. Itwill fly again soon
Perfect landing. It doesn't look like the plane suffered much damage. No prop strike. Good job. No panic either. Better than some of my 3 wheel landings!!!
Yes, I checked the plane afterwards and we did not touch the prop,or the fuselage nore the wing!!
Ich habe mitgefiebert!
Tolle Leistung von Lehrer und Schüler. Danke fürs Zeigen dieser perfekten Landung.
Dieses Video sollte bei der Pilotenausbildung gezeigt werden!
Es zeigt die 100% ige Realität, wie mit solch einer Situation umgegangen werden soll.
Keine Panik, keine Streß.
Sich zusammen einen Plan überlegen, wie man diese Landung am besten hinbekommt.
Mein größten Respekt, sowohl an den Lehrer, als auch an den Schüler!!
Herzlichen Dank
Brilliant landing and handling of the situation.
Almost ZERO damage to plane as I could see and a fantastic Lesson learned as well.
Thank you
Besser kann man es nicht machen. Absolut professionell! Habe einige hundert Stunden auf dem gleichen Muster und daher auch beim Anschauen des Videos extrem mitgefiebert. Danke für dieses Video!!!
Danke schön
Not only was the aviating well done, I appreciate the CRM. Having been part of a flight crew (loadmaster C-130) on a nose gear up landing I respect pilots who take in all inputs from the crew once all emergency procedures are completed. The crew resource management model should be highly noted in this event. I am curious if you felt the calming factor of quality discussion to trouble shoot, and pre plan the landing. I hope all flight crew members truly understand ego has no place in a bad situation. Well done, and a great learning tool for all that fly! Thank you for sharing.
Hey what a great comment? Thank you very much indeed for this!! Have a great day Regards Michael Weber
Sehr lehrreich. Die Ruhe die der Pilot ausstrahlt ist beneidenswert!
Congratulations on your airmanship & piloting skills & thank you for showing the film. I learned a lot.
thanks for the feedback
21:02 - But.... looks like Prop is good, wing is good, maybe a bit of left elevator. And... you both walked away safely.
Awesome job!
thank you
Super cool geblieben! Respekt und danke für den Upload. Echtes Lehrvideo!
Das habt ihr super gemacht! Versucht ruhig zu bleiben und sich beschäftigt, keine Panik gemacht, so ist das richtig. Es gibt einem aber auch ein gutes Gefühl, am Flughafen die Feuerwehr und die Rettungswagen zu sehen. Da weiß man, dass die Jungs alles tun, um einen im Notfall rauszuholen. Danke euch allen!
Well done gentleman! As a student pilot I appreciate your sharing this experience.
thank you
Wow you looked pretty low for the second low pass. I was getting nervous. Great job from all involved. Glad all are safe. Huge respect
Superb piece of flying and due to a combination of skill and cooperation you both walked away. Excellent job..!!!.
Great CRM!! This is an excellent video showing how to never give up, work out the problem, talk about it and ASK whoever is with you “do you agree”…. Bravo to everyone involved. 10/10
What a great calm Flight Instructor this should be awarded. He considers ervery aspect of the landing ahead and did a great job. I am actually not sure if i think about my past instructors if they would have been cool in the same Manner. Thank you for recording.
Thank you very much for this nice comment
Thank you very much
Super gemacht! Keinerlei Anzeichen von Stress, Situation geklärt, richtige Massnahmen daraus abgeleitet und umgesetzt. Wirklich Top und als Lehrvideo geeignet!
Absolutely well done by the crew and excellent CRM from the instructor. Great landing. Great job from both of you.
radio communication with ATC was actually perfect, great coordination. Thumbs up!
Thank you very much
In so einer Situation so cool zu bleiben.. 💪🏻Respekt! Vielen Dank für den Upload..Denke dass da jeder Pilot etwas für sich mitnehmen kann!
Besten Dank
Awesome job on everyone’s part! The pilots had nerves of steel and stayed focused!
Thank you
Here is what was missing from the book. But these two wrote it in the air.
Emergency Procedures-Wheel Missing
1. Determine which wheel is missing using ground personnel for a visual inspection
2. Landing preferred on cement of asphalt runway.
3. Land closer to side of the runway with the good wheel
3. Attempt a full flap landing to attain minimum speed
5. Attempt to minimize the fuel in the tank(s) in the wing without the landing wheel
6. Prior to Touch Down.
a. Master Switch Off.
b. Fuel Selector Off
aileron to balance aircraft on that wheel as long as possible
well done
Toll gemacht und danke für's teilen...toller Entscheidungsprozess und Umsetzung. Trotzdem: Gäbe es was in der Retroperspektive, was ihr anders machen würdet?
Ich denke noch mehr Fuel aus dem linken Tank zu verbrauchen ja
Respekt! für soviel Coolness und Professionalität. Sehr gut gemacht!
There's not a lot to say, absolutely professional and perfectly handled! A little wink when I saw the FlipFlops ;-)
Thank you. Well in summer i fly with flip flops yes
Well done boys. Excellent airmanship and professionalism. Great result that all ended well.
Thank you Stephen. We talked about your Spitfire, remember me?
Want to see more such videos on these emergency situations well done great job.
you find more on my channel
Mein altes Schulflugzeug 😳
Super gemacht Jungs!
Anthony Dyson ... congratulations on your excellent preparation for the emergency landing ..... nothing more and nothing less than without the left landing gear !! .... not covered in the flight manual. Everything was prepared with great professionalism, by the flight instructor and the student pilot...you. Cheers 🍸🍸
Nicely done, gentlemen. Excellent decision making!
Thank you
Outstanding airmanship- well done!
thank you
Fantastic video
Great crew resource management. Best unplanned training, teaching students to remain calm is key.
thank you
Great landing glad there were no problems you got out congratulations
WoW! What a landing!
Great job Keeping it in the pieces that you had left!
Thank God that they are safe, Great flying, Job well done 😇👍
Thank you
Respekt. Vorbildliche Arbeit.👍 Wenn man die Ruhe bewart klappt es auch mit dem Denken. 🛩 Absolut was fürs Lehrbuch.
Very well handled this emergency, cool heads, well communicated amongst each other, excellent Swiss pilots ! Greetings from EBAW 👍
Thanks very much
Well, that was a really well executed emergency landing. Well done!
hey, thank you very much
No wing or prop strike. You both did a great job!!
Thank you
Sehr interessant anzusehen. Gute Arbeit Männers, Situation super gerettet!
Vielen Dank für's Teilen Eurer Erfahrung! Gruss aus LSZE
Well done! The plane looks okay. Glad you made it safely.
thank you
I was more nervous watching than both of you flying, glad you both are safe, can’t be handled better 👍
Thank you
Hut ab für die überlegte und sichere Landung der beiden Piloten. Einfach nur cool. Ich glaube ich war aufgeregter beim Anschauen des Videos als einer der beiden bei dieser Aktion. Es ergibt doch gleich ein großes Sicherheitsgefühl wenn man solch einem erfahrenen Fluglehrer neben sich hat. Ich bin begeistert. Noch eine Frage, sind Sie der Michael Weber der im September 2005 auf der Hahnweide die B-25 so perfekt vorgeflogen hat? Weiterhin sichere Landungen für Sie und Anthony Dyson. :-)
Hallo GR. Danke für Ihren freundlichen Kommentar. Ja ich durfte die B-25 auf der Hahnweide vorliegen im 2005 genau. Das war eine super Maschine und tolle Airshow, ich kann mich gut daran erinnern. Leider fehlen mir aus dieser zeit Filmaufnahmen von diesen Airshows. Sofern Sie was haben gerne auf michiwebster@gmx.ch senden. Besten Dank das hat mich sehr gefreut!!
Hallo. Vielen Dank für die freundliche Antwort. Ja, ich habe von ihrem B-25 Flug ca. 5 Min auf Mini DV und damals dann überspielt auf VHS-Video. Allerdings sind die Aufnahmen aus der Mitte der Zuschauer über die Köpfe hinweg gemacht. Also vor dem Start sind ein paar Sek. Rollen zu sehen mit Zuschauern davor und die Landung ist auch nicht drauf. Die Flugaufnahmen sind einigermaßen gut, finde ich, aber ich hatte die Kamera damals das erste Mal dabei, also keine Profiaufnahmen. Aber der Sprecher erwähnt ihren Namen 2-3 mal während des Fluges. Da ich diese DV-Kamera nicht mehr habe, könnte ich nur mal versuchen von der VHS eine Kopie zu machen, oder kennen Sie jemand der von MiniDV eine Digital-Kopie machen kann? Im Ganzen habe ich von diesem Sonntag ca. 2 Stunden auf Band. Ich frage auch nochmal einen Bekannten, vielleicht kennt er jemand der das Digitalisieren kann. Ich melde mich dann bei Ihnen über ihre Mail-Adresse. Alles Gute. :-) GR
@@grin1448 Nun das wäre super nett wenn ich diese Aufnahmen hätte. Es war die einzige je registrierte B25 in der Schweiz und die Aufnahmen hätten seltenheitswert. Ich kenne jemand der das digitalisieren könnte falls Sie niemanden finden. Meine Website www.t-28.ch michiwebster@gmx.ch meine Email dann könnten wir die Adressen austauschen, es würde mich freuen.
@@Warbird-Aviation Hallo, ich melde mich per E-Mail bei Ihnen. LG.
So much for the infallibility of fixed gear.
My compliments to you Anthony and your flight instructor, proper decision making and situation handled very well, causing only minimal damage on aircraft. I would love to hear a follow up, if prior damage to the landing gear caused it to fail or an aircraft mechanic has to answer some unpleasant questions. With flight school or flight club chartered aircraft it’s sadly often the case that bad landings do not get reported, and prior damage might actually even with a proper preflight check still be invisible.
Good to know you guys are safe and sound and thank you for the great video! A very happy landing for your future. My own flying career started close to 50 years ago in Altenrhein, so always excited to see videos from home. Greetings from 🇨🇦
It must have been prior damage, because the wheel was present when we took off (!) and already gone before approach for our touch-and-go in Schupfart. The pilots on the ground saw us approach with missing gear and went directly to the radio to let us know. A fellow student flew some solo circuits in the same aircraft earlier in the day, all observed by the instructor, with no hard landings, so whatever stressed the bolt must have been even earlier than that. We didn't skimp on the preflight outside check, but I have to admit, I look at tyres and fairings and struts but hadn't been looking closely at those bolts. Don't know whether you'd be able to see something like that or not. It would depend on where it was cracked, and we don't know that.
@@dysona If I understand correctly, it was a broken bolt causing the loss of the wheel, I expect actually that it was caused more likely by a failure in the material of the bolt than anything else. Even so truly very rare it does happen! A metallurgic analysis will shine a light into the dark. I also don’t think anyone could blame this to an inadequate preflight inspection, because even if a guy crawled underneath the wing, this would have been hidden & even if you had rocked the wing I think it would have been unlikely to be detected. I believe this was simply a true case of pure bad luck. That bolt is designed to an immense load of stress and I can not recall having heard about failures of bad landings causing it to fail. I know about a similar case happening some time ago in the US but don’t know what the issue was there. My first airplane was a Cherokee 140, never had any issue with it, they are robust built airplanes. Only recently this wing spar problem is appearing, on high time, high use cherokees! I noticed they are having a serious look right now at the wing spar and I don’t know if they found anything of concern.
I’m a retired commercial & bush pilot and had an instructor rating too, flying for almost 50 years in places like Africa, South America and here in Canada’s northern Arctic, so I have seen a thing or two.
You guys showed excellent airmanship & made the proper decisions: aviate, navigate & communicate!
I wish both of you the very best and a happy landing! Cheers from🇨🇦👍👏👏👏
If I may give you some advice for your flying future. If you ever think about aircraft ownership, make sure you also get yourself it’s maintenance and parts manual and select a mechanic who is well familiar with the aircraft and willing to go through all it’s systems with you. Something I religiously did and proofed itself beneficial on many occasions!
Selecting an aircraft is much like selecting a women, learn all about its weak points before you engage!😉
Thanks for the upload! Very impressive. Great job sounds like nothing. I dont know what to say! That was a perfect preparation and landing!
Thank you
Sehr interessantes Video, danke vielmals fürs teilen! Sehr bedachte Umsetzung und ebenfalls Respekt für den Flugschüler, dass er komplett die Ruhe bewahrt hat. Obwohl wir lieber schöne unterhaltsame Flugvideos sehen, ist das hier vielleicht das beste was TH-cam für Piloten zu bieten hat.
Thank you very much!!!
That's brilliant: "Ther is nothing we can do" well done guys.👍🇬🇧
Thank you
this is one hell of a situation
Danke für die Onlinestellung dieses besonderen Videos. Auch für mich als nur Flusipilot, ob der souverän strukturierten Vorgehensweise in dieser misslichen Lage, sehr beeindruckend. Respekt!
Besten Dank Fluss.
@@Warbird-Aviation Ich hätte zusätzlich eine Frage und eine Bitte. Wäre es möglich, wenn es denn einen geben wird, den Link zum Unfallbericht, vergleichbar denen der BFU, hier einzustellen? Die Frage ist allgemeiner Natur und betrifft das in der Maschine wohl nicht vorhandene Rettungssystem. Ich sah im Video keinen roten Hebel. Wäre es bei so einem Vorkommnis eine Option gewesen, ein vorhandenes Rettungssystem auszulösen, oder sind die Situationen, Status des Flugzeugs, vorgegeben, nach denen man den Hebel ziehen dürfte?
Thank you for posting this. A very professional landing indeed.
Thank you
Very nice and interesting.
One thing I liked very much is that after each "sequence" you end by thinking out loudly" and what else ?". Which helps recollect once own thoughts or find someting that has been forgotten, it also is a way to ask for input from your student pilot which could be too impressed to share is thoughts on the situation. I for myself use "What have we forgotten ?".
Well done
Thanks verymuch for this!!
Probably been trained by George Clooney! 😜
I agree 100% with this! Well done! 💪🏻
Excellent work. I like the xonstant briefing and questioning, is there anything else.
Thank you
Great job! Both Student & Instructor!
thank you
Excellent job as a crew managing this emergency. Well done about thinking everything thru and thru and executing per plan. Congratulations!
Thank you very much
Awesome job. That is how it is done. I saw no mistakes from short final on. Saved the motor from an abrupt stop which would have required an overhaul which are costly. Amazing! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for the feedback
In such tough situations, things can go terrifically wrong but they did it very well.
Très bonne maitrise du problème bravo ! Bonne répartition des tâches, sang froid, bonne réflexion, et maîtrise de l’atterrissage parfait 👍
merci beaucoup!!
Wow great job guys. Good teamwork and perfect landing. Not even a scratch on the prop.
Thank you very much. Yes the aircraft is flying again with no damage.
Very nicely done, calm and controlled
thank you
Well done. Opening the right door to increase the drag on the right side to keep the direction as good as possible....good idea.
Unlatching the door (there is only one) on a PA-28 prior to an emergency landing is actually in the emergency checklist. Main reason for this is to prevent jamming of the door in case of a really hard landing.
@@viktorsvedholm4711 right :-) we opened the door to expedite the egress :-) and closed the flap on the left hand side just before touchdown in case it was going to get hot and smoky out there!
Great Job! Very professional to handle this Problem. 👍
Thank you
Great piloting all the way down !!! ... maybe i would ask the fire fighters to make the runway wet before i come to land, to make it harder for fire to spark
That is a very good input. I have thought about this aswell but only after the landing! I think they just make it for bigger plane.
great job!
Thanks very much
Excellent flying gentlemen. Congratulations
thank you
loved their calmness, not for a single moment did they panic.
Super crew resource management! 10/10
thank you
Fantastic CRM! Well done both of you!
thank you
Studing staff for all ground school classes! Great job pilots!
Thank you very much
Nice job, minimal damage,
Thank you
Brilliant work pilots. Well done.
Thank you
I was sure the LHS was a fully qualified pilot just doing a checkout ride with a local school: much more composed than I would expect a student pilot to be. For sure more composed than I would have been in my student pilot's days. Well done! And the FI did a marvellous job!
Thank you
Danke für das Teilen. Super gelöst. Hätte man im Funk einen Notfall melden müssen?
Nun gute Frage. Für mich war es kein Notfall und Mayday declarieren versetz nur alle unnötig in Panik meiner Meinung nach
Very well done, chaps!
thank you
hats off to the ATC an the pilots
Well done.
thank you