STEM PLANTS BUNDLE SALE - Over 75 plants - 15 Species for $59! Limited Time OFFER so HURRY! For Special Soil Supplements, Plants, FIsh & Merch in your country:
@@user-bj9nw5wf5n Yeah I was told that Thanks to you I created a natural environment For past three years poor fish was fed potato chips opps fish food Lol
FF Don't apologize for long videos. I love all the information. Some people make videos that are too short and leave too many questions unanswered. I appreciate the work you do to keep us informed.🙂
Sometimes I wish he could make a marathon about just one subject going very in detail and then to the other subjects and so on. I listen to FF almost all the time when i do maintenence in the aquariums.
Well deserved top comment. Unfortunately today, the youth are only intrigued by quick/fast paced videos. I love sitting and listening to the wisdom of the old folks who have been in the hobby for a long time and seen a thing or two. Keep doing what your doing. You dropped this 👑
@@myckee I think lots of plants and anaerobic bacteria in the deep substrate will both use up nitrates . At least that’s what I understand from his videos
One year in myself and no need for water changes, just top ups. I have 2 ten gallons, a five gallon and a 2.5 gallon. Lots of plants, microfauna, dirt substrate and I have a hob for each tank. My hob is really just to keep the water cycling over my bb that I cultured in those filters. No carbon no additives. Top up with rain water ❤
Hello father fish.. I m new here.. Pls my help.. The way you tell 1 inch soil 2 inches sand I have a polar parrot fish in a three feet tank, it keeps moving the sand here and there all day, so I am afraid that if I make a fish tank like this, the way you tell. What should I do if she removes the entire rate?
Father fish is the future of the hobby. Before I started watching you, I was spending so much money to keep my fish alive. Now I have know dead fish and their happy.
When I was just getting into the hobby, I went into a specialized shop to buy some plants for my aquarium. While chatting to shopkeeper, I told him that I had a dirted tank. He had never heard of this concept before and actually laughed at how ridiculous this idea was to him! I still can't believe how narrow minded this man was with regards to a concept that is in fact much more logical than a non-dirted tank...
one day this hobby will realise that the Hydroponics Industry is ruling it. I grew up in the 80’s and I remember the hydroponics craze. Plants don’t need dirt! Yehh right lol… I use dirt in my garden and in my tanks. Can you grow plants without dirt? Yes you can, but I don’t want to have a science lab as an aquarium.
@@liamvnbw Most shopkeepers have zero idea about the hobby. Most of them are fish abusers, and only interested in keeping them alive enough. They are literally the worst person to turn for an advice.
Now i know why the aquascaping community disagrees with this legend. Your tanks take a long time to mature where as these guys want their tanks to be perfect in a matter of months. Your tanks are for home use, enjoyment of the sitting room, slowly maturing, slowly changing looks, growing with the family and for that i give you thumps up. I love both ways so i have my 2 no tech dirted tanks that are so satisfying due to the changes taking place gradually, on of them houses goldfish with plants-talk about war. The other side is a hightech setup for my enjoyment not any one else
I am between. I want to get into the design more but love the dirt method discussed. Should I use the same method but also include filters to handle the urgency I have or should I pick one or the other. I struggle to believe me having a mid size filter on a 75G mattering.
@@matthewnelson5699I have hobs on all my tanks, it does provide a great place to cycle the water over the bb that cultures in the tanks. It's been beneficial to me, but I keep adding more tanks lol and having that bb built up in the HOB makes it easier to jump start a new tank. I've had mine for a year and I use a combo of natural dirted, as well as minor tech like a small hob and a light ❤ hope that helps!
Just transferred my four survivors from my clean tank into a mud sand tank. Im absolutely in love and only cost me $8. I luckily live next to alot of water! My fishes are so happy!
Interesting video. I do remember Diana Walstad saying the initial nutrient content of soil would be exhausted after a year, but did go on to point out that due to the high cation exchange capacity of the soil it will gain further nutrient from fish food, fish waste etc and continue to support plant life for a good many years. I have one that’s been going for nine years, initially set up with an inch of top soil and a thin as I could get away with covering of gravel and continues to thrive. I think you are right about the industry not wanting to promote this method, I had an aquarium shop assistant warning me that I would just end up with a mess if I used soil! Well several tanks later I can happily report that has not been the case and I have been delighted with the results.
@Wal48 - could you share more details about your substrate ratio? I'm trying to setup my first dirted tank but I couldn't collect all the FF ingredients. SoI'm planning to go with a basic Walstad method with Potting soil(pre mixed with vermicompost) as the substrate capped with 1" sand over 1" gravel, similar to yours.
I didn't know about this method and never had fish in my life until this summer. I actually wanted to put some fish in my backyard mini pond for photography purposes as it already had native inhabitants in it such as frogs and toads. As it is small , it appeared that the only other fish that can overwinter in Canada is Japanese Rice Fish/Medaka (with the addition of pond heather to stop water from freezing and to allow air exchange). So, after searching high and low, I was able to locate a local store that had it in stock and brought home 9 orange rice fish. Now, this mini pond didn't have any filter or aeration, just some plants in pots and also floating plants and no substrate....I put fish in it, and to make long story short, now I have around 300 hundred on them as they keep multiplying.....they eat mosquito larvae , and whatever microscopic life is in there. I also supplement with minimal food , as I was following the Japanese method. After doing some research, I also added some cherry shrimp and snails that can survive winter in these conditions. They both reproduced profusely , so now I have more than I bargained for, to my surprise. As winter is approaching, I decided to bring some of the young ones inside as this method only works for mature fully developed fish or shrimp, and was wondering what to do. I came across this method , and I was so happy, I can't even begin to describe how thankful I am that this information is now available to anyone that wants to try it thanks to Father Fish. Thank you so much!
I love you man. We need to support the Father Fish and spread the word. To me, his words are awakening a true love and passion for this amazing world. I had an aquarium not a long time ago which you can classify as the Father says "a dead aquarium" it was very stressful. Now, thanks to him I find it amazing and really enjoyable again.
You are the greatest “presenter” of any information on uTube. I just started a tank and haven’t wanted to drive a long way to buy plants so I found some in the river and they and some little critters are doing well. Thanks for your show. 🍁🍂🌿🐟🦐
Father Fish, I don’t always agree with your ideas and methods, but you definitely have some good points and ideas. I appreciate this video, and hope that other members of this hobby learn of your successful dirted tank method. You just gained a new subscriber.
I started using dirt and sand 20 years ago against all advice telling me it wears out. In my experience they were right because over those two decades I couldn't get my substrate to last more than 30 months. If this channel can get me over this hump I'm all in.
they are right and they are wrong. they don’t understand that a dirted tank after 1 year is a medium for bacteria, not nutrients. The bacteria produce the nutrients.
Your video wasn't to long. Not at all. It actually seemed to go fast because it was very interesting. And I learned from your video. I was sad when it ended. Thank you so much for passing along your knowledge and sharing it with us.
When I started this hobbie it was for the fish and in a month I sent 40 guppies and 20 mollies to their graves 😭. My determination to get a tank i could be proud of made me itch. For the next 3 months both tanks were discontinued sitting there. Father fish was the only guy I found doing something different than the rest. While everyone else laughed and played around making cute hightech scapes father fish made intricate well thought out self sustained systems. I worked horrible hours so an aquarium that can fail at the drop of a hat was a no go. After watching and reading I settled on a mix of both. Proud to say my favorite aquarium is my 55 gallon 6" substrate soil-sand aquarium. It has a pearl weed carpet with about half inch of detrietus. And instead of background I grew a wall (on the sides too) of water wisteria. That tank is 3 months old I use CO2 as well (like i said its a mix of both) and never done a water change, i just top off. Ppl have said what about your water column nutrients (not worried) my tap is well water with 21Gh and 12Kh those plants thrive. My hobbie is now essentially underwater water garden first then fish later. If those fish eat plants like African cichlids i dont want them 😅. My worst tank is my 75 gallon sanded african cichlid tank that has no plants. I cant tell how many time a week i want to take them out give them away and build my next dirted tank but my friend who game me the fishes would hate me 😅😅.
His methods always works I have watched hundreds of videos for my ill fish but nothing worked But when I watched his videos his methods worked and saved my money. thanks FATHER FISH.😊
I roll pond compost into ~10Øx30mm sausages for root tabs (also use it as my substrate base layer). I add red clay powder in wet so they go harder when dry and for more iron. To dry I leave them on top of my LED light which gets hot, they usually retain structural integrity just long enough to shove them under the substrate with big tweezers, i shove them in at a shallow angle to get them as deep as possible.. Compared to seachem and API root sticks, which cost as much as 12.5KG of pond compost for 10 small tablets, they last longer and work a bit better, mainly beacause they are bigger and you can make loads of them. In ponds water lilies grow great in pond compost, so why not aquarium plants.
I’m planning a 700ltr tank, your videos are vital to my goals. I really appreciate the explanation that has confirmed my experiences with 5+ yr old aquariums that were L deep” gravel beds they got to this stage that the tanks were especially stable and plant would grow like weeds. This is what I’m aiming for - to shortcut the 5 years to 1. Thank you.
Hi, people who grow bog plants add activated charcoal to the substrate to deal with anaerobic bacteria. The charcoal has a very large surface area and tiny air bubbles/ pockets that harbours aerobic bacteria which keeps the anaerobic (stinky) bacteria in check. Activated charcoal helps maintain the balance between the two really well. I tip (soaked and sinking) charcoal in first. I pour every thing else over the top. Peat moss is a good additive too..
Thank you for your hard work helping us hobbyists, Father Fish! How do you remove plants from your tanks without the risk of releasing soil into the water column? 🤟❤
Excellent video! Have been fallen for your method. Set 400 litres (about 100 gallons) and 160 liters heavily planted dirted tank. These after I was on aqua soil for last five years. No algae whatsoever and have been balanced close to right from the beginning. Thank you FF for your informative videos and getting me on to the All Natural aquariums bandwagon!😊
dudes!! this channel has been so "eye opening"! i want to start a fresh water aquarium in a few weeks! with this method! i did try a salt water one for a year! i managed to not fail but it was such a stress! covid came! and it got hard to find all the stuff so i sold the fish and corals! and empty the water and now it holds collection items😅 but... i want to start a smaller planted aquarium with soil sand and just an air stone or small simple filter! small heater! good light! cause it is true that back in the 80s and even 90s i remember pple had fresh water aquariums with plants and they made no water changes nor used fancy things but the fish reproduced all the time etc! and few years ago when i started it was all about cycling for a month and sumps etc..
father fish! i have a question! i live in a volcanic island! (lanzarote!) do u think it would be a good idea to mix some.small tiny volcanic rock (they are less than 1/4 of an inch big they are like medium gravel BUT they have millions of micro pores! they are light weight! i think they would be good to house good bacteria years down the road! my idea is to mix some.habdfulls with the soil! also do u think beach sand would be OK for the sand? maybe rinse it to take salt off and ok? congrats and thanks for sharing your knowladge!
I have a 55 gallon fish tank and you have inspired me to set it up, I used to be a neat freak when it came to "how clean and clear" the water needed to be. I now realize that I can follow your example and have a beautiful tank and happy fish!!!
Hello sir, i noticed @7:12 of this video u have placed a air stone in a walstad tank.. so what is the science behind it? I always thought in walstad method the co2 is accumulated at night and and used in the day light hrs.. but if there is air stone then it will re.ove the co2 in the water when its circulating. So please can some one explain me
I love the long videos, I could listen to you teach all day! How can you tell when the tank is producing enough that you don’t have to feed the little fish?
Thank you for such wonderful information. I don't have a fish tank, but I love getting knowledge on things that I am interested in . And your knowledge is wonderful. I love to learn from you . Thank you.
I enjoyed this video alot I been in the hobby 20 years or better my new house has well water with low ph I was very skeptical n sad thinking man idk if i can have fish but for many reasons this video has given me hope iam going for it !!
I absolutely love watching your videos FF. You have so much knowledge in between those 2 ears, and I just want to thank you for sharing. Thank you muchly.
Love your videos & advice. Unfortunately some aquarium hobbyists want crystal clear water. Although your technique is absolutely correct & how nature has intended things to be there will always be a slight tint in the water. (Obviously that changes up & down from clear to a slight tint depending on the phase of the natural cycle happening). I know that’s how it’s supposed to be & fully agree. There are just some hobbyists that want to super clear water & will never understand. They see algae as a nuisance. Yes some are but most are a normal part of the natural ecosystem. Great video as always. 👍
I love the simplicity and the science. Question: Over time water will evaporate and be replaced. If you are using tap water, you are slowly increasing the hardness of the water. H2O goes out and H2O with minerals goes in. How are you preventing the hardness creep? Distilled water?
Keep the videos coming just like watching fish I can watch these videos for hours. You’re great! Those jags in that huge tank with all the fish! Someday I’ll have a huge South American tank just to keep those fish. Had one named Rock that actually turned out to be a female for a good 14/15 yrs. Thanks for sharing what you know.
Started 2 tanks within the last 6 months.. wish I'd have watched this channel 1st. Going to start 1 large tank correctly, then introduce my 2 small tanks into it 😁👍
Hola Father Fish. Para crear un acuario saludable y que se mantenga solo, se hecha a la urna tierra del jardín y encima arena. Pero lo que no logro entender es porque no puedo echar grava envés de arena. Ya que al echar grava los desechos de los peces Irán al fondo de la tierra de jardín y se va a generar un mejor abono para mis plantas. Necesito que me hagas entenderlo. Muchas gracias
Hi there 😊 I'm a new to fishkeeping but from what I've seen FF says that gravel allows the dirt to still enter the water column as water flows too quickly through it, where the sand truly holds the dirt to the bottom of the tank
So for the nutrients in the tank to get richer i need to have patience? So that the mulm can precipitate down to the dirt layer ? Right ? And thats how it will last for ever?
Just setup my first ever dirted tank! Used organic potting soil peat moss and black kow compost and mixed in some Andersons Humichar dg and biochar dg (I use it in my lawn…it’s just a proprietary granulated powder version of biochar and bio char with humic that quickly dissolves into a powder (so it can get down into the soil better) in this case it just helped it mix in easier.
I have a third idea for the perfect community tank: 1. Put dirt from the forest mixed with clay soil bought from the fish store. 2. Put some gravel over it. 3. Put some sand with already developed powerful bacteria and then a lot of sand over it. 4. Add super small amount of gravel on some places, just to look pretty and collect some ammonia around the plants. 5. Leave a place without dirt in the middle of the tank, where there will only be sand isolated with glass and lava rocks and then put clams in there (the isolation is so the clams won't escape from there). 6. Put sand, gravel, mulm and lava rocks with developed bacteria from other tanks. 7. Add tons of plants, moss, driftwood, leaves and even empty snail shells in the tank. Also add a lot of hairgrass and dwarf sagittaria except on the clam's territory. 8. Put a lot of small creatures like daphnia, snails, scuds and others. 9. Add cherry shrimps in it. 10. Wait for a day, so everybody can find a safe place, and then put different kinds of nano fish in it. This idea is for a 600L+ tank, that is next to a window with sunlight. I am still working on this project, and it will take some time until it's finished.
@@ugnejank Once I afford to have that tank, I could record some videos, but for now this will only stay as an "idea". I am still preparing the bacteria for the bright future.
Baba iyiki varsın .Türkçe alt yazı içinde sonsuz teşekkürler .Sizden Türkçe istediğimde abone sayınız 40 bin civarında idi bugünlerde 100 bini görmek üzereyiz ve 5 ay sonra 150 bine ulaşırsın diye düşünüyorum ,çünkü senin mükemmel bigilerini hiç bir akvaryumcu bilmiyor. Tanrı seni korusun .
I change today 50 percent water, because i have no change 2 months water, result is filter is full dirty, my plants get dirty surface and other bad things. The dirt + sand setup the best/ i have replace some plants I see them root super strong!
Thank you for the excellent explanation!, I have a question, I did this method but my sand unfortunately is too thin and my corydoras keep digging down and so my dirts went crazy. what should I do, and how to make the water crystal clear . thanks
Thank you again for the amazing video and lots of valuable information to learn. I just have a little technical question. Sometimes the plants in my tank grow "out of control", they tend to take out the whole tank if left untouched. So I pull out some plants from time to time to make the swimming space for fish. When I pull it from my gravel substrate, the gunk gets up into the water, making it cloudy for a few minutes. How it is possible to pull plants with roots out the dirt substrate without making the water too dirty? Thank you for any suggestion.
Estoy fascinado con los resultados obtenidos en sus acuarios. Muchas gracias por compartir su conocimiento! Yo apenas tengo 10 años en esta afición. Saludos desde Venezuela! Thanks!
08:55 one of the complaints, i want to start a tank myself, is it still recommended to use sand even though the waste wont reach the substrate until at least a year?
Yes. Larger media will allow nutrients to leach into the water column. Once a year has passed the system is fully cycling. It is necessarily a slow process.
I didn't have access to the minerals you put in the soil so I used ash from my grill (coal and wood). It's been a year and the tank's water has never been changed!
Hello Father Fish, I have a question, I see you have Discs on a fully planted aquarium. What would be the ideal temperature to keep both discus and plants healthy?? Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
Very helpful! Thank you, no need to apologize! I do have one question though, what about when you add new fish, do you do the typical system of bag in the water, slowly mixing water in then poor new water+fish in? Is that going to mess up the ecosystem?
You are great!FF what diameter of sand is the best to be used? 1-3mm? Or smaller? At which diameter we are talking about gravel? Bigger then 6mm? I will start new 180l aquarium. Regards from Slovenia.
Thank you Father fish for such a thorough informative video. It wasn’t too long! I’m still learning about the natural planted tank. I did deep substrates on both my tanks back a few years ago trying to follow your method. The thing that is missing in mine is the “supplements” that keep it going long term. Dang! I don’t think at this stage I can change what I’m doing. But, my 10g is lightly stocked and heavily planted. I have a hard time keeping nitrates in that tank, it just eats them up. I’ve been able to get rid of the contents of the power filter and just keep it running with a polishing pad (which I probably don’t need either). This system is very healthy but I fight the water increasingly getting more hard due to liquid ferts. Would it help if I added more inhabitants to help with produce nitrates so I don’t have to keep adding the liquid ferts so often? I’m trying to get closer to what you teach even though it’s already been set up a few years. I don’t want to start over. Any tank that I may set up in the future I know now about the long term supplements.
Hello father, Thank you for the knowledge you give us. I asked you several times under the videos and you always answered me, thank you. I have an Aquarium with a Tanganyiki biotope, which can be seen on my channel. I am slowly trying to switch to a FF aquarium with a deep substrate. It is not easy, because the decoration is very large stones, which, on your advice, are now beautifully overgrown with algae, which somewhat compensate for the lack of plants (because that is the biotope I have). Because my aquarium is very high, 3 feet, I want to add some sand. My important question is whether to pour a thick layer of sand, even 4-5 inches, and then arrange the decorations, or first the stones and then pour sand around them (I'm afraid that under large stones there will be dead spots where toxic gases will be produced). You don't discuss this topic anywhere, or I haven't found it yet, because to watch all your videos, it would take hours, days, months... there is so much of it :) Regards Wojtek
Yes. There will be dead spots. It will be compensated by open spaces. Pour rinsed sand in. The deeper the better. Dead space is a reverse cone, diminishing with depth.
@@FatherFish Thank you father. I had no idea about this cone, I thought it was rather a cylinder. Are these cones dangerous for the system in the FF aquarium? And should we avoid them (by placing stones on the glass itself, or the layer of styrofoam) or can we have these dead cones in the aquarium and the FF aquarium will still work properly, I really want this information, because according to common knowledge, such dead cones are unacceptable.
@@FatherFish hello father I found a partial answer on one of your earlier videos. thank you. it seems that for over a year I have been able to maintain a Tanganyika rock biotope, according to your rules. I am from Europe. When I show my aquarium and describe your rules, according to which I run this aquarium, unfortunately I notice that when all this happens on different groups, I am usually very criticized, even hated, that I am spreading "conspiracy" theories. only 1% of aquarists are interested, I refer them all to your channel. The life of a "real" aquarist is hard
I missed the part u said mud I just got ready mix soil from my raised garden that worked great I have 10 gallon overcrowded and tank look so good plants growing crazy
The soil with ceramic proppant copes well with the absorption of detritus. If you put another inch of proppant on top of the sand, maybe this will solve the problem of the detritus lying for a long time before it gets into the sand.
Thanks for the good instruction on how to set up an aquarium. I have a marine aquarium and would like to know if the same rules apply to soil in them? Thank you :)
What's are tue best plants for a new dirt tank? I think I need about a half inch more sand to be a 3 inches..does that half of inch make a big difference?
STEM PLANTS BUNDLE SALE - Over 75 plants - 15 Species for $59! Limited Time OFFER so HURRY!
For Special Soil Supplements, Plants, FIsh & Merch in your country:
Thank you FF
Just inherited a seven inch goldfish
Can two gold fish survive in a 10 gal tank ?
Again thanks for the videos learnt so much
I’m sorry to say this, but you’re gonna need at least 40 gallons.
Yeah I was told that
Thanks to you
I created a natural environment
For past three years poor fish was fed potato chips opps fish food
Hi ff what pil do you put in tank to de clorenat please help
Waiting on my tank to be delivered to order some plants
FF Don't apologize for long videos. I love all the information. Some people make videos that are too short and leave too many questions unanswered. I appreciate the work you do to keep us informed.🙂
Sometimes I wish he could make a marathon about just one subject going very in detail and then to the other subjects and so on. I listen to FF almost all the time when i do maintenence in the aquariums.
Well deserved top comment. Unfortunately today, the youth are only intrigued by quick/fast paced videos. I love sitting and listening to the wisdom of the old folks who have been in the hobby for a long time and seen a thing or two. Keep doing what your doing. You dropped this 👑
Right I need something to watch at work
FF what diameter of sand is the best to be used? 1-3mm? Or smaller? At which diameter we are talking about gravel? Bigger then 6mm?
@@DanijelL-ec1hsI used pool filter sand. Well rinsed.
Father fish method works. 3 years no water change, crystal clear
How in the nitrate not spiking? How often do you feed your fish?
@@myckee I think lots of plants and anaerobic bacteria in the deep substrate will both use up nitrates . At least that’s what I understand from his videos
i've just started te beginning of this year and yeah no changes, my fish are fine actually I just got some new ones cos I only had 2, they iz happy.
One year in myself and no need for water changes, just top ups. I have 2 ten gallons, a five gallon and a 2.5 gallon. Lots of plants, microfauna, dirt substrate and I have a hob for each tank. My hob is really just to keep the water cycling over my bb that I cultured in those filters. No carbon no additives. Top up with rain water ❤
Hello father fish.. I m new here.. Pls my help..
The way you tell 1 inch soil 2 inches sand I have a polar parrot fish in a three feet tank, it keeps moving the sand here and there all day, so I am afraid that if I make a fish tank like this, the way you tell. What should I do if she removes the entire rate?
Father fish is the future of the hobby. Before I started watching you, I was spending so much money to keep my fish alive. Now I have know dead fish and their happy.
Me 2
When I was just getting into the hobby, I went into a specialized shop to buy some plants for my aquarium. While chatting to shopkeeper, I told him that I had a dirted tank. He had never heard of this concept before and actually laughed at how ridiculous this idea was to him! I still can't believe how narrow minded this man was with regards to a concept that is in fact much more logical than a non-dirted tank...
one day this hobby will realise that the Hydroponics Industry is ruling it. I grew up in the 80’s and I remember the hydroponics craze. Plants don’t need dirt! Yehh right lol… I use dirt in my garden and in my tanks. Can you grow plants without dirt? Yes you can, but I don’t want to have a science lab as an aquarium.
@@thesolaraquariumPeople are always looking to reduce required maintenance but brush off the most effective method to do so. A little ironic.
Start your tank on the good way and let de people talk in de shops
@@liamvnbw Most shopkeepers have zero idea about the hobby. Most of them are fish abusers, and only interested in keeping them alive enough. They are literally the worst person to turn for an advice.
Now i know why the aquascaping community disagrees with this legend. Your tanks take a long time to mature where as these guys want their tanks to be perfect in a matter of months. Your tanks are for home use, enjoyment of the sitting room, slowly maturing, slowly changing looks, growing with the family and for that i give you thumps up.
I love both ways so i have my 2 no tech dirted tanks that are so satisfying due to the changes taking place gradually, on of them houses goldfish with plants-talk about war.
The other side is a hightech setup for my enjoyment not any one else
You are right. I smiled when you said about the goldfish war. I love plants and goldfish sometimes yes we are at war!!!!
I am between. I want to get into the design more but love the dirt method discussed. Should I use the same method but also include filters to handle the urgency I have or should I pick one or the other. I struggle to believe me having a mid size filter on a 75G mattering.
@@matthewnelson5699I have hobs on all my tanks, it does provide a great place to cycle the water over the bb that cultures in the tanks. It's been beneficial to me, but I keep adding more tanks lol and having that bb built up in the HOB makes it easier to jump start a new tank. I've had mine for a year and I use a combo of natural dirted, as well as minor tech like a small hob and a light ❤ hope that helps!
@@VolCanixWorxThat works for alot of people, myself included on some tanks.
No need to apologize for a long video, you always explain in details and we love it because we learn and you're our great teacher, much love.
Just transferred my four survivors from my clean tank into a mud sand tank. Im absolutely in love and only cost me $8. I luckily live next to alot of water! My fishes are so happy!
Interesting video. I do remember Diana Walstad saying the initial nutrient content of soil would be exhausted after a year, but did go on to point out that due to the high cation exchange capacity of the soil it will gain further nutrient from fish food, fish waste etc and continue to support plant life for a good many years. I have one that’s been going for nine years, initially set up with an inch of top soil and a thin as I could get away with covering of gravel and continues to thrive. I think you are right about the industry not wanting to promote this method, I had an aquarium shop assistant warning me that I would just end up with a mess if I used soil! Well several tanks later I can happily report that has not been the case and I have been delighted with the results.
@Wal48 - could you share more details about your substrate ratio?
I'm trying to setup my first dirted tank but I couldn't collect all the FF ingredients. SoI'm planning to go with a basic Walstad method with Potting soil(pre mixed with vermicompost) as the substrate capped with 1" sand over 1" gravel, similar to yours.
I didn't know about this method and never had fish in my life until this summer. I actually wanted to put some fish in my backyard mini pond for photography purposes as it already had native inhabitants in it such as frogs and toads. As it is small , it appeared that the only other fish that can overwinter in Canada is Japanese Rice Fish/Medaka (with the addition of pond heather to stop water from freezing and to allow air exchange). So, after searching high and low, I was able to locate a local store that had it in stock and brought home 9 orange rice fish. Now, this mini pond didn't have any filter or aeration, just some plants in pots and also floating plants and no substrate....I put fish in it, and to make long story short, now I have around 300 hundred on them as they keep multiplying.....they eat mosquito larvae , and whatever microscopic life is in there. I also supplement with minimal food , as I was following the Japanese method. After doing some research, I also added some cherry shrimp and snails that can survive winter in these conditions. They both reproduced profusely , so now I have more than I bargained for, to my surprise. As winter is approaching, I decided to bring some of the young ones inside as this method only works for mature fully developed fish or shrimp, and was wondering what to do. I came across this method , and I was so happy, I can't even begin to describe how thankful I am that this information is now available to anyone that wants to try it thanks to Father Fish. Thank you so much!
you're like David Attenborough, love your content, I setup 4 tanks following your advise.
Omg me too 😂😂😂 I started with one little 2.5.....
Now I have 5 😂
I love you man. We need to support the Father Fish and spread the word. To me, his words are awakening a true love and passion for this amazing world. I had an aquarium not a long time ago which you can classify as the Father says "a dead aquarium" it was very stressful. Now, thanks to him I find it amazing and really enjoyable again.
Thank you for everything you do, we need more elders like you in this world.
You are the greatest “presenter” of any information on uTube.
I just started a tank and haven’t wanted to drive a long way to buy plants so I found some in the river and they and some little critters are doing well.
Thanks for your show. 🍁🍂🌿🐟🦐
I really enjoyed this video and the jam packed AWESOME information. All the plants and fish are happy and healthy. Great Job Father Fish 🐟
I love this channel. It's the only one i follow now. It's commonsense and doesn't cost a fortune. Look at those fish they're beautiful.
Father Fish, I don’t always agree with your ideas and methods, but you definitely have some good points and ideas. I appreciate this video, and hope that other members of this hobby learn of your successful dirted tank method. You just gained a new subscriber.
I started using dirt and sand 20 years ago against all advice telling me it wears out. In my experience they were right because over those two decades I couldn't get my substrate to last more than 30 months. If this channel can get me over this hump I'm all in.
they are right and they are wrong. they don’t understand that a dirted tank after 1 year is a medium for bacteria, not nutrients. The bacteria produce the nutrients.
Coming from high tech aquascape I enjoy the level of patience and education we’re gaining from you. Keep it coming
I appreciate that!
Thanks for all the information. I just want give you a hug. Your energy is just like my grandpa
Baba vidyolarını ve ögretilerini defalarca izliyorum herkezin anlatmadığı bilgileri senden duyduğum için çok teşekkür ediyorum .
Hi Father Fish..I have set up my tank now for a week..and it's are happy.. plants are growing...Thank you so much for your wisdom 🙏
Need to do the ten year test I'm afraid
Your video wasn't to long. Not at all. It actually seemed to go fast because it was very interesting. And I learned from your video. I was sad when it ended. Thank you so much for passing along your knowledge and sharing it with us.
Glad it was helpful!
When I started this hobbie it was for the fish and in a month I sent 40 guppies and 20 mollies to their graves 😭. My determination to get a tank i could be proud of made me itch. For the next 3 months both tanks were discontinued sitting there. Father fish was the only guy I found doing something different than the rest. While everyone else laughed and played around making cute hightech scapes father fish made intricate well thought out self sustained systems. I worked horrible hours so an aquarium that can fail at the drop of a hat was a no go. After watching and reading I settled on a mix of both. Proud to say my favorite aquarium is my 55 gallon 6" substrate soil-sand aquarium. It has a pearl weed carpet with about half inch of detrietus. And instead of background I grew a wall (on the sides too) of water wisteria. That tank is 3 months old I use CO2 as well (like i said its a mix of both) and never done a water change, i just top off. Ppl have said what about your water column nutrients (not worried) my tap is well water with 21Gh and 12Kh those plants thrive. My hobbie is now essentially underwater water garden first then fish later. If those fish eat plants like African cichlids i dont want them 😅. My worst tank is my 75 gallon sanded african cichlid tank that has no plants. I cant tell how many time a week i want to take them out give them away and build my next dirted tank but my friend who game me the fishes would hate me 😅😅.
His methods always works
I have watched hundreds of videos for my ill fish but nothing worked
But when I watched his videos his methods worked and saved my money. thanks FATHER FISH.😊
That’s my tank at 1:07. Learned so much from this man
It looks great 😊
Hey father fish 🐟? I have a 39 gallon high fish tank? How many plants do I need? You have several plant 🌱 packages which one do you suggest?
I roll pond compost into ~10Øx30mm sausages for root tabs (also use it as my substrate base layer). I add red clay powder in wet so they go harder when dry and for more iron. To dry I leave them on top of my LED light which gets hot, they usually retain structural integrity just long enough to shove them under the substrate with big tweezers, i shove them in at a shallow angle to get them as deep as possible..
Compared to seachem and API root sticks, which cost as much as 12.5KG of pond compost for 10 small tablets, they last longer and work a bit better, mainly beacause they are bigger and you can make loads of them. In ponds water lilies grow great in pond compost, so why not aquarium plants.
Really excellent husbandry.
Pond compost? Like a fist full or 2 of substrate from a pond...if so...wonder if lake compost would work as well
Best episode imo. Learned a lot and as a biochem major back in the day i find it so interesting how far this can go in the future!
I’m planning a 700ltr tank, your videos are vital to my goals. I really appreciate the explanation that has confirmed my experiences with 5+ yr old aquariums that were L deep” gravel beds they got to this stage that the tanks were especially stable and plant would grow like weeds.
This is what I’m aiming for - to shortcut the 5 years to 1.
Thank you.
Nice to hear someone with their hands dirty and a long history of fish keeping. It can never be to long of a video!
Hi, people who grow bog plants add activated charcoal to the substrate to deal with anaerobic bacteria. The charcoal has a very large surface area and tiny air bubbles/ pockets that harbours aerobic bacteria which keeps the anaerobic (stinky) bacteria in check. Activated charcoal helps maintain the balance between the two really well. I tip (soaked and sinking) charcoal in first. I pour every thing else over the top. Peat moss is a good additive too..
I love your channel so much and I love how much I've learned from you prior to setting up my next tank!
I enjoy listening to you talk about the aquarium hobby. Thanks for sharing
Thank you for your hard work helping us hobbyists, Father Fish!
How do you remove plants from your tanks without the risk of releasing soil into the water column?
see my sho;rt on jiggling!
Excellent video! Have been fallen for your method. Set 400 litres (about 100 gallons) and 160 liters heavily planted dirted tank. These after I was on aqua soil for last five years. No algae whatsoever and have been balanced close to right from the beginning. Thank you FF for your informative videos and getting me on to the All Natural aquariums bandwagon!😊
Thanks Father Fish! Because of you I now have a beautiful aquarium, my fish are happy and healthy.
Long videos are great. The more information the better!!!! Great job!!!
Fantastic!! I'm in the process of setting my first one up now!
dudes!! this channel has been so "eye opening"! i want to start a fresh water aquarium in a few weeks! with this method! i did try a salt water one for a year! i managed to not fail but it was such a stress! covid came! and it got hard to find all the stuff so i sold the fish and corals! and empty the water and now it holds collection items😅 but... i want to start a smaller planted aquarium with soil sand and just an air stone or small simple filter! small heater! good light! cause it is true that back in the 80s and even 90s i remember pple had fresh water aquariums with plants and they made no water changes nor used fancy things but the fish reproduced all the time etc! and few years ago when i started it was all about cycling for a month and sumps etc..
father fish! i have a question! i live in a volcanic island! (lanzarote!) do u think it would be a good idea to mix some.small tiny volcanic rock (they are less than 1/4 of an inch big they are like medium gravel BUT they have millions of micro pores! they are light weight! i think they would be good to house good bacteria years down the road! my idea is to mix some.habdfulls with the soil! also do u think beach sand would be OK for the sand? maybe rinse it to take salt off and ok? congrats and thanks for sharing your knowladge!
I have a 55 gallon fish tank and you have inspired me to set it up, I used to be a neat freak when it came to "how clean and clear" the water needed to be. I now realize that I can follow your example and have a beautiful tank and happy fish!!!
That is awesome!
Hello sir, i noticed @7:12 of this video u have placed a air stone in a walstad tank.. so what is the science behind it? I always thought in walstad method the co2 is accumulated at night and and used in the day light hrs.. but if there is air stone then it will re.ove the co2 in the water when its circulating. So please can some one explain me
I wondered the same...I think she mentioned added aeration at night when CO2 decreases pH...but not needed daytime🧐
Love your info! My Walstad is now 3 years old and no problems! 🤷♀
I love the long videos, I could listen to you teach all day! How can you tell when the tank is producing enough that you don’t have to feed the little fish?
Perform a poop atrol. If they are pooping they are eating.
Thank you for such wonderful information. I don't have a fish tank, but I love getting knowledge on things that I am interested in . And your knowledge is wonderful. I love to learn from you . Thank you.
I enjoyed this video alot I been in the hobby 20 years or better my new house has well water with low ph I was very skeptical n sad thinking man idk if i can have fish but for many reasons this video has given me hope iam going for it !!
I absolutely love watching your videos FF. You have so much knowledge in between those 2 ears, and I just want to thank you for sharing. Thank you muchly.
Can't get enough of this. Godsend.
Awesome video Father Fish!
Love your videos & advice. Unfortunately some aquarium hobbyists want crystal clear water. Although your technique is absolutely correct & how nature has intended things to be there will always be a slight tint in the water. (Obviously that changes up & down from clear to a slight tint depending on the phase of the natural cycle happening). I know that’s how it’s supposed to be & fully agree. There are just some hobbyists that want to super clear water & will never understand. They see algae as a nuisance. Yes some are but most are a normal part of the natural ecosystem. Great video as always. 👍
Great video! Father Fish! Thank you for the inspiring content. Blessing to you and your fish, 🎉🐠 🐟
Moving to my new house soon by end of 2023. Inspired by Father Fish to set up my own 20 gallon tank!
I love the simplicity and the science. Question: Over time water will evaporate and be replaced. If you are using tap water, you are slowly increasing the hardness of the water. H2O goes out and H2O with minerals goes in. How are you preventing the hardness creep? Distilled water?
plants absorb minerals from the water.
Thank you for explaining these issues with a derted tank.
Keep the videos coming just like watching fish I can watch these videos for hours. You’re great! Those jags in that huge tank with all the fish! Someday I’ll have a huge South American tank just to keep those fish. Had one named Rock that actually turned out to be a female for a good 14/15 yrs. Thanks for sharing what you know.
Thank you father fish. You are a Real Inspiration.
Greeting from Germany
Started 2 tanks within the last 6 months.. wish I'd have watched this channel 1st. Going to start 1 large tank correctly, then introduce my 2 small tanks into it 😁👍
I understand that you have hard water but not sure why you do the annual water change? I have no plans to do water changes on my tanks..
I don't have a fish tank but really enjoy your informative videos
Hola Father Fish. Para crear un acuario saludable y que se mantenga solo, se hecha a la urna tierra del jardín y encima arena. Pero lo que no logro entender es porque no puedo echar grava envés de arena. Ya que al echar grava los desechos de los peces Irán al fondo de la tierra de jardín y se va a generar un mejor abono para mis plantas. Necesito que me hagas entenderlo. Muchas gracias
Hi there 😊 I'm a new to fishkeeping but from what I've seen FF says that gravel allows the dirt to still enter the water column as water flows too quickly through it, where the sand truly holds the dirt to the bottom of the tank
So for the nutrients in the tank to get richer i need to have patience? So that the mulm can precipitate down to the dirt layer ? Right ? And thats how it will last for ever?
Thank you for another valuable video. It actually didn't seem that long.🎉
Just setup my first ever dirted tank! Used organic potting soil peat moss and black kow compost and mixed in some Andersons Humichar dg and biochar dg (I use it in my lawn…it’s just a proprietary granulated powder version of biochar and bio char with humic that quickly dissolves into a powder (so it can get down into the soil better) in this case it just helped it mix in easier.
Thankyou for sharing this information.Helps so much and deepens my understanding in this wonderful hobby.Love keeping it natural
You revived my love!
Thank you! And greetings from my aquarium's
I appreciate all of the knowledge you pass down.Thank you for the video I would have watched it if it was 2hrs long.
I have a third idea for the perfect community tank:
1. Put dirt from the forest mixed with clay soil bought from the fish store.
2. Put some gravel over it.
3. Put some sand with already developed powerful bacteria and then a lot of sand over it.
4. Add super small amount of gravel on some places, just to look pretty and collect some ammonia around the plants.
5. Leave a place without dirt in the middle of the tank, where there will only be sand isolated with glass and lava rocks and then put clams in there (the isolation is so the clams won't escape from there).
6. Put sand, gravel, mulm and lava rocks with developed bacteria from other tanks.
7. Add tons of plants, moss, driftwood, leaves and even empty snail shells in the tank. Also add a lot of hairgrass and dwarf sagittaria except on the clam's territory.
8. Put a lot of small creatures like daphnia, snails, scuds and others.
9. Add cherry shrimps in it.
10. Wait for a day, so everybody can find a safe place, and then put different kinds of nano fish in it.
This idea is for a 600L+ tank, that is next to a window with sunlight.
I am still working on this project, and it will take some time until it's finished.
Join us in the Shoal:
@@FatherFish I am already part of the discord server. I am just not active. 😀
Definitely would like to see this tank set up and working. Will you make videos?
@@ugnejank Once I afford to have that tank, I could record some videos, but for now this will only stay as an "idea".
I am still preparing the bacteria for the bright future.
Second the call. Make videos whenever you get this project started. I think this would be an amazing experiment. @@MasterBlek
Baba iyiki varsın .Türkçe alt yazı içinde sonsuz teşekkürler .Sizden Türkçe istediğimde abone sayınız 40 bin civarında idi bugünlerde 100 bini görmek üzereyiz ve 5 ay sonra 150 bine ulaşırsın diye düşünüyorum ,çünkü senin mükemmel bigilerini hiç bir akvaryumcu bilmiyor. Tanrı seni korusun .
I change today 50 percent water, because i have no change 2 months water, result is filter is full dirty, my plants get dirty surface and other bad things. The dirt + sand setup the best/ i have replace some plants I see them root super strong!
Thank you for the excellent explanation!, I have a question, I did this method but my sand unfortunately is too thin and my corydoras keep digging down and so my dirts went crazy. what should I do, and how to make the water crystal clear . thanks
add more sand
Add more sand
thank you so much for sharing that info. Just started my walstad tank through your videos :))
I luv your videos and do prefer a long videos, the more information it contains.
this is the most in-depth shit I've seen. initially i came for advice for my 10 gal. now i want to turn my 60 gal into a dirted thank as well
Thank you again for the amazing video and lots of valuable information to learn. I just have a little technical question. Sometimes the plants in my tank grow "out of control", they tend to take out the whole tank if left untouched. So I pull out some plants from time to time to make the swimming space for fish. When I pull it from my gravel substrate, the gunk gets up into the water, making it cloudy for a few minutes. How it is possible to pull plants with roots out the dirt substrate without making the water too dirty? Thank you for any suggestion.
Stem plants can be cut. I would leave the rooted plants. Fish do not prefer open spaces to swim.
Great video ❤
Man I miss that great beard!
Maybe you've already done this, but it would be fun to see you and Diana Walstad chat. I'm fairly certain she's still alive.
She is alive but not accessible.
Can you de-chlorinate the water after putting it in the tank? Or will that affect the substrate bacteria?
The chlorine gasses off as the water is sprayed into the tank.
Estoy fascinado con los resultados obtenidos en sus acuarios. Muchas gracias por compartir su conocimiento! Yo apenas tengo 10 años en esta afición. Saludos desde Venezuela! Thanks!
Thankyou Sir FF! I learned a lot from you specially on planted tanks.
Thank you so much for sharing this information.
08:55 one of the complaints, i want to start a tank myself, is it still recommended to use sand even though the waste wont reach the substrate until at least a year?
Yes. Larger media will allow nutrients to leach into the water column. Once a year has passed the system is fully cycling. It is necessarily a slow process.
@@FatherFishThanks for the reply. Found your channel yesterday and you've gotten me interested in getting a tank again.
I didn't have access to the minerals you put in the soil so I used ash from my grill (coal and wood).
It's been a year and the tank's water has never been changed!
I have an established tank. Not great. But can I add the soil and sand in while the tank is still operating? Or new tank and transfer.
Totally fascinating. Many thanks!
Hello Father Fish, I have a question, I see you have Discs on a fully planted aquarium. What would be the ideal temperature to keep both discus and plants healthy??
Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
Hey father fish! thanks for all you do! I love your videos! I was hoping you could explain the best filter to use?
I use sponge filters
Very helpful! Thank you, no need to apologize!
I do have one question though, what about when you add new fish, do you do the typical system of bag in the water, slowly mixing water in then poor new water+fish in? Is that going to mess up the ecosystem?
I pour straight in. If your tank is balanced, that bagged water won't hurt a thing.
You are great!FF what diameter of sand is the best to be used? 1-3mm? Or smaller? At which diameter we are talking about gravel? Bigger then 6mm? I will start new 180l aquarium. Regards from Slovenia.
Thank you Father fish for such a thorough informative video. It wasn’t too long!
I’m still learning about the natural planted tank. I did deep substrates on both my tanks back a few years ago trying to follow your method. The thing that is missing in mine is the “supplements” that keep it going long term. Dang! I don’t think at this stage I can change what I’m doing. But, my 10g is lightly stocked and heavily planted. I have a hard time keeping nitrates in that tank, it just eats them up. I’ve been able to get rid of the contents of the power filter and just keep it running with a polishing pad (which I probably don’t need either). This system is very healthy but I fight the water increasingly getting more hard due to liquid ferts. Would it help if I added more inhabitants to help with produce nitrates so I don’t have to keep adding the liquid ferts so often? I’m trying to get closer to what you teach even though it’s already been set up a few years. I don’t want to start over. Any tank that I may set up in the future I know now about the long term supplements.
build a food web.
@@FatherFish more education!😉
I’m not sure how that answered my question but I’m already searching your videos on food web :)
What do you think of a 8/8,5PH water? Could it be why my betta fins look torn.
Hello father, Thank you for the knowledge you give us. I asked you several times under the videos and you always answered me, thank you. I have an Aquarium with a Tanganyiki biotope, which can be seen on my channel. I am slowly trying to switch to a FF aquarium with a deep substrate. It is not easy, because the decoration is very large stones, which, on your advice, are now beautifully overgrown with algae, which somewhat compensate for the lack of plants (because that is the biotope I have). Because my aquarium is very high, 3 feet, I want to add some sand. My important question is whether to pour a thick layer of sand, even 4-5 inches, and then arrange the decorations, or first the stones and then pour sand around them (I'm afraid that under large stones there will be dead spots where toxic gases will be produced). You don't discuss this topic anywhere, or I haven't found it yet, because to watch all your videos, it would take hours, days, months... there is so much of it :) Regards Wojtek
Yes. There will be dead spots. It will be compensated by open spaces. Pour rinsed sand in. The deeper the better. Dead space is a reverse cone, diminishing with depth.
@@FatherFish Thank you father. I had no idea about this cone, I thought it was rather a cylinder. Are these cones dangerous for the system in the FF aquarium? And should we avoid them (by placing stones on the glass itself, or the layer of styrofoam) or can we have these dead cones in the aquarium and the FF aquarium will still work properly, I really want this information, because according to common knowledge, such dead cones are unacceptable.
@@FatherFish hello father I found a partial answer on one of your earlier videos. thank you. it seems that for over a year I have been able to maintain a Tanganyika rock biotope, according to your rules. I am from Europe. When I show my aquarium and describe your rules, according to which I run this aquarium, unfortunately I notice that when all this happens on different groups, I am usually very criticized, even hated, that I am spreading "conspiracy" theories. only 1% of aquarists are interested, I refer them all to your channel. The life of a "real" aquarist is hard
I missed the part u said mud I just got ready mix soil from my raised garden that worked great I have 10 gallon overcrowded and tank look so good plants growing crazy
The soil with ceramic proppant copes well with the absorption of detritus. If you put another inch of proppant on top of the sand, maybe this will solve the problem of the detritus lying for a long time before it gets into the sand.
Thanks for the good instruction on how to set up an aquarium. I have a marine aquarium and would like to know if the same rules apply to soil in them? Thank you :)
I prefer a salt water substrate. Not soil but wild sand if possible.
Thank you !@@FatherFish
Its ok sir,long but so much helpful...
I like all your video I’m new into keeping fish thank you for all your information
What's are tue best plants for a new dirt tank?
I think I need about a half inch more sand to be a 3 inches..does that half of inch make a big difference?
Yes. It prevents dirt from entering the water column. the best starter plants are stem plants. See here:
Do you recommend Malaysian Trumpet Snails to turn the soil, or would that cause a breach?
I like MTS
do you run filters at all? what do you think of undergravel filtering (via airstone)?
watch videos. one or two will do. We are mind benders here.