Morning ⭐️ I was going to publish my Q&A today but editing takes a while so I filmed this quick video yesterday so I'm showing you this today and the Q&A later in the new week ❤️ have a great day. Isobel xx
It’s comfort food cooking time for me Isobel - stews, chilli, corned beef hash, macaroni goulash, soups and that sort of thing. I just made a crockpot of spaghetti sauce, your bolognese - yummy!
I hope you're feeling OK today, Isobel, and the coming week is a good one. For meals, I've been using my slow cooker this week and just chucking in whatever is around, veg, lentils, tomatoes, and having stews. Nice comfort food! x
Thank you for all your suggestions Katie I do really appreciate it ❤️ these sounds lovely! I think everyone is suggesting comfort food - stews etc. I haven't used my slow cooker much over the winter 🤣 xx
Great video I'm a new subscriber xx going to have to binge watch ur vids. I think aldi has gone up too like most have. Shopping is double what is what for same items. I love spag bol too but I use there plant based frozen mince. Love the sub rolls from there too. Love the frozen spring rolls from there too with rice and veg xx
Thank you for subscribing Sarah I do really appreciate it ❤️ I love their spring rolls too! Different ways to make meals cheap! Might do a video soon of cheap meals I do xxx
I do agree with this. Still good value. I do think every supermarket has their own little savvy savings though. You're welcome thanks for watching 😊😊 xx
Hi Isobel. Great haul. I think that shopping anywhere including grocery is expensive. Slow cooker dinners for me at the mo. I am with you, with black pudding. Tried it but euuw no. It shouldn't exist. You have my favourite party food there, cheese & pineapple. Soo from Essexx
Hi Soo, thank you so much. I agree everywhere is expensive even getting my diesel for the car lol. Just how it is now isn't it. But definitely slow cooker meals I think everyone has said this xxx
@@isobelalexandra We'll all go up with a bang one of these days. Haha. Yeh just throw whatever you fancy inyo the slow cooker in the morning leave it. X
Ooh what I've found is Aldi puts their prices up and as they all now price match then all costs at all supermarkets go up I do not find Aldi cheap at all 😅😂💖
Omg this actually made me laugh 🤣 I bet they all have HR meetings to trick the public into thinking we are all having a good deal but we aren't!!! Imagine lol 💜
Morning ⭐️ I was going to publish my Q&A today but editing takes a while so I filmed this quick video yesterday so I'm showing you this today and the Q&A later in the new week ❤️ have a great day. Isobel xx
It’s comfort food cooking time for me Isobel - stews, chilli, corned beef hash, macaroni goulash, soups and that sort of thing. I just made a crockpot of spaghetti sauce, your bolognese - yummy!
Oh my! All these sound delicious it's pretty cold here so I'll have to make some of these, thanks Tina 😍
I hope you're feeling OK today, Isobel, and the coming week is a good one. For meals, I've been using my slow cooker this week and just chucking in whatever is around, veg, lentils, tomatoes, and having stews. Nice comfort food! x
Thank you for all your suggestions Katie I do really appreciate it ❤️ these sounds lovely! I think everyone is suggesting comfort food - stews etc. I haven't used my slow cooker much over the winter 🤣 xx
Great video I'm a new subscriber xx going to have to binge watch ur vids. I think aldi has gone up too like most have. Shopping is double what is what for same items. I love spag bol too but I use there plant based frozen mince. Love the sub rolls from there too. Love the frozen spring rolls from there too with rice and veg xx
Thank you for subscribing Sarah I do really appreciate it ❤️ I love their spring rolls too! Different ways to make meals cheap! Might do a video soon of cheap meals I do xxx
I actually think its pretty good value for money and would probably still cost more in other supermarkets. Thanks for sharing x
I do agree with this. Still good value. I do think every supermarket has their own little savvy savings though. You're welcome thanks for watching 😊😊 xx
Hi Isobel. Great haul. I think that shopping anywhere including grocery is expensive. Slow cooker dinners for me at the mo. I am with you, with black pudding. Tried it but euuw no. It shouldn't exist. You have my favourite party food there, cheese & pineapple. Soo from Essexx
Hi Soo, thank you so much. I agree everywhere is expensive even getting my diesel for the car lol. Just how it is now isn't it. But definitely slow cooker meals I think everyone has said this xxx
@@isobelalexandra We'll all go up with a bang one of these days. Haha. Yeh just throw whatever you fancy inyo the slow cooker in the morning leave it. X
Ooh what I've found is Aldi puts their prices up and as they all now price match then all costs at all supermarkets go up I do not find Aldi cheap at all 😅😂💖
Omg this actually made me laugh 🤣 I bet they all have HR meetings to trick the public into thinking we are all having a good deal but we aren't!!! Imagine lol 💜
I am with you on the black pudding Isobel, no thanks 🤢
🤢Black pudding nope 😂
Agreed 🤮🤮🤣🤣🤣🤣