Seconded. I sat down with a pirated copy, could not last more than 30 minutes. My last words after I uninstalled it were "this is the worst piece of shit pretend-game I have ever played". And people wonder why is pirating games so common; one of the few ways to not get conned on scams.
Remember, Mack: it's not a "real" Review unless you've *100%* completed the game! Should only take you about a _billion_ years. No problem for an honest reviewer such as yourself *>:(*
"The Industry is Doomed," that statement within the parody and that same sentiment on your first part of the review, has me pretty scared about the future of gaming, that's what I took away from the parody.
It occurs to me that this shit wouldn't be such a big problem if people had patience. You know, if they could just wait a week or two after release to see friends or reviewers test it out first. But no. As you said in your review, _"I WANTS TO BUYS IT NAO, MACK!"_ Children. Fucking children with expendable income. We deserve to be lied to.
Mack, I was expecting more than just the thumbs down animation at the end of this one. Reserved for those special cases, I think you need something more, like a multiple thumb logo all flying around the place like you just won a game of solitaire on your computer. Maybe a little tune to go with it. Something that really says: This isn't your run-of-the-mill bad. This isn't just your garden variety bad game. This is highly toxic, nuclear waste bad, industrial grade bad. A level of bad that transcends the gameplay alone, and rears its ugly head in the real world.
The streams told me everything I needed to know. Great review as always, it is great to see that there are still reviewers out there that will call bullshit when they see it. I'm glad I saved the money now I can spend it in deus ex.
Great review Mack, especially your rhetorical devices. The running gags, the play on words, use of the bell, comparisons. You are getting pro with this stuff
"Pro" right now means taking back-handers. Something Mack would oppose. IMO, build a steady base- don't try to snatch and fame early, and wait for the current "Pros" to be ousted. "Hey guys, this reviewer is worth a damn. Check him out."
What are you even talking about? I only commented on his use of rhetorical devices. Why are you giving me your honest opinion on subjects I didn't even mention?
Good point. Pirates scan your ship, find "precious cargo", destroy your ship and don't steal the cargo they were shooting you for in the first place. They just leave it there. Brilliant.
If it's on Steam, you can get a refund if you've played less than 2 hours. Otherwise, put it up on ebay or just toss it, and explain to people it's terrible. The games got camps of "people who didn't buy and know it's shit" and "people who bought it and think it's good", we need more people in the middle to bridge the two. So we can tell the people who think it's good to stop being part of the gaming community. ;)
I think we can all at least agree that the first hour of gameplay is so cool where you're running around a brand new space pilot exploring an infinite galaxy with infinite possibilities (or so you thought at the time) thinking omg this is so awesome. And then on the third planet or so, you start realizing it's just the same everywhere.
Well, after clocking in close to 40 hours, I'll say this about the game to add a little balance to the review: All the flaws Mack mentions are true, so keep that sentence in mind while you continue reading. And the price is way too high for what you get - agreed. And yet I enjoy the game. I like the little stories you read with each Monolith - either a piece of other species' history, or something about yourself. My favorite one is when a copy of me emerges from the monolith, and mimics my every move like it was me, and then I suddenly realize I unknowingly moved as it did. Then spotted the only difference being its omnitool - much better than my own. We traded and I actually got a better omni-tool! Other times these little stories describe something fascinating, surprising, something you could imagine you would encounter on weird planets, where one biologically different species meets another one, with much different level of technology. All this reminds me of good, short sci-fi novels of 80s I grew up on - it's a nice little read! Also, there are mysteries I would like to solve - who the hell are Sentinels? Why are Vyk'en battling Sentinels? Where did Korvax come from? What is Atlas? (especially after you encounter your first Atlas interface) What is in the galaxy's center? I already unearthed as much (spoiler warning) - seems somehow Atlas is responsible for seeding life in the galaxy - at lest a piece of Corvax history I found suggested so, where it said despite Korvax living very, very long (almost immortal), the Atlas life seeding precedes them by amount of time they cannot describe. How's that for an awesome little story? This little part of No Man's Sky keeps me going, and it is well executed, imho. So, despite all the flaws the game has, I would say this: if you can afford 60€ purchase, and still have that little kid in you that is capable of staring in awe at something amazing, still have some imagination that runs rampant as you read those little stories Monoliths provide, this game may still be a blast for you. If instead you lost the child in you, and just cannot overcome "the graphics", "the gameplay", and all the other shit "grown ups" moan about nowadays - stay away from the game as it will be a disappointment. The game does not offer much in terms of deep gameplay mechanics, outstanding graphics or programming solutions doing wonders on the screen - in the end, it's a 15 people's creation so expectations need to be set accordingly. But the game offers something worthwhile in the narrative department, which people who grew up on reading sci-fi books and novels may find interesting. All you need to do is open your eyes and read it. Sadly, the "but what do you do in this game?" generation seems to have a problem with games that leave place for imagination to do its wonders, where story-driven events are merely subtle reminders, rather than Skyrim-like objective markers. No arrow to point what you do? BOOOAAARING! Sad thing is so many people first jumped the hype train, and now are switching trains for the hate one, overlooking things this game does well. It's sad how quickly people join the shit-throwing contest because it's so mainstream now to be a cynical game-basher angry-ranter, rather than trying to be as objective as possible. Funny I've seen no one, literally NO ONE, mentioning these little story gems - but who the fuck reads nowadays, eh?
People have an attention span of 5 minutes at most. This ghame requires 10's of hours before it really starts showing things off. I think it was a design decision personally, Who want the stupid into their game anyways!
You hit the nail into the coffin...this game absolutely isn't for everyone but, for the ones with mystery/wonder still at their core...the best thing I've experienced so far has to be learning the lore and just seeing what type of stories are being told. I would like ur comment a 100 times over if I could. =) always nice to see someone not on the hate train lol
there is no hook and there is no agency on the story/lore. If they're aiming for the mystery and wonder then it is a bad game design to add survival mechanics into the game. The necessity of constantly refilling different bars in your suit takes a player's focus away from exploration. I could argue that it would be a better game if they made crafting and mining optional and focus on the ruins exploration and the different aliens species fleshing them out(having better and more diverse architecture and ruins). I actually like the idea and main theme of the lore and the player's part in it but it just wasn't executed well.
Comparisons between Elite Dangerous and NMS are not ridiculous, but wrong! One is a space-sim with focus on flying around a simulated true-to-life-as-can-be Milky Way galaxy and the other is an ARCADE space game with focus on exploring planet's flora and fauna. Elite is much more realistic BUT is MUCH emptier and limited: NO fauna, flora, or anything interesting ON the planets we have now and no atmospheric, volcanic etc. (aka INTERESTING) planets. YOU CAN'T WALK AROUND in Elite (yet). No NPC life forms in Elite (just spaceships and text). NOTHING TO DO OR SEE ON 99.999% OF PLANETS YOU CAN LAND ON in Elite! I have spent 500+ hours in Elite and just 3 hours in NMS so far, and comparing the two is UNFAIR for both: NMS is a fast step forwards, Elite is a giant ssssslow motion leap.
"...and the other is an ARCADE space game with focus on exploring planet's flora and fauna." but it doesn't even do that part well. And lets not even talk about the massive technical issues and annoying UI/UX problems with the game.
+Anton Ianakiev 90% of people don't play ED for combat. Most play on a special no killing realm... Most people run from pirates because they've got so much cash they can afford ships to outrun them. Most people don't even do the quests because the rewards are so lame. Ed isn't without its problems either. Don't put it on a pedestal just yet.
I am so fucking pissed I am 14 I get fuck all money, I buy no mans sky and it's so fucking boring and shit, the space battles are the worse things ever, the trading oh god, mack literally every time before I buy I a game I watch the review u make but this time I knew no mans Sky was going to be good and it was shit, never I am I going to buy a game without coming here
let this be a valuable life lesson to ALWAYS know exactly what you're buying and to wait for reviews, because everyone saw this train wreck coming a mile away.. i'm not looking down on you for your age, there are tons of adults that did the exact same thing, but since you're young you'll be able to learn and not get conned again... the adults, however, are too proud to be saved and will defend this pile of shit game until the cows come home
The sick thing is that at the center of the galaxy there is nothing. Literally nothing. You spend 50-100 hours doing the same pointless repetitive shit and when you reach the center it triggers a cutscene where the camera zooms out so you can see the whole galaxy and then the game starts again. What a bag of wank.
Elite definitely has problems, but I enjoyed it a lot when I played. It gets old for me after a while, but I definitely got more than my money's worth from it. If you want a pure exploration game than NMS is better, because Elite's planet are pretty barren. If you want a more hardcore sim with more mechanics and better flight, Elite would be better. But personally I definitely prefer Elite.
combat is irrelevant, that's a piece of the puzzle that should be in but is lack there of. what hes stating is this games a boring joke you hand over to your little tike
Elite can be an exploration game. I was into it for a while. Had an ASP Explorer decked out for exploration and I went very far even was the first to discover some systems no one had. However it isn't exploration in the lvl of NMS
If they had added city world. Even to be very rare and have bs quests from npcs that were randomly generated with alme better than average power ups it wouldn't be say as repetitive. Just random things like that. Maybe very populous planets and some that are big outposts and indefinite sentient villages here and there like maybe one per system for ex or make them rare it would be a lot more fun. I am enjoying the game but at the same time j try not to play it for too long because I know it'll get boring and can't blame people for feeling the way they do.
Hello Mack, hails from India. (Sorry in advance as I didn't know where to post this!) Been consistently watching (both) your channels. And I must say you are the pride of all the old school gamers, living and dead. =) One thing that struck me, like us all, you are an avid KB/mouse user and you've also mentioned a few times that you own and use a steering wheel as well and I wanted to dig a little more deep into that. If you can reply/mention/ or do a video on the essential hardware needed for the hardcore PC gamers, that'll be great! Eg - Your keyboard/mouse combo setup, your steering wheel grade. Which budget gaming mouse to pick up etc. I know this is a video games playthrough/review channel, but I guess it would help us (young gamers) to game with the proper hardware suggested by a sweet old veteran like yourself. Many thanks and have a nice day!
The funny thing is, all the "bad" things pointed out in this video are some of the reasons I actually LIKE the game... I play games to unwind and relax, so a game that is all about exploring and management, and less about skill, actual survival, combat, crashing etc are all big pluses for me. HOWEVER, not gonna lie, I loved both of these videos!
+Blaze The Hedgehog ED is just as boring after a while. It really is just space trucker with a few battles after you've played it for a month or so. Spending 20 minutes making 20 jumps across the galaxy is hardly a fun or taxing game. And Horizons is just a massive waste of money.
I thought so too, but I got it at for an extra 10% off, so like, 20 eur, and it does add some interesting content to play with. I mean, consider the engineers as a multiplier to all the builds you could do before. And the season is not over yet.
Problem with Elite is that players can't 'own' anything (except their ships), they can't influence or build anything. Just think about when you could create guilds/nations and you as member of a guild could create buildings/defenses on a planet, create space stations around a planet (for production and defense) and have war with another guild/faction, and then taking over their planets/stations (or just destroying everything), with large capital ships too. Now, THAT would be something. Now it's just.... get more money to get the better ship (and many times that results in space trucking). I played a space games many years ago, it was not popular, maybe only a 100 people or more were online at the same time, but you had a few different factions which fought over a set amount of planets, and you were part of a faction - and you could bomb buildings on planets, and also (re)build your own planets, and choose what to build and where (like defense systems, shipyard, factories, farms, etc). I don't know anymore what it is called, but is was quite a good concept.
When you specifically want these things in a space game why not play X3 or Evochron Legacy? About guilds in Elite: I am in a player group with about 30 players active most of the time and we do stuff together. We are also part of the Alliance with a couple of player groups. About influencing things in Elite: Have you heard about the background simulation? Players can support factions and help them gain stations and whole systems. These factions can then expand to other systems and control more stations. This is what my group and I are doing during our playtime. This is great fun because suddenly Elite turns into a turn based strategy game. :)
Mack, remember x rebirth? These two games have a lot in common, they both sucked balls at launch, and had the same lack of everything and copypasted bases everywhere, at least x rebirth got some things done i dont think modding community will save no mans sky though... Do you still hate x rebirth btw?
MurraySportsNetwork well there are some mods already, mainly cosmetic ones, but yeah seems like there wont be any custom ships or base models let alone tweaks in generator algorithms, hello games just buried themselves with this, if this had skyrim level of modding capability this could become a great game...
No idea if X Rebirth got better or not, but it doesn't matter. Egosoft's previous games were really good, so we can always hope their next release will be at least as good as the other X games before Rebirth. Who will be stupid enough to trust NMS devs after this debacle?
I would even say more, at 176 hours that's when the game really starts being gazilian awesome! :) just lie down and enjoy the sweet song of what's wrong with the gaming industry...
The game play does get better after you get to a certain part within the main story but the problem is most people already have a whinge and give it the thumbs down after only 10 mins of gameplay.. It's like yes your review is such a reflection of the grand scheme of the game. The crafting and mining doesn't change however, so if you hate that gameplay you won't like this game. It can be a fun game but in all honesty the game isn't what many imagined it where I found it exactly how i thought it going to be.
There is just nothing to it that's the problem. I paid £40 for a game that really is nothing more than flying around and mining stuff, frankly the crafting system seems a bit wanting and there just needs to be more to actually do. I also feel Mack has a point about crashing and being killed, you have to have some sort of punishment for fucking up otherwise it is merely a set back
Bullshit, utter bullshit. There are numerous interviews and Q&A videos when they tell everyone about multiplayer, I watched 4 different ones this morning. He then tweeted the day before the PS4 release that the game had no multiplayer, people had been pre-ordering it for months based on lies.
+Worth A Buy I've been following the is game since the start and in every interview where Sean Murray is asked about multiplayer he suggests that the game isn't about players playing with each other and more about the single experience. You show me one interview where he says this game is a multiplayer game and I'll stand corrected.
+FearDBro saying it is possible and that the game is a multi player game are two completely different things. I remember him saying something on the lines of "it is technically possible". It is technically possible to play a football game on an ice rink but why the fuck would you do that? Just youtube sean murray interview multiplayer and you will see loads of videos of him saying that no mans sky is a single player experience and not designed for multiplayer.
I'm only about 5 minutes into this review and I completely agree with your points to an extent but frontier developments has 260 employees as of July 2015 (a full year ago so there will be more now) and 22.7 million in revenue ( I can't find the 2016 stats) and hello games has 13 devs not very much I might add, and your kids laptop and alien ware laptop comparisons are quite correct hello games are Chad valley( the people how make them plastic laptops) and frontier developments are Alienware ( that make high quality laptops) it's not much of a fair comparison, taking the fact there office was flooded Which destroyed there progress and they aren't very experienced because there only previous game was joe danger JOE FUCKING DANGER who plays that game anymore... No one, and personally I like this game because I didn't get hyped for it I like games for what they are entertainment prices, art even people just need to stop hyping up games and from people with no experiences with games.
elite is a great game as it has a wonderful multiplayer community as well as great versions for both pc and xbox. additionally there is a great party system and offensive gameplay. additionally it allows for multiple paths, bounty hunter, pirate, merchant, and miner its great. just buy it mate
+William Perrine Don't PC game not do I have an Xbox I'm a "Sony pony" to the Xbox fans. I would defiantly play it if I had an Xbox or a PC I watch TH-cam on my phone.
watch youtube on ipad mate, anyway only got xbox because my freinds have such ps4 is better all around, better operating system, has spotify, better party system. no hate
theyve fucked up the money and shit. bounty hunting is stupid now because little shitty ships can take on a fucking vulture... and the billboards... well thats been fucked for a while. the money in them is shit for what they want you to do.
3 k average daily players on steam statistics. I have it for one year. Played it for about 30 hours I will come back to it. Seeing how shitty no man's sky is, elite dangerous looks and feels epic. PLayed it for 5+- hours month ago, loved it as always, find some nice people, haven't encountered a single troll. Yes I think it it's not dead and sure you can try it. Not talking out of my ass. Haven't tried new update since people say it's shit but base game is good. Honestly, if you haven't played space game, it's not even about the game it's about the feeling, it's so freaking atmospheric it's freaking amazing to at least try it. If you don't give a fuck about other's just do what ever you want to do in further galaxies etc. Put on some 70's+- music like the yes, etc about space and blast it or whatever works for you
Typical kind of non-arguement spewed out by dumb kids with Anime names .... and these dicks wonder why we rail about how their console based idiocy has wrecked our hobby.
I was looking forward to playing this game, but all the negative reviews have put me off. It does look really boring. However, I don't see why people are attacking Sean Murray so much. He made it clear that this wasn't going to be multiplayer due to the scale of it. He also made it clear that it was a mining, crafting, exploration game. As far as the interviews go that I have seen, he has been honest about the game. For sure, it could have way more depth and be a lot more interesting. Don't forget Hello Games are a small indie setup. The problem is the hype. People knew they were buying mutton but expected lamb.
A lot of people are changing their opinions after they play 20 hours or so... Which isn't so say that it isn't a problem that a game should get good after 20hours... But apparently there's a big change in gameplay and a spoiler that opens things up, that also addresses the inventory problems.
60 dollars for an indie game isn't a problem. Considering Call Of Duty is almost the same damned shit each time, saying it's worth the 60 dollar asking price is pretty funny, even if by comparison to this dull game.
It's a PS4 game ported to the PC. You can't compare ED to NMS, and to do so would be missing the point of the game. This is single-player gaming "art" that's meant to be played on a bug TV on a sofa, and a testament to what can be done in under 3GB of actual game data. If the devs keep working on it then it still has great potential to be something more. The game is as wide as the ocean but as deep as a puddle, but that's the point - it's not a space simulation, it's a relaxing exploration game.
Sean saying that there could be an extremely tiny chance of coming across another player does not equate to a full multiplayer game. No Man's Sky was always meant to be a single player experience within a shared universe and that's exactly what it is. So no, Sean did not lie. I don't understand why people care about a tiny chance of coming across another player anyway.
Sorry your wrong, I watched him in multiple interviews say that although it was highly improbable that 2 players can find each other, he confirmed that they would be able to see each other.
ya and there is proof that two players were in the same planet same place and did not see each other. ,so stop defending. he even said we can have space fights !
I have to say, there are very few videos that are as entertaining as yours - SUBSCRIBED! PS - I just discovered Elite: Dangerous, as a result of watching videos about No Man's Sky - Elite is the most enjoyable and immersive simulation I've seen in my playing video games since 1980 (senior year of college) - I just purchased the Oculus Rift because of it - it's a truly amazing sim and I'm glad you've mentioned it.
To be fair, I do enjoy the game for what it is. Do I think it is worth $60? Fuck no. But I also did not follow the ridiculous hype that the developers had no control over and wasn't left disappointed. Sure it's repetitive, but I read a review somewhere that this game fits a niche crowd, which is not majority. To be honest though, saying that I enjoy a "preschool laptop" of a game seems almost insulting -_-.
compared to a game like elite dangerous remeber elite has a wonderful multiplayer community as well as great versions for both pc and xbox. additionally there is a great party system and offensive gameplay. additionally it allows for multiple paths, bounty hunter, pirate, merchant, and miner its great.
+William Perrine People make the first mistake by comparing it to elite dangerous and, therefore, give this game tons of shit. The biggest reason why this game rates low, barring the other glaring reasons, is that it didn't achieve the communities ridiculous expectations that a 15 person team could never achieve. I take this game for what it is an not what it is compared to others. If I wanted something like elite dangerous, I might as well just play elite dangerous.
And it is also extremely repetitive... I played elite dangerous for 110 hours and it is just as repetitive as NMS. I am enjoying NMS currently, but like I said they are both extremely repetitive; one is going after realism the other is going after a 70's scifi feel.
Frontier sold the game for 50 dollars when it launched and then the DLC for 40. It is 30 now because the dlc has been out for 9 months. God your and idiot.
At what point did Sean say that the game was full multiplayer? At what point was it listed as a multiplayer game on steam? How many times did Sean say its possible but the probability is almost 0 to meet someone else because of the vast size of the game? When exactly did he lie? He didn't lie, just idiot kids that don't know how to listen when someone is talking. The gaming community made multiplayer the main aspect of the game when Sean tried to explain over and over that you most likely will not see another player because of the size of the universe and that the game is about exploration and multiplayer isn't the main aspect of the game. The game sat on steam for how long with Single player as its tag? So what don't you get? Its a Single player game with multiplayer elements such as uploading discoveries that others can see if they explore near the same systems as you, and the possibility to run into another player but with a very low chance.
hey im with you but dont stand by the line " At what point did Sean say that the game was full multiplayer? " theres lots of videos out there where he hints at it. sure any one with a brain could see theres not but all the hype got to him there a indie team that got pulled in to the fire by sony. he said probability is almost 0 meaning that theres still that 00000.1% chance he thought no one would come close to even finding other players planets he tryed not to lie but make the game sound more fun and thats what ppl are burning this game down for cuz they took that 0.1% and thought it was a mp game shame on them but i feel sorry that this game got so over hyped it really killed it cuz of all the added hate where there wouldnt of been
There's a lot of features, even if you ignore multiplayer, that were shown to be in the game that either just flat out don't work or aren't in the game at all.
I totally agree. I never followed the hype and what they said would be in the game is there the only fault I place on them was that they weren't very specific and gave very vague statements which lead people to speculate. Gamers used their imaginations and hyped the game to what they wanted it to be not listen to what the developer said. Never EVER overhype games people and. Ever EVER preorder anything. There is no benefit to preordering. I'd much rather wait see some reviews and or streams and than name up my mind.
Hey there Mack! I must honestly say that these 2 videos reviewing NMS were your best vids. Laughed my ass off with the sheep and cow impressions! :D Very well put down videos sir - hopefully some peeps wont give devs the money they don't deserve because of your vids. Regards, PMC
Mack you know when you go to a fun fair and all the kids are playing on the water gun shooting sideshow..... thats Quake, that is, thats quake. hehe. ;)
I can't believe you made the same analogy that I did. Based on everything I saw about this game even before it launched; in my head I said this game was the fisher price version of space/survival games. As soon as you started saying first you have to go to a big children's store I knew were you were going with it. You're the first reviewer I've seen that made that same analogy, LOL.
it's funny watching people hate Mack because he has a different opinion. he isn't a professional game reviewer, he is just another gamer sharing his opinion if it's worth a buy.
After watching over 100 hours of rants (like yours!), raves, reviews (most like yours!), walkthroughs and tips&tricks and as a observer (still waiting to buy a PS4 so I can play NMS) and I've learned quite a bit about NMS, that 95% of the people who have played have missed. I've discovered that almost everyone who has played this game only have skimmed through the dialogs (missing great puzzles and mysteries), mining or trading which are the easiest and also the most boring ways to gather resources/upgrades/ships. There are 6 different ways (some extremely challenging) to gather the things you need to explore. There are several very deep mysteries to discover (Atlas, Polo and Nada, Sentinels and the elusive Traveler). Also there are two very complicated and so far NOBODY has figured out to yet (Activating Portals and How to reach the CENTER OF THE GALAXY). Congratulations mate because your in the 95% group! You shimmed, you took the easiest way to play the game and you were bored and frustrated. Now I don't blame you because that's what 95% of everybody who has played NMS has done! Take care now.
elite is the such a good game... and it will be so good in a few years... I'm happy to support them with 20-30 euro a year for the seasons... I wasn't happy at first either about that but I can understand why
Went back for the foundation update. Made a base, got a freighter. Finished the base quests upgraded my drives etc. Finished the atlas quest and nearly to the "Galactic Hub" now. It's a pretty good update and just that seems like the foundation for more to come. Sadly I believe it's too little too late and that the community has moved on and can't trust the developers again.
Very fair comments, spot on review. The big question is why any of this should come as a huge surprise to anyone? It is a small dev team with a largely modest developing history behind them, with hugely lofty goals, WARNING! Tellingly there was little evidence from past work that the team have what it takes to realise these goals (and that is no insult to their past achievements, most bona fide AAA developers would not attempt something as ambitious as this). It should not be too difficult to read the danger signals and yet many (myself included) took the gamble. Had Hello Games charged half what they did I would not have any issue, as there are still redeeming aspects and the aesthetics can be quite nice if you fancy killing a few mindless lazy hours. However the price that is getting charged is exorbitant (especially given that it is such a small team to spread the wealth between). It is a shame, as I genuinely don't believe the developers have gone out to be deliberately misleading, they are just naive and overly confident of their own abilities to pull off something that was proved to be clearly beyond them.
This what I think they should add or change. 1. Remove all flora and fauna on extremely cold or super hot planets. 2. Make flora and fauna be a rare thing since that is a lot more realistic. 3. Reduce the frequency of buildings scattered and add very rare planets with cities and some primitive sentient life which you can help by doing randomly generated quests like gather resources for them etc for rewards. Discovering primitive sentient life can be more rewarding when you upload your findings. 4. Add ship classes kind of like elite combat/science/cargo ships or even dreadnoughts or capital ships which are very expensive but powerful in combat and hold a lot of combat. These big ships can be obtained by credits obviously but maybe add some type of high level license required to pilot it which is obtained by doing space ship activities. As it is now ships are all the same except for inventory slots. Fix the ship to ship combat as it is garbage the way it currently is. 5. Ability to create way points. 6. Ship appearance customization. Ability to experiment with resources. 7. Science outposts on remote planets with quests objectives to locate resources in surrounding systems. 8. Make extreme weather planets be close to the sun or far away and be able to get to them by traveling far and not be able to visually see them from space station.There's many more but things like this id like to see that would give the game more of an exploration feel than it currently has because what it has now gets old fast. It's like a shell. A shell that needs work.
I would also like to see gas giants with surrounding moons and or small moons or comets in certain systems. Perhaps on top of the space station orbiting the gas giant could be some type of scientific space station that has you explore said gas giants moon systems with quests that are randomly generated aimed at scientific research and have these orbiting stations be a rare thing. Perhaps have some lonely binary systems with anomalies and very rare resources that can be turned in to scientific outposts for rare and new technology which can't be looted by random Planetside buildings
Maybe even add rare solar systems with a lot of life and busy traffic where more combat oriented scenarios can play. Space battles like elite has which you can join in and gain a rep which unlocks abilities to purchase from the race you helped. There can be loot drops like combat upgrades for your ship that you need resources to craft and some of those resources can be rare to locate and somewhat integrated to my OP.
I know people will say that they are going to add stuff to the game but are they? Why would they? There is no monthly fee for them to make more money of the game to drive them to add things. I have a feeling that all they will do is fix bugs and minor things since the game is already out and a ton of people bought it because of the hype. If anything maybe they'll add things through an expansion which seeing as how people feel about the game I don't see anyone lining up to buy it or the exp could be a disappointment like Elite Horizons was. I hope that I'm very wrong about my thoughts. History tends to repeat itself with these things.
Also another very important thing to add is a lot more of a risk. Let me get killed, penalize me for my mistakes. Let me crash my ship or fly it into the sun. Add dangerous predators which are lethal. Give me a reason to upgrade my health and the offensive part of my gun. All my weapon upgrades are for mining. I found a planet that had tons of these venom balls which when mined gave u a venom sack which sold for 27k. Once mined it spawned a sentinel group which was easy to kite around and not a threat. Easily made millions of credits in an hour. I consider that to be one of the more unusual planets I have found so far. It was barren and had a lot of gold and valuable materials as barren lifeless planets tend to. It seems like these lifeless planets are the more rare ones than the ones with plenty of flora and fauna which in reality should be the other way around.
Yes and I am not surprised. I wouldnt be surprised if theres features already made that they held back on. Some of the footage they showed in the past shows some things which arent in the game and that was years ago they showed those. I wouldnt pay a dime to for DLCs for this game unless the DLC adds things like what i mentioned above. Its a sad era for gaming now that we have to be skeptical about buying a game. Thank god for Mack at least he helps with some of these things but excuse my french with all the shit that happens in the gaming world hes a fart in a hurricane but a stinky fart. lol. Once again Mack I apologize for the comparison but I hope you understand what im trying to relay.
It feels great to know I don't need to play this anymore :)
Seconded. I sat down with a pirated copy, could not last more than 30 minutes. My last words after I uninstalled it were "this is the worst piece of shit pretend-game I have ever played".
And people wonder why is pirating games so common; one of the few ways to not get conned on scams.
Hey mack, if you had to recommend one game everyone should play what would it be.
whats worse this or aliens colonial marines?
Probably Half Life
I heard the 3rd one is the best in the series. True?
Remember, Mack: it's not a "real" Review unless you've *100%* completed the game!
Should only take you about a _billion_ years. No problem for an honest reviewer such as yourself *>:(*
I should set an alarm then to remind myself
Yeah Mack, geez, how can you review a game without playing through all 50 quintillion procedurally generated planets, pfft.
The game can be beat quite fast actually. If I follow the atlas path choose the black hole option every time u run into the priest.
u get to the end with out going to all of them easy lol
+Romando Kraus I watched a few reviews. I feel like I've played it all
I know most of you have seen these parody videos before but this one had me crying as it's so true.
"The Industry is Doomed," that statement within the parody and that same sentiment on your first part of the review, has me pretty scared about the future of gaming, that's what I took away from the parody.
I cried with laughter! Hail Mack, our lord and saviour.
Omg that parody had me fucking dead
I didn't know there were this kind of videos other than hitler ones. Thats one funny interview.
It occurs to me that this shit wouldn't be such a big problem if people had patience. You know, if they could just wait a week or two after release to see friends or reviewers test it out first. But no. As you said in your review, _"I WANTS TO BUYS IT NAO, MACK!"_ Children. Fucking children with expendable income. We deserve to be lied to.
No mans PC can run it 😟
Wow so original.
+Alien Pest wow so true
No mans buy...
Not true
+Little Indiemaster I should of used that one
Mack, I was expecting more than just the thumbs down animation at the end of this one. Reserved for those special cases, I think you need something more, like a multiple thumb logo all flying around the place like you just won a game of solitaire on your computer. Maybe a little tune to go with it. Something that really says: This isn't your run-of-the-mill bad. This isn't just your garden variety bad game. This is highly toxic, nuclear waste bad, industrial grade bad. A level of bad that transcends the gameplay alone, and rears its ugly head in the real world.
I think it was h1z1 he gave a trippel thumb down
No need to be so overly fucking dramatic. The game isn't even that bad.
Haha great idea, I strongly agree. xD
10/10 b8 m8
I like that! Especially the solitaire bit. How about flying thumbs?! Like flying toasters!!!
you should voice audio books
Fortunately he can't read properly (re: inventory) and that bell would get fucking annoying.
lol made my day
@@Liofa73 Moreover, every 3rd page in the book will have to be Tommy Lee Jones staring. xD
One last piss take video, this one will make you
lol funny but sad at the same time
warning to everyone don't watch that whilst having a mouth full of tea...
When it transitioned I completely cracked up, thanks for the link.
welcome to elite dangerous o7
There should be a part 3 of this.
The streams told me everything I needed to know. Great review as always, it is great to see that there are still reviewers out there that will call bullshit when they see it. I'm glad I saved the money now I can spend it in deus ex.
Yes! Deus Ex Mankind Divided looks great, way better than this game of lies!
what if dues ex is shit
+captain poopenburg 1982 could happen, but at least I know for a fact what I am getting.
no way near this,you would better play with doge shyt then play nms :)
Dishonored 2 is probably a safer buy mate
Great review Mack, especially your rhetorical devices. The running gags, the play on words, use of the bell, comparisons. You are getting pro with this stuff
"Pro" right now means taking back-handers. Something Mack would oppose. IMO, build a steady base- don't try to snatch and fame early, and wait for the current "Pros" to be ousted.
"Hey guys, this reviewer is worth a damn. Check him out."
What are you even talking about? I only commented on his use of rhetorical devices. Why are you giving me your honest opinion on subjects I didn't even mention?
Absolutely brilliant review Mac.
Thanks for being the only game reviewer that can be trusted these days.
Good point. Pirates scan your ship, find "precious cargo", destroy your ship and don't steal the cargo they were shooting you for in the first place. They just leave it there. Brilliant.
I bought it before you put the video up and now I regret it...
I refunded it lol
Still got that name though. You win some you lose some
If it's on Steam, you can get a refund if you've played less than 2 hours.
Otherwise, put it up on ebay or just toss it, and explain to people it's terrible. The games got camps of "people who didn't buy and know it's shit" and "people who bought it and think it's good", we need more people in the middle to bridge the two. So we can tell the people who think it's good to stop being part of the gaming community. ;)
Refund it
You can't refund it if you've played more than two hours.
I think we can all at least agree that the first hour of gameplay is so cool where you're running around a brand new space pilot exploring an infinite galaxy with infinite possibilities (or so you thought at the time) thinking omg this is so awesome. And then on the third planet or so, you start realizing it's just the same everywhere.
thanks for saving me 60 bucks mack.
The pleasure is mine.
+Worth A Buy Greedy :$
Did you really need Mack to tell you this was shite?
This much shit? Yes.
yeah will wait for the inevitable Steam sale for $30 bucks!
3:51 how do I set the shield to different areas of my ship ? Is that new ?
this game need another 3 years to be worth 60dollars
And $60 subscriptions each year for content still to be revealed like ED?
Holy fucking shit what a guess
ye about now it is worth $60
Well, you weren't wrong lol
Possibly the last bastion of honesty around, Mack. Thanks for playing the game so we don't have to. Keep up the good work!
I feel bad for you to having to play this game this much, it's so shit
All part of the service, hope the rest of the games I do this week are more fun :)
mack sacrifices his sanity to save other people from buying garbage
+Worth A Buy 1000 thank you's
+GMODTF24EVER i torrented it and i still feel like i wasted to much time trying to like it
Same here. But it gets even worse, as my CPU is an older Phenom II model i had to emulate cpu instruction sets to even be able to test it out...
Your soft voice at the end is so relaxing, i am so eager to listen to part #3 :D
Well, after clocking in close to 40 hours, I'll say this about the game to add a little balance to the review:
All the flaws Mack mentions are true, so keep that sentence in mind while you continue reading.
And the price is way too high for what you get - agreed.
And yet I enjoy the game.
I like the little stories you read with each Monolith - either a piece of other species' history, or something about yourself. My favorite one is when a copy of me emerges from the monolith, and mimics my every move like it was me, and then I suddenly realize I unknowingly moved as it did. Then spotted the only difference being its omnitool - much better than my own. We traded and I actually got a better omni-tool! Other times these little stories describe something fascinating, surprising, something you could imagine you would encounter on weird planets, where one biologically different species meets another one, with much different level of technology. All this reminds me of good, short sci-fi novels of 80s I grew up on - it's a nice little read!
Also, there are mysteries I would like to solve - who the hell are Sentinels? Why are Vyk'en battling Sentinels? Where did Korvax come from? What is Atlas? (especially after you encounter your first Atlas interface) What is in the galaxy's center? I already unearthed as much (spoiler warning) - seems somehow Atlas is responsible for seeding life in the galaxy - at lest a piece of Corvax history I found suggested so, where it said despite Korvax living very, very long (almost immortal), the Atlas life seeding precedes them by amount of time they cannot describe. How's that for an awesome little story?
This little part of No Man's Sky keeps me going, and it is well executed, imho.
So, despite all the flaws the game has, I would say this: if you can afford 60€ purchase, and still have that little kid in you that is capable of staring in awe at something amazing, still have some imagination that runs rampant as you read those little stories Monoliths provide, this game may still be a blast for you.
If instead you lost the child in you, and just cannot overcome "the graphics", "the gameplay", and all the other shit "grown ups" moan about nowadays - stay away from the game as it will be a disappointment.
The game does not offer much in terms of deep gameplay mechanics, outstanding graphics or programming solutions doing wonders on the screen - in the end, it's a 15 people's creation so expectations need to be set accordingly. But the game offers something worthwhile in the narrative department, which people who grew up on reading sci-fi books and novels may find interesting.
All you need to do is open your eyes and read it. Sadly, the "but what do you do in this game?" generation seems to have a problem with games that leave place for imagination to do its wonders, where story-driven events are merely subtle reminders, rather than Skyrim-like objective markers. No arrow to point what you do? BOOOAAARING!
Sad thing is so many people first jumped the hype train, and now are switching trains for the hate one, overlooking things this game does well. It's sad how quickly people join the shit-throwing contest because it's so mainstream now to be a cynical game-basher angry-ranter, rather than trying to be as objective as possible. Funny I've seen no one, literally NO ONE, mentioning these little story gems - but who the fuck reads nowadays, eh?
People have an attention span of 5 minutes at most. This ghame requires 10's of hours before it really starts showing things off.
I think it was a design decision personally, Who want the stupid into their game anyways!
You hit the nail into the coffin...this game absolutely isn't for everyone but, for the ones with mystery/wonder still at their core...the best thing I've experienced so far has to be learning the lore and just seeing what type of stories are being told. I would like ur comment a 100 times over if I could. =) always nice to see someone not on the hate train lol
there is no hook and there is no agency on the story/lore. If they're aiming for the mystery and wonder then it is a bad game design to add survival mechanics into the game. The necessity of constantly refilling different bars in your suit takes a player's focus away from exploration. I could argue that it would be a better game if they made crafting and mining optional and focus on the ruins exploration and the different aliens species fleshing them out(having better and more diverse architecture and ruins). I actually like the idea and main theme of the lore and the player's part in it but it just wasn't executed well.
i also symphathize with the devs a bit. they were going to push back the release even later but they were rushed because we couldnt wait no more.
probably the best video you have done so far Mack. utterly brilliant.
i think we need to all make together a lie song and chat it all over
Moo...Baaaa lol, I can't stop laughing.
LOVE the sheep and cow effects Mack. One of your best reviews yet.
You need to turn ur brain off, smoke some green, take the game and throw it out the window and turn on Netflix. Fixed
The only way you can enjoy this game is turning off your head and being brain-dead?
Couldn't agree more.
I imagine uninstalling it would be pretty enjoyable. Get that 2.5GB back.
Wow, the end was almost ecliptic! ;)
Thx for the voice of reason!
Comparisons between Elite Dangerous and NMS are not ridiculous, but wrong!
One is a space-sim with focus on flying around a simulated true-to-life-as-can-be Milky Way galaxy and the other is an ARCADE space game with focus on exploring planet's flora and fauna.
Elite is much more realistic BUT is MUCH emptier and limited: NO fauna, flora, or anything interesting ON the planets we have now and no atmospheric, volcanic etc. (aka INTERESTING) planets. YOU CAN'T WALK AROUND in Elite (yet). No NPC life forms in Elite (just spaceships and text). NOTHING TO DO OR SEE ON 99.999% OF PLANETS YOU CAN LAND ON in Elite!
I have spent 500+ hours in Elite and just 3 hours in NMS so far, and comparing the two is UNFAIR for both: NMS is a fast step forwards, Elite is a giant ssssslow motion leap.
"...and the other is an ARCADE space game with focus on exploring planet's flora and fauna." but it doesn't even do that part well. And lets not even talk about the massive technical issues and annoying UI/UX problems with the game.
All he saying is that nms has no fulfillment as far as combat. There is no skill involved. It's just pew pew and ass fucked dog fighting
You say they're different, and then you start mentioning things "missing" in Elite that aren't even the main focus. Way to contradict yourself.
***** What matters isn't really the number of people, rather if they know what they're doing.
+Anton Ianakiev 90% of people don't play ED for combat. Most play on a special no killing realm... Most people run from pirates because they've got so much cash they can afford ships to outrun them. Most people don't even do the quests because the rewards are so lame. Ed isn't without its problems either. Don't put it on a pedestal just yet.
The kids laptop bit with the animal sounds was priceless.
I am so fucking pissed I am 14 I get fuck all money, I buy no mans sky and it's so fucking boring and shit, the space battles are the worse things ever, the trading oh god, mack literally every time before I buy I a game I watch the review u make but this time I knew no mans Sky was going to be good and it was shit, never I am I going to buy a game without coming here
refund it :)
+Gavin Simon can u refund for ps4 ???
they wont accept it back once you opened the box ,so I guess he's stuck with it now
+TigerNinjaDragon yeah I will cuz it's seriously bullshit this game
let this be a valuable life lesson to ALWAYS know exactly what you're buying and to wait for reviews, because everyone saw this train wreck coming a mile away.. i'm not looking down on you for your age, there are tons of adults that did the exact same thing, but since you're young you'll be able to learn and not get conned again... the adults, however, are too proud to be saved and will defend this pile of shit game until the cows come home
As you started to sing the lie song, my child started dancing! haha good review
i heard at the center of the galaxy there's kevin spacey in an exosuit
The sick thing is that at the center of the galaxy there is nothing. Literally nothing.
You spend 50-100 hours doing the same pointless repetitive shit and when you reach the center it triggers a cutscene where the camera zooms out so you can see the whole galaxy and then the game starts again.
What a bag of wank.
Serpico's Beard yeah this game's a big ol' scam
This review left a nuclear shadow.
so elite is better?
much much much better
As someone who owns both games, yes, Elite is much better.
Elite definitely has problems, but I enjoyed it a lot when I played. It gets old for me after a while, but I definitely got more than my money's worth from it. If you want a pure exploration game than NMS is better, because Elite's planet are pretty barren. If you want a more hardcore sim with more mechanics and better flight, Elite would be better. But personally I definitely prefer Elite.
Elite is a mile wide and an inch deep. No man's sky is a mile wide and a centimeter deep.
18 quadtrillion planets but pirates always seem to be able to find you just when you have rare stuff on your ship, how convenient for them
"Mooooo"~Mack 2016
Haha, "that's why you learn the words, the words, the words." haha I love it xD
Mack, NMS isn't a combat game. Just like Elite isn't a planet exploration game (not yet).
stop defending it
combat is irrelevant, that's a piece of the puzzle that should be in but is lack there of. what hes stating is this games a boring joke you hand over to your little tike
Elite can be an exploration game. I was into it for a while. Had an ASP Explorer decked out for exploration and I went very far even was the first to discover some systems no one had. However it isn't exploration in the lvl of NMS
If they had added city world. Even to be very rare and have bs quests from npcs that were randomly generated with alme better than average power ups it wouldn't be say as repetitive. Just random things like that. Maybe very populous planets and some that are big outposts and indefinite sentient villages here and there like maybe one per system for ex or make them rare it would be a lot more fun. I am enjoying the game but at the same time j try not to play it for too long because I know it'll get boring and can't blame people for feeling the way they do.
NMS isn't a game.
Hello Mack, hails from India. (Sorry in advance as I didn't know where to post this!)
Been consistently watching (both) your channels. And I must say you are the pride of all the old school gamers, living and dead. =)
One thing that struck me, like us all, you are an avid KB/mouse user and you've also mentioned a few times that you own and use a steering wheel as well and I wanted to dig a little more deep into that.
If you can reply/mention/ or do a video on the essential hardware needed for the hardcore PC gamers, that'll be great! Eg - Your keyboard/mouse combo setup, your steering wheel grade. Which budget gaming mouse to pick up etc.
I know this is a video games playthrough/review channel, but I guess it would help us (young gamers) to game with the proper hardware suggested by a sweet old veteran like yourself.
Many thanks and have a nice day!
Most truthfull review I´ve seen for this pile of crap till now.
You Sir are great
The funny thing is, all the "bad" things pointed out in this video are some of the reasons I actually LIKE the game...
I play games to unwind and relax, so a game that is all about exploring and management, and less about skill, actual survival, combat, crashing etc are all big pluses for me.
HOWEVER, not gonna lie, I loved both of these videos!
So MACK... you are telling me that Elite dangerous is better... right ?
im jk guys, i know its better lol
Yes it is.
+Blaze The Hedgehog ED is just as boring after a while. It really is just space trucker with a few battles after you've played it for a month or so. Spending 20 minutes making 20 jumps across the galaxy is hardly a fun or taxing game. And Horizons is just a massive waste of money.
I thought so too, but I got it at for an extra 10% off, so like, 20 eur, and it does add some interesting content to play with. I mean, consider the engineers as a multiplier to all the builds you could do before. And the season is not over yet.
Problem with Elite is that players can't 'own' anything (except their ships), they can't influence or build anything. Just think about when you could create guilds/nations and you as member of a guild could create buildings/defenses on a planet, create space stations around a planet (for production and defense) and have war with another guild/faction, and then taking over their planets/stations (or just destroying everything), with large capital ships too. Now, THAT would be something. Now it's just.... get more money to get the better ship (and many times that results in space trucking).
I played a space games many years ago, it was not popular, maybe only a 100 people or more were online at the same time, but you had a few different factions which fought over a set amount of planets, and you were part of a faction - and you could bomb buildings on planets, and also (re)build your own planets, and choose what to build and where (like defense systems, shipyard, factories, farms, etc). I don't know anymore what it is called, but is was quite a good concept.
When you specifically want these things in a space game why not play X3 or Evochron Legacy?
About guilds in Elite: I am in a player group with about 30 players active most of the time and we do stuff together. We are also part of the Alliance with a couple of player groups.
About influencing things in Elite: Have you heard about the background simulation? Players can support factions and help them gain stations and whole systems. These factions can then expand to other systems and control more stations. This is what my group and I are doing during our playtime.
This is great fun because suddenly Elite turns into a turn based strategy game. :)
Thank you mack for being the voice of honesty and integrity. You are the only reviewer I watch because you have earned my trust. Have a nice day!
Mack, remember x rebirth? These two games have a lot in common, they both sucked balls at launch, and had the same lack of everything and copypasted bases everywhere, at least x rebirth got some things done i dont think modding community will save no mans sky though... Do you still hate x rebirth btw?
the problem is... YOU CANT MOD THE GAME! They already said "no mods" X: Rebirth with mods and a good flightstick is good imo
MurraySportsNetwork well there are some mods already, mainly cosmetic ones, but yeah seems like there wont be any custom ships or base models let alone tweaks in generator algorithms, hello games just buried themselves with this, if this had skyrim level of modding capability this could become a great game...
The npc interaction actually reminded me of xrebirth. I can't remember if rebirth had voiced npcs but they seemed equally terrible.
X-Rebirth is still a pile of shit, it always will be.
No idea if X Rebirth got better or not, but it doesn't matter. Egosoft's previous games were really good, so we can always hope their next release will be at least as good as the other X games before Rebirth. Who will be stupid enough to trust NMS devs after this debacle?
Hey mack ive been following you for a while now. this is your best work really entertaining. i really enjoyed it! thank you
Mack at 76 hours it gets awesome. I love the game but whoever compares it to Elite is mental. Two different games for two different audiences
You're joking right?
This game needs to be compared to Starforge, not Elite Dangerous.
Yeah the first 75 hours were a bit boring but then it started getting interesting
I would even say more, at 176 hours that's when the game really starts being gazilian awesome! :) just lie down and enjoy the sweet song of what's wrong with the gaming industry...
The game play does get better after you get to a certain part within the main story but the problem is most people already have a whinge and give it the thumbs down after only 10 mins of gameplay.. It's like yes your review is such a reflection of the grand scheme of the game. The crafting and mining doesn't change however, so if you hate that gameplay you won't like this game. It can be a fun game but in all honesty the game isn't what many imagined it where I found it exactly how i thought it going to be.
You have just made my Monday!!!
Honestly i like it. But there a lot of work to be done
it needs to be deeper
That's what she said
+Grunf It's time to stop
That's what she said!
There is just nothing to it that's the problem. I paid £40 for a game that really is nothing more than flying around and mining stuff, frankly the crafting system seems a bit wanting and there just needs to be more to actually do. I also feel Mack has a point about crashing and being killed, you have to have some sort of punishment for fucking up otherwise it is merely a set back
i have been watching macks channel for a year - by far the best review so far !
Hello games repeatedly stated this is not a multiplayer game.
Bullshit, utter bullshit. There are numerous interviews and Q&A videos when they tell everyone about multiplayer, I watched 4 different ones this morning. He then tweeted the day before the PS4 release that the game had no multiplayer, people had been pre-ordering it for months based on lies.
+Worth A Buy Hey at least it doesn't require ps plus.
+Worth A Buy I've been following the is game since the start and in every interview where Sean Murray is asked about multiplayer he suggests that the game isn't about players playing with each other and more about the single experience. You show me one interview where he says this game is a multiplayer game and I'll stand corrected.
+Darren Kellitt dude search youtube. i watched it a month ago where he said multiplayer is possible
+FearDBro saying it is possible and that the game is a multi player game are two completely different things. I remember him saying something on the lines of "it is technically possible". It is technically possible to play a football game on an ice rink but why the fuck would you do that? Just youtube sean murray interview multiplayer and you will see loads of videos of him saying that no mans sky is a single player experience and not designed for multiplayer.
Love that fact you mentioned the multiplayer lies thing haha
I'm only about 5 minutes into this review and I completely agree with your points to an extent but frontier developments has 260 employees as of July 2015 (a full year ago so there will be more now) and 22.7 million in revenue ( I can't find the 2016 stats) and hello games has 13 devs not very much I might add, and your kids laptop and alien ware laptop comparisons are quite correct hello games are Chad valley( the people how make them plastic laptops) and frontier developments are Alienware ( that make high quality laptops) it's not much of a fair comparison, taking the fact there office was flooded Which destroyed there progress and they aren't very experienced because there only previous game was joe danger JOE FUCKING DANGER who plays that game anymore... No one, and personally I like this game because I didn't get hyped for it I like games for what they are entertainment prices, art even people just need to stop hyping up games and from people with no experiences with games.
elite is a great game as it has a wonderful multiplayer community as well as great versions for both pc and xbox. additionally there is a great party system and offensive gameplay. additionally it allows for multiple paths, bounty hunter, pirate, merchant, and miner its great. just buy it mate
It is a fair comparison because they're asking for $60. If this game released at $20-$30 then it would probably be praised a lot more.
+William Perrine Don't PC game not do I have an Xbox I'm a "Sony pony" to the Xbox fans. I would defiantly play it if I had an Xbox or a PC I watch TH-cam on my phone.
watch youtube on ipad mate, anyway only got xbox because my freinds have such ps4 is better all around, better operating system, has spotify, better party system. no hate
do people still play elite dangerous? last time i fired it up it looked death. is it worth to start playing it again?
theyve fucked up the money and shit. bounty hunting is stupid now because little shitty ships can take on a fucking vulture... and the billboards... well thats been fucked for a while. the money in them is shit for what they want you to do.
3 k average daily players on steam statistics. I have it for one year. Played it for about 30 hours I will come back to it. Seeing how shitty no man's sky is, elite dangerous looks and feels epic. PLayed it for 5+- hours month ago, loved it as always, find some nice people, haven't encountered a single troll. Yes I think it it's not dead and sure you can try it. Not talking out of my ass. Haven't tried new update since people say it's shit but base game is good. Honestly, if you haven't played space game, it's not even about the game it's about the feeling, it's so freaking atmospheric it's freaking amazing to at least try it. If you don't give a fuck about other's just do what ever you want to do in further galaxies etc. Put on some 70's+- music like the yes, etc about space and blast it or whatever works for you
judging by statistics, game is not dead and will not going to be dead in near future since it still gets 2-5 k players up and down going.
I'm sure it's nothing even close to NMS degenarates
Typical kind of non-arguement spewed out by dumb kids with Anime names .... and these dicks wonder why we rail about how their console based idiocy has wrecked our hobby.
I was looking forward to playing this game, but all the negative reviews have put me off. It does look really boring. However, I don't see why people are attacking Sean Murray so much. He made it clear that this wasn't going to be multiplayer due to the scale of it. He also made it clear that it was a mining, crafting, exploration game. As far as the interviews go that I have seen, he has been honest about the game. For sure, it could have way more depth and be a lot more interesting. Don't forget Hello Games are a small indie setup. The problem is the hype. People knew they were buying mutton but expected lamb.
the problem is also that it's $60 for an indie game. 60 fucking dollars. call of duty is actually worth 60 dollars in comparison to this heap of shit.
A lot of people are changing their opinions after they play 20 hours or so... Which isn't so say that it isn't a problem that a game should get good after 20hours... But apparently there's a big change in gameplay and a spoiler that opens things up, that also addresses the inventory problems.
60 dollars for an indie game isn't a problem. Considering Call Of Duty is almost the same damned shit each time, saying it's worth the 60 dollar asking price is pretty funny, even if by comparison to this dull game.
It's a PS4 game ported to the PC. You can't compare ED to NMS, and to do so would be missing the point of the game. This is single-player gaming "art" that's meant to be played on a bug TV on a sofa, and a testament to what can be done in under 3GB of actual game data. If the devs keep working on it then it still has great potential to be something more.
The game is as wide as the ocean but as deep as a puddle, but that's the point - it's not a space simulation, it's a relaxing exploration game.
Sean saying that there could be an extremely tiny chance of coming across another player does not equate to a full multiplayer game. No Man's Sky was always meant to be a single player experience within a shared universe and that's exactly what it is. So no, Sean did not lie. I don't understand why people care about a tiny chance of coming across another player anyway.
dude there is no multiplayer netcode .. online connection only to upload the planet and creature names.
Good work there Mack.
Sorry your wrong, I watched him in multiple interviews say that although it was highly improbable that 2 players can find each other, he confirmed that they would be able to see each other.
ya and there is proof that two players were in the same planet same place and did not see each other. ,so stop defending. he even said we can have space fights !
I have to say, there are very few videos that are as entertaining as yours - SUBSCRIBED!
PS - I just discovered Elite: Dangerous, as a result of watching videos about No Man's Sky - Elite is the most enjoyable and immersive simulation I've seen in my playing video games since 1980 (senior year of college) - I just purchased the Oculus Rift because of it - it's a truly amazing sim and I'm glad you've mentioned it.
Played for five minutes, realized how shit the PC port is, refunded
I absolutely love this guy's reviews, especially when I need a good laugh. Thanks Mack for being the smart ass that you are!
To be fair, I do enjoy the game for what it is. Do I think it is worth $60? Fuck no. But I also did not follow the ridiculous hype that the developers had no control over and wasn't left disappointed. Sure it's repetitive, but I read a review somewhere that this game fits a niche crowd, which is not majority. To be honest though, saying that I enjoy a "preschool laptop" of a game seems almost insulting -_-.
compared to a game like elite dangerous remeber
elite has a wonderful multiplayer community as well as great versions for both pc and xbox. additionally there is a great party system and offensive gameplay. additionally it allows for multiple paths, bounty hunter, pirate, merchant, and miner its great.
+William Perrine People make the first mistake by comparing it to elite dangerous and, therefore, give this game tons of shit. The biggest reason why this game rates low, barring the other glaring reasons, is that it didn't achieve the communities ridiculous expectations that a 15 person team could never achieve. I take this game for what it is an not what it is compared to others. If I wanted something like elite dangerous, I might as well just play elite dangerous.
And it is also extremely repetitive... I played elite dangerous for 110 hours and it is just as repetitive as NMS. I am enjoying NMS currently, but like I said they are both extremely repetitive; one is going after realism the other is going after a 70's scifi feel.
bhuuuuuat its 60 dollars versus 30 dollars aaanywaaay if want space exploration for 60 get horizons.
Frontier sold the game for 50 dollars when it launched and then the DLC for 40. It is 30 now because the dlc has been out for 9 months. God your and idiot.
The gaming industry needs more reviewers like you Mack. Keep doing what you do. Cheers.
At what point did Sean say that the game was full multiplayer? At what point was it listed as a multiplayer game on steam? How many times did Sean say its possible but the probability is almost 0 to meet someone else because of the vast size of the game? When exactly did he lie? He didn't lie, just idiot kids that don't know how to listen when someone is talking. The gaming community made multiplayer the main aspect of the game when Sean tried to explain over and over that you most likely will not see another player because of the size of the universe and that the game is about exploration and multiplayer isn't the main aspect of the game.
The game sat on steam for how long with Single player as its tag? So what don't you get? Its a Single player game with multiplayer elements such as uploading discoveries that others can see if they explore near the same systems as you, and the possibility to run into another player but with a very low chance.
hey im with you but dont stand by the line " At what point did Sean say that the game was full multiplayer? " theres lots of videos out there where he hints at it. sure any one with a brain could see theres not but all the hype got to him there a indie team that got pulled in to the fire by sony. he said probability is almost 0 meaning that theres still that 00000.1% chance he thought no one would come close to even finding other players planets he tryed not to lie but make the game sound more fun and thats what ppl are burning this game down for cuz they took that 0.1% and thought it was a mp game shame on them but i feel sorry that this game got so over hyped it really killed it cuz of all the added hate where there wouldnt of been
There's a lot of features, even if you ignore multiplayer, that were shown to be in the game that either just flat out don't work or aren't in the game at all.
I totally agree. I never followed the hype and what they said would be in the game is there the only fault I place on them was that they weren't very specific and gave very vague statements which lead people to speculate. Gamers used their imaginations and hyped the game to what they wanted it to be not listen to what the developer said. Never EVER overhype games people and. Ever EVER preorder anything. There is no benefit to preordering. I'd much rather wait see some reviews and or streams and than name up my mind.
Which ones?
What features?
Hey there Mack!
I must honestly say that these 2 videos reviewing NMS were your best vids. Laughed my ass off with the sheep and cow impressions! :D Very well put down videos sir - hopefully some peeps wont give devs the money they don't deserve because of your vids.
Thanks for the best laugh in a long time!
I have to admit, this review was extremely relaxing when he was pretending to relax.
Best review yet! Awesome man, you're the best XD please make a third one, and now with a different ending than just the simple thumb down.
Mack you know when you go to a fun fair and all the kids are playing on the water gun shooting sideshow..... thats Quake, that is, thats quake. hehe. ;)
Don't even remind me of Elite. Day 1, out of fuel, floating in the middle of nowhere, waiting to freeze to death. 10/10
I can't believe you made the same analogy that I did. Based on everything I saw about this game even before it launched; in my head I said this game was the fisher price version of space/survival games. As soon as you started saying first you have to go to a big children's store I knew were you were going with it. You're the first reviewer I've seen that made that same analogy, LOL.
I like it that you actually give an alternative game to play. gj
I fucking love the bells😂
I nominate this video for review of the year.
I was playing Elite Dangerous when you mentioned it. Amazing lol!
6:22 So that's what happened to Wheatley after the end of Portal 2, he flew through space and ended up in THIS game.
Omg i laughed out in tears when you did the kids voice
Time for a revisit!
One of your best vids yet Mack!
Absolutely fantastic analogy with the laptops Mac. Nail on head as usual.
it's funny watching people hate Mack because he has a different opinion. he isn't a professional game reviewer, he is just another gamer sharing his opinion if it's worth a buy.
After watching over 100 hours of rants (like yours!), raves, reviews (most like yours!), walkthroughs and tips&tricks and as a observer (still waiting to buy a PS4 so I can play NMS) and I've learned quite a bit about NMS, that 95% of the people who have played have missed. I've discovered that almost everyone who has played this game only have skimmed through the dialogs (missing great puzzles and mysteries), mining or trading which are the easiest and also the most boring ways to gather resources/upgrades/ships. There are 6 different ways (some extremely challenging) to gather the things you need to explore. There are several very deep mysteries to discover (Atlas, Polo and Nada, Sentinels and the elusive Traveler). Also there are two very complicated and so far NOBODY has figured out to yet (Activating Portals and How to reach the CENTER OF THE GALAXY). Congratulations mate because your in the 95% group! You shimmed, you took the easiest way to play the game and you were bored and frustrated. Now I don't blame you because that's what 95% of everybody who has played NMS has done! Take care now.
Anyone else reminded of Destiny's, HUD, menu and maybe even gameplay? Another great review Mack, love your work.
elite is the such a good game... and it will be so good in a few years... I'm happy to support them with 20-30 euro a year for the seasons... I wasn't happy at first either about that but I can understand why
Went back for the foundation update. Made a base, got a freighter. Finished the base quests upgraded my drives etc. Finished the atlas quest and nearly to the "Galactic Hub" now. It's a pretty good update and just that seems like the foundation for more to come. Sadly I believe it's too little too late and that the community has moved on and can't trust the developers again.
I was more hyped for the WAB of this game than for the game itself!
"Mack I can't wait the money is burning in my pocket" lol
LGR said a similar thing; i think NMS might help boost sales of Elite Dangerous tbh lol
Very fair comments, spot on review. The big question is why any of this should come as a huge surprise to anyone? It is a small dev team with a largely modest developing history behind them, with hugely lofty goals, WARNING! Tellingly there was little evidence from past work that the team have what it takes to realise these goals (and that is no insult to their past achievements, most bona fide AAA developers would not attempt something as ambitious as this). It should not be too difficult to read the danger signals and yet many (myself included) took the gamble. Had Hello Games charged half what they did I would not have any issue, as there are still redeeming aspects and the aesthetics can be quite nice if you fancy killing a few mindless lazy hours. However the price that is getting charged is exorbitant (especially given that it is such a small team to spread the wealth between). It is a shame, as I genuinely don't believe the developers have gone out to be deliberately misleading, they are just naive and overly confident of their own abilities to pull off something that was proved to be clearly beyond them.
This what I think they should add or change.
1. Remove all flora and fauna on extremely cold or super hot planets.
2. Make flora and fauna be a rare thing since that is a lot more realistic.
3. Reduce the frequency of buildings scattered and add very rare planets with cities and some primitive sentient life which you can help by doing randomly generated quests like gather resources for them etc for rewards. Discovering primitive sentient life can be more rewarding when you upload your findings.
4. Add ship classes kind of like elite combat/science/cargo ships or even dreadnoughts or capital ships which are very expensive but powerful in combat and hold a lot of combat. These big ships can be obtained by credits obviously but maybe add some type of high level license required to pilot it which is obtained by doing space ship activities. As it is now ships are all the same except for inventory slots. Fix the ship to ship combat as it is garbage the way it currently is.
5. Ability to create way points.
6. Ship appearance customization. Ability to experiment with resources.
7. Science outposts on remote planets with quests objectives to locate resources in surrounding systems.
8. Make extreme weather planets be close to the sun or far away and be able to get to them by traveling far and not be able to visually see them from space station.There's many more but things like this id like to see that would give the game more of an exploration feel than it currently has because what it has now gets old fast. It's like a shell. A shell that needs work.
I would also like to see gas giants with surrounding moons and or small moons or comets in certain systems. Perhaps on top of the space station orbiting the gas giant could be some type of scientific space station that has you explore said gas giants moon systems with quests that are randomly generated aimed at scientific research and have these orbiting stations be a rare thing. Perhaps have some lonely binary systems with anomalies and very rare resources that can be turned in to scientific outposts for rare and new technology which can't be looted by random Planetside buildings
Maybe even add rare solar systems with a lot of life and busy traffic where more combat oriented scenarios can play. Space battles like elite has which you can join in and gain a rep which unlocks abilities to purchase from the race you helped. There can be loot drops like combat upgrades for your ship that you need resources to craft and some of those resources can be rare to locate and somewhat integrated to my OP.
I know people will say that they are going to add stuff to the game but are they? Why would they? There is no monthly fee for them to make more money of the game to drive them to add things. I have a feeling that all they will do is fix bugs and minor things since the game is already out and a ton of people bought it because of the hype. If anything maybe they'll add things through an expansion which seeing as how people feel about the game I don't see anyone lining up to buy it or the exp could be a disappointment like Elite Horizons was.
I hope that I'm very wrong about my thoughts.
History tends to repeat itself with these things.
Also another very important thing to add is a lot more of a risk. Let me get killed, penalize me for my mistakes. Let me crash my ship or fly it into the sun. Add dangerous predators which are lethal. Give me a reason to upgrade my health and the offensive part of my gun. All my weapon upgrades are for mining.
I found a planet that had tons of these venom balls which when mined gave u a venom sack which sold for 27k. Once mined it spawned a sentinel group which was easy to kite around and not a threat. Easily made millions of credits in an hour.
I consider that to be one of the more unusual planets I have found so far. It was barren and had a lot of gold and valuable materials as barren lifeless planets tend to. It seems like these lifeless planets are the more rare ones than the ones with plenty of flora and fauna which in reality should be the other way around.
Yes and I am not surprised. I wouldnt be surprised if theres features already made that they held back on. Some of the footage they showed in the past shows some things which arent in the game and that was years ago they showed those. I wouldnt pay a dime to for DLCs for this game unless the DLC adds things like what i mentioned above. Its a sad era for gaming now that we have to be skeptical about buying a game.
Thank god for Mack at least he helps with some of these things but excuse my french with all the shit that happens in the gaming world hes a fart in a hurricane but a stinky fart. lol.
Once again Mack I apologize for the comparison but I hope you understand what im trying to relay.
it was close to asmr video - awesome job
Love that you respect Elite Dangerous. Props.
At 16:30 Sick burn. Hello Games will need to apply copious amounts of burn cream
Love your video Mack. Love the honesty and laughs you give keep it up!
This is the best video since your X:Rebirth review.
lmao that laptop joke was off the wall hilarious
The language bit was just pure genius. Fucking props man.
There is a spritual successor to Dungeon Keeper, called War for the Overworld. Recommending a WAB!
you are doing the lords work Mac
I love that you made a 2nd part because I laugh my ass of the 1st part :D thanks a lot :D
Getting me in the mood for some elite dangerous
The animal noises killed me. XD
I haven't seen a "Worth a buy" in so long. God, I miss that bell. good video Mack