yes that is a fact, however, we can trust a little in the veracity of this as it was posted by Zestery, and also, the BPMs here seem to work differently, Zaxxon has 150 BPM instead of 154, and Columns seem to have 3 or 4 different BPMs, similar to the Tempo section
0:01 Double Dragon
1:11 Phantom Gear
2:43 Zaxxon
4:07 Columns
5:52 Space Harrier
?:?? Hang-On
?:?? Jukugon
?:?? Onsei Kanjou Sokuteiki
?:?? Dynamite Cop
I think those sections are unofficial cuz the BPM normally changes every 2 sections but this changes *every* segment
yes that is a fact, however, we can trust a little in the veracity of this as it was posted by Zestery, and also, the BPMs here seem to work differently, Zaxxon has 150 BPM instead of 154, and Columns seem to have 3 or 4 different BPMs, similar to the Tempo section
Theres no such thing as chefs luv shack section!
yes, it is a Fan Made, that's why it was not included, I can confirm this cuz I have an official list, this game was not included