(10:25) Actually, Joel did not create the Bonzify virus itself, Leurak created the virus, and it led to Joel showcasing it on his Windows Vista Destruction live stream back in July 2017.
I have. A friend from way back in school was driving his 4 wheeler and I guess he did a jump or lost control and he smacked into a tree. It snapped his femur clean in half. He said he remembers laying there with his foot up by his head.
use bonzibuddy on my computer since my old windows xp computer 2004 and bonzi dont do anything to my computers, actually use a mini pc with him and it works better with windows 10 without this weird blue box around him.
my 2004 xp pc has bonzibuddy and is still alive, bonzibuddy is harmless especially without the adware support, actually the most entertaining assistant with personality the only other one i know is rabbit r1, all this useless cortana alexa heartless monstrositys dont count.
Next video: I Downloaded The Most Dangerous Computer Viruses 10
Download wannacry
(10:25) Actually, Joel did not create the Bonzify virus itself, Leurak created the virus, and it led to Joel showcasing it on his Windows Vista Destruction live stream back in July 2017.
"Human thighs are stronger than concrete"
well, i've never heard of someone breaking their thigh, so...
what is mafuyu doing here
thats because its a muscle
I have. A friend from way back in school was driving his 4 wheeler and I guess he did a jump or lost control and he smacked into a tree. It snapped his femur clean in half. He said he remembers laying there with his foot up by his head.
@@FRISKY_MANDINGOdid he have any issues with his leg after healing?
"bro thats rough"
"What? you were expecting a sense of humor?" 5:43
that part was actually funny with his response
Why is Peedy speaking facts tho
Peedy predictions
I remember when there was only 4 people here
Lol, me too, lmao
same lol. well around that number
Yeah hehe
Its 2024 bro we can’t still be doing nft scams 😭
Its 2025 now! 🎉
My head was boppin' the whole time Bonzi buddy was singing fr
9:39 theres some new lore right there if you pouse it at the right time
it says
“which one is evil?”
IT says look at him@@folklore.stan14
@@folklore.stan14And LOOK AT HIM NOW
It said
look at him now
which one is evil
if you pause at the second "LOOK AT HIM NOW! DON'T MISS YOUR CHANCE" you can see a weird thing in the left bottom
I dont think he knows we can screenshot the nfts lmao
Thats what I did as soon as he started advertising them lol
this is just evil...
isnt it illegal?
they look too ugly for me to put them in my gallery
yo pfp
2:12 nah we got a virus saying sub to him
Is it me or did I see crypto dancing in the back half naked
When my brains getting brain Rot did I actually happen
That’s all you 💀
no you're not alone friend
Crypto's task area is doing the letter K and his wallpaper is a meme lol
Virus: tries to open some website
Crypton nwo: nuh uh.
Bro got some guts to do this alone in the dark
I love your videos, CryptoNWO . Keep up your videos!❤
The Tesseract at the end 😂
Bonzi buddy one lowkey creepy 😭
I still see him when I close my eyes 😣
0:43 bro was brave enough to show his address 5:45 what your were expecting a sense of humor💀 8:47 where do I come up with these
Bro's introduction is literally the creepy version of Beluga's.
His computer: dying
Him: 😲🤳🏽
use bonzibuddy on my computer since my old windows xp computer 2004 and bonzi dont do anything to my computers, actually use a mini pc with him and it works better with windows 10 without this weird blue box around him.
7:34 looks like a place worth screenshotting
when you listen to bonzi singing it sounds creepy but when you dont see the lyrics its just "BSWYJUKAKRTYPY"
w videos man i love watching your videos late at night keep up the good work
correct title: i tested bonzi buddy against "a" real pc
Who is a big fan of cryptonwo?
only on mobile but yeah 1 tap to reply 2 taps to like and 3 taps for both
@@DatOneSquirrelandothers no
@@FlazeFly wdym i tried it on my computer and it does nothing except highlight the text
did you know we dont care
Ayo big dawg
*Hundred dollar bill in hand*
Delete this
i like how the other versions seem like that playful assistant and then there’s bonzify
Paddy is actually an character from the office assistant crew
Watch it with that mouse pointer!! 💀
What, you were expecting a sense of humor?? 💀
His PC is already dead he just does't know it ohohoho maow
I can’t take the video seriously with that background😂💀
Bruh I'm watching at 4 am when peedy was singing i was scared
my 2004 xp pc has bonzibuddy and is still alive, bonzibuddy is harmless especially without the adware support, actually the most entertaining assistant with personality the only other one i know is rabbit r1, all this useless cortana alexa heartless monstrositys dont count.
3:14 bonzi’s voice reminds me of the first speech synthesis, that one of daisy bell’s song
2:57 Funnily enough it’s on the Bonzi Buddy song list
@@Jlaps941 i didn’t notice 😦 it’s kind of weird lol
i love how bonzify is showing us a tesseract when we cant comprehend it
5:09 who knew bonsie buddy would be p-diddy
11:54 random guy shirtless was dancing in the background lol
Yo, how can I fix erorr code:
File: \BCD
Please help me :(
@MochaMochiMatcha nah its fine, I sent to some genuis guy and he fixed it :>
Gonna pick it up today hehehee
@@LavaKingPG3Dyo help me
@@LavaKingPG3Dive been hacked too
like just 5 mins ago lol
@@lucca29108 update ur bios
Bonzi still has a place in my heart.
It was ridiculously easy to decompile and manipulate.
9:03 (silly billy theme starts playing)
BonziBUDDY itself isn't that dangerous anymore but bonzify is where gorilla shit hits the fan
Ngl bonzify scared the $h!t out of me 💀
You are promoting NFTS...............seriously
I am disappointed.
Whats r nfts
I found it in the internet archive. . Before it got shut down I got on a vm and ran it AND IT WORKED :D
thats crazy
Bonzi: *annihilating the PC*
Mike wazowski: OK
Here we go people
Why are you a WHOPİNG DOG but its actuly cute
2:50 "6000 times a minute? Which would mean a 100.000 times a second!"
7:36 did u noticed that the apps he had were placed in a shape of a "K"?
2:05 shouldve made him do the shimmy shimmy ye meme😂😂
crypto your stuff is super cool thank you for this info
Peedy has that sassy attitude, i love it
Ok •-•
Mik Wazzoooski 💀💀💀
Im waiting for this comment lol
12:23 it took me 6858638266262588767518 triesd to finally catch it
8:10 it says did you figure it out yet and the one in black is evil
11:54 “did you catch it”
“Go back 15 seconds if you did it”
Like back when the actual bonzi buddy was there I was effected with this and when I realized it was spyware i literally threw the computer out lol
7:58 best song ever: “ “
bro is background💀 0:39
Bro is background💀 0:39
@@jolenedeere1874 OK
8:06 "great singing" he was not even singing buddy😭
8:24 americas Got talents singers
a chip off the old block got me laughing
Death on a PC be like
I love your videos, CryptoNWO . Keep up your videos!❤
He said p diddy 5:04
Respect to him for sacrificing his pc for every video you earned a sub
gyatt. thats all.
Brain rot has overtaken u
When Bonzi was going to sleep I thought he was dying
9:33 who is that
CriptyNOW (not real)
He is so ahead of time that we have a modern day version called cortana!!
He sounds like Carl the npc 1:04
"Heh! That's funny.."
His singing makes him sounds like a vocaloid
im still not leaving im not gay
for all the other people
What does that have to do with the video
@@skyshunts you wouldnt know it was in the premier
Yes you already are gay
Nah the fact that now the views are 666k make that video even more crazier
H is profile is mike wazoski 0:39
11:19 destruction of death bro that isnt even possible, bro
YO I have a video idea use viruses on a VR
We need a new Bonzi Buddy remake to sing with Miku.
People still sell NFTs lmaoooooo
Only scammers do
@@slayjay77 fr man
0:50 uhh what 🥶
Pee dee. More like p Diddy
11:38 an i the only one who hears the Mario "yahoo" sound or at least "ya" in his voice?
Claim your 1 day ticket
5:59 yes the human femur bone is stronger than concrete. The only way I know this is from the TH-camr doctor, Mike.
I stopped watching and disliked at your NFT plug.
you reminded me to dislike this video
At the what?
@@PlanetJetbruh I watched this video five times
@@benlauer2655 ok
Womp womp no one asked
Hes cooked, he has his bank info in a file
Bonzi Buddy is my best friend! I love you bonzi buddy
I found this in my feed while i was eating a banana (no joke)
2:10 Bonzi will enter the computer of anyone who does not follow what he said
BonziBuddy had a vision of Gorrila Tag 😭
me watching in 2025 with bonzibuddy vibing on my main pc:
What? You were expecting a sense of humor? 🤣
5:03 peedy casually hitting c2 bass note.
2:28 bro got a virus telling us and him jokes
You and Nexpo should open a dark web mystery box together
i watch him in pc then think it was my pc 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
7:49 the dancing in the backround
7:56 That singing was amazing.
These are all the hidden messages I could see in the video.
"The Black is Evil!"
"Look at him now! Don't miss your chance"
"Which one is evil???"
9:31 him checking his room until he see his ghost and walks away