"Have you considered standing further away and pelting it with arrows?" is the fantasy problem solving equivalent of "Did you try turning it off and back on?"
@@lacidar3752 I am displeased that they removed the water walking enchantment from Oblivion in Skyrim, or at least I haven't found it anywhere in Skyrim. Otherwise I would have replied 'Have you considered being Jesus and grabbing a bow or a sling?'
"If you're stuck to it, it is stuck to you" With minor adjustment, that line sounds really epic. Imagine having one hand stuck to a creature weighing over 4000lbs, pulling your dagger with your other hand and yelling "I'm not stuck to you, you're stuck to me!". Shad is such a source of epic one liners.
One of my recurring minor annoyances in D&D is compatriots who don't carry a dagger for situations like this (or crawling through especially narrow tunnels where a great axe or longsword won't work.)
Rorschach goes dungeon diving. But seriously in that world NO ONE touches a chest without gloves!!! In fact if that was real life everyone would shoot every object first with a war bow before before even getting close to it. TBH if a bunch of people from early medieval times were dropped into D&D world, they would probably invent guns really fast.
This is excellent. There's an NPC in the Ravenloft DND setting named Van Richten who is supposed to be a ruthlessly efficient monster hunter. I always imagine bits of advice like, "get on the basilisk's back so it can't look at you" would be EXACTLY the kinds of recommendations he would give. I'd love to see your thought process for more of these!
*or pointing at the basilisk then shouting at it "LOOK OUT!!! then pointing at a rather large and conveniently placed mirror before ducking behind and strategically placed stone corner...thanks in part to both plot convenience and tight script/manuscript deadlines*
@@johnwolf2829 I had the same idea. If you have a giant set of bolas or a net the sucker cant move so its glamour is pretty much useless once you approach with your greatsword.
"I am nigh invulnerable to slings with my metal helmet and chest armor" Meanwhile, the kobold aiming for the knees: *laughs maliciously* that kobold's friend who dug the punji trap: *also laughs*
Had a group encounter a Kobold armed barricade on a forest path. V shaped with the characters entering the top. They could smell smoke. The point of the V was barely 3 feet high and unkobolded. Big tough fighter runs up and jumps the barricade at the low point. Falls 10 feet into huge pot of boiling water and vegetables. Had to fight to keep the Kobolds from getting the lid on. (This was 1st edition) The player to this day denies it happened. Another group decided to rest in a chamber where the hall leading into it was a capitol F shape with the room at the base. 4th Level Ranger (again 1st edition) hears so noise looks out and sees a flickering light reflected around the corner at the top of the F. A Kobold peeks around the corner sticks his thumbs in his ears waggles the fingers while sticking out his tongue. Ranger charges down the corridor (without waking anyone) hits the oil slick (they made the noise putting it down) falls, slides down the corridor to see the Kobold there holding a torch. The Kobolds survived the rescue of the ranger by another PC with a ring of Fire Resistance. The Ranger needed major healing for her burns. The players seem to think my sneaky/devious/underhanded trap making Kobolds have a strong strain of demon. I can't imagine why.
@@christopherstephens2849 Indeed, the reason European warfare during the middle ages tended to see leg protection fall away was because of the relative rarity of sling-users in war. Back in Greek and Roman times, meanwhile, you'd never consider going to war without good leg protection. Slings were everywhere back then. Notoriously, even.
An ordinary human has like 4 hit points. Take that into account and suddenly they are just as scary as the gameplay makes them seem. Adventurers are superhuman.
@@ParaSpite Also if an ordinary human uses any weapon to protect themselves... they won't have any proficiency so they wouldn't even scratch/hit what is attacking them.
Fun fact about mimics: Alcohol weakens their dermal adhesive, and distracts them because they go crazy for the taste. I believe MrRhexx had a video on them. So in addition to its medicinal and... recreational uses, keeping a flask of brandy or rum in your pack is probably a good call.
If you find a room full of chests, it seems advisable to smack them all with something really sharp or dump a bit of booze on them before opening them, just in case. I feel like this would become almost a ritualistic thing amongst adventurers in the D&D world realistically.
@@Ithirahad well the rules of adventures say that you should always have a 10 foot pole if posible. Poke anything and everything the smallest suspicious.
I like how in Goblin Slayer, helmets are shown to be incredibly useful since it saved him from getting knocked out by a sling bullet on a number of occasions.
Other adventurers don't need helmets because they're too stupid for headshots to be dangerous. The only reason Goblin Slayer is smart is because everyone else is retarded.
There is one thing I wish to point out about kobolds : they live in underground lair. They spend a lot of time digging tunnels and rooms underground in which they live, the larger the den the richer the tribe can be considered. If you encounter the kobolds above ground, on the premises of their territory, that longsword you're wearing is great... But if need to actually get down inside their tunnel, the length of your weapon becomes a BIG detriment, it's too long to be used effectively underground. A shorter weapon kept as a spare might be good to have in this situation. For mimics, keep a flask of strong alcohol on you at all times : alcohol disturb a mimic's ability to keep it's skin adhesive and they also go crazy for the taste, they're big alcohol enthusiasts... Which is funny because they get drunk pretty quickly. Thus, by having good alcohol on you, you can use it to free yourself from the adhesive, and as a bonus the mimic doesn't care anymore about eating you, his attention is completely focused on the bottle you just splashed on his face, which leaves him open for you to finish off. For the basilisk : the gaze attack affects every target inside the 30 feet range of the ability that the creature CAN SEE. THIS is the big detail to keep in mind. As long as the basilisk can see you, you're dead, but if he lose sight of you when he uses his gaze attack it won't affect you. Your shield only gets petrified with you because, for the basilisk, it's something you are holding, it's part of your body. So if you bring a tower shield big enough to completely hide behind, you'd be safe. Same thing with hiding behind a tree or a big rock : as long as it conceals you completely you'll be fine. It also makes it particularly sensitive to effect that alter vision, like fog, smoke, dust clouds or even just throwing a towel on it's face to blind it. Blind spells are also excellent because if he can't see anything he can't use his petrifying gaze properly.
Custom mimics are the greatest. You open the treasure chest just fine and grab the potions. Later on when you're low on health and try to consume the potion, it instead consumes you. Then there's the classic outhouse mimic. Crappy situation indeed. Or you go to a shop and you see a sign that says, "beware of mimics. When you leave the shop, you notice that the sign is gone.
The thing about using the dagger to stab the mimic is that the adhesive skin could also stick the dagger to it and leave you without that weapon very quickly.
Yeah... Mimics are part of that group of creatures like slimes and fire elementals and such that when asked the question of how do you kill it with melee weapons? You dont. Throw burning flasks of oil... hit them with arrows if you have to (and it does any good, mimics can get hurt at least but most slimes, elementals etc wont care about arrows) but preferably this is where you have a mage who can pour on some elemental damage.
I think he more so just got excited when he said stab away. The conventional logic he seems to be employing is, you really got one good shot with the dagger. If you can place that thrust appropriately you can kill the beast. You may still be stuck but now there is time to figure that all out. The flesh inside the mouth may not be adhesive, I don't know specifically. If that is the case you'll have to make Fenrir's bargain and hope you can hit a sweet spot.
The mimic is my favourite fantasy enemy all time. If I actually play DnD (which is rather unlikely because of time and stuff), I want to play as a highly intelligent mimic (which means slightly less than an average human). Preferably as a monk. Depending on the sources you use, they can have any size between a coin and a house. Some, probably unofficial sources, also list even larger, like castle size or a full dungeon.
Great to see Fantasy Re-Armed back!! One topic I'd like to see Shad tackle is the question of what would be the best *_stealth armour_* . So, the adventurer is trying to keep a low profile or even go undercover in a town and doesn't want to rouse much attention by walking around fully decked out in full plate. What could they get away with wearing while remaining discreet and without people noticing (e.g. under clothes)? Likewise, what about the rogue sneaking around in an enemy camp at night? What could they wear while remaining quiet and undetected?
This is where improvised weapons, staffs, and the mighty sling are king. If you can wear baggy enough clothing, then you could conceal brigantine pretty easily, maybe some of those partial armours that are just a bar along from shoulder to your forearm (the name escapes me). Pathfinder has a cool concept peasants armour that is really just reinforced clothing. It is chord tunic, densely woven rope is sandwiched between two tunics along vital areas, likely strong enough to survive a slashing strike, and could save a rib being broken from a blunt strike like from a club. Has the advantage of looking like any clothing you could want, zero restriction in movement, and no metal to clang. Couple with some leather strips, excessive number of buckles or buttons (as reinforcement), or a heavy fur coat and you could be half decently protection and still appear un-armoured, or sneak much more easily than a knight in full plate.
A jazerant,a padded hat or headwrap and a skullcap underneath. Leather gloves can be passed off easily and the same goes for boots. Probably the best you'd get in a settlement without being of higher social status. A weapon would be either a dagger,long knife or seax to have readily on hand. But depending on the place and culture you could potentially carry a falchion,shortsword,cudgel,blackjack or smallsword. Generally authorities won't want you wandering around better armed or armoured than the local garrison or watch. A jazerant is ideal as it conceals the level of armour you are wearing and the same goes for the hat or headwrap. Gloves are easily justifiable for work and boots are not uncommon. The combination will help against most light bladed weapons hitting the torso,cushion blows and protect the skull at least a little from head blows. While also protecting the hands and feet to a degree. In the wilderness or anywhere expecting trouble? I'd say best you can do is tint the armour if metal to reduce the reflection of light,make sure all buckles and lacings are extra secure to prevent them rattling,move carefully and you'll probably not want to be wearing an enclosed helmet at first. They muffle your hearing and can give some bad tunnel vision or cut down your peripheral vision at the least. You can have perforations by the ears to help reduce hearing loss but that will also create gaps in the armour however minute. Also everyone brings up quarterstaffs,which is fine and all. But keep in mind walking around with a 7-9ft long sturdy stick with iron end caps will arouse attention a great deal. Keep in mind it may seem innocuous to us in modern times compared to a sword,but to a soldier or even a civilian in pre-modern times you would still be carrying an obvious weapon.
Based on my experiences at LARP, it must be cloth Plate will make too much noise- even if blackened Chain would be good, but blackening doesn't stay and it'll shine Leather has a tendency to 'clap' or squeek
Important thing to note is that HP in DnD doesn't mean your "health" but rather your overall wellbeing (which is stated in the rules from time to time). So a "hit" could also mean a glancing blow that you had to dodge and are now a bit more exhausted than before or a hit to the helmet that didn't do any "major" damage but still rattled the ol' noggin. Which means that even some Kobolds peltering you with stones could exhaust you to the point of being no longer combat able.
This argument could be used in Ad&d to 2e. But it's almost downright moronic in something like 5e. So your Barabarian got hit in the face with a meteorite, fell down at terminal velocity 500ft to the ground, got up and was hit once again in the face with an explosion. Got hit by a giant and was flung 60ft in the air (cause they can do that). All in the span of 6 seconds. Then you get up and say, "Those where just glancing blows!" Thankfully its not even official, I just call anyone above 5th level superhuman and call it a day
@@jasonfurumetarualkemisto5917 The official wording that is in 5e's rulebook says "Hit points represent a combination of physical and mental durability, the will to live, and luck. Creatures with more hit points are more difficult to kill. Those with fewer hit points are more fragile." about HP. Anything beside that is mostly flavour, which is why a lot of people describe enemies (or players) below half HP as "bloodied" still, even though it's no longer a thing in the rules.
The problem with that is when you consider poison. A poisoned blade must actually _cut_ you to take effect, if it glances off your armour tiring you out a little you won't get poisoned.
Just to throw my 2 copper pieces into the debate In 3.5 it was entirely possible for a high level character to have a decent chance to survive a coup de grace from a low level enemy A level 20 fighter could go to sleep, have his neck slit open by a bandit.... and wake up with only minor HP damage I second the idea that high level characters are just superhuman in durability, why wouldn't they be? Using the carry weight rules in 3.5 a character can end up being able to lift several tons, casters can cast spells beyond the dreams of most magic users in other fiction. Why is superhuman health considered put of place next to superhuman strength and magic?
Thoughts: If you were stuck to a mimic and your dagger was adhered to it after the first stab, you could use arrows as disposable stabbing weapons. Gaze attacks of all kinds in D&D are dependent on making eye contact with their victim, and are not directed at objects unless they are being wielded by the target of the attack. Think ancient greek medusa, the attack only works if *you* can see *it’s* eyes. If you didn’t have a greatsword but were properly armored, you could try to move into the displacer beast, body checking or grappling it before attacking with a smaller weapon once you know where it is by touch. Otherwise this was all great, make more of these
Or throw gravel at the displacer beast just prior to your attacks. Wherever it bounces off is where it is. Coloured chalk dust is my favourite tool for monsters messing with visibility as it hangs about in the air a bit. Wherever they go, the chalk isn't, so hit there. A barrel of booze spilled on the ground can make a zone where you can see their footsteps. Oh booze, is there anything you can't accomplish in fantasy settings?
Trying to grapple the Displacer Beast might not work so well. At least in 5e, you have to make an attack roll to grapple. An attack roll you have Disadvantage on _because of the very power you're trying to counter._ If you pull it off, great, the Displacer Beast is Restrained (it's speed becomes 0), so its power doesn't work. But you better hope you don't miss.
@@Bluecho4 (assuming you were addressing my suggestions, apologies if I misunderstood) I suggested throwing a handful of gravel, tiny loose stones. Think like big sand. Not grappling. Incidentally, you don't need to roll an attack roll for grappling but an opposed athletics check, so RAW there's no issues with that but logic-wise I'm totally on board with that being extra hard. RAW grapples also result in the grappled condition, not the restrained condition, and so wouldn't actually cancel out the disadvantage. Weird I know, and probably a great candidate for an on-the-spot houserule.
Displacer beast weighs in at around 500lbs, has long reach with it's powerful tentacles, is a natural born predator, and smart enough to know what armor is. Basically it can grab a human and use it like a club. Trying to wrestle one may not be the wisest course, even in full plate.
I hope this becomes a series. Some other classic creatures to cover: - mind flyers - beholders - trolls - bugbears - oozes (oblex is especially interesting since it is intelligent) - hags - specific giant races - giant spiders
Agreed, however for travel on foot especially I'd rate a longbow over the shorter bows - you don't want to travel with it strung, as that isn't good for the bow. Ideally you want to keep it dry, so a protective cover when you are not using it would probably be wise. Which all adds up to a longbow being better as when unstrung it is just a stick - much much easier to strap to your back scabbard or even give a protective scabbard of its own...
I'd add a small buckler to the belt for use with the shortsword/dagger, but the weight even as little as it is might be an issue. As they say in Ranger school., ounces make pounds.
For me, I would wear... Custom Full Plate armor in the design style of trench coats like Devil May Cry 3 Dante. Custom weapon holsters and scabbard like DMC5 SDT Vergil form. Finally... Become the Eldritch Knight (or Gish) because magic is never not a good option.
I always loved that mimics are so slow. They're fairly heavy but mainly, because they're adhesive, they have to pull themselves off of the floor to move at all! Really nice attention to detail.
5e Aasimar lv15 Eldritch Knight / lv5 Arcane Archer Multiclass: "I fly 30ft. Move 30ft. Action Dash 30ft. Bonus Action Dash 30ft. Action Surge + Arcane Surge 30ft. I spend 15ft to ride my Phantom Steed. My stead runs 60ft away from the threat... For a total of 210 ft of travel distance in one turn."
As a dm, for a basilisks gaze, I would rule that the gaze imparts a certain amount of “energy” into whatever its looking at and if that “energy” is high enough, it could leap to a new target, such as your armor to you. A big enough object would absorb the attack but you would no longer be able to wield it, but If the basilisk can see you it hits you. its not like a projectile that you can miss or be blocked.
One thing I've always wondered about: adventurers are often depicted with bows strung - like 24/7 for days or weeks.. Bows would only be strung before "danger points".. Long trips of weeks or months in damp/heat/cold would not be kind to a permanently strung bow.
That's why you travel in groups. Morning shift of travel Dave's on archery duty, Mid-day to evening Kathel is on archery duty, Night shift Urrick uses his bow (night shift guard should always have nightvision). Same goes for the full plated/heavy armor people. Looks like a nice ambush spot ahead? Time to put on the armor. (just in case)
"often Depicted"... well, yes... They are rarely "depicted" with out their gear in the process of making/breaking camp or other mundane not terribly heroics acts, but it's assumed they do that kind of thing as well.
This is actually a fascinating idea. Seriously what would early medieval people become like if they were plopped into a world that ran by D&D rules? Assuming they were not wiped out immediately of course. Just your regular farm boy out working the field would be armed with a sling, a dagger and a longbow and be deadly with all of them. The lady of the house would always be in arms reach of a loaded crossbow. Even the poorest farm would be an armed camp. At the very least you would have tunnels and hidey-holes with disguised entrances all over the place and a couple of crow's nests with look outs ready to sound the alarm.
I think that over 1000 years these people would evolve into something that looked more like what we think of as an Orc from WOW than what modern man looks like today.
I had a character manipulate a dragon into swallowing her by timing the attempt to bite with her jump. The character was a skilled anatomist, so had the knowledge to defeat the dragon from the inside. Was a struggle to get out though.
Since you are using 3.5, the feat "cleave" is about striking a foe and then continuing the strike to hit something next to your first target. The rule is that if you kill your target, get hp to 0, your attack is considered to have passed through it and so you may roll to strike the next target. Next is "great cleave", which gives no limit to your ability to cleave, so as long as every attack kills you can spin around in a circle and kill eight foes in one round.
In 5e... A lv20 Fighter can cleave up to 9 targets if you are not using the Optional Cleave Rule... 8 attacks from Action Surge + 1 Bonus Action Attack. It's 10 attacks if you include Opportunity Attack/Reaction. And for the Eldritch Knight or Arcane Archer subclasses of Fighter. Get Warcaster Feat to cast spells like Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade etc.
The most fun one was 3.0's "supreme cleave", which allowed the fighter to take a 5' step to get into range of the next target... In the presence of a sufficiently long line of one-hit-crump enemies, a fighter with that feat could exceed the local speed of light.
Depending on the version of dnd/pathfinder you play, a gaze attack can only effect you if you lock eyes with the creature. Such as Perseus circumventing the Gorgon's petrifying gaze by fighting while looking at a reflection in his shield.
Great video The one creature that might give you some problems given your current weapon load, is the humble skeleton with it's resistances to slashing and piercing weapons.
This is the first time I see you in full kit. I must say, it looks very intimidating. I think most intelligent creatures would avoid a direct confrontation at close range.
Shad, don't know how much this would mean to you but, if I would ever have any history teacher, i would choose you tbh. I've been watching your videos on all sorts of topics and everytime, I'm completely immersed in your explanations and debates on certain assumptions that other people would make. You would literally be the teacher that i would come to see after hours, just to listen and debate on multiple certain topics. I may not practice HEMA or any kind of medieval combat art (wish i could), but channels that make content like this really gave me insight that i truly appreciate and actively seek out. I learned about practicality in medieval or even sci-fi weapon designs, the levels of ingenuity of war in a medieval setting, fight scene autopsies, different types of swords and polearms and how they were or are classified, especially how i learned that the type of combat that you would see in cinemas are often completely exaggerated and useless, and that in reality, people are more precise and decisive as well as faster than how you would expect from Hollywood. Looking at you, The Last Jedi's Throne Room fight. Shortly speaking, i have learned a lot of things from you, things that fueled my hobby which is the art of combat, so to say. And I'm thankful to have found this channel as well as this side of TH-cam, as well as knowing that there are people that are like me. Thank you Shadiversity.
I feel like the mimic was a bit underestimated here. On the one hand, it was mentioned that with every melee attack, your weapon could get stuck. On the other hand, if your hand were stuck, the solution was to repeatedly stab it with a dagger, and the adhesive bit was just dropped. A dagger might also get stuck with every stab. I do agree that would be the best attempted solution, but I also feel that your dagger would probably get stuck and it would simply eat you, D&D mechanics notwithstanding.
As far as basilisks go, I would rule that the gaze attack takes effect if you can see the basilisk's eyes, and it can see yours. The transformation affects you, and then spreads to anything you're carrying, rather than affecting your shield first. I'd absolutely allow the player to avert their gaze, preventing the effect, but giving them disadvantage on their attack rolls.
Really digging the Honor Guard backdrop. That's cool.....On Daggers, yes, they have been seriously underrated - it should do "less" damage than a sword or spear, but it was trimmed way too far.
Honestly, it makes no sense from a balancing perspective either. It already has the disadvantage of severely low reach in comparison to other weapons, weak damage on top of that is quite overkill. Low reach means high risk, and when something has a high risk (Excluding anything where the risk is just how low of quality it is of course), that's kind of supposed to come with a high reward.
For the D&D slings, they get really nasty when you realize that their ammunition has the most variety there because if they're lobbing vials of things or thunderstones or whatever else, you're not going to be having a good day even with the armor. Also the longer weapons aren't that good of an option in real life for D&D setups, especially against something like a Kobold because you're going to be in very tight quarters that hinder you a lot
I'd love to see more of this. Also in the rules it says the dm makes the final call on anything even if he ignored rules so the excuse but the rules is stupid when there is a rule that tells you to ignore the rules when necessary
Regarding displacer beasts - the correct answer is Fireball, or any AoE evokation spell. Swinging a long broad blade is more likely to catch it on the side, but keep in mind, that field's not that small, and operates in all directions. You could swing prematurely and hit nothing, or the creature may be in the air mid-pounce while you swing near the ground, thinking it'd just hopped *down* from that boulder.
It should be noted that the Basilisk is an ambush predator that prefers sheltered terrain and caves. You're unlikely to find one out in the open, and wishing to engage combat with one will result in you having to get close to it. In 5e there are some interesting differences compared to its 3.5 version. For one, its Gaze is now a continuous effect around it rather than an attack. Creatures within 30ft of it that are not surprised or caught off-guard can willingly avert their eyes to avoid the gaze, but effectively "blind" themselves as a result. The other fun addition is that if a Basilisk sees its own reflection in a well lit area, it will mistaken its reflection for a rival Basilisk, and target itself with its Petrifying Gaze
You should check out Mr. Rexx and his videos he goes into a lot of information on monsters outside of what the Monster Manual tells you. Things like history, previous editions, and other books/lorebooks that are or were considered cannon. The thing with Kobolds as an example, they are like cockroaches, you see 1 there are many more you don't see yet.
Yeah, additionally, he also talks about stuff the books forget like culture, battle tactics, traps they make and places they live in for example. Ither monster they shad talks about Rex has covered
The wording of Displacement reads "Creatures in the range appear from 0-10 feet from their true location, and the caster can vary this distance at will." Depending on how this is interpreted, that could mean the area of effect is not a cylinder at ground level, but a dome, and therefore just swinging your weapon around in one plane (one attack) won't guarantee that you'll offend the displacer beast.
I think the best bet would be to spam arrows. Wasting 3x as many arrows is still cheaper than risking frontline units. That said, a few frontline soldiers with nets and polearms could do wonders by pinning the beast then calling the shots for the archers.
Yesterday I was looking for DnD videos. Stuff like live campaigns or stories or discussion. Today Shad delivers. Hope the algorithm is kind to this one so we can see more!
About the Mimic, the close-up fight with a dagger would still have the issue of the dagger getting glued to the beast during the struggle. Also, in confined spaces your body could mostly cover the monster's body, impeding most attacks from your party (or even taking them yourself) so, that would be pretty much a death sentence for the curious guy who hastily jumped to the chest if he isn't strong enough to lift the Mimic around and put it in the line of fire os his team.
Hey Shad. When talking about the mimic: Going into the subject of attacking it with the dagger, you seemingly forgot the previous point that you made about weapons sticking to it. So letting it have it with a dagger may not be a viable option if you're just going to lose your dagger. You'd probably be better off trying to get the dagger between your hand and the mimic to displace enough surface contact pry your hand away. Actually this reminds me of a funny D&D game I was in. Our party suspected every chest was a mimic (along with most furniture, doors, fireplaces, etc..) so we adopted a wrap it and smack it approach to most of those interactions where we threw a blanket over the chest and giving it a solid smack to provoke any potential mimics while minimizing it's ability to grapple.
Interesting video, Shad. Just as a heads up, if you make another video like this using the 3.5 D&D Monster Manual, you can always check the glossary at the back of the book. That explains just about every term that you would find in the monster’s entry. So if you want to know about gaze attacks, it explains it there.
Gaze attacks require the user to make eye contact with the target, so if you use a tower shield for cover you count it as a wall from one side of your square, preventing the gaze attack from targeting you. You can also "avert your eyes" giving you a bonus to your save as you make it harder for it to lock eyes with you. You can also just fight without using your eyes.
you using a 3.5 monster manual, the best edition of D&D, is just another thing to add to my list of things i like about this channel. I do feel you for example downplayed for example natural armor a bit - +4 on a mimic is close to most bears - NOT easy to penetrate to depths where it would be lethal. the mimic is also LARGE. The size of a grizzly, or hippo. lovely content either way
I'd definitely want to see more of this. DnD has so many unique monsters that don't appear in any other fantasy world. What about stuff like the iconic Beholder, a Gelatinous Cube or even the Tarrasque?
Could be interesting if you made a video on how to fight other D&D creatures, notably mind flayers, trolls or the different types of giants and golems, maybe even beholders.
On a side note, my musings on these monsters led me down a rabbit hole of reading up on beholders, deciding it would be crazy fun to have a beholder as a player character (half cleric and half warlock with an opposing patron), and figuring out what type of beholder or beholder kin would be the best choice for such a build. A super fun diversion, to be sure!
Gelatinous cube: salt. Lots of salt. Beholder: stay bunched up in its antimagic cone, then go for the pepper spray. Mind flayer: I got nothin’. You need to get in close and stab it but it knows you’re coming and has mind control and mind blast. Get your wizard, I guess.
With a Beholder, take the Goblin Slayer method. Get yeself a bag of fine flour or sawdust, tear it open in a violent manner in the room in such a way that it scatters throughout the air in the room, get out of the room, and then ignite the powder in the air. BIG explosion and a likely dead, if not severely injured beholder.
This is a very interesting topic and continuing this series would be great. Especially shedding light on how to tactically approach a creature instead of going hack and slash at it.
Didn't see any comments regarding the gaze attacks. The way it works in DND 3.5 is that you either take the gaze attack, avert your gaze which gives you a 50/50 chance of not having to make it (think peeking around the shield and glancing out of the corner of your eye), or you can completely avoid looking at it, where you're immune to the gaze attack but it has total concealment (effectively invisible to you, cause you're not looking at it). The magic still has to hit you so if you just raise your shield and completely cover yourself, you're fine. You're just blind.
The question when something is considered part of you in DnD for the Basilisk fight is handled in the rules. If you look at the shields everything from buckler to large shield gives you a bonus to armor class, but the towershield gives you partial or full cover which can give your enemy a % misschance that is also used against ranged spells. So between this sizes there is a basic change in game mechanics.
That doesn't look like the old Monster Manual... but it didn't have as much verbiage in it. This was fun, I was hoping to see the rust monster, a favourite: It's so cute! 🙂
I would suggest adding some leather gauntlets to the kit. Without wearing anything your hands are very exposed and a shot from a sling could well end up either disabling a hand or weakening your grip which can make a huge difference to your combat potential. I understand why you wouldn't want to wear plate gauntlets as they would make using the bow difficult but some relatively thin leather gauntlets with knuckle protection wouldn't degrade your dexterity so much. Also with the Owlbear, the eyes are massive. I would aim for them, not just to blind it, but that is a direct route to the brain. If you can pearce through enough with your arrows you should be able to take it out in short order.
Terrain and surroundings are as important when choosing weapons as what foes you expect to encounter. For instance kobolds prefer spears and shorter blades not just because they are shorter than most foes, but also because they tend to operate in caves and caverns with a lot of narrow corridors and passages. So while a greatsword might be great when facing kobolds outdoors in the open, it wouldn't be the best choice if you are on a mission to exterminate them or clear out a lair.
Regarding the mimics, you should always wear gloves of some sort when touching stuff in dungeons so that if it's a mimic you might be able to get your hand out of the glove that's now stuck to it.
Me: "I cast Misty Step because I am the Eldritch Knight." Also me: "Mimic, grant me strength! Unleash the sword of Despair!!!... ... ... Relinquish!!!"
So I grew up with a family that liked to go hunting, and I think taking down an Owl Bear with a bow would actually be very difficult. When hunting bears in the wild, you have to aim for their heart. But their heart is actually protected by their shoulder blades and arms, which have a very thick bone density. So the only way to actually hit them in the kill zone is when their arm is stretched forward, otherwise your arrow will just stick into their bone. Of course if you're just trying to survive, you could shoot it in other areas (their very large eyes for example) but they would still be a formidable foe up against a bow. Great video as always!
I think that when fighting a displacer beast, it's prudent to keep a dagger at the ready. It's uniquely equipped to be an ambush predator, one that hunts dangerous game. So the chances of getting grappled by the beast is high. Knowing the strength of big cats, you wouldn't want to be in that hold for even a short amount of time.
It's a fantastic character archetype I've had a lot of fun with! Once upon a time I rolled a character with such utterly average stats it didn't qualify him to take any class levels in anything. I dubbed him Joe Average and through the cunning use of buckets, chickens, flour, fishing tackle and the ten-foot-pole he has become a terrifying legend amongst my gaming group. A tip for if you make such a character: I find that this archetype is most enjoyable if you are actually considerably weaker than the foes you're up against in a straight fight. Part of what made Joe Average the legend he is was that almost any normal D&D character could punch his lights out without a second thought, but he *still* took on monsters by never fighting fair.
Utility wizard, survival hunter, or any druid. Claim you know that beast well and must prepare properly for it or great peril will befall the party. Then go take a contemplative/purifying bath to spiritually prepare for killing the beast and to loose anyone that follows you. Gather intelligence on the monster (if you don't already know), grab the gear you'll need, and draw an easy to understand plan to show the party what needs to be done: Make sure everyone has a part to play, use their strengths, and emphasize how essential/important their role is. -Grabbing the gear you'll need usually means more rope, but you might need a bag of flour, antitoxin, or glow stones. Drawing up a plan could just be symbols in the dirt as you explain stuff, or a detail schematic. -Make sure your spells are the right ones for the job and you have quick access to whatever gear you'll need. That means it's in a belt pouch, tied to your belt or backpack, or has it's own special holder where you don't have to spend an action to find and equip before you can use it. -Everyone should have an emergency potion on them. Even if the tank never goes down, they might be the closest one to someone else who did go down. An Emergency potion is on top of you're normal potions/healing stuff and doesn't have to be a potion. A Good Berry gives 1 health and you can force feed it to someone, so it counts.
One thing to remember about mimics. They may be most famous for being treasure chests. They can also be doors, furniture, statues, I think they could even technically be the floor, or at least a certain portion of it. They are ambush predators. You mention going full ham with a dagger on them when stuck, but they are going to be going full ham on you as well, pinning you in place while they grapple bite and bind you. And there is still the worry of your dagger sticking, or how you are likely to be using your offhand as most tend to grab and open things with their dominant hand. So your stabbing isnt going to be very effective compared to normal. Mimics being around is paranoia fuel, for the sake of safety, put an arrow into just about anything before you touch it.
If a DM was feeling especially diabolical, they could send their players into some dungeon or even alternate dimension where just about everything is a mimic. Bonus points for if they start off with the clichéd tavern opening and everything inside, as well as the tavern itself, was all mimics.
Poke things with a sword. A pole also works. As long as the mimic is alone, and you have a party of brave adventures, you could gang up on a foolish mimic. The problem is if the mimic has friends, or a backup plan.
I'd suggest a sort of Hunters Hall Series dealing with all the various tactics of dealing with each monster/creature in DnD and fantasy in general. That way you can deal with each critter in there total while also establishing a reference video you can mention later if relevant and vice versa. Might as well give it a Monster Hunters vibe as well while your at it.
I just noticed you still have to complete your adventuring kit. What about the legs and feet? Clothing as well as armor would be an interesting topic with pros and cons of various types be it for a fantasy setting or in historical context. Please make it happen :)
Hand and feet armor would be on the same level as a helmet for me - you don't want to step into things or touch dangerous stuff (OK, doesn't necessarly need *armored* gloves for that),
Shad needs to review the manga Dungeon Meshi / Delicious in Dungeon, it features a group of adventurers who decide that to rescue one of their own trapped in the dungeon, they will learn how to cook and eat each monster they slay, both because they are broke and because it gives them a better diet than just rations. It starts as a comedy and becomes a real in-depth analysis of the ecosystem and economic system of a D&D dungeon.
I would love more videos like this. It is fun to see D&D breakdowns, from monsters, to weapons. It's been so many years since I've played 3.5 that it's a real head trip to think about. Your sense of humor as well as your insights are always a treasure. Thank you for your continued efforts. I hope you get the views you deserve, as you do put a lot of effort into each of your videos. Also, the weapons and armor look cool on you.
Soooooo happy to see this series return!! It’s this line of videos that got me involved with your channel in the first place, thank you so much for this video!
"Have you considered standing further away and pelting it with arrows?" is the fantasy problem solving equivalent of "Did you try turning it off and back on?"
Skyrim strikes again.
Or just fireball it.😆
@@lacidar3752 I am displeased that they removed the water walking enchantment from Oblivion in Skyrim, or at least I haven't found it anywhere in Skyrim. Otherwise I would have replied 'Have you considered being Jesus and grabbing a bow or a sling?'
I want to stab that guy but he’s all the way over there.
@@Ensensu2 i think there are a few mods that do that walking on water thing.
"If you're stuck to it, it is stuck to you" With minor adjustment, that line sounds really epic. Imagine having one hand stuck to a creature weighing over 4000lbs, pulling your dagger with your other hand and yelling "I'm not stuck to you, you're stuck to me!". Shad is such a source of epic one liners.
Then the dagger gets stuck. "Well... bother." Pulls out bottle of rum, and waits for inevitable end.
One of my recurring minor annoyances in D&D is compatriots who don't carry a dagger for situations like this (or crawling through especially narrow tunnels where a great axe or longsword won't work.)
Rorschach goes dungeon diving. But seriously in that world NO ONE touches a chest without gloves!!! In fact if that was real life everyone would shoot every object first with a war bow before before even getting close to it. TBH if a bunch of people from early medieval times were dropped into D&D world, they would probably invent guns really fast.
Quick, throw your pommel and end it rightly!
Now imagine if you had a character that could lift that much weight...
If this becomes a series, I would love to see you cover fighting amorphous foes, such as the many oozes of D&D
Fire probably
The dreaded gelatinous cube! (Also known as my ex)
Fuck the weapons, grab the flour or the nearest caking agent!
Salt. Easily absorbed into the system but couldn't be digested.
This is excellent. There's an NPC in the Ravenloft DND setting named Van Richten who is supposed to be a ruthlessly efficient monster hunter. I always imagine bits of advice like, "get on the basilisk's back so it can't look at you" would be EXACTLY the kinds of recommendations he would give. I'd love to see your thought process for more of these!
*or pointing at the basilisk then shouting at it "LOOK OUT!!! then pointing at a rather large and conveniently placed mirror before ducking behind and strategically placed stone corner...thanks in part to both plot convenience and tight script/manuscript deadlines*
The weapon to counter a Displacer Beast; a net.
A Basilisk; a smoke bomb.
Owl Bear; a baited Tiger trap.... preferably one with a Tiger still in it.
@@johnwolf2829 I had the same idea. If you have a giant set of bolas or a net the sucker cant move so its glamour is pretty much useless once you approach with your greatsword.
Or bring Drizzt with you so he can drop a globe of darkness on its head. Then you can pick it apart.
"I am nigh invulnerable to slings with my metal helmet and chest armor"
Meanwhile, the kobold aiming for the knees: *laughs maliciously*
that kobold's friend who dug the punji trap: *also laughs*
Adventurer: (puts on helmet) "There. Let's see those kobold slingers menace me now."
Kobold: "Aim for the groin!"
**Straps on codpiece**
also i noted the lack of greeves :)
a broken (or even bruised) knee should reduce your ability to dodge nicely
Had a group encounter a Kobold armed barricade on a forest path. V shaped with the characters entering the top. They could smell smoke. The point of the V was barely 3 feet high and unkobolded. Big tough fighter runs up and jumps the barricade at the low point. Falls 10 feet into huge pot of boiling water and vegetables. Had to fight to keep the Kobolds from getting the lid on. (This was 1st edition) The player to this day denies it happened.
Another group decided to rest in a chamber where the hall leading into it was a capitol F shape with the room at the base. 4th Level Ranger (again 1st edition) hears so noise looks out and sees a flickering light reflected around the corner at the top of the F. A Kobold peeks around the corner sticks his thumbs in his ears waggles the fingers while sticking out his tongue. Ranger charges down the corridor (without waking anyone) hits the oil slick (they made the noise putting it down) falls, slides down the corridor to see the Kobold there holding a torch. The Kobolds survived the rescue of the ranger by another PC with a ring of Fire Resistance. The Ranger needed major healing for her burns.
The players seem to think my sneaky/devious/underhanded trap making Kobolds have a strong strain of demon. I can't imagine why.
Now I'm thinking of a kobold brawler that studied what I can only call schoolyard Krav Maga. Just shin kicks and junk strikes.
@@christopherstephens2849 Indeed, the reason European warfare during the middle ages tended to see leg protection fall away was because of the relative rarity of sling-users in war. Back in Greek and Roman times, meanwhile, you'd never consider going to war without good leg protection. Slings were everywhere back then. Notoriously, even.
So many monsters are so much scarier than the gameplay makes them seem. Getting your hands stuck to a mimic is a death sentence lol.
An ordinary human has like 4 hit points. Take that into account and suddenly they are just as scary as the gameplay makes them seem. Adventurers are superhuman.
Monsters used to be far more deadly in earlier editions, but over time they have been toned down.
@@ParaSpite Also if an ordinary human uses any weapon to protect themselves... they won't have any proficiency so they wouldn't even scratch/hit what is attacking them.
I think this is why most worlds have monsters restricted in places like dungeons rather than walking down the rosd
I can't remember the specifics for the mimic "glue", but you *could* just yank your hand(s) out of your gloves.
You ARE wearing gloves, right?
Fun fact about mimics:
Alcohol weakens their dermal adhesive, and distracts them because they go crazy for the taste. I believe MrRhexx had a video on them.
So in addition to its medicinal and... recreational uses, keeping a flask of brandy or rum in your pack is probably a good call.
If you find a room full of chests, it seems advisable to smack them all with something really sharp or dump a bit of booze on them before opening them, just in case. I feel like this would become almost a ritualistic thing amongst adventurers in the D&D world realistically.
@@Ithirahad well the rules of adventures say that you should always have a 10 foot pole if posible. Poke anything and everything the smallest suspicious.
Unless each treasure chest is greeted by a crossbow bolt, your using mimics wrong.
@@sierrawhite5552 ah yes when the paranoia has set in in all the players.
@@AugustoEL If I were a mimic, I'd set up residence in an adventurer's gear store, and disguise myself as a shelf holding 10 foot poles... ;D
I like how in Goblin Slayer, helmets are shown to be incredibly useful since it saved him from getting knocked out by a sling bullet on a number of occasions.
The only good goblin is a dead goblin.
@@whatwhat98 and one that doesn't show itself to humans
Other adventurers don't need helmets because they're too stupid for headshots to be dangerous. The only reason Goblin Slayer is smart is because everyone else is retarded.
I also like how he dislike helmets with horns because the grabbing chance in a scuffle.
only if that elf girl has the helmet too
The main issue with keeping distance is these creatures often live in caves so your sight lines are far shorter than if you are in a field.
Squire: *nodding very quickly*
*Starts aggressively banging two empty half's of coconuts together*
*also Squire shouting over shoulder: "way ahead of you Sir"*
With the coconuts, "clip-clop clip-clop clip-clop"
@@captainmaim *coconuts: cheaper than horses*
@@scottmantooth8785 easier to learn!
I really want this to become a series. This was a fun watch.
"Shad's guide to monsters". Suck it, Volo!
There is one thing I wish to point out about kobolds : they live in underground lair.
They spend a lot of time digging tunnels and rooms underground in which they live, the larger the den the richer the tribe can be considered.
If you encounter the kobolds above ground, on the premises of their territory, that longsword you're wearing is great... But if need to actually get down inside their tunnel, the length of your weapon becomes a BIG detriment, it's too long to be used effectively underground. A shorter weapon kept as a spare might be good to have in this situation.
For mimics, keep a flask of strong alcohol on you at all times : alcohol disturb a mimic's ability to keep it's skin adhesive and they also go crazy for the taste, they're big alcohol enthusiasts... Which is funny because they get drunk pretty quickly.
Thus, by having good alcohol on you, you can use it to free yourself from the adhesive, and as a bonus the mimic doesn't care anymore about eating you, his attention is completely focused on the bottle you just splashed on his face, which leaves him open for you to finish off.
For the basilisk : the gaze attack affects every target inside the 30 feet range of the ability that the creature CAN SEE. THIS is the big detail to keep in mind.
As long as the basilisk can see you, you're dead, but if he lose sight of you when he uses his gaze attack it won't affect you. Your shield only gets petrified with you because, for the basilisk, it's something you are holding, it's part of your body. So if you bring a tower shield big enough to completely hide behind, you'd be safe. Same thing with hiding behind a tree or a big rock : as long as it conceals you completely you'll be fine.
It also makes it particularly sensitive to effect that alter vision, like fog, smoke, dust clouds or even just throwing a towel on it's face to blind it. Blind spells are also excellent because if he can't see anything he can't use his petrifying gaze properly.
Wow, you've really thought this through!
Sir you are proper adventurer, didn't knew the alcohol trick with the mimic.
or... be a Wizard :D
You have a very forgiving and permissive DM sir... That's all I have to say...
Kobold Vietkong.
Still amazed by the energy and enthusiasm of Shad after all these years, like an Energizer Bunny with swords. Thanks.
He is the Energizer.
Energizer bunny with swords sounds terrifying 🤣🤣
The Energizer Bunny with swords?
I saw that movie.
Custom mimics are the greatest. You open the treasure chest just fine and grab the potions. Later on when you're low on health and try to consume the potion, it instead consumes you.
Then there's the classic outhouse mimic. Crappy situation indeed.
Or you go to a shop and you see a sign that says, "beware of mimics. When you leave the shop, you notice that the sign is gone.
Not fooled by mimics...
Has anyone noticed that Shad's "standard adventuring gear" gets more kit every time?
Like a dnd character.
He levels up, and gets more equipment for be better prepared, like any good adventurer should.
well he gets more kit then what my main character and her friends get in my fantasy story, they don't even get head protection
@@reeceemms1643 HAHA! same. But why cover that great hair! lol
@@icarusjumped2719 yea especially since the main character has a unique hair color, it's an orangish red, and I do give her a Diadem later on
+1 for the imitation of a madman armed with a dagger 😂👍
The thing about using the dagger to stab the mimic is that the adhesive skin could also stick the dagger to it and leave you without that weapon very quickly.
Yes, Shad kind of forgot that whole deal 😅
If my hand was stuck to a mimic I think I'd stab it too, rather the dagger than my hand.
@@DarthAxolotl myeah but the problem is now the mimic has your hand And your dagger, also lunch which is the whole of you shortly
Yeah... Mimics are part of that group of creatures like slimes and fire elementals and such that when asked the question of how do you kill it with melee weapons? You dont. Throw burning flasks of oil... hit them with arrows if you have to (and it does any good, mimics can get hurt at least but most slimes, elementals etc wont care about arrows) but preferably this is where you have a mage who can pour on some elemental damage.
I think he more so just got excited when he said stab away. The conventional logic he seems to be employing is, you really got one good shot with the dagger. If you can place that thrust appropriately you can kill the beast. You may still be stuck but now there is time to figure that all out. The flesh inside the mouth may not be adhesive, I don't know specifically. If that is the case you'll have to make Fenrir's bargain and hope you can hit a sweet spot.
Note for the wise - if you drop your helmet or find one in a dungeon, investigate whether it's a mimic before placing it on your head.
The mimic is my favourite fantasy enemy all time. If I actually play DnD (which is rather unlikely because of time and stuff), I want to play as a highly intelligent mimic (which means slightly less than an average human). Preferably as a monk.
Depending on the sources you use, they can have any size between a coin and a house. Some, probably unofficial sources, also list even larger, like castle size or a full dungeon.
Great to see another entry in the fantasy rearmed series. I always thought it was the best content you've ever done.
Castle analysis was up there too.
Me too
@@Sarle426 but what about Dragons?
Great to see Fantasy Re-Armed back!! One topic I'd like to see Shad tackle is the question of what would be the best *_stealth armour_* . So, the adventurer is trying to keep a low profile or even go undercover in a town and doesn't want to rouse much attention by walking around fully decked out in full plate. What could they get away with wearing while remaining discreet and without people noticing (e.g. under clothes)? Likewise, what about the rogue sneaking around in an enemy camp at night? What could they wear while remaining quiet and undetected?
definitely Leather armour, because its made of Hide
This is where improvised weapons, staffs, and the mighty sling are king. If you can wear baggy enough clothing, then you could conceal brigantine pretty easily, maybe some of those partial armours that are just a bar along from shoulder to your forearm (the name escapes me).
Pathfinder has a cool concept peasants armour that is really just reinforced clothing. It is chord tunic, densely woven rope is sandwiched between two tunics along vital areas, likely strong enough to survive a slashing strike, and could save a rib being broken from a blunt strike like from a club. Has the advantage of looking like any clothing you could want, zero restriction in movement, and no metal to clang.
Couple with some leather strips, excessive number of buckles or buttons (as reinforcement), or a heavy fur coat and you could be half decently protection and still appear un-armoured, or sneak much more easily than a knight in full plate.
Spider silk. No binding or squeaking like leather.
A jazerant,a padded hat or headwrap and a skullcap underneath. Leather gloves can be passed off easily and the same goes for boots. Probably the best you'd get in a settlement without being of higher social status. A weapon would be either a dagger,long knife or seax to have readily on hand. But depending on the place and culture you could potentially carry a falchion,shortsword,cudgel,blackjack or smallsword.
Generally authorities won't want you wandering around better armed or armoured than the local garrison or watch. A jazerant is ideal as it conceals the level of armour you are wearing and the same goes for the hat or headwrap. Gloves are easily justifiable for work and boots are not uncommon. The combination will help against most light bladed weapons hitting the torso,cushion blows and protect the skull at least a little from head blows. While also protecting the hands and feet to a degree.
In the wilderness or anywhere expecting trouble? I'd say best you can do is tint the armour if metal to reduce the reflection of light,make sure all buckles and lacings are extra secure to prevent them rattling,move carefully and you'll probably not want to be wearing an enclosed helmet at first. They muffle your hearing and can give some bad tunnel vision or cut down your peripheral vision at the least. You can have perforations by the ears to help reduce hearing loss but that will also create gaps in the armour however minute.
Also everyone brings up quarterstaffs,which is fine and all. But keep in mind walking around with a 7-9ft long sturdy stick with iron end caps will arouse attention a great deal. Keep in mind it may seem innocuous to us in modern times compared to a sword,but to a soldier or even a civilian in pre-modern times you would still be carrying an obvious weapon.
Based on my experiences at LARP, it must be cloth
Plate will make too much noise- even if blackened
Chain would be good, but blackening doesn't stay and it'll shine
Leather has a tendency to 'clap' or squeek
Important thing to note is that HP in DnD doesn't mean your "health" but rather your overall wellbeing (which is stated in the rules from time to time). So a "hit" could also mean a glancing blow that you had to dodge and are now a bit more exhausted than before or a hit to the helmet that didn't do any "major" damage but still rattled the ol' noggin. Which means that even some Kobolds peltering you with stones could exhaust you to the point of being no longer combat able.
This argument could be used in Ad&d to 2e.
But it's almost downright moronic in something like 5e.
So your Barabarian got hit in the face with a meteorite, fell down at terminal velocity 500ft to the ground, got up and was hit once again in the face with an explosion. Got hit by a giant and was flung 60ft in the air (cause they can do that). All in the span of 6 seconds.
Then you get up and say, "Those where just glancing blows!"
Thankfully its not even official, I just call anyone above 5th level superhuman and call it a day
@@jasonfurumetarualkemisto5917 The official wording that is in 5e's rulebook says "Hit points represent a combination of physical and mental durability, the will to live, and luck. Creatures with more hit points are more difficult to kill. Those with fewer hit points are more fragile." about HP. Anything beside that is mostly flavour, which is why a lot of people describe enemies (or players) below half HP as "bloodied" still, even though it's no longer a thing in the rules.
The problem with that is when you consider poison. A poisoned blade must actually _cut_ you to take effect, if it glances off your armour tiring you out a little you won't get poisoned.
@@SuperUnnamedplayer this.
Just to throw my 2 copper pieces into the debate
In 3.5 it was entirely possible for a high level character to have a decent chance to survive a coup de grace from a low level enemy
A level 20 fighter could go to sleep, have his neck slit open by a bandit.... and wake up with only minor HP damage
I second the idea that high level characters are just superhuman in durability, why wouldn't they be? Using the carry weight rules in 3.5 a character can end up being able to lift several tons, casters can cast spells beyond the dreams of most magic users in other fiction. Why is superhuman health considered put of place next to superhuman strength and magic?
If you were stuck to a mimic and your dagger was adhered to it after the first stab, you could use arrows as disposable stabbing weapons.
Gaze attacks of all kinds in D&D are dependent on making eye contact with their victim, and are not directed at objects unless they are being wielded by the target of the attack. Think ancient greek medusa, the attack only works if *you* can see *it’s* eyes.
If you didn’t have a greatsword but were properly armored, you could try to move into the displacer beast, body checking or grappling it before attacking with a smaller weapon once you know where it is by touch.
Otherwise this was all great, make more of these
Or throw gravel at the displacer beast just prior to your attacks. Wherever it bounces off is where it is.
Coloured chalk dust is my favourite tool for monsters messing with visibility as it hangs about in the air a bit. Wherever they go, the chalk isn't, so hit there. A barrel of booze spilled on the ground can make a zone where you can see their footsteps. Oh booze, is there anything you can't accomplish in fantasy settings?
Trying to grapple the Displacer Beast might not work so well. At least in 5e, you have to make an attack roll to grapple. An attack roll you have Disadvantage on _because of the very power you're trying to counter._ If you pull it off, great, the Displacer Beast is Restrained (it's speed becomes 0), so its power doesn't work. But you better hope you don't miss.
@@Bluecho4 (assuming you were addressing my suggestions, apologies if I misunderstood)
I suggested throwing a handful of gravel, tiny loose stones. Think like big sand. Not grappling.
Incidentally, you don't need to roll an attack roll for grappling but an opposed athletics check, so RAW there's no issues with that but logic-wise I'm totally on board with that being extra hard. RAW grapples also result in the grappled condition, not the restrained condition, and so wouldn't actually cancel out the disadvantage. Weird I know, and probably a great candidate for an on-the-spot houserule.
Displacer beast weighs in at around 500lbs, has long reach with it's powerful tentacles, is a natural born predator, and smart enough to know what armor is. Basically it can grab a human and use it like a club. Trying to wrestle one may not be the wisest course, even in full plate.
you really want to grapple with a six-legged sentient panther?
I hope this becomes a series. Some other classic creatures to cover:
- mind flyers
- beholders
- trolls
- bugbears
- oozes (oblex is especially interesting since it is intelligent)
- hags
- specific giant races
- giant spiders
I really like Shad's adventure kit. Little bit of everything, but not too heavy for travel.
Agreed, however for travel on foot especially I'd rate a longbow over the shorter bows - you don't want to travel with it strung, as that isn't good for the bow. Ideally you want to keep it dry, so a protective cover when you are not using it would probably be wise. Which all adds up to a longbow being better as when unstrung it is just a stick - much much easier to strap to your back scabbard or even give a protective scabbard of its own...
I think I would go for a spear, a shordsword (a bit like a pioneer sword) a parrying dagger and a short bow or even crossbow.
Aye, and if he had a riding mule, and pack mule, he could have it set up more effectively
I'd add a small buckler to the belt for use with the shortsword/dagger, but the weight even as little as it is might be an issue. As they say in Ranger school., ounces make pounds.
For me, I would wear...
Custom Full Plate armor in the design style of trench coats like Devil May Cry 3 Dante.
Custom weapon holsters and scabbard like DMC5 SDT Vergil form.
Finally... Become the Eldritch Knight (or Gish) because magic is never not a good option.
I always loved that mimics are so slow. They're fairly heavy but mainly, because they're adhesive, they have to pull themselves off of the floor to move at all! Really nice attention to detail.
Oh yes, the good, old and noble art of "running like hell"
Rule #1: Cardio
@@Squirl513 Rule#1 Have long legs
@@danieladamczyk4024 Rule#1: Always travel with someone slower than you.
@@Squirl513 the put your highest roll in Con answer
@Daniel_Adamczyk the Racial choice answer
@Zacharias_Mitchell the d*** fellow PC answer
5e Aasimar lv15 Eldritch Knight / lv5 Arcane Archer Multiclass: "I fly 30ft. Move 30ft. Action Dash 30ft. Bonus Action Dash 30ft. Action Surge + Arcane Surge 30ft. I spend 15ft to ride my Phantom Steed. My stead runs 60ft away from the threat... For a total of 210 ft of travel distance in one turn."
As a dm, for a basilisks gaze, I would rule that the gaze imparts a certain amount of “energy” into whatever its looking at and if that “energy” is high enough, it could leap to a new target, such as your armor to you. A big enough object would absorb the attack but you would no longer be able to wield it, but If the basilisk can see you it hits you. its not like a projectile that you can miss or be blocked.
One thing I've always wondered about: adventurers are often depicted with bows strung - like 24/7 for days or weeks.. Bows would only be strung before "danger points".. Long trips of weeks or months in damp/heat/cold would not be kind to a permanently strung bow.
That's what I do in my homebrew, archers take a while before attacking to string their bow(unless it's some magic bow)
That's why you travel in groups. Morning shift of travel Dave's on archery duty, Mid-day to evening Kathel is on archery duty, Night shift Urrick uses his bow (night shift guard should always have nightvision).
Same goes for the full plated/heavy armor people. Looks like a nice ambush spot ahead? Time to put on the armor. (just in case)
"often Depicted"... well, yes... They are rarely "depicted" with out their gear in the process of making/breaking camp or other mundane not terribly heroics acts, but it's assumed they do that kind of thing as well.
Nice video Chad ;)
I would love to see a whole series of "how to hunt the Monster Manual"
by Shad van Richten
This is actually a fascinating idea. Seriously what would early medieval people become like if they were plopped into a world that ran by D&D rules? Assuming they were not wiped out immediately of course. Just your regular farm boy out working the field would be armed with a sling, a dagger and a longbow and be deadly with all of them. The lady of the house would always be in arms reach of a loaded crossbow. Even the poorest farm would be an armed camp. At the very least you would have tunnels and hidey-holes with disguised entrances all over the place and a couple of crow's nests with look outs ready to sound the alarm.
I think that over 1000 years these people would evolve into something that looked more like what we think of as an Orc from WOW than what modern man looks like today.
And then Hello Fresh sponsors the "eating the monster manual"
@@captainmaim I'd watch that!
@@captainmaim a 101 ways to serve up Fungoids / Displacer Beast meat is best smoked with Apple wood / etc
Finally! More Fantasy Re-Armed! Can you please do more of this series?
I would definitely like to see more of these into series Shad. They are very entertaining and give us some knowledge to think about.
I had a character manipulate a dragon into swallowing her by timing the attempt to bite with her jump. The character was a skilled anatomist, so had the knowledge to defeat the dragon from the inside. Was a struggle to get out though.
Since you are using 3.5, the feat "cleave" is about striking a foe and then continuing the strike to hit something next to your first target. The rule is that if you kill your target, get hp to 0, your attack is considered to have passed through it and so you may roll to strike the next target. Next is "great cleave", which gives no limit to your ability to cleave, so as long as every attack kills you can spin around in a circle and kill eight foes in one round.
In 5e... A lv20 Fighter can cleave up to 9 targets if you are not using the Optional Cleave Rule... 8 attacks from Action Surge + 1 Bonus Action Attack.
It's 10 attacks if you include Opportunity Attack/Reaction.
And for the Eldritch Knight or Arcane Archer subclasses of Fighter. Get Warcaster Feat to cast spells like Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade etc.
The most fun one was 3.0's "supreme cleave", which allowed the fighter to take a 5' step to get into range of the next target...
In the presence of a sufficiently long line of one-hit-crump enemies, a fighter with that feat could exceed the local speed of light.
@@absolstoryoffiction6615 Ish, 5th ed is not D&D. I would know, I cut my gaming teeth on 1st and 2nd ed. I prefer Pathfinder 1e.
Depending on the version of dnd/pathfinder you play, a gaze attack can only effect you if you lock eyes with the creature. Such as Perseus circumventing the Gorgon's petrifying gaze by fighting while looking at a reflection in his shield.
I like seeing your Honor Guard background. The height of the castle is always impressive.
Fun video.
definitely want to see this become a series
I would like more videos on Shad's methods against DnD beasts.
"No matter what they roll."
Nat 20 would like to have a word.
(Kobolds have Pact tactic giving them Advantage = about 9% chance per attack.)
Great video
The one creature that might give you some problems given your current weapon load, is the humble skeleton with it's resistances to slashing and piercing weapons.
That's when you flip the sword around for a good murder stroke.
Pretty sure you could just kick it hard enough lol
This is the first time I see you in full kit. I must say, it looks very intimidating. I think most intelligent creatures would avoid a direct confrontation at close range.
Shad, don't know how much this would mean to you but, if I would ever have any history teacher, i would choose you tbh. I've been watching your videos on all sorts of topics and everytime, I'm completely immersed in your explanations and debates on certain assumptions that other people would make. You would literally be the teacher that i would come to see after hours, just to listen and debate on multiple certain topics.
I may not practice HEMA or any kind of medieval combat art (wish i could), but channels that make content like this really gave me insight that i truly appreciate and actively seek out. I learned about practicality in medieval or even sci-fi weapon designs, the levels of ingenuity of war in a medieval setting, fight scene autopsies, different types of swords and polearms and how they were or are classified, especially how i learned that the type of combat that you would see in cinemas are often completely exaggerated and useless, and that in reality, people are more precise and decisive as well as faster than how you would expect from Hollywood.
Looking at you, The Last Jedi's Throne Room fight.
Shortly speaking, i have learned a lot of things from you, things that fueled my hobby which is the art of combat, so to say. And I'm thankful to have found this channel as well as this side of TH-cam, as well as knowing that there are people that are like me. Thank you Shadiversity.
Means so much to hear, thank you.
@@shadiversity You're welcome, man. Keep the insight train a'comin, I'll be there to watch 'em.
Wow that was long
I would love to see this become a series. Then I'll do a monster hunting DND campaign
I feel like the mimic was a bit underestimated here. On the one hand, it was mentioned that with every melee attack, your weapon could get stuck. On the other hand, if your hand were stuck, the solution was to repeatedly stab it with a dagger, and the adhesive bit was just dropped. A dagger might also get stuck with every stab. I do agree that would be the best attempted solution, but I also feel that your dagger would probably get stuck and it would simply eat you, D&D mechanics notwithstanding.
I would love to see this as a full series, all the tactics for all the monsters!
As far as basilisks go, I would rule that the gaze attack takes effect if you can see the basilisk's eyes, and it can see yours. The transformation affects you, and then spreads to anything you're carrying, rather than affecting your shield first. I'd absolutely allow the player to avert their gaze, preventing the effect, but giving them disadvantage on their attack rolls.
Some editions of the monster manual specifically state that you do have to meet it's gaze for the power to work.
Really digging the Honor Guard backdrop. That's cool.....On Daggers, yes, they have been seriously underrated - it should do "less" damage than a sword or spear, but it was trimmed way too far.
Honestly, it makes no sense from a balancing perspective either. It already has the disadvantage of severely low reach in comparison to other weapons, weak damage on top of that is quite overkill. Low reach means high risk, and when something has a high risk (Excluding anything where the risk is just how low of quality it is of course), that's kind of supposed to come with a high reward.
@@commanderblargh6300 There's also slings, which are criminally underrated.
19:06 *Zefrank voice* “Despite its cute and cuddly appearance the owl is what is known as a byrd of preyy…” *evil grin*
For the D&D slings, they get really nasty when you realize that their ammunition has the most variety there because if they're lobbing vials of things or thunderstones or whatever else, you're not going to be having a good day even with the armor.
Also the longer weapons aren't that good of an option in real life for D&D setups, especially against something like a Kobold because you're going to be in very tight quarters that hinder you a lot
I'd love to see more of this. Also in the rules it says the dm makes the final call on anything even if he ignored rules so the excuse but the rules is stupid when there is a rule that tells you to ignore the rules when necessary
Would love more videos like this, applying the facts of history to fantasy concepts and classes. The ranger video was amazing!
I really liked that one too
The thing about common weapons that deal 1d4 damage, a commoner in DnD has 3-5 HP. So yeah, one hit kill from sling for sure.
And that 1d4 damage even gets doubled if it crits, which is what a successful shot to the head would most certainly be.
Regarding displacer beasts - the correct answer is Fireball, or any AoE evokation spell. Swinging a long broad blade is more likely to catch it on the side, but keep in mind, that field's not that small, and operates in all directions. You could swing prematurely and hit nothing, or the creature may be in the air mid-pounce while you swing near the ground, thinking it'd just hopped *down* from that boulder.
Obviously the true answer to all of these battles is fireball, just fireball.
It should be noted that the Basilisk is an ambush predator that prefers sheltered terrain and caves. You're unlikely to find one out in the open, and wishing to engage combat with one will result in you having to get close to it.
In 5e there are some interesting differences compared to its 3.5 version. For one, its Gaze is now a continuous effect around it rather than an attack. Creatures within 30ft of it that are not surprised or caught off-guard can willingly avert their eyes to avoid the gaze, but effectively "blind" themselves as a result.
The other fun addition is that if a Basilisk sees its own reflection in a well lit area, it will mistaken its reflection for a rival Basilisk, and target itself with its Petrifying Gaze
You should check out Mr. Rexx and his videos he goes into a lot of information on monsters outside of what the Monster Manual tells you. Things like history, previous editions, and other books/lorebooks that are or were considered cannon. The thing with Kobolds as an example, they are like cockroaches, you see 1 there are many more you don't see yet.
Yeah, additionally, he also talks about stuff the books forget like culture, battle tactics, traps they make and places they live in for example. Ither monster they shad talks about Rex has covered
AJ Pickett is also great. I feel like he has a special gift at making monsters sound horrifying.
Kobold Kannun
The wording of Displacement reads "Creatures in the range appear from 0-10 feet from their true location, and the caster can vary this distance at will." Depending on how this is interpreted, that could mean the area of effect is not a cylinder at ground level, but a dome, and therefore just swinging your weapon around in one plane (one attack) won't guarantee that you'll offend the displacer beast.
I cast Fireball.
I think the best bet would be to spam arrows. Wasting 3x as many arrows is still cheaper than risking frontline units. That said, a few frontline soldiers with nets and polearms could do wonders by pinning the beast then calling the shots for the archers.
Yesterday I was looking for DnD videos. Stuff like live campaigns or stories or discussion. Today Shad delivers. Hope the algorithm is kind to this one so we can see more!
About the Mimic, the close-up fight with a dagger would still have the issue of the dagger getting glued to the beast during the struggle. Also, in confined spaces your body could mostly cover the monster's body, impeding most attacks from your party (or even taking them yourself) so, that would be pretty much a death sentence for the curious guy who hastily jumped to the chest if he isn't strong enough to lift the Mimic around and put it in the line of fire os his team.
"[D&D worlds] are nightmare hellscapes, there are so many ways to flippin' die!"
This is really saying something coming from an Australian!
Shad, against a badilisk launcing your cape/coat over it's head is a good way to stop it's sight, so THEN you rush it.
Flour bag... then rush!
or perhaps a burlap sack
Shad says" humans can bite but it's not very effective" clearly he has never met my brother
Or a crackhead
Nor mine.
or guts
Or Mike Tyson
Great series so far! Would love to run a D&D game with the Shad crew - but Shad can only be a Battle Master Fighter with all those maneuvers he's got!
Hey Shad. When talking about the mimic: Going into the subject of attacking it with the dagger, you seemingly forgot the previous point that you made about weapons sticking to it. So letting it have it with a dagger may not be a viable option if you're just going to lose your dagger. You'd probably be better off trying to get the dagger between your hand and the mimic to displace enough surface contact pry your hand away.
Actually this reminds me of a funny D&D game I was in. Our party suspected every chest was a mimic (along with most furniture, doors, fireplaces, etc..) so we adopted a wrap it and smack it approach to most of those interactions where we threw a blanket over the chest and giving it a solid smack to provoke any potential mimics while minimizing it's ability to grapple.
Wear toilet paper over your armour!
Or really light frilly gloves that you can rip free.
Interesting video, Shad.
Just as a heads up, if you make another video like this using the 3.5 D&D Monster Manual, you can always check the glossary at the back of the book. That explains just about every term that you would find in the monster’s entry. So if you want to know about gaze attacks, it explains it there.
Gaze attacks require the user to make eye contact with the target, so if you use a tower shield for cover you count it as a wall from one side of your square, preventing the gaze attack from targeting you. You can also "avert your eyes" giving you a bonus to your save as you make it harder for it to lock eyes with you. You can also just fight without using your eyes.
Rouges with lucky: *laughs in super advantage*
I like this Title, it's short, simple, gets to the point and no clickbait
No bait but I still fell for it hook line and sinker
"I am not stuck with the Mimic, the Mimic is stuck with me" the resume of what Shad tried to say with that creature if you have a dagger
Then you die anyway
you using a 3.5 monster manual, the best edition of D&D, is just another thing to add to my list of things i like about this channel.
I do feel you for example downplayed for example natural armor a bit - +4 on a mimic is close to most bears - NOT easy to penetrate to depths where it would be lethal. the mimic is also LARGE. The size of a grizzly, or hippo.
lovely content either way
I'd definitely want to see more of this. DnD has so many unique monsters that don't appear in any other fantasy world. What about stuff like the iconic Beholder, a Gelatinous Cube or even the Tarrasque?
Could be interesting if you made a video on how to fight other D&D creatures, notably mind flayers, trolls or the different types of giants and golems, maybe even beholders.
Don't forget the gelatinous cube!
Yes! This was really entertaining! I would love to see how you would deal with gelatinous cubes, beholders and illithids!
On a side note, my musings on these monsters led me down a rabbit hole of reading up on beholders, deciding it would be crazy fun to have a beholder as a player character (half cleric and half warlock with an opposing patron), and figuring out what type of beholder or beholder kin would be the best choice for such a build. A super fun diversion, to be sure!
Gelatinous cube: salt. Lots of salt.
Beholder: stay bunched up in its antimagic cone, then go for the pepper spray.
Mind flayer: I got nothin’. You need to get in close and stab it but it knows you’re coming and has mind control and mind blast. Get your wizard, I guess.
With a Beholder, take the Goblin Slayer method. Get yeself a bag of fine flour or sawdust, tear it open in a violent manner in the room in such a way that it scatters throughout the air in the room, get out of the room, and then ignite the powder in the air. BIG explosion and a likely dead, if not severely injured beholder.
This is a very interesting topic and continuing this series would be great. Especially shedding light on how to tactically approach a creature instead of going hack and slash at it.
Didn't see any comments regarding the gaze attacks.
The way it works in DND 3.5 is that you either take the gaze attack, avert your gaze which gives you a 50/50 chance of not having to make it (think peeking around the shield and glancing out of the corner of your eye), or you can completely avoid looking at it, where you're immune to the gaze attack but it has total concealment (effectively invisible to you, cause you're not looking at it).
The magic still has to hit you so if you just raise your shield and completely cover yourself, you're fine. You're just blind.
Shad when asked the similarities of damage from different sources: "They are equally ouch!"
It will be interesting to look more about classic DnD monsters and tactics for fighting them.
'' The Monsters Know What They're Doing '' is a great series to rethink attack patterns and such. Great read as well
this is something I never even knew I wanted to know, but here we are....great breakdown!
You know? Campfire sounds like a great Christmas gift. Thanks for always having such useful ad partners, Shad!
The question when something is considered part of you in DnD for the Basilisk fight is handled in the rules. If you look at the shields everything from buckler to large shield gives you a bonus to armor class, but the towershield gives you partial or full cover which can give your enemy a % misschance that is also used against ranged spells. So between this sizes there is a basic change in game mechanics.
I really love your videos Shad!! I know you prob wont see this but I wish you would make more castle videos, I always find them very interesting
Series please! I always love these "Fantasy Re-Armed".
That doesn't look like the old Monster Manual... but it didn't have as much verbiage in it. This was fun, I was hoping to see the rust monster, a favourite: It's so cute! 🙂
I would suggest adding some leather gauntlets to the kit. Without wearing anything your hands are very exposed and a shot from a sling could well end up either disabling a hand or weakening your grip which can make a huge difference to your combat potential. I understand why you wouldn't want to wear plate gauntlets as they would make using the bow difficult but some relatively thin leather gauntlets with knuckle protection wouldn't degrade your dexterity so much.
Also with the Owlbear, the eyes are massive. I would aim for them, not just to blind it, but that is a direct route to the brain. If you can pearce through enough with your arrows you should be able to take it out in short order.
Terrain and surroundings are as important when choosing weapons as what foes you expect to encounter. For instance kobolds prefer spears and shorter blades not just because they are shorter than most foes, but also because they tend to operate in caves and caverns with a lot of narrow corridors and passages. So while a greatsword might be great when facing kobolds outdoors in the open, it wouldn't be the best choice if you are on a mission to exterminate them or clear out a lair.
Monster classes with Shad the Adventurer. Yay!
YES! More of this please!
I'd love to hear Shad's ideas on how to fight a Rust Monster.
macuahuitl. Or just bronze weapons since those don't rust.
@@5peciesunkn0wn that is wrong. Bronce can rust indeed, it turns poisonously green and brittle.
Regarding the mimics, you should always wear gloves of some sort when touching stuff in dungeons so that if it's a mimic you might be able to get your hand out of the glove that's now stuck to it.
Me: "I cast Misty Step because I am the Eldritch Knight."
Also me: "Mimic, grant me strength! Unleash the sword of Despair!!!... ... ... Relinquish!!!"
So I grew up with a family that liked to go hunting, and I think taking down an Owl Bear with a bow would actually be very difficult. When hunting bears in the wild, you have to aim for their heart. But their heart is actually protected by their shoulder blades and arms, which have a very thick bone density. So the only way to actually hit them in the kill zone is when their arm is stretched forward, otherwise your arrow will just stick into their bone.
Of course if you're just trying to survive, you could shoot it in other areas (their very large eyes for example) but they would still be a formidable foe up against a bow.
Great video as always!
I think that when fighting a displacer beast, it's prudent to keep a dagger at the ready. It's uniquely equipped to be an ambush predator, one that hunts dangerous game. So the chances of getting grappled by the beast is high. Knowing the strength of big cats, you wouldn't want to be in that hold for even a short amount of time.
Kinda wanna make a character that specializes in well prepared hunting of monstrous beasts. Setting up traps and using pikes to fend off owlbears.
It's a fantastic character archetype I've had a lot of fun with!
Once upon a time I rolled a character with such utterly average stats it didn't qualify him to take any class levels in anything. I dubbed him Joe Average and through the cunning use of buckets, chickens, flour, fishing tackle and the ten-foot-pole he has become a terrifying legend amongst my gaming group.
A tip for if you make such a character: I find that this archetype is most enjoyable if you are actually considerably weaker than the foes you're up against in a straight fight. Part of what made Joe Average the legend he is was that almost any normal D&D character could punch his lights out without a second thought, but he *still* took on monsters by never fighting fair.
The Witcher
Utility wizard, survival hunter, or any druid.
Claim you know that beast well and must prepare properly for it or great peril will befall the party.
Then go take a contemplative/purifying bath to spiritually prepare for killing the beast and to loose anyone that follows you.
Gather intelligence on the monster (if you don't already know), grab the gear you'll need, and draw an easy to understand plan to show the party what needs to be done: Make sure everyone has a part to play, use their strengths, and emphasize how essential/important their role is.
-Grabbing the gear you'll need usually means more rope, but you might need a bag of flour, antitoxin, or glow stones.
Drawing up a plan could just be symbols in the dirt as you explain stuff, or a detail schematic.
-Make sure your spells are the right ones for the job and you have quick access to whatever gear you'll need. That means it's in a belt pouch, tied to your belt or backpack, or has it's own special holder where you don't have to spend an action to find and equip before you can use it.
-Everyone should have an emergency potion on them. Even if the tank never goes down, they might be the closest one to someone else who did go down.
An Emergency potion is on top of you're normal potions/healing stuff and doesn't have to be a potion.
A Good Berry gives 1 health and you can force feed it to someone, so it counts.
Might need a couple more daggers for the Mimic, for when you're spamming stabs the chances of your single dagger getting stuck are quite high
One thing to remember about mimics. They may be most famous for being treasure chests. They can also be doors, furniture, statues, I think they could even technically be the floor, or at least a certain portion of it. They are ambush predators. You mention going full ham with a dagger on them when stuck, but they are going to be going full ham on you as well, pinning you in place while they grapple bite and bind you. And there is still the worry of your dagger sticking, or how you are likely to be using your offhand as most tend to grab and open things with their dominant hand. So your stabbing isnt going to be very effective compared to normal. Mimics being around is paranoia fuel, for the sake of safety, put an arrow into just about anything before you touch it.
If a DM was feeling especially diabolical, they could send their players into some dungeon or even alternate dimension where just about everything is a mimic. Bonus points for if they start off with the clichéd tavern opening and everything inside, as well as the tavern itself, was all mimics.
Poke things with a sword. A pole also works.
As long as the mimic is alone, and you have a party of brave adventures, you could gang up on a foolish mimic. The problem is if the mimic has friends, or a backup plan.
I'd suggest a sort of Hunters Hall Series dealing with all the various tactics of dealing with each monster/creature in DnD and fantasy in general.
That way you can deal with each critter in there total while also establishing a reference video you can mention later if relevant and vice versa.
Might as well give it a Monster Hunters vibe as well while your at it.
Shad: “Don’t forget that you are a dangerous individual as well!”
Average level 3 player: “Yeah you’re right! I am dangerous!” *flexes skinny arms*
I just noticed you still have to complete your adventuring kit. What about the legs and feet? Clothing as well as armor would be an interesting topic with pros and cons of various types be it for a fantasy setting or in historical context. Please make it happen :)
Hand and feet armor would be on the same level as a helmet for me - you don't want to step into things or touch dangerous stuff (OK, doesn't necessarly need *armored* gloves for that),
Shad needs to review the manga Dungeon Meshi / Delicious in Dungeon, it features a group of adventurers who decide that to rescue one of their own trapped in the dungeon, they will learn how to cook and eat each monster they slay, both because they are broke and because it gives them a better diet than just rations.
It starts as a comedy and becomes a real in-depth analysis of the ecosystem and economic system of a D&D dungeon.
The series came to my mind too, absolutely would love to hear Shad's view
Honestly love it. I think you should do a guide to fighting/defeating various critters from dnd. Its be great.
I would love more videos like this.
It is fun to see D&D breakdowns, from monsters, to weapons.
It's been so many years since I've played 3.5 that it's a real head trip to think about.
Your sense of humor as well as your insights are always a treasure.
Thank you for your continued efforts.
I hope you get the views you deserve, as you do put a lot of effort into each of your videos.
Also, the weapons and armor look cool on you.
Soooooo happy to see this series return!! It’s this line of videos that got me involved with your channel in the first place, thank you so much for this video!