Yellow on blue was frequently used in early colour programming as there was enough contrast for viewers with colour TVs but without overloading old black and white 405 line sets which had problems with high black-white contrast. This stopped being important in the early 80s as people stopped using the 405 line and dual standard sets which had the contrast problems and those black and white sets which remained in circulation were more modern and could show high contrast levels. CRT TVs could be temperamental and anything built before the 1970s was especially so.
For mention of The New Ireland Forum's final report to be on here, this would have to be not 1983 but May 2nd, 1984, which was the date the final report of that was published, according to Reeling in the Years.
In addition to my last posting, the tunes are from 'The Rose of Tralee' James Last album - the tracks are: 1. Coulin 2. Come Back To Erin 3. Ril Mhor Bail an Chaillaidh, loosly translated as Major Reel of Ballykelly - I think ! :-)
Fond memories of coming home from school and watching the clock before the TV start up. Sometimes with music like Ennio Morricone - Chi Mai.........
What I admire about this clock that it is decorated in the Tipperary colours (a golden yellow clock on a royal blue background.)
Yellow on blue was frequently used in early colour programming as there was enough contrast for viewers with colour TVs but without overloading old black and white 405 line sets which had problems with high black-white contrast.
This stopped being important in the early 80s as people stopped using the 405 line and dual standard sets which had the contrast problems and those black and white sets which remained in circulation were more modern and could show high contrast levels.
CRT TVs could be temperamental and anything built before the 1970s was especially so.
For mention of The New Ireland Forum's final report to be on here, this would have to be not 1983 but May 2nd, 1984, which was the date the final report of that was published, according to Reeling in the Years.
Yes, 2nd May 1984.
The music is "An Chulann", an Irish Traditional piece!
I wish the United States use these on TV but it is very rare to see those here in the United States
In addition to my last posting, the tunes are from 'The Rose of Tralee' James Last album - the tracks are:
1. Coulin
2. Come Back To Erin
3. Ril Mhor Bail an Chaillaidh, loosly translated as Major Reel of Ballykelly - I think ! :-)
Thank you for this-all most interesting I feel!
And so it is too of course-thank you anyway!!
Thanks very much for the info much appreciated.
I'll have to check the name of the tune, but is definitely a James Last arrangement.
Where was the video recorded?
That is a unique clock.
It is indeed too!!
My pleasure :-)
music from the 1970s