Intimate Conversations with Guest Gina Noetica

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ม.ค. 2025
  • Gina is a professional Energy Alchemist & Intuitive, a keynote speaker, an International award winning environmentalist, retreat leader, and the founder of the Centre of Expanding Consciousness. She has had a varied career working with everyone from celebrities, top athletes and musicians, corporates, children, and everyone in between in both clinical and esoteric settings. Gina also home educates her two starseed children.
    She believes the most powerful way to restore harmony and balance on Earth is through expanding consciousness to the point where each person realises their own limitless human potential and interconnectedness with all life forms. She is passionate about catalyzing global and personal transformation through the liquid intelligence, light and consciousness of water.
    Her professional studies include Adv. Diploma in Body Therapies, Reiki Master/Teacher, Bowen Therapy, Re-connective Healing, Hypnobirthing, NLP Practitioner, Advanced NLP Coach (trained by NLP founder John Grinder), Leader as Coach, Cert in Tarot Reading, Centre of Sustainability Leadership Fellowship, Climate Reality Leader (trained by Al Gore), trained in CE-5 protocol at Centre for the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), Remote Viewing, Sound Healing, Breath-work, Meditation, HeartMath Practitioner, Certified Cacao Facilitator, and developed her own style of energy healing called Quantum Energy Alchemy, and is currently learning how to see ‘blindfolded’ and teach this skill to others.

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