I’m a 9w1 in a relationship with a 5w4. We get along so well. We are both very respectful of one another’s needs for protecting our energy from the world, but in totally different ways. When we day dream about things, my 5 bf will ponder in an analytical way about things whereas I dream about how things make me feel and their effect on the world. We are great intellectual matches but he talks about more detailed technique and I talk about generalized theory. When fighting, we both have learned how to cope with each other’s needs. As a 9 I really had to learn that my partner needs me to articulate my feelings and my 5 partner learned how to be patient while I figure it out. My 5 partner also worried about me losing my identity in him and because of his encouragement I have learned how to stand up for myself and feel the value of my preferences and needs. I love being with a 5 and wouldn’t have it any other way!
Rachel Baker I love this...you step into each other’s worlds in order to see the other’s way of being in the world. I have learned it takes my 9 hubby time to articulate what he feels kinesthetically. If I step back and wait, he has space to find the words which come quickly to me as a head type. I’ve learned the language of the instinctual, feeling center through him. I understand your dynamic!
I noticed as a 5, I influence my husband's thoughts and ideas a LOT. He is a 9 and we have been together 13 years, married 11. It's great you guys are working out your conflict behaviors. I find that as a 5 I have to be more sensitive to my SO's feelings and needs.
its a bit of a relief to read stuff like this, cause I'm aware that this particular trait of mine would probably be considered a huge negative by most ppl, at least if they knew what it really means. I mean it's not as great a drama as it could be since I'm pretty much fine being on my own, but if I could one day find someone who doesnt mind me being like this, that would be nice, i guess
I am a 9 with a business, and my 5 employee was such a brilliant help. She was direct, clear, rational, analytical and focused. So, this rings true. I will deal with conflict, but it chews me up inside. She stays extremely grounded and calm. She would also get projects done where I would become distracted. Will always make sure I have a 5 on our team.
Yep, I'm a 5. I have a hard time delegating. I try to do it all. I also do feel very contained in public. I may talk about ideas but it is unlikely that I will share anything personal.
I'm a 5 married to a 9 and we work really well actually. She allows me to have my space and obsess over details. And I make sure to give her quality time and meet her needs.
I'm a 5 and resonate with being very laser focused in my thinking, but sometimes i'm like a lazy river and follow my thoughts in a stream, so i don't think we can be totally boxed in by a type.
I was introduced to the enneagram years ago but I still resonate a lot with both 9 AND 5. The 9 probably describes me more since I can act really charming and sociable at times and I tend to generalize and lose focus on things, but for some reason, I still resonate with so many traits of the 5 as well and start to doubt my own ability to type myself. People in my life who know about the enneagram type me as a 5, 9, or 4. Tests I've taken only confuse me more with results like 4, 8, 6, thrown in there as well. I know 9s tend to have traits of all the types so that may be the reason I'm still confused years later. It seems like I should know my type for sure at this point. Does anyone else still flip-flop on their type like I do?
BigManTate7364 I was exactly the same until I started reading a book on the Enneagram. Somehow reading in depth on each type made it really clear I was a 9 as I found myself crying uncontrollably by the end of the chapter. Although I related to many other types, including 4, 5 and 1, none of them hit me in the gut like 9 did. You should try it.
@@alyssarooney8942 what book did you read? I've read a few of them. My first was The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Richard Risso and Russ Hudson. I had a very strong emotional reaction to both the 9 and 5 chapters in particular. Lots of tears, it was like the book spoke directly to my soul. But I still am not 100% sure of which type is most like me. Probably a 9 since I resonate a little with all types.
BigManTate7364 oh interesting, that does make things more difficult. I read “Road Back to You” by Ian Cron, a Christian pastor who does spiritual counseling. I haven’t read the other ones so I can’t give a comparison.
BigManTate7364 I have the same book, very well written imo, but I relate a lot to it’s descriptions of average 9w8, but also a lot with 5w4 and 5w6. I also scored higher on its test for 5 than 9. So I’m probably 5. Was your experience with this book similar and can you give any insights and tips on how you think I may be looking at this wrong?
I’m a 9 and I can definitely relate to all of this. I often feel stuck in my brain and unable to narrow in on a specific thought. I find it causes me to have a lot of trouble describing to people why I feel a certain way. Love your channel! Hope to learn more about enneagrams through your videos!
I'm a 5 and the introspection is dead-on. I'm usually doing what I call "deep diving," and haven't much interest or patience (except for taking a needed break) with small group talk. I've no interest in pop culture. But as for "contained," vs. "merging," neither resonate quite enough. I sit back and listen, and say, in synagogue, when the rabbi or someone else is talking, I can feel my own intense "lasor-like" focus on the person, but then when the person is done talking, I relax and don't want to overwhelm that person because I am intense, been told I scare people. And yet, a lot of people--those with confidence in one area or over-all--are drawn to me and say, "You electrify the group," and "You're bold." Just some observations, including the fact that "dichoctomy" doesn't always work when comparing two types, which sounds counter-intuitive, but there are nuances and layers about any enneagram type or person in general; therefore, an either/or, this or that approach can muddy the waters.
I'm a 9w1, but I only learned that after some therapy. The persona I built was an average-functioning 5: information seeking, a little aloof, apparently not tuned in to other's feelings much. With therapy, I was able to determine which of those characteristics were actually true of me, and which were defense mechanisms. For example, I looked oblivious to other people's feelings because I was actually so sensitive to them I had to numb myself in order to function. The thing that locked it into place for me was which emotion drives the types. The 5's primary issues are with fear, but the 9's are with anger. And I definitely suppressed anger to the point that I couldn't even recognize it. Once I got hold of that, some of the other 5/9 differences made more sense to me.
I am trying to figure out if I am a 9 or a 5 and I was relating to everything you said about 9s except when you got to the part about introspection. I can become very intensely introspective, analyzing my emotions, trying to figure out why I feel or do something, but I rarely show this to others. Close friends and family have described me as “intense and mysterious” while those who first meet me will describe me as a “go-with-the-flow hippie.” Could I be a 9 with an oddly intellectual bent?
Same here. I think a lot of 9s avoid introspection in case of finding something uncomfortable about themselves but I definitely do a lot of it, but I definitely find it hard to turn into action and don't generally share it with others.
I’m the same way, I’m introspective, and I think it’s part of the things that make you unique as well. & part of the healing journey to ultimately have more peace in life. So I think it’s the intentions behind it as well.
I'm a 9, but I keep people at arm's length. Although I will do it passively. I'd rather say "maybe, we will see" rather than a straight "no". But I'm seldom a "yes". I always want to withdraw. The only thing is, I am SUPER introspective. It's probably what I spend most of my time doing. I lay around for hours at a time trying to figure out what my motivations are and what deeper behaviour patterns are going on with me. I will also lose track of time by over researching personal development stuff. I frustrate people because that's all I manage to focus on and I'm super lazy when it comes to everything else. A lot of people have told me I'm one of the most introspective people they know. In saying that, I treat myself almost like a detached researcher, and while I like to unpick some behaviours I think I do that because I'm really detached from my emotions and desires. I have a really hard time knowing how I feel about something. And I'll numb out to find comfort. But over researching it is a way for me to numb out as well. So in a way I'm very much 9, but not in all the typical ways and in some ways I'm more 5 than 9.
Hello! Five here (5w6) and what you said about feeling the energy in the room really hit home for me. However I can feel it when I walk into a room, and then almost immediately figure out who it's coming from. It is draining sometimes. Also, I love figuring out problems by trail and error. In the medical field, there are so many things. For example, I like seeing how changing dosage can really be beneficial for people and it can be very detailed. I love those sort of things. They are so interesting, plus what works well for one person doesnt work for the other. It is almost endless learning. Another thing I wanted to say was, I feel like I need to be inviting and warm for everyone so they feel comfortable at work. I get the sense that most people do feel comfortable around me (because its necessary for them to trust me, for their benefit) and therefore I do mirror the 9s. When I'm not at my job and its required *beneficial might be a better word* I do contain my energy. I wonder if being in my field has more to do with that though. So many questions, not enough energy!!
Interesting video! I am a type 5 female and my brother is a type 9. So right on about type 9’s ability to “merge” better within a group setting; as a 5, I try to not appear so closed off and engage, but I still feel as I am somehow ‘separate’. My brother does seem to blend in, and is very go with the flow. Funny you mention about the sayings, my brother will often reply with a silly saying like, “here for a good time, not a long time” and things like that lol!
I think I might be 5. But I cant also deny that some traits that 9 gives are also relatable. I got enneagram test and mostly I got 5 result. It is four times 5; two times 6; one time 2. I also took the tritype test once and I got 125. Well but when I read the enn 5 articles on google and tried to compare them with 9's, now I cant really decide. But it is just ... I feel like I am not as intellectual as those 5's famous ppl like Eisnten, Stephen H, Mark J, etc. I really feel inferior if comparing to them. It cant be happen if we eventually shared the same type! (Btw I am an INFJ). But I cant lie that I really love thinking. Almost 24/7 (exclude sleeping time) I used my time to think like literally everything, even something that doenst really crucial. I spent most my time being alone in the room. The worst is recently I got insomnia. I need to take a nap 1 hour before I really slumpt into a sleeping beauty phase. But it could be more than 1 hour I was trying to make myself sleep. And that was because my mind couldnt stop working. I also ever didnt sleep one/two days staight because I was too stressful over my MBTI result cause I really needed some detailed explanatiom asap lol. I dont hate people, I just feel refreshed and more lively when they leave me alone with only my mind. I procastinate because I often seek a perfect time to execute my goals- but the truth is ... I am kinda afraid of failure. But even tho I do really like staying inside my own mind, I do have lots lots ideas for my future. I want to execute them all, make them into reality but I just dont have that much "the doers" ability. I often getting bored with something monotone. I need change of how I handle my jobs, or etc. I cant stand the same schedule for at least 1 month. Well even recently it is gotten worse cause I cant stand it more than 3 - 5 days. But I am still doubting whether I really am a 5 or just a mistyped 9. Cause I also love peace. I dont always start a conflict because I hate it. But if they step on my principle, I could debate them to the core- although in the end I am preferably gonna cut it out if my opposites are just the type who hate losing or simply dont use reasonable logic to begin with. Well I am not really a logical person, I am more like an intuitive but that doesnt mean I dont use logic. It is more like, when facing problem I tend to use logical explanation to solve it, but then I trust my intuition to decide whether I should go with my logic or not. Well because I dont have much time to worthless argument. It is better to go back to my own fantasy world or plan for a self growth than to fight them. Whetever I still keep my beliefs firm and ignore them. Sorry for my bad grammar. I am not a native speaker.
I'm a 5w6. So many of the 5 characteristics resonated with me! First, with chaos, I really dislike events like sporting events, concerts, large gatherings. It starts out slow where I can tolerate being there and the anxiety keeps growing until I have the feeling of needing to flee, now. With the devils advocate, I can't stand people being mistreated, so I feel ok, I'm angry and I'm angry that you've made me angry, so double anger. And how dare you do/say what you did and make me come out of my head to deal with you. At that time, my breathing becomes slower and my words flow from my mouth in a cold and calculating way. I see fear in the perpetrators eyes. Also, I retreat into my head to protect myself from emotional demands. I have to think logically about what has been presented to me and feel somewhat manipulated by someone's neediness. Also, I always feel alert, stiff and observant when I find myself in a new situation or unfamiliar surroundings; I think my home is the only place that I can really relax and let my guard down. Although, as a 5 I feel quite clear about what I want, I don't always say it out loud. Same thing about saying no to someone. I have to weigh the pros and cons when speaking up as I don't want to cause conflict. Most times if I think a person is too much trouble to speak up to, I don't include them in what I'm doing, and I do it myself. And I am resistant to will of others. If what they want makes logical sense to me, I'll think about it but otherwise I may find a subtle way to let them know I'm resisting what they want.
I'm 98% 5 and 89% 9, according to a recent questionnaire. I identify with both depending on the situation. I was intrigued by your example of being in a group and picking up on their energy, because I alternate between merging and connecting with others (depending on their energy) and being contained. I often feel so attuned to the energy of others, either one-on-one or in a group -- more so in a group, I feel. In one-on-one interactions people seem less likely to "perform" or be "on" for others in a group. In group situations, I'm either 5 or 9, depending on the energy. Thanks for sharing this video!
I am a five and my roommate is a nine! I definitely agree with everything that you said not only about fives but also what I view from nines. We had to present projects together in school and it was easy for her to speak on a subject for long periods of times without prior rehearsal. It was the opposite for me where I felt like I had to write down everything I was going to say in order to communicate what I was really thinking.
Thanks for the video! It cleared up my confusion between being a 5 or a 9. I am told I come off as intimidating or aloof when people don't know me. Otherwise it's the opposite. My family and friends would say I'm a relaxing presence. Maybe it's actually for the same reason as people who don't know me think I'm aloof. If I walk around containing my energy maybe that relaxes people I know because I'm not putting my stress or worries on them. Hmmmm.... I feel like I just had an epiphany.
I am a 9 and I am quite sure my oldest son is a 5. This is a really helpful as I often wonder what is going on in his head. Sometimes our behaviour seems so similar but it's helpful to have that side by side comparison to see where our motivation is different.
I am a 5, but when I first started studying the types I thought I was a 9. Ive been married 11 years to a type 9. I can say that because we are so similar we really work well together. The biggest difference you mentioned that resonated with us is definitely the focus and the decision making. Something I am planning to look into a little more is the idea of internal energy. I do feel like I have the energy of a 9, but maybe that is just how I present myself. I want to look at myself from afar and see what the energy I put out looks like, and how it looks different from my 9 husband. (I think my desire to delve into this trait is definitely showing my 5 tendencies, haha.)
Thank you for making this video! I just paid $12 today to take the RHETI and scored equal on 5 and 9 and was confused. My ex husband and current bf are both 5w4, lol. We’re all intp’s. I think I like 5’s and therefore take on their characteristics, but I now know I’m a 9. Comfort is super important, I care a lot about how I come off to others, what I tend to read about is very big idea subjects, I make some decisions based on what other ppl will think of me, I’m always unsure of who I am, what I think, how I feel, and my purpose. I let others go ahead of me (assuming they’re more important), but I can also be kinda silently arrogant.
I'm a 5. I find the delegation, the energy-mindedness and the easygoing persona go hand in hand. Several of the other types (1,3,7,8...) can get obsessive about efficiency with respect to time but are totally blind to efficiency with respect to energy. The result can often feel like a bombardment of hostile energy, often over things that I just don't care about enough to be worth getting contentious over. This is when I particularly relate to the 9s: not having a particularly well formed opinion means not having any particularly well formed arguments, but the shapeless irritation at being bothered needlessly sounds irrational enough that I will resist letting it show at all costs. By having an easygoing manner it is possible to delegate the things I don't care about to the more bullish types, which both distracts them enough to give me thinking space and deals with the delegated issue. Things change when action is required on something I actually do care about, or when someone takes issue with my over-delegation. That's when a bit of my 8 integration comes out and things very quickly become results-oriented. Instead of busy work to keep them quiet, people are given tasks I think will suit their talents and I have to use a bit of self discipline to not take over all the important bits myself. Under these circumstances contentiousness is absolutely not an issue at all, which can startle people who are used to seeing my usual mild, unassuming side.
My best friend is a 5 and I'm a 9. She doesnt come across well to others and often causes offence (to my horror!) But I see the utter kindness and beauty in her, as opposed to the confrontational, offensive person other's can view her as. Thankyou for this, its highlighted both of our characteristics to a T 😊
I think I am a nine ( very nine isn’t it? ) . I do get anxious on the inside when it comes to conflict. I either leave the situation try to change the subject or make the conflict seem less important although I have moments I push back and then wish had handled it differently. I have a much harder time saying what I like then what I don’t whether it’s a flavor of ice cream or a movie or something more important with few exceptions I am more likely to have favorites over a favorite but a dislike I have a stronger reaction to. The part about the sayings I do that too just yesterday I made the statement “ well do we ever really know anyone?” Maybe that’s nine making the general sweeping statement? Stubborn ? Yes . I will say maybe or even yes then try to back out. I think we can complicate when we want to simplify. I also can nod but not agree and then do own thing .
Everyone all of my life has told me that my mother and I are just alike. I use to get offended after a while from hearing it so much. I could then and still do see the similarities but I have always been able to notice our distinct differences. This video hit our types on the head also it described exactly how/why my 5 and her 9 behavior can look alike but yes that internal process is soooooo very different.
I'm a 9 in relationship with a 5. I am quite passive in that I have trouble stating my needs. He is very assertive and is not afraid to say or even demand what he wants to the point of anger if things dont go his way. I have several friends I like go maintain deep relationships with and if I meet someone new I am open and a natural counselor. He keeps to himself more, choosing his interests and learning. Not that I dont, but he views relationship with others as more complex and inconvenient
i‘ve done the ennegram three times. first i got 9, second 4, and third 5. i think i relate most to the strengths of 5w4 as being focused but my weaknesses are a lot like 9 like laziness and not liking discomfort. i also hate conflict.
I'm a 5 married to a 9. He's more needy than I am and I really struggle with being needed that much. Especially with the lock down and no privacy. He's a much better person than I am but a little passive.
I scored 80% 5 & 71% 9. Years ago I was a 9. I went through a healing process and set boundaries now which is pushing me into the five category. I feel more of 9 than a 5.
I'm a 9. My only ambition is to be at peace. How I find it is almost irrelevant, although I find it much more in nature than in the world of people. One reason I avoid conflict is because I know what I'm capable of, and while tearing a strip off the office gossip or loudmouthed drama queen feels great, the shame always follows very soon after. I can't stand people who cause a scene, so I don't want to be like that myself.
This is so fascinating to me! I'm a 5, but because I'm typically so quiet and reserved, and often withhold my opinions, it seems like I'm constantly misinterpreted as being a 9. However, it's what's going on inside that is very different. Thanks so much for this insightful video!
I'm a 4 with a strong 5 wing, one of the best people I've ever met is a type 9 woman who is kind of the wise old witch of the village. She's the one who introduced me to the enneagram btw. I noticed that she has a way of making sure that everyone is welcome and feels seen and acknowledged, whereas I have a tendency to be more selective and self-centered. She is an excellent mediator of conflicts and she always makes sure everyone leaves her house with their spirit lifted. This doesn't mean she will take your nonsense, after all she also has a delightfully sassy 8 wing
Kia ora from New Zealand. I'm a type 5w4 but also 9w1 interesting combination. A INTJ on myer briggs personality. So I'm not a people person and this explains why I put my foot in it alot
I just stumbled across this video, its great! I see a lot of other folks that took test and scored evenly on 9 and 5 traits. I also fall into that bucket, but after a lot of reading, I'm definitely a 9, because I am such an easygoing go with the flow type of person, but I do exhibit a lot of traits of a 5 like obsessively seeking after knowledge. My kids call it "obsessive obscure learning" but it serves me well since I am a computer programmer. I'm able to read massive amounts of technical manuals, then speak with a diverse set of business stakeholders, and develop a middle of the road solution that will solve most of everyones problems. Anyways, great video, and it helps me further down my enneagram journey. Thank you!
I’m a 5, my husband is 9. We decided (well, I took the decision) to separate after 15 years of trying, as living together was so utterly difficult for both of us. We remain good friends and he’s happy to come and repair my broken appliances when needed. But... he needed his space, his comfort zone. I always felt it was like he was in the marriage without really being there, and resented the small demands and compromises of married life. On the other hand to him I came across as confrontational, and desperate to resolve the deeper issues. The less progress I made the more frustrated and aggressive I’d become. Thank goodness our son is an 8!
I read your comments and I had the exact opposite marriage.I'm a social Nine and my ex is a self pres five. I felt when he was in the room he was not there, distant. I often did not understand the distant eyes and lack if intimacy when talking with .I always felt he was talking but not to me. WE divorced after 23 years of our relationship. But now we are friends and I love our conversations as he is so smart and does alot of research on topics I love. In fact we are traveling to europe together soon. He is a gentle soul and I have often had big energy maybe to big for him. I now know he sees me and my better nature in his own way. We will remain friends. Funny I have a room mate to share my house and she is a self pres 5... I guess they are my teachers. I'm curious of the wounding and crystalization of the fixation. Do you talk about that?
I definitely have a hard time stating my needs or taking action. I really like your example of the nine floating down a river and passively watching things that pass by, as an analogy of the nines focus. That's pretty accurate I'd say. I also notice that I tend to hide my energy so I don't make others uncomfortable. This makes people not notice me so I always end up last in situations like ordering food or getting in line.
I love this ! I’m a 9 and for a while I would question if I was a 5 because I can be in my head a lot, I’m a bit of an Investigator and this really helped me see the difference. So simple and easy to comprehend thank you
5 ปีที่แล้ว +1
I was recently diagnosed as autistic at 40. I’m a 5 and notice many of the traits of 5’s align with my autistic traits. Have you found that with your practice? I also have the gut instinct of a 9 in 1:1 interactions but find 5 resonates with me most.
This further confirmed that I'm a 9 and not a 5... but I'd say I'm a very 5ish 9. I'm probably about as withdrawn as a lot of 5s but lack the focus and interest in details and don't relate as much to the 9 aspect of being very approachable/likeable (LOL). But I definitely am very guilty of speaking in generalities to diffuse a potentially contentious topic and wasting time losing myself in a random train of thought, but in some situations I think I have more of that closed-off contained energy like a 5 vs. the laid back energy like a 9 (but definitely not in all situations), or it will switch depending on my mood.
Im just learning about the enneagram and I'm pretty sure I'm a pretty unhealthy 9. I'm confused and despondent a lot of the time and I don't do much. I spend a lot of time in my head but it's unfocused, like you said. I used to make sweeping generalized statements until I went to university and studied English literature. I had to learn to be direct and specific, which was very challenging. When around others I know how to make them comfortable, even if they are angry. Everyone wants to be loved (sweeping generalization) deep down and so even someone who's angry, is going to recognize an opportunity to be understood. I'm okay with investing energy into other people, if I'm okay. I need a place to retreat if I need to. I spend a lot of time in my head worrying about other people. I recognize that relationships don't last forever and so starting up new ones can feel debilitating. That maybe one thing that makes me conservative in how I invest my energy; that fear of potential loss and pian in the future
randel hanson omg! You just said everything I feel! Thank you for finding the words altgough I hope I'm not doing the merging thing with you... I'm new to this and I keep getting 9, 4, 2 but the 9 is like what I really am and 4 and 2 feels like it's what I do for work (I'm a nurse) . I feel u on the unhealthy thing. I'm there now
Omg under-delegate and over-delegate resonates with me so much. I feel like I always want to go 10000% and if I can’t do that then I have to struggle to contain myself (which means that I try go over the top on the “not caring” aspect)
I just cannot figure my husband out! Lol he originally typed as a 5 but he is so much of a peacemaker also. He engages in social interactions when he’s in then but would rather avoid them. He is becoming more stubborn though on what he wants to do whereas before he’d just agree with what I want to do because he didn’t want to fight. He is definitely an observer but a very NON judgmental person. He withdrawals during conflict and actually almost acts as if nothing happened. I’m still trying to figure out what type he really is. I’m trying to get him to take the test again but he’s being stubborn about it lol
I’m a 5. My mother in law is a 9. I adore her. I’ve also worked with her so I really know her. Everything you said was spot on. Here’s something I’ve been curious about…how many 5’s are INFJs like me. Is it common for 5’s to be INFJ personalities?
I am a 9 wing 8 and find everything you said true for myself, other than that aI can introspect but may not know what to do about it. As in, I'm a mom to 4 little girls and often do not find/take time for myself to recharge, especially in this time of conflict. I would say that 9's can see the big picture, not because they can't see the point, but because it all connects which makes it hard to identify the crux of the matter.
I’m a 5 and my bfs brother is a 9. We are similar in certain ways like how we both like to create and do our own thing. But I am more persistent while he tends to not fully develop or master one talent before moving on. Not that he doesnt stick with certain things but he wanders a little bit. It’s also clear that we both don’t like being around emotional situations however he does merge much better with humans than I do lol. Very interesting stuff.
I can't tell at all both keeping the peace and the what I think or figuring out what is best is both important to me so I can't really figure out if I am 9 or 5. It is all context and depends on the situation.
I am a 9 and totally see this, when I was younger and really passionate about something I could become really laser focused (bordering on obsessive about said passion eg I loved flying as a kid, still do, but with that obsession I would spend all my spare time reading about planes, watching them etc) whereas as an adult I am very much more so a 9, see also thinking a few years ago I was very 7 orientated and driven by new experiences, I can see certain times in my life where I was very centred towards different types, so I most definitely think I am a 9!
One thing I am not sure about is that even as a child I was feisty and I still am but I am always selective in who sees that side of me. I feel much stronger on the inside than I can manage to show on the outside. I don’t know if that is a nine or not.
I've watched your "Pause practice for x." And would really appreciate a Pause practice for 9s. Frankly, when I try to do anything from the other types, it doesn't help! e.g. Notice I'm losing touch with priorities. Check. Breathe deeply and go inside. .... .... zzzzzzzz! (Ha!) The problem is I don't know what I want and going inside doesn't seem to help because I just enter the fog. What do other 9s do to figure out either what they want or right action? All I can say from my experience is that it takes A LOT of time. That works for big projects, but not with what to eat for dinner.
Hello Leslie - I'm excited to have found you! I googled enneagram and infant temperament as I am an early childhood teacher (in NZ) who is fascinated by what the Enneagram has to offer, especially to parents. Anyway, this video caught my eye as I am very 9 but also very high in 5. I am a bit confused about who the driver is here and where I'm going with this! My 9 asks "does it matter who's driving as long as I get somewhere nice?" while my 5 tries to focus on one direction. Doesn't sound too compatible to me! Sometimes I feel I'm just going around in circles! 😂
Jacqueline Clarkson I went to New Zealand last year and fell in love with it! Such a beautiful place. Anyway, your comment is a little more nine-ish then five-ish! Especially the “going around in circles part.”😉 Understanding my children’s temperament was a huge game changer for me and was actually there reason I got into the Enneagram in the first place. They were so different from me! Understanding their types and mine has been so important and helpful.
Im pretty sure I am a 9w1. This video was very helpful so thank you. I do have a hard time figuring out what I am doing with myself at times. I look for the answers to problems that come up on the outside, on the inside. Sometimes I immerse myself in the problem so much so that I lose my ability to choose an opinion because I can see from both sides of an argument. I enjoy arguing, but the main goal in mind normally is to reach a common ground. I say yes sometimes to things with no real intention of doing them, and secretly hope people forget, sometimes I feel a little bad about it, because I know I should probably just say no, but honestly I don't really care about it that much. That too shall pass. Oops I did the thing.
I scored a 5 but I feel like I’m to optimistic/content to be a five and to social. So I was thinking 9 bc I also resonate a lot with the other numbers. I love to workout though and love a routine and schedule. Helps me get things done. and if my schedule is disrupted I really don’t like that. I’ve learned to say no more but really struggle to follow through. Like I’ll say no but then do what was asked anyway out of guilt I suppose? I also don’t think I’m smart enough to be an 5. Like I feel a 5 is someone who’s in IT or finance or something a long those lines..?
I’m probably a 5, and I can relate to a 5’s more confrontational nature and energy. (“Probably” because 9 is consistently my second highest type if I use tests- and it’s in my tritype.) In group settings I’m not “mergy” and physically stand apart from other people because I think I’d lose some of my ability to observe if I participate. I can relate to both the 5’s laser focus and the 9’s meandering thoughts though.
I have nine in my tritype and I definitely relate to the idea of playing devil's advocate, but in a gentle peacemaking way. I also notice a compulsive tendency to reference the other person when I'm speaking to them, to validate their perspective, even to the point of invalidating my own. For example if I'm complaining about something and I know the other person has been in a similar situation, I'll say something like 'I know it may sound silly to you' or 'it maybe isn't as bad as how YOU have it'. I'm not sure if that's specifically a nine thing, or even an enneagram thing. It might just be a function of self deprecation/ an inferiority complex, although I always have the sense that I'm doing it to avoid upsetting the other person. Maybe a nine wouldn't be as doubtful of their own motives as I am!
Sometimes self-deprecation is cultural or familial. Some religious people can be self-deprecating as well. Or it could simply be a habit! I’m always looking for the “why” underneath. I don’t know your dominant type pattern, but sometimes the assumption that offering another perspective would upset them could be a projection. Some people like to hear other perspectives...I’m one of them. :) I grew up in an East coast Irish Catholic family where being opinionated was a value. My husband grew up in a Midwest family and keeping the peace was a family value. (He’s also a 9). I remember it was one of the first things I noticed in his family. There’s so many variables... wisdom might invite us to see how we silence ourselves or how we clamp down on our “aliveness.” I’ve interviewed so many 5s and 9s and I never cease to be surprised by the different ways the type expresses itself.
I relate to this so much! I constantly feel the need to play devil's advocate and validate others' viewpoints when I talk with them especially if it's a more confrontational energy or I feel guilty when comparing my problems to theirs. In my experience, it helps diffuse some tension and makes it less likely they will fire back with hostility or simply disagree with me because it's so important that I be in agreement with people around me. It's reached a point where I pre-emptively validate people's viewpoints because I can sense when something I'm saying is creating tension for them and it seems to comfort them even though it's probably unhealthy for me to do it so much. Simply asserting my own view point without all that prefacing is probably better for me in the long term :)
I am 9 - now I can see it. I spent 5 years with (terrible) 5 who delegated all the responsibilities on me because of my energy. Now I know why wet met each other and stayed together even though the relationship was quite unequal. I am glad I am a free 9 now and I know how to deal with 5s (:
I'm a 5 but I tested as a 9. I'm a MBTI INTP so I had assumed that the 9 result was just me demonstrating that I was more socially aware than a typical INTP; I'm definitely more diplomatic than the average INTP. I recently looked more deeply into the Enneagram and I was convinced that I was actually a 5. It's my speculation that the 9 traits that I exhibit are likely a coping mechanism I developed in order minimize the large amount of conflict I experienced in my childhood.
most INTPs are 59x 54x or just 4 5 9. I am very conflict avoidant (was like that prior enneagram and mbti knowledge), but nowdays I would rather say no instead of "maybe" staling.
Thank you, this was helpful! I was wondering if my friend is a 5 or a 9 and now this declared it that I think he is a 5. 🙏 I have a 9 partner though and these two people are somewhat similiar but (well, of course) very different also. My friend isn't even interested in the enneagram much, but I am, so I had to investigate his type. 😂
Am a 9 and once l learned that lnwanted to learn s much as l could because if l do understand to can be able delete as much discomfort as l can and know how to explan myself more to my friends and just be more aware of how l show up because l really don't want to just go on to get along any more ! L want to love me for me regardless what l do what go after since am going to alog of my feelings l have been in discomfort but l know it for that peace of mind 😌so it worth it and l have noticed l have a high measure of 9w1 tendency of 7 all about looking at the bright side and struggle to go to the Dark side of me (l have been highly aware when l start to do the hide the bad by doing looking for the dopamine high) l got 5 tendecy to self isolate not by choice (way before the pandemic) just what happened(didn't have any friends at the time ) and know l enjoy it because l get to learn so much (and being aware when l need it or when l should go out and hang with my current friends 🥰) the enneagram has been the best personality that has helped the most !! I felt truly seen 🥰
Took a test and got even score as 5 and 9! I do identify with both of their traits. I guess its according to my situation and mindset, emotions. Plus I am an INFJ, yikes! No wonder I had a hard time growing up, trying to figure out my mind and how it is so confusing and like a world-wind!
I really enjoy your style of teaching thank you. Glad to find your channel. I first saw you on your addiction seminars with john dupuy many years ago you're very engaging.
Im a 5w6 and i have a strong feeling my friend is in reality a 9 but mistyped as a five. She is quite unhealthy and can be very slow, hazy, sleepy and passive; which drives me insane because shes not observant enough to truly be a five. We will be engaged in the same activity and i wont miss a single detail while she cant keep up with the pase at all and simply resigns and gives up.
Id love to hear some advice on how i could support an unhealthy 9 because although she can drive me nuts i love my friend and she always respects my boundaries which is very valuable to me as a five in a friendship
I have no idea between both type. I have no idea what careers I would like to do. I Hate being a salesman. I am really indecisive. Sometime i know what I like and sometimes no.
It's hard for me to read my own energy in a group since I am not outside myself. I work hard to be very welcoming and warm like a 9, especially when I have people come to my home (with the help of a glass of wine), but other times I feel really distant and cut off and contained. However, maybe I lean more towards 9 because I don't want to be so cut off and contained, whereas 5's are fine being that way? I also used to have a laser-sharp attention on my current topic of interest, but no longer. I am wondering if social media has warped this quality about me, or perhaps I had just been a 9 with intense interests.
This was really helpful and clarifying for me! I am a 9, and knew that I was, but there were some things that helped me understand myself better when I saw the contrast between the 9 and 5. The part about protecting energy in room of people is right on. I love to socialize, and can handle quite a bit of energy for a time, but too much emotional drama will exhaust me quickly. I will also add that I love to introspect and figure out things mentally (I love analyzing personalities, etc.), but I think my tendency is to get overwhelmed and confused in my own head because I'm seeing the big picture of everything (all the different facets and connections at once) and it becomes muddled. I get lost and can't figure out what leads to what, because there are so many possibilities that all make sense at the same time. I always thought I knew myself really well, but I didn't understand why I had those preferences. Comfort and calm is the underlying thing. Now that I'm aware of that, I can consciously sacrifice comfort for the sake of vulnerability when it's needed.
Kayleen Jasperse This is such a helpful comment! I was working with someone yesterday who is trying to make the distinction between 5 and 9 as he could feel both inside of himself: seeing the big picture is a really important distinction and so is the muddled feeling that 9s are more inclined to experience then 5s. Also “comfort” is a big word for 9s and less so for 5s. Thanks for weighing in Kayleen!
An 5w4 SO, INTP with strong NP here. Interesting video. I need to analyze it more, but the 5/9 contrast certainly helps me see the accuracy of my typing on the inside. Relating the behaviors to comfort was excellent. It seems to work for me, though being comfortable is not something I would have seen as a priority of mine. Being driven by needing to be competent can sometimes result in not choosing particularly comfortable paths... On a technical note, I find that the volume ranges from clear to inaudible. Perhaps compressing the audio would help polish the sound?. Of course, maybe I should just get a hearing aid.
J. Robb Wilson yes comfort is a key distinction for 9s and the word “competent” is spot on as it’s crucial not only for 5s, but also for all head types. Thanks for the feedback on the sound!
The first time I took the test, I got a 5w9, I took it again 10 minutes later and got 9w5... I feel more of a 9 though because I can easily adapt and merge, & very passive . Yet I'm very introspective and try to figure myself out. Hence I came here. Hmmm,...
Recently I tested for the first time for the enneagram. I am an INFJ for Meyers-Briggs. My score is a 9/5/1. I was so confused about the answers about this. Being a good INFJ I took the test several more times on different days and times. I have the exact same answer. I keep reading that this is not really possible and yet here I am. I am not sure about why I need to be absolutely one or the other. Can you help with why I am still getting the same result?
Does 5 ever get confused with 3? I am not sure if I’m 3 or 5. I’m social and am super curious about people and ask questions and love researching personality and information. Definitely in my head and love of detail and concentration. Can’t tell if my need to investigate and achieve competency before action. I am very introspective and love to think about things.
Is difficult to know, but I know I am an INFP. The last test I got type 5w6 but there is not much research for INFP type 5 , but it does for INFP type 9. So right now I am stil confuse. I feel like I am 5w9 or 9w5, but I know It doesn’t make sense.
I am a 9 married to a 5. The issue I have mostly is feeling lonely with the 5. He is so into his brain that he thinks he has told me something important but he did not and I find out 2 months later. I do like being able to have my own time to myself and I love when we can talk over a subject of interest. Typically he’ll talk about all of the details and I learn a lot. But it can be lonely married to a 5 if you are a 9. I love people and he says he does but I don’t see it. We have very few friends and are the first to leave Church while everyone is still inside talking. 😂
@@lucasmcgetchin5021 Emotional introspection with an analytical spin. It will be like, I felt sad after watching this, why do I feel that way? I will say though that I wasn't like that when I was younger. I am a lot more dreamy but I realize that it makes me less able to manage myself if I am dreamy all the time, so I started being more asking why about myself. I rarely introspect thought forms I guess? But I am not sure what you meant by that either. Perhaps you can elaborate?
@@filyre4132 From your description my gut is telling me you might be like me and be a 9wing1. I asked if it was introspection on emotion or thought form in the way that emotional introspection can be more a sensation of feeling itself, where as thoughts can perpetuate emotions and I was curious as to the nature of how particularly you introspect so as to be able to make an educated guess to your type. Ultimately only you can make that call as to your type but I find it fun to speculate all the same.
I am new to enneagram and I have taken a few free tests and I'm all over the place. Is this normal? I had 6w5, 4w5, 1w9, and 9w8. They all sound right! So what am I missing?
Enneagram 6 and 9 are the ones to most often mistype themselves. So it's likely you are one of the two. I had a similar issue. I thought I was a 4, then a 1, then a 5, then a 9, then a 6. I also contemplated 7, 2, and 3. I even considered 8, but that didnt last long, lol. Went back to 4. And then finally had a lightbulb moment and realized I was a 9 all along.
I’m a 9w1 in a relationship with a 5w4. We get along so well. We are both very respectful of one another’s needs for protecting our energy from the world, but in totally different ways. When we day dream about things, my 5 bf will ponder in an analytical way about things whereas I dream about how things make me feel and their effect on the world. We are great intellectual matches but he talks about more detailed technique and I talk about generalized theory. When fighting, we both have learned how to cope with each other’s needs. As a 9 I really had to learn that my partner needs me to articulate my feelings and my 5 partner learned how to be patient while I figure it out. My 5 partner also worried about me losing my identity in him and because of his encouragement I have learned how to stand up for myself and feel the value of my preferences and needs. I love being with a 5 and wouldn’t have it any other way!
Rachel Baker I love this...you step into each other’s worlds in order to see the other’s way of being in the world. I have learned it takes my 9 hubby time to articulate what he feels kinesthetically. If I step back and wait, he has space to find the words which come quickly to me as a head type. I’ve learned the language of the instinctual, feeling center through him. I understand your dynamic!
I noticed as a 5, I influence my husband's thoughts and ideas a LOT. He is a 9 and we have been together 13 years, married 11. It's great you guys are working out your conflict behaviors. I find that as a 5 I have to be more sensitive to my SO's feelings and needs.
Yes, I find that I'm a bit of a blunt instrument at times.
Thank you for sharing. This is great pairing of enneagram.
its a bit of a relief to read stuff like this, cause I'm aware that this particular trait of mine would probably be considered a huge negative by most ppl, at least if they knew what it really means.
I mean it's not as great a drama as it could be since I'm pretty much fine being on my own, but if I could one day find someone who doesnt mind me being like this, that would be nice, i guess
I am a 9 with a business, and my 5 employee was such a brilliant help. She was direct, clear, rational, analytical and focused. So, this rings true. I will deal with conflict, but it chews me up inside. She stays extremely grounded and calm. She would also get projects done where I would become distracted. Will always make sure I have a 5 on our team.
Hilary Key that’s one of things I appreciate in many 5s: the ability to be clear and focused.
Yep, I'm a 5. I have a hard time delegating. I try to do it all. I also do feel very contained in public. I may talk about ideas but it is unlikely that I will share anything personal.
I'm a 5 married to a 9 and we work really well actually. She allows me to have my space and obsess over details. And I make sure to give her quality time and meet her needs.
I'm a 5 and resonate with being very laser focused in my thinking, but sometimes i'm like a lazy river and follow my thoughts in a stream, so i don't think we can be totally boxed in by a type.
I was introduced to the enneagram years ago but I still resonate a lot with both 9 AND 5. The 9 probably describes me more since I can act really charming and sociable at times and I tend to generalize and lose focus on things, but for some reason, I still resonate with so many traits of the 5 as well and start to doubt my own ability to type myself. People in my life who know about the enneagram type me as a 5, 9, or 4. Tests I've taken only confuse me more with results like 4, 8, 6, thrown in there as well. I know 9s tend to have traits of all the types so that may be the reason I'm still confused years later. It seems like I should know my type for sure at this point. Does anyone else still flip-flop on their type like I do?
BigManTate7364 I was exactly the same until I started reading a book on the Enneagram. Somehow reading in depth on each type made it really clear I was a 9 as I found myself crying uncontrollably by the end of the chapter. Although I related to many other types, including 4, 5 and 1, none of them hit me in the gut like 9 did. You should try it.
@@alyssarooney8942 what book did you read? I've read a few of them. My first was The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Richard Risso and Russ Hudson. I had a very strong emotional reaction to both the 9 and 5 chapters in particular. Lots of tears, it was like the book spoke directly to my soul. But I still am not 100% sure of which type is most like me. Probably a 9 since I resonate a little with all types.
BigManTate7364 oh interesting, that does make things more difficult. I read “Road Back to You” by Ian Cron, a Christian pastor who does spiritual counseling. I haven’t read the other ones so I can’t give a comparison.
@@alyssarooney8942 I'll just keep studying this stuff and it should get more clear. thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out.
BigManTate7364 I have the same book, very well written imo, but I relate a lot to it’s descriptions of average 9w8, but also a lot with 5w4 and 5w6. I also scored higher on its test for 5 than 9. So I’m probably 5. Was your experience with this book similar and can you give any insights and tips on how you think I may be looking at this wrong?
I'm a 9 and literally everything you said resonated with me!
Containment. Nailed it. I’m not stifled or shut off from the rest of the world- I’m contained. Thank you for giving it a good word.
I’m a 9 and I can definitely relate to all of this. I often feel stuck in my brain and unable to narrow in on a specific thought. I find it causes me to have a lot of trouble describing to people why I feel a certain way.
Love your channel! Hope to learn more about enneagrams through your videos!
I'm a 5 and the introspection is dead-on. I'm usually doing what I call "deep diving," and haven't much interest or patience (except for taking a needed break) with small group talk. I've no interest in pop culture. But as for "contained," vs. "merging," neither resonate quite enough. I sit back and listen, and say, in synagogue, when the rabbi or someone else is talking, I can feel my own intense "lasor-like" focus on the person, but then when the person is done talking, I relax and don't want to overwhelm that person because I am intense, been told I scare people. And yet, a lot of people--those with confidence in one area or over-all--are drawn to me and say, "You electrify the group," and "You're bold." Just some observations, including the fact that "dichoctomy" doesn't always work when comparing two types, which sounds counter-intuitive, but there are nuances and layers about any enneagram type or person in general; therefore, an either/or, this or that approach can muddy the waters.
I've read in an article that unhealthy 9w1s are very similar to unhealthy 5s. I'm an unhealthy 9w1 but I relate a lot to 5.
I'm a 9w1, but I only learned that after some therapy. The persona I built was an average-functioning 5: information seeking, a little aloof, apparently not tuned in to other's feelings much. With therapy, I was able to determine which of those characteristics were actually true of me, and which were defense mechanisms. For example, I looked oblivious to other people's feelings because I was actually so sensitive to them I had to numb myself in order to function.
The thing that locked it into place for me was which emotion drives the types. The 5's primary issues are with fear, but the 9's are with anger. And I definitely suppressed anger to the point that I couldn't even recognize it. Once I got hold of that, some of the other 5/9 differences made more sense to me.
Wow this is spot on. I'm a 9 and my husband is a 5. I just recently introduced to the Enneagram and I find it all so fascinating.
I am trying to figure out if I am a 9 or a 5 and I was relating to everything you said about 9s except when you got to the part about introspection. I can become very intensely introspective, analyzing my emotions, trying to figure out why I feel or do something, but I rarely show this to others. Close friends and family have described me as “intense and mysterious” while those who first meet me will describe me as a “go-with-the-flow hippie.” Could I be a 9 with an oddly intellectual bent?
I feel exactly this so have always thought I was a 9 but am very introspective. I'd love to hear other thoughts on this.
I’m can relate to all of this, and I’ve decided on 9. I’m all thinking and introspection (but very little action).
Hmm see that sounds like my husband we can’t decide what he is either
Same here. I think a lot of 9s avoid introspection in case of finding something uncomfortable about themselves but I definitely do a lot of it, but I definitely find it hard to turn into action and don't generally share it with others.
I’m the same way, I’m introspective, and I think it’s part of the things that make you unique as well. & part of the healing journey to ultimately have more peace in life. So I think it’s the intentions behind it as well.
I'm a 9, but I keep people at arm's length. Although I will do it passively. I'd rather say "maybe, we will see" rather than a straight "no". But I'm seldom a "yes". I always want to withdraw.
The only thing is, I am SUPER introspective. It's probably what I spend most of my time doing. I lay around for hours at a time trying to figure out what my motivations are and what deeper behaviour patterns are going on with me. I will also lose track of time by over researching personal development stuff. I frustrate people because that's all I manage to focus on and I'm super lazy when it comes to everything else. A lot of people have told me I'm one of the most introspective people they know.
In saying that, I treat myself almost like a detached researcher, and while I like to unpick some behaviours I think I do that because I'm really detached from my emotions and desires. I have a really hard time knowing how I feel about something. And I'll numb out to find comfort. But over researching it is a way for me to numb out as well.
So in a way I'm very much 9, but not in all the typical ways and in some ways I'm more 5 than 9.
Same. It feels very important. But just now realizing it's another way to numb out.
Hello! Five here (5w6) and what you said about feeling the energy in the room really hit home for me. However I can feel it when I walk into a room, and then almost immediately figure out who it's coming from. It is draining sometimes.
Also, I love figuring out problems by trail and error. In the medical field, there are so many things. For example, I like seeing how changing dosage can really be beneficial for people and it can be very detailed. I love those sort of things. They are so interesting, plus what works well for one person doesnt work for the other. It is almost endless learning.
Another thing I wanted to say was, I feel like I need to be inviting and warm for everyone so they feel comfortable at work. I get the sense that most people do feel comfortable around me (because its necessary for them to trust me, for their benefit) and therefore I do mirror the 9s. When I'm not at my job and its required *beneficial might be a better word* I do contain my energy. I wonder if being in my field has more to do with that though. So many questions, not enough energy!!
It’s definitely the field we are in...it’s draining so we must recover in peace and quiet to refresh...I am a nurse hermit 😂
Interesting video! I am a type 5 female and my brother is a type 9. So right on about type 9’s ability to “merge” better within a group setting; as a 5, I try to not appear so closed off and engage, but I still feel as I am somehow ‘separate’. My brother does seem to blend in, and is very go with the flow. Funny you mention about the sayings, my brother will often reply with a silly saying like, “here for a good time, not a long time” and things like that lol!
I think I might be 5. But I cant also deny that some traits that 9 gives are also relatable.
I got enneagram test and mostly I got 5 result. It is four times 5; two times 6; one time 2. I also took the tritype test once and I got 125.
Well but when I read the enn 5 articles on google and tried to compare them with 9's, now I cant really decide. But it is just ... I feel like I am not as intellectual as those 5's famous ppl like Eisnten, Stephen H, Mark J, etc. I really feel inferior if comparing to them. It cant be happen if we eventually shared the same type! (Btw I am an INFJ).
But I cant lie that I really love thinking. Almost 24/7 (exclude sleeping time) I used my time to think like literally everything, even something that doenst really crucial. I spent most my time being alone in the room. The worst is recently I got insomnia. I need to take a nap 1 hour before I really slumpt into a sleeping beauty phase. But it could be more than 1 hour I was trying to make myself sleep. And that was because my mind couldnt stop working.
I also ever didnt sleep one/two days staight because I was too stressful over my MBTI result cause I really needed some detailed explanatiom asap lol.
I dont hate people, I just feel refreshed and more lively when they leave me alone with only my mind. I procastinate because I often seek a perfect time to execute my goals- but the truth is ... I am kinda afraid of failure.
But even tho I do really like staying inside my own mind, I do have lots lots ideas for my future. I want to execute them all, make them into reality but I just dont have that much "the doers" ability. I often getting bored with something monotone. I need change of how I handle my jobs, or etc. I cant stand the same schedule for at least 1 month. Well even recently it is gotten worse cause I cant stand it more than 3 - 5 days.
But I am still doubting whether I really am a 5 or just a mistyped 9.
Cause I also love peace. I dont always start a conflict because I hate it. But if they step on my principle, I could debate them to the core- although in the end I am preferably gonna cut it out if my opposites are just the type who hate losing or simply dont use reasonable logic to begin with. Well I am not really a logical person, I am more like an intuitive but that doesnt mean I dont use logic. It is more like, when facing problem I tend to use logical explanation to solve it, but then I trust my intuition to decide whether I should go with my logic or not.
Well because I dont have much time to worthless argument. It is better to go back to my own fantasy world or plan for a self growth than to fight them. Whetever I still keep my beliefs firm and ignore them.
Sorry for my bad grammar. I am not a native speaker.
I'm a 5w6. So many of the 5 characteristics resonated with me! First, with chaos, I really dislike events like sporting events, concerts, large gatherings. It starts out slow where I can tolerate being there and the anxiety keeps growing until I have the feeling of needing to flee, now. With the devils advocate, I can't stand people being mistreated, so I feel ok, I'm angry and I'm angry that you've made me angry, so double anger. And how dare you do/say what you did and make me come out of my head to deal with you. At that time, my breathing becomes slower and my words flow from my mouth in a cold and calculating way. I see fear in the perpetrators eyes. Also, I retreat into my head to protect myself from emotional demands. I have to think logically about what has been presented to me and feel somewhat manipulated by someone's neediness. Also, I always feel alert, stiff and observant when I find myself in a new situation or unfamiliar surroundings; I think my home is the only place that I can really relax and let my guard down. Although, as a 5 I feel quite clear about what I want, I don't always say it out loud. Same thing about saying no to someone. I have to weigh the pros and cons when speaking up as I don't want to cause conflict. Most times if I think a person is too much trouble to speak up to, I don't include them in what I'm doing, and I do it myself. And I am resistant to will of others. If what they want makes logical sense to me, I'll think about it but otherwise I may find a subtle way to let them know I'm resisting what they want.
I definitely have a laser focus when I'm speculating on a problem or trying to figure something out!
I'm 98% 5 and 89% 9, according to a recent questionnaire. I identify with both depending on the situation. I was intrigued by your example of being in a group and picking up on their energy, because I alternate between merging and connecting with others (depending on their energy) and being contained. I often feel so attuned to the energy of others, either one-on-one or in a group -- more so in a group, I feel. In one-on-one interactions people seem less likely to "perform" or be "on" for others in a group. In group situations, I'm either 5 or 9, depending on the energy. Thanks for sharing this video!
I am a five and my roommate is a nine! I definitely agree with everything that you said not only about fives but also what I view from nines. We had to present projects together in school and it was easy for her to speak on a subject for long periods of times without prior rehearsal. It was the opposite for me where I felt like I had to write down everything I was going to say in order to communicate what I was really thinking.
This is very accurate to me, a 9, and my type 5 ex boyfriend. It’s like you’re describing us in our relationship. So helpful!
I'm a 9 and my husband is a 5. Everything you just said in this video is us spot on.
Thanks for the video! It cleared up my confusion between being a 5 or a 9. I am told I come off as intimidating or aloof when people don't know me. Otherwise it's the opposite. My family and friends would say I'm a relaxing presence. Maybe it's actually for the same reason as people who don't know me think I'm aloof. If I walk around containing my energy maybe that relaxes people I know because I'm not putting my stress or worries on them. Hmmmm.... I feel like I just had an epiphany.
I am a 9 and I am quite sure my oldest son is a 5. This is a really helpful as I often wonder what is going on in his head. Sometimes our behaviour seems so similar but it's helpful to have that side by side comparison to see where our motivation is different.
I am a 5, but when I first started studying the types I thought I was a 9. Ive been married 11 years to a type 9. I can say that because we are so similar we really work well together. The biggest difference you mentioned that resonated with us is definitely the focus and the decision making.
Something I am planning to look into a little more is the idea of internal energy. I do feel like I have the energy of a 9, but maybe that is just how I present myself. I want to look at myself from afar and see what the energy I put out looks like, and how it looks different from my 9 husband. (I think my desire to delve into this trait is definitely showing my 5 tendencies, haha.)
Thank you for making this video! I just paid $12 today to take the RHETI and scored equal on 5 and 9 and was confused. My ex husband and current bf are both 5w4, lol. We’re all intp’s. I think I like 5’s and therefore take on their characteristics, but I now know I’m a 9. Comfort is super important, I care a lot about how I come off to others, what I tend to read about is very big idea subjects, I make some decisions based on what other ppl will think of me, I’m always unsure of who I am, what I think, how I feel, and my purpose. I let others go ahead of me (assuming they’re more important), but I can also be kinda silently arrogant.
Wow! That’s exactly me. So maybe I’m a 9 after all…
I'm a 5. I find the delegation, the energy-mindedness and the easygoing persona go hand in hand. Several of the other types (1,3,7,8...) can get obsessive about efficiency with respect to time but are totally blind to efficiency with respect to energy. The result can often feel like a bombardment of hostile energy, often over things that I just don't care about enough to be worth getting contentious over. This is when I particularly relate to the 9s: not having a particularly well formed opinion means not having any particularly well formed arguments, but the shapeless irritation at being bothered needlessly sounds irrational enough that I will resist letting it show at all costs. By having an easygoing manner it is possible to delegate the things I don't care about to the more bullish types, which both distracts them enough to give me thinking space and deals with the delegated issue.
Things change when action is required on something I actually do care about, or when someone takes issue with my over-delegation. That's when a bit of my 8 integration comes out and things very quickly become results-oriented. Instead of busy work to keep them quiet, people are given tasks I think will suit their talents and I have to use a bit of self discipline to not take over all the important bits myself. Under these circumstances contentiousness is absolutely not an issue at all, which can startle people who are used to seeing my usual mild, unassuming side.
My best friend is a 5 and I'm a 9. She doesnt come across well to others and often causes offence (to my horror!) But I see the utter kindness and beauty in her, as opposed to the confrontational, offensive person other's can view her as. Thankyou for this, its highlighted both of our characteristics to a T 😊
I think I am a nine ( very nine isn’t it? ) . I do get anxious on the inside when it comes to conflict. I either leave the situation try to change the subject or make the conflict seem less important although I have moments I push back and then wish had handled it differently.
I have a much harder time saying what I like then what I don’t whether it’s a flavor of ice cream or a movie or something more important with few exceptions I am more likely to have favorites over a favorite but a dislike I have a stronger reaction to.
The part about the sayings I do that too just yesterday I made the statement “ well do we ever really know anyone?” Maybe that’s nine making the general sweeping statement?
Stubborn ? Yes . I will say maybe or even yes then try to back out. I think we can complicate when we want to simplify. I also can nod but not agree and then do own thing .
Everyone all of my life has told me that my mother and I are just alike. I use to get offended after a while from hearing it so much. I could then and still do see the similarities but I have always been able to notice our distinct differences. This video hit our types on the head also it described exactly how/why my 5 and her 9 behavior can look alike but yes that internal process is soooooo very different.
I'm a 9 in relationship with a 5. I am quite passive in that I have trouble stating my needs. He is very assertive and is not afraid to say or even demand what he wants to the point of anger if things dont go his way. I have several friends I like go maintain deep relationships with and if I meet someone new I am open and a natural counselor. He keeps to himself more, choosing his interests and learning. Not that I dont, but he views relationship with others as more complex and inconvenient
i‘ve done the ennegram three times. first i got 9, second 4, and third 5. i think i relate most to the strengths of 5w4 as being focused but my weaknesses are a lot like 9 like laziness and not liking discomfort. i also hate conflict.
I'm a 5 married to a 9. He's more needy than I am and I really struggle with being needed that much. Especially with the lock down and no privacy. He's a much better person than I am but a little passive.
Lol, this is the same for me. And I always say the same thing to people, ‘He’s a much better person than I am.’
And I find being needed or available, really challenging.
I scored 80% 5 & 71% 9. Years ago I was a 9. I went through a healing process and set boundaries now which is pushing me into the five category. I feel more of 9 than a 5.
The laser sharp focus of the 5 helped me nail down the 9 for me.
I'm a 9. My only ambition is to be at peace. How I find it is almost irrelevant, although I find it much more in nature than in the world of people. One reason I avoid conflict is because I know what I'm capable of, and while tearing a strip off the office gossip or loudmouthed drama queen feels great, the shame always follows very soon after. I can't stand people who cause a scene, so I don't want to be like that myself.
This is so fascinating to me! I'm a 5, but because I'm typically so quiet and reserved, and often withhold my opinions, it seems like I'm constantly misinterpreted as being a 9. However, it's what's going on inside that is very different. Thanks so much for this insightful video!
I'm a 4 with a strong 5 wing, one of the best people I've ever met is a type 9 woman who is kind of the wise old witch of the village. She's the one who introduced me to the enneagram btw. I noticed that she has a way of making sure that everyone is welcome and feels seen and acknowledged, whereas I have a tendency to be more selective and self-centered. She is an excellent mediator of conflicts and she always makes sure everyone leaves her house with their spirit lifted. This doesn't mean she will take your nonsense, after all she also has a delightfully sassy 8 wing
I am a 5 (male) watching this with my 9 friend (female) and we both agree this is spot on. Incredible and much appreciated.
Kia ora from New Zealand. I'm a type 5w4 but also 9w1 interesting combination. A INTJ on myer briggs personality. So I'm not a people person and this explains why I put my foot in it alot
I just stumbled across this video, its great! I see a lot of other folks that took test and scored evenly on 9 and 5 traits. I also fall into that bucket, but after a lot of reading, I'm definitely a 9, because I am such an easygoing go with the flow type of person, but I do exhibit a lot of traits of a 5 like obsessively seeking after knowledge. My kids call it "obsessive obscure learning" but it serves me well since I am a computer programmer. I'm able to read massive amounts of technical manuals, then speak with a diverse set of business stakeholders, and develop a middle of the road solution that will solve most of everyones problems. Anyways, great video, and it helps me further down my enneagram journey. Thank you!
Most helpful resource I’ve found on this type identification!! Thank you 🙏
I’m a 5, my husband is 9. We decided (well, I took the decision) to separate after 15 years of trying, as living together was so utterly difficult for both of us. We remain good friends and he’s happy to come and repair my broken appliances when needed. But... he needed his space, his comfort zone. I always felt it was like he was in the marriage without really being there, and resented the small demands and compromises of married life. On the other hand to him I came across as confrontational, and desperate to resolve the deeper issues. The less progress I made the more frustrated and aggressive I’d become. Thank goodness our son is an 8!
I read your comments and I had the exact opposite marriage.I'm a social Nine and my ex is a self pres five. I felt when he was in the room he was not there, distant. I often did not understand the distant eyes and lack if intimacy when talking with .I always felt he was talking but not to me. WE divorced after 23 years of our relationship. But now we are friends and I love our conversations as he is so smart and does alot of research on topics I love. In fact we are traveling to europe together soon. He is a gentle soul and I have often had big energy maybe to big for him. I now know he sees me and my better nature in his own way. We will remain friends. Funny I have a room mate to share my house and she is a self pres 5... I guess they are my teachers. I'm curious of the wounding and crystalization of the fixation. Do you talk about that?
I definitely have a hard time stating my needs or taking action. I really like your example of the nine floating down a river and passively watching things that pass by, as an analogy of the nines focus. That's pretty accurate I'd say. I also notice that I tend to hide my energy so I don't make others uncomfortable. This makes people not notice me so I always end up last in situations like ordering food or getting in line.
I love this !
I’m a 9 and for a while I would question if I was a 5 because I can be in my head a lot, I’m a bit of an Investigator and this really helped me see the difference. So simple and easy to comprehend thank you
I was recently diagnosed as autistic at 40. I’m a 5 and notice many of the traits of 5’s align with my autistic traits. Have you found that with your practice? I also have the gut instinct of a 9 in 1:1 interactions but find 5 resonates with me most.
This further confirmed that I'm a 9 and not a 5... but I'd say I'm a very 5ish 9. I'm probably about as withdrawn as a lot of 5s but lack the focus and interest in details and don't relate as much to the 9 aspect of being very approachable/likeable (LOL). But I definitely am very guilty of speaking in generalities to diffuse a potentially contentious topic and wasting time losing myself in a random train of thought, but in some situations I think I have more of that closed-off contained energy like a 5 vs. the laid back energy like a 9 (but definitely not in all situations), or it will switch depending on my mood.
Im just learning about the enneagram and I'm pretty sure I'm a pretty unhealthy 9. I'm confused and despondent a lot of the time and I don't do much. I spend a lot of time in my head but it's unfocused, like you said. I used to make sweeping generalized statements until I went to university and studied English literature. I had to learn to be direct and specific, which was very challenging. When around others I know how to make them comfortable, even if they are angry. Everyone wants to be loved (sweeping generalization) deep down and so even someone who's angry, is going to recognize an opportunity to be understood. I'm okay with investing energy into other people, if I'm okay. I need a place to retreat if I need to. I spend a lot of time in my head worrying about other people. I recognize that relationships don't last forever and so starting up new ones can feel debilitating. That maybe one thing that makes me conservative in how I invest my energy; that fear of potential loss and pian in the future
randel hanson omg! You just said everything I feel! Thank you for finding the words altgough I hope I'm not doing the merging thing with you... I'm new to this and I keep getting 9, 4, 2 but the 9 is like what I really am and 4 and 2 feels like it's what I do for work (I'm a nurse) . I feel u on the unhealthy thing. I'm there now
Omg under-delegate and over-delegate resonates with me so much. I feel like I always want to go 10000% and if I can’t do that then I have to struggle to contain myself (which means that I try go over the top on the “not caring” aspect)
I honestly have no idea if I'm a 5 or 9. I get 9 on the tests, but I really feel like I'm very contained and distant like a 5.
I just cannot figure my husband out! Lol he originally typed as a 5 but he is so much of a peacemaker also. He engages in social interactions when he’s in then but would rather avoid them. He is becoming more stubborn though on what he wants to do whereas before he’d just agree with what I want to do because he didn’t want to fight. He is definitely an observer but a very NON judgmental person. He withdrawals during conflict and actually almost acts as if nothing happened. I’m still trying to figure out what type he really is. I’m trying to get him to take the test again but he’s being stubborn about it lol
I’m a 5. My mother in law is a 9. I adore her. I’ve also worked with her so I really know her. Everything you said was spot on.
Here’s something I’ve been curious about…how many 5’s are INFJs like me. Is it common for 5’s to be INFJ personalities?
I am a 9 wing 8 and find everything you said true for myself, other than that aI can introspect but may not know what to do about it. As in, I'm a mom to 4 little girls and often do not find/take time for myself to recharge, especially in this time of conflict.
I would say that 9's can see the big picture, not because they can't see the point, but because it all connects which makes it hard to identify the crux of the matter.
I’m a 5 and my bfs brother is a 9. We are similar in certain ways like how we both like to create and do our own thing. But I am more persistent while he tends to not fully develop or master one talent before moving on. Not that he doesnt stick with certain things but he wanders a little bit. It’s also clear that we both don’t like being around emotional situations however he does merge much better with humans than I do lol. Very interesting stuff.
I can't tell at all both keeping the peace and the what I think or figuring out what is best is both important to me so I can't really figure out if I am 9 or 5. It is all context and depends on the situation.
I am a 9 and totally see this, when I was younger and really passionate about something I could become really laser focused (bordering on obsessive about said passion eg I loved flying as a kid, still do, but with that obsession I would spend all my spare time reading about planes, watching them etc) whereas as an adult I am very much more so a 9, see also thinking a few years ago I was very 7 orientated and driven by new experiences, I can see certain times in my life where I was very centred towards different types, so I most definitely think I am a 9!
One thing I am not sure about is that even as a child I was feisty and I still am but I am always selective in who sees that side of me. I feel much stronger on the inside than I can manage to show on the outside. I don’t know if that is a nine or not.
@Marybeth McAndrews Spot on!
I've watched your "Pause practice for x." And would really appreciate a Pause practice for 9s. Frankly, when I try to do anything from the other types, it doesn't help! e.g. Notice I'm losing touch with priorities. Check. Breathe deeply and go inside. .... .... zzzzzzzz! (Ha!) The problem is I don't know what I want and going inside doesn't seem to help because I just enter the fog. What do other 9s do to figure out either what they want or right action? All I can say from my experience is that it takes A LOT of time. That works for big projects, but not with what to eat for dinner.
I really must be a 9. Even though I’m so interested in what you’re saying, I keep getting distracted by your beautiful earrings and style! 😋
Hello Leslie - I'm excited to have found you! I googled enneagram and infant temperament as I am an early childhood teacher (in NZ) who is fascinated by what the Enneagram has to offer, especially to parents. Anyway, this video caught my eye as I am very 9 but also very high in 5. I am a bit confused about who the driver is here and where I'm going with this! My 9 asks "does it matter who's driving as long as I get somewhere nice?" while my 5 tries to focus on one direction. Doesn't sound too compatible to me! Sometimes I feel I'm just going around in circles! 😂
Jacqueline Clarkson I went to New Zealand last year and fell in love with it! Such a beautiful place. Anyway, your comment is a little more nine-ish then five-ish! Especially the “going around in circles part.”😉 Understanding my children’s temperament was a huge game changer for me and was actually there reason I got into the Enneagram in the first place. They were so different from me! Understanding their types and mine has been so important and helpful.
Im pretty sure I am a 9w1. This video was very helpful so thank you. I do have a hard time figuring out what I am doing with myself at times. I look for the answers to problems that come up on the outside, on the inside. Sometimes I immerse myself in the problem so much so that I lose my ability to choose an opinion because I can see from both sides of an argument. I enjoy arguing, but the main goal in mind normally is to reach a common ground. I say yes sometimes to things with no real intention of doing them, and secretly hope people forget, sometimes I feel a little bad about it, because I know I should probably just say no, but honestly I don't really care about it that much. That too shall pass. Oops I did the thing.
I scored a 5 but I feel like I’m to optimistic/content to be a five and to social. So I was thinking 9 bc I also resonate a lot with the other numbers. I love to workout though and love a routine and schedule. Helps me get things done. and if my schedule is disrupted I really don’t like that. I’ve learned to say no more but really struggle to follow through. Like I’ll say no but then do what was asked anyway out of guilt I suppose? I also don’t think I’m smart enough to be an 5. Like I feel a 5 is someone who’s in IT or finance or something a long those lines..?
I’m probably a 5, and I can relate to a 5’s more confrontational nature and energy. (“Probably” because 9 is consistently my second highest type if I use tests- and it’s in my tritype.) In group settings I’m not “mergy” and physically stand apart from other people because I think I’d lose some of my ability to observe if I participate. I can relate to both the 5’s laser focus and the 9’s meandering thoughts though.
I have nine in my tritype and I definitely relate to the idea of playing devil's advocate, but in a gentle peacemaking way. I also notice a compulsive tendency to reference the other person when I'm speaking to them, to validate their perspective, even to the point of invalidating my own. For example if I'm complaining about something and I know the other person has been in a similar situation, I'll say something like 'I know it may sound silly to you' or 'it maybe isn't as bad as how YOU have it'.
I'm not sure if that's specifically a nine thing, or even an enneagram thing. It might just be a function of self deprecation/ an inferiority complex, although I always have the sense that I'm doing it to avoid upsetting the other person. Maybe a nine wouldn't be as doubtful of their own motives as I am!
Sometimes self-deprecation is cultural or familial. Some religious people can be self-deprecating as well. Or it could simply be a habit! I’m always looking for the “why” underneath. I don’t know your dominant type pattern, but sometimes the assumption that offering another perspective would upset them could be a projection. Some people like to hear other perspectives...I’m one of them. :) I grew up in an East coast Irish Catholic family where being opinionated was a value.
My husband grew up in a Midwest family and keeping the peace was a family value. (He’s also a 9). I remember it was one of the first things I noticed in his family. There’s so many variables... wisdom might invite us to see how we silence ourselves or how we clamp down on our “aliveness.” I’ve interviewed so many 5s and 9s and I never cease to be surprised by the different ways the type expresses itself.
I relate to this so much! I constantly feel the need to play devil's advocate and validate others' viewpoints when I talk with them especially if it's a more confrontational energy or I feel guilty when comparing my problems to theirs. In my experience, it helps diffuse some tension and makes it less likely they will fire back with hostility or simply disagree with me because it's so important that I be in agreement with people around me. It's reached a point where I pre-emptively validate people's viewpoints because I can sense when something I'm saying is creating tension for them and it seems to comfort them even though it's probably unhealthy for me to do it so much. Simply asserting my own view point without all that prefacing is probably better for me in the long term :)
I am 9 - now I can see it. I spent 5 years with (terrible) 5 who delegated all the responsibilities on me because of my energy. Now I know why wet met each other and stayed together even though the relationship was quite unequal. I am glad I am a free 9 now and I know how to deal with 5s (:
I'm a 5 but I tested as a 9. I'm a MBTI INTP so I had assumed that the 9 result was just me demonstrating that I was more socially aware than a typical INTP; I'm definitely more diplomatic than the average INTP.
I recently looked more deeply into the Enneagram and I was convinced that I was actually a 5. It's my speculation that the 9 traits that I exhibit are likely a coping mechanism I developed in order minimize the large amount of conflict I experienced in my childhood.
most INTPs are 59x 54x or just 4 5 9. I am very conflict avoidant (was like that prior enneagram and mbti knowledge), but nowdays I would rather say no instead of "maybe" staling.
Thank you, this was helpful! I was wondering if my friend is a 5 or a 9 and now this declared it that I think he is a 5. 🙏 I have a 9 partner though and these two people are somewhat similiar but (well, of course) very different also. My friend isn't even interested in the enneagram much, but I am, so I had to investigate his type. 😂
Am a 9 and once l learned that lnwanted to learn s much as l could because if l do understand to can be able delete as much discomfort as l can and know how to explan myself more to my friends and just be more aware of how l show up because l really don't want to just go on to get along any more ! L want to love me for me regardless what l do what go after since am going to alog of my feelings l have been in discomfort but l know it for that peace of mind 😌so it worth it and l have noticed l have a high measure of 9w1 tendency of 7 all about looking at the bright side and struggle to go to the Dark side of me (l have been highly aware when l start to do the hide the bad by doing looking for the dopamine high) l got 5 tendecy to self isolate not by choice (way before the pandemic) just what happened(didn't have any friends at the time ) and know l enjoy it because l get to learn so much (and being aware when l need it or when l should go out and hang with my current friends 🥰) the enneagram has been the best personality that has helped the most !! I felt truly seen 🥰
Great insights 😇
Took a test and got even score as 5 and 9! I do identify with both of their traits. I guess its according to my situation and mindset, emotions. Plus I am an INFJ, yikes! No wonder I had a hard time growing up, trying to figure out my mind and how it is so confusing and like a world-wind!
I really enjoy your style of teaching thank you. Glad to find your channel. I first saw you on your addiction seminars with john dupuy many years ago you're very engaging.
Im a 5w6 and i have a strong feeling my friend is in reality a 9 but mistyped as a five. She is quite unhealthy and can be very slow, hazy, sleepy and passive; which drives me insane because shes not observant enough to truly be a five. We will be engaged in the same activity and i wont miss a single detail while she cant keep up with the pase at all and simply resigns and gives up.
Id love to hear some advice on how i could support an unhealthy 9 because although she can drive me nuts i love my friend and she always respects my boundaries which is very valuable to me as a five in a friendship
I feel like I'm both depending on where in my headspace I land.
I have no idea between both type. I have no idea what careers I would like to do. I Hate being a salesman. I am really indecisive. Sometime i know what I like and sometimes no.
I'm 5 and you are right
I relate to both. I'm a 5w4 and my tritype is 594
It's hard for me to read my own energy in a group since I am not outside myself. I work hard to be very welcoming and warm like a 9, especially when I have people come to my home (with the help of a glass of wine), but other times I feel really distant and cut off and contained. However, maybe I lean more towards 9 because I don't want to be so cut off and contained, whereas 5's are fine being that way?
I also used to have a laser-sharp attention on my current topic of interest, but no longer. I am wondering if social media has warped this quality about me, or perhaps I had just been a 9 with intense interests.
This was really helpful and clarifying for me! I am a 9, and knew that I was, but there were some things that helped me understand myself better when I saw the contrast between the 9 and 5. The part about protecting energy in room of people is right on. I love to socialize, and can handle quite a bit of energy for a time, but too much emotional drama will exhaust me quickly. I will also add that I love to introspect and figure out things mentally (I love analyzing personalities, etc.), but I think my tendency is to get overwhelmed and confused in my own head because I'm seeing the big picture of everything (all the different facets and connections at once) and it becomes muddled. I get lost and can't figure out what leads to what, because there are so many possibilities that all make sense at the same time. I always thought I knew myself really well, but I didn't understand why I had those preferences. Comfort and calm is the underlying thing. Now that I'm aware of that, I can consciously sacrifice comfort for the sake of vulnerability when it's needed.
Kayleen Jasperse This is such a helpful comment! I was working with someone yesterday who is trying to make the distinction between 5 and 9 as he could feel both inside of himself: seeing the big picture is a really important distinction and so is the muddled feeling that 9s are more inclined to experience then 5s. Also “comfort” is a big word for 9s and less so for 5s. Thanks for weighing in Kayleen!
Im a 9 and this makes sense. thank you for your content!
Do one for Type 1 and 5.
Ahhh makes sense. I resonate with the 9. Thank you.
Thats very helpful. Thank you so much.
Good information
An 5w4 SO, INTP with strong NP here. Interesting video. I need to analyze it more, but the 5/9 contrast certainly helps me see the accuracy of my typing on the inside. Relating the behaviors to comfort was excellent. It seems to work for me, though being comfortable is not something I would have seen as a priority of mine. Being driven by needing to be competent can sometimes result in not choosing particularly comfortable paths...
On a technical note, I find that the volume ranges from clear to inaudible. Perhaps compressing the audio would help polish the sound?. Of course, maybe I should just get a hearing aid.
J. Robb Wilson yes comfort is a key distinction for 9s and the word “competent” is spot on as it’s crucial not only for 5s, but also for all head types. Thanks for the feedback on the sound!
The first time I took the test, I got a 5w9, I took it again 10 minutes later and got 9w5... I feel more of a 9 though because I can easily adapt and merge, & very passive .
Yet I'm very introspective and try to figure myself out. Hence I came here. Hmmm,...
I cant figure out if I'm 9w1 or 5w6.
I can't tell what I am for sure between 9 and 5. Tests show both, one test said 97% 5 /91% 9.
You can be both types...9 is in the gut triad. 5s are in the head. You can be a 9 with a 5 fix or vice versa.
I’m a five and I work closely with a nine. This is pretty accurate 😂
Good insight! Please increase the volume on your recordings. I could barely hear you but what I did hear was very interesting
Daniel Otero thanks for letting me know. I can be a low talker...I’ll pay attention to that.
Recently I tested for the first time for the enneagram. I am an INFJ for Meyers-Briggs. My score is a 9/5/1. I was so confused about the answers about this. Being a good INFJ I took the test several more times on different days and times. I have the exact same answer. I keep reading that this is not really possible and yet here I am. I am not sure about why I need to be absolutely one or the other. Can you help with why I am still getting the same result?
Does 5 ever get confused with 3? I am not sure if I’m 3 or 5. I’m social and am super curious about people and ask questions and love researching personality and information. Definitely in my head and love of detail and concentration. Can’t tell if my need to investigate and achieve competency before action. I am very introspective and love to think about things.
Is difficult to know, but I know I am an INFP. The last test I got type 5w6 but there is not much research for INFP type 5 , but it does for INFP type 9. So right now I am stil confuse. I feel like I am 5w9 or 9w5, but I know It doesn’t make sense.
I am a 9 married to a 5. The issue I have mostly is feeling lonely with the 5. He is so into his brain that he thinks he has told me something important but he did not and I find out 2 months later. I do like being able to have my own time to myself and I love when we can talk over a subject of interest. Typically he’ll talk about all of the details and I learn a lot. But it can be lonely married to a 5 if you are a 9. I love people and he says he does but I don’t see it. We have very few friends and are the first to leave Church while everyone is still inside talking. 😂
Hilarious thumbnail haha
Thanks for the explanation
I got a 9@98% and 5@92% so I feel both
I am pretty sure I am 9 but I am also very introspective. Am I mistyping myself?
If I might ask is it introspection more so on emotion or thought forms?
@@lucasmcgetchin5021 Emotional introspection with an analytical spin. It will be like, I felt sad after watching this, why do I feel that way? I will say though that I wasn't like that when I was younger. I am a lot more dreamy but I realize that it makes me less able to manage myself if I am dreamy all the time, so I started being more asking why about myself.
I rarely introspect thought forms I guess? But I am not sure what you meant by that either. Perhaps you can elaborate?
@@filyre4132 From your description my gut is telling me you might be like me and be a 9wing1. I asked if it was introspection on emotion or thought form in the way that emotional introspection can be more a sensation of feeling itself, where as thoughts can perpetuate emotions and I was curious as to the nature of how particularly you introspect so as to be able to make an educated guess to your type. Ultimately only you can make that call as to your type but I find it fun to speculate all the same.
8 w 7 married to 9 w 1 .🥲 exhausted 😴
I am new to enneagram and I have taken a few free tests and I'm all over the place. Is this normal? I had 6w5, 4w5, 1w9, and 9w8. They all sound right! So what am I missing?
Enneagram 6 and 9 are the ones to most often mistype themselves. So it's likely you are one of the two. I had a similar issue. I thought I was a 4, then a 1, then a 5, then a 9, then a 6. I also contemplated 7, 2, and 3. I even considered 8, but that didnt last long, lol. Went back to 4. And then finally had a lightbulb moment and realized I was a 9 all along.