Back in my day Mount and Blade didn't have a subtitle and we were grateful for what we had! Which was like... tons of mods... holy crap there were so many weird mods for original Mount and Blade. Star Wars mods, The Last Days... Berserk... Gangs of Glasgow... that weird as fuck Wedding Dance mod with the fetish nuns, anatomically correct very excited nudists, and functional chariots... Weird shit...
I'm halfway conquering Perisno in Warband, and thought "You know what? Let's check bannerlord and see if it's still early access" And to my surprise, they finally release the game!
Oh man! What a journey! I remember dreaming of a game like this playing warband back in the day. And now, we're here! You guys at TaleWorlds are amazing! Thank you all so much for making this game and making a gamer's dream, a reality.
I’ve been waiting years for this to finally be on console. You guys have succeeded in every endeavor you’ve undertaken thus far and I’ll happily proclaim that Bannerlord is my favorite game of all time, full stop.
Great work TaleWorlds! Hope to see much more from you all in the future, and definitely hope this is not the end for Bannerlord quite yet! I know some minor updates will happen, but it's never too late to surprise us with something too :) Even excited for the DLC that's said to come! Can't wait!
@Triple K Mafia 🇷🇺 How is it extremely? It still has 4x the content vanilla warband did, its combat and AI is significantly better. Infact practically everything is better significantly, so its close to being complete....
@Triple K Mafia 🇷🇺 ahahah, they cannot 'lie' that the game is fully release since it's up to them to make the decision and the statment lmao Unfinished - you can say so. Yes, I agree it still lacks many features, depths and certain cohesion of the gameplay mechanics. I can't really tell how good or bad the game is at the moment. Personally I'm looking to play it a year in post-release. Also, you probably meant to reply to the other guy but I'm glad to chatter nonetheless
The game has been awesome the past 2 years, but i gotta be honest, i dont see much drastic improvement or change the last year, or with 1.0 Kinda expected something more, some sleeper feature that had been worked on (like better diplomacy where characters react more in Crusader Kings 2 style, rather than being completely oblivious to prior actions by the player). Warband felt like you were actually dealing with people, the father of a maiden was someone you legitimately had to earn the trust of. Here, in Bannerlord, its just a dice roll Skyrim conversation, marry or not marry.
Congratulations on the release of Bannerlord! I am looking forward to seeing more updates in the future, further improving the game's current and/or missing features.
Awesome to finally see the release of Bannerlord. However two things I want to see continued on is revamping troop trees with these new armors to make troops look a lot nicer from what they currently are. And second the continuation of workshop levels/upgrades. Other than that good stuff.
Are we able to sort troops properly yet? I'd like to be able to pull my 2 handed troops out of the shield wall. When can we expect to get the criminal/gang update
I bought Warband when I was 9 years old, I'm 17 now, and I have loved the journey that TaleWorlds has gone through with this product. I hope that future mechanics are added, and existing ones are fleshed out in the future :D
It must have been doing updates for a very long time 1- Increasing the number of tribes from 8 to 14 2- Increasing his personal age to 100 years, after that the children, then the grandchildren. 3- XP is provided in all my tasks in a very large way. Or wars or something else 4- Placing ships in the sea to move between cities all over the map. 5- And expand the map completely, which is much larger than now. Ie cities and map in general form 6- Providing graphics in a general way. 4K 120 fps. or 8K
Congratulations on the full release been playing since 2020 and I love it. One thing we need though is feasts and heraldic armour, as these are my favourite features of warband.
Really good to see more AI and custom server improvements (both are sorely needed). Custom servers is the only reason I'm trying to talk the rest of my gaming group into getting this game now. 🙂
Hey! Waited a long time to get this game and do appreciate the console release and new features! My problem is I’ve experience so many graphic issues and glitches when it comes to up and battles on my PS4 Pro. When the enemy isn’t right in front of me they move like low fps sprites when there’s only like 25 total on the field. NPC simply look really odd funky or even scary sometimes. When they are on screen their teeth eyes and clothes load in slowly every single time. I think the inventory and trade UI could also be set up so so much better than it is now. Such as changing categories with L2 or R2 rather than putting everything into or out of one’s inventory. I don’t feel I should need a PS5 to play a game like this so I feel it simply wasn’t max optimized for console. I truly hope these issues get fixed soon. Not harsh criticism here just feedback after playing many hours on PS4 Pro. I can’t even express how much I love Warband and what it has meant to me. Bannerlord is obviously an epic upgrade it’s just not as fun because it doesn’t work well in some areas like what I’ve named above. Warband, though older, runs smooth, does what it’s supposed, and has never had any weird UI or graphical glitches for me. So I just want the Bannerlord experience to be like that. Smooth and functional. Thanks!
thank you taleworlds for giving us this wonderful game, I've been playing mount and blade since 2015 hope u guys will continue to give updates not just fixes but also some features to prolong the game, i don't wanna rely on mods, thank you very much taleworlds
TaleWorlds i cant thank you enough for this phenomenal game. Do you plan to extend crafting system on armour, boots, helmets , jewelry and in general clothing?
Congrats on the release TaleWorlds and what a bloody fantastic game. It's perfect aside from my one complaint that the character creator makes it quite hard to create people that don't all look vaguely the same, I wish there were presets like in Warband so we could create a plethora of goofy looking people
Hello. Can you please tell me. Why doesn't Mount and blade 2 bannerlord release version launch with mods? Although all mods have been updated to the release version.Please Please help🥺🥺
Эх, мало контента ещё в игре, добавили бы набеги северян с моря к примеру или из пустыни и степи, которые способны захватывать города и замки основывая свои малые государства, это бы очень сильно разнообразило игру. Так же добавили бы специальные места для постройки малых городов и деревень для поднятия экономики, или специальные постройки к примеру военную академию для обученя спутников, храм для поднятия боевого духа, военные лагеря наемников с для найма отряда с командиром на определённый срок. Ну много чего можно добавить, просто очень мало контента в игре и особенно в поздней стадии игры.
TaleWorlds! Help! EDIT: Solved! If you plug in a keyboard and mouse to your console, you can open up the character editor at any time by pressing V, and you can rotate them with the mouse! Every single PS5 and Xbox Series X/S console player I've talked to is having the same issue of not being able to rotate their character in the initial character creation menu, and so we have been unable to create our dream Butter Barons! -On PC too, I know there's also an option to edit your character at any time mid game by pressing V on keyboard, but we are unable to do this on consoles, and can only edit character hair at a Barber's. These would be great to have implemented sometime! Thank you for listening to the community! ♥️
I look forward to this game's great future! I just really hope the ability to assign units and companions/family to different battle formations in the campaign party UI gets reimplemented.
New and more expanded upon game modes in multiplayer would be cool, such as Captain mode, it's a great mode! Just suffers from a lack of players queueing for it, it would be awesome to see a 2v2 or smaller army battles against a smaller amount of players, to prevent queue time from taking up to a long period of time and to even have a bit more competition in that specific game mode. Either way Captain mode is a really ingenious addition and I hope it's here to get expanded upon.
It took me a while to get used to the controller on PS5 but the game is pretty much the same as the PC version, The combat feels a lot better with the PS5 controller because it has that tension on the triggers especially for bow use, doing a mount and bow run this time it's great
@@tenshi8383 Yes that's also a problem people are saying! On PC, you can change your character's appearance anytime mid-game by pressing V on the keyboard, but on consoles, that feature's missing atm 😑
Fantastic title really enjoying the game, looking forward to whats to come. I will report though as a Bannerlord Console player that crossplay with Xbox platforms is very much needed. The multiplayer is very low populated on PS4/PS5 and crossplay with Xbox would help a lot. Keep up the good work guys. 👍
As a console gamer, I was overjoyed when Warband arrived on the PlayStation a few years back. Been waiting for a good long time for Bannerlord and now it's finally here! Really enjoying my first playthrough!
Your welcome TaleWorlds team. We wish to see some Co-op mode (at least let us be able to play in the same party..) and ships. We also wish to see M&B 3, Fire&Sword for Bannerlord, Viking/Ship themed Expansion or DLC And Sword&Musket as a DLC + its campaign.
i really hope core mechanics of the game get updated because its really fun but there's a point you hit where you cant progress anymore, the taking over a caste/town and then they rebel because the faction is different is dumb, the campaign makes you at war for forever for no reason, theres 0 diplomacy and nobel relation, in the 1st game you could call a feast and talk with lords. Dialogue with any person that changes how they feel or influence them to go to war with X, just add things for us to play around with. if i own a town let me upgrade the villages anything.
Ya hocam burdan yöneticilere sesleniyorum: abi şu oyuna biraz his katın, warbanddaki aldığım hissi şu oyundan alamıyorum. Savaşlar gelişmiş güzel ama sadece savaş mı bu oyunu güzel yapan? ben oyunumun ikinci saatnde lord olmak istemiyorum, 10. Saatimde bir sürü kalem olsun istemiyorum. Warbanda turnuvayı kazandıktan sonra kaleye davet edildiğimizde kendimizi ne kadar önemli hissederdik. İnsanlarla ilişkimiz arttığında bizlerle konuşması bile değişirdi. Yani anlatmak istediğim his yok, warbanda ilk kalemi ele geçirdiğimde aldığım hissi almak istiyorum, o zorluğu istiyorum. 1-Şimdi ise biraz level atla ve lord ol 2- orduya katıl kazan 3-sana kale versinler Anlamsız geliyor bana, Ayrıca illa lord mu olmamız gerekiyor? Haydut olabiliriz, sığınak kuran Tüccar olabiliriz, dükkan inşa eden Kaşif olabiliriz keşifler yapan Köylü olabiliriz. Bayraksız Büyük bir demiirci ustası olabilriz. Şimdi bunların hepsi olabilirsiniz demeyin lütfen, oyun kale ele geçirmeye dönüyor 5 saatten sonra Ayrıca gelişim olayı çok sıfır ötesi Kalelerdeki gelişim sadece yazıların değişmesi, bu bir tarayıcı oyunumu? Bide neden her şehrin duvarları var? Yada neden her arena için bir bölge var? Sokakta dövüş olabilir, çete olursak bu turnuvaları düzenleyen kişiler olabiliriz. Yada her ilde neden demirci var? Neden bizden başka usta yok? Yada neden başka ustaların yaptığı kılıçlar yok Bide son güncellemede oyun haritası büyümüş, ama boş olduktan sonra şehirllerde ben hiç birşey yapmmadıktan sonra ne anlamı var bu oyunun? Abi sizden ricam orta çağda yaşıyormuş gibi şu olayı kavrayın lütfen warbanddaki o önemlilik hissini geri getirin ve lord oğlu değilsek mümkünse sıfırdan bayraksız bir köylü olarak başlayalım. Daha çok gelişmesi gerekiyor, modculara bırakmayın şu işi lütfen, ayrıca eğer düşünemiyoorsanız yapılan modları geliştirseniz, oyuna çok şey katmış olursunuz. Emeği geçen abilerimiz ablalarımıxdan Allah razı olsun, 2008 den beri takipçiniz olan bir kardeşiniz olarak sesimizi duyun lütfen
How do I on console, pick the unite I want to charge and when. I think I picked them, and when I change there formation only the picked one changes. However when I try do the same with charge or movement during battle all units does it.
Lets us not forget our forefathers, who played Warband over and over, so that one day their grandchildren could play Bannerlord.
And us the ancestors who played Vanilla Mount and Blade
Back in my day Mount and Blade didn't have a subtitle and we were grateful for what we had! Which was like... tons of mods... holy crap there were so many weird mods for original Mount and Blade. Star Wars mods, The Last Days... Berserk... Gangs of Glasgow... that weird as fuck Wedding Dance mod with the fetish nuns, anatomically correct very excited nudists, and functional chariots... Weird shit...
The butters must be passed over to newer generations....
Unfortunately i am more of a date and salt enjoyer.
I'm halfway conquering Perisno in Warband, and thought "You know what? Let's check bannerlord and see if it's still early access" And to my surprise, they finally release the game!
Congratulations on the release! It's been quite a journey. Butterlard!
Oh man! What a journey! I remember dreaming of a game like this playing warband back in the day. And now, we're here!
You guys at TaleWorlds are amazing! Thank you all so much for making this game and making a gamer's dream, a reality.
I’ve been waiting years for this to finally be on console. You guys have succeeded in every endeavor you’ve undertaken thus far and I’ll happily proclaim that Bannerlord is my favorite game of all time, full stop.
Great work TaleWorlds! Hope to see much more from you all in the future, and definitely hope this is not the end for Bannerlord quite yet! I know some minor updates will happen, but it's never too late to surprise us with something too :) Even excited for the DLC that's said to come! Can't wait!
@Triple K Mafia 🇷🇺 it's never to late to break mods again :D
@Triple K Mafia 🇷🇺 How is it extremely? It still has 4x the content vanilla warband did, its combat and AI is significantly better. Infact practically everything is better significantly, so its close to being complete....
@Triple K Mafia 🇷🇺 ahahah, they cannot 'lie' that the game is fully release since it's up to them to make the decision and the statment lmao
Unfinished - you can say so. Yes, I agree it still lacks many features, depths and certain cohesion of the gameplay mechanics. I can't really tell how good or bad the game is at the moment. Personally I'm looking to play it a year in post-release.
Also, you probably meant to reply to the other guy but I'm glad to chatter nonetheless
Great work??? This is the lamest full release Ive ever seen.
i expect new map like kingdom of arda of westros and essos but the mod already on the way..
Well done Taleworlds, thank you for creating this amazing game
Woooo here we go boys!!
Congratulations TaleWorlds Entertainment. I have played 2k hours before release and i'm still as excited as day 1 early acces.
I started playing on and off since mount & blade 0.808 in 2006, glad to see M&B has come this far
It's not "Coming soon" anymore! It's THE RELEASE! Time to begin another journey... Well done TaleWorlds!
The game has been awesome the past 2 years, but i gotta be honest, i dont see much drastic improvement or change the last year, or with 1.0
Kinda expected something more, some sleeper feature that had been worked on (like better diplomacy where characters react more in Crusader Kings 2 style, rather than being completely oblivious to prior actions by the player).
Warband felt like you were actually dealing with people, the father of a maiden was someone you legitimately had to earn the trust of.
Here, in Bannerlord, its just a dice roll Skyrim conversation, marry or not marry.
Amazing game Taleworlds I have been a fan since Mount & Blade (the original one) keep up the good work !!
Thankyou Taleworlds, I was surprised by some of the combat changes, makes the game much better.
Congratulations on the release of Bannerlord! I am looking forward to seeing more updates in the future, further improving the game's current and/or missing features.
Hey congrats on making this great game! I hope to see more quality work from you guys :)
Let's go 💪😃
All excellent additions and fixes. Well done and keep up the good work!
Awesome to finally see the release of Bannerlord. However two things I want to see continued on is revamping troop trees with these new armors to make troops look a lot nicer from what they currently are. And second the continuation of workshop levels/upgrades. Other than that good stuff.
Finally, I waited for 11 years for this game to be fully released and now I can live out my medieval conquest
What a wonderful developer and wonderful game. Thank you for all your efforts.
Are we able to sort troops properly yet?
I'd like to be able to pull my 2 handed troops out of the shield wall.
When can we expect to get the criminal/gang update
7- Increasing the number of workshops. to 15 or more. And also the convoy to 5 or 8 and the people in your parties to 15 or more
I bought Warband when I was 9 years old, I'm 17 now, and I have loved the journey that TaleWorlds has gone through with this product. I hope that future mechanics are added, and existing ones are fleshed out in the future :D
Why is this video unlisted, this is a great development update.
Now it's open to everyone.
I don't know, i watched it on Steam yesterday 😅
It must have been doing updates for a very long time
1- Increasing the number of tribes from 8 to 14
2- Increasing his personal age to 100 years, after that the children, then the grandchildren.
3- XP is provided in all my tasks in a very large way. Or wars or something else
4- Placing ships in the sea to move between cities all over the map.
5- And expand the map completely, which is much larger than now. Ie cities and map in general form
6- Providing graphics in a general way. 4K 120 fps. or 8K
Congratularions, Taleworlds! I’ve been playing since M&B. Please add an option for us to be a soldier or companion to other Lords or Kings. Thank you.
Thank you Taleworlds!
Astounding work! Can't wait to go back to the harvesting season! Thank you for your dedication and updates!
lovely work guys!
The battle AI is next level, especially considering how many AI are in battle. It’s actually insane. Goodjob
Well done! It's so good that a developer actually finishes and gives a good product at the end!
What happened to the village building and the dynamic visual changes on the overworld?
Congratulations on the full release been playing since 2020 and I love it. One thing we need though is feasts and heraldic armour, as these are my favourite features of warband.
I am so stoked that I can Bannerlords on my PS5! I am going to grab my copy this Friday, can't wait!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤗
Really good to see more AI and custom server improvements (both are sorely needed). Custom servers is the only reason I'm trying to talk the rest of my gaming group into getting this game now. 🙂
Is it... really, truly.... Harvesting season?
The elders spoke of such a day
So after the release - is there ANY chance to see offical coop support for Bannerlord?
There will be no co-op said by the official spokesperson. But a discord server is currently working on co-op mod
@@Milidious I know that there is mod in progress, but thought they said they would think about coop after a release
Hey! Waited a long time to get this game and do appreciate the console release and new features! My problem is I’ve experience so many graphic issues and glitches when it comes to up and battles on my PS4 Pro. When the enemy isn’t right in front of me they move like low fps sprites when there’s only like 25 total on the field. NPC simply look really odd funky or even scary sometimes. When they are on screen their teeth eyes and clothes load in slowly every single time. I think the inventory and trade UI could also be set up so so much better than it is now. Such as changing categories with L2 or R2 rather than putting everything into or out of one’s inventory. I don’t feel I should need a PS5 to play a game like this so I feel it simply wasn’t max optimized for console. I truly hope these issues get fixed soon.
Not harsh criticism here just feedback after playing many hours on PS4 Pro. I can’t even express how much I love Warband and what it has meant to me. Bannerlord is obviously an epic upgrade it’s just not as fun because it doesn’t work well in some areas like what I’ve named above. Warband, though older, runs smooth, does what it’s supposed, and has never had any weird UI or graphical glitches for me. So I just want the Bannerlord experience to be like that. Smooth and functional.
thank you taleworlds for giving us this wonderful game, I've been playing mount and blade since 2015 hope u guys will continue to give updates not just fixes but also some features to prolong the game, i don't wanna rely on mods, thank you very much taleworlds
TaleWorlds i cant thank you enough for this phenomenal game.
Do you plan to extend crafting system on armour, boots, helmets , jewelry and in general clothing?
can you actually balance the khuzaits and get rid of paper armour????
Congrats on the release TaleWorlds and what a bloody fantastic game. It's perfect aside from my one complaint that the character creator makes it quite hard to create people that don't all look vaguely the same, I wish there were presets like in Warband so we could create a plethora of goofy looking people
Thank you for all of your hard work! Congratulations on the release!
iam happy to gave this game a over one year pause. now i jump in
Thank you from Colombia south america. this is my favorite game ever, even on early acces.
@Smach alguien lo juega sin mods? yo llevo jugandolo modificado desde hace mas de un año
Hello. Can you please tell me. Why doesn't Mount and blade 2 bannerlord release version launch with mods? Although all mods have been updated to the release version.Please Please help🥺🥺
Harvesting season is here! Less talking - more raiding!
Congratulations and thank you for this game
At long last it's HERE! Well done for making such a good freeking game!
Эх, мало контента ещё в игре, добавили бы набеги северян с моря к примеру или из пустыни и степи, которые способны захватывать города и замки основывая свои малые государства, это бы очень сильно разнообразило игру. Так же добавили бы специальные места для постройки малых городов и деревень для поднятия экономики, или специальные постройки к примеру военную академию для обученя спутников, храм для поднятия боевого духа, военные лагеря наемников с для найма отряда с командиром на определённый срок. Ну много чего можно добавить, просто очень мало контента в игре и особенно в поздней стадии игры.
TaleWorlds! Help!
EDIT: Solved! If you plug in a keyboard and mouse to your console, you can open up the character editor at any time by pressing V, and you can rotate them with the mouse!
Every single PS5 and Xbox Series X/S console player I've talked to is having the same issue of not being able to rotate their character in the initial character creation menu, and so we have been unable to create our dream Butter Barons!
-On PC too, I know there's also an option to edit your character at any time mid game by pressing V on keyboard, but we are unable to do this on consoles, and can only edit character hair at a Barber's.
These would be great to have implemented sometime! Thank you for listening to the community! ♥️
Congrats on the full release!
I look forward to this game's great future! I just really hope the ability to assign units and companions/family to different battle formations in the campaign party UI gets reimplemented.
Bannerlord was in early access?? I've bought and played it for so long I didn't notice.
Well done!
It took the entire development cycle to put the banner in Bannerlord, but it was worth it :P
Rest in peace to my friend silentseeker, who could not make it to release. You will be missed my friend, I dedicate my playtime to your memory.
Finally! It's happened! My congratulations!
Almost 3 years later and still no proper siege spawning.
Awesome developers and amazing community, Congratulations!
Thank you, TaleWorlds!
Great job, can't wait for the modding community to work their magic
After almost 10 years, what a journey!!
Great job TaleWorlds, congrats!
New and more expanded upon game modes in multiplayer would be cool, such as Captain mode, it's a great mode! Just suffers from a lack of players queueing for it, it would be awesome to see a 2v2 or smaller army battles against a smaller amount of players, to prevent queue time from taking up to a long period of time and to even have a bit more competition in that specific game mode. Either way Captain mode is a really ingenious addition and I hope it's here to get expanded upon.
It took me a while to get used to the controller on PS5 but the game is pretty much the same as the PC version, The combat feels a lot better with the PS5 controller because it has that tension on the triggers especially for bow use, doing a mount and bow run this time it's great
Just out of curiosity, were you able to rotate your character during character creation?
No but more than that there's no save character creation I have to remake every character every time even though my creations do not change lol
@@tenshi8383 Yes that's also a problem people are saying! On PC, you can change your character's appearance anytime mid-game by pressing V on the keyboard, but on consoles, that feature's missing atm 😑
Fantastic title really enjoying the game, looking forward to whats to come.
I will report though as a Bannerlord Console player that crossplay with Xbox platforms is very much needed. The multiplayer is very low populated on PS4/PS5 and crossplay with Xbox would help a lot. Keep up the good work guys. 👍
Grat changes, some of these will really stand out when next playing! However, we still can't level up workshops, will this be added at some point?
Phenomenal. I can't wait for us to get all the mods to our heart's desire now that 1.0 is out.
As a console gamer, I was overjoyed when Warband arrived on the PlayStation a few years back. Been waiting for a good long time for Bannerlord and now it's finally here! Really enjoying my first playthrough!
does anyone know the song at 8:01?
Hell yeah! heres to a long and prosperous future for this game!
o melhor jogo de todos os tempos, muito obrigado por existir TaleWorlds
Nice pp. Are you playin bannerlord as jihadi leader?
Your welcome TaleWorlds team. We wish to see some Co-op mode (at least let us be able to play in the same party..) and ships.
We also wish to see M&B 3,
Fire&Sword for Bannerlord,
Viking/Ship themed Expansion or DLC
And Sword&Musket as a DLC + its campaign.
Thanks so much for bringing it to console!! We really appreciate it!!!!
Naval combat, the ability to raze and create new cities/villages, making caravans slightly slower than lightspeed.
Great Job Guys! We fans are proud of you!!
What a journey.
I don't see the dedicated server option under tools, only see the modding kit? Any idea?
i really hope core mechanics of the game get updated because its really fun but there's a point you hit where you cant progress anymore, the taking over a caste/town and then they rebel because the faction is different is dumb, the campaign makes you at war for forever for no reason, theres 0 diplomacy and nobel relation, in the 1st game you could call a feast and talk with lords. Dialogue with any person that changes how they feel or influence them to go to war with X, just add things for us to play around with. if i own a town let me upgrade the villages anything.
Great work dev team. Love the game and the update. I wonder if we will ever be able to craft Armor?
Ya hocam burdan yöneticilere sesleniyorum:
abi şu oyuna biraz his katın, warbanddaki aldığım hissi şu oyundan alamıyorum. Savaşlar gelişmiş güzel ama sadece savaş mı bu oyunu güzel yapan?
ben oyunumun ikinci saatnde lord olmak istemiyorum, 10. Saatimde bir sürü kalem olsun istemiyorum.
Warbanda turnuvayı kazandıktan sonra kaleye davet edildiğimizde kendimizi ne kadar önemli hissederdik.
İnsanlarla ilişkimiz arttığında bizlerle konuşması bile değişirdi.
Yani anlatmak istediğim his yok, warbanda ilk kalemi ele geçirdiğimde aldığım hissi almak istiyorum, o zorluğu istiyorum.
1-Şimdi ise biraz level atla ve lord ol
2- orduya katıl kazan
3-sana kale versinler
Anlamsız geliyor bana,
Ayrıca illa lord mu olmamız gerekiyor?
Haydut olabiliriz, sığınak kuran
Tüccar olabiliriz, dükkan inşa eden
Kaşif olabiliriz keşifler yapan
Köylü olabiliriz. Bayraksız
Büyük bir demiirci ustası olabilriz.
Şimdi bunların hepsi olabilirsiniz demeyin lütfen, oyun kale ele geçirmeye dönüyor 5 saatten sonra
Ayrıca gelişim olayı çok sıfır ötesi
Kalelerdeki gelişim sadece yazıların değişmesi, bu bir tarayıcı oyunumu?
Bide neden her şehrin duvarları var?
Yada neden her arena için bir bölge var? Sokakta dövüş olabilir, çete olursak bu turnuvaları düzenleyen kişiler olabiliriz.
Yada her ilde neden demirci var? Neden bizden başka usta yok?
Yada neden başka ustaların yaptığı kılıçlar yok
Bide son güncellemede oyun haritası büyümüş, ama boş olduktan sonra şehirllerde ben hiç birşey yapmmadıktan sonra ne anlamı var bu oyunun?
Abi sizden ricam orta çağda yaşıyormuş gibi şu olayı kavrayın lütfen warbanddaki o önemlilik hissini geri getirin ve lord oğlu değilsek mümkünse sıfırdan bayraksız bir köylü olarak başlayalım. Daha çok gelişmesi gerekiyor, modculara bırakmayın şu işi lütfen, ayrıca eğer düşünemiyoorsanız yapılan modları geliştirseniz, oyuna çok şey katmış olursunuz.
Emeği geçen abilerimiz ablalarımıxdan Allah razı olsun, 2008 den beri takipçiniz olan bir kardeşiniz olarak sesimizi duyun lütfen
when will a good and complete story like viking conquest come out?
one of the worst things about this game is not having a really well done story
THANK YOU ! for a final release ... so modders can finally - FIX DA GAME ! :D
where is feasts?
step 1: assemble an army
step 2: visit a town
After a 4-6 months, this game will be amazing with mods and updates i think.
Hey weird thing that happens is some troops retreat before a battle has even started
Only old Dinos like me can remember the Warrider...
Finally, it's harvesting season...
PS4 bug: Always corrupted save files that stop me from playing more than day or two. It corrupts both auto save and manual save files.
How do I on console, pick the unite I want to charge and when. I think I picked them, and when I change there formation only the picked one changes. However when I try do the same with charge or movement during battle all units does it.
still can't believe they refuse to add a co op campaign.
It's actually harvesting season... I can't believe it.
Hey what's good with full controller support on PC? It would be nice to if it was set up like console.
Holy shit finally
So when do they give you a proposition been playing for a while on the newest update and havent had any body proposition me???
Took 10 years for the base game to be polished, now it'll be another 3 to 5 years for full conversion mods.
If you guys read comments I have a question will you guys add voice lines for bandits and caravans
I can't describe to you how much this release on console caught me off guard.
Best Halloween EVER