I think the political landscape in Somalia is in favor of Ethiopia, therefore, removing the current president in Somalia is a possibility. Besides, the military balance is also in favor of Ethiopia inside Somalia. Using this two powerful institutions in Somalia, Ethiopia can remove the Somalia president from powers.
ኢትዮጵያ ታሸንፋሌች
I think south Sudan should recognize first if Somaliland gives South Sudan free port service for three years
አንተና ልደቱ እኮ ከባድ ሰው ናችሁ ተንታኝ ማለት እንደዚህ ነው ይመችህ
I think the political landscape in Somalia is in favor of Ethiopia, therefore, removing the current president in Somalia is a possibility. Besides, the military balance is also in favor of Ethiopia inside Somalia. Using this two powerful institutions in Somalia, Ethiopia can remove the Somalia president from powers.
I am glad you started your own Chanel than being a puppet to TPLF agent media