Croatia is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The people are lovely and food is amazing. On a side note I have been married to a Croatian for over 20 years.
It makes me cry when I hear what he has done for Croatia and how much he loves his country. Mate legendo, kad bi barem bilo vise takvih poput tebe. Hrvatino!!! Tako bih volio raditi za tebe, a nemam pojma o elektronici :(
Visiting Croatia since ten years as a tourist, I can underwrite every word in this video. We have seen so much, found friends in Croattia and for us its our place of longing. While a little stop over at Rimac Zagreb on our ride to the coast this summer we had the privileg to see THE CAR in real - overwhelming! Go on, Rimac!
Gospodine Rimac, Ovo ljeto, dok ste šetali kroz Varoš, splitski kvart ispod Marjana , prolazili ste pored jedne kuće u izgradnji. Ugodno iznenađen, nisam se odmah dobro snašao ali sam Vam vrlo kratko nabacio kako radite odličan posao, i još jednom Vam od srca želim da uspijete u životu. Vrlo sam ponosan što ste tako hrabri, uporni i sposobni, i kako gradite Vaš brend usporedno sa domoljubljem. Iako mnogo ovog zvuči kao fraze, moždo i nedovoljno Vašeg truda, ne zamjerite, meni kao malom "čoviku" da Vam se ovako obratim i pozovem Vas da svratite ako Vas putem nanese ponovno u Split. Hvala
Kings landing from GOT filmed in Dubrovnik, tie (croata-kravata) made by wifes of cro soliders for good luck, modern pen (invented by Slavoljub Eduard Penkala), Nikola Tesla (born in Croatia)... old roman colloseum in Pula/Istria, 1st football/soccer ball was brought in 1885. in Županja/Croatia.. and many, many more... :) small country- great people.
The owner of RED BULL Dietrich MATEschitz parents are Croatian,from area near Croatian Town Zadar!! Just like UFC Champ Stipe Miocic,and Luka Modric! 😉
Will turn 63 in two months, if I was 20 years younger I'd apply for a job and surely get one! Good luck to all of you, you're living a great life and the product speaks for itself, great job gals and guys!
Ah, sto reci? Samo BRAVO MATE i veeeeeeeeliko HVALA za promociju Hrvatske i pozitivnu poruku koju saljes. Pozdrav iz Sydneya. Also warm greetings to the whole team of Rimac automobili.
Gary Paskvić, Zec mi nije pravo prezime. A niti mi je Mato pravo ime (zovem se Niksa). Sto se tice povratka u Hrvatsku, ja bih se sada i mogao vratiti jer sam u mirovini---a usto sam opet ostao sam (nakon 32 godine braka). Ali buduci da imam 61 godinu, vrijeme me je vec pregazilo. Inace sam ovih zadnjih nekoliko godina svako ljeto u Hrvatskoj. Ove godine nisam mogao jer su nas "do daljnjeg" zatvorili zbog ove LAZNE "velike opasnosti", tj., PLANdemije "corone". Tako da ne znam hocemo li mi koji ne zelimo igrati tu njihovu "igru" i primiti to njihovo "spasonosno" cjepivo moci putovati. Mozes mislit kako sam ogorcen zbog toga. Pozdrav i svako dobro, Gary.
I've been visiting Croatia for 10 years or so now, I've made a lot of friends and always look forward to coming back to visit them, catch up and relax with a beer. Brexit has kind of ruined my plans a bit, but I had wanted to relocate and work from Zagreb instead of London, so if anyone has the opportunity or the desire to make a change and start a new life or career there then I would say go for it. I don't think anyone would ever regret going to Croatia.
Kabo! BREXIT HAS NOT DONE NOTHING FOR WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! I am Croatian from BiH and as a Refuge lived in UK from 1991 to 2011 AND I HAVE SEEN DEMOLITION OF BRITISH WAY OF LIFE IN UK WITH MY OWN EYES. That is why I have decided to return home to BiH. I have watched as EU has fucked businesses and forced companies to close! All EU does is drain countries and give some back to bloody universities and stupid leftist Marxist thinking IDIOTS! So they can control the mindless Twats!! And I support British people for that choice because £12.000.000,00 a day is a hell of a club payment!!!!
you should know that, croatia is the last in EU for peoples paying power. Unless you will work in private international company which has sallaries well above 2 or 3 thousand euros, do not come. U will not be able to buy an apartment or build a house, and if ur children are not gifted like u, expect that they will have to leave croatia in order to work and survive. Thats the truth about croatia. It is a shithole with enjoyable landscape. Greetings from croatia
@@nemanacemu2024 Actually my mother is from Croatia 🤪 Smarty Pants. My old man is a Hercegovnian That Bosnian part stick it where sone does not shine!! 🤪🤪🤪 And while we are on topic of things he or she could be Zee ( PMSL PC shit ) has mentioned Brexit. Soo look who’s chatting shit now! BLUDINNIT!! 🤷🏻♂️🤣🤣🤣🤣 BARE MANZ. 🤣🤣 Namean
Wow, I’m living in Copenhagen, and this video has motivated me strongly to start my own business in Zagreb. I hope that I will achieve that after my studies. Croatia looks so beautiful + highly educated population 🌈🌸🦄
dont do that, taxes are ultra high and unfair, politicians are corrupted, every month most companies just collecting money to pay those hight taxes and workers get s9itty wages around 550-600€...
Thank you! Denmark has also huge taxes . 45 % of your salary. 😅 Why then Rimac is based in Croatia? Maybe it may be risky, but that’s challenging, right?
you should know that, croatia is the last in EU for peoples paying power. Unless you will work in private international company which has sallaries well above 2 or 3 thousand euros, do not come. U will not be able to buy an apartment or build a house, and if ur children are not gifted like u, expect that they will have to leave croatia in order to work and survive. Thats the truth about croatia. It is a shithole with enjoyable landscape. Greetings from croatia
Kinda same here, living here in The Netherlands, studied at the Eindhoven Technical University. Have my own online ecommerce business. Wondering how to start in Croatia.
Many foreign companies already operating in Croatia recognize Croatian workforce as highly skilled, experienced and multilingual. According to a 2009 survey, 78% of Croatians claim the knowledge of at least one foreign language, mostly English. Croatia is among the countries with the highest rate of persons aged from 20 to 24 having completed at least upper secondary education. The number of students graduated from institutions of higher education has been recording a continuous increase over the past few years. All this and the presence of numerous education institutions ensure the availability of the skilled workforce and easy access to lifelong learning. Thanks Mate for promotion our country.
That survey must have been biased because I have met so many croatian where their english is barely understandable. (Men and women above 50) Just tourist phrases so the only option for me was to speak croatian with them. A language that I don´t fully master.
Using a 2009, more than decade old statistics is relavent how in the 2020? I love Croatia, but in 2020 you dont have any workforce, because every single person at age 20-24 who is educated just cant wait to get out from the country and find a job abroad. Basically, you are educating and making knowledgeable people for countries in EU for free.
@@razvigor1985 Do you really think that generations of Croats until 2009 knew more foreign languages than the inhabitants who live in Croatia now, in 2020. In the second part of your answer, we completely agree with you, but no one can take away your knowledge. Knowledge is yours for life.
@@ZeljkoSerdar I really dont like to use any generally used term as generations for example. It really depends from people you encounter on the streets. I know a lot of elderly people from Zagreb who know how to direct tourists and some basic english. But, I know also a lot of people who doesnt know a word of english. Especially on the Adriatic sea. From that point, you have much better statistics if have in mind that entire generation born in 2009 or that where children then, now are teens and they mostly speak english.
And here is why I study electronics engineering in one of the best universities in my region, to see if one day I leave my country and apply in Croatia
you should know that, croatia is the last in EU for peoples paying power. Unless you will work in private international company which has sallaries well above 2 or 3 thousand euros, do not come. U will not be able to buy an apartment or build a house, and if ur children are not gifted like u, expect that they will have to leave croatia in order to work and survive. Thats the truth about croatia. It is a shithole with enjoyable landscape. Greetings from croatia
@@i1bike Well above 2 or 3k!? That is enough even for Ireland! I live and work in Dublin. You can not find a room under 550e. And in Croatia you get an apartment! If I remember correctly Rimac himself said that salary in his company is between 1,2 to 1,4k euros, at the moment he cant give more, understandably... That is definitely enough for Croatia. So if Alessandro wants to work in that company why not? He will get a great experience. I understand if you didn't finish any college, salary is way under 1k, but for income over 1k is great to work in a country where cost of living is not that high.
@@i1bike this is classic Croatian mentality, always blaming their problems on others, in this case, the country. Dont listen to these people. if you are talented and have a good attitude, youll get paid accordingly. there is room for anyone who wants to work. greetings from Croatia.
I had a chance to visit and work in many European cities, mostly UK, DE, CH, A etc.. Worked in Zagreb for two years, and I consider this video to be on the point. Tram system is really good, food markets (Dolac) are incredible, such a treasure to be able to buy veggies from the grandma who grew it by herself... Also I recommend Sheridans Irish bar if you want to get a chat with ppl as in Croatia it's not customary to just start a conversation and Sheridans is all about that, although you won't meet too many locals. All in all good period of my life (excluding too much beer)
Još samo da nam je ekonomija (pogotovo industrija i poljoprivreda) bolja bili bismo jedna od najrazvijenijih država na svijetu. Odličan video od Rimca i baš mi je drago čuti ovakve pohvale, samo naprijed i svaka čast
Bravo Mate, svaka čast! Sjecam se jos kada sam na TV-u gledao tvoj zeleni BMW...mnostvo se podsmjehivalo...a vidi sto si ostvario! Bravo! Odlican primjer: ako pratis svoje snove, mozes ostvariti sve!
Ponos do neba. Ne mogu opisati sreću, radost i ponos na ove ljude s kojima nemam nikakve doticaje. I ja sam mali građevinski obrtnik, imao sam ponude otići u Njemačku raditi za višestruko veću plaću i zaradu ali nisam želio iz jednakih razloga kao i Mate. Želim pokazati da se i ovdje može, volim svoju zemlju i želim ovdje uspjeti. Nadam se da je naša generacija dovoljno mudra i pametna i da smo u stanju dignuti ovu zemlju i naciju na nivo koji zaslužuje. Samo naprijed Team Rimac.
sorry, ali nisi baš pametan, jer je očito da ne razumiješ da svi koji pokušavaju dignuti državu rade direktno protiv vlasti. jer je vlast u Hrvatskoj od 1991. do danas POSTAVLJENA prema uputama iz Washingtona, Bruxellesa i Berlina. cilj je bio uništiti zajedničku državu (i prikazati to kao nekakav rat) kako bi se narodi s ovih prostora raselili i kako bi stranci pokupovali sve što vrijedi, prije svega hrvatsku obalu. to vi naivne ovce nikako da shvatite iako već 30 godina gledate kako nam hdz-sdp.ova udbaško-komunistička vlast uništava državu i raseljava narod....pitam se koliko će još vode Savom proteći dok prosječan Hrvat svhvati stanje stvari u svojoj vlastitoj državi....?!
Nevjerojatno da svi tvoji zaposlenici iz cijeloga svijeta imaju vise pozitivne energije da govore o nasoj zemlji u kojoj su svega par godina....svaka cast tebi Mate i tvojem timu...ponosan sam sto zivim u Sv.Nedelji....💯...
Nevjerojatno? Pa baš zato što su tu samo par godina, sa plaćom koja daleko premašuje standard, i mogu biti tako pozitivni. Sigurno nebi tako govorili da su kao većina hrvata, koja krpa kraj s krajem sa minimalcem u ovoj korumpiranoj zemlji. Super je video, ali on prikazuje rad u jednoj jako dobroj firmi koja potpuno odstupa od hrvatskog standarda i kao takva je daleko od pune istine o radu i životu u Hrvatskoj. Svaka čast Rimcu na postignućima, ali on je izuzetak. Tračak dobrog u moru lošeg.
Antares....ja radim dva posla i imam novaca koliko mi treba...veteran sam Domovinskog rata i borio sam se za takve obrazovne ljude kao Mate...i svoju djecu ucim da se treba borit za sebe i obitelj a ne kukat kao ti...takvih kao ti ima stotine u Hrvatskoj...borite se i napravi nesto u zivotu....ZA SVE NA SVIJETU TREBA IMAT VJERE.....U SEBE I PODRSKU OBITELJI...i sve ce biti OK!!!!
@@gorankuzmanovic1646 Ja, kao jedan od tih obrazovanih ljudi, radim samo jedan i imam koliko mi treba, no to me ne sprečava da prepoznam da većini nije tako jer naprosto nisam, niti se pravim slijep na situaciju u Hrvatskoj. Vidite, možda bi više nas trebalo još više kukati i prosvjedovati zato što rat za Hrvatsku još uvijek traje, samo što je ovaj put neprijatelj korupcija i loše vodstvo a ne vanjski agresor. Ono za što se zaista vrijedi boriti jest bolja budućnost, tako da ljudi koji su se kao djeca naučili boriti za sebe i obitelj ne bježe van iz Hrvatske u toj svojoj borbi, a to je ono što se Hrvatskoj događa.
@@TngMutantNinjaTroll Istina, kad je rekao lik, ne znam koja minutaza, da je benzin povoljan s obzirom na ostatak europe, a zapravo vecina drzava imaju 1/1, na to mislim litra benzina prema minimalnoj placi, npr u austriji je litra benzina 1.2 eura, a minimalna placa 1500 eura, dok je kod nas benzin 10 kuna, a min placa 4000, umjesto 10,000...
Excellent video promoting Croatia. Makes me feel very proud. All countries have lousy politics, lousy politicians, and Croatia is no exception. But as long as we have smart young people like Rimac and the team he has assembled, I feel good about our future.
I love this video, thank you so much. I totally fell in love with Croatia, my soulmate and I are moving in to Croatia ❤️🙏🏽.... See you soon Croatia 🇭🇷❤️
@marko marko bit je u tome što ljudi poput Dorijana vole samo Pljuvat pljuvat i pljuvat. A sami vjerovatno side kod kuće i ne rade ništa. Tipičan sindrom u mnogo Hrvata. Rimac je nada za bolje sutra u Hrvatskoj ali naravno ni on neće ostat pošteđen pljucanja ljubomornih naših sugrađana.
To Mate Rimac, thank you for showing us your country. I am Colombian originally, moved to Sweden for 11 years ago and seeing you as a stubborn person who believed in starting up your company in your home country, is an example on trusting your people and attracting to other foreigners not just for holidays, but for doing something bigger! Great Mate! Congratulations!
Na stranu svi komentari kako i na koji način je ovakva kompanija izgrađena, sigurno je jedno: za to je trebalo jako puno entuzijazma, truda i volje u zemlji koja je jalova za industriju, a tek promo video, najbolji koji sam vidio. Svaka čast Mate
Ovo je pravi nacin za reklamiranje HR, kao i ulaganje u prave tvrtke te im dopustiti razvoj je jedini nacin da se neki od nas imaju zelju vratiti. Go Rimac🤗
Thats the Image people have on us, but in fact half of our Population left the country Just because of Work, while Most of the people in croatia are Broke
@Kenny Sasso enough left also pre / during war and post war times/ pre eu times due to same reasons as now. economy is dead, corruption, and the young adults which leave now is because many are highly educated but aren´t getting any well paid jobs. thats the reason they are leaving for western europe. and most of them wont´t come back, only when they retire. im the 2nd generation living in germany and i´m planning to go back but not in full time as i can work remotely with german customers. but if you don´t have any possibility to receive any earnings, people wont come back. look at slavonia. this region is really dying, you can buy houses for like 10k €. croatia is really beatiful for vacation and as a tourist, but life can be really hard there for citizens there. i love that someone like mate rimac is trying to change things and they are doing something for the industry there
@Kenny Sasso I hardly think so with this goverment party (HDZ) rulling over 30 years and literally stealing everything they could, Croatia wont make too far. We are on bottom of EU members by everything, only thing that is keeping this country apart is tourism.
Da,lijepa izvana ali iznutra uglavnom trulež,to je Hrvatska😭 Koji je uopče smisao ovakvih automobila? Igračke za bogate??? Budučnost je nametnuti socijalizirani promet/transport,nečeš imati gotovo ništa,ili malo.Programirat će vas da budete zadovoljni s malo.Sve če se unajmljivat.Možda je i Rimac dio te agende... Ok,kužim, visoka tehnika,razvoj, i sve to,ali 99.9% ljudi od toga nema koristi😌
Mate seems genuine from the interviews I have seen him in. Dude has done some amazing things. It is awesome what he is doing for Croatia. Beautiful country and people.
@@antepilic7422 neka se otvori stotine takvih tvrtki a ne kenjati kao ti..ako si razumio od 800 samo je 100 stranih....daBogda imali 1000 takvih..a ne kenjkavaca koji samo kukaju
@@robertjusic9097 ja sam isao u srednju ekonomsku i uspio sam bezproblema ali sam to bas zelio i dosta ucio. Mislim ako imas malo smisla za matematiku i upornosti rijesit ces, ali ima puno gori predmeta nego sto je matisa ali opet sve je to invindualno.
@@robertjusic9097 svw ovisi o tebi koliko to zelis uvijek se mogu upisat instrukcije, a kad upises faks onda se predas faksu i ne zajebavas se i konstantno radis i bit ce dobro
Свака част за компанију и све квалитете људе у њој. All the best my wishes goes to Rimac company and to all good people in general there. Regards from the neighbours.
Croatia is an absolutely amazing country! I was lucky to come there for a business trip and now I'm coming back for vacations and learning Croatian. Thank you for this great video!
Svaka čast na prezentaciji svoje zemlje i firme. Ja radim u Njemačkoj, radim sa dosta stranaca i svi bi maštali o takvom radnom okruženju jer ovdje smo vidjeli dosta pozitivnog ali i negativnog.
Rimac - promoting Croatia better than HTZ, our national turist board.
Rimac je moderna kompanija, ha ha ha
and pick up money for this hype crap
@@dubravkopapic3902 eto ti bolje znaš 🤣
Kad bi vlada bila ko Rimac Hrvatska bi napokon i bila mala Švicarska(bez pokradenog zlata nacista).
@@4Everlast pa je,istinu govoriš, muze novac na sve strane,dok ne pukne tikva
Croatia is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The people are lovely and food is amazing. On a side note I have been married to a Croatian for over 20 years.
Toliko lijepa zemlja, a Rimac odlican ambasador. Svaka cast momce.
Svaka čast gospodine rimac tako se promovira svoja zemlja 👍👍👍👍
@Quadratschädelhersteller im Urlaub Jeste li vi neki bot ili samo nepismena i bezimena osoba. I uz to ste jos nekulturni.
It makes me cry when I hear what he has done for Croatia and how much he loves his country. Mate legendo, kad bi barem bilo vise takvih poput tebe. Hrvatino!!!
Tako bih volio raditi za tebe, a nemam pojma o elektronici :(
Da smo 96 krenuli s lustracijom, imali bi barem pet kompanija poput ove
Everything said about Croatia is true, most beautiful place I ever been to and I've seen over 15 countries.
Visiting Croatia since ten years as a tourist, I can underwrite every word in this video. We have seen so much, found friends in Croattia and for us its our place of longing. While a little stop over at Rimac Zagreb on our ride to the coast this summer we had the privileg to see THE CAR in real - overwhelming! Go on, Rimac!
Here for food shots. Not disappoint.😍
Miss you guys❤
Hey, Misha, whoever took over the PR duties from you are not too shabby, eh? :o)
@@bazoo513 Rimac has only the best people!
@@mgcharoudin It would seem so! :o)
Have a wonderful time at that madhouse among jolly lunatics over there at The Ring!
misha sent me here !!!
Rimac lloks like a great company. sometimes loving means letting go as well
earn croatian so we can make some jokes, like jeba ti sebe
Bravo za snimak!
Ovako se promoviše država.😊
Pozdrav iz Srbije.
@ Aleksandar Stankovic
The most beautiful corner of the universe!
Vivat Croatia, Semper sint in flore!
primjer kako se voli i zivi Hrvatska..Rimac kao definicija.patriotizm..Hvala ti Mate sto brines za buducnost i zivotni prostor moje djece..:)))
Gospodine Rimac,
Ovo ljeto, dok ste šetali kroz Varoš, splitski kvart ispod Marjana , prolazili ste pored jedne kuće u izgradnji.
Ugodno iznenađen, nisam se odmah dobro snašao ali sam Vam vrlo kratko nabacio kako radite odličan posao, i još jednom Vam od srca želim da uspijete u životu.
Vrlo sam ponosan što ste tako hrabri, uporni i sposobni, i kako gradite Vaš brend usporedno sa domoljubljem.
Iako mnogo ovog zvuči kao fraze, moždo i nedovoljno Vašeg truda, ne zamjerite, meni kao malom "čoviku" da Vam se ovako obratim i pozovem Vas da svratite ako Vas putem nanese ponovno u Split.
I only know two things about Croatia, Mirko Crocop and Rimac.
Kings landing from GOT filmed in Dubrovnik, tie (croata-kravata) made by wifes of cro soliders for good luck, modern pen (invented by Slavoljub Eduard Penkala), Nikola Tesla (born in Croatia)... old roman colloseum in Pula/Istria, 1st football/soccer ball was brought in 1885. in Županja/Croatia.. and many, many more... :) small country- great people.
The owner of RED BULL Dietrich MATEschitz parents are Croatian,from area near Croatian Town Zadar!! Just like UFC Champ Stipe Miocic,and Luka Modric! 😉
Don't forget Nikolai Volkoff ; - )
A mi preko Drine smo izmislili vampira, eto vam ga na :P
@@johnsimonritchie326 Who!?
Rimac, you are our coatian pride! 🇭🇷💪
Will turn 63 in two months, if I was 20 years younger I'd apply for a job and surely get one! Good luck to all of you, you're living a great life and the product speaks for itself, great job gals and guys!
Come for a holliday, Im sure you will have a great time.
@@ot0m0t0 Once travel is open again I sure wish to do that!
I have to agree with you there, if i was 20 I'd be gone. Putting it on my bucket list to visit. Beautiful country
Ah, sto reci? Samo BRAVO MATE i veeeeeeeeliko HVALA za promociju Hrvatske i pozitivnu poruku koju saljes.
Pozdrav iz Sydneya.
Also warm greetings to the whole team of Rimac automobili.
jebe nam se za velike rvatine iz dijaspore!
gogo, pozdrav i tebi slatkorjecivi.
Gary Paskvić, Zec mi nije pravo prezime. A niti mi je Mato pravo ime (zovem se Niksa).
Sto se tice povratka u Hrvatsku, ja bih se sada i mogao vratiti jer sam u mirovini---a usto sam opet ostao sam (nakon 32 godine braka).
Ali buduci da imam 61 godinu, vrijeme me je vec pregazilo. Inace sam ovih zadnjih nekoliko godina svako ljeto u Hrvatskoj. Ove godine nisam mogao jer su nas "do daljnjeg" zatvorili zbog ove LAZNE "velike opasnosti", tj., PLANdemije "corone". Tako da ne znam hocemo li mi koji ne zelimo igrati tu njihovu "igru" i primiti to njihovo "spasonosno" cjepivo moci putovati. Mozes mislit kako sam ogorcen zbog toga.
Pozdrav i svako dobro, Gary.
Gary Paskvić, ma nema problema, nisam uvrijedjen.
I've been visiting Croatia for 10 years or so now, I've made a lot of friends and always look forward to coming back to visit them, catch up and relax with a beer. Brexit has kind of ruined my plans a bit, but I had wanted to relocate and work from Zagreb instead of London, so if anyone has the opportunity or the desire to make a change and start a new life or career there then I would say go for it. I don't think anyone would ever regret going to Croatia.
I am Croatian from BiH and as a Refuge lived in UK from 1991 to 2011 AND I HAVE SEEN DEMOLITION OF BRITISH WAY OF LIFE IN UK WITH MY OWN EYES.
That is why I have decided to return home to BiH.
I have watched as EU has fucked businesses and forced companies to close!
All EU does is drain countries and give some back to bloody universities and stupid leftist Marxist thinking IDIOTS!
So they can control the mindless Twats!!
And I support British people for that choice because £12.000.000,00 a day is a hell of a club payment!!!!
you should know that, croatia is the last in EU for peoples paying power. Unless you will work in private international company which has sallaries well above 2 or 3 thousand euros, do not come. U will not be able to buy an apartment or build a house, and if ur children are not gifted like u, expect that they will have to leave croatia in order to work and survive. Thats the truth about croatia. It is a shithole with enjoyable landscape. Greetings from croatia
@@domagojbeno388 This is completely off topic but thanks for saying you are Croatian from BiH and not a bosnijak catholic....👍👍👍
Actually my mother is from Croatia 🤪
Smarty Pants.
My old man is a Hercegovnian
That Bosnian part stick it where sone does not shine!! 🤪🤪🤪
And while we are on topic of things he or she could be Zee ( PMSL PC shit ) has mentioned Brexit.
Soo look who’s chatting shit now!
BLUDINNIT!! 🤷🏻♂️🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@i1bike Ajde prestani srat na svakom komentaru o Hrvatskoj.
Wow, I’m living in Copenhagen, and this video has motivated me strongly to start my own business in Zagreb. I hope that I will achieve that after my studies. Croatia looks so beautiful + highly educated population 🌈🌸🦄
dont do that, taxes are ultra high and unfair, politicians are corrupted, every month most companies just collecting money to pay those hight taxes and workers get s9itty wages around 550-600€...
Thank you! Denmark has also huge taxes . 45 % of your salary. 😅
Why then Rimac is based in Croatia? Maybe it may be risky, but that’s challenging, right?
you should know that, croatia is the last in EU for peoples paying power. Unless you will work in private international company which has sallaries well above 2 or 3 thousand euros, do not come. U will not be able to buy an apartment or build a house, and if ur children are not gifted like u, expect that they will have to leave croatia in order to work and survive. Thats the truth about croatia. It is a shithole with enjoyable landscape. Greetings from croatia
@@i1bike Interesting... i think you are wrong.
Kinda same here, living here in The Netherlands, studied at the Eindhoven Technical University. Have my own online ecommerce business. Wondering how to start in Croatia.
Many foreign companies already operating in Croatia
recognize Croatian workforce as highly skilled, experienced and multilingual. According to a 2009 survey, 78% of
Croatians claim the knowledge of at least one foreign language, mostly English. Croatia is among the countries with the highest rate of persons aged from 20 to 24 having completed at least upper secondary education. The number of students graduated from institutions of higher education has been recording a continuous increase over the past few years. All this and the presence of numerous education institutions ensure the availability of the skilled workforce and easy access to lifelong learning. Thanks Mate for promotion our country.
That survey must have been biased because I have met so many croatian where their english is barely understandable. (Men and women above 50) Just tourist phrases so the only option for me was to speak croatian with them. A language that I don´t fully master.
@@vladoholic8497 With over 300 million statistical data, Eurostat is a mine of statistical information and covers all areas of European society.
Using a 2009, more than decade old statistics is relavent how in the 2020?
I love Croatia, but in 2020 you dont have any workforce, because every single person at age 20-24 who is educated just cant wait to get out from the country and find a job abroad. Basically, you are educating and making knowledgeable people for countries in EU for free.
@@razvigor1985 Do you really think that generations of Croats until 2009 knew more foreign languages than the inhabitants who live in Croatia now, in 2020. In the second part of your answer, we completely agree with you, but no one can take away your knowledge. Knowledge is yours for life.
@@ZeljkoSerdar I really dont like to use any generally used term as generations for example. It really depends from people you encounter on the streets. I know a lot of elderly people from Zagreb who know how to direct tourists and some basic english. But, I know also a lot of people who doesnt know a word of english. Especially on the Adriatic sea. From that point, you have much better statistics if have in mind that entire generation born in 2009 or that where children then, now are teens and they mostly speak english.
Amazing , now let's just keep our country Safe , Clean and Beautiful. Nothing Like Croatia.
Love what you guys do. Greetings to fellow Croatian blood from the Netherlands!
I live in Croatia and would still like to visit after this video.
Well done Rimac team.
What a great man! This is an example of what patriotism really means! We are so proud of you Mate!
Vsa čast Rimac. Pozdrav iz 🇸🇮
And here is why I study electronics engineering in one of the best universities in my region, to see if one day I leave my country and apply in Croatia
you should know that, croatia is the last in EU for peoples paying power. Unless you will work in private international company which has sallaries well above 2 or 3 thousand euros, do not come. U will not be able to buy an apartment or build a house, and if ur children are not gifted like u, expect that they will have to leave croatia in order to work and survive. Thats the truth about croatia. It is a shithole with enjoyable landscape. Greetings from croatia
@@i1bike TRoll alert
@@i1bike Well above 2 or 3k!? That is enough even for Ireland! I live and work in Dublin. You can not find a room under 550e. And in Croatia you get an apartment! If I remember correctly Rimac himself said that salary in his company is between 1,2 to 1,4k euros, at the moment he cant give more, understandably... That is definitely enough for Croatia. So if Alessandro wants to work in that company why not? He will get a great experience. I understand if you didn't finish any college, salary is way under 1k, but for income over 1k is great to work in a country where cost of living is not that high.
@@i1bike this is classic Croatian mentality, always blaming their problems on others, in this case, the country. Dont listen to these people. if you are talented and have a good attitude, youll get paid accordingly. there is room for anyone who wants to work. greetings from Croatia.
@@javanava8925 Cost of living in Croatia is very high. For shopping we go in Italy, for your information.
bravo mate,ti si uz našu repku najbolji ambasador naše zemlje i hvala ti što si ostao.želim ti velik uspjeh
Mate, ti si genijalac i uz to domoljub 🇭🇷❤️. Hvala ti što voliš našu zemlju i što nisi otišao negdje drugdje. Želim ti puno uspjeha u svemu što radiš.
I had a chance to visit and work in many European cities, mostly UK, DE, CH, A etc.. Worked in Zagreb for two years, and I consider this video to be on the point. Tram system is really good, food markets (Dolac) are incredible, such a treasure to be able to buy veggies from the grandma who grew it by herself... Also I recommend Sheridans Irish bar if you want to get a chat with ppl as in Croatia it's not customary to just start a conversation and Sheridans is all about that, although you won't meet too many locals. All in all good period of my life (excluding too much beer)
You actually belive those vegetables at Dolac are home grown by the grannies who sell them there?? Dont be naive 🤣🤣
@@nikniknik555 Well, Nikola, if you can't tell apart home grown from industrial produce, I am sorry for you.
@@bazoo513 oh they are home grown alright, just not in the way you think
@@ocealus Care to elaborate?
@@bazoo513 He is just a troll. Just ignore him.
Halo MATE svaka ti čast na promociji naše lipe države. ŽELIM TI JOŠ VIŠE POSLA I USPJEHA U ŽIVOTU.
Vrhunski napravljeno! Svaka čast ljudi.
Nicely done. Good editing job.
Još samo da nam je ekonomija (pogotovo industrija i poljoprivreda) bolja bili bismo jedna od najrazvijenijih država na svijetu.
Odličan video od Rimca i baš mi je drago čuti ovakve pohvale, samo naprijed i svaka čast
Bravo Mate, svaka čast! Sjecam se jos kada sam na TV-u gledao tvoj zeleni BMW...mnostvo se podsmjehivalo...a vidi sto si ostvario! Bravo! Odlican primjer: ako pratis svoje snove, mozes ostvariti sve!
Svaka ti na mjestu legendo, ziv nam bio!
Love Croatia and Rimac ❤️
No. You love the propaganda.
@@inveritategloria propaganda?
Me too.
@@inveritategloria I'm from Croatia and it's beautiful...but vlada isnt
@@inveritategloria ljubomorni JADE!
Bravo Rimac, želim vam blistavu budućnost!!!
Ponos do neba. Ne mogu opisati sreću, radost i ponos na ove ljude s kojima nemam nikakve doticaje. I ja sam mali građevinski obrtnik, imao sam ponude otići u Njemačku raditi za višestruko veću plaću i zaradu ali nisam želio iz jednakih razloga kao i Mate. Želim pokazati da se i ovdje može, volim svoju zemlju i želim ovdje uspjeti. Nadam se da je naša generacija dovoljno mudra i pametna i da smo u stanju dignuti ovu zemlju i naciju na nivo koji zaslužuje. Samo naprijed Team Rimac.
Ovdje se može ako si na vlasti, ako radnika ne platiš pošteno.
U penziju ce se ici sa 67 god ee i onda u grob
sorry, ali nisi baš pametan, jer je očito da ne razumiješ da svi koji pokušavaju dignuti državu rade direktno protiv vlasti. jer je vlast u Hrvatskoj od 1991. do danas POSTAVLJENA prema uputama iz Washingtona, Bruxellesa i Berlina. cilj je bio uništiti zajedničku državu (i prikazati to kao nekakav rat) kako bi se narodi s ovih prostora raselili i kako bi stranci pokupovali sve što vrijedi, prije svega hrvatsku obalu. to vi naivne ovce nikako da shvatite iako već 30 godina gledate kako nam hdz-sdp.ova udbaško-komunistička vlast uništava državu i raseljava narod....pitam se koliko će još vode Savom proteći dok prosječan Hrvat svhvati stanje stvari u svojoj vlastitoj državi....?!
@@OLIBLACK9009 nek si nam ti pametan
Such a beautiful country, my heart is melting from all the nice scenery. Velika Gorica born and raised.
How I wish! I am from Malaysia and very much in love with Croatia 🇭🇷🇲🇾
Nevjerojatno da svi tvoji zaposlenici iz cijeloga svijeta imaju vise pozitivne energije da govore o nasoj zemlji u kojoj su svega par godina....svaka cast tebi Mate i tvojem timu...ponosan sam sto zivim u Sv.Nedelji....💯...
Nevjerojatno? Pa baš zato što su tu samo par godina, sa plaćom koja daleko premašuje standard, i mogu biti tako pozitivni. Sigurno nebi tako govorili da su kao većina hrvata, koja krpa kraj s krajem sa minimalcem u ovoj korumpiranoj zemlji. Super je video, ali on prikazuje rad u jednoj jako dobroj firmi koja potpuno odstupa od hrvatskog standarda i kao takva je daleko od pune istine o radu i životu u Hrvatskoj. Svaka čast Rimcu na postignućima, ali on je izuzetak. Tračak dobrog u moru lošeg.
Antares....ja radim dva posla i imam novaca koliko mi treba...veteran sam Domovinskog rata i borio sam se za takve obrazovne ljude kao Mate...i svoju djecu ucim da se treba borit za sebe i obitelj a ne kukat kao ti...takvih kao ti ima stotine u Hrvatskoj...borite se i napravi nesto u zivotu....ZA SVE NA SVIJETU TREBA IMAT VJERE.....U SEBE I PODRSKU OBITELJI...i sve ce biti OK!!!!
@@gorankuzmanovic1646 Ja, kao jedan od tih obrazovanih ljudi, radim samo jedan i imam koliko mi treba, no to me ne sprečava da prepoznam da većini nije tako jer naprosto nisam, niti se pravim slijep na situaciju u Hrvatskoj. Vidite, možda bi više nas trebalo još više kukati i prosvjedovati zato što rat za Hrvatsku još uvijek traje, samo što je ovaj put neprijatelj korupcija i loše vodstvo a ne vanjski agresor. Ono za što se zaista vrijedi boriti jest bolja budućnost, tako da ljudi koji su se kao djeca naučili boriti za sebe i obitelj ne bježe van iz Hrvatske u toj svojoj borbi, a to je ono što se Hrvatskoj događa.
@@TngMutantNinjaTroll Istina, kad je rekao lik, ne znam koja minutaza, da je benzin povoljan s obzirom na ostatak europe, a zapravo vecina drzava imaju 1/1, na to mislim litra benzina prema minimalnoj placi, npr u austriji je litra benzina 1.2 eura, a minimalna placa 1500 eura, dok je kod nas benzin 10 kuna, a min placa 4000, umjesto 10,000...
Excellent video promoting Croatia. Makes me feel very proud. All countries have lousy politics, lousy politicians, and Croatia is no exception. But as long as we have smart young people like Rimac and the team he has assembled, I feel good about our future.
Bog te blagoslovio Mate tebe i tvoj rad živio u zdravlju !
I love this video, thank you so much. I totally fell in love with Croatia, my soulmate and I are moving in to Croatia ❤️🙏🏽.... See you soon Croatia 🇭🇷❤️
I'm no engineer but I would love to work in such a company even at cleaning service or cafeteria
Its not like that what you think believe me this is just for the video
@@nerfminer1956 sudeći po vašem imenu, ili ste Srbin koji mrzi hrvatsku ili mrzitelj domovine.
@marko marko bit je u tome što ljudi poput Dorijana vole samo Pljuvat pljuvat i pljuvat. A sami vjerovatno side kod kuće i ne rade ništa. Tipičan sindrom u mnogo Hrvata. Rimac je nada za bolje sutra u Hrvatskoj ali naravno ni on neće ostat pošteđen pljucanja ljubomornih naših sugrađana.
@@arberqoku3470 stari moj o cem ti pricas hahahah.
@@arberqoku3470 nije mrzitelj, vec je realan i nije mitoman
To Mate Rimac, thank you for showing us your country. I am Colombian originally, moved to Sweden for 11 years ago and seeing you as a stubborn person who believed in starting up your company in your home country, is an example on trusting your people and attracting to other foreigners not just for holidays, but for doing something bigger! Great Mate! Congratulations!
Danas mi je bio tako loš dan, a ovo me baš oraspoložilo :)
Ponosni smo na tebe Rimac, sve najbolje !
awesome :))) that's a good advert! Surely one of the most beautiful countries I've ever been to! I've been wanting to come back ever since
Ostao sam pozitivno iznenađen sa ovim videom. Svaka čast na predstavljanju Hrvatske!
Ovo je istinski domoljub 🇭🇷❤️
I bet all these people got Croatian nicknames. 🙂 Good luck Rimac.
Haha, i agree 👍
Thank you family Rimac!
Hvala obitelji Rimac!
Inspiracija ste za život i rad!
Bravo Rimac, sharing this video on my page when someone asks how it is life in Croatia!
Officially added to my list of countries I gotta visit ! Great video!
lijepo vas vidjeti i cuti. svaka cast
Svaka cast, treba vise organizacije kao Rimac u Hrvatskoj!
Amazing video and promotion of both Croatia and Rimac!! Keep on going!
Rimac is a beautiful brand, Im Croatian myself and proud that they have a car brand
Na stranu svi komentari kako i na koji način je ovakva kompanija izgrađena, sigurno je jedno: za to je trebalo jako puno entuzijazma, truda i volje u zemlji koja je jalova za industriju, a tek promo video, najbolji koji sam vidio. Svaka čast Mate
You can tell a lot about a company from their people - great video! Really want to visit Croatia now!
I could cry every morning of happines working for you!
Ovo je pravi nacin za reklamiranje HR, kao i ulaganje u prave tvrtke te im dopustiti razvoj je jedini nacin da se neki od nas imaju zelju vratiti. Go Rimac🤗
Rimac is my dream company to work trying from 2018 to get in ,
Hopefully one day I'll join the company ☺️
Wish you all the best in thet...good luck!!
Croatians work to live, they don't live to people do in the west. I'll have "Karlovacko" please!
Thats the Image people have on us, but in fact half of our Population left the country Just because of Work, while Most of the people in croatia are Broke
@Kenny Sasso enough left also pre / during war and post war times/ pre eu times due to same reasons as now. economy is dead, corruption, and the young adults which leave now is because many are highly educated but aren´t getting any well paid jobs. thats the reason they are leaving for western europe. and most of them wont´t come back, only when they retire. im the 2nd generation living in germany and i´m planning to go back but not in full time as i can work remotely with german customers. but if you don´t have any possibility to receive any earnings, people wont come back. look at slavonia. this region is really dying, you can buy houses for like 10k €. croatia is really beatiful for vacation and as a tourist, but life can be really hard there for citizens there. i love that someone like mate rimac is trying to change things and they are doing something for the industry there
@Kenny Sasso I hardly think so with this goverment party (HDZ) rulling over 30 years and literally stealing everything they could, Croatia wont make too far. We are on bottom of EU members by everything, only thing that is keeping this country apart is tourism.
Da,lijepa izvana ali iznutra uglavnom trulež,to je Hrvatska😭
Koji je uopče smisao ovakvih automobila?
Igračke za bogate???
Budučnost je nametnuti socijalizirani promet/transport,nečeš imati gotovo ništa,ili malo.Programirat će vas da budete zadovoljni s malo.Sve če se unajmljivat.Možda je i Rimac dio te agende...
Ok,kužim, visoka tehnika,razvoj, i sve to,ali 99.9% ljudi od toga nema koristi😌
@@kris8165 Sve se vrti oko bogatasa a za bogatase. .. novac busi di busilica ne moze...
Mate seems genuine from the interviews I have seen him in. Dude has done some amazing things. It is awesome what he is doing for Croatia. Beautiful country and people.
svaka cast mate, nadam se da ce ti se drzava pokloniti zbog ovoga, zaista hvala!
Kad ovo vidim ....nije mi žao pet godina ratovanja jer sam se za takve ljude borio.Bravo Mate a vi svi drugi se ugledajte na njega.
@@antepilic7422 neka se otvori stotine takvih tvrtki a ne kenjati kao ti..ako si razumio od 800 samo je 100 stranih....daBogda imali 1000 takvih..a ne kenjkavaca koji samo kukaju
Da nije bilo rata Hrvatska bi bila bolja. Ti si se Borio sto si Moro nije ovi nista bolje nego da je bilo mirnim putem.
@@mirzauamerici2286 koji Moro?Onaj nogometaš?
To si se bori da njegov otac bude ratni lopov zato on ovo radi lopovi.
Rat je nekom bio brat....
Top reklama! Drzava bi vam trebala ovo platiti.
Prije mjesec dana zavrsio sam za inzenjera strojarstva i volio bih raditi jednom kod vas.
Država radi ovo u suradnji s Matom..
jel moguce zavrsiti strojarstvo ako nisi matematicar?
@@robertjusic9097 ja sam isao u srednju ekonomsku i uspio sam bezproblema ali sam to bas zelio i dosta ucio.
Mislim ako imas malo smisla za matematiku i upornosti rijesit ces, ali ima puno gori predmeta nego sto je matisa ali opet sve je to invindualno.
@@mihaelbozicevic758 imam dosta losu podlogu za matematiku zbof srednje pa nisam siguran jel moguce
@@robertjusic9097 svw ovisi o tebi koliko to zelis uvijek se mogu upisat instrukcije, a kad upises faks onda se predas faksu i ne zajebavas se i konstantno radis i bit ce dobro
RIMAC uz tebe smo SAMO JAKO💪
Eh, dragi moj, još da nam je i u drugim firmama ovako, bili bi glavni. Drago mi je da se stranci dobro osjećaju ovdje
@@4545lord haha, projekcija!
@@4545lord Malo si ga sad pretjerao, ne lupetaj bezveze.
Свака част за компанију и све квалитете људе у њој. All the best my wishes goes to Rimac company and to all good people in general there. Regards from the neighbours.
Congratulations to you Mr. Rimac & your team! Great achivement🏆! Excellent video taken in the most beautiful country on the world!⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Croatia is an absolutely amazing country! I was lucky to come there for a business trip and now I'm coming back for vacations and learning Croatian. Thank you for this great video!
This is the best promotion for our country 😍 Thanks Mate 🇭🇷💕
Predobro, svaka čast!!
Support to Rimac as one of the main tourist promoters of Croatia/Podrška Rimcu kao jednom od glavnih turističkih promotora Hrvatske !!!!
Love Croatia! 🇧🇬❤️🇭🇷
Bravo Mate,svaka čast.Samo tako dalje! 🙌👌🇭🇷
Al ljudi moji sto ovaj Rimac čovjek stvori i uradi.. Čudo i čudesaa 🇭🇷😍
Odličan promo za privući nove investitore i vrhunske stručnjake! Bravo, Mate👍
Kolko je Hrvatska zapravo lipa! Svaka čast na prezentaciji!
Svaka čast na prezentaciji svoje zemlje i firme. Ja radim u Njemačkoj, radim sa dosta stranaca i svi bi maštali o takvom radnom okruženju jer ovdje smo vidjeli dosta pozitivnog ali i negativnog.
It is impresive to see the commitment of Rimac with country's development
Fantastic Mate! Simply FANTASTIC!
Thank you and good luck Rimac!
Bravo Mate, izuzetan poduhvat. I sve pohvale za sjajan video. Pozdrav iz Srbije
Glad to hear it from different perspectives and cultures
Have been following RIMAC even before the takeover, cause of my grace over EV. Great to see RIMAC. Love to work here. All the best.
Bravo! Puno uspjeha ti želim!
I love Croatia ! So special. So beautiful !
Thank you for the amazing video! You guys inspired me to visit Croatia. I hope maybe one day I will be part of your company too.
Wow, this video made my day. I hope one day I can work with you all! 👋🏽☺️
Svaka vam čast Mate.... Samo naprijed
Svaka cast, Rimac.
Bravo susjed Mate...tako se prezentira zemlja iz koje se dolazi i u kojoj se zivi...neprocijenjivo za Hrvatsku da imamo takvog covjeka.....👍👍👍
It’s a pleasure know your family, Croatia.
Hvala ti Rimac :). Thank you!
Svaka cast za predstavljanje svoje zemlje. Tako se to radi. Pozdrav od bosanca iz Stuttgarta. ✌
Bravo Rimac!
Odavno nisam vidio nešto bolje👍👍👍👍👍
Rimac samo nastavi svoj rad, želim ti puno uspjeha. Pozz
Bravo Rimac, good team!..
I’m a Croatian and its realy nice to hear that from people that are not born in this Country.
Stavio car hrvatsku na mapu vise nego turizam zadnjih 35 godina,rimac je uzor.