I didn't know this technique but used a similar technique to heal my hernia in the neck. In 3 sessions I was pain free. 1) Lay down and fully relax. Relax every muscle in your body and make sure you feel very good (very very important!). 2) Get the following thoughts: Know you are a part of the universe and you are surrounding by energy that you can use to heal yourself. know that your body, if it got the energy, it can heal itself. You will heal!! That's the reality. Period. (No doubt allowed. Just "trying" doesn't work). 3) Imagine and feel you capture that energy through your hands and feet (other ways may work as well). 4) Once you feel the energy in your hands and feet, conduct it with your mind to the place to be healed. You really need to guide the energy slowly with your mind (like gently pushing it all the way with your mind. 100% of focus on this) , let's say from you L-hand into your wrist, to your forearm, through your elbow, to the upper-arm and so on nearly centimeter by centimeter (inch by inch). I felt it as a moving glow of warmth.Then do the same for the energy in R-hand. Then the feet. I gathered an amount of energy under my plexus before guiding it to my neck. See what works for you.
I have been healing myself since I was a child with the power of my mind using similar techniques that you describe in this video! I know you are telling the truth because I've experienced it personally! Thanks for making this video!
This is amazing. Every time I want to heal anything with my body, I go to the "healing room". I've found that it also works if you go to the healing state for 5 minutes, multiple times per day. This is a great idea and has opened my mind to so many variations of this. Thank you, Rob, for sharing this.
No, thank you Brad. Comments like this motivate me and I can only imagine motivate others as well. I really appreciate you giving it an honest shot, and also coming back here to post about your experiences. :)
I got kicked by my horse in the knee severely over a year ago, and used this as I couldn't afford to go to hospital. I really was in agony, in bed for 3 days unable to move my leg. I did this as much as I could and in a week I was up and about, and doing exercises to use my leg again. .a year later, I still have a dent shaped like a hoof, but hey, I have this video to thank for full recovery. .now im back with flu...bearing in mind I can reiki, but still choose to heal myself without my physical hands. thanks again mate.
You spoke about vibration, theres something i do that works for me, in that meditation, you hum but to a low tone, so low that it makes your throat and face vibrate. As you do this, you will feel a tingling sensation. at that point you want to not imagine, but believe and feel the harmful energy exiting your body through your extremities. about 10 to 20 minutes of this will get rid of what ever is going on. I've cured a lot of my stomach aches, head aches, and other kinds of ailments. it feels miraculous.
The reason I searched for this video is to see if anyone else does it. :) I have been doing almost the same thing with the exact colors for about 15 years now. Got rid of a prostate infection and have been in perfect health since. Thanks for putting this up!! :)
i used this today with my headache. i only meditated for about 10 minutes but i felt a huge difference! it was incredible, my headace completely went away
You should do this before you go to bed.. right before when you fall asleep. thats also a meditative state that everybody achieves everyday... people who say: I cant meditate, dont realise they achieve the meditative state every single day.
I have had abdominal pain for several years and have had to take way too much pain reliever every day just to work, a couple weeks ago I injured my back and had much more pain. I tried this process after seeing this clip Tuesday night. I only had to take pain meds once yesterday and none today for the back or abdominal pain. Two days, this is incredible! Thank you so much for sharing this Rob C.. It is incredible not being in pain after having it for so long! I'm passing this technique on.
I used this "technique" to heal my stomach (I guess I was with symptons of gastritis), but what I did was drink water "visualizing" that as the water passed through my stomach, it was cleaning down. Like if you got an obstructed pipe, and washing in water makes it unblock, and the pipe becomes clean. Extremely difficult to explain it in words, but that made some quick results within minutes. Of course I had to stop eating shit too LOL
This has worked well for me concerning a lingering virus I had. After two days of this I was healed. My healing colors were green and violet. I was laying in a warm forest on a large stump. I visualized the sickness as black and brown. In my opinion the healing is induced from a conscious deep relaxation knowing that my body is capable of healing itself. There was also a woman made of water who showed up and induced that electric feeling he's talking about.
This is very similar to my technique. The idea suddenly came to me after I suffered chronic pains from multiple ailments many years ago. Medications didn't help so I thought why not I tried to heal myself. I just imagine a healing wave of a specific color entered my body and healed the painful area (of another color). It seemed to me like a crazy idea at first but I was so desperate for relief so I kept on doing it. And it worked for me. It’s important to relax and focus while doing this.
Thank you Rob! I've been looking for videos for 3 days now on how to heal from a disease. I am very happy I found yours! I can't wait to get started. It's 3:20am and I've been up getting sick since 1:00am. This had become almost a nightly problem for me. I won't bore you with all the Drs tell me I have wrong with me but I will say I'm going to start meditation in a few mins. I pray it works and I'm pretty sure it will! Thank you for sharing thus with me! You might just be the answer I've be looking for. God Bless you!
Wondering what to visualize for an autoimmune problem. My body has kind of turned on itself with awful inflammation and pain in all my joints and muscles.
6 years late, i would imagine a blue sense of energy to heal it and to be immune from it, i would say imagine yourself coming into contact with the allergen and being poorly a little bit then again but the second time you are totally fine.
We live in Brazil. Thanks for this video.After watching it Me and my wife practiced your tips. She was in pain and I practiced in order to get more energy to her and she practiced in order to cure herself. We got a good experience and pain reduced 50%. In her experience (my wife) she realized a white light flash comming from a human unknown figure and she felt some vibration on her body and floating. I felt o lot of vibration on my body too by visualizing the blue color. We'll practice it more.
I had hemmoroids. And almost healed immediate or by next day. Instead of thinking there is pain ..think it's curing. DIRECT OPPOSITE of your thoughts. Got cured. Think wyou are cured or healing COMPLETELY. Not that you are in pain. I don't think it was coincidence. It happened twice. Hope this helps. God Bless :)
How ironic, I've been suffering from a sever chest cold and allergies for over a week now and was closing my eyes and listening to your speak while using a Himalayan crystal salt inhaler which is baby blue in color and was imagining a blue color healing my lungs when you started talking about using colors to heal and the close to the end you mentioned getting over a cold. Also giving up alcohol and weed this year and using your technique, thank you Rob! Mark
Rob, Thanks for bringing this out to everyone! You spoke sincerely about the technique, something I experienced a few years back. It is truly magical when we experience rapid healing especially through an act of faith and sincere participation in our own recovery. I think this much everybody can do to help themselves through many ailments.
In the Silva Method they teach you a similar technique called the lab technique. You are also told how to scan someonelse body to see whats wrong with them and to help them heal.
This is unbelievable! I heal my headaches and other pains using the the exact same technique. I did not learn it from anyone. I made it up myself about 15 years ago :) Also I use the exact same colors - red for the pain (as opposed to a sickness in this case) and a beautiful sky blue for a recharged painless area. But I do not visualize the blue flowing into me when I breathe in, I rather visualize the red floating out of the body as i exhale and leaving the area sky blue :)
You can actually heal your mind too. I was diagnosed with ADHD, and I had depression for years, so I was medicated on and off for years, but I felt that the medication made me a very tired person, so I looked for alternatives. Meditation and positive affirmations and changing perspective is the key. Your mind is not broken...it is your thinking that needs healing
This..usually works. i've been doing it my entire life...and more. i was a tiny tot when i recall doing it for the first time in this life. & i was drawing on a memory from a past life...this was a few years before i learned that kind of thing is not supposed to be real. i don't use an avatar though..i use my own body..and i place the Lights directly on where the injuries are.....i drew on a memory from who knows when or where. i was in a cave, it was pretty dark...could hear lots of people shouting outside..i was wearing pieces of Armour that i had to remove..do not know what gender i was nor did it matter. i was bleeding profusely from several wounds...so..i went into instant trance via changing my breathing to extremely slow & shallow & making a very low virtually inaudible humming sound. i think that is more for the Vibration than any sound effect. The lights formed in the air just inches over me..and i moved them with my hands to where they needed to go. They lay on me for a few seconds before being sinking into the wounds...i kept humming & closed my eyes..let my body drift wherever it needed to go & just observed what was happening to it..until i fell asleep..i guess i fall asleep..cos i wake up many hours later...& my pains were/are gone or almost gone. So was bruising & any bleeding. Wounds are still there..but they heal as if a few days pass instead of hours. Since this was & still is often my only option..i have had people come unexpected (& uninvited) to sit with me, who then (unfortunately) unwittingly became witnesses to this...& it scared them...they never saw light but they did see spots of 'blurring' that confused them. i'm guessing it was the lights. All but one...he was not afraid nor shocked..a young man who had been my date that night, also did this his whole life...he was shocked to watch me do it though cos he thought he was just a freak of nature (what i said abt myself too)...but..right then we had no choice, & no time to discuss it..the car was totaled, our injuries were Great...he had severe lacerations & internal injuries, i had a broken neck & back in 3 places...the driver seemed to be unscathed but was unconscious (he ended up with nothing more than a bad concussion) & the snow was piling up fast..so much so they had closed the road, never knowing we had crashed on the black ice..we had to heal enough to get out of there of die in the storm. We healed ourselves as best we could & carried the driver 3 miles to the local hospital. Our arrival at 3Am, in that bloodied & half frozen condition, & carrying the driver between us, caused quite a stir. Especially after they evaluated our injuries.. anyway...yes....this works...at least it does for some of us. i have no idea if it will work for everyone..or..if everyone can even do it. Might be just another anomaly of us freaks of natures.. This also works for me for Any health issue, be it an organ failure, or virus, or infection, whatever. Would be Great if Everyone learned how to do this, imho! Wishing y'all the Best of Luck!
Even though at the end of the video i say that you should try healing others, I'm starting to believe more and more that you are only responsible for yourself. Meaning, that you can't physically affect others with your mind. I believe that your thought creates your reality. So since someone else's thoughts do *not* create your reality, people can't mentally heal (or hurt) other people. But that's just my belief...
Amazing. You learned it in a dream. That is so cool. I had a similar experience also with the color blue in 2003. I was an atheist and my view of the world was in resistence to unlimited possibilities and I had anger issues which caused me migraines. I finally said into the room "Please help me", a blue jello hand fixed my pain, and within a few minutes the headaches were gone. That is how the Blue God showed himself. The painting is my Blue God. I painted him many times since then in dog form.
I do! I think what is essential in any kind of healing (physical or mental) is that you have to focus on the opposite. In essence, with depression, you need to change your focus to all the amazing and wonderful things/thoughts you have. In meditation and outside of meditation, always be looking for a reason to smile. After a while you will forget that you were depressed.
I slipped on a magezine a few days ago and sliced me whole left side on the edge of a glass table. My whole side was scraped and bruised. When I saw this I tried it and now the scars and bruises were gone within two days! Thanks so much Rob!
Hi Rob! This is awesome :) I broke my wrist a week ago, and oddly enough revisited a movie I watched years ago "What the Bleep Do We Know" I was intrigued enough this time to do further research on Quantum Physics. Somehow I was led to your video. Since watching it the first time I did further research on energy healing, and I'm 100% committed to making this work! It does seem to be all about the breathing and concentrating, but you're the only one who explains how to for free, so thanks!!
In the case of viruses, i would probably visualize the circulatory system. Maybe I would visualize your heart and tell it to (strip out all viruses as the blood flows through). Make it a game, command your body to clean itself. Visualize your blood as glowing bright blue, and as it's glowing blue, all the bad stuff is dying off. The idea is to believe that whatever it is you are visualizing, that it is actually healing your body.
I have used a simular technique to heal my bobby. instead of going into a room i just imagine myself as i am, when i breathe in a white light goes to the spot in need or my whole bobby and when i breath out black goes out and i keep doing it till when i breath out white comes out. Awesome to see people helping each other! :)
There can be no doubt what so ever that this WILL work. Visualization is an extraordinarily powerful force on the human physical condition. ( It may even work with ailing bank accounts!) :)
I taste your technique yesterday for my wrists. To my surprise, the pain had slowed down the day after when I woke up. I felt a sudden urge to taste it again for my tight neck. After maybe 10 minutes or one quarter felt neck smoother and almost completely painless. I almost think that it is not true, but it really works!
Question; When u breathe in this blue light, and exhaling the red, are you also visualizing your other self who is on the bed also breathing in and exhaling red or are you at that point just concetrating on yourself?
@@soofitnsexy Omg, The image of you on the bed or examination table is the one NEEDING the HEALING. Of course that is the one breathing in the GOOD HEALING COLOR and BREATHING OUT the bad color. DUH!!! The image of you observing can also but the main one is the YOU on the table. Common sense.
Lol. I know how this works. I learned the same thing at same age by same method as this guy. Ie. really young. But I cant heal perse, I can just quickly push away sickness and some internal messups. Can't heal bones, flesh or materia. Just simple chemicals, virusses and bacteria. Real life. I initially learaned lucid dreaming or dream manipulation, channel switch after waking from one nightmare when i was 4or 5 years old and we were living first year in Kangasala town/village, when I went to sleep again I decided not to see another nightmare. But I did see another nightmare, but my mind was made up, so I learned that night how to switc the dream, escape from unpleasant dream to another dream. Years later I learned how to fly, change shape into sparrow and create some (certain and fixed) objects out of nothingness in dream. And then I learned to meditate and quiet down more and more. And then at age under 10 years I learned to meditate, exhale (no colors tho) and quickly 2h or 10 minutes (depends on a day) heal from cold, stomach ace virus or such. I´v never healed matter tho, ie body wounds and bones. But, I have never had a broken bone or such. Small wounds only.
Ann Hastings en.wiktionary.org/wiki/per_se Sorry about my bad english. Also in finnish it means ass, and the word is used in finnish as "anything" as a slang word. As in Can´t find anything, can't afford anything etc... Finnish basic angst :P
This definitely works! The Mind is a powerful thing, it literally has the power to heal any physical ailments or illnesses if we knew how to use it right.... The Placebo effect even proves this.
I am sorry to hear that. My standard answer to any "can it heal _____" question is "Maybe, you tell me". Scroll through these comments and you'll see some pretty amazing testimonials. Personally, I believe you can. Also, check out Morris E. Goodman, who was paralyzed in a plane crash and used his mind to heal an incredible amount of physical damage.
Thank you Rob with your help I am currently healing something that the doctors said I need an operation for, so far it is working well, and I can't wait to shove it back in the doctors face once I healed it completely
You should make a guided healing meditation with this your voice is relaxing & soothing ~ I would buy it as it makes it easier to do for some people ~ I would buy one & definitely need some healing. Going to try it later. Thanks for posting
You're a great visualizer and I'll prove it! Do this right now: Close your eyes. From your childhood, think of the first person you ever had a crush on. Now think of a room you saw them in. Are there other people in that room? What was on the walls? Can you remember their face, or sounds in the room? Can you play out an interaction you had with them? Can you make up an interaction? If you can, then you can visualize this, it's the same. Use 100% imagination.
I'm convinced you are right! I have a medical doctor allergy and I heal myself since many years. If I would have continued to go to the doctors, I'm sure, I would be dead since 11 years. I didn't know your method before but I'll try it. Thank you very much!
I have to agree, it's pretty sweet. It was both comforting and awe-inspiring to hear from so many people that the technique is quite well known in different cultures and religions. Quite amazing actually. Hope it works out well for you barry.
I actually used this technique for pain management during the 23 hours of labor with my son. I was able to have a natural birth (using hypnobirth) without needing an epidural. I visualized red in my area of pain, and sending my breath to that area to remove the pain. I was so comfortable and so relaxed that I actually fell asleep for a few hours and I was completely comfortable being in that deep state of meditation. The mind is amazing in its ability to heal through breath and visualization!!
Interesting, just got a schedule for daily meditations at a buddhist center to start tomorrow and I stumbled on this video today. I have a chronic (HIV+) condition, I want to clear my lungs from years of smokes and I had a gum surgery 3 days ago. Too much for a coincidence. Took your suggestion to heart. Thank you!
Hi Rob thanks, do you visualize yourself from a first person perspective feeling the colors come and go, or do you see yourself from the top (like a sim character) laying down on the table ? I think it's better to feel from a first person perspective, right ? Thanks
WOW, AMAZING EXPERIENCE. My body started vibrating & moving on the table & in my bed where I was lying down, involuntarily... and it stopped, involuntarily. Looking forward to doing it again, later today. I was filling my knees & wrists with brilliant deep sky blue light frequency... my fave color that inspires me. Will see how my healing progresses. Thank you, Rob!
Thanks for posting. I have done something similar. I had broke my knee cap. And over the course of my healing I would imagine that it was healed and sort of hold my hand over the area. It was also a type of faith that God/universe would heal me. When I went to the dr. he said that it healed way better than expected. That nomally the knee does not heal as quick or al well. I contribute to what I did. But your method is much more intense than mine was. I will definitely use this method when needed
You're not doing anything wrong, and for the record, nothing can block you. You are doing great, in fact, the problem is that not everyone's meditation muscle is strong. Its very easy to become lost, distracted, and it can feel like you're being blocked. But rest assured, keep practicing the technique and know that you will get there, and you will... :)
i once had a cyst in my eyelid and had it cut out, my eyelid had to be flipped up and cut and drained. that really sucked, so when i got the same thing again on my other eyelid 3 years later, i did chi kungs that my master taught me, similiar techniques to what this guy is talking about in terms of visualization. to my surprise it dissappeared in a couple of days even though i had the cyst for 4months. i believe it works even if you dont really believe, just firm visualization. thanks :)
I tried this years ago for cervical dysplaia a friend/hypnotherapst told me about it. It was slightly different in the fact I had to imagine using tools to remove the bad cells but the inhaling light etc was the same. Anyway when i went for a check up they couldnt believe the transformation in my cervix in a short space of time!!! Worked for me :-)
Thank you, this technique has helped me cure my migraine problem. As a migraine comes on I go and meditate. I picture myself lying in a stream, as the water washes over my head, I imagine that the pain is 'dirt' being washed away. Though slightly different from your method it is just a slight adaptation on what you describe. I hope that others benefit from this, as I have been able to stop using pain killers all together through meditation. It is miraculous.
You seems like an awesome person! Like a version of myself in another timeline and dimension (..just like any other person I meet, you're just closer to my own beliefs :) ). I know and love what you're talking about here. It's so full of.. hmm, everything good! When I'm sitting on the buss, and notice people around me with visual psychological problems, I communicate with their subconscious and "heal" them from what they before didn't know how to handle. *Peace, love, happiness*
Very well said. I am sceptic in many areas and am open to any suggestions and ideas. After all....it is an idea that creates an action. I know what you explain to be true....and glad to see you share it. I will be looking forward to checking out your thoughts and ideas in other clips.
I just follow every word the you say... And light covers me. Until everything became light.. when i open my eyes ,the bright doesn't disappear. Thank you so much. Im a filipino. Thank you so much..
Great video! I tried ( and succeeded ) in healing several parts of my body many times in the past and I must say that it's incredible to see how powerful our mind is! I used a sightly different technique than yours but also based on visualization and commands that the brain gives to the body. Thanks for this video!
Hi Rob C, great work. This technique works to heal physical body, etheric body, astral body as well. You are surely a gifted person as this technique is revealed to you when you were young. Some people would be looking for healing anxiety, phobia, fear which is number one problem faced by most of the people. If you have any specific technique on that, please post. Thanks.
I am a Reiki Master energy healer, and the technique you describe is basically energy healing. I have no doubt that it works, I will be using this technique and advising other to use it in my practice as well. Thanks for the post. Namaste, Kenny
Thanx for the shearing I didn't tried it yet but i do believe that the mind is the strongest part of out body ! I can\t wait to try this ! Thanx a million !
trying this everyday has brought me a tiny bit of peace for the injury i have. i have nerve damage in my right shoulder due to an accident. i want to say that i feel that this works. i havnt really been able to do more just yet but i hope this exercise over time gives me results as you have received. i feel the key factor is that this opened itself up to you as a child. Dreaming is more time for your brain to tell you things. thank friend. :)
That's interesting id been messing around visualizing being outside my body healing myself. I'm going to try this for a month and will come back and tell my results or lack of after a month. I got some funky thing going on in one eye..similar to macular degeneration and also vision is getting pretty poor. I'm going to see if I can improve my vision and fix that issue in the one eye. I think adding the vibration plus color to the visualization may be they key. ( I def have the faith )Thanks will be back!
My hamstring has been injured over a year now going on 2 and I came across this rn. Really detailed so I’m going to try it for a few days and see how it goes
I think you nailed what this is all about. It's really hard to believe something 100%, in the same way you believe that when you jump up, gravity will pull you down. And I think that this technique to some degree utilizes the placebo effect. In essence, if you believe that an action is healing you, then it will. Mind over matter. Cheers brother. Thanks for posting!
Thank you for sharing this technique. It reminds me of the colors used in Pranic Healing Advanced course with a different technique. I will certainly try it out.
I find your discovery of this technique by a dream fascinating. The specific room is fairly common, I use it myself, but the rest is new to me. I will definitely try it out. Thanks.
ok, having trouble writing this full out. But the bottom line I was getting at is that the fact that you're getting the vibrations, no matter where or how they feel, is a key sign that you are doing it right and getting to the correct state of conciousness for what I like to call "meditation work". From that point, you can do healing, and even remote viewing (basically gathering info for any of your 5 senses + emotion, from any point in time/space) sorry if thats too far out but its true :)
I have a bunch of things I want to repair in my body. I've fixed some so far by talking to my body and looking at healthy bodies images. I liked your approach very much though, and I'm gonna try it right away. Thanks for sharing!
It works. I've done this several times but visual description when closed eyes are different from yours. All in all great video. More people need to use this ~ Also, long distant healing is called "Remote Healing". I have a friend who uses this all the time and it works. If you're in doubt - Just try it.
I am so glad I found this. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant and I don't ovulate properly. I'm sure this will help us. Thanx for posting!
This really works. Faith is the key to life. I did with cancer and many other eilments. God bless.
My Dad and Brother had faith..they died.
I healed myself with faith
AJ The RPG gamer please tell me what was your problem?(I am going to do this and i want some confidence)
How did you do it
How are you after so many years????
I didn't know this technique but used a similar technique to heal my hernia in the neck. In 3 sessions I was pain free. 1) Lay down and fully relax. Relax every muscle in your body and make sure you feel very good (very very important!). 2) Get the following thoughts: Know you are a part of the universe and you are surrounding by energy that you can use to heal yourself. know that your body, if it got the energy, it can heal itself. You will heal!! That's the reality. Period. (No doubt allowed. Just "trying" doesn't work). 3) Imagine and feel you capture that energy through your hands and feet (other ways may work as well). 4) Once you feel the energy in your hands and feet, conduct it with your mind to the place to be healed. You really need to guide the energy slowly with your mind (like gently pushing it all the way with your mind. 100% of focus on this) , let's say from you L-hand into your wrist, to your forearm, through your elbow, to the upper-arm and so on nearly centimeter by centimeter (inch by inch). I felt it as a moving glow of warmth.Then do the same for the energy in R-hand. Then the feet. I gathered an amount of energy under my plexus before guiding it to my neck. See what works for you.
I have been healing myself since I was a child with the power of my mind using similar techniques that you describe in this video! I know you are telling the truth because I've experienced it personally! Thanks for making this video!
pilgrim985 oh my god! Can you please share more?
i guess Im kinda randomly asking but do anybody know a good place to stream new series online ?
I feel much comfortable reading this
Can you please make more such videos? This is your gift. I have followed this video for over 10 years and I keep coming back to it.
This is amazing. Every time I want to heal anything with my body, I go to the "healing room". I've found that it also works if you go to the healing state for 5 minutes, multiple times per day. This is a great idea and has opened my mind to so many variations of this. Thank you, Rob, for sharing this.
No, thank you Brad. Comments like this motivate me and I can only imagine motivate others as well. I really appreciate you giving it an honest shot, and also coming back here to post about your experiences. :)
I got kicked by my horse in the knee severely over a year ago, and used this as I couldn't afford to go to hospital. I really was in agony, in bed for 3 days unable to move my leg. I did this as much as I could and in a week I was up and about, and doing exercises to use my leg again. .a year later, I still have a dent shaped like a hoof, but hey, I have this video to thank for full recovery. .now im back with flu...bearing in mind I can reiki, but still choose to heal myself without my physical hands. thanks again mate.
I love this video. Please don't delete it.
me 2. its magical & calming
You spoke about vibration, theres something i do that works for me, in that meditation, you hum but to a low tone, so low that it makes your throat and face vibrate. As you do this, you will feel a tingling sensation. at that point you want to not imagine, but believe and feel the harmful energy exiting your body through your extremities. about 10 to 20 minutes of this will get rid of what ever is going on. I've cured a lot of my stomach aches, head aches, and other kinds of ailments. it feels miraculous.
Thank you so much for your suggestion I'm going to try this while I try the exercise and he mentioned in a video
I tried this technique on my heart pain and it cured in a minute
I have gastroparesis and while watching your video i tried this and my pain went away.I will be trying this again.Thanks for sharing
Hi Anne how are you now ? My sister also suffers with gastroparesis it's an awful thing Hope your well God Bless xx
I know you had to do the medical disclaimer, but it's kind of ironic, since doctors no longer try to heal anything - they just prescribe drugs.
Energy Magic
TheEnergyMagic very true...
There's also a Rife machine that cures diseases & heals the body. There is also cannabis oil with THC is another cure.
TheEnergyMagic -great point.
TheEnergyMagic medicine is poison & kills ppl.
This really does work. Thank you.
Thank you so very much, Rob! You are very generous for sharing this! I can't wait to try it!
This lightworker is all about that energetic healing. Just think and feel like you will be ok, and you will be. 👌
Great information! I’m on day 2 of trying this and I’ve been feeling incredible! Thanks man!
can you give an update. thanks.
The reason I searched for this video is to see if anyone else does it. :) I have been doing almost the same thing with the exact colors for about 15 years now. Got rid of a prostate infection and have been in perfect health since. Thanks for putting this up!! :)
Thanks .We use this technique here in India since 1000 years , pranic healing
Raman sharma really? idont knw tat
Yes it is real
Bro kon c technique?
i used this today with my headache. i only meditated for about 10 minutes but i felt a huge difference! it was incredible, my headace completely went away
You should do this before you go to bed.. right before when you fall asleep. thats also a meditative state that everybody achieves everyday... people who say: I cant meditate, dont realise they achieve the meditative state every single day.
Does it heal skin ?
I doing this tonight before bed
I have had abdominal pain for several years and have had to take way too much pain reliever every day just to work, a couple weeks ago I injured my back and had much more pain. I tried this process after seeing this clip Tuesday night. I only had to take pain meds once yesterday and none today for the back or abdominal pain. Two days, this is incredible!
Thank you so much for sharing this Rob C.. It is incredible not being in pain after having it for so long! I'm passing this technique on.
I used this "technique" to heal my stomach (I guess I was with symptons of gastritis), but what I did was drink water "visualizing" that as the water passed through my stomach, it was cleaning down. Like if you got an obstructed pipe, and washing in water makes it unblock, and the pipe becomes clean. Extremely difficult to explain it in words, but that made some quick results within minutes. Of course I had to stop eating shit too LOL
This has worked well for me concerning a lingering virus I had. After two days of this I was healed. My healing colors were green and violet. I was laying in a warm forest on a large stump. I visualized the sickness as black and brown. In my opinion the healing is induced from a conscious deep relaxation knowing that my body is capable of healing itself. There was also a woman made of water who showed up and induced that electric feeling he's talking about.
God bless your heart for sharing this! I'm going to try this now, tired of living in pain!
Thanks Classy! Please let me know how it goes for you. I'm always amazed by the responses I get, and I'm tired of you living in pain too!
No more pain! None!!! Thank you! 🙏🏾
This is very similar to my technique. The idea suddenly came to me after I suffered chronic pains from multiple ailments many years ago. Medications didn't help so I thought why not I tried to heal myself. I just imagine a healing wave of a specific color entered my body and healed the painful area (of another color). It seemed to me like a crazy idea at first but I was so desperate for relief so I kept on doing it. And it worked for me. It’s important to relax and focus while doing this.
Im gonna heal my overactive metabolism and swollen thyroid gland with this which has left me with severe eczema. I will heal myself.
has this worked? I have the opposite with hypothyroid
It can. Tell yourself it's healing on the parts affected. It help my hemmoroids. Twice
Thank you Rob! I've been looking for videos for 3 days now on how to heal from a disease. I am very happy I found yours! I can't wait to get started. It's 3:20am and I've been up getting sick since 1:00am. This had become almost a nightly problem for me. I won't bore you with all the Drs tell me I have wrong with me but I will say I'm going to start meditation in a few mins. I pray it works and I'm pretty sure it will! Thank you for sharing thus with me! You might just be the answer I've be looking for. God Bless you!
Total TRUTH!! I remember that I once brought myself back from the dead using this technique....
Wondering what to visualize for an autoimmune problem. My body has kind of turned on itself with awful inflammation and pain in all my joints and muscles.
6 years late, i would imagine a blue sense of energy to heal it and to be immune from it, i would say imagine yourself coming into contact with the allergen and being poorly a little bit then again but the second time you are totally fine.
Stop eating eggs and anything containing eggs and auto immune issues Will vanish
We live in Brazil. Thanks for this video.After watching it Me and my wife practiced your tips. She was in pain and I practiced in order to get more energy to her and she practiced in order to cure herself. We got a good experience and pain reduced 50%. In her experience (my wife) she realized a white light flash comming from a human unknown figure and she felt some vibration on her body and floating. I felt o lot of vibration on my body too by visualizing the blue color. We'll practice it more.
I had hemmoroids. And almost healed immediate or by next day. Instead of thinking there is pain ..think it's curing. DIRECT OPPOSITE of your thoughts. Got cured. Think wyou are cured or healing COMPLETELY. Not that you are in pain. I don't think it was coincidence. It happened twice. Hope this helps. God Bless :)
How ironic, I've been suffering from a sever chest cold and allergies for over a week now and was closing my eyes and listening to your speak while using a Himalayan crystal salt inhaler which is baby blue in color and was imagining a blue color healing my lungs when you started talking about using colors to heal and the close to the end you mentioned getting over a cold. Also giving up alcohol and weed this year and using your technique, thank you Rob! Mark
The subconscious mind is powerful if it accepts the belief of healing it is so!
Rob, Thanks for bringing this out to everyone! You spoke sincerely about the technique, something I experienced a few years back. It is truly magical when we experience rapid healing especially through an act of faith and sincere participation in our own recovery. I think this much everybody can do to help themselves through many ailments.
In the Silva Method they teach you a similar technique called the lab technique. You are also told how to scan someonelse body to see whats wrong with them and to help them heal.
This is unbelievable! I heal my headaches and other pains using the the exact same technique. I did not learn it from anyone. I made it up myself about 15 years ago :) Also I use the exact same colors - red for the pain (as opposed to a sickness in this case) and a beautiful sky blue for a recharged painless area. But I do not visualize the blue flowing into me when I breathe in, I rather visualize the red floating out of the body as i exhale and leaving the area sky blue :)
You can actually heal your mind too. I was diagnosed with ADHD, and I had depression for years, so I was medicated on and off for years, but I felt that the medication made me a very tired person, so I looked for alternatives. Meditation and positive affirmations and changing perspective is the key. Your mind is not broken...it is your thinking that needs healing
This..usually works. i've been doing it my entire life...and more. i was a tiny tot when i recall doing it for the first time in this life. & i was drawing on a memory from a past life...this was a few years before i learned that kind of thing is not supposed to be real. i don't use an avatar though..i use my own body..and i place the Lights directly on where the injuries are.....i drew on a memory from who knows when or where. i was in a cave, it was pretty dark...could hear lots of people shouting outside..i was wearing pieces of Armour that i had to remove..do not know what gender i was nor did it matter. i was bleeding profusely from several wounds...so..i went into instant trance via changing my breathing to extremely slow & shallow & making a very low virtually inaudible humming sound. i think that is more for the Vibration than any sound effect.
The lights formed in the air just inches over me..and i moved them with my hands to where they needed to go. They lay on me for a few seconds before being sinking into the wounds...i kept humming & closed my eyes..let my body drift wherever it needed to go & just observed what was happening to it..until i fell asleep..i guess i fall asleep..cos i wake up many hours later...& my pains were/are gone or almost gone. So was bruising & any bleeding. Wounds are still there..but they heal as if a few days pass instead of hours.
Since this was & still is often my only option..i have had people come unexpected (& uninvited) to sit with me, who then (unfortunately) unwittingly became witnesses to this...& it scared them...they never saw light but they did see spots of 'blurring' that confused them. i'm guessing it was the lights.
All but one...he was not afraid nor shocked..a young man who had been my date that night, also did this his whole life...he was shocked to watch me do it though cos he thought he was just a freak of nature (what i said abt myself too)...but..right then we had no choice, & no time to discuss it..the car was totaled, our injuries were Great...he had severe lacerations & internal injuries, i had a broken neck & back in 3 places...the driver seemed to be unscathed but was unconscious (he ended up with nothing more than a bad concussion) & the snow was piling up fast..so much so they had closed the road, never knowing we had crashed on the black ice..we had to heal enough to get out of there of die in the storm. We healed ourselves as best we could & carried the driver 3 miles to the local hospital. Our arrival at 3Am, in that bloodied & half frozen condition, & carrying the driver between us, caused quite a stir. Especially after they evaluated our injuries..
anyway...yes....this works...at least it does for some of us. i have no idea if it will work for everyone..or..if everyone can even do it. Might be just another anomaly of us freaks of natures..
This also works for me for Any health issue, be it an organ failure, or virus, or infection, whatever.
Would be Great if Everyone learned how to do this, imho!
Wishing y'all the Best of Luck!
Even though at the end of the video i say that you should try healing others, I'm starting to believe more and more that you are only responsible for yourself. Meaning, that you can't physically affect others with your mind. I believe that your thought creates your reality. So since someone else's thoughts do *not* create your reality, people can't mentally heal (or hurt) other people. But that's just my belief...
Amazing. You learned it in a dream. That is so cool. I had a similar experience also with the color blue in 2003. I was an atheist and my view of the world was in resistence to unlimited possibilities and I had anger issues which caused me migraines. I finally said into the room "Please help me", a blue jello hand fixed my pain, and within a few minutes the headaches were gone. That is how the Blue God showed himself. The painting is my Blue God. I painted him many times since then in dog form.
10 years ago! Regardless- let me say I am very grateful for a presentation by an unmistakably credible person with out a ton of bs.
I do! I think what is essential in any kind of healing (physical or mental) is that you have to focus on the opposite. In essence, with depression, you need to change your focus to all the amazing and wonderful things/thoughts you have. In meditation and outside of meditation, always be looking for a reason to smile. After a while you will forget that you were depressed.
I miss Rob C! I'd love to hear more examples of how he has used this for himself and others.
Yep testimonials is what will prove this easily works
I slipped on a magezine a few days ago and sliced me whole left side on the edge of a glass table. My whole side was scraped and bruised. When I saw this I tried it and now the scars and bruises were gone within two days! Thanks so much Rob!
Thank you Rob C for sharing this video bc my right knee has been killing me and I was looking for a way to cure it and your video worked
+Octavius Dowell Incredibly awesome to hear that Octavius.
Hi Rob! This is awesome :) I broke my wrist a week ago, and oddly enough revisited a movie I watched years ago "What the Bleep Do We Know" I was intrigued enough this time to do further research on Quantum Physics. Somehow I was led to your video. Since watching it the first time I did further research on energy healing, and I'm 100% committed to making this work! It does seem to be all about the breathing and concentrating, but you're the only one who explains how to for free, so thanks!!
In the case of viruses, i would probably visualize the circulatory system. Maybe I would visualize your heart and tell it to (strip out all viruses as the blood flows through). Make it a game, command your body to clean itself. Visualize your blood as glowing bright blue, and as it's glowing blue, all the bad stuff is dying off. The idea is to believe that whatever it is you are visualizing, that it is actually healing your body.
ur awesome! thx
I imagine filling my whole body with a white light frequency which automatically kills all the viruses, parasites, candida, bad bacteria, everything.
@@Layla_Bayla is it worked for you?
I have used a simular technique to heal my bobby. instead of going into a room i just imagine myself as i am, when i breathe in a white light goes to the spot in need or my whole bobby and when i breath out black goes out and i keep doing it till when i breath out white comes out.
Awesome to see people helping each other! :)
There can be no doubt what so ever that this WILL work. Visualization is an extraordinarily powerful force on the human physical condition.
( It may even work with ailing bank accounts!) :)
I taste your technique yesterday for my wrists. To my surprise, the pain had slowed down the day after when I woke up. I felt a sudden urge to taste it again for my tight neck. After maybe 10 minutes or one quarter felt neck smoother and almost completely painless. I almost think that it is not true, but it really works!
Question; When u breathe in this blue light, and exhaling the red, are you also visualizing your other self who is on the bed also breathing in and exhaling red or are you at that point just concetrating on yourself?
i was thinking the exact same shit
CrispyKartel You can if you want, they key here is to feel and believe in what you're doing. THAT is where the magic is.
@@soofitnsexy Omg, The image of you on the bed or examination table is the one NEEDING the HEALING. Of course that is the one breathing in the GOOD HEALING COLOR and BREATHING OUT the bad color. DUH!!! The image of you observing can also but the main one is the YOU on the table. Common sense.
Since it was given to you in a dream, it's a gift. There have been many documented incidences of this type of meditation working. I'll give it a try.
Lol. I know how this works. I learned the same thing at same age by same method as this guy. Ie. really young. But I cant heal perse, I can just quickly push away sickness and some internal messups. Can't heal bones, flesh or materia. Just simple chemicals, virusses and bacteria. Real life.
I initially learaned lucid dreaming or dream manipulation, channel switch after waking from one nightmare when i was 4or 5 years old and we were living first year in Kangasala town/village, when I went to sleep again I decided not to see another nightmare. But I did see another nightmare, but my mind was made up, so I learned that night how to switc the dream, escape from unpleasant dream to another dream.
Years later I learned how to fly, change shape into sparrow and create some (certain and fixed) objects out of nothingness in dream. And then I learned to meditate and quiet down more and more. And then at age under 10 years I learned to meditate, exhale (no colors tho) and quickly 2h or 10 minutes (depends on a day) heal from cold, stomach ace virus or such. I´v never healed matter tho, ie body wounds and bones. But, I have never had a broken bone or such. Small wounds only.
Ann Hastings en.wiktionary.org/wiki/per_se
Sorry about my bad english. Also in finnish it means ass, and the word is used in finnish as "anything" as a slang word. As in Can´t find anything, can't afford anything etc... Finnish basic angst :P
This definitely works! The Mind is a powerful thing, it literally has the power to heal any physical ailments or illnesses if we knew how to use it right.... The Placebo effect even proves this.
I wouldn't even doubt that this is in fact the placebo effect.
im suffering from spinal cord injury do you think it will help me healing in my injured spine?
I am sorry to hear that. My standard answer to any "can it heal _____" question is "Maybe, you tell me". Scroll through these comments and you'll see some pretty amazing testimonials. Personally, I believe you can. Also, check out Morris E. Goodman, who was paralyzed in a plane crash and used his mind to heal an incredible amount of physical damage.
Thank you Rob with your help I am currently healing something that the doctors said I need an operation for, so far it is working well, and I can't wait to shove it back in the doctors face once I healed it completely
robsreality can this heal persistent ear pain and ear fullness or hearing loss and eustacian tube dysfunction PLEASE ANSWER
You should make a guided healing meditation with this your voice is relaxing & soothing ~ I would buy it as it makes it easier to do for some people ~ I would buy one & definitely need some healing. Going to try it later. Thanks for posting
You're a great visualizer and I'll prove it! Do this right now: Close your eyes. From your childhood, think of the first person you ever had a crush on. Now think of a room you saw them in. Are there other people in that room? What was on the walls? Can you remember their face, or sounds in the room? Can you play out an interaction you had with them? Can you make up an interaction? If you can, then you can visualize this, it's the same. Use 100% imagination.
I'm convinced you are right! I have a medical doctor allergy and I heal myself since many years. If I would have continued to go to the doctors, I'm sure, I would be dead since 11 years. I didn't know your method before but I'll try it. Thank you very much!
can this be used to heal conditions you were born with?
Martin Daniel I soooo want to know too since I have a congenital condition.
@@tubbsthebigcat I believe so, I've heard incredible stories of people who have healed even congenital ailments using the power of their minds.
I have to agree, it's pretty sweet. It was both comforting and awe-inspiring to hear from so many people that the technique is quite well known in different cultures and religions. Quite amazing actually. Hope it works out well for you barry.
It works for me and I'm surprised
I'm not! :)
I actually used this technique for pain management during the 23 hours of labor with my son. I was able to have a natural birth (using hypnobirth) without needing an epidural. I visualized red in my area of pain, and sending my breath to that area to remove the pain. I was so comfortable and so relaxed that I actually fell asleep for a few hours and I was completely comfortable being in that deep state of meditation. The mind is amazing in its ability to heal through breath and visualization!!
Make more videos please
Coming soon!! Thanks Anthony :)
Interesting, just got a schedule for daily meditations at a buddhist center to start tomorrow and I stumbled on this video today. I have a chronic (HIV+) condition, I want to clear my lungs from years of smokes and I had a gum surgery 3 days ago. Too much for a coincidence. Took your suggestion to heart. Thank you!
I'll demonstrate healing of the body using the mind.
*cuts finger*
*uses mind*
*applies a plaster to the cut*
Healing through the power of the mind.
The plaster doesn't heal the wound. Your body does.
AllesOnderControle It helps the body heal the wound by keeping it clean and sealed.
Actually a cut heals faster when you do not put a plaster on it.
Adrian Bingham lmao you got rekt
Hi Rob thanks, do you visualize yourself from a first person perspective feeling the colors come and go, or do you see yourself from the top (like a sim character) laying down on the table ? I think it's better to feel from a first person perspective, right ? Thanks
First person perspective for sure. :)
bright dark lol
WOW, AMAZING EXPERIENCE. My body started vibrating & moving on the table & in my bed where I was lying down, involuntarily... and it stopped, involuntarily. Looking forward to doing it again, later today. I was filling my knees & wrists with brilliant deep sky blue light frequency... my fave color that inspires me. Will see how my healing progresses. Thank you, Rob!
Thanks for posting. I have done something similar. I had broke my knee cap. And over the course of my healing I would imagine that it was healed and sort of hold my hand over the area. It was also a type of faith that God/universe would heal me. When I went to the dr. he said that it healed way better than expected. That nomally the knee does not heal as quick or al well. I contribute to what I did. But your method is much more intense than mine was. I will definitely use this method when needed
Wow I can't wait to try it. I believe that this type of healing works/will work. Thanks for posting!
You're not doing anything wrong, and for the record, nothing can block you. You are doing great, in fact, the problem is that not everyone's meditation muscle is strong. Its very easy to become lost, distracted, and it can feel like you're being blocked. But rest assured, keep practicing the technique and know that you will get there, and you will... :)
i once had a cyst in my eyelid and had it cut out, my eyelid had to be flipped up and cut and drained. that really sucked, so when i got the same thing again on my other eyelid 3 years later, i did chi kungs that my master taught me, similiar techniques to what this guy is talking about in terms of visualization. to my surprise it dissappeared in a couple of days even though i had the cyst for 4months. i believe it works even if you dont really believe, just firm visualization. thanks :)
I tried this years ago for cervical dysplaia a friend/hypnotherapst told me about it. It was slightly different in the fact I had to imagine using tools to remove the bad cells but the inhaling light etc was the same. Anyway when i went for a check up they couldnt believe the transformation in my cervix in a short space of time!!! Worked for me :-)
Thank you, this technique has helped me cure my migraine problem. As a migraine comes on I go and meditate. I picture myself lying in a stream, as the water washes over my head, I imagine that the pain is 'dirt' being washed away. Though slightly different from your method it is just a slight adaptation on what you describe. I hope that others benefit from this, as I have been able to stop using pain killers all together through meditation. It is miraculous.
You seems like an awesome person!
Like a version of myself in another timeline and dimension (..just like any other person I meet, you're just closer to my own beliefs :) ).
I know and love what you're talking about here. It's so full of.. hmm, everything good!
When I'm sitting on the buss, and notice people around me with visual psychological problems, I communicate with their subconscious and "heal" them from what they before didn't know how to handle.
*Peace, love, happiness*
@TheDiamond5star probably both, just depends on your ability. Reiki more or less employs these types of methods, but are usually done in person
Very well said. I am sceptic in many areas and am open to any suggestions and ideas. After all....it is an idea that creates an action. I know what you explain to be true....and glad to see you share it. I will be looking forward to checking out your thoughts and ideas in other clips.
I just follow every word the you say... And light covers me. Until everything became light.. when i open my eyes ,the bright doesn't disappear. Thank you so much. Im a filipino. Thank you so much..
Great video! I tried ( and succeeded ) in healing several parts of my body many times in the past and I must say that it's incredible to see how powerful our mind is! I used a sightly different technique than yours but also based on visualization and commands that the brain gives to the body. Thanks for this video!
Thanks so much for sharing this. I'm very ill with many systemic problems. I will do this every day.
Hi Rob C, great work.
This technique works to heal physical body, etheric body, astral body as well. You are surely a gifted person as this technique is revealed to you when you were young.
Some people would be looking for healing anxiety, phobia, fear which is number one problem faced by most of the people. If you have any specific technique on that, please post.
I am a Reiki Master energy healer, and the technique you describe is basically energy healing. I have no doubt that it works, I will be using this technique and advising other to use it in my practice as well. Thanks for the post. Namaste, Kenny
Thanx for the shearing I didn't tried it yet but i do believe that the mind is the strongest part of out body ! I can\t wait to try this ! Thanx a million !
trying this everyday has brought me a tiny bit of peace for the injury i have. i have nerve damage in my right shoulder due to an accident. i want to say that i feel that this works. i havnt really been able to do more just yet but i hope this exercise over time gives me results as you have received. i feel the key factor is that this opened itself up to you as a child. Dreaming is more time for your brain to tell you things. thank friend. :)
thanks Rob!! be blessed! i will practice it!! awesome..
Well, I am certainly ready to receive & use, this ability now, for different chronic issues in my body. Thank you, will update! ❤
Excellent! I'll incorporate the technique into my meditational practice.
Peace, Power & Blessings!
That's interesting id been messing around visualizing being outside my body healing myself. I'm going to try this for a month and will come back and tell my results or lack of after a month. I got some funky thing going on in one eye..similar to macular degeneration and also vision is getting pretty poor. I'm going to see if I can improve my vision and fix that issue in the one eye. I think adding the vibration plus color to the visualization may be they key. ( I def have the faith )Thanks will be back!
My hamstring has been injured over a year now going on 2 and I came across this rn. Really detailed so I’m going to try it for a few days and see how it goes
thanks for your kind offering, love you!
oh thank you so much ROB for this!!!
I think you nailed what this is all about. It's really hard to believe something 100%, in the same way you believe that when you jump up, gravity will pull you down. And I think that this technique to some degree utilizes the placebo effect. In essence, if you believe that an action is healing you, then it will. Mind over matter. Cheers brother. Thanks for posting!
Thank you for sharing this technique. It reminds me of the colors used in Pranic Healing Advanced course with a different technique. I will certainly try it out.
Dynamic Video
I know this technique can be use also when healing another person.
It's very powerful and I thank you for sharing.
I find your discovery of this technique by a dream fascinating. The specific room is fairly common, I use it myself, but the rest is new to me. I will definitely try it out. Thanks.
Thanks Rob. I've shared this with a friend with cancer and she is using it too. I feel better already and I'm using it on my sick friends as well.
ok, having trouble writing this full out. But the bottom line I was getting at is that the fact that you're getting the vibrations, no matter where or how they feel, is a key sign that you are doing it right and getting to the correct state of conciousness for what I like to call "meditation work". From that point, you can do healing, and even remote viewing (basically gathering info for any of your 5 senses + emotion, from any point in time/space) sorry if thats too far out but its true :)
dear rob c, i have tried so many teqnicks before , but yours is very practical. i already stared doing and improving. i will be in touch...thank you
I have a bunch of things I want to repair in my body. I've fixed some so far by talking to my body and looking at healthy bodies images. I liked your approach very much though, and I'm gonna try it right away. Thanks for sharing!
It works. I've done this several times but visual description when closed eyes are different from yours. All in all great video. More people need to use this ~ Also, long distant healing is called "Remote Healing". I have a friend who uses this all the time and it works. If you're in doubt - Just try it.
I am so glad I found this. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant and I don't ovulate properly. I'm sure this will help us. Thanx for posting!