@@mykola.ilashchuk An important moment of Ukrainian propaganda. Only it is designed for domestic consumption. Hey, here anyone can open historical maps and see countries.
The thing to cosider is that over time borders changed a lot, so it's not just growing populations but conquering others and new countries and alliances forming...
This video project took me about one month and half to complete since it goes back four centuries, I have put a lot of effort into it and if you guys enjoy it, please feel free to like and Subscribe. P.S. There are tons of data in this video and mistakes might happen. Austria-Hungary was formed in 1867 not in 1850* as shown in the video.
Listen, I get that all of us history buffs are gonna notice some errors here and there in the chart, its what we do. But just keep it respectful, guys. These videos are HARD to make, and time and passion consuming. Lets all give the channel a hand, eh? 👏 👏 👏 👏
Yeah poor people. But wait what will happen when we go on driving Russia into a corner without an honor-preserving option. Nuclear war in Europe will be much more "crazy" than those conservative wars you mentioned.
Было бы значительно более интересно, информативно и полезно, если бы были всплывающие уведомления о крупных исторических событиях, из-за которых данная динамика менялась.
@@Sergey_0001 Советская статистика могла нарисовать любые цифры. А сталинский тоталитаризм, милитаризм и религиозное поклонение идеологическим химерам заложили бомбу, которая через 40 лет привела к полной катастрофе, во время который чекистские дегенераты разворовали все, до чего смолги дотануться.
@@artembal1106 Причем тут "другие страны", если Чикатило убил и изнасиловал, значит для вас это тоже нормально? Почему вы готовы равняться на "другие страны" только в злодеяниях?
@@p4nd4b01 а я где-то оправдывал действия Сталина действиями других стран? Нет. Просто все леваки говорят всегда ТОЛЬКО про Сталина, забывая вообще и других правителей с других стран. Ну а фигли, это ведь только в Сталинское время такое было, да? 🤦♀️
Stop to consider that only 100 years ago Czechoslovakia had a larger population than all of Turkey. Germany had more than 4.5x the population of Turkey.
That's very interesting. Europe industrialised first, and for a while, enjoyed a substantial population advantage over its traditional international rivals. But eventually, Asia caught up, so the numbers are settling back to a familiar ratio what it was historically.
Patriarchy in action... It's really shocking how fast a country can recover population. Albania is similar, which is also a Muslim country. In a future war, all western states will have huge issue recovering their own population. Currently they get population from outside, because of the higher standard of living. If that situation changes for some reason... a lot of western countries will disappear, since they do not reproduce even in peace time...
@@ivayloi736 You made some excellent points about the West being totally reliant on immigration to maintain its population size and economic size. But I'd argue that the fertility rate problem isn't limited to the West. We now have solid evidence from the rest of the world that once a society reaches a certain level of economic development, their fertility rate will fall below replacement. East Asia is at least as bad as the worst countries in Europe. The southern states of India aren't even fully developed, and they're below replacement. Iran is below replacement. Bangladesh is at the threshold of replacement now, but their numbers are continuing to drop so fast they will be sub-replacement like everywhere else. Even Saudi Arabia's fertility rate is now below 2.5 and falling. Over the course of this century, virtually the entire world outside of sub-Saharan Africa will reach a population peak and then start declining. The difference with the West is that they will have witnessed a significant shift in its demographic from nearly 100% European stock to, maybe, 25% Middle Eastern and African stock due to immigration policies. But assuming these mix eventually, it just mean the "European" of the future will look a bit different than the typical European 100 years ago. Maybe they will (ironically) look a bit more like a darker, more olive Roman (!!)
@@ivayloi736 Neither Turkey nor Albania are muslim countries. I hope we will get rid of Islam slowly after the upcoming elections in Turkey. Islam belongs to the stone age.
Around 1850 Belgium had 1.5 times the population of the Netherlands. Around 1930 it was equal. And in 2022 the Netherlands has 1.5 times the population of Belgium.
Сейчас тоже самое, но это уже не Европейские империи, сейчас это Заокеанский гегемон решил захватить Россию, видимо они уверовали в свои силы когда развалили Советскую империю. Так что готовьтесь к новой-старой империи, Российской. И никакая травля и спонсирование бывших стран входящих в Российскую и Советскую империю не поможет им, притормозит только возрождение России как одну из великих империалистических держав . Американская империя зла доживает свои последние годы.
In fact, in 90% of cases, Moscow is the organizer of wars. Justifying all this by saying that they want to capture it. Even now you have started a war against Ukraine, justifying it by the fact that Ukraine, which you disarmed for 30 years, wanted to attack Russia. Jackal tactics. Finland was attacked, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia were attacked, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Georgia. Together with the Nazis they attacked Poland. This makes it scary that such a state exists.
Spain feels like that game of Mario Kart where you're going well, you get hit by the blue shell, and every time you win a new position they hit you with something new each time.
I know the HRE was rather a loose alliance than an actual country but it would've been interesting to see the numbers. Especially during the 30 years war.
I think there is an error in Ireland's population. It decreases suddenly around 1944/45 in the video. It's actually the century before when it had the famine and population decrease. Love the video.
@@andrefasching1332 You are talking about the mentality that half of the country showed in the elections that the current situation of our country is bad, but you are shaking us even though the states in Europe are here thanks to the colonies.
@@ardaafacan11 Well if you say that the Votes showed how awful Turkey is currently doing, who am i to stop you? I think i can partwise agree with you regarding the election. And what does this have to do with Europe? feels like whataboutism to me
Украина настолько успешное самостоятельное государство, что начав с 51 миллиона человек, кучи ресурсов на своей земле, прекрасным промышленным наследством от СССР - умудрилась просрать 8 миллионов человек еще до 2014 года, не построить ни одного завода и встать в позу раком. Вообще статистика тут так себе. В 2014 ушёл Крым, это - 2 миллиона, Донбасс еще около - 4 миллиона человек.
вот такая она, перемога) один из любимых моих моментов в истории, когда УССР свининой кормили весь Союз, и даже на экспорт что-то шло, теперь сами ее закупают)
За первые три месяца сего года в Россию приехали миллион таджиков и узбеков - 630 тысяч мигрантов из Узбекистана - 350 тысяч мигрантов из Таджикистана - 173 тысячи мигрантов из Киргизии - 47 тысяч мигрантов из Армении - 35 тысяч мигрантов из Казахстана Свыше 1.2 млн. мигрантов за 3 месяца. Ну чё, порвачки белосовковыя да американския, как там? У них арабы Париж обоссали, а у нас база? Да?
I wonder how it's possible according to this graph during the 30-years war 1618-1648 all countires' population is constantly growing while it's said that the population of Europe during that time was decreased by 1/3.
It's just a drawing, an automatic graph. It is not yet clear how to display discrete values. In Europe, besides the war, there was also an epidemic of the plague. And only thanks to the potato she was able to recover from the severe consequences of wars and famine.
A bit suprised by the big difference in population size between France and England/UK at the start of 1600 and still they end up with the same size to day.
My completely uneducated guess would be that British soil isn’t nearly as fertile as France and so would be unable to sustain as great a population. Until the Industrial Revolution and the British global empire happened, and then wealth poured into the island. That probably allowed a population growth in the 19th century that largely equalised the two nations. Just a guess though.
@@cam4007 its exactly that actually, although its mostly the Agricultural revolution that brought UK to grow quickly alongside the economical growth and the fact that Frances natural growth past 1850's was ALREADY stagnating due to not having a true agricultural revolution (like the only reason it took so long to be caught up by the rest was because of its huge headstart and because it actively welcomed European immigrants till the 1930's and then 1970's when these migrants became mostly non European suddenly causing more... cultural problems for some reason lol
@@ЕленаВасильева-н7щ so what? Money is money! its china and india's fault for not having the military and technological competence to defend their riches from a tiny wet island on the other side of the globe with a population a hundred times less!
@@orrismate139 Yeah, as well as other countries included in this chart, for example, the kingdom of Naples or the countries entering the Rhine Confederation
Suprised by: Czechoslovakia had larger population than Turkey at one point The massive population difference England and France had until the industrial revolution
Well TBF France WAS the most populated Country of Europe (beside Russia WITH Asia, without was a bit less unless you had Poland Lithuania in perhaps, and the Ottomans) For an enormous time, it already had 20 million people during Louis XIV and had like 8 times the population of the United Province or smt. Ironically the industrial revolution saw the UK catch up mostly because France DIDNT grow much ever since the second half of the XIXth century, most of the population growth afterward till the baby boom in the 60's 70's and even after was due to migration. Like yea France was already welcoming millions of immigrants from Italy, Belgium, Spain, Portugal etc... for a long long time and not just for work but also because its slow population growth meant it needed to keep up smh
@@Freedmoon44 the Holy Roman Empire had a lot more people than France and had the largest population in Europe and 3rd in the world until the 30 years war from 1618-1648 where about 33% of the German population died the death toll is about 8 millions out of the 24 million inhabitants it had at the start of the century. Unfortunately this video begins after the 30 years war when much of the German population had died with some towns and cities even losing over 90% of their population and now spending the rest of the centuries recovering that population until the industrial revolution.
@@cqpp true but the HRE is a entity that federates many country and after Protestantism good luck ruling half of your subjects that pretty much only cares if it serves their interests. France is a single country, it wouldnt need to call in all other imperial states to mobilise and fight, or to mobilise to pay extra taxes exceptionnally, because everything it rules upon is part of the Kingdom directly
The Ottoman Empire ruled for 700 years from 1299 to 1922. It is one of the largest and longest-running empires in the world. It had lands in 3 continents such as Europe, Asia and Africa. With the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, the Turkish State was established. Today, only Istanbul is the largest city in Europe with a population of over 20 million according to unofficial figures.
Number one complaint, when a country's government changes, its people don't randomly decrease. Only the name and flag change. So the bar isn't a different bar.
Не всегда это происходит так, как вы говорите. Во многих случаях вы правы, но иногда смена названия страны и правительства происходит одновременно со сменой границ (исчезновение Австро-Венгрии, Нацистской Германии или СССР например).
I find it incradulous that Kingdom of sweden didn't have population decline 1695-1697, when third of the Finns died due famine and disease. I believe it was hard on other countries ( rest of Sweden and Baltics) as well, but it hit Finns especially hard. It is estimated that over 140 000 finns died during that period, when the population of Finland before that was about 500 000. So Kingdom of Sweden should have had population decline showing during that time.
It’s sad how in 1923 Yugoslavia and Turkey had just about the same number of inhabitants now 100 years later all of ex-yu countries have less than 19m people and Turkey has 90m people.
Keşke Türkiye sadece 50-60 Milyon arasında kalsaydı. Çok nüfus iyi değil. Ayrıca 15Milyon mülteci var Türkiyede. Eğer Türkiyede iç savaş cikarsa, mülteciler yüzünden o zamn bütün Avrupa da bunun bedelini öder. Avrupa'daki TÜRKLER orayı da yakar.
Crazy to think Ireland once had three times as many people as Denmark and Norway *combined*. Today it is about 7 million on the island of Ireland (5 million in the Republic and 2 million in Northern Ireland) vs. 11.2 million for Denmark and Norway (5.8 in Denmark, 5.4 in Norway.)
@@j.obrien4990 so what you are saying is that my big strong ancestors genocide your little weak ancestors? and you expect me to be ashamed of that? lol QUITE the opposite in fact, didn't the Irish used to raid Britain for slaves? wasn't st Patrick a slave? looks like a case of what goes around comes around also the English abolished slavery btw :)
@@j.obrien4990 los paises nordicos van a desaparecer si ustedessiguen asi,ustedes necesitan hijos si no quieren ser remplasados por musulmanes,en los paises pobres las mujeres tienen hasta 4 hijosporque ustedes que tienen mas oportunidades y recursos,no se esfuerzan en tener mas hijos?
Vers la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale, je n’ai pas vu la population de l’’URSS considérablement chuter. Ils ont tout de même eu + de 11 millions de soldats tués et, il me semble, un total de + de 27 millions de victimes.
L'URSS avait un taux de natalité très élevé et a rapidement rattrapé les pertes et a continué à augmenter sa population immédiatement après la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
L'URSS avait un taux de natalité très élevé et a rapidement rattrapé les pertes et a continué à augmenter sa population immédiatement après la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
What happened to Scotland? In 1626, Scotland's population was 904,480, England was just over 4.7 million, today Scotland's population is 5 million, and England's population is 60 million
Mostly Geography is what happened. The majority of Scotland's population lives in the central lowland belt. The highlands and islands were just too remote and rugged to support a huge population and indeed were greatly depopulated during the 19th century. Sheep replaced people.
@@marysartr У россиян как всегда все виноваты, вас спровоцировали и тд. Я недавно читал, что в России уровень "осуждения жертвы" примерно такой, как в африканских странах. Это обычно относится к жертвам сексуального насилия, типо "сама виновата", "нечего было..."
after the year about 2005 the exact numbers of populations in unclear because of huge migration of people from former Warsaw Pact countries to western Europe (for example: more than 2 millions Poles migrated from Poland to western Europe, but offcially majority of them is still officially registered as dweller in Poland). From other side about 3 milions Ukrainians (refugees + immigrants) should be added to population of Poland in 2022.
1.5 mln Ukrainian refugees have no polish citizenship and will not get that during next 5+ years. After the war most of them come back to Ukraine. So your calculation is irrelevant
@@username-xz5ik I see you wrong understand the meaning of "population" - population is not citizenship. This is amount of people living in an area. They need not be citizen of country. It is enough if they are simple dwellers, inhabitants. Btw: If you really believe they will come back to Ukraine after war you will be disappoited. I talked with many refugees from Ukraine in Poland. They are not newcomers. They live several month here, they are still learning polish, most of them has job in Poland and they definitely does not want to come back to Ukraine. Some of them plan to stay in Poland, some plan to use Poland as transit country to migrate to western Europe or Canada in future. Only a few (usually poorly educated or retired) plan to come back to Ukraine.
@@user-glg20 Poland has always been a haven for poorly educated and low-skilled lumpen from Ukraine. skilled workers have never had any problems in Ukraine earning the same money as in Poland, and in the IT sector, earnings are much higher. Secondly, all my friends who left as refugees for Poland are planning to return to Ukraine, so their children study remotely in Ukrainian schools. Thirdly, the war with Russia is not over yet, and it is highly likely that it will continue with nuclear strikes. It is likely that Poland could become the first NATO country to be hit by russian nuclear missiles. So don't be so sure about a bright future, because the world will never be as beautiful as it was before 24.02.2022
Yes when I seen this I was worried, we heard about Poland hitting 40 millions with refuges, that's 2 millions people, that already give more than Ukraine population, next there are refuges in other countries and Ukrainian losses, also part of Ukraine is ocupied and Russia takes they're people from they're houses.
But Poland's birth rate is actually far below replacement, and millions of Poles have migrated to countries further west. The only reason it hasn't lost population to the same extent as other Eastern European countries is because it is still a stronger economy than most of the others and has absorbed inward immigration from countries like Ukraine which partially balances out what would otherwise be the same demographic trend send in other countries.
And Ukraine is certainly below 30 million now. It was barely above 40 million before the war. And I believe this number is a Ukrainian government projection, which knowledgeable people say over-estimates reality, because some 8 million Ukrainians were working in the EU, only visiting Ukraine for major holidays but are still counted as part of its regular population. Since the war, some 7 million Ukrainians have permanently left. The territories in Donbass lost to Russia thus far contain a further 5-6 million people. The realistic population of Ukraine (though there is no way of knowing until war ends and there is a census) is probably closer to 20 million than 30 million.
He could have just added the populations in occupied territories minus estimated war deaths. It wouldn't be that difficult. Demograpphic estimates were already quite accurate by this time. Probably a lot harder to find accurate data on all the polities in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Leaders 1600-1782: Ottoman Empire 1782-1792: France 1792: Russia 1792-1794: France 1794-1810: Russia 1810-1813: France 1813-1917: Russia 1917: Germany 1917-1990: USSR 1990-1991: Germany 1991 onwards: Russia
So you're trying to tell me that the two largest countries by population in Europe are the two countries which have almost none of their landmass actually in Europe? mmmkay...
@@10.huynhphathuy8 No, throughout the 20th century there were descendants of Turks in the former regions of Ottoman who came back to Turkey, as to not get oppressed or fleeing from war or just simply going back to a place where people speak their mother tongue etc. That's why even though Turkey is a nation-state (mostly) people have a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds.
How do you make a list like this? How does anyone even begin to estimate the population of any country more than a hundred years ago let alone exact amounts over 400 years, and every year since.
Ukraine's first and only census took place in 2001 and any estimate of the population over the next 22 years is a complete guess because there has been significant net migration in the years since, long before the Russian invasion during which millions fled the country. Ukraine was very reluctant to hold another census in the years since 2001 because they feared it would show there had been a very significant fall in population.
when you take a look at french population just before and during the 1789 Revolution (and before the maximum extension of Bonaparte's Empire which artificially increase the population) you understand why all the kingdoms of Europe had to join their forces to fight France.
Oui.. Mais la masse devient souvent en demographie un handicap... Surtout combinée a d autres facteurs. C est pourquoi ces questions analysées de façon lineaire et statique comme trop souvent relevent d une betise crasse. Comme tous les domaines d analyses du réel de nos jours on doit y reflechir avec des modeles multi factoriels... En analyse multi dimensionnels. Le cas de la chine est un bon exemple en ce moment. Idem pour les usa ou certaines communautés crient a la noyade sous l invasion d autres ethnies (les afro us submergeant les "blancs", or on est loin du point de bascule aux usa). En russie idem sans meme envisager un eclatement de cette federation les popovs sont tres mal pour les 20 a 30 prochaines années... Bref la demographie c est complexe. Et les "nostradamus" n y ont pas voix au chapitre.
@@j-ch8787 effectivement la démographie est un facteur, une "donnée" qui a certes son poids indéniable dans l'histoire mais qui n'explique rien seule et qui n'est pas utilisable sans contexte plus large.
@@drrizzla4557 C est ce que je tentais de rappeler. "la masse" ne fait pas tout. Ma Oma (gd mere) me parlait souvent du "containment" / la contenue / le combat contre les slaves par les germains depuis la chute de rome. Ils se battaient a 1 contre 10 mais... 9 fois 10, les slaves se sont fait ecrasés ou au moins serieusement echarpés. C est pourquoi me disait ma Oma les latins ne comprennent rien aux popovs : ils n ont jamais eté vraiment confrontés militairement culturellement ou commercialement a leur proximité et concurrence territoriale.
11:00 Chech how Serbia lost population in 1914. Becaus only Serbia won battle in WW1 vs Austria. And today all selfish west dont support us. So hard time for our county 🇷🇸 ❤
According to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2023, 146,424,729 permanent residents lived in Russia, according to this indicator, the country ranks ninth in the world in terms of population.
@@chrome2102 But how do you count those 8 million? Maybe before 2014 but how many were actually left there when the areas were occupied?? Anyway, this video should cut the Asian population of Russia... like they did for the other states. That would have been interesting to me.
@@chrome2102 why add them if nothing is clear with these territories. there is a war going on and it is definitely impossible to calculate how many people live there now, and the front can quickly change
Great video. I'd argue that Switzerland was not a country before the Helvetic Republic in 1798 (than a vassal state of France) and only became an independent country in 1848. But that's up for debate. I don't want to go into the naming of certain countries as some are official names some only informal names. I found it surprising how big Austria-Hungary actually was.
The video is wrong, there was no Swiss Confederation at that time. Formation and growth of the Old Confederation 1291-1515 Ancien Regime 1712-1798 The «French Period»: Helveticism and Mediation 1798-1814 Switzerland as a confederation of states 1814-1847 Founding and consolidation of the new Swiss federal state since 1848
There are several inaccuracies. Around the year 1795, the population of Poland fell below one million, which is not true. The number of Poles around the year 1800 was approximately 10 million.
not sure if you're trolling or confused.... well, Poland-Lithuanian state ceased to exist in 1795 ... so it's not displayed and the population seems to be split and included in the Russia/Prussia/Habsburg states. you can actually see the dip in P-L populations and raise in neighbours' around 1st and 2nd partition too
@@mariadefatimafurtado7600 mas a URSS foi criada somente em 1922. Quando a Revolução Russa ocorreu, o Império Russo passou a se chamar Rússia. A URSS foi criada só depois.
I guess your educational system didn't bother to enlighten you about everything that happen to Russia before ww2 and a tiny fact that it was Germany who attacked the Soviet Union.
This is called multiplying so that there are enough hands to work in the fields, when countries move to urbanization and improved medicine, the population switches to tactics of making a greater contribution to 1-2 children.
yk it`s quite hard to make such videos, right? author couldn`t know every country`s history perfectly, so he marked revolution as the forming event for USSR, that`s not SUCH a big mistake
@@user-NastyaUryadnik This mistake characterizes the author in such a way that he should not open his mouth on historical topics at all. It would be better for him to find an occupation according to his education and abilities.
@@user-NastyaUryadnik He climbs into YT with his lectures when he himself has a lot to learn in this area. Complete ignoramus and dunno picked up somewhere a little.
Great video, thanks. If at all possible, could you please list the background music you used? I recognize Tchaikovsky and Beethoven, but would love to know the actual "works" you used. Many thanks.
Thank you for an interesting video. Do anyone have an answer to why Sweden increased like hell late 1600 and decreased like hell in the beginning of 1700?
From 1700 to 1721 ,there was the Great Northern War ,where from example ,1/3 of the population of Poland died during this war . During this war ,there was 25 000 Swede dying in battle + 175 000 dying due to famine and diseases ,The population of Sweden in 1700 was estimated at 1 485 000 . So 200 out of 1 485 is 13.47% of the population Edit :1 485 000 from the territories of today's Sweden ,but it Sweden was much larger at the time so in the video they have population from those territories added to their .
Emigration didn’t happen by any significant numbers until 19th centrury. The most likely answer is that Sweden lost most landholdings in Germany and Balticum as a result of the great northern war. Likewise when Russia annexed Finland
The Kingdom of Spain was only founded in 1716 So Habsburg Spain is more accurate, as it is a collective noun of all the territories held by the Habsburg Monarchs.
@@tercomada 1st that was not his official title, his oficial title would include all his kingdoms and even some duchies, and it was obscenenely long, so they used "King of the Spains" to make it short. It was not the first time someone did this either. There were many kings of Asturias, Galicia, León and/or Castile in the early medieval period who took the tile "Emperor of all Spain" despite not even holding 30% of the peninsula. 2nd: Note that it says "King of the Spains" not "King of Spain". This is a geographical term denoting the several kingdoms existing in the Iberian Peninsula, which back then was known as "Spain" or "Spanish Peninsula", since there was no country named Spain yet, Spain/Espana simply meant Hispania in English/Castilian, which was the geographical peninsula. Just like one says "The Americas" when refering to the continents of North and South America, rather than saying "America" (the United States of). So no, there was no such thing as a Kingdom of Spain until it was formally established in 1716. The geographical concept of "Spain" as the name of the peninsula however, dates back to the Roman invasion.
Who is also shocked how massive Ukraine. More than 50 millions after they left Soviet Union 😮 Sadly it shrunk so much due to immigration to Europe and Russia. So technically 25 millions of Ukrainians live now in Russia and Europe. Crazy to think about it.
It's crazy that Portugal had less than 1% of the european population and still managed to build the first global empire and a trade monopoly on the indian ocean.
@@robdenini6972 Because they didn't want to? Pedro Alonso Nino (Moor) was the pilot of Christopher Columbus. Mathieu da Costa navigated and translated for the them when exploring Canada, and so on and so forth. It isn't a debate anywhere regarding the fact that Moorish maps and navigators are what lead Europeans around. This isn't a debate, saying "well, no" is just an ignorant an emotionally hurt by hearing the truth answer. Every single Spanish and Portuguese ship that reached the Americas or went anywhere was navigated by a Moor; every single one. Also, wait do you think the point of civilizations is to kill and rape and pillage and suppress other people? So Egypt was less of a civilization than the Portuguese because it didn't choose to colonize everything in site?
@@Tu51ndBl4d3 Well, no again. The moors may have had great navigators, but they didn't have a global empire. Why? Because they're part of the Islamic World, and their access to the spice trade wasn't cut when the Ottomans conquered byzantine lands and Constantinople. So the moors didn't have the same incentive to explore the seas after trade routes, nor to innovate their ships so they'd be strong enough to cross the ocean. Same thing happened to the Italians: they used to control the mediterranean spice trade, they did provide many great navigators (such as Columbus) but the Italian city states couldn't keep up and sank into irrelevancy compared to the growing powers of Portugal, Spain and others. Btw you call me emotional but youre quick to bring raping and pillaging. As if Arab nations never did such things - like every other nation on earth that could impose its will onto another. That's very naive.
They didn’t. They’ve been looked up too and loved by the whole planet for a year and a half now but they can’t just rearrange their history. Ukraine was created in 1991, when the USSR was dissolved.
You know you put the United Principalities around 1860 on the chart... but maybe Wallachia should have been there for a long time already?? They didn't just gain those 4 million of out nowhere.
@@uan9166Ну нет. Вы не правы. Разница была очень даже существенна. Так и титул Царя Иван Грозный (4) принял под влиянием симуляции с запада. Собственно, российский титул - это самодержец. Основы самодержавия заложил Иван Грозный (3), а окончательно оформил Иван Грозный (4). И дальше все цари, императоры и так далее были самодержцами. А вот между симуляцией титула Царь и Император разница была.
13:52 забавный факт: если прямо сейчас объединить республики СССР, то население за последние 30 лет не увеличилось, а учитывая войну на Украине уменьшилось. Свобода и демократия бл*ть. Убила людей больше чем вторая мировая.
It's good to know people are interested. When I was born in London, the world had a population of about 1.5 billion and by the time I die I expect there will be at least another billion on the earth, it will only take another twelve years. This has to come to an end before the earth does. We're wiping this planet out. It must stop or we'll wipe ourselves out.
Ottomans are really underrated and portrayed underpowered. In 1500s it was just a fucking powerhouse. Ottomans defeated Hungary in 1526 in two hours, and then defeated Austria in 1529 to get Budin. Than 1532 Ottomans showed its dominance again and Austria accepted itself as a lower state than Ottomans, accepting that the Austrian king is only equal to ottoman grand vizier, which in itself was a huge thing. European kings accepted that they are just equal to ottoman vizier and the sultan was superior to them all(Austria was the Holy Roman Empereror at that time, so ottomans werent just fighting austria). Austria lost more land in 1541 and 1543 and 1566, and wien was besieged but the siege were halted because of weather and unprepareness, there was no army standing on way. Ottomans defeated a spanish-led fleet in 1541 Preveze and captured all to way to morocco, and spanish city states locating in Africa. Not even a single battle were lost. And there was no army even just fighting ottomans at this point, they just hid in cities and there was nothing in way to domination of all germany militarily. The vizier being an equal to Holy Roman king is just magnificying, i don't think this level of dominance would be seen again in political history. Ottoman Kings were accepted as an higher level king by european states and they didn't had the courage to face them with an army, they just hid in cities and payed money to the ottoman king to not attack them.(In Ottomans the grand vizier had no real authority or aristocratic impact. In fact ottomans were at that time was notorious to kill their grand viziers.) In 1571 Ottomans had their first significiant loss against westerners and their fleet got burned. What they did? They just rebuilded another one and forced the westerners and cede land. They defeated Persia a few years later and got all the way to Tebriz. 1593-1606 war was a draw, but Ottomans still managed to gain land and money, but the Austrian king was accepted equal to the Sultan after 60 years. This war happened an era of instability in Ottomans, especially revolts in Anatolia. In 1663-1664 Ottomans defeated Austria yet again gaining even more land. Than they got on to defeat poland in 1672-1676. After a few border clashes Russia officially accepted the west of ukraine as ottoman land in 1681, making ottoman continue west of dnieper. To this point Ottoman had no losts. You can count 1571 as one, but i would call a draw because Cyprus were more crucial than ships, and Ottomans just rebuilded the ships anyway. Also there was the persia thing which saw Ottomans destroy Safavid empire and get baghdad tabriz and all kurd turkey, but then they striked back and got tebriz and baghdad, but it ended with ottomans getting baghdad back and than there was a treaty. In 1683-1699 all came crashing down. The problem was Ottomans at that point didn't made a land war in a big scale for a lot of time now. So they were most experienced at sieges. At the Great Turkish War Russia, Poland, HRE and Spain grouped against Ottomans after a loss at Wien. At that point europeans were ahead at war strategies and technology, and the european coalition managed to beat Ottomans finally. This was the first significiant defeat Ottomans had lol, against whole europe. And even in this time they just didn't even think of collapsing Ottomans, Ottomans just lost Hungary, south greece and azov with some ukrainean land which were vassal. Ottomans managed to defeat Russia in 1712, than recapture south greece, than lost to Austria at 1718, than defeated Russia+Austria at 1739. In the end they got Azov+South Greece back. People think that 1600s Ottoman were way too behind of spain or russia in power, but this is merely orientalism. Ottomans were the dominant state at 1500s, but they still was the most strong state in 1600s. Both economically and militarily Ottomans were the most powerful state of 1600s, and only lost that seat after 1740's in my eyes. The thing that crashed Ottomans were not european military. Ottomans just won all wars and there was no armies at some point because they know they would lose. But internal problems, mismanagement and bad economy just collapsed Ottomans. Still, as a kurd i look them with fascination. This type of dominance were only surpassed by Romans. Especially the equity of the vizier to king portrays the domination. So, Ottomans weren't just the sick man of europe in 1600s or 1700s. They were still a powerhouse and one of the strongests if not the strongest to 1740s.
Hi we cannot satisfy the self-esteem with the fact of others and the others can not unload us of our merits, leave to others their greatness and do not let you strip of your own, the rest is history.
Crazy how the Ottomans stayed at 28-32 million (fluctuating) for almost two centuries.
Are you that guy I see in xQc's comment section?
@@TheHouseeeee wtf how?
@@Sceptonic I saw you multiple times.
and crazy how it managed to reach the top 3 again
@@TheHouseeeee LQC
The Russian Empire was founded in 1721. That is, there used to be a kingdom and a principality.
I agree whit u him mistake
Раньше называлось - Царство. Практически одно и то же.
Before the Russian Empire there was a Russian Tsardom. It doesn't make a fundamental difference.
actually it was a moscow tsardom and this is very important point
@@mykola.ilashchuk An important moment of Ukrainian propaganda. Only it is designed for domestic consumption. Hey, here anyone can open historical maps and see countries.
The thing to cosider is that over time borders changed a lot, so it's not just growing populations but conquering others and new countries and alliances forming...
Ahahah, quick changing of population it’s doesn’t matter?
Nobody like this comment, it’s at 69
They didn't actually, except for France.
@@AL-kb3cbRussia, Germany and Italy:
@@HehdksSweden 1721
Why is Spain always referred to as “Hapsburg Spain” and not just the Spanish Empire? We never say Romanov Russia or Bourbon France…
Haha Orange Netherlands.
Idk, but I don't mind it
But it was Bourbon France in the video🤔 anyway idk history of Spain so good to argue:)
Los depredadores ingleses siempre tergiversando la historia de España, que es muchísimo mas grande e importante.
hapsburg spain includes austria and the netherlands and was politically different from colonial spanish empire
This video project took me about one month and half to complete since it goes back four centuries, I have put a lot of effort into it and if you guys enjoy it, please feel free to like and Subscribe.
P.S. There are tons of data in this video and mistakes might happen.
Austria-Hungary was formed in 1867 not in 1850* as shown in the video.
Thank you for making a video where the geopolitical entities change with history instead of being static.
Tremendous work, much appreciated!
Spain ever had the name of Habsburg Spain or Bourbon Spain
Russian Empire didn't exist in 1600-s, it's became empire only in 18 century. Also Soviet Union emerged not in 1917, but 5 years later in 1922
You are awesomeeee!!!!
Listen, I get that all of us history buffs are gonna notice some errors here and there in the chart, its what we do. But just keep it respectful, guys. These videos are HARD to make, and time and passion consuming. Lets all give the channel a hand, eh? 👏 👏 👏 👏
soviets only lost 6 mil people in ww2...
38 million
@@johnzenkin1344 Exactly, The Stats Where Wrong.
@@universalflamethrower6342 The Video Said 6 Million, That's Why I Commented That
No. I would like to see your reaction at video where your nation is deleted from history.
Good work bro! It deserves a like!
Thanks mate
@@gozhdaa no problem bro! I like this content
crazy how the numbers go down during the world wars...and that every number was a human...RIP victims
Not only wars, look at USSR at 1929, famine when half of my nation gone.
Yeah poor people. But wait what will happen when we go on driving Russia into a corner without an honor-preserving option. Nuclear war in Europe will be much more "crazy" than those conservative wars you mentioned.
@@tsj8726 you from Russia?
Wars are hoaxes 🤫
Not only world wars. Look at the change of URSS to Russian federation. It hits really hard.
Было бы значительно более интересно, информативно и полезно, если бы были всплывающие уведомления о крупных исторических событиях, из-за которых данная динамика менялась.
@@Sergey_0001 куча стран отделилась, была бедность и голод, люди уезжали или умирали. Вот
@@Sergey_0001 Советская статистика могла нарисовать любые цифры. А сталинский тоталитаризм, милитаризм и религиозное поклонение идеологическим химерам заложили бомбу, которая через 40 лет привела к полной катастрофе, во время который чекистские дегенераты разворовали все, до чего смолги дотануться.
@@p4nd4b01 а сколько вообще Сталин репрессировал людей? И сколько в это же время репрессировали в других странах?
@@artembal1106 Причем тут "другие страны", если Чикатило убил и изнасиловал, значит для вас это тоже нормально?
Почему вы готовы равняться на "другие страны" только в злодеяниях?
@@p4nd4b01 а я где-то оправдывал действия Сталина действиями других стран? Нет. Просто все леваки говорят всегда ТОЛЬКО про Сталина, забывая вообще и других правителей с других стран. Ну а фигли, это ведь только в Сталинское время такое было, да? 🤦♀️
Stop to consider that only 100 years ago Czechoslovakia had a larger population than all of Turkey. Germany had more than 4.5x the population of Turkey.
That's very interesting. Europe industrialised first, and for a while, enjoyed a substantial population advantage over its traditional international rivals. But eventually, Asia caught up, so the numbers are settling back to a familiar ratio what it was historically.
İt was hundered years ago it doesnt matter that much
Patriarchy in action... It's really shocking how fast a country can recover population. Albania is similar, which is also a Muslim country. In a future war, all western states will have huge issue recovering their own population. Currently they get population from outside, because of the higher standard of living. If that situation changes for some reason... a lot of western countries will disappear, since they do not reproduce even in peace time...
@@ivayloi736 You made some excellent points about the West being totally reliant on immigration to maintain its population size and economic size. But I'd argue that the fertility rate problem isn't limited to the West. We now have solid evidence from the rest of the world that once a society reaches a certain level of economic development, their fertility rate will fall below replacement. East Asia is at least as bad as the worst countries in Europe. The southern states of India aren't even fully developed, and they're below replacement. Iran is below replacement. Bangladesh is at the threshold of replacement now, but their numbers are continuing to drop so fast they will be sub-replacement like everywhere else. Even Saudi Arabia's fertility rate is now below 2.5 and falling. Over the course of this century, virtually the entire world outside of sub-Saharan Africa will reach a population peak and then start declining. The difference with the West is that they will have witnessed a significant shift in its demographic from nearly 100% European stock to, maybe, 25% Middle Eastern and African stock due to immigration policies. But assuming these mix eventually, it just mean the "European" of the future will look a bit different than the typical European 100 years ago. Maybe they will (ironically) look a bit more like a darker, more olive Roman (!!)
@@ivayloi736 Neither Turkey nor Albania are muslim countries. I hope we will get rid of Islam slowly after the upcoming elections in Turkey. Islam belongs to the stone age.
Around 1850 Belgium had 1.5 times the population of the Netherlands. Around 1930 it was equal. And in 2022 the Netherlands has 1.5 times the population of Belgium.
tends to happen when you invent french fries and they're not even called belgian fries
@@trollloloololooo yes, logically.
Appeared to be another Fault, Belgium is not a country,.
@@youria2559 Well, it clearly is, so cope more.
Noticed that every time someone was going to conquer Russia, it grew in size, it's always a gifted opportunity for Russia to act.
only reason they wanted to attack russia was couse russia had already attackt earlier. russia has always been meddling and aggressive to the west.
Сейчас тоже самое, но это уже не Европейские империи, сейчас это Заокеанский гегемон решил захватить Россию, видимо они уверовали в свои силы когда развалили Советскую империю. Так что готовьтесь к новой-старой империи, Российской. И никакая травля и спонсирование бывших стран входящих в Российскую и Советскую империю не поможет им, притормозит только возрождение России как одну из великих империалистических держав . Американская империя зла доживает свои последние годы.
It's just russian spirit, bro.
We have proverb: "Russians harness for a long time, but they go fast"
In fact, in 90% of cases, Moscow is the organizer of wars. Justifying all this by saying that they want to capture it. Even now you have started a war against Ukraine, justifying it by the fact that Ukraine, which you disarmed for 30 years, wanted to attack Russia. Jackal tactics. Finland was attacked, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia were attacked, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Georgia. Together with the Nazis they attacked Poland. This makes it scary that such a state exists.
Great work and great music!
I love this videos. Thank you for the effort you put on it.
La population et son importance influe énormément sur les action diplomatiques d'un pays ., très intéressant Merci!
La démographie fait l'histoire
oui mais pour le coup le classement est faux
@@Monsieur_Coin "Tout est moral chez les individus et tout est physique chez les masses."
@@jerome2418 Exactement. C'est ce que les pro-immigration n'ont pas comprit.
Spain feels like that game of Mario Kart where you're going well, you get hit by the blue shell, and every time you win a new position they hit you with something new each time.
I guess by blueshell you mean another war and by a red shell its people just getting tfo to america
Amazing video!
I know the HRE was rather a loose alliance than an actual country but it would've been interesting to see the numbers. Especially during the 30 years war.
There is both Saxony and Habsburg monarchy. Neither of them change in the chart. Just plain wrong graph from the start.
@@citacitonson3791 kingdom of Hannover is missing, same with Hessen-Kassel!
also the North German Confederation!
HRE : Holy Roman Empire
Heilig Römisches Reich
Deutscher Nation
Как же знали бы вы как сокращение от Святой Римской Империи звучит по русcки😂( как призыв сходить по большому в доаольно грубой форме)
I think there is an error in Ireland's population. It decreases suddenly around 1944/45 in the video. It's actually the century before when it had the famine and population decrease.
Love the video.
Sûrement une immigration vers les état unis
Emigration was and still is a huge problem in Ireland. I think it's accurate.
funny enough it's always landlords that cause it.
The video don't is the people the Europe,sorry don't speak much inglish i from Spain
this guy probably got a bit confused with the 8 and the 9 in 1844 and 1944
noticed that too. he must have got the dates wrong
Iyi iş çıkarmışsın dostum tebrikler 👍🇹🇷🙋♂️
the osman empire was stagnating the whole time and you are proud?
no wonder turkeys current situation is so messed up. what a weird mindset
@@andrefasching1332 where are you from ?
@@MyWorld-bi5ru i dont see how that could be of importance to you in any way
@@andrefasching1332 You are talking about the mentality that half of the country showed in the elections that the current situation of our country is bad, but you are shaking us even though the states in Europe are here thanks to the colonies.
@@ardaafacan11 Well if you say that the Votes showed how awful Turkey is currently doing, who am i to stop you? I think i can partwise agree with you regarding the election.
And what does this have to do with Europe? feels like whataboutism to me
Украина настолько успешное самостоятельное государство, что начав с 51 миллиона человек, кучи ресурсов на своей земле, прекрасным промышленным наследством от СССР - умудрилась просрать 8 миллионов человек еще до 2014 года, не построить ни одного завода и встать в позу раком.
Вообще статистика тут так себе.
В 2014 ушёл Крым, это - 2 миллиона, Донбасс еще около - 4 миллиона человек.
вот такая она, перемога) один из любимых моих моментов в истории, когда УССР свининой кормили весь Союз, и даже на экспорт что-то шло, теперь сами ее закупают)
Пишите на тарабарском, а то эти, кириллицу вообще не воспринимают. Если конечно, хотите кому то, что-то донести.
@@BibEvgen мой косяк, согласен)
За первые три месяца сего года в Россию приехали миллион таджиков и узбеков
- 630 тысяч мигрантов из Узбекистана
- 350 тысяч мигрантов из Таджикистана
- 173 тысячи мигрантов из Киргизии
- 47 тысяч мигрантов из Армении
- 35 тысяч мигрантов из Казахстана
Свыше 1.2 млн. мигрантов за 3 месяца.
Ну чё, порвачки белосовковыя да американския, как там? У них арабы Париж обоссали, а у нас база? Да?
@@Maria_Nizhny_Novgorod это в идеале, еще некоторые торгуют наркотиками, грабят, насилуют, избивают жителей
I wonder how it's possible according to this graph during the 30-years war 1618-1648 all countires' population is constantly growing while it's said that the population of Europe during that time was decreased by 1/3.
It's just a drawing, an automatic graph. It is not yet clear how to display discrete values.
In Europe, besides the war, there was also an epidemic of the plague. And only thanks to the potato she was able to recover from the severe consequences of wars and famine.
great video, must've taken lots of work, thanks!
A bit suprised by the big difference in population size between France and England/UK at the start of 1600 and still they end up with the same size to day.
My completely uneducated guess would be that British soil isn’t nearly as fertile as France and so would be unable to sustain as great a population. Until the Industrial Revolution and the British global empire happened, and then wealth poured into the island. That probably allowed a population growth in the 19th century that largely equalised the two nations.
Just a guess though.
@@cam4007 its exactly that actually, although its mostly the Agricultural revolution that brought UK to grow quickly alongside the economical growth and the fact that Frances natural growth past 1850's was ALREADY stagnating due to not having a true agricultural revolution (like the only reason it took so long to be caught up by the rest was because of its huge headstart and because it actively welcomed European immigrants till the 1930's and then 1970's when these migrants became mostly non European suddenly causing more... cultural problems for some reason lol
@@cam4007вы не уточнили за счет чего в Британию хлынуло богатство.Индия и Китай знают ,их ограбила Британия
@@ЕленаВасильева-н7щGet over it. 🙄 Go dig them up and give them a good spanking if you wish
@@ЕленаВасильева-н7щ so what? Money is money! its china and india's fault for not having the military and technological competence to defend their riches from a tiny wet island on the other side of the globe with a population a hundred times less!
nice work!
In 1809, the Duchy of Warsaw had a population of about 4.3 million. So it should be on the chart
It was not really a independand country. Just a toy for Napoleon to invade Russia
@@orrismate139 Yeah, as well as other countries included in this chart, for example, the kingdom of Naples or the countries entering the Rhine Confederation
@@orrismate139 this "toy" of Napoleon was and independand country with its own constitution that won a war 1v1 vs your beloved austria germ*n.
Suprised by:
Czechoslovakia had larger population than Turkey at one point
The massive population difference England and France had until the industrial revolution
Well TBF France WAS the most populated Country of Europe (beside Russia WITH Asia, without was a bit less unless you had Poland Lithuania in perhaps, and the Ottomans)
For an enormous time, it already had 20 million people during Louis XIV and had like 8 times the population of the United Province or smt.
Ironically the industrial revolution saw the UK catch up mostly because France DIDNT grow much ever since the second half of the XIXth century, most of the population growth afterward till the baby boom in the 60's 70's and even after was due to migration.
Like yea France was already welcoming millions of immigrants from Italy, Belgium, Spain, Portugal etc... for a long long time and not just for work but also because its slow population growth meant it needed to keep up smh
@@Freedmoon44 the Holy Roman Empire had a lot more people than France and had the largest population in Europe and 3rd in the world until the 30 years war from 1618-1648 where about 33% of the German population died the death toll is about 8 millions out of the 24 million inhabitants it had at the start of the century.
Unfortunately this video begins after the 30 years war when much of the German population had died with some towns and cities even losing over 90% of their population and now spending the rest of the centuries recovering that population until the industrial revolution.
@@cqpp true but the HRE is a entity that federates many country and after Protestantism good luck ruling half of your subjects that pretty much only cares if it serves their interests.
France is a single country, it wouldnt need to call in all other imperial states to mobilise and fight, or to mobilise to pay extra taxes exceptionnally, because everything it rules upon is part of the Kingdom directly
Turkey has a larger population today because of immigration, 70% of all citizens of turkey have a immigrant background.
That’s not even counting how many Brit’s moved overseas during that time
Awesome project!
the numbers are slightly skewed. Russian Emprire was declared in 1721, so your graph shows a century of a wrong country there.
Italian is exactly correct
doesn't matter
It's still called Russia.The difference is the Russian Kingdom and the Russian Empire.
Mind-blowing data! 🤯
Nice video. Although Bradenburg should be named "Brandenburg" lol. Suprised that nobody pointed that out I assume.
The Ottoman Empire ruled for 700 years from 1299 to 1922. It is one of the largest and longest-running empires in the world. It had lands in 3 continents such as Europe, Asia and Africa. With the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, the Turkish State was established. Today, only Istanbul is the largest city in Europe with a population of over 20 million according to unofficial figures.
Ok.What is your point ?.1500's Istanbul was the most populated city in the world.
Bruh. Lool at the Britain:all contonents were under England.also France and Russia were pretty good
You mean konstantinopel
@@Corvus-IXxsand yes what happened to königsberg. Ops sorry it must kaliningrad
@@ali_guidoferrariseverogullari 🤣🤣🤣
Number one complaint, when a country's government changes, its people don't randomly decrease. Only the name and flag change. So the bar isn't a different bar.
Не всегда это происходит так, как вы говорите. Во многих случаях вы правы, но иногда смена названия страны и правительства происходит одновременно со сменой границ (исчезновение Австро-Венгрии, Нацистской Германии или СССР например).
@@VictorYRus777 Man I thought they closed the troll farm down. Endut, hoch hech.
Papal States having more people than whole Sweden in the beginning is pretty wild
When the Spanish brought potatoes to Europe the population of Sweden doubled.
@@ur-inannak9565 I'm from Finland, I remember hearing this before. Potato is very endurable in colder climates
I find it incradulous that Kingdom of sweden didn't have population decline 1695-1697, when third of the Finns died due famine and disease. I believe it was hard on other countries ( rest of Sweden and Baltics) as well, but it hit Finns especially hard. It is estimated that over 140 000 finns died during that period, when the population of Finland before that was about 500 000. So Kingdom of Sweden should have had population decline showing during that time.
Финны были под гнетом Швеции,практически их рабами.Вас освободила Россия,но вы неблагодарные и неблагородные люди,вот так отблагодарили нас.
the Swedes treated the Finns like animals and probably did not count the number of dead Finns
The solution is very simple. All these figures, at least until the mid-19th century, are completely fictitious. not true.
Thanks for making this!
It’s sad how in 1923 Yugoslavia and Turkey had just about the same number of inhabitants now 100 years later all of ex-yu countries have less than 19m people and Turkey has 90m people.
70% of this 90 million citizens of turkey have a immigrant background this is why.
We do more sex then others buddy that's all
That's why your countries have better quality people and Turkey has a horde of minimum wage workers. It's not a bad thing to have less population
Keşke Türkiye sadece 50-60 Milyon arasında kalsaydı. Çok nüfus iyi değil.
Ayrıca 15Milyon mülteci var Türkiyede.
Eğer Türkiyede iç savaş cikarsa, mülteciler yüzünden o zamn bütün Avrupa da bunun bedelini öder. Avrupa'daki TÜRKLER orayı da yakar.
Incredible video. It shows very accurately the fact that the 9th million Bulgarian was neever born.
Nah 30 million Ottomans had almost 15m Balkan population
Crazy to think Ireland once had three times as many people as Denmark and Norway *combined*. Today it is about 7 million on the island of Ireland (5 million in the Republic and 2 million in Northern Ireland) vs. 11.2 million for Denmark and Norway (5.8 in Denmark, 5.4 in Norway.)
well when your neighbor practices genocide against Gaels (Irish and Scottish) it tends to have a negative impact on your population.
@@j.obrien4990 so what you are saying is that my big strong ancestors genocide your little weak ancestors? and you expect me to be ashamed of that? lol QUITE the opposite in fact, didn't the Irish used to raid Britain for slaves? wasn't st Patrick a slave? looks like a case of what goes around comes around
also the English abolished slavery btw :)
Deliberate genocide by England.
@@j.obrien4990 los paises nordicos van a desaparecer si ustedessiguen asi,ustedes necesitan hijos si no quieren ser remplasados por musulmanes,en los paises pobres las mujeres tienen hasta 4 hijosporque ustedes que tienen mas oportunidades y recursos,no se esfuerzan en tener mas hijos?
@@sasukeuchiha2927 hasta ahora los musulmanes no han sido un gran amenaza a mi gente, pero los pinche ingleses si.
Population seems to go up from 1618 - 1648 (Thrirty Years' War) - that can't be right.
Vers la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale, je n’ai pas vu la population de l’’URSS considérablement chuter. Ils ont tout de même eu + de 11 millions de soldats tués et, il me semble, un total de + de 27 millions de victimes.
L'URSS avait un taux de natalité très élevé et a rapidement rattrapé les pertes et a continué à augmenter sa population immédiatement après la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
L'URSS avait un taux de natalité très élevé et a rapidement rattrapé les pertes et a continué à augmenter sa population immédiatement après la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
I like how you show the actual names and there real territory through history instead of seeing how many people live in more on day borders.
GREAT work, a lot of things to learn from it, THANKS!
Idk on a strategic scale having the whole HRE instead of seperate states would have been more interresting but i appreciate the effort put into this
Wonderful video.
What happened to Scotland? In 1626, Scotland's population was 904,480, England was just over 4.7 million, today Scotland's population is 5 million, and England's population is 60 million
Scots do not like sex.
Mostly Geography is what happened. The majority of Scotland's population lives in the central lowland belt. The highlands and islands were just too remote and rugged to support a huge population and indeed were greatly depopulated during the 19th century. Sheep replaced people.
didn't have babies
My native people population was 20,000 at 1600 but now it's 6 million Scotland really fell down
Insane how Russia stayed on top for almost the entire time after 1790
its because they have big areas
Потому что в 1795 году Россия с другими странами раздели Речь Посполитую.
@@AlexanDoor ну Польша тоже виновата было по части
@@marysartr У россиян как всегда все виноваты, вас спровоцировали и тд. Я недавно читал, что в России уровень "осуждения жертвы" примерно такой, как в африканских странах. Это обычно относится к жертвам сексуального насилия, типо "сама виновата", "нечего было..."
@@marysartr Из бульбастана, это если по вашему.
The fact the 6th and 7th with a combined 13million pop took on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th with a combined 63million + others like Sweden is nuts.
Какой труд! Несколько веков истории, много поколений людей за 15 минут - завораживает!
after the year about 2005 the exact numbers of populations in unclear because of huge migration of people from former Warsaw Pact countries to western Europe (for example: more than 2 millions Poles migrated from Poland to western Europe, but offcially majority of them is still officially registered as dweller in Poland). From other side about 3 milions Ukrainians (refugees + immigrants) should be added to population of Poland in 2022.
1.5 mln Ukrainian refugees have no polish citizenship and will not get that during next 5+ years. After the war most of them come back to Ukraine. So your calculation is irrelevant
@@username-xz5ik I see you wrong understand the meaning of "population" - population is not citizenship. This is amount of people living in an area. They need not be citizen of country. It is enough if they are simple dwellers, inhabitants.
Btw: If you really believe they will come back to Ukraine after war you will be disappoited. I talked with many refugees from Ukraine in Poland. They are not newcomers. They live several month here, they are still learning polish, most of them has job in Poland and they definitely does not want to come back to Ukraine. Some of them plan to stay in Poland, some plan to use Poland as transit country to migrate to western Europe or Canada in future. Only a few (usually poorly educated or retired) plan to come back to Ukraine.
@@user-glg20 Poland has always been a haven for poorly educated and low-skilled lumpen from Ukraine. skilled workers have never had any problems in Ukraine earning the same money as in Poland, and in the IT sector, earnings are much higher.
Secondly, all my friends who left as refugees for Poland are planning to return to Ukraine, so their children study remotely in Ukrainian schools.
Thirdly, the war with Russia is not over yet, and it is highly likely that it will continue with nuclear strikes. It is likely that Poland could become the first NATO country to be hit by russian nuclear missiles.
So don't be so sure about a bright future, because the world will never be as beautiful as it was before 24.02.2022
Honestly yes. Same applies for Russia which got 5-10 Mio due to occupation of South and East Ukraine and Crimea.
Yeah, there are probably 6 million Romanians that left to the West ... but it's difficult to count this in because these people are very mobile.
Awesome, great video!
Sad fact 2022: Ukraine probably below 30M, Poland above 40M
Not really sad for Poland since now it has one of the highest populations in europe and stopped falling
Yes when I seen this I was worried, we heard about Poland hitting 40 millions with refuges, that's 2 millions people, that already give more than Ukraine population, next there are refuges in other countries and Ukrainian losses, also part of Ukraine is ocupied and Russia takes they're people from they're houses.
But Poland's birth rate is actually far below replacement, and millions of Poles have migrated to countries further west. The only reason it hasn't lost population to the same extent as other Eastern European countries is because it is still a stronger economy than most of the others and has absorbed inward immigration from countries like Ukraine which partially balances out what would otherwise be the same demographic trend send in other countries.
And Ukraine is certainly below 30 million now. It was barely above 40 million before the war. And I believe this number is a Ukrainian government projection, which knowledgeable people say over-estimates reality, because some 8 million Ukrainians were working in the EU, only visiting Ukraine for major holidays but are still counted as part of its regular population. Since the war, some 7 million Ukrainians have permanently left. The territories in Donbass lost to Russia thus far contain a further 5-6 million people. The realistic population of Ukraine (though there is no way of knowing until war ends and there is a census) is probably closer to 20 million than 30 million.
It's about population. They count citizenships
Where did you find the numbers for nazi germany 1941-1945?
He could have just added the populations in occupied territories minus estimated war deaths. It wouldn't be that difficult. Demograpphic estimates were already quite accurate by this time. Probably a lot harder to find accurate data on all the polities in the 17th and 18th centuries.
its crazy how england changed its name for 5-6 times but not its population rank
England? You may United Kingdom and I don't see the name changing i think you refer to the French Empire of the French Republic and so on
And Germany had also so much different names, I don't know why you came up with England
1600-1782: Ottoman Empire
1782-1792: France
1792: Russia
1792-1794: France
1794-1810: Russia
1810-1813: France
1813-1917: Russia
1917: Germany
1917-1990: USSR
1990-1991: Germany
1991 onwards: Russia
2050: Turkiye
@@BaryshxIn your dreams
So you're trying to tell me that the two largest countries by population in Europe are the two countries which have almost none of their landmass actually in Europe?
How to trust on these numbers. Anyway it´s nice. Thank You.
It is interesting to see Turkey (formerly the ottoman empire) make quite the comeback.
because Turkey has a lot of refugee bulgarian syrian ukrainan and russian
@@lipzy9054Even without them Türkiye has ~80Million+
@@lipzy9054who tf come to turkey? To get poorer?
@@10.huynhphathuy8 My brother is not very smart, he doesn't know where the problem is Or should I speak Greek or Spanish?😂🧠
@@10.huynhphathuy8 No, throughout the 20th century there were descendants of Turks in the former regions of Ottoman who came back to Turkey, as to not get oppressed or fleeing from war or just simply going back to a place where people speak their mother tongue etc. That's why even though Turkey is a nation-state (mostly) people have a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds.
Turkey's comeback 😯
How do you make a list like this? How does anyone even begin to estimate the population of any country more than a hundred years ago let alone exact amounts over 400 years, and every year since.
Ukraine's first and only census took place in 2001 and any estimate of the population over the next 22 years is a complete guess because there has been significant net migration in the years since, long before the Russian invasion during which millions fled the country. Ukraine was very reluctant to hold another census in the years since 2001 because they feared it would show there had been a very significant fall in population.
Dull crest
Украине вредно быть независимой - все 32 года она тает как медуза на солнце.
All the Ukrainians came to Poland.
25 млн осталось
@@МаксимВячеславович-з2м все равно, фашисты ещё есть
Музыкальное сопровождение шикарное. люблю классику.
Great bro
German Empire in 1871: "Lemme just step right in!"
when you take a look at french population just before and during the 1789 Revolution (and before the maximum extension of Bonaparte's Empire which artificially increase the population) you understand why all the kingdoms of Europe had to join their forces to fight France.
La masse fait souvent le rapport de force, on commence à le voir avec les pays africains.
Oui.. Mais la masse devient souvent en demographie un handicap... Surtout combinée a d autres facteurs. C est pourquoi ces questions analysées de façon lineaire et statique comme trop souvent relevent d une betise crasse. Comme tous les domaines d analyses du réel de nos jours on doit y reflechir avec des modeles multi factoriels... En analyse multi dimensionnels.
Le cas de la chine est un bon exemple en ce moment. Idem pour les usa ou certaines communautés crient a la noyade sous l invasion d autres ethnies (les afro us submergeant les "blancs", or on est loin du point de bascule aux usa).
En russie idem sans meme envisager un eclatement de cette federation les popovs sont tres mal pour les 20 a 30 prochaines années...
Bref la demographie c est complexe.
Et les "nostradamus" n y ont pas voix au chapitre.
@@j-ch8787 effectivement la démographie est un facteur, une "donnée" qui a certes son poids indéniable dans l'histoire mais qui n'explique rien seule et qui n'est pas utilisable sans contexte plus large.
C est ce que je tentais de rappeler. "la masse" ne fait pas tout.
Ma Oma (gd mere) me parlait souvent du "containment" / la contenue / le combat contre les slaves par les germains depuis la chute de rome. Ils se battaient a 1 contre 10 mais... 9 fois 10, les slaves se sont fait ecrasés ou au moins serieusement echarpés. C est pourquoi me disait ma Oma les latins ne comprennent rien aux popovs : ils n ont jamais eté vraiment confrontés militairement culturellement ou commercialement a leur proximité et concurrence territoriale.
I can see why Great Britain/UK stayed out of the major land battles when France, Russia and Austria (Hapsburgs) were much bigger countries.
Everyone slowly growing in population
France : Hold my wine i'm gonna show you a few tricks
11:00 Chech how Serbia lost population in 1914. Becaus only Serbia won battle in WW1 vs Austria. And today all selfish west dont support us.
So hard time for our county 🇷🇸 ❤
Korolj-vojin voshiščaet, provesti svoju armiyu čerez Albaniju boljšoj podvig
The difference between Italy and France increased dramatically since the end of XX century
That’s mass immigration to France.
Immigration :(
Of course, you don't make chidren.
@@tifusin unification of Italy and Germany is one major factor
So much effort was obviously put into this!
All I can say is that she's called Mother for a reason.
According to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2023, 146,424,729 permanent residents lived in Russia, according to this indicator, the country ranks ninth in the world in terms of population.
In 2023 population of Russia is 155 million.
Rosstat did not add population of new 4 regions of Russia + 8 million.
а разве не 147,4?
@@chrome2102 Oh at least someone is looking the truth in the eye, thank you
@@chrome2102 But how do you count those 8 million? Maybe before 2014 but how many were actually left there when the areas were occupied?? Anyway, this video should cut the Asian population of Russia... like they did for the other states. That would have been interesting to me.
@@chrome2102 why add them if nothing is clear with these territories. there is a war going on and it is definitely impossible to calculate how many people live there now, and the front can quickly change
Great video. I'd argue that Switzerland was not a country before the Helvetic Republic in 1798 (than a vassal state of France) and only became an independent country in 1848. But that's up for debate. I don't want to go into the naming of certain countries as some are official names some only informal names. I found it surprising how big Austria-Hungary actually was.
The video is wrong, there was no Swiss Confederation at that time.
Formation and growth of the Old Confederation 1291-1515
Ancien Regime 1712-1798
The «French Period»: Helveticism and Mediation 1798-1814
Switzerland as a confederation of states 1814-1847
Founding and consolidation of the new Swiss federal state since 1848
Totally false 😂😂
Огромное спасибо за труд !!!
1918 be like
-Hello there
- General Piłsudski
marshall chuju
That Poland-Lithuania death really hurt
There are several inaccuracies. Around the year 1795, the population of Poland fell below one million, which is not true. The number of Poles around the year 1800 was approximately 10 million.
not sure if you're trolling or confused.... well, Poland-Lithuanian state ceased to exist in 1795 ... so it's not displayed and the population seems to be split and included in the Russia/Prussia/Habsburg states. you can actually see the dip in P-L populations and raise in neighbours' around 1st and 2nd partition too
@@theonesillyboy You're right. I meant more about the region of Poland. In fact, when it comes to statehood itself, then Poland was not.
Now I know why its called the ottoman century
Turkish power 🇹🇷💪🏻
Never heard of it.
A União Soviética foi formada em 1922, não em 1917 (ano da Revolução Russa)
o império caiu em 1917
@@mariadefatimafurtado7600 mas a URSS foi criada somente em 1922. Quando a Revolução Russa ocorreu, o Império Russo passou a se chamar Rússia. A URSS foi criada só depois.
Thanks bro
for the whole 19th century Russia kept its finger on the infinite population button to get ready for WW2
I guess your educational system didn't bother to enlighten you about everything that happen to Russia before ww2 and a tiny fact that it was Germany who attacked the Soviet Union.
This is called multiplying so that there are enough hands to work in the fields, when countries move to urbanization and improved medicine, the population switches to tactics of making a greater contribution to 1-2 children.
The USSR was formed on December 30, 1922, and the author's was five years earlier - in 1917.
yk it`s quite hard to make such videos, right? author couldn`t know every country`s history perfectly, so he marked revolution as the forming event for USSR, that`s not SUCH a big mistake
@@user-NastyaUryadnik This mistake characterizes the author in such a way that he should not open his mouth on historical topics at all. It would be better for him to find an occupation according to his education and abilities.
@@user-NastyaUryadnik He climbs into YT with his lectures when he himself has a lot to learn in this area. Complete ignoramus and dunno picked up somewhere a little.
RSFSR and 50 Lemitrof countries
Great video, thanks. If at all possible, could you please list the background music you used? I recognize Tchaikovsky and Beethoven, but would love to know the actual "works" you used. Many thanks.
Spain had a larger population than all the Ottoman Empire, wow
This video does not consider America
@mamacojaickson9019 I guess he means the population of both in XIX century
This video is excluding territories or colonies
Thank you for an interesting video. Do anyone have an answer to why Sweden increased like hell late 1600 and decreased like hell in the beginning of 1700?
And the from 1720 increase like hell again?
From 1700 to 1721 ,there was the Great Northern War ,where from example ,1/3 of the population of Poland died during this war .
During this war ,there was 25 000 Swede dying in battle + 175 000 dying due to famine and diseases ,The population of Sweden in 1700 was estimated at 1 485 000 .
So 200 out of 1 485 is 13.47% of the population
Edit :1 485 000 from the territories of today's Sweden ,but it Sweden was much larger at the time so in the video they have population from those territories added to their .
Emigration didn’t happen by any significant numbers until 19th centrury. The most likely answer is that Sweden lost most landholdings in Germany and Balticum as a result of the great northern war. Likewise when Russia annexed Finland
The north war?
@@joeljustjazzing yep, the North War. Russia vs Sweden (Peter The Great vs Karl XII)
Why u take music from Kaiserreich?)
Only the European part of Russia, Soviet Union and Turkey/Ottoman should have been considered in a chart about Europe.
Even in this case, Russia would be in 1st place, not taking into account citizens living in the Asian part 😂
Habsburg Spain? Its Kingdom of Spain (when not Spanish Empire)
The Kingdom of Spain was only founded in 1716
So Habsburg Spain is more accurate, as it is a collective noun of all the territories held by the Habsburg Monarchs.
@@FaithfulOfBrigantia ejen, título rey de las españas ejen de Felipe 2
The kingdom of Spain is of German heritage, this is how they are stealing and rewriting history and identity.
No one understands a husband better than his wife.
1st that was not his official title, his oficial title would include all his kingdoms and even some duchies, and it was obscenenely long, so they used "King of the Spains" to make it short.
It was not the first time someone did this either. There were many kings of Asturias, Galicia, León and/or Castile in the early medieval period who took the tile "Emperor of all Spain" despite not even holding 30% of the peninsula.
2nd: Note that it says "King of the Spains" not "King of Spain". This is a geographical term denoting the several kingdoms existing in the Iberian Peninsula, which back then was known as "Spain" or "Spanish Peninsula", since there was no country named Spain yet, Spain/Espana simply meant Hispania in English/Castilian, which was the geographical peninsula.
Just like one says "The Americas" when refering to the continents of North and South America, rather than saying "America" (the United States of).
So no, there was no such thing as a Kingdom of Spain until it was formally established in 1716.
The geographical concept of "Spain" as the name of the peninsula however, dates back to the Roman invasion.
Who is also shocked how massive Ukraine.
More than 50 millions after they left Soviet Union 😮
Sadly it shrunk so much due to immigration to Europe and Russia.
So technically 25 millions of Ukrainians live now in Russia and Europe.
Crazy to think about it.
It's crazy that Portugal had less than 1% of the european population and still managed to build the first global empire and a trade monopoly on the indian ocean.
I know right, They were so lucky to have the Moorish technology and maps
@@Tu51ndBl4d3 well, no. Anyway, if what they did was thanks to the Moors, then why the Moors didn't conquer half of the world themselves?
@@robdenini6972 Because they didn't want to? Pedro Alonso Nino (Moor) was the pilot of Christopher Columbus. Mathieu da Costa navigated and translated for the them when exploring Canada, and so on and so forth. It isn't a debate anywhere regarding the fact that Moorish maps and navigators are what lead Europeans around. This isn't a debate, saying "well, no" is just an ignorant an emotionally hurt by hearing the truth answer. Every single Spanish and Portuguese ship that reached the Americas or went anywhere was navigated by a Moor; every single one. Also, wait do you think the point of civilizations is to kill and rape and pillage and suppress other people? So Egypt was less of a civilization than the Portuguese because it didn't choose to colonize everything in site?
@@Tu51ndBl4d3 Well, no again. The moors may have had great navigators, but they didn't have a global empire. Why? Because they're part of the Islamic World, and their access to the spice trade wasn't cut when the Ottomans conquered byzantine lands and Constantinople. So the moors didn't have the same incentive to explore the seas after trade routes, nor to innovate their ships so they'd be strong enough to cross the ocean. Same thing happened to the Italians: they used to control the mediterranean spice trade, they did provide many great navigators (such as Columbus) but the Italian city states couldn't keep up and sank into irrelevancy compared to the growing powers of Portugal, Spain and others.
Btw you call me emotional but youre quick to bring raping and pillaging. As if Arab nations never did such things - like every other nation on earth that could impose its will onto another. That's very naive.
In the autumn of 2024, the composition in Russia will be larger. Poland's composition will also increase.
It's surprising that England/Great Britain was so small compared to Turkey/ Russia/France/ Spain.
Oh wait wait! How come Ukraine appeared only in 1991? The Ukrainians keep telling us that they were the one who created the russian empire!
😂 true
They didn’t. They’ve been looked up too and loved by the whole planet for a year and a half now but they can’t just rearrange their history.
Ukraine was created in 1991, when the USSR was dissolved.
of course dark skin f@g is trying to distort the history and rely on a video of some random a$$ dude, lmao
Because Ukrainians lie. In fact, they couldn't and can't do anything.
Türkiye in 1923: *13M*
İstanbul in 2023: *16M*
Is there a data set available?
You know you put the United Principalities around 1860 on the chart... but maybe Wallachia should have been there for a long time already?? They didn't just gain those 4 million of out nowhere.
Spanish empire left the chat 🇪🇸
Does the ottoman population include their whole country or just the European parts?
Whole, actually its always under 35m with 39 etnich groups in 3 Continents, 7m Türk / 30m Total population, for now 20m Türk / 85m Total
Russia became an empire at the beginning of the 18th century, before it there was a kingdom
Ukrops with their fairy tales
@@dota2videoclips754 Никаких сказок. Иван 4 стал царем. А императором стал Петр 1 в 18 веке.
@@dota2videoclips754 дотеры нелюди.
@@margo7059 Ivan Grozny formed Tsardom and Peter renamed it to empire to simulate the west. There is no difference between those two.
@@uan9166Ну нет. Вы не правы. Разница была очень даже существенна. Так и титул Царя Иван Грозный (4) принял под влиянием симуляции с запада. Собственно, российский титул - это самодержец. Основы самодержавия заложил Иван Грозный (3), а окончательно оформил Иван Грозный (4). И дальше все цари, императоры и так далее были самодержцами. А вот между симуляцией титула Царь и Император разница была.
13:52 забавный факт: если прямо сейчас объединить республики СССР, то население за последние 30 лет не увеличилось, а учитывая войну на Украине уменьшилось.
Свобода и демократия бл*ть. Убила людей больше чем вторая мировая.
it is above all because the birth rate has fallen, life expectancy has now greatly increased in the ussr, whereas it fell under breznev
Вот уж "лучшее" Образование давали. Щелк и все вокруг идиоты. Это наследие как раз ссср
Чë ты за хрень высрал, я ничего не понял, причëм сдесь демократия
It's good to know people are interested. When I was born in London, the world had a population of about 1.5 billion and by the time I die I expect there will be at least another billion on the earth, it will only take another twelve years. This has to come to an end before the earth does. We're wiping this planet out. It must stop or we'll wipe ourselves out.
Ottomans are really underrated and portrayed underpowered. In 1500s it was just a fucking powerhouse. Ottomans defeated Hungary in 1526 in two hours, and then defeated Austria in 1529 to get Budin. Than 1532 Ottomans showed its dominance again and Austria accepted itself as a lower state than Ottomans, accepting that the Austrian king is only equal to ottoman grand vizier, which in itself was a huge thing. European kings accepted that they are just equal to ottoman vizier and the sultan was superior to them all(Austria was the Holy Roman Empereror at that time, so ottomans werent just fighting austria). Austria lost more land in 1541 and 1543 and 1566, and wien was besieged but the siege were halted because of weather and unprepareness, there was no army standing on way. Ottomans defeated a spanish-led fleet in 1541 Preveze and captured all to way to morocco, and spanish city states locating in Africa. Not even a single battle were lost. And there was no army even just fighting ottomans at this point, they just hid in cities and there was nothing in way to domination of all germany militarily. The vizier being an equal to Holy Roman king is just magnificying, i don't think this level of dominance would be seen again in political history. Ottoman Kings were accepted as an higher level king by european states and they didn't had the courage to face them with an army, they just hid in cities and payed money to the ottoman king to not attack them.(In Ottomans the grand vizier had no real authority or aristocratic impact. In fact ottomans were at that time was notorious to kill their grand viziers.)
In 1571 Ottomans had their first significiant loss against westerners and their fleet got burned. What they did? They just rebuilded another one and forced the westerners and cede land. They defeated Persia a few years later and got all the way to Tebriz. 1593-1606 war was a draw, but Ottomans still managed to gain land and money, but the Austrian king was accepted equal to the Sultan after 60 years. This war happened an era of instability in Ottomans, especially revolts in Anatolia. In 1663-1664 Ottomans defeated Austria yet again gaining even more land. Than they got on to defeat poland in 1672-1676. After a few border clashes Russia officially accepted the west of ukraine as ottoman land in 1681, making ottoman continue west of dnieper.
To this point Ottoman had no losts. You can count 1571 as one, but i would call a draw because Cyprus were more crucial than ships, and Ottomans just rebuilded the ships anyway. Also there was the persia thing which saw Ottomans destroy Safavid empire and get baghdad tabriz and all kurd turkey, but then they striked back and got tebriz and baghdad, but it ended with ottomans getting baghdad back and than there was a treaty.
In 1683-1699 all came crashing down. The problem was Ottomans at that point didn't made a land war in a big scale for a lot of time now. So they were most experienced at sieges. At the Great Turkish War Russia, Poland, HRE and Spain grouped against Ottomans after a loss at Wien. At that point europeans were ahead at war strategies and technology, and the european coalition managed to beat Ottomans finally. This was the first significiant defeat Ottomans had lol, against whole europe. And even in this time they just didn't even think of collapsing Ottomans, Ottomans just lost Hungary, south greece and azov with some ukrainean land which were vassal. Ottomans managed to defeat Russia in 1712, than recapture south greece, than lost to Austria at 1718, than defeated Russia+Austria at 1739. In the end they got Azov+South Greece back. People think that 1600s Ottoman were way too behind of spain or russia in power, but this is merely orientalism. Ottomans were the dominant state at 1500s, but they still was the most strong state in 1600s. Both economically and militarily Ottomans were the most powerful state of 1600s, and only lost that seat after 1740's in my eyes.
The thing that crashed Ottomans were not european military. Ottomans just won all wars and there was no armies at some point because they know they would lose. But internal problems, mismanagement and bad economy just collapsed Ottomans. Still, as a kurd i look them with fascination. This type of dominance were only surpassed by Romans. Especially the equity of the vizier to king portrays the domination. So, Ottomans weren't just the sick man of europe in 1600s or 1700s. They were still a powerhouse and one of the strongests if not the strongest to 1740s.
Hi we cannot satisfy the self-esteem with the fact of others and the others can not unload us of our merits, leave to others their greatness and do not let you strip of your own, the rest is history.