this video is one of the reasons this is the best place for whisky advice. I have a good friend who has struggled with alcoholism for years. Thanks Ralfy for bothering.
Ralfy thank you so much for addressing this issue with candor, level-headedness, and sensitivity. As a family man myself, and son of an alcoholic in recovery (5+ years now I've had my father back!), I have to tread very carefully down the path of quality spirits appreciation. Self awareness is key, self control is essential. I am always advocating the responsible use of alcohol and never shy away from bringing it up whenever people get to talking about drinking (I always clarify "tasting"). Your segmentation of the states of alcohol intoxication are quite subjectively accurate, and this video can be an amazingly useful tool for individuals considering consumption of alcohol. Thanks for all that you do for us malt mates! Cheers.
Always interesting and a pleasure to join you in the bothy Ralfy! I suffer with chronic back pain and a wee dram or two, sometimes three, before bed makes for a restful night. Several times a year I take a break from all alcohol, usually a week or two, just to make sure I'm not heading down the spiral you speak of. Thank you! Take care, Ossie
I'm not much of a drinker. Wine or cider takes me very quickly past level 2, to place I don't enjoy., consequently I don't drink either. A really good dram (or two at a push), on the other hand is a lovely way to enhance an evening. Ralfy has encouraged me to everything I know about whisky; he's been a 'malt mate' from my first tentative steps towards a popular Speysider, to my current status as a very amateur connoisseur. Thanks Ralfy for all the advice, and especially for calling a spade a spade when it comes to the Alcoholic Spiral. Not many in this PC world are prepared to put the onus back on the drinker. Slainte!
A very important lesson Ralfy! Its good to see you really want to teach your viewers about the downsides of whisky. I can respect that. Very important indeed!
Same, I only really have half a dram to enjoy the flavor if I ever feel up for a drink. Maybe a bit more if its a favorite but I've never gotten tipsy.
Well said Ralfy! We need to be ever vigilant about the dangers of the spirits that we enjoy. Thank you for taking the time to discuss this important subject.
Not a a person that drinks alcohol myself but I love the detail and care and craft put into spirits. Thanks for putting out this video! great info to hear!
Thank you for this. You did a great job of putting this in a different perspective yet at the same time a very safe perspective. Keep on enjoying level 1 and 2.
Thanks for the vid Ralfy you always put me in a relaxed state of mind, I shut up at just listen. You are a great asset to the online community and I thank you for that. Cheers!!!
important video. I'm only 26 but have already met a few people my age who've been to level 7. I'm sure I've hit 6 myself a number of times and I admit I do enjoy being in various stages in the green zone, but gotta keep things in perspective. thanks for bringing this up.
Ralfy, I subscribe to your videos and I watch the ones that I think I might be able to buy in the USA. I was curious about your Seven Levels of Intoxication, and was impressed by your insight on this topic. I enjoyed and found humor in the first six levels, and then I was overwhelmed by your insight on the seventh level. Sadly, my wife died two years ago as the result of alcoholism, and your evaluation of level seven was totally spot-on. Good job, Ralfy.
Three subjects: money, religion, and sex. I would add a fourth: politics. If you can discuss politics and not have a falling out, you are in great company.
I'm a newly 21 year old American, and I just wanted to say that I've been a fan of your content for years, Ralfy. You obviously get to cherry pick your content that we get to see, but you seem like a very genuinely kind and gentle person. I wish you all the best.
thank you for this addition to the great whisky taboo!! awesome job ralfy! it's good to see you taking the time address this side of things and maybe just maybe helping someone identify a possible issue!
Hi Ralfy i must say that i have really enjoyed your video blog. I have huge respect to you for bringing up the topic on the effects of alcohol i have had this Discussion with many people that just dont know when to stop what we do is measure each sample So we monitor consumption i wish more people would do this Keep up the good work.
For a bit, I thought Ralfy might end this video like Charlton Heston as Moses in "The Ten Commandments". "Those who will not obey by these seven levels [raises the chalkboard over his head] SHALL PERISH BY THEM!"
Straight talk. You seem like a good guy Ralfy. On the subject of level 7 alcoholism, I would like to mention the fanstatic video of your fellow countymen Craig Ferguson who opens up on his show about his life struggle with addiction. Makes my eyes wet everytime I watch it
Outstanding Ralfy, perfectly said!! Everyone one in the world should watch this. I have learned these steps through experience and now just hang around level 2. No more than that. I would love to hear you talk about the different alcohol’s and their different effects on us. Nobody seems to talk much about it. If I drink gin I black out, not good. Cheers from California!
Great video. We have a cultural problem where too many people are drinking to excess, too often. This should be mandatory viewing for every young adult.
Too true and a very sobering thought Ralfy. Two of my brothers drank themselves to death, losing friends and nearly wrecking the family in the process.
I personally don't really like getting too drunk.. in my teenage years, seeing myself get far too wrecked from a bottle or 2 of Strongbow was enough to put me off drinking entirely, and in-fact had decided to stick to "beneficial herbs". I can't stress enough that alcohol should be done in moderation, and in Glasgow most folk tend to just like getting "steamin'". A nice few drams of spirits or a handful of beers is normally enough for a buzz that keeps you nice and cosy, and at that point you really should pace yourself. I'll enjoy a nice malt this christmas and new-years, but I plan on enjoying the festivities more than tanning back too much drink. Good video, Ralfy :)
Bravo, Ralfy! The choir says: "Amen!" An excellent vlog to bookend Whisky Review 454: "The Great Whisky Taboo." where you discussed alcoholism. I read "Hell Raisers." which is a marvelous biography on Richard Burton, Richard Harris, Peter O'Toole and (believe it or not,).... Oliver Reed. One could float a battleship on the liquor any one of those blokes consumed in their lives. Very funny tales on each,... but also dire and grim references to what liquor did to their health and what it did to people around them. Burton described his battle with alcoholism as: "A boxing match where you answer the bell each round, fight your opponent and go back to your corner knowing you cannot win the fight,.... just hope for a draw." Terrifying. Richard Harris, being interviewed with his ex-wife, turned to her and asked: "What was it like being married to me?" She answered tenderly: "It was magic, Richard,.... until you had the one that was too many,.... and the veil fell over your face." Ever been there, Ralfy? I know damn good and well I have. You are a fine spokesman for potent potables, especially for this installment and "Taboo." (Though I was waiting for you to say: "Rat Arsed.") Keep up the good work, laddie! P.S. I was one of the lucky ones who watched your vlog on Scotland's independence referendum before it was pulled. I agreed with your opinion on the subject. Catalonia passed their referendum over Spain! Oh, the shame.
Thanks Ralfy in my younger days I have done every level you mentioned, as I have got older I am always aware of how many I have had, and I just slow down.
great lesson ralfy spent a few years boucing between levels 5 and 7 mainly on bourbon and rum but i found that i cant easyily drink lots of scotch whisky so i drink scotch now seems stupid but it meens i can have a couple of drinks stay in the happy zone and enjoy it more without having to be completly sober
I think it should be said that even if you don't go beyond stage 1 or 2, but you do that every day, you're still likely to be doing damage to your liver. The liver will repair itself over time if one abstains from alcohol for a month or more. ALT / AST liver function blood tests can tell you if you're hurting your liver due to excessive drinking - even when you don't go beyond stage 2.
Andy Cigars Yeah it's probably someone from Diageo who watches Ralfy's reviews... Likes the video whenever he's reviewing a Diageo product and dislikes whenever he's reviewing something that isn't lol
Good on ya Ralfy - i think you speak great good sense - I have had some times in life where I have drunk for the wrong reasons-when I was younger, and i think alcohol is among the strongest of drugs, we don't respect it enough because it is so accepted.
I think it's a little different for all of us. For me it's: Gentle buzz, Sleepy, Happy, Very Sleepy, Very Happy, Sick. In the past few years (I.E. after University) I rarely go past sleepy.
Looking very much forward to watching this episode later on. seem a really interesting one and an important topic. Thanks, Rally, for all your great work!! :)
Thanks for this balanced talk and your clear words regarding bad company and alcoholics. If someone want to check it out, I found this TED talk very interesting, too:
I know a few people that don't know their limits and when they are out its usually a 100% chance of being sick / trying to fight with someone. I felt bad when I cut them off but it was worth it.
I take WAY less amounts than most to reach stage 2 and 3, which is on the one hand a good thing for me to be able to have less at a time and have more quality spirits to enjoy later, and on the other hand dangerous to reach stage 4 without noticing it if I'm not careful.
I did some heavier drinking in college, but now I rarely, almost never, make it to level 4, mostly because I drink slowly enough that if I get there I'm ready for bed. I do worry about getting to level 3 too often though, especially as my tolerance has increased over the years.
Ralfy: once again you've given us a modern classic. (And, as a member of the philosopher's tribe -- if I may amplify Ralfy's points -- the ancient Greeks had a marvelous system. Even Wikipedia got most of it right. ;^) It was always important to the ancient Greeks to drink the most "excellent" amount, and the most "excellent" amount (in ancient Greek, "arete" -- Ἀρετή) is determined by the end for which you're drinking. ;^) Hopefully, somewhere around level 1-2! Cheers malt mates!
Been thorough years of alcoholic garbage with my father. These things need to be said and out there. There is no excuses for being a alcoholic and many use the given excuses to their average. Once a alcoholic seeks help, that is when you give support. That being said, I found going down the same road. To many house parties and waking in parks etc... Really, it's all the company you keep. Good food, water, great people and quality booze.
Reminds me of Shulgin's dose levels for entheogenic chemicals, going from -1 to 4. Though, obviously you took two steps beyond the original five count. Nice to see videos having adult conversation with people, though I don't think nearly enough people can stomach the idea of responsible use, myself. (Health warning, cynical bloke.) Which is a shame because knowing yourself and the chemicals you use to enhance your moments would likely be of great benefit to everyone involved. I believe it to be a result of the squeezing effect of modern employment models, by hyper compacting all the work into a solid block, I believe it primes the brain to consume entertaintment in the same manner. Binging on it in a wild dash to feel satiated before going back to a stamina destroying marathon. But serious stuff aside; nice video, Ralfy!
Nice one Ralfy. My father was a level 7 man and he lost us as a result. Many of us who like a drink have been at level 6 I'm sure, and it's not nice at all. I find myself reaching level 5 or 6 occasionally, normally when vodka makes an appearance. I myself am a cider man and tend to avoid vodka but when you reach say level 4, you find yourself finding it hard to say no, and finding blatantly bad ideas to be quite're quite right in saying that it is a skill, knowing where you are and when to stop. But what is pressing on my mind right now.....where did you get your famous jacket? I have one very similar but I find it hard to find one with a hood!
Honestly, when I'm sipping, I usually don't even hit level 1. I don't usually do more than an ounce, and I drink that over an hour or two. But that's partly because I am calorie counting (cask strength whiskey will put me at a level 1, but 40-46% won't). Before I was calorie counting, I'd have about 3 ounces, and start to go towards level 2. The line between the first two levels really is very thin. It takes an ungodly amount for me to reach the higher levels though. Not worth it at all. Healthwise, and budgetwise. I actually got drunk on purpose once to see where my limit was. Now I know where it is, and steer clear.
Hello Ralfy, a couple of years ago, you released a vlog about the best whiskies for beginners. With the holiday season nearing, could you perhaps be interested in doing something similar, e.g. a selection of reasonably priced whiskies to put under the Christmas Tree?
My relationship with alcohol has been on every part of the board on several occasions and for several periods of my life, I have learnt to take stock during the consumption of alcohol rather than the next day, While drinking being mobile in both directions around the 2,3 4 level is the key to avoid the mindset that ends you up past number 4 The ways of staying mobile below 4 start with mindset (pushing away the stupid bravado in sayings like "eating's cheating" and taking responsibility for the keys steps of keeping yourself in control) With the mindset achieved the keys are simple,,,, essentially, , learn how to monitor and take steps to control the blood alcohol level in your body, Simply be nourished and hydrated above intoxicated. When I feel uncomfortable at all nowadays I reach for LARGE amounts of water rather than another drink and if necessary have something to eat, the regression from level 4 back down to 3 or 2 can happen almost as quickly as the escalation and can be felt even more so, allowing you and others to continue to enjoy a full night and still function in the morning and never ending up with the potential hugely negative effects of alcohol.
To be fair, you only recognise the level in retrospect, I like many have been drunk, even to the point of pissed, and only through knowing that these levels are damaging I have I found a easy medium, enjoy the dram, savour the flavour
I like this scale a lot. I usually go to 2-3 a lot of nights lol :P I should probably cut back some. Four? I may have been a few times when i was younger. I hope I never see 5, 6 or 7. I think a lot of having adults show you how to do it right when you are younger makes the difference. I know where my limit is at least and have always been able to say "You know what, I am done for the night" and despite cajoling, call it a night, take a huge drink of water, and then head for the sack.
1. Ralfy, for someone going to their first whisky tasting event, can you give recommendations on how to taste lots of whiskies with good strategy without getting too drunk so as to not enjoy? 2. Malt mention recommendation: Malty Michigan Men (name for university of Michigan grads).
Ralfy, you forgot a seriously drunk state with "helicopters" - it is when you close your eyes and everything starts to turn and you don't remember how you got there. Did have such state last time when I was a student 20 years ago. Would better fit into stage number seven, than an alcoholic spiral, which can start much earlier than at stage 7, imho.
I once drank too much gin and tonic at a party and told my friend's wife that my wife and I were going to cook them dinner. I had just discovered a recipe for beef stew in red wine. Fantastic recipe. I apparently told her the recipe 3 times. She thought it was funny. I am one of the lucky ones who just gets silly and talkative the more I drink. Then I go to bed. I do not get to that level anymore. I switch to water after 5 drinks or so. That's my limit and beyond that it is diminishing returns!
I try to go to bed between 2 and 3, but sometimes end up between 3 and 4. 25 years ago, 6 and 7 weren't out of the question at all. Happily I seem to have matured a bit as I have aged. BTW, I lol'd at your leaving out the "L" in step 7. :-D
Ralfy, over here in the states, some folks drink for the sole purpose of attempting to make other people more attractive. Sometimes it's just plain easier to find companionship, when a person inadvertently lowers their standards. This is probably one of the primary reasons so many country music songs went Gold and Platinum. Reminds me of the old Mickey Gilley song, "Don't the girls all get prettier at closing time?" :^)
Well this is the first video ive watch since July..Lost my sence of taste and smell from covid..Cant enjoy any quality spirits anymore..:(...Getting back a little now going on 4 months..For now im just drinking Bushmill and getting pissed...Cant wait to drink, and taste the good things in life again..Good Video brother
I'm actually glad that I screwed things up really badly with alcohol once (or maybe twice). Now I keep away from 1. bad alcohol and 2. company and occasions that tempt me to drink bad alcohol (and too much of it)
I usually go straight from 1 to 3. I never get jolly, just dizzy, tired and annoyed. Why anyone actually want to be drunk I'll never understand - I hate the feeling of having to concentrate to walk straight and the feeling of dizziness. Interestingly, now that I've been diagnosed with diabetes, I've started getting a better hold of myself when drinking. I honestly didn't know that alcohol messed that badly with my blood sugar levels, but apparently it does. So now, when I go to tastings, I bring a bottle of Cola with me to help keep my blood sugar high. It's a bit weird to "contaminate" my mouth with sugary water when trying to concentrate on smelling and tasting whisky, but it does seem to help and I don't get as tired and moody as I used to. Still don't like the feeling of being drunk though... I would much prefer trying six or seven whiskies over a long evening than doing eight or nine in the space of a few hours. But that just seems the way things are done...
this video is one of the reasons this is the best place for whisky advice. I have a good friend who has struggled with alcoholism for years. Thanks Ralfy for bothering.
Positive and supportive at same time. You're a legend Ralfy. Thumbs up
Ralfy thank you so much for addressing this issue with candor, level-headedness, and sensitivity. As a family man myself, and son of an alcoholic in recovery (5+ years now I've had my father back!), I have to tread very carefully down the path of quality spirits appreciation. Self awareness is key, self control is essential. I am always advocating the responsible use of alcohol and never shy away from bringing it up whenever people get to talking about drinking (I always clarify "tasting"). Your segmentation of the states of alcohol intoxication are quite subjectively accurate, and this video can be an amazingly useful tool for individuals considering consumption of alcohol. Thanks for all that you do for us malt mates! Cheers.
. . . happy to help with the malt-moments !
Shining moment in my malt life! Ralfy sent me a reply! I'm beaming with joy. God bless you Ralfy.
Always interesting and a pleasure to join you in the bothy Ralfy! I suffer with chronic back pain and a wee dram or two, sometimes three, before bed makes for a restful night. Several times a year I take a break from all alcohol, usually a week or two, just to make sure I'm not heading down the spiral you speak of. Thank you! Take care, Ossie
I'm not much of a drinker. Wine or cider takes me very quickly past level 2, to place I don't enjoy., consequently I don't drink either. A really good dram (or two at a push), on the other hand is a lovely way to enhance an evening. Ralfy has encouraged me to everything I know about whisky; he's been a 'malt mate' from my first tentative steps towards a popular Speysider, to my current status as a very amateur connoisseur. Thanks Ralfy for all the advice, and especially for calling a spade a spade when it comes to the Alcoholic Spiral. Not many in this PC world are prepared to put the onus back on the drinker. Slainte!
A very important lesson Ralfy! Its good to see you really want to teach your viewers about the downsides of whisky. I can respect that. Very important indeed!
The whisky hobby has really made me good at hitting (and staying at) level 2. I guess it's the small tastes and the good conversation.
Haha - true :)
Same, I only really have half a dram to enjoy the flavor if I ever feel up for a drink. Maybe a bit more if its a favorite but I've never gotten tipsy.
i just like a couple of small measures about twice a week. when i sit down to them though i really savour them and dont go over the top.
Well said Ralfy! We need to be ever vigilant about the dangers of the spirits that we enjoy. Thank you for taking the time to discuss this important subject.
Good topic Ralfy your willingness to discuss this on your forum is admirable. I would like to share a wee dram with you any time.
Not a a person that drinks alcohol myself but I love the detail and care and craft put into spirits. Thanks for putting out this video! great info to hear!
One of the best YT vids I have seen in a while. Well done.
Thank you for this. You did a great job of putting this in a different perspective yet at the same time a very safe perspective. Keep on enjoying level 1 and 2.
Thanks for the vid Ralfy you always put me in a relaxed state of mind, I shut up at just listen. You are a great asset to the online community and I thank you for that. Cheers!!!
important video. I'm only 26 but have already met a few people my age who've been to level 7. I'm sure I've hit 6 myself a number of times and I admit I do enjoy being in various stages in the green zone, but gotta keep things in perspective. thanks for bringing this up.
Ralfy, I subscribe to your videos and I watch the ones that I think I might be able to buy in the USA. I was curious about your Seven Levels of Intoxication, and was impressed by your insight on this topic. I enjoyed and found humor in the first six levels, and then I was overwhelmed by your insight on the seventh level. Sadly, my wife died two years ago as the result of alcoholism, and your evaluation of level seven was totally spot-on. Good job, Ralfy.
Three subjects: money, religion, and sex. I would add a fourth: politics. If you can discuss politics and not have a falling out, you are in great company.
Matthew Helmke you forgot football!
LOL! Great point, that one!
Nah, he already mentioned religion. ;)
I was going to say, I thought it was Politics/Sex/Religion. The idea of discussing money with anyone didn't even come into the equation.
I'm a newly 21 year old American, and I just wanted to say that I've been a fan of your content for years, Ralfy. You obviously get to cherry pick your content that we get to see, but you seem like a very genuinely kind and gentle person. I wish you all the best.
The "spirit" of this video is why I'm a Ralfy supporter on Patreon.
Drink responsibly! You'll enjoy it more, and you'll live longer.
thank you for this addition to the great whisky taboo!! awesome job ralfy! it's good to see you taking the time address this side of things and maybe just maybe helping someone identify a possible issue!
one of your most important videos yet .Moderation
Very responsible. I drink every night and stay at level 1, max 2. Kudos Ralfy. Thank you.
Hi Ralfy i must say that i have really enjoyed your video blog.
I have huge respect to you for bringing up the topic on the effects of alcohol i have had this
Discussion with many people that just dont know when to stop what we do is measure each sample
So we monitor consumption i wish more people would do this
Keep up the good work.
This is bold and fantastic. Thanks for being such a balanced voice!
Been to stage 7 and back. Got some professional help but had to want help. Admitting too much alcohol is being consumed is the first step.
. . . good luck with your mission !
For a bit, I thought Ralfy might end this video like Charlton Heston as Moses in "The Ten Commandments".
"Those who will not obey by these seven levels
[raises the chalkboard over his head]
Straight talk. You seem like a good guy Ralfy. On the subject of level 7 alcoholism, I would like to mention the fanstatic video of your fellow countymen Craig Ferguson who opens up on his show about his life struggle with addiction. Makes my eyes wet everytime I watch it
Outstanding Ralfy, perfectly said!! Everyone one in the world should watch this. I have learned these steps through experience and now just hang around level 2. No more than that.
I would love to hear you talk about the different alcohol’s and their different effects on us. Nobody seems to talk much about it. If I drink gin I black out, not good.
Cheers from California!
Thank you for your message and your candor. Your message was powerful and your example equally so. Much appreciated.
I love your reviews being new to single malts. This was an important video that needed to be done, as well. Thank you.
Ralfy the Bob Ross of Whisky. Thanx again for being a Leader in a subject that seems to be in the, "I will never......"
Ralfy, a most excellent & most informative vid, well worth the time spent. Danke & Slainte, Richard :)
Great video. We have a cultural problem where too many people are drinking to excess, too often. This should be mandatory viewing for every young adult.
Too true and a very sobering thought Ralfy. Two of my brothers drank themselves to death, losing friends and nearly wrecking the family in the process.
I was afraid you would actually SHOW us all of the stages on video Ralfy lol. But your descent, low-key Scott character prevailed!
I personally don't really like getting too drunk.. in my teenage years, seeing myself get far too wrecked from a bottle or 2 of Strongbow was enough to put me off drinking entirely, and in-fact had decided to stick to "beneficial herbs". I can't stress enough that alcohol should be done in moderation, and in Glasgow most folk tend to just like getting "steamin'". A nice few drams of spirits or a handful of beers is normally enough for a buzz that keeps you nice and cosy, and at that point you really should pace yourself. I'll enjoy a nice malt this christmas and new-years, but I plan on enjoying the festivities more than tanning back too much drink. Good video, Ralfy :)
Bravo, Ralfy! The choir says: "Amen!" An excellent vlog to bookend Whisky Review 454: "The Great Whisky Taboo." where you discussed alcoholism. I read "Hell Raisers." which is a marvelous biography on Richard Burton, Richard Harris, Peter O'Toole and (believe it or not,).... Oliver Reed. One could float a battleship on the liquor any one of those blokes consumed in their lives. Very funny tales on each,... but also dire and grim references to what liquor did to their health and what it did to people around them. Burton described his battle with alcoholism as: "A boxing match where you answer the bell each round, fight your opponent and go back to your corner knowing you cannot win the fight,.... just hope for a draw." Terrifying. Richard Harris, being interviewed with his ex-wife, turned to her and asked: "What was it like being married to me?" She answered tenderly: "It was magic, Richard,.... until you had the one that was too many,.... and the veil fell over your face." Ever been there, Ralfy? I know damn good and well I have. You are a fine spokesman for potent potables, especially for this installment and "Taboo." (Though I was waiting for you to say: "Rat Arsed.") Keep up the good work, laddie!
I was one of the lucky ones who watched your vlog on Scotland's independence referendum before it was pulled. I agreed with your opinion on the subject. Catalonia passed their referendum over Spain! Oh, the shame.
Thanks Ralfy in my younger days I have done every level you mentioned, as I have got older I am always aware of how many I have had, and I just slow down.
great lesson ralfy spent a few years boucing between levels 5 and 7 mainly on bourbon and rum but i found that i cant easyily drink lots of scotch whisky so i drink scotch now seems stupid but it meens i can have a couple of drinks stay in the happy zone and enjoy it more without having to be completly sober
I think it should be said that even if you don't go beyond stage 1 or 2, but you do that every day, you're still likely to be doing damage to your liver. The liver will repair itself over time if one abstains from alcohol for a month or more. ALT / AST liver function blood tests can tell you if you're hurting your liver due to excessive drinking - even when you don't go beyond stage 2.
Who comes here just to dislike? Honestly? Lame
. . . an Industry professional who does not like alternative media.
Someone who doesn't drink, that's who... Ignore the dislike Ralfy and continue on your quest for world domination!
haha...someone at Diageo or Brown Forman Group has the job every Monday is to login...dislike the Ralfy video and they're done for the day! ;)
Andy Cigars Yeah it's probably someone from Diageo who watches Ralfy's reviews... Likes the video whenever he's reviewing a Diageo product and dislikes whenever he's reviewing something that isn't lol
Me. Hai.
Excellent video sir. I've had to cut loose a couple of good friends due to the spiral. It's a difficult topic, but you've done it well.
What a bloody LEGEND you are Sir.
It needed to be said. Very clear explanation. Thanks Ralfy!
Great stuff Ralfy. Very thoughtful video.
Good on ya Ralfy - i think you speak great good sense - I have had some times in life where I have drunk for the wrong reasons-when I was younger, and i think alcohol is among the strongest of drugs, we don't respect it enough because it is so accepted.
"Calvados is fine"
I'd love to see a ralfy calvados review. Could it be on the cards?
Very well done Ralfy. Great job. Thanks
very responsible and good video good job Ralfy
I think it's a little different for all of us.
For me it's:
Gentle buzz, Sleepy, Happy, Very Sleepy, Very Happy, Sick.
In the past few years (I.E. after University) I rarely go past sleepy.
keep checking to see if the next review is out yet :(
Can we get an updated video on drinking advice please?
Hilarious and true! Many who drink in excess drink too quick to notice the steps.
Looking very much forward to watching this episode later on. seem a really interesting one and an important topic.
Thanks, Rally, for all your great work!! :)
Thanks for this balanced talk and your clear words regarding bad company and alcoholics.
If someone want to check it out, I found this TED talk very interesting, too:
Great video Ralfy.
I know a few people that don't know their limits and when they are out its usually a 100% chance of being sick / trying to fight with someone. I felt bad when I cut them off but it was worth it.
. . . sometimes this has to happen.
I take WAY less amounts than most to reach stage 2 and 3, which is on the one hand a good thing for me to be able to have less at a time and have more quality spirits to enjoy later, and on the other hand dangerous to reach stage 4 without noticing it if I'm not careful.
I did some heavier drinking in college, but now I rarely, almost never, make it to level 4, mostly because I drink slowly enough that if I get there I'm ready for bed. I do worry about getting to level 3 too often though, especially as my tolerance has increased over the years.
Cider is mean stuff. My dad would get wrecked on two glasses... When I drink whisky, I usually get sleepy and tired at the dizzy and enough stage.
Aye me too.
Ralfy: once again you've given us a modern classic.
(And, as a member of the philosopher's tribe -- if I may amplify Ralfy's points -- the ancient Greeks had a marvelous system. Even Wikipedia got most of it right. ;^)
It was always important to the ancient Greeks to drink the most "excellent" amount, and the most "excellent" amount (in ancient Greek, "arete" -- Ἀρετή) is determined by the end for which you're drinking. ;^) Hopefully, somewhere around level 1-2!
Cheers malt mates!
Been thorough years of alcoholic garbage with my father. These things need to be said and out there. There is no excuses for being a alcoholic and many use the given excuses to their average. Once a alcoholic seeks help, that is when you give support. That being said, I found going down the same road. To many house parties and waking in parks etc... Really, it's all the company you keep. Good food, water, great people and quality booze.
absolutely true! you've descibed the transition of alcohol from treat to drug depending on the quantity. I myself feel most comfortable in stage2
Reminds me of Shulgin's dose levels for entheogenic chemicals, going from -1 to 4. Though, obviously you took two steps beyond the original five count.
Nice to see videos having adult conversation with people, though I don't think nearly enough people can stomach the idea of responsible use, myself. (Health warning, cynical bloke.)
Which is a shame because knowing yourself and the chemicals you use to enhance your moments would likely be of great benefit to everyone involved. I believe it to be a result of the squeezing effect of modern employment models, by hyper compacting all the work into a solid block, I believe it primes the brain to consume entertaintment in the same manner. Binging on it in a wild dash to feel satiated before going back to a stamina destroying marathon.
But serious stuff aside; nice video, Ralfy!
I have never been dizzy without feeling ill, so I would put level 3 in the red. Other than that, spot on tier list.
Nice one Ralfy. My father was a level 7 man and he lost us as a result. Many of us who like a drink have been at level 6 I'm sure, and it's not nice at all. I find myself reaching level 5 or 6 occasionally, normally when vodka makes an appearance. I myself am a cider man and tend to avoid vodka but when you reach say level 4, you find yourself finding it hard to say no, and finding blatantly bad ideas to be quite're quite right in saying that it is a skill, knowing where you are and when to stop.
But what is pressing on my mind right now.....where did you get your famous jacket? I have one very similar but I find it hard to find one with a hood!
great blog hope to see you this Saturday. will try to keep to level 3
Good stuff Ralfy.
Scrumpy ....jeez I know that felling , I'll never touch it again!!
The subject anybody can appreciate. Well said Ralfy. I like level Two. Can't handle beyond that, myself or anyone around me.
Honestly, when I'm sipping, I usually don't even hit level 1. I don't usually do more than an ounce, and I drink that over an hour or two. But that's partly because I am calorie counting (cask strength whiskey will put me at a level 1, but 40-46% won't). Before I was calorie counting, I'd have about 3 ounces, and start to go towards level 2. The line between the first two levels really is very thin.
It takes an ungodly amount for me to reach the higher levels though. Not worth it at all. Healthwise, and budgetwise. I actually got drunk on purpose once to see where my limit was. Now I know where it is, and steer clear.
Hello Ralfy,
a couple of years ago, you released a vlog about the best whiskies for beginners. With the holiday season nearing, could you perhaps be interested in doing something similar, e.g. a selection of reasonably priced whiskies to put under the Christmas Tree?
. . . good idea ! I will look into this for December.
So what was in the decorative flask? Will you disclose the contents in a future review?
. . . . wicked moonshine from bad pirates ! no plans to review that stuff.
My relationship with alcohol has been on every part of the board on several occasions and for several periods of my life,
I have learnt to take stock during the consumption of alcohol rather than the next day,
While drinking being mobile in both directions around the 2,3 4 level is the key to avoid the mindset that ends you up past number 4
The ways of staying mobile below 4 start with mindset (pushing away the stupid bravado in sayings like "eating's cheating" and taking responsibility for the keys steps of keeping yourself in control)
With the mindset achieved the keys are simple,,,, essentially, , learn how to monitor and take steps to control the blood alcohol level in your body,
Simply be nourished and hydrated above intoxicated. When I feel uncomfortable at all nowadays I reach for LARGE amounts of water rather than another drink and if necessary have something to eat, the regression from level 4 back down to 3 or 2 can happen almost as quickly as the escalation and can be felt even more so, allowing you and others to continue to enjoy a full night and still function in the morning and never ending up with the potential hugely negative effects of alcohol.
To be fair, you only recognise the level in retrospect, I like many have been drunk, even to the point of pissed, and only through knowing that these levels are damaging I have I found a easy medium, enjoy the dram, savour the flavour
Awesome video!
Does decanting Whiskey if you aren't going to drink most of it for a long time ruin some of the tastes and aroma.
. . . better left in the bottle.
I like this scale a lot.
I usually go to 2-3 a lot of nights lol :P I should probably cut back some. Four? I may have been a few times when i was younger. I hope I never see 5, 6 or 7.
I think a lot of having adults show you how to do it right when you are younger makes the difference. I know where my limit is at least and have always been able to say "You know what, I am done for the night" and despite cajoling, call it a night, take a huge drink of water, and then head for the sack.
1. Ralfy, for someone going to their first whisky tasting event, can you give recommendations on how to taste lots of whiskies with good strategy without getting too drunk so as to not enjoy?
2. Malt mention recommendation: Malty Michigan Men (name for university of Michigan grads).
. . . my big tip is leave peaty whiskies till last and sip slowly.
Ralfy, you forgot a seriously drunk state with "helicopters" - it is when you close your eyes and everything starts to turn and you don't remember how you got there. Did have such state last time when I was a student 20 years ago. Would better fit into stage number seven, than an alcoholic spiral, which can start much earlier than at stage 7, imho.
A wise Scotsman right there.
I rarely even get to 2. The beauty of single malt is, it’s so strong and expensive, that I can only do a small dram and then I’m done
I once drank too much gin and tonic at a party and told my friend's wife that my wife and I were going to cook them dinner. I had just discovered a recipe for beef stew in red wine. Fantastic recipe. I apparently told her the recipe 3 times. She thought it was funny. I am one of the lucky ones who just gets silly and talkative the more I drink. Then I go to bed. I do not get to that level anymore. I switch to water after 5 drinks or so. That's my limit and beyond that it is diminishing returns!
I try to go to bed between 2 and 3, but sometimes end up between 3 and 4. 25 years ago, 6 and 7 weren't out of the question at all. Happily I seem to have matured a bit as I have aged. BTW, I lol'd at your leaving out the "L" in step 7. :-D
I like to hang out around level 6. It's my favourite place to be.
Great video
Ralfy, over here in the states, some folks drink for the sole purpose of attempting to make other people more attractive. Sometimes it's just plain easier to find companionship, when a person inadvertently lowers their standards. This is probably one of the primary reasons so many country music songs went Gold and Platinum. Reminds me of the old Mickey Gilley song, "Don't the girls all get prettier at closing time?" :^)
Thank you Ralfy!
Shoenice reaches level 10.
Great vid Ralfy! I am very curious of what you were drinking in that beautiful little flask. What was it?
Well this is the first video ive watch since July..Lost my sence of taste and smell from covid..Cant enjoy any quality spirits anymore..:(...Getting back a little now going on 4 months..For now im just drinking Bushmill and getting pissed...Cant wait to drink, and taste the good things in life again..Good Video brother
Sorry to hear about your trauma with apple-cider. One of my favourite beverages. I guess we won't be seeing a Calvados review anytime soon.
Thank you very much.
This was a great video Ralfy !!!
Great advice Ralfy!!! Cheers :)
I'm actually glad that I screwed things up really badly with alcohol once (or maybe twice). Now I keep away from 1. bad alcohol and 2. company and occasions that tempt me to drink bad alcohol (and too much of it)
Here it is. My whisky precher
What is the most expensive bottle of alcohol any of you have ever dropped, smashed or spilled?
. . . it's not happened yet !
Lukas High I once saw someone I won't mention spill some Rosebank on a windy day ;-) (most was recovered though, so not sure this counts)
Cheers , Ralfy
I like the views expressed ,
Keep up the good vibe s
Wise words.
I thought the thing about the alocholic is that he 'doesn't drink', he will be the sober one and the one who takes a mineral water at a party?
Love your advice Ralfy. Were you a bit inebriated on Level 7 as ‘Alcohol’ was spelled incorrectly? Whoops!
I usually go straight from 1 to 3. I never get jolly, just dizzy, tired and annoyed. Why anyone actually want to be drunk I'll never understand - I hate the feeling of having to concentrate to walk straight and the feeling of dizziness.
Interestingly, now that I've been diagnosed with diabetes, I've started getting a better hold of myself when drinking. I honestly didn't know that alcohol messed that badly with my blood sugar levels, but apparently it does. So now, when I go to tastings, I bring a bottle of Cola with me to help keep my blood sugar high. It's a bit weird to "contaminate" my mouth with sugary water when trying to concentrate on smelling and tasting whisky, but it does seem to help and I don't get as tired and moody as I used to.
Still don't like the feeling of being drunk though...
I would much prefer trying six or seven whiskies over a long evening than doing eight or nine in the space of a few hours. But that just seems the way things are done...